I Broke Into a KIDS ONLY Minecraft World...

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i hacked into a kids only server inside minecraft where we can find legos eat candy mined for gummy bears and get a huge sugar rush with super speed but it doesn't always end well when you eat too much candy all right we made it inside the kids only world somehow and it looks like it's a massive uh playground or not so massive but there's things like here we have kids parkour ages six plus and it's just a basic parkour run that you could do all the way around and i actually am a little concerned that i'm going to fall because i'm the worst at parkour but look at that i think we did it there's a pool over here a larger pool that's like a kiddie pool this is me totally at the bottom of the pool still halfway out of it and then on this side there's like a a a real sincere kiddie pool here that's very tiny with places for the parents to sit and keep an eye on their kids what is this though we have something over here a slide oh does this actually work it does we can slide down the slide here one more try just for kicks one more try headed into the slide and all the way down we can slide down the slide oh and there's a sandbox looks like we could play around with some sand but i want to figure out what else is in this world there is a gate here that says kids only so i'm guessing this leads out what okay we can't go through the kids only gate maybe they know that i'm not a kid oh here we go we've got the kid verification person here a bucket of sand for a kid button okay how do we get a bucket of sand we got the sand right here we can't pick up the sand maybe this chest over here oh we've got yellow buckets blue buckets green buckets let's grab a red bucket run over to the sand pick up a bucket of sand and now we can trade with our villager for the kid button and i'm assuming we're going to place this down here on the emerald block and press that now does it nothing change still kids only oh there's a door that opened up over here it opens into a classroom it's like an elementary school classroom we got a little computer over here we got the teacher's desk here with the apple cause all teachers love apples if you want to get on the good side of your teachers bring them an apple and then on the board we have what is five times six there's a door open here oh this says 35 oh and this door says 30. five times six you guys know what five times six is write it in the comments down below five times five is 25 that one's always easy to remember comes to me just like that which means 5 times 6 must be 30. these are super kid questions okay 30 it is let's what it is 30. but maybe a kid wouldn't know that and it has to be 35 we can and we made it out of the playground into the world and everything looks different i mean we still have our grass here and the grass there and the sheep moving around but these trees do not look normal can we break the bottom of the tree oh we can we can get the bottom out what do we get we get a stack of legos just where we'd be dropping wood it's just dropping look at the inside it is a lego there's a massive lego on this tree all right we've got four stacks of legos guys let's place the four legos can we craft anything with these legos ooh we can craft a lego out of the stack of legos that seems a little bit like a downgrade to be but i'm assuming it's an upgrade we could probably build something super sweet using this lego but we'll have to save that for later let's bring this back up and see what we can do no if i break the lego it goes back down to a stack of legos okay we definitely don't want to place the lego down and then re-break it and get a stack of legos again let's see what we can do if we get all of these legos and build up a massive set of legos alrighty alrighty we got 18 stacks of legos this should be enough to build up some supplies yep we got legos we have four legos now do not place them down because it takes a while to get the stack of legos with my bare hands can we craft anything with the legos themselves ooh here we go we got the toy crafting table toy crafting okay this is progress we have snuck into the kids world and we are figuring out all of their secret recipes though speaking of the thing we haven't broken yet is the leaves cotton candy on a candy stick what can we do with this in the crafting table with the cotton candy on a candy stick nothing oh bummer what about this no seriously nothing still maybe we need the legos again grab a few more lego stacks we should just need a couple of them okay we've got three legos now and the cotton candy on a candy stick let's try it this way because the candy stick would be on the bottom and then we have a sticky pickaxe this sticky pickaxe seems normal what can this it can't get dirt can it can't get the cotton candy maybe it's too sticky in order for it to mine this stuff what about this stone here oh it can't mind the stone but it could only mine four or five as soon as we broke five we're out of luck our pickaxe is gone all right i got a few more of these sticky pickaxes to put to the test grab some more stone here perfect perfect this one's almost gone as well now guys there's five we can't mine the coal as well it's all stone this must be really valuable for kids if this is the only thing that we can mine we're gonna get as much of it as we possibly can with these pickaxes i have okay we got 20 cobblestone this must be the most valuable stuff in the world for these kids and inside the crafting table we can craft a furnace still just fine and then in the furnace there's no wood so what are we gonna use for fuel are we gonna burn the plastic legos that does not seem like it would be good for the environment to burn a stack of legos but we're gonna give it a shot we can place it there oh we need a couple though in order to get the cotton candy burned down we need to get a couple stacks of legos all right all right all right grab more legos these legos are super vital in this world they're really really important though i could imagine why that's the case kids love legos i love legos even adults love legos like building a massive darth vader lake darth dart what am i saying a darth vader lego set like a 1977 vintage darth vader we won't be crafting that today at least i don't think so okay okay let's put this in here and drop the stack of legos in there two of them should be enough i think maybe we'll put three just in case and actually while that's doing that we can eat the cotton candy i feel like i'm gonna get a massive sugar rush from all this sugar let's see if our smells like burning plastic okay we got a candy cane what can we do with the candy cane grab a couple of those real fast get a little more cotton candy cause i think we're gonna need a lot of this guys that is 17 things of cotton candy this is every kid's dream come true at any carnival ever let's put the cotton candy in there um okay we can't craft a block of cotton candy or we can and it only takes four but if we place it down it's gonna reverse back into just one okay it's a little bit backwards with the legos and the cotton candy block it just breaks down into one cotton candy on a candy stick we're getting a little off track though can we use the candy cane to craft we can craft we just crafted a candy sword it says tasty but sharp on this candy sword i wonder if we can do a candy pickaxe as well let's toss a few more lego stacks in here get some more uh candy cane out of the furnace i guess we just have to burn the cotton candy off of the candy cane so that it doesn't make our pickaxe sticky and it breaks so easily because it's not exactly the best thing to make a pickaxe out of neither is candy cane but you know you work with what you got trying again inside the crafting table candy cane and we do have a candy pickaxe that says free candy okay so we've got ourselves a tasty but sharp sword and a candy pickaxe that says free candy still have yet to run into any other kids in this world which makes me suspicious of something dangerous but forget it oh well let's just move on we can mine dirt with the candy pickaxe we've got a wolf over here let's take him out with our sword wait no it says oh gosh they're turning on me and the chat says kids don't kill dogs what about the chicken over here the chicken also and it says kids don't kill chickens that's right kids don't go out killing any animals with a candy sword but in the meantime even though i'm telling you not to do it i might do it myself let's try it on the sabbath here get here come here brother oh ooh salmon's fine i guess it's okay to fish just nothing that walks on the land and can we still mind we can still mine the stone can we get the coal ore now oh we can wait what does it draw what is it dropping it drops a gummy bear we're not getting any coal we're just getting gummy bears it only drops gummy bears on the coal ore though let's see if it works on any other ore as well can we get uh maybe some iron or something here we go perfect also just gets a a gummy bear there's way too much sugar in this world guys i'm gonna be losing my mind i'm just gonna start falling asleep on you guys in the middle of this video because i had way too much gummy bears too much cotton candy and i'm doing everything with a candy sword and a candy pickaxe i do need a little bit more cotton candy though it's kind of like eating the poison that's going to eventually take you out but you need it to survive temporarily once you get the sugar rush started you got to keep it going you can't stop the sugar rush in order for me to survive and take out the cow come here give me your beef kids don't kill cows it's any animal any land bearing animal don't kill it did we didn't get any beef though oh there's eggs from the chickens i thought these were eggs these are nuggets what do we do with the nuggets is the sheep dropping a nugget as well also drops a nugget the sheep i'm curious if we can eat the gummy bears we can eat the gummy bears the gummy bears also heal us okay but i want to see these nuggets more importantly get the cotton candy out of there put some fuel in here and drop a nugget in there what is this nugget going to cook into we're about to get some chicken nuggets guys we're going to get some chicken nuggets i'm guessing that's my guess a tasty nugget what does the tasty nugget do it's just a super tasty nugget it looks like it's basically the equivalent of a steak it's just a really really tasty nugget to have on hand what about our gummy bears though if we fill this grid up we get the daddy gummy bear we put all the baby gummy bears into the toy crafting table all of that sugar consolidated down into one place and we got omega gummy what happens if we eat this thing oh my gosh this is so much sugar in one gummy bear i'm gonna take it down eat the gummy we got super speed oh we have a massive sugar rush right now all these animals get them out take them down invading the kids world pig see ya oh missed you gotcha we're getting all kinds of warning signs because of we ran so fast into all the animals and we're able to take all of them out how long is my sugar rush gonna last for oh 15 seconds left on the sugar rush oh my okay we gotta explore it while we can make a big long jump can we do anything is there any place i guess i shouldn't have stayed at the same spot we're gonna make another wait no it says oh no you're crashing what do you mean i'm crashing the sugar rush ended and i died i guess it makes sense after eating all of that candy
Channel: Bahri
Views: 4,372,346
Rating: 4.8381715 out of 5
Keywords: hacked, minecraft, kids only, broke into, hacked into, i broke into kids only minecraft, kids only minecraft, secret minecraft, secret server, secret world, kids world, kids server, server, minecraft server, minecraft world, new world, bahri, bahri minecraft
Id: 5x1uAagd3sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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