Minecraft, But With Only 0,5 Heart!

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in this video I'm going to get down to half a heart but you start with a million hearts and you can't open the treasure chest yeah that chest only opens for people with half a heart but what he doesn't know is that in this world Health doesn't regenerate so every time I take damage my health decreases take that cadres you turned into a porcupine he keeps doing that to me but he'll see I'm going to jump in this lava to take a lot of damage and lose my hearts and then I'll get to half a heart and be able to open the chest look guys my heart is going down I'm going to lose a lot of life like this but the problem guys is that this way it's going to take a century for me to lose all my life I've been here for 5 minutes and I've only lost this much so you know what I need to find another way to lose all these hearts and I had a brilliant idea I'm going to piss off AOS so he'll hit me and take a lot of my health oh AOS what an ugly house this is a piece of crap I'm going to destroy it all because I ha st stop stop go away go away from here you're annoying I don't want you to come near my house ever I'm going to destroy it if you don't hit me I'm going to destroy it go away but I'm going to hit you I'm going to hit you until you turn red guys Athos is hitting me but I'm not losing almost any health he's a weakling weakling is you get out of creative cadr get out of creative so I can hit you I need to find another way to lose my health this way with Athos beating me it won't work my idea to get rid of these hearts of mine is to try to blow myself up as TNT does a lot of damage I'm sure I'll lose a lot of Health at once I just need to put a lot of TNT I'm going to put it all over the floor and I'm going to put it on the walls too I'm going to spend almost all the TNT I have there I put everything I have here and I only left one in my inventory because if with these TNTs here I don't lose that much life I have a plan to lose life only with one TNT just let me come here and activate those TNTs that I just put and see how much life I [Music] lose what I only lost two hearts but that's crap but lucky that I kept this TNT here with me because with it I will be able to lose a lot of life since this TNT here will be a giant TNT that destroys everything and since it's so strong I'm going to leave it away from my house right if I don't even destroy my my house if I put it here okay I think this is good enough this won't hit my little house let me put it on the ground then and it will only get big when I activate it so let's go 3 2 1 and I activate it wow look at it it's getting big I'm going to stay close to lose life I didn't lose almost anything again not even with a giant TNT look at the size of the explosion it made and almost didn't do any damage but guys I just had a brilliant idea for me to be able to lose a lot of my hearts I'm going to tell AOS to make a safe house because normally these safe houses do a lot of damage the best part is that AOS won't even know he's helping me AOS AOS you are so weak so weak that you can't even build a safe house against me get out of my house go away I'm going to build the safest House of all going to be full of Sentinels to attack you that's perfect guys it worked Athos is a fool and believe that nonsense just from me calling him weak but while he still hasn't built his safe house I'm going to try to lose Hearts another way here cadres I'm starting to put Sentinels look he's really starting but only these Sentinels here won't hurt me that much so while he finishes there I'm going to try to throw myself from the highest height in Minecraft so then I'll lose a lot of life I'm sure I'll lose at least half my life look cadres is building a tower guys I think he's going to try to invade my house from above I'm going to put Sentinels even on the ceiling he won't be able to but look over there on the left guys I'm already at height 158 160 now I'm climbing very high I need to get to 255 which is the highest height you can reach in Minecraft first let's finish filling our house with Sentinels cadres won't get close to this house there guys I climb to the highest height you can reach in Minecraft and to show you I can't put blocks up there it even gives an error in Minecraft I can't put any more blocks up so now it's time to find out how many hearts I'll lose if I fall from this height let me get the distance then and I'm going to throw myself down there so let's go 3 2 1 and I jumped wow I'm falling I'm falling how many hearts will I lose and wow guys I lost a lot of hearts with that only the problem is that I'm still not even halfway through my life so now let's put lava around the whole house I just have to get some more lava that's over there on the other side the Cod ra the Cod ra fell he gave up trying to see from above and with that I still can't open this chest here look it keeps giving an error but guys I had another idea to get a lot of damage I'm going to summon a mob that does the most damage in Minecraft which is the Wither I'm going to put it here next to me and now I'm going to wait for it to be born so it can hit me come on be born be born for now it's still being generated but soon it will be born oh he's going to explode I barely lost any health and he's not even hitting me I'm now putting some cacti in the house to defend it better so there are several ways for people to take damage huh what's that cadres created a Wither near my house he's hitting me guys he's hitting me with this I'm sure I'm going to lose a lot of health I'm going to lose a lot of Health look at that he climbed up to the top of athos's roof he doesn't keep hitting me hey come here hit me hit me oh I'm so angry this wither is nothing he didn't take almost any of my health oh oh hit me here here good now he sees me he's going to hit me oh he climbed on the roof of my house stop wither stop you're destroying my house I'm going to hit that wither and take it out of the world oh I'm so angry AOS killed the Wither but he wasn't even giving me almost any damage so I'm already going to go to the next way to try to lose a heart which is going to be throwing an anvil on my head from this distance I'm not going to lose any life but maybe if an anvil Falls here it's going to do damage so let me go down there again and just wait for the Anvil to fall oh it fell ah but I only lost one row of life look we finished placing the cacti here now we're going to place some mutants some zombie mutants to defend our house they're going to be here around the house I can also place these mutants inside the house we're also going to make a wall of iron blocks so nobody can get through and we'll put mines around the entire wall you know what I put an anvil to fall from much higher and it's coming so now I've lost two more rows but if I keep throwing anvils like that I'm going to have to throw a million anvils to lose all my heart so to lose multiple hearts at once I'm going to throw these damage potions on me that is they didn't take out many hearts either but if I make a super machine I'm sure I'll lose multiple hearts because it's going to be throwing several potions at once and to do this I just need to come here to these ejectors that I just put in and fill them with damage potions now to activate them all at once I just need to put these blocks around them and now pass Redstone over everything and then when I activate and deactivate this lever a lot of potions will fall on me this thing is definitely going to take Life Away 3 2 1 and activate wow look at how much potion is coming and good with that I lost even more life I'm already with less than half guys I'm going to even pick up and activate a little more so I lose more life ah cadres I've been thinking and I apologize ouch you killed me and I was going to apologize AOS I didn't know he was here guys now there will be Revenge wow guys AOS died by accident I activated the machine to kill myself but he died but will I be able to open the chest with these Hearts here no it keeps giving the error I have to have half a heart with these Hearts here it's not enough so you know to lose multiple hearts at once I'm going to go into this hole try to die buried guys I'm losing life I'm losing life guys look at my heart's going down they're going down I must be only with a thousand Hearts here I have very little life but guys this way I'm going to have to stay a year again it's another one of those plans that takes a century for me to get down to half a heart that's why I'm going to my next plan I got these eggs here from creeper and I'm going to fill this hole with creeper but I won't lose that many hearts just with these normal creepers right that's why I need to make their explosion much stronger and to do that I'm going to call as many creepers as possible here to the corner this way and now I'm going to activate a command to make lightning strike there and they will turn into charger creepers this way their explosion will get much stronger but now it's time guys for me to go down there and lose a lot of life with their explosion creepers to the attack explode wow guys I'm going to go up and I'm even going to take fall damage and guys with that I manage to lose a lot of life these creepers here are really very strong go on explode again I lost a little more life guys but wait if a normal creeper like that already took out so much life imagine if it gets giant wow with this one here I'm going to lose a lot of Life guys it will definitely give a 20 times stronger explosion it's now that I'm going to have very few rows of Hearts I'm going to get next to this one here he's going to explode he's going to explode guys he's not exploding I don't know why I think he's so big that he doesn't explode oh no now it exploded and look at how low HP I have if one more explodes me soon I'll be down to half a heart and you know what the next one is going to do much more damage to me than that giant I'm going to make him much much bigger than the other one I had left the other one at size eight and this one I'm going to leave him at size is 15 no I'm going to leave him at 20 look at how tall he is guys and now he's going to explode wow he's on top of the tree then I think I'll have to activate it myself activate there I activated now look at what happened to my heart guys I only have two rows of heart now and now it's not long before I'm down to half a heart and be able to open this chest and get very rich guys wait I've even had an idea of how I'm going to do it to be half a heart I'm going to try to invade athos's house he doesn't even imagine but he's going to help me get rich cadr you'll never invade my base I fortified is very safe you'll never invade haha Athos are you really thinking that I want to invade your base actually you just helped me get rich how do you mean getting rich I'm at very low Health AOS and now if I get here I'm going to lose more heart oh my god I've already lost half of my life AOS one thing you didn't think of is that if I get down to half a heart I'm going to open the chest you dummy The house's defense wasn't supposed to be like this you weren't supposed to be able to open that chest thank goodness I have some regeneration and healing potions you're not going to hit me with that yes I am yes I am it's not doing any good I'm taking too much damage what do you mean it's not doing any good I'm going to open it here the Sentinels are going to hit me oh I'm losing a lot of Hearts oh my potions are gone five Hearts three I'm going to shoot this bow here that will kill you instantly you're not going to have a heart left of course I will two hearts now just one more just one more oh I'm stuck I'm down to half a heart now I just need to go to the chest no you're not going to the chest I need to find a way to get down without dying you'll never hit me AOS I'm protecting myself here with dirt I'm going to hit you I'm going to hit you you're not going to hit me because now I'm in front of the chest oh it opened it opened good come back here cadr no it opened he's going to take everything inside now I'm going to take everything it's all going to be mine ah cadr I'm going to try to kill you I will got a chance take it I'm done with you and look guys I took a lot of the ore that was in the chest but I still left a lot in there because when AOS respawned all the hearts I had lost went to him and now he has a million hearts and he will never be able to open the chest again cadr I have a a million hearts and it's your fault now I'm poor I can't open the chest anymore come back here come back here I'll get you haha now all that ore is mine and you have nothing left
Channel: Cadres ENG
Views: 311,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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