Minecraft, But There Are Custom Robots...

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welcome to minecraft but there are custom robots in today's video we are literally going to be crafting a super robot army these robots can be made out of different items ranging from coal to netherite each with their own special abilities and even secret youtuber pilots could that be the special dragon or the youtubers in each robot stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in three two one there we go welcome to the team and for today let's yet again try to hit one whole like but with our eyes closed go ahead and try to click it anyways [Music] i don't mean available we're gonna be making some robot armor these are fully working robots i can walk mine and even talk and if that doesn't make sense right now just you wait until we make our first robot which is gonna be the cold tiered robot and it might be a big surprise to you guys but to make the cold tiered robot what we need is not iron but cool fun fact also how's it going guys i know you guys are probably not very happy with me but i'm just going to go in here real quick and rob everything you have oh my god there's so many of them what the heck okay loyalty to you okay uh i i don't expect to get a try to be no it's something i'm getting out of here wait how do i get down okay we're gonna dig straight down oh that this is an awful day okay we're running we're running why is there a village right by a pillager base this is an awful idea okay we're here we got some bread and the pillagers are probably on their way to destroy this whole village you know it's all good because we're gonna defend it sooner or later with our first robot which the craft will be on the screen right now so we actually need a little bit of iron to make this thing so before anything i'm gonna real quick click this guy oh gosh no no no no oh man i'm so bad at this game all right we're we're going away all right have a great day buddy all right you know we're gonna act like we never saw that and we're gonna put the time step in the comments real quick to confuse people and say nice one nestor you're one of the best minecraft players in the world there you go okay why am i so bad at fighting this guy okay he's still we're good well that's one way to get it all right three iron not bad so all we need right now is one set of shears and then a flint steel so we just need flint now and definitely a lot of cool where is cave okay nice all right so with that being said i'm gonna go ahead and mine a lot of coal and i'll see you guys in a bit all right so we finally have all the 45 coal we need so with that we can make five cool blocks and now the final thing i need is just one flint and then we can finally make the robot oh no it's already becoming night time but i think this might be the perfect time to make a robot so without that being said guys let's go ahead and finally make this bad boy so all we need is five cool blocks one flynn steel one shear and finally with this glass block guys we get oh gosh what is that thing okay our first robot which is gonna be the charger mech cold here and it says drops a charger mech at your position fast armored brawler interesting abilities heavy flamer and a saw blade okay i don't know what to expect from that but either way guys i think we're ready to finally summon our first mech i'm not really sure how this works but i guess i'll summon it right here by this village all right here we go incoming request received launching back oh my gosh wait what the heck no way oh my gosh what is so big what well introducing guys literally a charger mac holy that is huge and now in our inventory besides the charger matt cole we also have the item pilot charger mag so what happens when i right click this oh oh my gosh i'm literally riding it what the heck and this is only our first mech so we have a charger mining which is melee and mining attack spammable seven blocks digging smelts iron as it mines and destroys gold and diamonds so it might not be good if we dig too deep but it's definitely gonna help us get a lot of iron for the next mech and then we have a charger flamethrower long range flamethrower range 50 blocks and it's three seconds long wait so oh what the heck it's a little inflamed door oh my gosh oh i feel bad but how's it going guys yeah this is what you get for shooting me earlier all right what does this charger mining do oh it digs like a whole interesting and then we have two more items teleport to mech teleports you to the nearest allied mech so i guess i can just tp back to this thing oh and there it is the final item is gonna be summon ai pilot summons an ai mech warrior so if we get out right now i'm pretty sure the mecca is going to come to life and it might help us i'm not sure either way though time to bring this mech to life in three two one wait did that work mr mac are you there oh my gosh how's it going buddy so uh call me okay oh calm down mister come here no no okay how's it going man i'm doing pretty good man uh did my haircut come out nicely can you see it from down there um it's it's something man but you know besides that so what are you man i kind of just met you you're big well let me tell you something i am the latest and the greatest new technology introduced by nasa this morning okay i am what's called the coal robot the core robot by nasa that is amazing mr mac all right so i guess we're supposed to get the next to your mech mr mech so uh what would i call you mr cole mr mac or like do you have a preferred name charger i could call you charger yeah you can go ahead and just call me mr cole all right mr cole sounds good it seems like there's a lot of fire and chaos around you but we're supposed to get iron right now so do you know how i'm supposed to make the next year mac they really only told me how to make the cool one okay so you're gonna need four reinforced iron blocks made by four iron blocks redstone and gunpowder okay all right let's get to it man so i saw that he had a little bit of a mining ability i kind of tried it out myself could you do the mining for me i kind of do need to cave right now yeah i'd be down to do that let's see oh god is it working it's definitely working yeah do your thing buddy oh go go on mac you are finding a lot of iron and you're auto cooking it so that's actually really useful mr mac i'm gonna real quick go down there actually i can't because i don't have water i guess while you do your thing maybe we can find a cave or something honestly like this is actually a pretty sick ability you have right there what the heck man oh i actually just found a cave that you might like oh okay mister meg yeah i know i see you down there no you found diamonds you found diamonds right there okay okay whatever you do mech don't mind them do not mind them because you will break them and you can't mine it with yourself i'm going to keep mining that no no mack mcmahon stay stay so stay still okay stay still do i i use my fire i'm going to use my fire oh no you're going to burn the iron no no no no no oh don't use fire don't use fire okay okay so you said i need reinforced iron blocks so in total that's gonna be like nine times four just to get one reinforced iron block so that's what 36. you know once you come down here you're actually gonna find a nice surprise i actually kept digging you kept digging okay wait where'd you go digging are the diamonds still there mr mac uh i think maybe maybe maybe the diamonds are there i couldn't tell you okay all right well i'm coming down slowly but surely i'm getting all the iron i can and also fun question mr meck i know you're like an ai and everything and like maybe you don't do this but do you have a favorite youtube or anything like that well there's actually a youtuber uh it goes by like nester and uh according to uh my ai system here the youtube algorithm supports people that hit the like button so you know if people watching the video hit the like button your video will actually blow up more in the algorithm mech that is very insightful information i appreciate that also mike what the heck have you done to this cave oh oh you found more diamonds you are an amazing piece of robotic work oh no all right no all right uh i'm sorry i'm sorry about that sorry come over here buddy come over here you know what i'm going to show you how to mine the diamonds it looks like you keep breaking them but you know what i'm not blaming oh you want me to mine them meg please please please that's all me no i thought you said to mine though oh my goodness you know what mac it's all good he got me a lot of iron i'm picking it all up right now that is definitely a lot of reinforced iron i should probably make some armor i'm glad you haven't stopped me out yet can you even hurt me mek i mean if you'd like me to try okay no no no no no no okay okay okay that's enough well you asked okay it wasn't my fault it's all good i won't put it against you you did an amazing job in this game right here mr mech i think this might be a very soon but you know what do you have any final words anything about you know the other tiers anything you'd like to say buddy i'm sad to get rid of you because i'm pretty sure i have to use you to make the next tier but you know what it was a good run man and don't don't take your personality i don't want to leave okay i'm gonna break that you're stuck with me you're still no no no no man look man look man how about this we make a deal all right if there's any way for me to make you again and get you back in my team i would gladly have you come back mr mac okay okay wait if you craft me hair i will let you craft the new robot i mean okay i guess i'll grab you some hair why not a bit of a weird ask but i'm not gonna you know judge you for but i did make you a wig right here i'm not sure you're gonna wear it but i guess it could fit there there you go buddy okay thank you very much now uh now i'm gonna i guess i'm just gonna say goodbye forever wait wait you're leaving now well you know you're getting rid of me i'm yeah i'm not of any use anymore don't say that mr beck you know you'll come back one day yeah i think this might be it mr coleman it was good run seeing you anyways i'm gonna have to let you go now and destroy you talk to you later all right oh my gosh all right i think he's gone now oh no oh no no well with that being done there goes the coal robot and i think it's time to upgrade guys so let's go through the crafting table get our iron blocks ready we got our gunpowder all right so with four iron blocks we're gonna be getting reinforced iron unbreaking one i guess that kind of makes sense for a full on robot why not and then with this iron i'm pretty sure this is all we need so five reinforced iron one redstone dust one gunpowder and finally the colmec goes in the middle and we get oh my gosh that looks cool a raven mech iron tear drops a raven mech at your position a fast recon skirmisher i don't know what that means but that sounds cool abilities long range missiles two times beam lasers and orbital artillery what the heck okay i'm gonna guess this is gonna help us a lot to get a lot of gold so with that being made let's get to the top and get this bad boy made all right i think we're ready raven iron back here we go incoming request received at launching back oh gosh it's happening oh there it is oh gosh i should probably stand back a good bit i only have leather pants and i'm literally facing robots oh my gosh oh it looks like it has a tnt cannon some laser blasters and some very long legs all right well we got this new item a pilot raven mech used to get into the raven let's go inside oh gosh oh we're in okay so we got raven lasers raven orbital barrage raven missiles and then finally a raven jump 35 block vertical jump four second cooldown i mean we might as well oh my gosh this thing is insane okay all right so and like usual we have a summon ai pilot zellman's an ai mechware i guess we can also try out the raven missiles right now so uh might as well right click and see what we can do oh gosh oh poor chickens oh my gosh then we have a raven lasers one second duration lasers does damage the longer you hold the lasers on target uh mr chicken i i'm so sorry about this oh my gosh and finally we have the raven orbital barrage which marks the target for destruction six second delay three massive meteor blasts and destroys diamonds so i'm gonna assume that a mine's gold which is actually pretty useful and i kind of want to try this out on a village so oh gosh orbital broad here we go oh my gosh what is this video right now guys let me know if you guys want to see more stuff like this because this is insane oh my gosh wait what the heck just happened there it might everything well that is definitely a deep hole and i'm guessing that's how we're gonna get a lot of gold so with that being said guys i'm gonna get out of this thing real quick and summon the ai and then the robot is gonna talk to me so here we go in three two one oh gosh hello hello xnostorio it is i the iron robot and i'm here to serve you thank you welcome buddy so i just met the cool one and you have some really long lights i can't say that enough did the cool one tell you what we're doing today we're kind of trying to beat the dragon and you know i i'm kind of stuck with you now i was aware of that i don't really talk to the co-one he's kind of bad to be honest i mean i'm the iron robot i am way better than him okay and let me prove it to you okay okay prove it to me so i'm trying to get gold right now i need a lot of gold to get the gold one and i'm told that the gold one's better than you is this true technically speaking but you didn't really have to bring that up i don't really feel like helping you instead i'm gonna jump into the sky no come back home i'm so sorry i'm so sorry look look look i'll give you a free piece of bread right there that's just for you and honestly even to bless you this is magic robot water okay there you go i'm quite insulted i can't collect xp and i can't eat food i'm not a human like you i'm a robot you can tell by my skin oh oh yeah you're right i can't forget for that anyways though for being disrespectful what do you want me to do how about let's go over here mr robot okay or what would you like me to call you i kind of just call the robots mr robot because i don't know i feel like you're call me billy call me billy that's all my friends call me you know down at the uh the robot club on the weekend okay i'll get the robot club am i invited there now no no again you're a human i'm a robot you really need to like get this understanding down nestor i i understand aaron said anyways uh i kind of went inside of the mech for a little bit and used the mining orbital laser and saw that it actually was pretty useful for caving so how about you know you spam that down real quick and uh get us some gold what's the magic word please uh no again that is a human term i'm a robot i required a password but i will do it anyway there we go move back move back right there i'll only have leather leggings oh no oh here it comes any second now is coming down oh my gosh how many times did you right like that what the heck only once um all right do you want to go down there with me did you even get any gold what the heck i see none i'm only seeing coal so far gotcha yeah um yeah you might have to call one of your uh big ol nuke things from the sky again but you know be a little bit careful with that though it could maybe hit me and i honestly only have leather leggings yeah i'd move out the way if i were you i'm doing it i'm doing it move on my legs my legs are too big for this it's coming it's coming there we go oh my gosh um what have you done man let me see if i have any gold for you yet so it seems to be no gold that i can see are you picking it up do you have like a vacuum yeah we're down at bedrock already i've already picked up some gold i've got like 21 in my inventory there's another vein here if you want to go ahead and mine it um you might need to do another nuke somewhere so we can get even more gold so i think in total we need either five gold blocks or four gold blocks so maybe just set one down right here or yeah right there there's a creeper right there so be careful yeah right there uh oh to the explosion it's fine move out the way oh okay i'm running away i'm running away oh oh it's really coming down oh my gosh oh so uh mr robot you might have to go back there and actually launch another one and you're the boss yeah while you do that i actually found something of interest just broke my leg but it's all good i can always get new ones oh some five gold ingredients right there something you didn't pick up i should probably make iron armor but you know what i'm not going to question it did you find any gold over there how much gold is yours loads of gold over here i've got some more in my inventory there's also a bunch on the floor still as well oh nice okay 13. i'm willing to do a trade with you because you do have uh how many i have 41 in my inventory currently 41. okay so how about this i know you saw those diamonds i got earlier what if we do a little bit of trade i give you those two diamonds okay i know you're a diamond type of guy okay so how about 41 gold ingots and you get the two diamonds i wasn't really feeling the diamonds i tried to turn them down but you know on second thought i probably do need them you know you're right i'll give you the gold anyway i'm here for you and i'll give it to you all right billy here you go two diamonds now i expect the gold give it to me and we should be ready to make your brother oh nice thank you that was quick actually i have another request for you i know i've been asking for a lot but could you go all the way up i i kind of need to get out of here and i can teleport to your body so oh look at you go oh oh no no maybe one more time i'm trying i'm sorry there you go um you're trying your best you got this you got that oh you're climbing water look at you i guess i am now the mermaid robot you are the mermaid rubble and he's gone there you go oh my gosh okay mr robot so now i kind of have bad news as you probably know no not this soon this is so fast i i might need to uh shut up no no i'm leaving no no no no no come back no okay okay fine you're the boss i'm sorry it has to happen billy but you know what it was a good run and i think this is where we part ways i suppose so okay well i hope i was a good robot nothing down oh no yep and that's it for the iron robot or billy but on the bright side we can at least now make the next tier which is gonna require us to get three gold blocks i think that's pretty much all we need one gunpowder two redstone one glass and the final piece is gonna be the iron mech which is gonna finally make the what the heck orthius mech gold drop the northeast mech at your position standard skirmisher abilities long range missiles two times beam lasers and a medium ore shield interesting i wonder what that is all right i think i'm gonna try out this robot right by these pillagers to teach them a lesson so let's spawn it in oh and there it comes oh gosh oh i should probably stand back i don't want to die i should probably make armor definitely oh my gosh they get bigger and bigger and we got a new item or this mech used to get into the orthus all right here we go why is it moving by itself oh my gosh what the heck oh my gosh so we got orthus lasers orthos ai pilot which we'll be calling very soon orthomagnetism and an orthus jump and orthis missiles so uh might as well oh i'm so sorry to these pillagers have a great day orthous missiles go on my missiles oh my gosh they literally do terrain damage what if i just destroy this thing go on my missiles do your thing oh that's so cool what the heck all right and an ortho jump oh oh wow this thing can jump what the heck all right orthos magnetism which it says pulls diamonds gold and iron from the ground to make a shield wait what it digs up to six blocks in each direction wait what the heck wait so what happens if i right click right now oh my god wait what the heck it literally brought back ores from the bottom and now i can just grab them and they're falling on me but without further ado let's see what type of ai we get with this one in three two one hello are you live hello i am the gold mac oh you seem like a calm fellow compared to the other guys how's it going man doing well would you like some gold i would love some gold so are you able to use all those special abilities i kind of saw what your abilities were and they were very overpowered there's some gold oh you're already working i appreciate it gold robot and uh now you're shooting some lasers yes that is some blazers and i appreciate the diamonds you're getting me so i think in total i need like 27 diamonds so honestly if you spam your magnetism ability or whatever it does i think that might be the way in total we already have seven diamonds two more and we got one diamond block and we're getting closer and closer to that next level of mech if you don't mind we kind of are getting closer and closer to i guess saying goodbye to you uh mr uh gold robot do you have a name that you want to be called you can call me forrest forest do you like break down voice or anything or do i see like you're just very good at mining you are a big boy what is what do you usually like what's like your workout routine and stuff oh gosh you know just drink raw eggs in the morning about 12 of them and then just blueberries that's it raw eggs and blueberries okay i'll i'll i'll definitely write that down we now have 19 whole diamonds i'm pretty sure we need two more diamond blocks you keep picking me up by the way i don't appreciate that oh my gosh okay i wanna hug you okay please i'll find more gold i don't really need the gold i don't know if you realize but i'm trying to you know get the diamond version of you i am now down to uh 37 diamonds i think that actually might be the amount i need the low key some more diamonds would be appreciated but do you know of if the diamond mech is very good at getting diamonds i'd say he's very good at finding netherright too oh nothing oh really okay i mean i do need another right in what the heck was that okay but anyways i'm so sorry for this but i think it might be time to shut you down no wait no no i'm sorry i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and press the shot down button right here have a great day buddy okay good night oh no and there it goes that is the death of the gold mech but with that being done guys i think it's time to make the diamond one and i'm pretty sure we actually didn't get everything we needed i think i gotta make some gold rails and to make gold rails i'm not sure how we do that so i'm gonna look that up real quick okay so i think we need this this and that and all right we got our powered rails so that should be good and now all we need is two redstone blocks four diamond blocks one powered rail and finally with this gold mech we got the holy that looks huge lancer mech a diamond here teleports a lantern back to your possession heavy jump sniper with the abilities of heavy canon 2x pulse lasers whatever that is and an even better heavy ore shield okay so for this one i'm not sure how we're gonna get it to the nether but depending on how big it is i might have to make a big nether portal so with that being said incoming request received what the heck is that thing oh my gosh what the heck oh my gosh that thing is huge introducing guys the lancer dive into your mac and now let's get inside of it holy we are literally a giant robot and we also have some lantern lasers how does it work on this guy oh my gosh then we got 12 short range missiles for six seconds oh my gosh a lancer cannon at long range laser drills a hole through 100 layers of solid rock a massive damage and finally lancer magnetism which pulls diamond gold and iron from the ground to make a shield and i'm gonna assume netherite too i'm not sure but the lancer cannon looks really cool long range drill 100 layers all right let's try it out did that work oh my gosh it went straight to bedrock what the heck holy that's sick so because this mech is so big i think we might have to make a giant portal and then call in its ai so with that being said i'm gonna go down this cave and get those diamonds and get a lot and i mean a lot of obsidian to the point that i'm probably gonna be mining for a solid at 20 minutes so i'll see you guys in a bit i'm not even sure if this ginormous portal is gonna light up but we might as well try why not i got the blinds joe ready please work oh it worked let's go okay that should definitely be big enough i got way too much obsidian but without being done guys we got to get these blaze rods this another right and these ender pearls so let's go in and summon the ai pilot and hopefully it's a nice ai mr diamond robot are you there yes i am here i don't know who you've been uh playing with but uh i am out of their league this here robot we're we're talking another dimension i mean you have a giant cannon right above you you're looking good my man so we're not actually gonna stay in here mr giant diamond robot what should i call you by the way whatever you please okay okay okay mr diamond robot our goal right now is to get some netherite so we can get the netherlight version of you which might call for you maybe dying or something anyway so let's uh go inside this portal and see what we find inside let's go all right mr diamondback we are finally in the nether and i was told that you were good at getting another right and uh do you have any way of doing that i don't think i tried the magnetism earlier i think we could find some netherright for sure definitely a lot better than that loser the coal dude could be a lot better than him wait i actually know what spot that we can get netherright and that's over there you see that bastion oh i do what if we go over there mr diamondback so can you survive big falls are you gonna go in law but why would it be going lava i don't want to lose you man i don't want more diamonds let's find out i don't know oh wait no no no no no oh oh that's sick go on diamondback do your thing now we gotta i guess we can get some nether right from this sebastian right here what if we just kind of quickly go in there kill all the piglets all that good stuff and uh where can we start here all right don't worry nestor i am gonna get into this bastion right stinking now oh my gosh i'm gonna go inside and try to get the chest and while i go inside keep me covered because there's going to be a lot of things after me okay they can probably one hit me okay is there anything up here i can get so oh there's a chest okay diamondback oh my gosh wait did i blow up the chat you did but i got a sharpness five iron sword and that is more than enough honestly you're gonna be a lot of gold right now is there anything up there oh there it is hey uh could you jump up here let's see you got the diamondback oh my gosh there he is how's it going buddy all right so just fire a big old laser in there and fire in your rockets okay my man all right let's see oh gosh there's a lot of piglets in there dude chess okay first one has a banner pattern not bad actually really bad and amending diamond pickaxe and some obsidian so uh yeah it's kind of really bad it was useless completely but there is some bottom floors and oh there's another right ancient debris right there we got our first nether right so mr diamond robot we did get one another right but i'm pretty sure we need four another eight blocks to even make your netherlight brother so that being said we might want to get some blaze rods first before we go strip mining underground and uh getting all that netherite so do you see another fortress anywhere because that would be very easy for us let me see if i can find one maybe uh maybe i'll just do a little jump down and uh do something there goes oh my gosh okay uh hopefully you find something my man all right nestor i think i found it why don't you uh come on over all right uh teleport to mack and oh and he did a very nice mr diamondback i think this is exactly what we needed so now i have one request i don't want you to somehow break the blade spawner because we do need six blades rods to actually get to the end so that being said do you see any oh i already see one i already see a blaze butter all right i'm gonna spawn them in maybe you can have them spawn in too if you're near them and then we're gonna fight them together all right okay all right well go go on and do it they're right there go on diamondback shoot the voices oh no you broke the spotter no oh no oh no oh wait no it's back try out the lasers this time the not the mining one but the normal lasers and we'll see if that works a little bit better to actually get the items let me try these right now let's see oh oh okay you picked me up at the same time okay no place rods go again there's so many oh gosh oh my goodness it's bad man i'm going in no they're not dropping any blaze rods okay how about this mr um how about you go start finding some nether right you could dig down well i get all the blaze rods i think that might be better because it seems like your weapons are a little bit too overpowered to actually even get the actual blaze rods you kind of burn them before they uh even drop so uh that being said all right okay i will go and try to find some nether right now all right good stuff i meant i i appreciate the chip you have in you right now it makes you very useful honestly compared to the other mags you're definitely my favorite one so far oh my gosh all right last one i think all right that should be the final blaze run and with that we have eight old blaze rods oh gosh another one spawn make that nine blaze rods and we can go ahead and get 18 blades powder i don't think i need any to actually craft the next mech uh hopefully not but with all that being done let's go ahead and teleport to our mech and diamond mech how's it going oh my gosh we have some ancient debris dude oh wait what is that the magnetism oh wait oh wait so you found some network scrap it's already even cut i have a bunch of freaking nether right scraps here wait you got a bunch of the other right scraps yeah they're here i threw them they're all on the ground go pick them up okay all right thank you man with that we have 48 netherlight scrap hold up how much different ingress can i make from that my man we're about to be grinding a lot of magnetism very soon because we definitely need a lot of gold and a lot of the right scrap but with that we got 12 netherright ingots so i'm gonna give you some bad news sadly i'm pretty sure we need one more netherright block to actually get the max so with that being said uh oh you just need you just need a little a little a little more what are you gonna use your money ladies and gentlemen okay we're going straight down to teams how overpowered are you what the heck is this that is definitely a giant hole you're making right now mr uh diamond robot do you happen to have a lot more uh nether right here i'm guessing you're magnetizing it i think we are gonna have more than enough now my man wait let's see this 35 now the right scrap okay wait this might actually be good enough oh wait no this is definitely enough oh my gosh okay with that we are gonna be having two another right blocks and i think that might be enough to get the netherite version of the mech and this is where it kind of gets awkward my man uh but but but what do you what do you what do you mean the netherright version i'm sad to tell you mr diamond mech uh i might have to shut you down no no no no no no no no i thought i thought i thought i was the most powerful it's complicated man but it was great you you were my favorite mac don't tell another mex that but you were definitely my favorite mech i'm gonna have to shut you off now i'm i'm so sorry i'm shutting you off right now no and there it goes oh man well it was a good run for him i think it's time to get to the overworld all right so finally guys it is time to make the final mech which i'm not too sure what to expect it's gonna be two netherright blocks two powered rails two redstone blocks one gunpowder and finally the very overpowered diamond mech that goes in the middle and we get the final oh and there it is fafnir netherright tier back drops a fafnir mech at your position super heavy weapons platform abilities two long-range missiles two heavy cannons two pulse lasers and a teleportation generator oh boy here we go again guys might as well place it down an incoming request received launching back oh gosh it's coming down oh and oh my gosh here it is oh what the heck that is a literally the biggest thing i've seen in minecraft introducing guys the netherwight fafnir mech let's get inside and oh my gosh we are huge we get fafnir stomp fafnir cannon fafnir missiles fafnir lasers teleport to mech and finally oh wait this is different summon all allied mechs summons the charger raven orthus and lancer max with their a oh wait does that mean i'm just going to be driving this one also wait we also have a fafnir teleport teleport up to 50 blocks away heals 50 hp 10 seconds cooldown wait what oh wait did i just get intervals from that wait i think i found out we're gonna get ender pools guys i'm literally just gonna keep throwing this one and grabbing the ender poles so from literally just enderpearling in total we now have 16 ender pearls i'm gonna go ahead and make some eyes of ender and now all we gotta do is just get to the end i think i'm gonna summon all the mechs once we're in the end and then i've underwent straight this way oh my gosh this is gonna be so long oh and it broke okay all right i'm gonna leave you there for now mr meck and i'm gonna summon you again once i'm actually in the end all right i'm 59 bender why not oh wait just went down all right well i'm pretty sure we just found the stronghold and it is directly below us so we're gonna dig straight down but definitely stay tuned because we're still gonna be summoning all our allied mechs so let's see if we can find this portal really quickly oh and there it is all right perfect oh man 12 eyes again but as soon as we get inside i'm gonna summon the netherride mech one more time and then we'll see what happens when i summon all the other ones the coal gold iron and diamondbacks all at the same time so with all that being said let's go inside oh and we're in okay i should probably summon this up there all right before we go any more deeper let's go ahead and summon our mac incoming request received launching back so uh oh it's still coming from then that's honestly very cool oh my gosh all right that never gets old that thing is so big and without further ado guys let's get on and i think it's finally time to summon all allied banks so here we go in three two one oh oh my gosh oh they're all here all right nestor we are here to help although i don't know how much this coal guy will help excuse me so we have a little bit of a problem right now i don't know where the dragon is and it looks pretty empty i know we have all our robots and everything and i appreciate the help but it feels really empty a little bit too empty let's get out the area guys so the odds of me finding it will be pretty good gosh what did you do i already found it oh wait there's a robot dragon that is not the normal dragon okay everyone take on your own robot do a thing i don't know what's going on i'm using my lasers go on gentlemen do your thing oh wait the dragon's down everyone send a new gal send a new get them blurring the dragon right now incoming orbital ballistic launch i think we should focus on the purple guys first the minions that has before we go for the dragon i feel like that's causing both of the chaos right now they die easily with lasers get them with the lasers all right going for the laser i'm burning them i'm burning them gentlemen my mic is almost dead i am almost done here oh no the mix did all right guys i am back in commission i got my nether right back back but we still got to take care of these purple guys they are doing so much damage i think the main things i got to use are the lasers and the missiles right now i just beat one i'm going to call in a missile i'm going to call it or a new keeper it goes orbital get away those things are so good the dragon's getting hit really hard but we got to break the crystal somehow i'll do it i'll try i'll try all right thank you aramaic oh wait wait the dragon's about to die boys okay just a few more hits everyone aim at the dragon go go go go go go go go go go go go go go the dragon now this might be finally all the mechs coming in together and that should be it there it goes and that is gonna work we can make custom robots gentlemen it was a pleasure finding the dragon with you guys i'm also gonna miss you guys i'm gonna go back to the normal overworld now but besides that guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and make sure if you guys want to play in that game mode right now all you gotta do is join the ip on the screen right now and besides that guys hope you guys all enjoyed it have a great one and it was a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 10,597,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft robot, minecraft mech, minecraft but there are custom robots, minecraft but you can craft robots, minecraft robot mod, custom item
Id: rpiM9KlNbJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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