Minecraft, But We Can’t Leave This VOID CHUNK!

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you woke me up yeah I know everybody's asleep but I'm really hungry can we get a midnight snack oh my goodness what would a sleepover be without a midnight snack it's not crazy crazy midnight snack [Music] with me sorry in my dream maybe it was real life whoa am I kidding you what's on this screen out uh Louise hugged me we're gonna go downstairs and see if we can make some food ah yeah come on guys let's go to my kitchen okay Lily what are you doing up here what is this uh nothing this is a work in progress you guys should just keep moving come on this guy this guy where's your fridge I need to rate it well it's just in here take a look over here guys okay let's let's side wait guys there's only this potato what ew there's no way you should be eating that Jamesy well that's all that Louie has in his fridge I'm gonna eat it yeah sorry guys I keep forgetting to go to the store Jamesy don't eat it that's disgusting that thing was literally green why would you eat it I'm fine now I'm gonna let anything else okay crazy eat it eat it Yum Yum Yum uh I found some bread I don't know how old it is but I think it's still okay okay but be careful that's better than the drawers for like weeks oh I guess it's fine I have my secret cookie jar okay well I think we've all had a midnight snack and I reckon it's time to go back to bed and get some more sleep on this amazing sleepover yeah he's really full okay I'm going and I still have one more potato as a snack can we eat another one super tired I'm going to bed okay everyone's going to sleep I do feel a little bit ill but I can't tell anyone else they know that I'm stupid for eating that potato all right I'm going to sleep now oh what what up good morning good morning I'm sorry are you guys excited for a fun fill day yeah yeah fun okay guys I will go outside James hey wake up it's a wonderful morning where am I this isn't your house Louie what are you talking about this is totally my house it's super big what huh am I in a dream right now Louis punch me uh okay I guess hi yeah yeah okay this is Stephanie not a dreamer boys I would have waking up Sophie what are you doing here Gracie huh wake up guys why are you so loud in the morning I swear we had a sleepover at Louie's house not at this house what are you think about this this is Louise house you guys are all gaslighting me okay whatever I guess I was just being silly and dreaming yeah yeah Jamesy maybe all you need is some fresh air okay well do you guys want to go outside and do something let's go okay let's wait uh-huh it's the world loading for you guys am I lagging I can't go this barrier blocks wait Jamesy now that I think about it this is not my house I don't think wait what what's going on Gracie do you know wait guys I think there's there let's go read it wait uh I've forgot how to read Gracie can you read it for me see you must have really hit your head huh if you want to return to return guys we're gonna be straight forever unless we get out of here what should we do we dig down you should do it you're brave I don't know I'm not that brave enough to do today yeah a guinea pig what's down there I don't know it's a desert I got stuck in the gas God oh wow that really hurts oh my gosh but guys we need to find some sort of food or something around here let's look around no goodness yeah let's have a look around what's down here these are like houses I found some found something really wait are we in the desert village this is a desert village here thank you all guys I found the swords no ways as well it seems like we're all suited up huh well I have a shovel and a pickaxe Louis I wouldn't say that suited up well I have a sword and a shovel so don't hit me wait guys there's a desert temple we should totally loot it there could be some good apples inside guys come over here I found secret chest huh wait look there's a chest in here no way this bananas in there and yeah that's a lot better because I was getting a little bit hungry me too but now let's go inside that desert temple we have everything we need guys why do you think this is happening to us this is a bit weird don't you think Jamesy maybe it has something to do with that disgusting potato you ate before it did make me feel a bit sick I'm just hoping this whole thing is a dream and then I'll wake up with a really bad case of diarrhea okay guys I'm gonna go loot this Temple hopefully he doesn't kill me hopefully there's a bunch of good loot in there Jamesy I'm coming with you guys come look there's wood here you go Sophie have that here you go Gracie have that oh yeah I want some oh thank you yes it was me well guys I got a bunch of words so we go down to the next level now or what yeah wait let's bring this chest first what there's something down there no there isn't alrighty huh wait a second do you guys see that down that Corridor see what ah there's a horse guys help me hit him with your shovels yeah oh yeah you know guys I'm fed up we have to dig down quick oh who's hitting me James say you're in the way oh my goodness I'm just gonna go down with Gracie let me go wait where are we this looks like a joke a Juggle what's down here oh my God there's melons oh yes whoa this place is really cool guys wait is this a jungle temple this is a jungle and yes there's a jumbo time for the middle I bet you guys have not seen one of those before guys you've got to be careful though those things are like don't worry guys uh you guys want me to make a path up yeah yeah I think I think right maybe we should collect some food before we go inside yeah I ate like all of my Melons I'm stealing Sophie's better yeah as well I want chocolate hey that's funny it's okay so here you can have some of mine oh okay oh thanks great Thanksgiving how many melons do you have uh I only have 15. well you could have some of mine there thank you Louie do you guys think we have enough wood or should we mine some more of these trees you know what let's mine some because what if we need crafting tables or something else later yeah okay guys wait wait wait wait what I dare I've got idea what's your idea I'm gonna make everyone a wooden ax really yes Sophie Gracie thank you sir okay I don't have enough myself let me make one okay there we go come on Sophie let's mine those tree down we're gonna get a bunch of wood and I think we can use all of these I have 32 jungle planks 32 that's a lot that's a big number but I have a good idea some of this Cobblestone and also make a stone pickaxe that's a super good idea I want one Gracie I've got you guys okay Sophie and Gracie I want you guys to keep making us some stone tools while me and Louie explores this Temple okay sounds good Jamesy I think I'm Gonna Let You Go in first because it's a booby trap yeah that's fine I'm sure they won't be booby trap that's just a myth okay let me come down here no I'm really scared okay and wait look see there's no traps in here Louie you're just silly ah I got easy help you help me out Jesse say yes I think you're fine now no I'm still poisoned you know what here have a stone pickaxe it'll make you feel better oh guys and you have two hearts left and I have two arrows in my thighs oh Jamesy you're so goofy why didn't you just listen to me okay I'm gonna see if I can solve the puzzle maybe he needs a specific combination instead how about we just disarm the Trap yep trick buyers are gone there we go already done come on Louis you just activated the Trap and got me shot okay that was the only one I opened up the chest nuts and killing us oh wait I'm sorry oh my God wait kiwi yeah we got a bunch of kiwis that could be useful okay I mean I'm happy but we almost all died huh yeah but I think it was still worth it wait guys what if this isn't a dream what if we die to these traps we never wake up again we'd be more careful what is okay well we need to get to the bottom of these layers without dying so we need to be more careful guys well guys I got a bunch of items that we may need to have all these swords and stone axes oh my goodness awesome thank you so much Gracie thanks Gracie no problem okay I think we're all ready now to go to the next layer is everyone happy yep yep you should never dig straight down but let's do it okay mushrooms you guys all fell into that soft mushroom I just fell all the way down here oh my God I almost died to the mushrooms this is dangerous look at these adorable cows guys wait oh you would we can get some from them okay I'm gonna get some soup right now I have loads of wood but it's done a crafting table make some balls you guys may post a master of Steel yeah [Music] yeah yeah okay there we go all right guys let's explore this section maybe there's some cool stuff for us to do oh no guys there's no much down here Papa poisonous mushrooms why JC there's somebody over there oh my goodness there's a traveler wait maybe we can ask him how he got here guys yeah Mr villager how did you get here well I just woke up and I was here um not much more I can say about that buddy uh he doesn't seem very enthusiastic to talk to us guys but I guess he just got here the same way that we did yeah he's super mean maybe we should just leave him alone yeah I don't think he's I don't think it's his fault I think he's a bit mad he's here just like us we should leave him alone yeah maybe even it was my fault maybe he's here because of me and what I ate now I feel kind of bad yeah eating that potato crazy my girlfriend you're supposed to support me not being mean at me what was you guys don't jump down that was extremely silly you almost fell again well good thing I moved to the side if I went straight down like a dummy I would have died guys Sophie why did you push me down you're taking is this a never layer I think oh no this thing Superman summer guys tread carefully oh no at least we can mine these nether rocks but what Explorer maybe there's some stuff here [Applause] up and Destroy them you guys all ready to fight yeah there's a spawner three two one Edward work together kill the places oh there's another one can I kill it I didn't get hit once oh my God there's a spawner at the top there's a spawner oh no no no let's just walk everything wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys guys I'm gonna go up and break the spawner you guys need to kill the blazes okay what [Applause] what go go go go go go I've destroying the spawn I've destroyed the spawner Squad oh my goodness I wasn't half a heart are you guys okay there's still one more there's still one more that we need to kill we've got to be careful he's stalking me I'm only on one heart I need you guys to do it for me I've got it I've got it you just punch me crazy oh Jamesy that was an accident guys where are you you got it guys oh guys that was scary I found a demo on he's in the lava they still they still there oh my goodness that was scary there's way too many of them okay that's go inside the nether fortress there's gotta be something in here it looks pretty empty maybe some underneath this no are there any chance any loot wait what guys I'm gonna explore the outside and never buy them we haven't been on this side maybe there's some over here hmm yeah that is a good idea maybe there's something on these outside Islands I'm glad that we got all that food and weapons otherwise we would have lost that round that was really helpful Gracie thanks for making the stone tool of course glad to be useful okay guys I think there's nothing around here maybe we should go to the next level yeah let's take [Applause] a look oh huh this is a bit different um interesting oh no what is a shark 's so cool whoa there's only one bit of dry land on this entire Island yeah stop stop don't go too close to club lady he's gonna smell us okay let's make a quick platform for us to heal on scary guys oh yeah okay but do we go and kill the sharks or do we try and explore well fighting the shark yeah those sharks must be guarding some really good loots wait there's a chair oh it's empty never mind quickly there must be something around here guys don't go to bed I am drowning okay I made the surface at the shop oh oh let's go get the other one it's down here where's the other one there's more oh yeah oh yeah wait for us for us oh we got it and wait guys there's a chest there's two of them two of them wait same I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying maybe there's something down in that chest that can help us breathe underwater this is too much of an issue right now wait guys I got a really cool helmet that would protect me look I look sick what did you guys look there's one for everybody oh my goodness where over here we can swim around without drowning oh my gosh there's a purple one I love that okay guys let's see if we can find anything else in this amazing ocean biome I think the Shipwreck is empty I think it was crashed and there was everything was taken already yeah it was it must have been those dirty sharks yeah they must have eaten all the good loots wait but there's race over here don't you see me you see me wait it's all in the coral oh my goodness I gotta try it wait wait so figure from her what what okay guys I think we might explode this entire bio okay what do you say we get out of here then yeah let's go swim down to the next one I'm mining down I'm following you ah this whoa at least we didn't fall the lava because of the water yeah yeah this is a bad lad's biome oh so many bones I'm scared oh it's so dead over here a chest oh a chest what's inside whoa that's super cool wait maybe I can use that to get over The Lava pools yeah okay there must be something cool in this base guys keep looking around wait Jamesy I think we stepped over something wait what look look there's a note on the floor there's another it's okay I can read it this time I think wait wait who got it oh we got it in sorry read it out Gracie was it sir yeah the bones will be important later on okay guys we have to hurry up but wait we need bones where would we get bones from I must want to get home don't forget about your shorts oh yeah balls remember guys the trades are more powerful than your stone sword these slow falling boots aren't very helpful every time I get hit I just fly away that's good keep going guys there's even more skeletons oh no I'm stuck how many bones do you guys have so far uh I have a zero I mean four oh yeah I only have like two there we go [Music] Sons oh there's oh there's no way I'll help you there's like a skeleton swarm wow Sophie you just smacked me in the face sorry sorry I'm walking on clouds with these boots okay guys let's let's collect all of our bones everyone chat them to Louie wait why me [Music] how much do you have I have like 70 bones right now that's crazy do you guys want to go to the next level now yeah I think I think we're doing digging digging this is so deep well I guess that is this those boots awesome we'd be totally dead right now whoa that is true wait is this Jamesy a castle muscle look at this guy he looks like my grandpa what are your kids doing on my lawn sorry sir yeah yeah you guys need to ask permission from the queen before you could sit on my garden oh the queen wait there's a queen where can we find fire open the castle idiots oh my goodness you're rude sir you need to get your house before I discipline you come on let's go up these stairs guys It's gotta be up here and don't come back darn kids before we go we should just uh borrow some of this wheat you know you're right we can bunch of bread yes yeah I am super hungry I'm starving mine mine mine mine actually but what if this is that old man's don't worry about him he doesn't eat all this wheat anyway whoa these guys they're gardening wow wow are we getting trouble oh my goodness is this her castle right here this looks really cool this is good air she must be at the very top okay guys I bet she's gonna be really pretty yeah she doesn't Skip Leg Day look look at all these stairs oh Gracie don't punch me that's mean it must be going somewhere wait what is this it's some kind of balcony oh my goodness Louie look at her hello dumb whoa you have a wonderful Castle Queen Elizabeth thank you [Music] thank you hey we've been digging that for ages yeah we fell from the sky uh yeah oh I see well you're well you're here but you're going to have to talk to soldiers to see if they have any space for you oh no this is gonna be rainy the last Village that we talked to was an old man he was so mean I wouldn't get within five inches of him Gracie yeah yeah oh don't worry everyone else besides old man George is very nice you my question guys I don't think she wants us to stay here enjoy able okay guys before I do so um my girlfriend like that ever again we're not peasants but you know what it's fine all right guys we had to find someone who's gonna let us sleep in their house guys I only see one big house in this whole castle and it's from the old man over there he seems to be smelling his plans is there a way we could somehow trick him into letting us stay I know he doesn't like us maybe if we feed him bread maybe we can convince him that the Queens left to go stay in his house we can give it a try let's go okay let's go um excuse me sir oh you kids again what is it well we just got a presidential pardon from the queen and she says we can stay at your house and you have to let us in oh really huh why do I find it hard to believe that what no it's a total true story we got presidential pardon from the queen well I don't believe you stay away from alone I'm fine guys you didn't believe it maybe I should have said presidential pardon considering it's a queen and not a present I don't know yeah maybe we can trade with another villager like give them something else in exchange yeah let's find someone else okay guys let's just give up let's go find someone else yeah oh this season's terrible I ain't got no bone meal for my wife and my flowers wait guys did you just hear that wait he was talking about bone meal but we have a lot of Bones Lily turn the bones into bone meal right now I'm doing it right now how much do you have I've got ton of it let's go get this guy uh Mr old villager we have a deal if you let us still in it if you let us stay on your house overnight we'll give you three stacks of bone meal wait both meal I really need that right now uh yeah you can stay in my house whatever give it up thank you I think we should go and sleep we only have about five hours less we need to be strong yeah I'm so glad that we got some boom meals wait you see these rooms oh my goodness there's a room for each color I can't I want the orange why not good night guys guys guys uh before we leave that I wanted to talk to you guys why do you think we're here I think it's against you ate yeah maybe someone planted it in my house wait that's a good idea Louis maybe someone did this to us yeah which one out of you didn't Maybe oh no but but bottom what what I don't know but we're gonna have to find out oh I really don't want to see what's at the bottom okay guys let's leave this house and do some investigating wait guys what's up let's figure the top of my screen wait right now right now everybody get out of here YouTube wives oh no I heard them this around here somewhere guys guys quickly find them and kill them they're coming from over here don't worry protect the castle okay we're going with one of them what about this one oh yeah oh yeah oh my goodness we're doing it guys there must be some more around here maybe they're on top maybe but how would they get up there let's iron golem en oh yeah oh no guys not another wave how many ways it'll be only a few if we get started the castle I'm on this side wait why don't we just ask the queen to hell but I think they're on this side Gracie follow me oh yeah oh yeah [Music] oh yeah oh another wave guys be careful they could be anywhere oh I'm scared they're gonna spawn inside the village we have there's a rabbit quickly crazy I got it where's the ravenger I don't know oh yeah I'm gonna kill it Lily please I'm being chased oh my goodness thanks when Murphy wait we did it we defended The Village oh yes oh you're welcome villagers yeah respect Mr Golem that's so cute but huh the queen Queen wait what is she doing here hello lovers thank you thank you peasants I have a couple gifts for you I like how she's insulting us while giving us loads of course staff oh my goodness yes I wish you were sure bye-bye bye bye I know she gave us a ton of gold apples as well give me give me here you go guys I made you want some armor yay give it to us Louie there we go and one for Gracie just play wait we don't need helmets in that oh I don't need it you guys can have this I'm Gonna Keep what I've got right now let me make some tools as well wait so let's say oh hello Shelby get some of this iron armor nice yep we're making tons of it okay guys I think we're all ready to go to the next level yep there we go where are we huh let's keep mining guys wait what is this place keep mine in guys there's gonna be something down here is it just Stone when is that all this is it kept gonna be something here we go stay please wait no it's like the back rooms it's okay if we have tons of cool stuff wait there's diamonds in there look wait what's up no way look at these diamonds does anyone have an iron pickaxe I do Jamesy from the fall let me get this stuff no problem we do we can make more iron guys there's also iron and color we can smell I'm gonna get some iron and smell it and go to goddess what are these are these eggs Redstone not this glass I don't know they must be saying it's pretty cool does anybody have a crafting table I've got tons of diamonds yeah yeah I know oh we're gonna make a furnace guys help me smell a bunch of stuff guys look how many diamonds I have oh Louis Maker's diamond armor I need a diamond let's play no problem well I'm a Diamond miner myself I've got call for the furnace so we can get even more iron it's right here wait I miss so this song Louie here take it thank you okay so can you make me a diamond sword please add Diamond chest plate yeah will make you all the armor that we need come on Sophie help me get a bit more iron we might need some more okay okay some hair around what take all this oh my all of that Louis I don't want to take my boots off these floaty ones are really helpful wait okay I'll take them sorry me first and this diamond one isn't as good as the Dragon one you guys are being wasteful yeah because I wondered that that's the one you didn't give me Louis it's because I took it James here I took the chess player get me so make me a chess plate okay we will don't be a cry baby here you go [Applause] yeah you make it you make it we don't get your size okay my size I'm a big boy okay guys we're all pretty much suited up I wonder what we're gonna need this for I don't time to dig wait Lily you forgot to get this diamond wait Jamesy talking about mining there's this thing over here I want you to see don't break I want to break it what no way look inside guys literally rich now that Queen was calling us peasants but now we're richer than her yeah we can go up there and show her who's boss but I think we don't have long so let's get out of here before we get stuck in Forever okay guys I think we're all ready let's mine to the next level we're back in a jungle layer we can get some more melons guys I guess the game thinks we were hungry this isn't a jungle layer this is a melody or even on the trees don't grow on trees the trees are literally melon trees have you guys ever seen a melon tree before Wings melons girl with the ground not trees I must be dreaming there's so much food okay guys let's talk on food before we go to the next layer this is amazing I I'm so hungry I can eat all of this um all right guys what's your guys's favorite fruit comment down below okay guys I think we're ready to go to the next level what do you guys think wait a second do you guys see that in the distance see what the distance Gracie is that a massive melon again oh my God baby creepers and everything ow chill be careful be careful oh my goodness Thomas killed everyone oh my goodness where's my boots gone what how did your book here I don't know I'm gonna get some new ones wait they were the floating things and they bro wait Daisy you could borrow mine don't worry okay let's go to the next layer yeah yeah wait what no way the end whoa where are all these Enderman coming from greatly guys didn't kill them before they killed us wait wait we might need the address you're right Enterprise would be amazing yeah oh yeah wait I just thought of something Jamesy what if Enderman has spawner kid will the end of dragon Spawn Two Maybe come on guys quickly help me destroy the crystals James Z come on let's build up to these crystals and Destroy them fast I've got a bow from a skeleton Louis I'm shooting all of them just a few more I can't get up there fast enough you might as well just shoot them shot all of them down from one and come on everybody have arrows on that I tried another crazy get it get it get it I'm gonna build up to this one well there goes my Trident well we can't believe both the crystals no we have to kill this evil looking Dragon he looks goofy come on come on come on circles make sure you've ended posted that you get flung off you can TP down like this how oh go plug off the edge of the island be careful James if I get flaunts guy won't die yeah that's great speaking Gracie come on he must be dead sooner he's gonna be low come on ow I see you okay Gracie wait I've been slug James come on guys we're gonna kill him wait wait wait wait because he's scared he's scared I think he's scared so he's running away oh what a cowardly Dragon okay I think we have to fear this end by him I think we should go to the next one now yeah I want to get out exactly wait what is this wait Jamesy does that side save free diamonds I'm going in wait wait wait oh no is this time no no no what we need to get out of here guys you know what they say once you're stuck in there's no way out oh my goodness it's a dead end aren't they usually scary monsters in here as well this is not good oh no the zombie selfie quickly help me oh no my boots we can always enter for a way to get away to get away from them guys guys I need your help where are you Louie where are you where are you where are you I'm coming there's a bunch of creatures oh my God what are those are those demons I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck oh yeah I was just running and then I saw those creepy eyes looking at me where are they I think come on there must be a must be up guys keep looking this isn't an infinite one we know it's just a one chunk yeah where does this must be the end this is how we get out who wants to go first well yeah oh guys make sure you have an edible ready Sophie your turn oh you've got your boot still that's lucky what is that building guys I think it looks dungeon wait really yeah there oh no no no no no kill him oh my goodness help help they're trying to eat me I'm gonna break the spawn same I'm breaking the spawn as I'm breaking them I'm breaking them I'm breaking them yeah oh good work Gracie nice couple okay there we go but what's this it goes down somewhere let's jump wow oh what is this whoa what is this that's where does it lead to another spawner whoa you're right Gracie but look there's chest behind there do you guys want to go and get those chests yeah let's do with some awesome amazing loot there's also one up here I'm gonna go for this one come on kill this spiders kill the spiders anymore break the spawners Gracie did you guys find any more chairs whoa yeah there's emeralds I no way bookshelves over here we could totally use this yeah in the middle Gracie right in the middle there we go who is that lapis okay well we have the enchantment table and books crazy but there's no lapis over still there's more chests that we need to get okay let's look around wait this is parkour did you see did you see where I'm going let's go let's go let's go chest chest hour James lapis come on let's go enchant all of our armor everyone take us again you're strong yeah let's go oh brother Chad or your armor and weapons oh my goodness [Music] wait what I'm just looking for some socks ever Falling Fire Protection check checkatory I'm breaking free yeah but we need an anvil for that Gracie oh dang it oh yes I got Protection One all right you guys I'm ready to go I'm just waiting for you guys and all my stuff as well I look super duper shiny okay my sword is my battery or knockback um probably knock back okay whoa look how cool my helmet is it's glowing Jamesy we're kind of glowing right now I guess another shoot you you won't die maybe you shouldn't shoot me okay guys now we've done all that what should we do next wait what I just got tped guys oh my gosh what happened no my legs hurt James I almost just died where are you guys check out wait what sign portal wait what wait this is a portal to another dimension there's a lever here should I press it wait no we should probably be in here first okay and we'll stand on here already okay three two one oh my gosh wait this looks like that nether level from before yeah well this place is so cool it's like a fortress yes but it what are we supposed to do here wait get away I'm living yeah okay guys it's Cody and it's Chase mode we have to try and shoot it if you can attack we need to get into his attack mode so we can use our swords good thing we just Enchanted guys yeah if we've been a chat we'd be toast yeah totally toes and not the good kind oh yeah wait I have some one but I have no arrows come here James [Music] we need to get him low otherwise he would never be to kill him guys it's trying to kill me guys the river heals up so we need to do enough damage so stop running away yeah yeah I'm nice guys it's really close to being an attack phase ready oh my God come on sword him it's nearly dead it's nearly dead I'm gonna need that chill yes we killed it look what I've got what'd you guys okay guys did you guys notice this portal over here wait I didn't even see that do you guys want to go through yeah okay guys are you ready are you okay how were we here we just went through the portal what what portal we were never gone wait what we just went through the pools away from the nether room uh Jamesy are you sure you're okay we were stuck in one chunk you guys remember right I have no idea what you're talking about Jamesy yeah what is a chunk oh no I must have had a nightmare okay guys I'm gonna go back to sleep yeah you must have dreamed it bye bye bye bye
Channel: Jamesy
Views: 250,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamsey, Gracie, Jamesy and Gracie, Jamesey, Jamesie, Jamesy Minecraft, Jamesy, Minecraft roleplay, Minecraft building, Build battle, Minecraft mutant mobs, Minecrafft theme park, Nico and cash, Cash, Nico, maizen, maizen build battle, Wiederdude, MongoTv, Smirky, JJ and Mikey, House Build challange, Maize, Aphmau, Jamey, James C, Gracey, Louie, Loey, minecrafft theme park, jamesy and gracie
Id: Yh9qkJRuoVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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