I Should NEVER Be A Dad! | Parenting Choices

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so last week i became the world's worst parent and i just felt so bad nah it was hilarious i'm back this week to be even worse what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to parenting choices so you can see this is my brand new baby boy i'm gonna name him francisco francisco that's fun to say yep my baby's name is francisco so if you guys didn't see this last week basically it's a game where you raise a baby and based on your choices the baby either grows up to be successful or most likely dead where should the baby sleep we want to be a bad parent but not too bad because if you're too bad then your baby dies and the game ends i want to see how old i could get francisco let's go with the crib for now we're going to make the right choices until francisco gets a little bit older let's put out new wallpaper dogs cats nightmare inducing clowns let's go with the dogs again we're going to be good parents for now and then we're going to become terrible parents if you guys want to see more of this game on the channel don't forget to hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you guys are new time for baby to sleep turn on a night light light a small fire or leave the room completely dark well i'm gonna put a small fire because it's a candle i'm not actually lighting the bedroom on fire like i thought last week so francisco will be happy but not that happy i'm doing way too good of a job by the way two of my bars are green i gotta get those numbers down should i change the diaper um we're using reusable diapers oh that was a bad one francisco did not like the reusable diapers i don't think i would either okay uh what name should i name the baby we already named them francisco but final name i'll name them after my favorite color purple francisco didn't want to be named purple he wants to be named francisco okay francisco just became one year old then we bought him that creepy stuffed animal let's move on oh no baby's crying let's give him mustard wait why is he smiling francisco i just gave you mustard why were you smiling while all of his things went down oh no i've almost killed francisco i need to be a good parent for a couple minutes and get those numbers higher up teach baby a new word um we're gonna go with hello seems like a nice word to teach francisco okay francisco just became three years old oh my goodness gracious i don't know what this is i'm gonna go with the top one because i don't have to watch an ad for it basically that's the reason i got that one so now he's got a creepy toy and another creepy toy let's move on to year four i don't think i've gotten this far no no okay so these are all gonna be brand new i've been way too good of a parent by the way you can see the bars oh wait they were all green oh i think when francisco has a birthday they all kind of go back down okay when should baby nap whenever they act up nap time when they're tired well all of them kind of sound fine let's go with nap time oh darn it that was the right choice clearly i'm so good of a parent i don't even know how to make the wrong choice coming from the guy that told his baby to use a reusable diaper five minutes ago okay let's move on baby is potty training and has an accident oh no wait isn't he like four years old wait how old are you once you know how to be uh you know what i've never had a baby so i don't know what the potty training age is i thought it would be by now anyway reassure them yell at them clean it the poor guy peed his pants and i'm gonna yell at him yep that's what i'm gonna do oh i made him cry whoa okay i have to be careful i don't want any of the bars to go all the way down to zero or else i break my child and the game's over baby learned the abcs um sing with them ooh that seems like a good one yeah let's sing with them is that that seems like a good one uh oh my love meter is really low though i need to do something that he will love even if it doesn't make him smart baby's clothes don't fit let's buy him new ones come on that's gotta up yes okay we got plus 20 to the love i hate making the right choices because you guys know i love being a terrible parent in this game because it's so much more fun but i want to see how old i can get francisco can i make him like a 28 year old youtuber like me i i don't know let's find out teach baby to say their name um repeat slowly yell at them i like that one say your name what's my name francisco it's francisco okay now that i destroyed all of your eardrums let's just go um let's let's repeat it slowly seems like the right thing to do i like the idea of just yelling at him until he knows his name like my mom just screaming brandon your name's brian i don't remember when i learned my name but i don't think that's what my mom did okay vacation destination countryside stay at home nine hour flight i'm gonna assume the nine hour flight's probably the wrong thing to do so i'm gonna go with the countryside whoa okay apparently francisco's a country boy that added like 40 points okay also if i get all the bars up all the way i automatically move on to the next age so maybe i'll try to do that baby gave you hugs and kisses hug them back kiss them back stop them i don't know i'll kiss them back i feel like that would be more than a hug no baby didn't like the kiss baby didn't like a kiss from mommy he's apparently too old now for kisses from mommy the tv is on sesame road pretty sure it's called sesame street last time i checked but hey they're always changing these things so maybe i don't know let's go with sesame road i think he's gonna like that one come on i want to get those bars all the way up baby needs a snack what's for lunch cereal a pack of gum or pizza so francisco is so hungry right now and i'm such a bad parent i just give him a pack of bubble gum i mean this seems like something that probably wouldn't fill francisco let's give him some cereal like that's a nice thing for a baby to eat baby is getting bigger what clothes will you buy only diapers cute outfits just wrap them in blankets i'm gonna go with that one i feel like he's gonna hate that what that actually raised his intelligent level okay apparently if you take your child and wrap them in blankets a bunch of times they'll get smarter i heard albert einstein's mom had like 80 blankets around his head i'm making that up okay so baby just turned four what cr oh my goodness that looks like patrick starr from spongebob that is patrick starr from spongebob again i don't want to watch a video so i'm going to pick the one without the fancy stuff why did we get like elmo that's covered in white hair we've got a red furby and now patrick starr i don't know guys spongebob is one of my favorite shows of all time sam and i actually watched spongebob every sunday yes i'm 28 years old sam is 26 years old and we still watch spongebob pretty much every week all right baby is four years old now where should the baby sleep in baby's own room with mom and dad i feel like he should sleep in his own room now right okay that was the right choice he is four baby is playing with a knife smack it out of their hands yell at them or take it away gently where's the take it out of their hands and stab him in the face that would probably be murder and i i guess i'd probably go to jail for that one let's uh let's take it away gently i feel like that would probably be the best thing to do okay i did such a good job that francisco is now five years old and i got a pig oh my goodness gracious francisco is grown up now why does he look like a 15 year old he's only five and also i haven't bought him a new crib yet oh wait can i like a j oh i can add things to francisco's room i didn't realize i've had him sitting in a crib since he was like a baby and now he's five years old all right let's get him a new bed can i get him a box yeah i don't think that's any better than the the crib but you know what francisco now has a box and you know what he's smiling so he seems to be pretty happy with the box and his creepy stuffed animals off to his right okay let's move on wait i can get him a computer desk whoa okay he's five years old probably a little bit too young for a computer but that just looks kind of cool what else can i get i can get him a chair well i feel like he's got a computer desk he probably needs a chair bam oh now i only have 80 left wow i spent all my money in about five seconds baby got bullied at kindergarten what kind of school is francisco going to all right i've heard of bullying in maybe like third and fourth grade but kindergarten like what does a five-year-old bully look like i mean okay you know what i i never got bullied in kindergarten myself but maybe i went to a nice school i don't know teach them karate oh my goodness gracious francisco got bullied by a five-year-old and we're gonna teach him karate we're gonna make him a black belt so next time um butch the bully attacks him he's gonna chop him in the throat this seems terrible ignore baby yell at the teacher can we stop calling francisco a baby he's like five and a half years old okay you know what i'm gonna teach him karate because i think that's hilarious oh he didn't like that francisco did not like learning karate baby thinks it's their birthday oh my goodness i have the dumbest baby in the world last video he thought i was a refrigerator now he thinks it's his birthday when it's not his birthday i'm not gonna give him a present then he's gonna actually think it is his birthday blow candles what are we doing i'm gonna tell him it's not his birthday what is five plus five tell him zero just screw him up for the rest of his life um fine i'm gonna tell him it's ten oh my goodness gracious i really wanted to tell him the wrong answer baby starts banging his head on the wall oh my goodness i told you guys i'm the worst parent in the world i now have a five-year-old that's literally banging their head against the wall i mean this is what is wrong with you francisco i've done nothing but give you creepy stuffed animals and a computer desk oh and a box for a bed maybe that's the problem he's really getting tired of that box it's hurting his back um we could spank him we could bang my head against the wall or just watch and clap all of those sound like terrible answers you know what i'm so fed up with my crazy baby i'm gonna hit my own head against the wall nope he didn't like that you know what i don't even know what to do at this point baby is hungry i can breastfeed him okay there's a couple things wrong with that one i'm a man and i'm not able to breastfeed two francisco's almost six years old i'm not gonna breastfeed a six-year-old oh my goodness i'm just gonna give him applesauce geez okay at least he seemed to like that one but i'm six years old somehow francisco's not dead yet and now i've got the teenage mutant ninja turtles knockoffs and i'm gonna go with the one that i don't have to watch the video that is one heck of a collection of stuffed animals mom can i have a phone okay so a year ago this kid didn't even know his own birthday now he wants a cell phone i mean this is getting ridiculous i'm gonna give him a regular phone francisco cheated on a quiz i can praise him good job francisco as long as you cheated off the smart kid or i could spank him or explain oh well i'm trying to make sure francisco doesn't die before his seventh birthday so let's just explain that should help us we got one more question and we can't die okay here we go uh what to eat for lunch gummy worms lunchables cookies i guess we'll go lunchables i don't think either of those were very healthy but that's okay okay francisco's seven years old i felt bad about shoving francisco in a box so i got him the really cool race car bed and he seems to like it all right let's move on your kid starts swearing hey at least it doesn't say baby anymore okay so now i'm a seven-year-old and i'm already saying curse words this is ridiculous let's uh oh my goodness all of those options don't seem good let's spank them i'm gonna spank them that's what you deserve for not saying son of a nutcracker okay i want more dessert francisco definitely runs in my family you guys know i love dessert okay no more vegetables uh we're gonna we're gonna say okay this time we're gonna what why did he not like the fact that i gave him more dessert okay i'm confused all right francisco's eight years old am i gonna get oh my goodness we've got a dinosaur with a rainbow scarf on nope we're going with the cheap one i want to build a robot let's go get some parts how about a pet rock or let's draw one instead uh yeah let's get some parts i'm not gonna give francisco a pet rock your kid threw a rock okay so i got francisco the pet rock he wasn't happy about it uh write an essay all right let's ground him i don't like my teacher call the school and complain find some common ground don't respect adults uh we're gonna go with that one because i'm a bad parent but it's also the last day so it doesn't matter anyway francisco is nine years old i'm gonna end it there don't forget to hit the like button don't forget to subscribe i will be back to this game and i will see all of you in the next video i love ice cream
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 2,963,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parenting choices, parenting choices game, parenting choices gameplay, mobile games, funny mobile games, parenting choices game ad, parenting choices game age 18, the frustrated gamer parenting choices, the frustrated gamer mobile games, parenting simulator, parenting simulator game, simulator games, best mobile games 2020, mobile games 2020, parenting game, simulator, the frustrated gamer
Id: hYFzNQ3zFJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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