Minecraft, But Enchants Are Super OP..

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in this video i added a new op enchanting table that makes every enchantment in minecraft insanely powerful these enchants even come with their own special abilities never seen before subscribe to see if i can beat minecraft in three two one welcome to the subs club as always here's the comment of the vid and if you want to be featured here leave a comment below and can we get 10 likes on this video enjoy [Music] and here we are in a lovely oak forest the best place to start where we'll get all of our wood in an attempt to go and get that opi enchanting table so yes that is the main goal today guys is we want to get a bunch of gold but we're also gonna have to make a normal enchantment table so that we can surround it with that gold to make the op enchantment table and uh well as you guys kind of may have guessed we're gonna use this opium champion table to get opie enchants and these enchants are very very powerful and come with their own effects never before seen in minecraft and then we're gonna use those to beat the game and we have a village right in front of us yes that's why i love spawning in oak biomes because there's usually always a village and look at that we have a lot of apples and gold nuggets gold nuggets are perfect because that's gonna go toward our gold hold on if we can get all this is a big village if we can get a lot of gold here might be one of those ones with a lot of chests i know i'm and there's the rain oh no that's so depressing i mean i guess it actually that's kind of good it's gonna grow all the crops and i'm gonna get a lot of food hey villagers of course i'm just grabbing all the beds to help with that end fight i've actually been using beds more often when killing the ender dragon it makes it very easy and uh well it looks like that was the only house that probably had a chest and i'll grab their tools like the blast furnace and stuff because that could help us out later on and we have another chest oh my god no i thought it was like a shipwreck map or something first thing we got a compass and a bunch of empty maps and a con no i don't want any of this so this is a huge village but well nothing to be found here we have a nice like little glacier biome over there but hey i don't want any of this i need to get down into the cave so i can get an enchantment table oh but wait i see is that a desert over there hold on before i go down i just want to check i want to see we could have another village and that's more goodies deserts are literally the prime place for anything structures like desert temples villages it's worth it it's worth a look before it becomes night it's still daytime i might as well and oh my gosh as i say that a desert temple just pops out of nowhere okay so this is the right call we're gonna go check that out and then we will start digging down we're gonna need a lot of gold guys so maybe we'll get some of that in these chests but honestly the the thing i look forward to most in desert temples is can we get a notch apple we'll also be able to grab the tnt down here and i probably shouldn't have jumped with that low health but i mean it wasn't that low we weren't even that close to dying please something good oh emeralds gun powder and bones i mean if we want pets that's okay what about this one piercing two that's a nothing compared to the enchants we're gonna get today trust me we'll grab the more bones we have a golden apple okay well you know what i wish you could actually like get rid of that golden apple and get the gold from it but that's okay we'll grab the string and in this one we have literally just a bunch more gunpowder if i wanted tnt that would already be like four tnt right there but we don't we want gold so you know what i'm gonna use this place and i'm gonna dig down from no i'm not i need more wood and not only do we need more wood but guys i totally forgot this is the first video in a while where i actually have to get sugar cane and kill cows for leather because i actually need to make an enchantment table so we have the sugar cane and here we go a flock of cows give me that leather i just need one come on drop your leather oh my gosh that's two no leather come on cow cow i swear give me the left thank you so we have the leather we have the sugar cane we have a messy inventory we actually make two books so we'll have one for the enchantment table and one that we can just use to you know maybe refresh and actually we might not even need to do that all right i just need to get down right now all right we're digging straight down and while i do don't forget to buy my lunar cape i haven't promoted this in a while guys and i do have another cape coming soon but for now it is just this gg cape on my back and we actually just found a cave so i can go into here and show it to you in full detail you can get that down in the description below let's start getting all of our ores and stuff so the one thing is we need gold okay that's all we're looking for and i guess diamonds because we need to make an enchantment table but before any of that oh my gosh my inventory is yeah but we're gonna go ahead and gear up before anything and not get killed by a creeper why does that happen every single time okay so this is exactly why we took the blast furnace so we can go ahead and smelt these oars very quickly because i hate smelting i want to get it out of the way and i don't want to die by creepers and we have a gigantic ravine right beneath us that i would love to knock this zombie into but he's not cooperating so die zombie now jump in oh my gosh okay oh go go go go go oh my gosh oh my gosh there's a freaking zombie with an iron sword okay this is why you don't jump into a ravine we're just gonna avoid all that danger we have gold right in front of us beautiful and we have more gold okay so we only need eight of these guys all right so oh and i do need an iron pick one second bam so that's one gold two gold and okay we got more that's three that's four and on the other side we i think maybe we we could have enough here guys five yes we do six seven eight okay so this is more than enough to make the opie enchantment table and we also just need a bunch of gold because we're gonna need to make an opie crafting table but that's only if we ever want to combine any of the enchants together and i'll explain that later but for now we have enough gold we have 12 of it actually so we're close to diamond level so all we need left is to go and find i think maybe five diamonds oh my gosh it's a full gold skeleton that's scared oh my gosh dude okay what's going on though i can't find any diamonds as i say that hello diamonds but we need five of them and of course oh okay i thought the game was gonna troll alone me again i think there's yeah there's a creeper over there we got three so actually three is gonna be enough to get the uh diamond pick so we'll make that right now and with the diamond pick we can obviously mine the obsidian and is that more diamonds yes it is right behind that lapis come to papa and this my friends is going to be more than enough times it's actually going to be enough to make a tool that we can use okay this is getting dangerous let's just make sure you know that we get all of the diamonds here but we'll be able to make a sword and hold on how much diamonds we have we have eight we only need five which means we'll have three left over oh no we already have the pig oh my gosh we're gonna have five diamonds we're gonna be able to make an axe and a sword to see what kind of enchants we'll get on them oh let's go of course none of that can happen until we have the obsidian mining session bam give me that so now this is just the first piece of the puzzle we'll make the normal enchantment table there it is this is just like you know put it down we can use it we've all seen this before we're gonna need lapis to use the op12 by the way which we had just found right next to those diamonds so i'm gonna go get back and get that but hold on let's craft the actual op one so we take this enchantment table we surround it with gold and bam we get the op enchanting table baby oh my goodness look at this thing okay so this is what we're going to be using now with the extra diamond i might go ahead and get cool to smell but not die i just fell in lava no no no no no not now not now so i'm gonna take the coal smelt the gold and we'll take it and we'll use it to make the opie crafting table now i'm gonna use the diamond to do this i miscalculated we actually had six diamonds so i'm okay with using one we're gonna make the op crafting table now i did an opi crafting video a couple vids back which you can check out in the top of your screen of course after you watch this video and as you may recall every time you use this thing and craft with it it gives you an op item but it's changed in this one the only use this has is if i get two of these opn chants like on these weapons that i end up using the op enchantment table for i can use the op crafting table to combine them okay so that's its only use we're gonna put it to the top of our inventory so we got it we'll put it down oh my gosh look at this thing in three two one bam that's the op enchantment table holy cow okay so the first thing i want to do i will make a diamond sword we will have three remaining and uh well remember we can always convert these into another if we want afterwards and so we'll also make an axe because they're our cool enchants on an axe but for our first enchant in the op enchantment table it doesn't even tell you by the way what you could get it's just completely random and it only costs one level for every enchant that's how opie it is i can get really powerful really quickly in three two one we'll go middle purple and oh my goodness the sword just completely changed wait what does it have smite one million can i fight mobs with this thing i mean they usually have their own are you kidding me if i right click with the smite it activates lightning oh no look there's a little skeleton oh oh wait i can actually use that against myself which is not good but yeah goodbye skeleton and this time we'll choose the pink and oh my okay so maybe it doesn't matter if these tools are netherite or diamond they turn into their own little thing anyways and what do we have on the axe efficiency one million wait what oh oh my gosh it gives me super speed okay wait i gotta be very careful i'm bo i'm buy a bunch of lava right now so oh wow it gave me like speed 100 okay so it gives me that for like what 10 seconds or something and come to papa more diamonds how many do we have yes okay so because i want looting so bad and it's almost unnecessary i get that one just so that you know we get to the end at least we can beat the dragon with it with getting the drops i am going to make two diamond swords actually we have six yeah i'm gonna make three diamond swords i think that is the move yeah i'm gonna do it whatever we'll just see what we get let's do red and we got sharpness one million i mean i guess that's probably pretty powerful oh you know what i can do i can use the op crafting table and i can combine the sharpness and the smite together this is what i'm talking about that's what it's used for so now i'm gonna have a sharpness one million smite one million diamond sword please don't be smite though fire aspect one million what does this do like look at this thing in my hand it looks so sick okay i'm gonna use it against the skeleton oh wait what was that oh my gosh what is that thing oh bro that was like a fire spirit that just came out of the earth and killed that skeleton this is by far the co oh and there we go more diamonds yes okay that's gonna be enough for another sword okay now it's just looting time we need looting but you know what else i haven't even used a pick yet i'm gonna make a pickaxe and i'm gonna make a sword so in a pickaxe enchant oh look how sick it looks what did we get fortune one million yes oh my gosh yes this means the next diamonds we find we'll get like a lot of them we won't have to go diamond hunting ever again we just need one more diamond let me see if i just mined this coal real quick whoa lots of coal all over the place okay beautiful but can we get that looting sword sweeping edge one million okay that's kind of cool what does that do hold on whoa oh i wonder if i'm around a bunch of mobs look at this thing holy cow like a sweeping edge force field around me and here we go diamonds in three oh my gosh it fortunes every block i mine every single one okay i gotta make sure i don't crash the server but boom oh my goodness diamonds all over the place and now we will never need diamonds again you know what this actually helps in getting full diamond geared up so that will be helpful for the ender dragon how many diamonds did we just get we got like over oh my gosh we have so many i can't even fit them all my inventory i'm sorry i would have to leave some diamonds behind but we'll get rid of all this we'll put all of this on and now we're talking now we have a row of op weapons along with a full diamond set and an op lunar cape that you can buy down in the description below and we can make as many as we want knock back one million holy how many are there okay what does a knockback do i mean i have a pretty good idea what can i do whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh i can throw blocks i can throw blocks at and mobs wait what about this bat right here oh my gosh i just threw a block at the back the poor bag in that bed too what about this zombie oh looting one million yes okay so now we can start going toward the end but i want to be able to like see every enchant possible in this so as we go toward the end we're obviously going to enchant more stuff as well so i want another pick first of all because we already got the fortune pick what else can we get on a pick real quick efficiency one million what does efficiency one million dude does it just mine a bunch of oh it mines an entire show oh my god oh it's still going ha dude it just mined like four or five chunks in a row bro efficiency one million fortune one million yes yes yes yes and oh my goodness in her big cave that we just used our efficiency pick to dig we have an enderman and we have a looting one million sword oh and there we go he got me low holy cow i'm in full diamond by the way okay there's bedrock down here we're gonna jump and okay well we already have enough enderpearls now to be able to beat the end this is insane we don't need that book anymore look at this and oh my goodness i just found a broken portal i was wondering how was i going to get to the nether well this might be how and this guy's chasing me whoa what is that oh my what what was that like a sharpness wave of electricity let's see we got sharpness three i'm breaking thing now normally i would be flabbergasted at these and we have a bunch of bombs guys i don't think you want to be here with my sharpness yeah goodbye normally i'd be really ecstatic at that like loot but i mean obviously i don't need it so well we have a fortune 1 million efficiency 1 million pick i'm gonna go ahead and mine up this obsidian really quickly and no don't take out the portal no psych i have invincibility a little bit after i use that so i don't die and kill myself like that but that was no we lost all the abs well we have a bunch of obsidian to just make our own portal with now so we can do that beautiful build another portal light it go into the nether oh my gosh we spotted right next to a fortress what is with my luck bro now i'll kill you with this sword and look at all of that baby 64 blaze odds we are good let's get out of the nether so convert these into blaze powder we'll go ahead and make the eye of enders and we will start to get the trajectory of this thing wear it at this way i guess we want to head this way and we are going to use the string to make a fishing rod because lure 1 million okay so we want lure but we also want luck of the sea because lure just increases production speeds we won't look at the sea to get the luck in the first place and there's luck at the sea so combine these in the op crafting table now we have a look at the sea lure one million fishing rod we can actually fish in the water you'll see look how fast it's already coming to the rod and boom oh we just got a nether right chest plate ew curse of vanishing but yeah we can just use this to fish for opie items as a pair of diamond leggings with enchants because as you can see our armor's not the best right now it's just very bare bones diamond armor so we could probably get more from this as well as gold and golden apples and all that jazz and there we go we just got a pair of dodge apples that's literally what i was fishing for we're good we can go to the end now we're easily fine to beat the dragon come here all you mobs oh oh oh oh look at that oh my gosh so this is the barrage of mobs around you just sweeping edge okay i'm adding that to my sword easily all these pow okay this is one of the best ones actually but with the new string we just got obviously we're gonna need a bow to kill this ender dragon and well you can also enchant a bow in this op thing flame what does a flame one million bow do hey skeleton oh my gosh it just it just popped out a freaking lava pool and killed the mob oh i gotta be careful of that on me though oh gosh you can suffocate them too okay and we got a power one what does power do oh holy cat oh did you just fire and try it bro what hold on come here creeper oh wait that wasn't a trident oh my gosh that was an exploding egg oh i just used the chuck fighter oh there goes all the chunks oh my gosh it just revealed the oh oh the show holds right there i'm quite literally swimming into it i spy very cool okay so now wait i gotta make sure i i don't use this like very cause i could destroy the end room so i can't use this pick again i don't want to destroy that or else i can't get out of here here we go we'll fill it all up we had two filled in already very nice not that we needed any help and we'll go into the end and we'll use our ender pearls and get to the end island oh i just completely mined out the end island okay dude this pick is dangerous how am i supposed to get up to where i need to be with this pick i can't i need another pick okay wait let's see can i destroy the wait does that damage the ender dragon i don't know if it does it doesn't seem to be but i think it definitely is destroying the crystals oh my goodness wow and how quick will this kill the ender dragon be anyways well that's sharpness a million guys that's how you beat the game when you have an op enchantment table that gives you literally a million worth of every enchant
Channel: Graser
Views: 1,644,528
Rating: 4.8987193 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft enchants, graser, challenge, minecraft enchanting, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft
Id: Q9Efn8Ec5ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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