Minecraft but you craft a SECRET BASE from any block...

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in today's video ladies and gentlemen we're going to be building oh well actually we're not going to be building we're going to be crafting secret bases kind of like this out of any block see this is a diamond secret base pretty cool right i didn't build it i crafted it because that's 2000 iq if you guys are excited for today's video smash the like button and we smashed 20 000 likes guys i'll do a part two where we can craft more secret bases and of course guys if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because if not this is gonna happen to you an epic percent of you guys are not subscribed to my channel so make sure to subscribe to uh make me bold seriously if we hit two mil this year guys i'm gonna be shaving my head and with that said guys let's get into the cursed crafting alrighty guys we're here on minecraft wait where the bowls am i hold up what the am i on an island bro i'm literally on an island with a bunch of cows and then wait i have an egg i have a packed eyes three cooked cods and something called a weird crafting table what that's so weird get it because it's weird yeah i know shut up bionic okay wait so i'm really can oh what is that there's a beacon so there's nothing in the sky what is this this looks like a weird machine theme of bob and oh god i'm already getting hungry i only got two more fishes damn uh hello mr techno blade how are you uh how are you doing today what you're wearing from me boy i'm kidding okay we don't need to eat him yet however if we don't have enough food guys to lashes this entire video which we probably won't uh sorry technoblade but you're gonna get a i'm just gonna have to borrow your meat by that i mean slay you okay so wait what is this it looks like a beacon being powered by are those diamond blocks i think those are diamond blocks under i don't want to break anything because it looks like everything is working in sync why is there a oh it could be a missing block it could be the weird crafting table pretty sure this thing is used to craft really crazy things which is something we're going to be doing in this video obviously it's a cursed crafting video so i i think with this cable that's just an n-raw though right and whoa what the heck you guys hear that every time i click it it makes like a sound okay hold on i'm gonna place it there what is this look at that it purpley connects what this is like the weirdest crafting table i've ever seen in minecraft and i've seen some weird ones okay it even says weird crafting and then okay guys we have eight packed ice and in today's video we're crafting secret bases so what if we use oh my god we can use these eight packs ice bro it all makes sense now sorry tree you're gonna get uh murdered i'm sorry mr beast for wasting all your efforts i need the wood guys okay let's make ourselves a regular crafting table unless we could use that i don't think we can it's fine we already made one so let's go ahead and use it uh we got a chest which we need let's go and make ourselves a sword it's it's a it's a tiny sword uh it's not about the size that matters okay guys it's about the damage and the damage is four which isn't that great either whatever who cares the soldier shrimps in this video let's go and just murder this techno there you go i know sorry i just said i wasn't gonna kill you guys but i need the food okay let's make ourselves a pickaxe thank god it's a normal sized pickaxe now with this chest guys i'm pretty sure i can put this in here and then surround it with packed ice okay wait it doesn't what it doesn't do anything i'm trying to hit ins okay wait what if i oh i probably have to just right click this oh it worked wait what steam came out and then dropped it whoa ladies and gentlemen i have in my hand it looks like a weird iron chest but it's called a secret base block okay wait so is this secret base made out of ice because we used ice okay probably hold on so wait what if we just place this down okay hold on maybe we don't want to place it down on the island because it's gonna be made out of ice oh my god yo that mountain looks really sick oh that one looks really sick too with the little ark now but this one looks way cooler to have a secret basin okay let's swim in the icy cold waters bro i'm actually so excited for this guys because apparently we can craft these secret bases out of any block we really can get our hands on so sorry sorry ice i'm gonna have to break you or should i place this secret chest block thing hold on there's a weird hole right here i'm just gonna place it there and then right click wait did something happen i don't what happened bro wait do i just start trying to find the secret base now do we actually have to find it or something oh oh there's a door there's a secret iced oh my god this is insane bro wait what is this ice over here okay i i i don't know i don't care about the ices right now okay okay hold on so if i right click this oh my god dude we're in holy crap oh shoot no no no no no i just are you kidding me the drowned came with me and now he dropped oh my god okay so this isn't gonna be as easy as i thought we found the secret base it's over there but we need oh my god okay guys let's at least get a wooden sword again that's so annoying bro okay low-key this is really sick so i guess with every secret base we gotta find it and then we gotta uh like rate it i don't i don't really know i'm pretty sure that was a maze that we just found though and oh my god dude i lost all my food i lost everything no who needs food anyways right scrawny gang oh my god dude i can't believe we're on the first secret base so we already died okay hold on so it's this block okay perfect and then oh god okay things are getting darker what was that sound okay why are we having minecraft creepy sounds so this is a fake block uh um okay we gotta be careful then bro oh my god okay is it this wait i see light okay no that's probably a trap bro it could be another lava source or something and then okay wait what maybe it is towards the light towards the light wait no oh yes oh my god ladies and gentlemen we have found the secret dude did we build this well okay we didn't build it we crafted it with a weird crap okay it doesn't matter how we got this okay guys it built itself and now it's our secret base wait is there stuff oh my god there's stuff in the inner chest are you kidding me bro we're not in the entertain there's a cool there's golden apples oh my god and look at this we got our own bed and stuff what bro look at the view oh dude this is so whoa whoa whoa whoa what wait what are you kidding me wait this is fake these are fake glass blocks i am so confused right now oh my god there's food yes bro and there's a jump boost potion okay i guess i'll take that bro this is insane guys and look at this the furnaces are ready to start smelting stuff and there's free diamond armor right here can i take it it's not letting me take it okay whatever yo this is so sick is there anything behind this painting guys what secrets does this base hold wait how are you supposed to get out of it i'm so confused uh is there anything in these barrels okay no i'm gonna take half this wood wait a minute oh my god with these diamonds we can craft another secret base wait no we only have seven diamond blocks come on man we need eight for the freaking thing oh wait there's a diamond pickaxe in here okay i'm definitely stealing that okay well i might as well quickly make myself a diamond sword there you go i wonder if there's like another secret bit to like this base okay wait i just broke the okay maybe i shouldn't be breaking things all these sea lanterns are really weird hold on i'm thinking maybe one of them are like a secret chest or something come on oh my god dude oh my god dude what we found the jackpot how is this even real okay well this is more diamonds that i'll ever need so i'm not gonna get greedy i'm just gonna take a stack i might as well make myself some diamond armor now bro oh my god dude if we thought this secret base was sick bro imagine the diamond secret base okay hold on let's just i find that so weird guys like how you could just oh my god okay that just makes zero sense bro that is so dope okay let's get out of here boys literally we're five seconds into this video okay well maybe a little bit more than five seconds but we're like a couple minutes in and we're already freaking rich from the first secret base that we found okay gamer so let's go and make ourselves another chest just like this boom and then uh and then yeah that's it we just need to put the chest in here boom bam bap and boof oh wait is it gone oh dude for a second i thought maybe our stuff would still be in there okay guys we just got ourselves another secret base block it looks the same as the ice one but i'm pretty sure it i mean we crafted out of diamonds right it can't be the same uh i don't know where i should place this one i don't know if i should go like oh dude it doesn't even look like there's another place around here i think i'm literally oh wait there is another island over there uh i'm just gonna place the block right boom okay wait what happened this time well what the what are you doing in there cow wait is the secret base inside here okay well maybe it's probably not okay hold on guys wait we placed the block right on this one right so then most likely wait could i have to do something with the whoa wait what the some no something right here chief something ate right here chief wait what if i just oh no there's no way wait is this uh wait a minute so this log is fake but then this one's real nanny am so confused oh my god wait oh why am i so scared i literally have diamond stuff i'm fine wait i hear zombies somewhere uh-uh i hear zombies and skeletons i don't know about this one chief i'm scared guys is this parkour oh god are you kidding me okay hold on i do not want to die with all my stuff because if i fall into that lava guys i'm actually dead so there you go let's make a chest let's put all my stuff in here oh i have a jump boost potion okay you know what let's use it just in case we need it but i'm gonna keep in the chest for now okay i mean this looks really easy but i doubt these are normal blocks guys uh yeah and okay of course of course why why would i think anything is different okay wait so let's try jumping to this one maybe are you kidding me oh wait so this one's real bro there's literally no way to tell which block is real they all literally look the same they feel the same they literally even taste the same wait what okay wait so maybe it's this one okay no it's not that one it's not that one clearly we're on our third death okay maybe it's this one over here oh it is yo okay okay well it's not that one we gotta make it to the stupid iron door guys okay boom boom it's not this one it's not that one it should be this what this is so dumb bro just give me the oh my god i just did the same thing again oh i really don't want to cheat to get to this thing but i thought i could like figure all of these bases out okay you know what screw it let's use the jump uh potion of bleeping thing okay so let's make it to this block there you go to this one over here bro i'm pretty sure we can make it all the way over there from here yay what no dude what if i just do like this oh let's go wait what it's just darkness what there's no way bro there's no way what the balls is this what do you mean what wait so i was right this isn't even the way to okay hold on there's a mystery here guys we gotta solve it okay nope oh my god i'm so pissed bro it has to be like it has to be through one of these walls there's no way are you serious are you freaking kidding me i would have figured it out but my i placed the oh my god i placed the chest in the crafting table right where i needed to oh my god what is wrong with me bro you guys are probably yelling at me and oh my god dude this is so dope look at this what is this bro we have a fully stacked enchantment table look at these chests oh my god this is so sick i'm like so it's like a closet of chests and then we have our okay it's a single bed so the other base has a better bed thing a little bit more comfortable but it's still pretty sick the other one though didn't have well the other one for one thing wasn't like literally made out of dumb blocks so like you're literally rich if you need diamonds just mine your own base but the other one didn't have an aim and chain to just keep my table yes i said that right nor did it have any freaking anvils oh my god dude this is insane bruh i'm trying to decide which one i like better guys to be honest this one is really i don't know i feel like the interior of this one looks way cooler but i like the other ones maze and stuff and i'm not just saying it because i died six or eight times okay wait is there oh my god dude another stack of diamond blocks but we also got emerald blocks and oh my god yes this is exactly what i needed boys are you thinking what i'm thinking hold hands and watch them animate together wait no oh yeah yeah yeah build an emerald base yeah yeah that's that's what i was thinking about okay wait guys how do i get out of here though like how do i uh there's no secret ladder or anything is there any like lever thing oh my god if there is it's gonna be so impossible for me to find it maybe the inch okay i thought maybe the enchant table wasn't like real or something bro how do i get out of here maybe it's like outside over here hello take me back what what is go okay you know what fine fine i'm just gonna stack up with blocks i don't even care there probably is a way to get out of here but whatever boys okay oh wait i just realized i left all my stuff okay i don't even care for that stuff dude it literally doesn't even matter because we are about to make the emerald one which is hopefully really good okay boom just like this there you go bam yes we got the secret base block okay where do i wanna do this one uh oh wait is that another oh that's another island thing over there okay hold on we have enough wood guys let's quickly craft a tiny little boat a little raphma thing bob all right here goes nothing boys i'm actually so freaking hyped to see the secret block okay there you go we have arrived uh where do i place this thing though hmm hello mr cows okay maybe uh hello mr flower should i just place it down whatever okay uh wait is the flower lever okay dude that would be so sick oh my god why you know secret lever stupid dandelion okay this block looks really weird but no okay this one looks really sketchy too no wait what what there is an emerald chilling right okay well clearly this base is a little glitch because it's supposed to be hidden i guess how do we get inside oh wait okay hold on this is this is a little weird what if i just oh okay cool that makes sense my brain not broken can i just what if i just oh hello wait what oh my god we're inside stop wait so you're telling me oh my god what whoa what is this oh my god there's villagers wait is this a what is this even a secret base hold up wait a minute oh my god why is there every single type of villager what the oh my god what are you in here for dude is this a villager prison wait there's barrels right oh there's another stack of freaking emeralds oh my god hello i know i know i'm sorry what did you do man hey man uh wait so this one's a weaponsmith this one is a mason okay this one's a tool smith this one's a butcher we got a farmer armorer uh cleric a shepherd okay we got a carton marker for what a librarian and then we got a fletcher and then i just heard a zombie wait why don't you want to trade with me listen it ain't my fault you're here okay i uh wait it technically is actually so i guess this is mainly for like just trading with villagers so i guess it's not much of a secret base but more of like uh hold on you know i'm just going to trade with you give me give me pickaxe yes thank you okay well so while this was really cool and all this is kind of just sad it's a little depressing you know seeing you guys locked up in here don't worry i will free you guys yes there you go be free yes be free all my villager friends except except for you you have no job all right i'm a head out okay guys so yeah i know i said i wouldn't cheat but i really really want to craft this one thing that i just got an insane idea for right guys what if i craft a spawner block thing oh my god a secret base made out of spawners okay wait okay oh it doesn't actually disappear okay sick let's quickly make ourselves let chest there you go bop beep boop and then oh my god there it is oh my god i'm actually so scared okay wait where do we want to place this one okay i mean i guess we might as well just go to this island right here preferably if we found a cave that would be so sick you know what screw the island guys no we gotta find like an actual dope place hold up yo oh god okay okay okay oh god dude this boat just sunk guys what if we place it right in here oh my god this is gonna be insane look how cool everything looks oh god okay i'm taking damage okay wait so before we die i'm just gonna place it right okay wait oh my god um hello i'm actually lagging okay wait what i can't i can't move uh i think i think my minecraft just crashed are you kidding me was the spawner secret base just too strong well guys i can't even open the world anymore so i think uh yeah i think we broke it how about this if we smash 20 000 likes okay in the first day of this video being released i will do a part two where we can like go through a bunch of more other secret bases out of different blocks deal bet so leave a like for a part two and with that said guys if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe and uh yeah i guess uh i'll see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Bionic
Views: 4,733,189
Rating: 4.8960571 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft secret base, secret base, craft secret base, mod, minecraft mods, mods, minecraft mod, secret base mod, minecraft craft mod, craft mod, Minecraft but you craft a SECRET BASE out of any block, Minecraft but you craft a BASE from any block, Minecraft but you craft a SECRET BASE from any block, bionic, crafting base, minecraft crafting, minecraft but you can craft out of any block
Id: hqpuGU9DKLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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