Sunny Has REALISTIC HANDS In Minecraft!

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[Music] today in Minecraft I have realistic hands Sonny you spent all my diamonds on plastic surgery yep and it was totally worth it look how realistic my hands are oh and what's that in front of me it's a realistic like button press it right now oh bro that Temple raid was epic check it out I got a Wither rose and a Notch Apple bro that's cool and all but I got this overcharged camera check it out Sunny bang bang yo chill that's crazy how the get that I don't know sunny but this thing is so awesome awesome bro relax I'm pretty exhausted anyways that was such a treacherous journey to loot that Temple I think we need to just cool down sit back relax and enjoy a little bit of TV time yeah you know that's not a bad idea my sonny oh I'm half a heart okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry here take this take this oversized bread yummy yo melon check out this commercial hey are you tired of your old normal mundane hands of course you are my name is Dr Jimmy real hands and I can fix that for you come over to my clinic and I'll give you realistic that's right real looking hands at a fee of only 19.99 emeralds bro that's insane we could have realistic hands in Minecraft we have to buy that and it's so cheap bro the fee is only 19.99 emeralds wait Sonny that's like more than our entire house uh wait a second hold on I thought I had a lot of guap dang it you're right we're brokeys I only have six emeralds and one emerald block that I got from the temple raid we sell the house we should only be short about 500 emeralds dude what are we gonna do what else could we possibly sell uh think I'm gonna have to sell my Notch Apple Gold Blocks Diamond horse armor I even have some really cool Enchantment books I could sell off okay let me check these chests up here Sonny uh we got chess keys in it uh more chests with cookies in it don't be selling my cookies are you crazy bro we have nothing else to sell okay fine you could sell my cookies I'm going to the Village I'm gonna get to the Ambrose yo I'm so rich bro I sold all my items and I almost have enough to buy my realistic hands Mal and get out of the house we gotta sell it bro chill how many emeralds did you get I just need a little bit more for myself then I'll have enough for realistic hands how many do you have so far uh zero bruh you better hope the house covers most of your costs oh I can only pray Sonny and it's sold how many emeralds did we get yo two stacks and a half of emerald Sunny let's go I just need 32 more Emerald blocks yeah melon where are you just gonna conjure up 32 Emerald blocks um I'll sell my bread bro that's worth nothing to these villagers I think you're gonna have to sell huh what could I possibly sell sunny I don't understand all I have is bread steak and vines that hammer no I can't do it bro this thing is so awesome look look check this out yeah you're gonna throw it at me again I get it chill stop Final sell it Mr Rich villager shake this Hammer please give me a good deal how much did I get yo I got another stack of emerald blocks Sonny that's perfect can I have half of it please um no why would I give you uh uh two stacks bro melon I will slap you with this bread if you don't share fine you can have it bro thank you now I just need three more Emerald blocks and I've got these I could craft it with let's go buy ourselves some realistic hands all right I'm out of here I'm right behind you brother Sonny the day's here well we'll have realistic hands I've always wanted to have hands with fingers and opposable thumbs so I could grab onto stuff yeah me too I can't wait to make the most epic drawings ever yeah true and I can't wait to squeeze that melon I think we made it is this where Jimmy real hands lives hey I think so RH for Jimmy real hands dude this Clinic is kind of giving me the creeps but it's totally worth it are you really him are you Jimmy real heads uh Marilyn this is a bit suspicious uh his hands look a lot like our normal Minecraft hands what's that you didn't get the surgery well why wouldn't you get the surgery if it's so great huh oh you just like blocks a lot okay that's pretty fair I get it the name's Jimmy real hands and you can trust me to give you the most epic realistic hands ever and don't worry I'm way better than Dr longbottoms I've given realistic hand surgery to all the famous people like aphmau and cash I've even got a Nobel Prize in realistic handology so you know it's legit that's actually pretty awesome it sounds like you've got a lot of great accolades as a doctor so I can trust you yep all you gotta do is sign the form and we'll be ready to start the surgery sounds great let me go sign that document and get ready to have realistic hands uh Sonny maybe we shouldn't sign this agreement something's a little bit sus here I don't think so bro look at his achievements Nobel Prize Jimmy real hands best surgeon ever give me money I won a prize I could trust this guy yeah he seems like a trustworthy person I can't wait to have real hands hold on let me sign this legally demon it says a whole lot of jargon okay whole lot of legal jargon and Big Man sunny Signed Sealed Delivered boom hey did you sign for me too no bro you'll have to do your own legal agreement later it's time for me to get my hands here you go not to make you worry but this operation might hurt just a pinch whatever I'm committed let's go to the operating room so I just gotta lay down to this bed and the operation will begin let's do it [Music] oh doc I feel kind of funny my head it worked the surgery was a success don't be too alarmed but you might experience a few slight side effects wait what do you mean there might be a couple of side effects that's not too important what's important is giving me my money okay relax I'll get you paid here's your Emerald blogs take a ball take a ball whoa both of my hands they look so realistic now thank you Mr real hands I'm out of here melon look at me my surgery was a success Sunny you're actually just holding two heads bro I don't know if this is a surgery yeah I don't know what you're talking about I'm gonna slap you with my hands what ow chill calm down calm down calm down okay I'm gonna take your word for it and see what it's like hello Mr real hands yep here's my emeralds and now give me the surgery yes yes thank you yo you're right I have real hands this is so weird uh uh melon looks like you're holding hands you're holding hands bro my hands are actually legit this is bizarre Sunny this is awesome hey thanks doctor I appreciate the great operation today yeah yeah get lost I got more patience waiting what's the hurry here bruh let's just leave hey melon question for you what's up sonny you're trying to catch these hands yo chill chill I'll slap you to the Moon Sonny calm yourself we gotta figure out how to get back I'm honestly pretty tired from that surgery and just want to take a day off I feel you melon I'm pretty tired too but I think with these new hands we could probably drive a car now yo you're probably right let's go uh borrow a vehicle yeah borrow it with no intention to ever return it oh that would be stealing Sonny we're borrowing it maybe an intention of bringing it back yeah I like that I like that maybe possibly potentially all right Sonny with my real hands we could go anywhere let's go back to the Village so we can sleep like I'm pretty tired yeah let's go do that uh melon I kind of forgot we sold our house to get these hands uh was it really worth it ah Sunny why uh I just wanted you to go down there and grab those beds for us it looks like the new buyers didn't care for our old mattresses whatever bro so you know this pit isn't too bad of a home check it out it's kind of nice you put a bad bear in a bed there and time to sleep what the hell get out of there why are there so many creepers coming out of that cave I don't know Sonny how am I supposed to get out of here I will survive this sunny I Will Survive ow I'm at a heart left dude that don't oh you're so close to dying be careful use the creepers to mine up blocks now gather the blocks and build out of there yo I'm actually a pro melon hurry up bro we need to sleep I have seven rocks I hope this is enough now don't vote why would you build it the tallest point uh that's okay I'll help thank you so much Sonny thank you so much you're welcome well we did it sunny and we have one bed great what am I pulling an all-nighter oh good morning Sunny yeah great morning I've been up all oh well you should probably probably some wood because we need to make Sunny I'm gonna go over here and break down this tree I'm right behind you let's harvest the wood and wait what ow ow I'm still taking damage bro don't use your hands your hands the realest ow melon what happened you died from a splinter in your hand bro cause her hands are realistic we can't punch trees anymore ow you're right what is this what is this you have a splinter Sonny here let me get it out let me grab your hand real quick with my big old head let me grab let me grab oh please please please please oh this is bad uh Sonny what do we do I have a bad feeling about this maybe if we want to make some money we should just talk to the villagers maybe they've got some to-do's or chores or quests we can go on yeah you're not wrong okay hello hello any villagers yeah it's the boys with the hands we're here to lend a hand yeah we got you what's that there's a cat stuck in a tree and you'll pay me heftily if we get it for you don't worry the cat's in safe hands let's go sonny let's do it but do you know which tree it's stuck in I don't know bro we gotta find it I bet you was just really tall tree up here near the house wait do you hear that I'm hearing some meows you're right bro I hear the meows It's gotta be in this tree you're right it is there we gotta find a way up okay I think the only blocks we can safely Harvest have to be very soft like grass and dirt oh you're right Sonny oh give me the dirt give me the dirt it's actually work okay so if we collect enough of these dirt blocks we should be able to build up and rescue that little puddy cat you're right you're right I think I might have enough yeah I got lots you want a builder me uh you got this sunny I believe in you okay I'm building up oh why no I got this sunny I believe in myself all right fine just make sure you save this cat I got this I've got this melon you're there you're at the cat don't worry little kitty you're safe in my head just remove this leaf and we're good uh You Killed The Village cat uh uh we gotta get out of here they're gonna hate us forever you're right these heads we we gotta take them back no wonder he had normal hands that scumbag realistic hands in Minecraft is a big mistake Johnny get in the driver's seat I'm out of here no not in the water no Dr Jimmy real hands please please take these back we need a refund sorry boys you didn't read the fine print we don't do refunds here tough luck what do you mean no refunds melon we gotta get out of here he's gonna call security bro bro well Sonny we'll live in this hole from now on Village hates us and worst of all we have these terrible realistic hands what is that what I think that's Dr longbottoms why is he next to our house Dr longbottoms what are you doing here it was you behind it huh you gave us these realistic hands no I didn't give you those hands doofus but a little birdie told me that you got in a bit of trouble if you want I could help you out ah melon I don't know if we should trust Dr longbottoms every time he offers help bad things happen Sonny we have no choice quandale only works for money and dondale is God right now you're right and Jimmy real hands cursed us with this Dr longbottoms we'll accept your help but what are you gonna want in exchange for it we'll discuss that later fine fine it's a deal we'll take whatever help we can get fine Dr longbottoms we'll accept your help but what's in it for you I just hate Jimmy real hands we were roommates back in college and he stole all my research and claimed it as his if it wasn't from my work he would have never gotten that Nobel Prize I was the one who came up with the idea for a real hand surgery anyway so I want to get my revenge that's horrible doctor long bottoms you're saying you were gonna win the Nobel Peace Prize in Minecraft now I think we could trust him Dr longbottoms was once a good guy Sonny you can never trust a man with a long bottom but we have no choice you two go grab a pickaxe and meet me at my helicopter melon how are we gonna get a pickaxe if we can't break blocks uh um let's go as quandale yeah maybe he's got one that he doesn't care about anymore even though we don't have money maybe he'll let us borrow it let's go hey quandel do you have a pickaxe we can borrow by any chance yeah yeah we'll probably return it yeah I don't trust you guys ever since you killed the village cat what you don't trust us how much is it gonna cost one Emerald I'll distract him I'll distract him hey cuando hey quando uh here you go quandel have the emerald for you there you go buddy yes thank you so much sunny I have the ultimate pickaxe crazy with that now let's just go meet up with Dr longbottoms and get on his helicopter yeah you right whoa Dr log bottoms that's so awesome you have a working helicopter this is crazy yes I've acquired the pickaxe don't you worry we're ready to infiltrate and Destroy Dr Jimmy real hands Sonny melon quickly grab those grappling hooks and come down here to the roof of the building we haven't got much time bro we gotta grab these and catch up to long bottoms let's go let's go he's right there sonny take my lead oh uh follow me I got this dude not my first time I've done this plenty of times before I'll show you how it's done on ah nailed it yep uh sonny can you make it up now yeah yeah so okay Cindy I'll show you how it's really done let's go oh I actually did it now Maryland you mind pulling me up I got you sonny thanks bro I didn't think I was gonna make it for a moment there all right Dr long bottoms what's the plan I'll meet you two at the hand machine all right Dr longbottoms we're out of here Sonny follow me the grapple hook goat yeah oh that actually was perfect and now I break it yeah yeah I'm right behind you uh how do I get out of this grapple hook Sonny oh yeah I knew that I knew that uh bad news melon we're in the wrong building it's actually on the other side um are you sure about that yeah pretty positive actually all right follow me Sonny I've got this hold on let me handle this I'll break through this window ow Sonny you idiot you have to use the bro bang Bang Yeah you you do it you do it all right but Sunny this is a dangerous way in we should grapple up yeah like this I know you do that I'm gonna go meet you through one of the windows bro I'm literally inside all right yeah you got a better idea melon the Elevator Shaft we found it whoa Sunny okay but what are we gonna do with just break into it dude oh you're right you're right dude we've made it in the elevator past security and now it's time to go all the way up we're going to tell you we gotta go all the way up we've made it to the proper level follow me yes we're actually sneaking talk to real hands this clinic and he's not here this is perfect we gotta hurry up though he's on his lunch break he could be back at any second you're right you're right I just hope Dr longbottoms made it through oh he did he made it here all right Sonny you take the first go I'll stand guard all right Dr long bottoms please remove these realistic hands I'd like to go back to normal Minecraft I got you nothing can go wrong you better not mess this up or uh melon melon come back come back I need you why do you need me Shawnee I'm on a guard right now no I need you to threaten Dr longbottoms if something goes wrong you're gonna beat him up oh I'll beat you up if you do anything wrong yeah huh yeah I'm scary Thanks that'll do okay surgery time [Music] what did you do to Sunny well you turned him into a pig that's not a funny prank put him back to normal and get rid of his realistic hands Sonny did it work I'm back to normal I have Minecraft hands again yo okay Dr long bottoms turned me back to normal now and don't make me a pig I swear if you make me a pig I'm gonna be upset uh don't worry about it sunny he didn't turn you in a pig or anything you're good okay cool uh what's that sound guys don't do long bottoms you turned him into a fish uh yeah I get it he's not gonna have realistic hands now but he's not gonna have any hands turn him back turn him back why am I a fish I'm drowning it's okay you lost your realistic hand so it was worth it hey melon it looks like the surgery was a big success yes I have normal heads again oh my God is that my old hand that is so weird Dr longbottoms we gotta go Security's here come on bust us out I got us don't worry uh uh ow ow grapple down dude let's borrow this truck how many cars are we gonna borrow melon wait I can't drive it I don't have realistic hands anymore we gotta go on food I'm right behind you dip dip I'll get my sweet revenge Dr Jimmy real hands this is for everything you've stolen from me say goodbye to your clinic I wonder what happened with Dr long bottoms yo he's destroying the clinic bro it's completely destroyed no more realistic hands for anybody we gotta get out of here melon this whole place is gonna blow yeah we got a dip Sonny this is not good we're the asteroids firing range melon what a crazy weekend yeah let's just kick back relax and watch some TV yo what is this commercial hey are you tired of your old Minecraft butt well I was too that's why I decided to do something about it come to my clinic at Megalodon Industries and I'll give you a realistic butt you can now poop in Minecraft no way we can poop in Minecraft Dr longbottoms is awesome we gotta get this let's go wait what the heck is that whoa It's like a floating Jelly Bean I wonder what happens if I shoot it down bro I'm so trash let me hit it please yo I destroyed it isn't it a beautiful day Gort there's no melon to bother me let me grab some resources and I'm gonna start cooking up all these raw slammons oh I got some mutton chops yeah this this is gonna be delicious oh I got smokers let me smoke some raw pork too ah beautiful day really yo what did he drop what the heck happened to my game it looks so Derpy oh no I really hope Sonny's game's okay he's gonna be so mad melon what did you do to my game I can't even see my fishing rod it's just a triangle bro take a look at the bread I swear if my Savage look stupid I'm gonna be really upset okay my mutton looks normal bro not my Salmons they're just three dots Sonny this is so weird I'll be honest I killed this weird floating Jelly Bean and then this happened but it dropped this thing that says suit up maybe if we go get iron armor things will get more realistic again well what choice do we have if we want to fix our Minecraft game let's at least follow this jelly beans instructions let's go I'll craft us some tools to get us started oh it's so ugly I don't even know what I'm doing now melon send me that two pixel pickaxe one second I'm making some goofy looking sticks and there's one pickaxe there's another one and here you go thank you and off we go we better find full iron quickly melon that way we can undo this curse personally I think it looks really cool melon this looks like trash you think this is iron up here no that's definitely cold it's honey it's literally black please it might be brown iron okay it's cold I told you whatever dude I'm getting a bunch of stone so I can make us better pickaxes this game looks so bad except for the grass blocks those look like they're from Sonic so those are pretty nice yeah they like melon I got a new pickaxe for you yo send that pic brother yeah yeah that pick so because there's only like four of those so there's a cave over there I bet you there's some iron in it please please melon you make me really sad sometimes I just want to play Minecraft peacefully and not have so much bad stuff happen to me oh Sunny there's no iron in here we're gonna have to dig straight down dang it that's it I'm going quicker than we'll see about that melon I hear monsters yo I'm in a mine shaft wait you are wait where are you I need a weapon melon I can hear the mine shaft is he here no why is there a skeleton on me this is bad I'm in look out I'll kill this zombie I'm gonna die I'm gonna die Sonny why did you go ahead and die on me as there was Monsters I killed them all and I'll collect our first piece of iron good work melon that's actually really well done let's go iron armor collected almost more iron oh that's a rail it looks exactly like iron everything looks the same hey melon did you find my items yeah here you go here's this pickaxe here's some sticks some arrows I don't need arrows what the heck and more sticks dude this is fine I just need to find iron yes give me all the iron oh so that's what it looks like yes it looks beautiful doesn't it no it looks like trash bro what do you mean I think it looks better than normal iron then you should leave this curse on Forever Wait Sonny how come this coal looks normal that's not cold dude yo it's gunpowder that is so weird yeah dude a new Minecraft there's so much new blocks melon I think I found the mob spawner let's avoid it then or should we go Farm It Maybe there's some diamonds uh oh melon I need help I need help please my God I don't even worry boom I'm making a fresh crafting table and I need some more Stone and then I'm gonna smelt my iron down yo two chests in a dungeon yo bones I don't even know what half that stuff is yes they're fighting well they're fighting I break the spawner and I finish the mission melon I'm starting to cook my iron up let's go oh give me all this good stuff what'd you find what'd you find yo I got a golden apple nice bro you're gonna need that later I can't tell what any of these items are bro I'm collecting the last pieces of iron I need yes I can make an iron pickaxe let's go oh I kind of want to get a weapon too though so I can fight these spoilers that iron ax is ready melon just gotta make a crafting table make myself some furnaces and smelt up my iron oh melon there's a lot of mobs fighting me you got it don't worry Sonny I believe in you I don't have it I'm in trouble oh oh I barely survived that you know why because you have all the food still sunny meet up with me I got some extra iron for you too yep I'm grabbing this up right here and then I'll be down there yes I have so much iron yeah bro I got like over 50 pieces no way let's melt it up and get our armor done come to me melon why did you did you prefer this is straight next to Lava bro don't step in it relax I'm barely alive can I have some food please uh uh no I'm joking I'm joking I can heal I feel the life flowing back into me give me all this iron and now it's time to craft up some armor there we go and now all I need is to make myself some legs wait no make myself a helmet fully suited up so then we can enter the next stage of realism melon I just crafted my iron armor I just gotta put on the boots let's go wait what's happening what's happening foreign what the heck we're back at our house Sunny how did we get here and melon look the world looks a bit better now yo you're right there's eight pixels instead of two pixels this is awesome it's improving we're more realistic what is that bro it's the Jelly Bean I was talking about it's back wait melon shoot it down maybe it'll give us another challenge please yeah nice shot yo it dropped its jelly diamonds bro we gotta get diamonds to become more realistic that's not too bad bro I think we could pull this off let's go back into the mines wait melon before we go to the mines I want to test the theory and I will try it out on this innocent villager's home yeah I had a bad feeling I a bad feeling really get the world got more realistic both with the resource pack and gravity bro what the heck this is so cursed yeah oh that's so realistic brother Forest the forest is going down look at it sunny follow me this Mountain's going down ah melon be careful when you mine you could create cave-ins that's gonna be a lot of fun no melon it's just gonna get us killed there's nothing fun about it finding diamonds is gonna be so much easier let's go I don't think that's true at all but uh yeah wish us good luck guys melon what are you doing I'm not doing it why won't this lava go away what is going on you know something check this out dude dude you can't keep doing that what if the whole Ravine collapses that is way too dangerous melon yo you're right okay I'll be more careful from now on from now on we gotta find diamonds get this zombie out of here yo yo exploded look at his chunks yo let's kill the other one too this is so epic now we gotta find diamonds they're close Sonny I can smell them dude I knew melons had a sixth sense but I didn't know it was for sniffing out diamonds of course obviously bro okay I'm right behind you brother let me know creeper creeper oh yeah look at his head oh I didn't break any blocks let's go yo pick up these diamonds quick I'll handle the mobs I'll handle the mobs yo creeper alert give me the diamonds give me all of the diamonds crumble skeleton wait why does he have blood that doesn't make sense he's a skeleton diamonds over here diamonds on my neck be dripping how many did you get I can't tell there's so many chunks in the way wait I only got three diamonds that's fine bro wait there's more never mind it's just a cave-in I'm sorry melon I messed up I messed up oh I swear I saw a diamond there I thought so too but I just don't want the blocks to fall on my head right now I'll take what we could get and I say we go to the nether bro let's start collecting obsidian here I'll make you a crafting table yeah yeah stay away you wretched fiends and now let's craft ourselves a pick diamond pickaxe thanks melon melon do you hear that sounded like a jelly bean I see it what is it doing melon I'll shoot it down first try yes I got it I got it what did it drop let's see the next challenge melon is the nether we were going there anyways let's go sonny we gotta get that obsidian immediately I'm on it we have water all we need is lava yeah actually this would be a lot quicker if you just made an iron bucket you make a very good point Johnny I have one obsidian so far let's see who does it first you were me uh I'm just gonna watch you do it thanks bro melon what the heck I didn't do anything there and this is gonna be two pieces of obsidian okay melon I have exactly 12 pieces of obsidian we can't mess this up so it's gonna be one two um Sunny it only takes 10 pieces to make another portal oh really I thought it was 12. whoops and then I go up by three and then three I need a block what happened what have you done ah dude did the bat somehow glitched that block and destroy it it's not there on my screen what the heck just happened give me the obsidian just give me it give me a shirt trying to give me the upshady I'm placing it myself okay okay and then we need two more just two more support block there you go I don't know if this is gonna work no it did work okay good that scared me do you have fluid and steal uh no I will be with you momentarily let me just grab some Flint here oh my god what have I done melon not again not again well whatever while you try and do it that way I'm gonna do it the old-fashioned way and put a little block of wood right about uh I guess right here like this hopefully it'll catch on fire yeah that is real lava it worked please ignite the portal it just burned the block are you kidding new idea melon I'm putting two blocks maybe this time it'll catch on fire and actually works okay sonny I've got flint and steel now we can light the blocks on fire so it goes quicker oh good idea that's really smart wow and then we can go right there oh there you go see look it works hey would you look at that wow just like magic huh to the nether let's go yo sudeep everything is so realistic this is so creepy I feel like I'm in a horror game we're in the Nether and I don't like that it looks so real bro I can see the age of this tree by reading the Rings this is so weird melon what the heck Sonny check this out it's a flint and steel dude that is a lighter what yo this is insane melon I think we need to get these blaze rods as soon as possible what the heck was that you just fell into lava you Noob bro why is there lava there it actually was you broke one block and put yourself on fire melon you're gonna cave in the whole nether if you do that please be careful okay okay I will be very careful from now on melod do you hear that noise wait it's the Jelly Bean bro it's right here Shoot Em Down nice one what do you want us to do Jelly Bean Sensei what do you want of us yo blaze rods that's what it says we gotta go and find a fortress melon I have a sneaky suspicion that the giant jelly bean wants us to beat Minecraft to return to normal I think so let's find these Blazers melon we did it there's a fortress let's go these Blazers won't stand a chance my friend not when they face my arrows and my axes dude do you have building blocks it'd be a lot easier if we have some building blocks bro don't worry I got another rack here take that and I'll keep this oh that's perfect that's perfect and then I'm gonna go up here a little bit and remember if we see a blaze spawner we gotta cover it up true yo I just found a chest oh only got gold in it that's okay we could do trades for ender pearls yo you're right hey Magma Cube chill out yo this is too realistic I don't like that that was so cursed melon I see a blaze Spawner in the distance where are you I'm back where you found the chest and then I'm going up oh it's a Caven I destroyed the whole roof and then drop down ouch eat some food and look there's a blaze spawner yo you're right let's go now quickly before too many spawn I'm with you bro oh sunny it's not good it's not good I might die eat yo I survive on half a heart that was so close very good very good I'm making a little rooftop so they don't escape yes I'm constructing at record speeds oh they escaped Sonny they escaped uh that's okay it's just one oh no I'm dead I'm dead melon look at your corpse I'll be back in a second melon I need help there's a lot of blazes bro there's so many I'm I'm sending in support with arrows what the heck something just blew the platform up it's aghast I can hear it this is very bad this is very IO run bro we gotta take out this cast quickly die guest come on one more snipe oh I missed oh Sonny that's a lot I'm dead I'm gonna die I'm gonna I'm dead I'm running I'm running oh no oh no I just barely survived melon I'm hearing something yo it's the Jelly Bean it's back dude it's because you got a blaze rod you're right I wonder what it's gonna say I feel kind of bad to beat it up but we need the loot give us the next challenge dude it dropped blaze rods as well we have 13 now and it says the end bro that's the final task we gotta get eyes offender find the stronghold and go to the end Merlin yo Sonny it's happening again yo what Sonny this world is so weird there's no more blocks yo look at that hole melon everything is merged into one look at this villager's house it's so weird looking now yo what the heck bro that is so cursed I don't know if I like that Sonny his window and wall kinda looks like a big vanilla frosting Donut oh oh it's so tasty yo you're so weird Sonny uh we gotta go grab bender pearls all right let's go and do this hey okay wait melon I just remembered we actually have a chest next to our enchanting table that's got a ton of Ender Pearls let's go wait you're serious whoa our enchant table looks so weird though yeah dude it's cursed yeah dude look we got the ender pearls right here and I got the blaze rods and then I go like this and like that and boom 16. I is a vendor I'll even give you two of them oh thank you so much Sonny no problem I got you covered but melon I want to see something out here look at these sunflowers they're so beautiful I could just shed a tear for it it's the most handsomest most gorgeous melon yeah no I get revenge for all the melons dang it wait there's still some alive oh I'll keep you safe you're so fresh no I'll save you melon you broke all of the sunflowers Sonny let's go to the end no more distractions you're right I a vendor show us the dragon where'd it go it went into our house does that mean the stronghold is inside of our house it's probably right around here Sonny I'll show you just dig straight down it was our house all along maybe that's where the Jelly Bean chose us because our house had the end stronghold right under it it must be yo it is it Kevin bro what the heck yo destroy that spawner quickly Sonny quickly I got it I got it I got it dude it dropped us straight to the portal room the jelly beans weren't playing stupid things there's so many sunny there's so many that's it I'm just putting the eyes in I'm just putting the eyes in the silver fish are coming out of the walls we gotta go we gotta go now I'm trying I'm trying yes let's go melon this is super weird yo what the heck are these Vlogs yo what ah ow oh it's a good thing there was some land you know what let's just climb up this should be fine this should be so easy this is so weird no oh my God it's so hard Sonny it's so hard melon I'm just gonna dig these blocks out Kevin Sunny chill can I jump up now oh boy I like the game you are destroying my computer right now sorry about that it's not my fault it's a lunar Landing yes I made my way up dude this place is so weird I don't want to look at any Enderman who shoot the crystals melon just kill this Dragon we gotta get out of here bang oh my sniper long range yes nailed it this one has a cage dude it's okay don't you know how to counter the cage dude I'm destroying these oh I am so laggy melon I'm getting the crystals again just a couple more was epic let's friggin get rid of them make the shot there's no lag this is my time yes got it is there any more crystals left I think there's only one left up there yeah you're right it's up there sonny one Crystal left come on I can hit this snipe I'll help you come on don't let the dragon heal come on bro get hit what the heck how are these not hitting yo you got it you got it Sonny no way ow the dragon's smacking me I don't have an ax anymore pickaxe him oh no water bucket clutch yo I'm the goat I'm actually the goat I think you can just get away with that oh he's getting away with it melon that's a good idea let me put my water bucket in my hot bar let's go where's this Dragon I'm gonna snipe him out of the Air Boom next time he lands melon he's done for I believe it's sunny oh I'm actually hitting him with the with the Snipes yo dinky he's gonna perch he's gonna perch okay okay sonny I'm gonna hit him with this pickaxe because of the circles water bucket clutch yo I'm the go on the goat we can't hit him when he purges Sonny bro this is so bad I'm dead dude he just ate you for breakfast I guess I'm doing damage but he doesn't blink red on this Dragon Deez Nuts half a heart half a heart I'm doing it melon I need help sending my game is currently crashing my computer's on fire right now yeah mine was burning up a second ago I know how it is I'm back yes he's perching this time we can smack him no sonny don't get under him I'm warning you wait how are you smacking him and not getting flung away it worked I got a couple of hits water bucket yes melon I have one Arrow left this is not good it's okay I got tons of arrows Sonny I can spot you if you need why is this guy mad at me uh arrows please oh where are you where are you here you go that's good one get hit yo dude relax you're so annoying dude we need to conserve our ammunition a little bit he's too high up you're right yo this is our chance he's getting lower Sonny welcome we can kill him here couple more hits let's go yes wait where'd it go where'd the dragon go I don't know I'm so confused yo XP let's go yo melon a jelly bean spawned with a dragon exploded yo grab him wait Sonny what's happening no no not again not again not more realism uh melon yes honey where are we dude I don't know bro but this is so incredible check out the sun wait why are you a girl yo look at this realistic Rock what happens if I put it in the water whoa physics let me just mind this rock yeah bro let's Mine It Up Click like And subscribe before I use this axon mellow realistic Sonny this is so weird everything has gravity [Music] yeah melon we're stuck inside of this glowing box what do we do I don't know how are we gonna get out of here Sonny uh normally melon there's a door in one of these blocks do you want to just Smash It wait tell me if I just do this melon what have you done bro I got it how to say fruit we can like And subscribe and click the next video on I'm just playing Sunny you got two minutes to hide I'm counting now yo chill bro you don't even have your blindfold on yo you're right wait where'd he go I got two minutes to hide I'm out of here brother okay Coach I need to pick a really good hiding place the question is where please tell me where to hide Mr clarkington where should I hide oh really I should hide inside of a tree yeah that's a great idea actually let's find the perfect Tree House Creative Mode cause I gotta fly up into the tree cause if I punch the tree from the bottom let me show you what happens it's not good I will demonstrate upon this tree and break we have realistic mods here so if there's blocks that should be affected by gravity they crumble and break which is why I have to fly up and inside of the tree from the top and then I can go inside of it like this and hopefully melon won't see me back into survival mode and I'm ready okay melon I'm in my hiding spot and I think could see him over there finally bro time to come and get you sonny first question are you in the village what does that mean Sunny it means yes I'm in the village okay that's all I needed to know well actually maybe I'll ask some more questions but first i'm gonna scout out this Village look at that little melon over there wait a second there's realistic physics right yes as you saw when you destroyed our spawn area so what happens if I do this really quick yeah what did I what did I do I just cleaned the roof off that house bro I saw that house explode bro there's no top floor anymore Sonny you better not be in one of these houses or you're done for melon please spare The Village spare The Village look at him yo that's crazy the block floats up all the debris that's so cool oh I got a Crouch he almost saw me Sonny's second question are you inside or are you outside uh let me just Ponder on it Ponder on it uh uh let me just Ponder on it I'm inside what the heck was that what did you do did you run inside wait why are there logs in that tree no I'm outside I'm outside why did why did those logs just break oh no I've absolutely blown my cover this is not good Sunny I'm gonna come back to that in a second first I want to see what happens if I kill this Iron Golem bro what did he do to you why would you attack him I want to know what hey he doesn't hit back let's go give me that iron ow he's handing back no bro I'm dead I can see my body I switched the difficulty and he punched you bro what the heck Sonny where'd my sword goal yo these items look so weird there it is I'll finish the job I'll finish it guys I think melon forgot about me in this tree and then I finished that Golem yo he just and dropped me some iron yo that was four iron that's a good steal right there now I construct a weapon of mass destruction yo chill what do you mean hey Sunny I'm pretty sure I saw you in this tree right here is it this one Bella don't destroy the forest it's team trees oh I think it's this one right here Sonny it's not I'm not in any trees I'm not in any trees don't hurt them how is that tree Still Standing that's it I'm taking away your last pillar it's over for you sonny why are you so evil melon what how are these trees Still Standing yeah yes I'm goaded that's why that's it no I'm taking this one out no why hey Sonny ow ow chill hey Sonny oh my body where'd it go yo you Ragdoll yo you're floating away yo you were on This Tall Grass dang it I thought the tree was glitched and I'd stay alive up there oh that was so epic all right Johnny it's your turn to hide I grant you with an ax and you can take that head too hey I got that blindfold I don't want the prismarine you keep it you sure you don't want those items Molly where'd you go I can't see you a blindfolded hey is this you melon you no you just murdered a cow I'm so sorry I'm utterly disappointed in myself okay you have two minutes to hide good luck okay guys I have a genius strategy for this round first things first I've gotta gather some wood let me come all the way out here and just take this singular pillar right there yes give me the word oh this is a bit too much wood this isn't a bit too much wood I didn't eat all this yo that's crazy we just destroyed that house okay now we make a crafting table and we craft ourselves a boat yo that squid just around himself what the heck but check this out guys I opened the boat yo look at the realistic water I can even ramp up here bro I'm like it's it's like I'm on a jet ski yo hit that job jump sick now I just sail all the way out here just past render distance and I chill no way Sonny will find me all right Sonny I'm ready it's about time melon I can take this itchy blindfold off and then I break down a spawn and I track that melon top down good luck I don't need luck when I've got villagers on my side where'd it go where'd Mel would go yeah you saw him destroy a village house why would he do something like that oh true yeah he ruins everything you're right what the heck man melon the villagers ratted you out bro they said you destroyed a house the question is which one I don't think about it very hard Sonny I see it it's over here bro it's by the water docks what did you do to this place melon I merely made it better Sunny you call this an improvement this is disgusting you left debris everywhere bro there's trash all over the place one man's trash is another man's treasure yeah and one man's trash is dang it maybe you're on the roof this little fake rooftop no you're not up here melon first question are you in the village um I would say no bro we agreed you have to hide near the village I'm near the village but I'm not in the village ah you thought you could get a little creative and you probably went for a swim where's he where's he he's down here somewhere for sure for sure Sonny I can't see anything underwater fine dude next question are you in the water yeah I am wait what melon because he missed me you might see me here bruh I don't understand I'm hidden by the waves guys he doesn't even notice final question um how are you breathing right now through air Sonny I'll give you a little bit of a hint You might want to turn your render distance up from my render distance up let's see video settings render this since 32 chunks apply done wait what is that out there what is what I see something suspicious on the horizon I just need to craft my own boat you got 30 seconds left I'm out of here you think you can escape me let's go row your boat dude this oh shit's crazy I'm gonna wrap these waves let's go baby guys when I turn this corner I'm gonna ditch the boat and make the Great Escape come on why is why is it sprinting in my boat why was I not sprinting Airborne come on row faster row faster wait I could take a shortcut he makes the jump I found a deep ocean hey melon bad news for you your name tag is still showing wait what the heck no no [Music] and then your body floats on why can you see my name tag my body's gonna float on get the oxygen bubbles yes yes swim swim I'm alive melon your hint was too strong bro why did you tell me to crank my render distance I wanted it to be fun man you know what's fun going out into the deep ocean and ramping off the waves this is gonna be epic we're in the deep ocean now look at the size of these waves yoh Big Air let's go melon I bestow upon you the Ultimate slime look at that rag doll Sonny you're supposed to give it to me not kill me ah oh here I threw it on your dead body it's down there now where is it just pick it up Melody give me my two minute warning you got two minutes buddy buddy it's like a fish whatever bro I've got two minutes to make the ultimate hide eggs let's do this okay goats my idea is gonna be genius I am going to take so many chicken spawn eggs and balls of joy and by that I mean delicious snacks because everybody likes some good fried chicken and the thing is melon's gonna assume that I used the morph mod somehow to disguise myself as a chicken but in reality uh I'm still gonna be regular old Sunny and I'm just gonna hide uh somewhere on this Hillside and some hay bales oh let's put some on the roof too yes yes oh inside of this house I think so over here yeah most definitely bro this Village looks like some snow hit it there's so many chickens in the trees you better not see me okay good good good this should be enough couple more a couple more yeah I gotta put some on the well top and in the well yes it's beautiful oh by the docks I can't leave the docks out this is good this is very good and some inside of this house close them in in here too oh it's gonna have a lot of chickens flood it close the door yeah the chickens almost blocked the door from closing okay this should be good couple in the cave yes now I put the chicken spawn egg away grab the ultimate disguise I am now Steven and then I hide right here just gotta put a little more hey yes it's perfect melon I'm ready but he's never gonna find me cause I'm no longer Sunny yo what wait why are there so many chickens what is happening what the heck there's so many ways is there a morph mod in this slash morph no there's no morph mod what is going on why did you did you there's more than one way to morph yourself melon what does that even mean I hear him punching chickens there he is yo I'm actually lagging I've killed too many chickens there's too many of these people it's making me lag I gotta get rid of them I gotta do this he's beating up all the innocent chickens yo melon at least light them on fire and make some nice Fried Chicken yeah what why are you being so mean to them wait you're the one killing them yo I just pinball one yeah but at least I'm giving them a quick death you're like light them on fire first you sicko I like to watch them burn yo Sunny what is wrong with you oh cute little baby chicken I like who you smacked them bro they go flying everyone's getting it I'm cleansing the chickens Sonny did you find a way to become a chicken that's my first question uh I can't confirm nor deny no it's my question what do you mean okay I'm not a chick I am just guys but I'm not a chicken what the heck second question then Sonny are you inside or are you outside I'm outside bro that's it you know what that's it this works out perfectly chop down some trees real quick yo chill yo guys I gave myself a sharpness 255 knockback 255 wheat seed so I could attract the chickens and then check this out send it oh wait that wasn't a lot of knockback whatever yo Mel is right there he just broke that tree take cover I need more wood I acquire more wood that's now I've got enough wood I'm gonna build up to an advantage point and look at the whole map Sunny if you're outside it's over for you that's what you think bro get out of here where is the sunny hiding oh you're outside Sonny it's over for ya look at how high up he is what the heck I don't know if he could see me though I might be in Disguise still okay this should be good now where are you hiding Sonny yo what the heck is he doing what the heck where are you you've got to be out here somewhere hey melon you have 30 seconds left and I just got a genius idea wait I could see you right now wait I gotta get I gotta land in some water I see those blocks yo what are you doing sunny please please yes yes yes yes is it breaking all of it come on faster faster no it's breaking all of it I gotta hurry up get to the water this is the slowest gravity I've ever seen is it still coming up oh it's still coming up no it's not oh no Sonny guess this go hit him with the egg yo I just egged you wait where'd he go whoa you actually Landed It come back here eat my egg come over here 10 seconds left please chickens please no did you find my special item wait what's your special item Enchanted wheat seeds wait what the heck is this sharpless 255 knockback 255 yo let me try this out on you step on that hillbill no no no it's so that the chickens flock to you oh man you just disappeared bruh it's so you can attract all the chickens and then whack them look I attracted a chicken there's a big old chicken ah all right Sonny it's my turn to hide and you ain't finding me this round oh no no get absolutely rag dolled okay melon you have two minutes to find your hiding spot I'm gonna go inside of this villager house and take a nice snap okay guys for this round I'm gonna need some torches enter creative mode give myself a whole lot of torches back in survival and I'm pretty sure there's a cave around here uh where is it yes it's right here check it out yo it even has a body of water for me jumping yo this cave looks insane just a bit dark let's Light It Up ew this is epic no way Sonny's gonna find me just gotta find a good part of the cave to hide in uh also I'm gonna give myself a pickaxe wait yo the torch just lights up if I hold in my off hand it brightens the place up for me this is sick give me that iron all right Sonny I'm ready oh that's about time melon I've awoken from my Slumber what the heck is going on hey there's a cute little pussycat in town what should I name her uh muffins did you say dead muffins no why would you kill her it wasn't my fault bro the wheat seeds they possessed me I couldn't help myself oh I'm destroying everything in town you are evil Sonny it's not Meats the wheat seeds all right look the chickens they just come to me and then I smack them I can't help myself okay melon first question for this hide and seek are you somewhere inside or outside I am I guess inside I'd say I guess inside bro why you gotta answer it like that because I don't know how else to answer it I want to see what happens when I smack an iron golem yeah he crumbled and folded up like a chair okay melon next question I want to ask something we haven't done yet where you're hiding is it well lit or is it dark hmm oh right now it's well lit okay bro I don't I don't mean uh right now I'm asking in general usually it's dark yes so you put torches wherever you're hiding yeah this house any torches or torches in these houses you could be in one of these and you said kind of inside meaning there's probably no roof lock these chickens inside get in there get in this house you brought the monster out of me oh wait they were locked it's just visually not working this is so weird I am not your leader go away no it ate my seeds this chicken stole my magic seeds dang it karma okay so you might be inside of a village house that has no rooftop let's see is the rooftop no rooftop but also no melon bruh oh guys I messed up I messed up what did I just do yo that broke so many blocks this has no roof also has no melon okay final question are you hiding in a structure or a natural environment uh oh oh uh uh what did I just do uh natural environment Sonny yo and you're freaking out right now I feel like you're in a dark dingy Cave System uh uh perhaps guys I'm gonna blow this place up he'll never find me it'll be covered in rubble break break break come on there's gonna be a cave around this Village yes I found a cave come on come on dude you're not back here I gotta go deeper oh wait he found that little dinky cave he didn't find the real cave oh there's gotta be another cave here somewhere chickens show me the way yo there's a big opening here oh no he found the spot he found the spot I gotta go there's torches down here and a glow squid I'm jumping in I gotta go lower yeah oh I'm real low now hopefully he doesn't go over here because there's no torches okay melon you're in here somewhere you've left torches everywhere plus if I hold the torch out it lights everything up where I walk which is really cool that's real cool Sunny soon there won't be much of a cave left what are you talking about bruh don't worry about it is it because you have a crazy idea like me replaced near 100 iron ore with TNT melon I know you're in here somewhere bro I don't know what you're talking about you you win some of that a little bit of Deuce hey melon are you down here down where in the caves why is TNT exploding the caves yo look at the smoke and dust that release that was crazy what if I do a couple more of these back up back up yo that's insane melon where are you at bro what are you doing Sonny I'm creating Devastation in this cave system so that I can find you go deeper guys well he's gonna destroy everything you've gotta be around here somewhere Melon No make the jump where the heck are you going bro I'm nowhere and everywhere sunny I see a lot of light over here is this just lava it is bro there's so much lava over here what if I blow up TNT like this is this gonna create a cave-in back up back up back up yeah that is so cool hey melon I found a little mine Chef yo choo choo I'm blowing it up yo yo I see you what the heck melon what do you mean you see me you're running away I'm right behind you bro nope you don't see anything you don't see anything in the name of the law of Hide and Seek You must stop I refuse that's it I'll blow it all up this is on you now parkour about a year where'd you go climb climb where'd the melon go I fedangled you yeah you're about to fidangle these nut activate what did you do if you're down there anywhere melon you're so finished dude look at this destruction yes yes oh my game crashed Sonny what have you done I'm so laggy well I guess that means you win that round of hide and seek because I definitely am going to run out of time now yeah let's go I want to see what damage you did though Sonny it's all smoke what the heck have you done I destroyed the whole cave bro it's so glitchy uh uh Sonny why does the smoke go on forever I don't know this is so weird hey Sonny hey melon uh uh don't move trust me I'm a doctor I'm moving don't move this time it's gonna feel really nice this is therapeutic trust me just stand right in the middle I don't know I don't know if I trust you sonny no no look I do it like this and then check it out I take a water bucket I put the water right here and then it's all like boom boom boom boom it's gonna feel nice and cozy what the heck how'd it feel I died Sonny I thought I was gonna live nah I just put the water there to trick you I always thought I was gonna fly like a chicken today in Minecraft we found an awesome arcade that has an actual two-dimensional Minecraft this is so awesome but if you play it you can never get out no go subscribe right now to get me out of this 2D Minecraft before I get deleted forever melon we've been stuck in this jungle forever you promised me it was gonna bring us somewhere cool yo honey relax bro it's right around this corner I think yeah it's right here I found the temple whoa what is this yo yo yo yo no way is this Temple Run be careful Sonny this Temple is very very dangerous okay I'll be careful bro I'm a little nervous are you sure we should go in here what if we disturb some ancient beings dangerously fun yo this is epic yo Sunny don't you think it's kind of weird that there's this gigantic arcade in the middle of the Jungle I just wanna hey what's up quandale Dingle hey guys there's a secret mystery game here but you need 3 000 tickets to unlock it so good luck it costs 3000 melon gotta save up let's do it sunny time to grind the snake yeah I'll see if I can set a new high score just got a tap worm I die your garbage melon you garbage I can't even grab this red dot oh got it oh yeah there we go and going up oh oh oh oh you can go across the border I didn't know that I can't get these red dots melon this game is too hard for me melon I'm actually setting a new score this is awesome I got so many points my snake's getting real big though Sonny I only got 50 points from this game that's cause you are trash I've got a hundred points come on I want to get at least 110. dang it dude 50 points only gave me two tickets how in the heck are we gonna get three thousand bro I got seven tickets for setting a score above 100. you only got seven tickets bro okay okay we gotta figure out a better method here sunny it's okay we have nine tickets out of three thousand we'll be there in no time wait Sonny one shot equals five tickets this game is awesome I'm a natural athlete basketball is my sport let me show you ooh ooh dribbling dribbling and boom and you missed Sunny this is how it's done yeah hey let's go let's go that's perfect bro we have five more tickets now dude that means I'm at eight tickets now let's go again oh I missed it's okay I'll just grab the shulker box nice one bro you can't touch the fence everyone knows arcade fences are electrifying my turn to slam duh yes honey we gotta find a different game there's got to be something better than this keep dying chicken one ticket feather 15 tickets what does that mean wait a second melon I know what this game is grab the bow got some arrows press the button yo chickens oh this is how we're gonna rack up a huge score Sonny you're actually making hekka guap I know I am so many tickets all right Sonny uh I'll see you in a few hours you can Farm up for me thank you farming chill chill I'll do the basketball game while you do this so we can maximize our ticket potential good idea or should you go play some more Snake nope basketball is the game trust me Sonny oh yeah three hours later dang it I missed let me see how many feathers I got though one stack two stacks Three Stacks plus 30 and a bunch of chickens Sonny I think we got enough tickets I've just gotta trade it all this where do I put it uh let's give it to quandale yeah good idea then he'll probably give us the swipey key hey quandale I might be the best Sharpshooter look at me quando when I speak to you now you made quando angry Sonny no he's just uncomfortable because he knows I said a new high score at the chicken game and he used to have the world record but now I give you my feathers and you will give us the key give it to us now quando yes Sunny the key is so beautiful mystery game card now we just have to find the secret door and open it up oh it's right here sunny I was looking at it earlier open sesame I wonder what's in here whoa they have two gamer chairs we could both play Minecraft Minecraft we're playing Minecraft this is so lame bro what do you mean lame it's gonna be the ultimate Adventure it's Minecraft within Minecraft within another Minecraft inside of Minecraft inside of another craft Sonny it's not gonna be that cool let's just press the button and get it over with we might as well what's happening hello and welcome to 2D Minecraft whoever wins this race will be brought back to the real world enjoy your stay yo bro this is so epic on Minecraft Steve what about you I'm also Steve this is awesome bro 2D swimming in water did you ever think you see the day no I didn't bro I've always wanted to be my boss Steve but let me tell you bruh this Steve is gonna be the greatest Steves you've ever done Steve all right Steve McGee I see you that you Steve anyways enough with these Steve puns I wonder what's all the way to the right side of the map it's probably the Escape bro I bet you it's gonna be the Ender Dragon now I've just gotta figure out how to climb this stupid Leaf what the heck I can't get through these leaves what do you mean you can't get through the leaves bruh what do you mean there's a little red arrow that says up but I can't go up bro just just mind the leaves what are you doing it's like Mario bang let's go time to activate my cheat codes guys you know what it is sunny has the best hacks ever just gotta go like this and type game mode creative oh yeah it's like Mario I just gotta go up and over you're right give me these leaves oh this is so easy this is so easy I'm out of the tunnel hey this is awesome bro I'm in the caves me too bro look at all the coal ore everywhere that's pretty nice oh parkour oh this is hard this is so difficult guys wait there's a zombie zombie what do I do there's a creeper just kidding guys there's no creeper but it's to make melon think I'm playing for real dude I just pushed the zombie into the lava that was awesome oh no I'm in the lava as well I'm melting up wait I don't even oh my God I need more blocks nether portal yo I'm in the nether this is crazy oh I get this parkour now okay melon there's an iron sword in the nether you gotta grab it why is there another zombie ow guys my game is broken I can't grab this and that's why I'm cheating in Creative because I have no choice obviously I can survive I'm in a mine shaft now this looks awesome dude what do you mean how are you going so quickly Sonny I don't understand diamonds I need these I am one with the diamonds now morph into the diamonds Sonny about to enter another portal I'm way ahead of you I bet no I went through the nether already I got the iron sword I exited went through a mine shaft and now I'm going to the end wait what how no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die in the lava I died yo I'm escaping I did it let's go wait you escaped bro how did you escape melon I won you fools the winner gets to escape but the loser is stuck there forever bro I just heard Dr longbottoms talk through the computer and he said whoever wins first gets to escape but whoever loses is stuck in 2D Minecraft Forever Wait Dr longbottoms was behind this secret mystery game that is doesn't make sense Glendale we need your help please melon this isn't good it was Dr longbottoms his arcade he disguised himself as quondale this whole time I'm gonna be stuck here forever if you don't save melon within 24 hours he will be trapped there forever I've gotta save melon guys I gotta go find the real cuandale come on Dale we need your help Quanto please we need your help Dr Longbottom's camouflaged as you and then tricked us into playing his mystery video game and now Mel is trapped if you disable the power then you will be able to rescue melon here I'll give you a note with the coordinates of the power station thanks quandale I'll go to those coordinates as soon as possible and shut down the power grid guys this is the only way if I'm gonna rescue melon I've gotta disable the power to the arcade in under 24 hours and if Sonny doesn't hurry I'm gonna be here forever okay guys quondale told me he left a barrel of items out back and what do we have a code breaker and a grappling hook that's perfect I'm gonna need these items if I'm gonna go inside of the electrical Factory and disable the power now I just need a disguise ah yes this will be perfect the old FedEx delivery guy trick I can get in any building looking like this guys I made it to the electrical power plant ah hello there guard yes yes yes this is the radioactive matter that you guys ordered I'll deliver it to the power plant if you don't mind sure make sure you register with your ID at the reception yeah I could pass through thank you appreciate it I told you guys when you're dressed up as a delivery man you place this Empty Barrel down right about here should do the trick there's literally nothing in it and then I take my grappling hook and let's find a sneaky way in yes yes I found it this ladder should lead me into the ventilation shaft gotta pull myself over climb onto the rooftops and find my way inside as I said the ventilation shaft now I've made my way inside they call me double O Sonny I'm inside of the power plant's core facility I've got a drop down eat a little bit of fall damage jump into the coolant swim through this nice hot tub and then make my way to the control tower and now I'm one door away from the power grid control system just gotta use the code breaker and hack my way inside I've gotta turn off the power now I just have to hack into this computer and type power equals disabled it worked the lights just went out that means the power is turned off everywhere I've just gotta sneak back out of here and get to the arcade to rescue melon it looks like the only light source is working here are old-fashioned torches and their emergency lighting paths just gotta jump over to one and sneak my way back out of this Factory oh what happened I think I'm in the real world did Sonny really pull it off did he actually save me Melody can you hear me I'm almost back in the temple arcade yo Sonny hey I'm so glad I could break you out of there I was able to disable the power Just long enough for you to escape the machine let's go dude that was so close there was like five minutes left I know you were almost trapped in that two-dimensional video game forever but now Dr longbottoms you think you could just disguise as quondale and get away with it no you can't doctor long bottoms Sonny did you bring the thing oh I did I'm a delivery man after all take a look inside of this package oh that's beautiful let's send this jungle temple back to the Jungle yo let's go there's nowhere to run it's gonna become a jungle in here yo Sonny we did it we destroyed Dr Longbottom's arcade that's what he deserves for being pure evil but you know it's not pure evil pressing the like And subscribe button and grabbing some food and snacks and enjoying the rest of this Epic Movie got to get out of here quick the jungle's gonna take over this entire cave let's go to the next video this is Minecraft but we go from 2D to a 5D this 2D Minecraft is so trash bro oh yeah how about I hit the Fifth Dimension button no stop it's too realistic subscribe right now or creepy realistic melon will haunt you in your dreams sunny sunny where are you sweet guys Sonny's outside this is my chance I just need one Diamond I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I just took one of his diamonds out of this chest melon what are you doing uh nothing bro you were just outside how'd you get behind me I could tell someone was trying to look inside of my chest Sonny I just need one Diamond please I lost all my loot in a fire well I would have been happy to let you borrow one even keep one but now that I know you were trying to steal from me there's no chance you're touching my diamonds I just need one bro you have so many well well next time don't try and be a filthy thief and Sonny what even is this thing what did this doohickey you got it's nothing melon why don't you just follow me this way why don't we go outside bro there's some like really cool pigs and farm animals we could check out out here uh yo dude this button I need to press it I need to press it no no don't do it this is for not giving me a diamond no melon what the heck I told you not to press that button Sonny where are we right now I don't really know I got that old device from dawndale pringleton and he told me that it has special powers that can send you interdimensionally but he didn't really have a full explanation it's too powerful a magic for anyone to wield melon I just wanted it as my bedside table bruh why did oh you're the one who pressed the button besides if I told you you would have wanted to press the button even more no yeah no yeah you're right and now we're stuck here bro how are we gonna get out of this 2D World Sonny there's gotta be a way out of here open this chest and gear up all right at least we got some bread I'm gonna go the other way Sunny let's Adventure this area yeah I'm exploring it to cover more ground and uh I got a dead end already metal and bad news hopefully yours is a little more fruitful mine goes pretty far down here Sonny there's tons of pigs for us to harvest this is like a paradise we could live here forever no no no I have no interest in being stuck in a two-dimensional world with you why what's so bad about being stuck here with me everything but I will harvest these Piggies yo chill give me your meat you gotta be careful Sonny we only have so many animals and now they're dead meat bacon give me the bacon yo relax honey no if all I have left is my villain Arc I'm gonna capitalize on it everything must die so is there anything cool over here melon or should I just kill you yo relax dude you did too much damage chill out yourself yeah bro I gotta make sure you don't kill me Sonny I don't know but this world seems mysterious I found signs that someone's been here before like an actual sign or you just have a hunch um no like I there was some leaves missing some weird things and what the heck is this hold up hold up life we found civilization yo there's a book and quill what does this say the nether the nether must be the way out I'm taking all of my items and getting out of this place that's all it says sunny he's right we go to somehow construct another portal yeah melon great idea you have fun with that I'm gonna find this lost adventurers nether portal that he already made come on it's got to be around here somewhere It's gotta be around here melon I'm going in bro what did you find yo you found it sunny eugenius you found another portal thank you melon I know I'm pretty smart sometimes I told you he had to have one that's the only way he could have escaped and we didn't see any skulls up there so clearly this guy survived yo it's time to see can we get out of here please work please work yo Sonny we're in the Nether and it's 3D yes everything must be going back to normal uh where's our portal why is our portal broken how are we gonna get out of here oh melon you almost got me killed I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to wait bro there's a chest down there where I don't see one oh you're right I got this Sony don't worry I'm going down gotta clear out these hoglands though good luck with that I'm gonna stay clear of them and hide out up here yo there's got to be blue mushroom somewhere give me a blue mushroom yes yes collect this and I'll make Safe Haven stay back yes they're staying away sunny it's safe you can come down you're a genius melon that was the smartest thing I've ever seen you do I know I'm a brainiac I got a big old Melon now what's in his chest uh melon this might be our Adventurer you know how I said he made it to the Nether and he's clearly still alive uh oh no I don't think so anymore looks like he took a big fall that's not good bro yo he's got lutho give me that give me that give me that give me all of that and I got his book let's read his journal the portal explosion nearly killed me see it happened to him too his portal must have broke when he got here I can't move now if anyone is unlucky enough to go through this uh I'm sure the Overworld is normal now just don't give up I know what this is I'm going through the dimensions first I was in a two-dimensional world now it's 3D if only I could have made it yeah he died he died oh he's dead yeah he's very dead Sonny we've got to find the next nether portal there's got to be a way out of here you're right if one exploded here it must be because there's a greater power source deeper in the nether bro and something tells me it's within this Bastion follow me Sonny I'm on the way melon and I'm bringing our buddy with us melon our buddy will survive in spirit yo you're wearing his mask but that's a great idea all right Sonny we gotta get in this Bastion right behind you but you better hurry dude the hoglets no melon melon just hit him just punch him he'll run away he's scared out why am I on fire now hold on hold on my Cobblestone yo Sonny we already got access to the chests yo there's a book and quill obsidian golden carrots there's tons of good stuff yeah I'm taking a bunch of this ooh golden chest plate can I have that one yeah I'll think about it bruh you took the book didn't you yes I did Sonny we gotta get out of here before the other Hogs attack us let's go I'm right behind you bro we gotta read that book you're right you're right we're safe here now now shiny time to read Legend has it the ultimate portal ow I got your back this guy tried to do a sneak attack not today get back here sonny get back here and now I'll eat your brothers as you watch Sonny the book says Legend has it the ultimate portal is home to the magma cubes and is located at a fortress just 7 12 95 negative 13 57. yo this is coordinates cool ER portal I'm activating my chords let's go it's this way it's this way melon this is gonna be the place there's magma cubes everywhere Sunny we gotta get up I'm trying bro I'm right behind you come on build before I get squished fix the portal light it up I fixed it I fixed it and yo it worked get in ah what melon what the heck was that dude the mega portal where did it take us where are we Sonny this place is so weird there's not even blocks anymore this is Curse this must be the legendary fourth dimension I don't think we're supposed to be here though we're Cube Dudes we're not meant to be in a circular world sorry the sun it's circular it's a circle and it's so bright and look at the water everything here bro this is weird this is weird and it looks like the only thing around here is whatever this weird Obby structure is are we doing parkour or what is this bro yo it's an Obelix an rblix we have to do this parkour to win the obilix is not easy melon be careful oh this is weird this is so strange I'm an obelisk Pro big jumps uh uh you don't got this melon sorry I'm leaving you behind it's okay I got it I got it so you don't even worry and then I climb on end rods this is so weird let me oh please smell it I'm leaving you behind bruh wait a second what is this hold on melon great news I got us a checkpoint let's go it's actually so useful thank good the five dimensional beings put this here for us I know they're so kind and generous no stop stop stop I'm doing the upper core yes on the go I'm the dang it all right Sonny we gotta take this seriously no more joking around I hear you bro I hear you so while you're doing that I'm gonna try this yes I'm a genius yo you're actually so smart get me on this thing melon I need you to just just punch me in the butt all right oh you can't get up punch me in the butt please no uh Helen why I didn't mean to do that I think we just have to do it the old-fashioned way there's no shortcuts around here melon I think you're right Sonny and massive jumps let's go entering goat mode you amateur can you activate the checkpoint for me up there I haven't made it up yet dude give me a second this is kind of confusing I gotta and then yeah yeah smell it I'm getting to the checkpoint I'm almost there I believe just a few more yeah I almost hit my head on that End Rod that was crazy and then to the side yes turn it back now y'all and I'm up yes now where's the checkpoint I'm looking around bro it's not anywhere in sight do you see it from down there by any chance yo it's over here it's over here all the way back like right under me oh right over me okay I'm looking up oh you're right there it is I got you melon swim up yes and swim down oh you're lucky oh you tried see it no no melon melon come on dude flick the switch flick the switch right now um you try just scumbag me all right I'll switch it oh it's not working Sony no no it's fine it's working nice try melon what do you think's gonna be this Tower uh I don't know but wait what is that thing what what the hell heck bro there's a dragon in here is this a joke okay we've got two ender pearl sunny I think we need to release the dragon end to Pearl in and climb up I don't know dude this Dragon looks pretty angry he's trying to spit acid on us it's the only way Sonny we gotta do it break the End rods break the End rods I'm breaking the last Enron run get out of here yo he's out okay sonny this is our chance melon he's kind of stuck in the path I don't know this is a good idea ah okay okay this is the chance this is our chance go in go in I'm right behind you I'm right behind you I gotta make this I made it let's go leave us alone yeah that's right I killed him I killed him in one punch Sonny how did you do that never mind he's getting back up oh he's still alive he's still alive he's still alive I'm running go go wait what is this toll fire okay fifth Crystal wait is there a dimension Beyond this give me one here you go sonny throw them in at the same time as me to The Fifth Dimension three two one go yo Sunny this is The Fifth Dimension what is this yo each of these are a Minecraft world this is so weird dude are we in the quantum realm what is this I'm so confused why are the worlds circular when everything's Square I don't know but you gotta check this out for us no no bye melon what's it like down there not good I guess he left hey sorry about that melon I think we actually have to do is parkour up now be very careful you don't want to slip and die we already tested that theory Speed Run what you're gonna speedrun this you're a maniac speed run I gotta get back home Sonny there's only one way to do that whoever gets back home first gets to keep all the diamonds wait what I want those diamonds dude they're literally already my diamonds so I just need to protect them now Sonny wait for me bro melon I'm almost at the top I don't know what's up here but it looks really weird uh melon I stepped on a pressure plate and lava's falling yo Sunny we've got to figure out this password quickly 69.69 it's not working melon Sonny think for a second there's white yellow green and red all right there's white hair green there yellow and red okay start with white get in I'll read you the passcode number so melon you said the code is four seven no four nine seven four four nine seven hold on let me see where the lab is at it's getting close it's getting close yo hurry up four nine seven four it worked it worked I got that and I got this for you melon melon jump down quick ah oh well you jumped too far melon like this it's an interdimensional ender pearl Sonny aiming at our world it's the centerpiece I just know and go no you fool We Gotta Throw it into the void quick jump on my back hold me ah melon it worked it actually worked yo we're back and it's back in our normal world everything seems perfectly fine wait a second I got here first move move move my diamonds my diamonds ow ow chill chill what about your diamonds the interdimensional spirits they stole my diamonds and put explosives in my chest what the heck well at least you have one Diamond left just enough for me to make some gear I'm out of here you've got to be kidding you've got to be kidding [Applause] let's go make sure you like And subscribe before I get my hands on melon you don't want to see what I'm gonna do to him I'm gonna squeeze him into a smoothie foreign
Channel: Sunny
Views: 736,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dHoa9Nkrqqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 47sec (5507 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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