Minecraft, But The World Slowly GROWS (#2)

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in this world I only get one chunk however as the series continues the world grows alongside it each episode unlocking more of the world for us to explore this is episode 2 so the border is going to expand two blocks okay well still not the most room but this this is better hello and welcome to another episode of the expanding World Series this is the second episode in this new journey and we have a lot to address from the last episode first of all yes okay I get it you can plant seeds without needing water I know I made a lot of people angry by constantly saying I needed water to grow food and that's where we get to the next thing bone meal very early on in the last episode I got a fair few bones this was a mistake this was a huge mistake and I'll be honest at first I didn't want to use it because I thought I might need it for something more important down the line and I thought it might have been a bit of a waste but I realized that bones aren't that hard to get and later on in this episode I'm gonna figure out a way to get a lot of phones so it doesn't matter just like that we've turned our bones into real food finally we have some real food in this series now let's talk about today's objectives explore the new area we've uncovered fix our food situation with bones and find a way to get rid of these Phantoms and of course as a bonus mission we're still looking for water but first things first we've actually unlocked a new type of wood in this world birch logs acquired now let's hopefully get some Birch saplings there it is we now have an unlimited source of this new wood and I think to start things off we should head underground and see if we've got anything down here that we can get now see for example this coal was behind the Border last episode but now we can reach it and I know there's more iron down here we can grab as well oh of course this call was also behind the Border in the last episode so we're starting off today extremely rich and cold but what I'd really like the more of is probably some more iron oh speaking of iron now I have no clue whether I should cover myself in armor now or keep using all my iron for more cauldrons now I just want to go underground and dig around as much as I can see what else we can find I I hope we can just find some water oh iron wait I hear a skeleton where do I hear this skeleton oh oh there it is hello skeleton there we go we got ourselves some more bones I also hear a zombie oh there you are so we've uncovered another locket of a cave unfortunately no water in these caves though but I am definitely not complaining about this iron so that is pretty much the plan I'm just gonna dig around listen out for any sounds mobs water whatever it is and just see what else we have uncovered now that the Border has expanded it's gonna take a long time since I am digging with stone pickaxes but hey what else is there really to do in this tiny area so I started digging and at first I didn't find much besides the occasional iron and Redstone but while I continue this long search let me just say roughly 50 of you watching this aren't subscribed you might watch my videos all the time and think you're subscribed but you're actually not so please take a moment and check if that's you subscribing only takes one click and we're on our way to 5 million subscribers whoa whoa whoa whoa hang on that's something we've discovered lava okay this is good this is a new discovery I don't know exactly what I can use lava for at this point but we know that it's here that was terrifying I've managed to find lava before I found any water but hey maybe I can use this stuff to farm my crops at the very least we got a new advancement I guess that could be a goal of the series is to try and do as many advancements as I can but uh yeah cool [Music] [Music] may as well eat this rotten flesh if I just don't move I won't lose hunger what what oh that is so cool we can even reach some of it amethyst we have acquired a new Block it's no water but it is really cool that we have this and once the Border expands some more we'll be able to reach so much more amethyst anyway my inventory is completely full at this point I may not have found much but at the very least I've been digging around for about an hour and I've got a lot of blocks I made a quick trip to the surface to empty out my inventory and while I was busy exploring underground we actually managed to grow three more bits of wheat oh I just broke one prematurely that's a little bit sad and then I went back underground to see what else I could find and I was going to be digging for a very long time [Music] I've been digging around for so long now I'm just I'm so happy to at least find something no great question is what am I going to do with my diamonds in this series a diamond pickaxe at this point would be a complete waste but maybe working towards diamond armor wouldn't be too bad I need to leave this sign here because I know it's gonna get so messy underground here that I'm gonna get so lost and I'll probably never find that diamond again more diamonds okay well that that's a little annoying but fair enough I have some bad news you might realize someone is missing from this episode while I was adjusting the Border our befriend managed to escape it now resides nearby within this beehive but this just means we'll have to continue to expand this world until one day we can be reunited with our befriend and on that day I will give them their name hello so we've got a Wandering Trader that's wandered into our into our chunk okay no please get off my crops please I um if I'm being honest I think I think the most valuable thing that comes from this is the leads I I think I have to murder the wandering Trader now llamas are we chill look I can I can be a friend look it's it's me it I I'm the wandering Trader now well now we have two llamas I had no idea you could actually ride these guys wait please be my friend wait please oh no way I have learned something new today I genuinely had no idea you could ride these guys this is really cool and our dry wheat has been growing very nicely I don't know why I ever said I needed water this this is going just perfectly I then returned underground to finish our first objective and despite making some pretty good discoveries at first I didn't find much in the rest of the chunk whoa content red Redstone I found Redstone wow I'm so happy I can be excited about finding diamonds again and still I had no water if I dig any more I think I'm going to go insane I've spent like the last three hours just tunneling around underground here trying to uncover whatever that I can find in this world but as you can see around here I've just got an absolute web of tunnels going in every direction trying to uncover something but I think it's safe to say now that I've fully explored the entire deep slate layer of this world so I'm gonna say that's enough exploration for today and from all my tunneling today my diamond stack has gone up from 10 to 18 diamonds I acquired a ton of blocks 41 more iron as well as a ton of other resources and now it's time to move on to my other objectives and now I still have two problems I need to fix one is my food source although just growing this wheat dry has been doing pretty well for me if I'm being honest my other problem is trying to make a bed so I can finally get rid of the Phantoms at night and I think I know a way that I can solve both those problems with just one build and I mean we don't have the most room in this world at the moment so I think it's time we went into the sky okay for the moment this is gonna look quite ugly but I'm just gonna peel it up in the corner here so we can get up into the sky okay great the sun's already going down which means I'm probably not going to be able to work on this because there's just going to be Phantoms everywhere okay oh this is not this is not good this was far too early this sun's not even down yet you guys can't be here please don't bully me that's what I thought now we just want to expand and build a platform if we can and if we want to light this up cool and then somewhere towards the center here we can start building a mob spawner but now though I'm I'm gonna get out of here it was clear the Phantoms were going to be a huge problem while trying to build this and I'd have to wait for day before I could continue which gives us all the more reason to build this mob farm now the good thing about all the digging I did at the start of this video is now I have a ton of blocks to work with and you know we may as well try and make it look as nice as possible so I think let's turn all this deep slate into deep slate Bricks now I think I'm going to build this a little bit off center because I don't want to cover over the top of my cauldrons obviously trying to fill those cauldrons with water is still a bit of a priority for me and speaking of my cauldrons just as I was starting to get back to work it started raining I mean it's a little bit annoying because I have to put up with the rain but at least I know while I'm building this I'm potentially making progress towards getting some water now here's where things get a little bit weird typically with a mob farm you would use water to push mobs to you know fall down fall down here one of my cauldrons has finally made progress with water screw whatever point I was making this is way more exciting so cauldrons will have three levels before they're completely full and you can then have a source of water so I think this is the first level finally after all this time we've got one level of water in fact you know what we have 41 more iron cooked up today I think we should maybe even invest a bit more of our iron into cauldrons it may seem like a bit of a waste but I need water we can get more iron down the line it's fine and hey the rain is uh is wetting my Farmland so my crops should grow a little bit faster while we have this rain and while I was taking one step forward with the water I was taking one step back with the build okay this is a little bit annoying and picky of me but I'm actually going to tear this down a little bit I need to use this mob farm to get string right and if this is only a two by two Gap it's going to be very difficult to get spiders to fall down the middle so I'm going to expand it to a to a three by three [Music] foreign [Music] wow you really did not get much daylight I should not have messed around looking at my cauldrons oh a second cauldron has water in it if I had just one more cauldron with water in it and a glass bottle I would have enough water for a whole bucket of water that is progress whoa I don't think the whole storm thing is is necessary I'm gonna Rush up there and get back to work I think it's bright enough now no more Phantoms should spawn I lied I need this bed so bad man okay it stopped raining I'll take it I'll honestly take it at least it's gonna get rid of these Phantoms so for once we actually had a successful cycle of rain we have two cauldrons starting to fill up with water which is huge again it's a new day I need to get to work this time and make the most of it before Phantom spawn again [Music] now here's where the build gets a little bit weird because typically you would use water to push all your mobs into the middle in any mob farm but obviously I do not have water yet so I'm gonna have to just get mobs to walk their way to their death and I guess I'm going to do that kind of just layering it I don't know I'm kind of freestyling this on the spot I'm gonna create a bit of a funnel and this is gonna consist of a number of platforms that mobs will hopefully just walk off that all lead into the middle foreign [Music] so I think this is all I'm going to build for the first layer and I may expand it and fix it up in the future when we get more room now we can just build up the walls and then we can start putting a roof on this thing [Music] now I don't know if there's any real point to this but I'm gonna put an extra layer onto this farm this could either help or hinder how efficient this thing will be as I said I'm really just freestyling this like on the spot [Music] okay well I guess this is the final design I don't know if this is going to work I don't know if it's going to be efficient it's the best we can do for now so uh yeah let's destroy all these torches now if we head to the bottom this should maybe hopefully start spawning mobs I don't even know if I'm far enough away for them to spawn never mind it's working there we have it there's our first string it's actually working the mob farm with no water is doing its magic so I'd now finished my mob farm which will give me an infinite supply of some awesome drops and this bomb is going to be so helpful moving forward and just like that I now have 22 bones and with this Farm we have solved so many problems food is no longer an issue I can just straight up make 11 pieces of bread I'm rich I'm officially rich but now we need to deal with our other problem which is getting rid of the Phantoms so our next objective is to make a bed and to do that we're gonna need to get string to make wool we have one piece of wool down two to go oh oh would you look at that there's already a fair bit of string here for me so there's other drops I'm looking for from this bomb as well by killing zombies I can now get a chance at carrots and potatoes as well as the occasional iron ingot and I'm I'm unsure but if we can get some witches to spawn I think we can get some interesting drops from them as well so I'm just gonna spend a lot of time here now just watching mobs fall collecting string and uh looking out for some for some interesting drops oh a zombie villager could we potentially cure a zombie villager and get villagers in this world okay I'm also gonna invest a little bit more of my iron into this Farm to make my life a little easier it plays a helper there okay there we go and down the line when we're more iron rich we can invest more iron into this Farm to have Hoppers over the whole thing but for now that's just gonna help me get all the items that fall in the middle level 30. okay we have two more string in the chest one more piece of string and we will have our bed [Music] what was that did I just hear an Enderman fall in my farm oh and ironing it that's our first rare drop from this Farm oh and there's our final string and that is huge we have now managed to get our first three blocks of wool in this world we can finally say goodbye to these bloody Phantoms so here it is let's make the bed [Music] sweet dreams oh it's a beautiful sight so now I had finally gotten rid of the Phantoms which means I've completed all of my objectives for today but I decided to spend some more time around the mob farm to see what other helpful drops I could get why is there an Enderman in my farm I'm scared to hit it screw it screw it let's go Enderman let's tussle baby let's fight Enderman oh my we just got an ender pearl wait why is there another Enderman well I can't this Farm is not meant to be for Enderman why does this keep happening two ender pearls there's a witch stop jumping why do they keep jumping come on witch give me a helpful drop please don't think we got anything helpful from the witch unfortunately so the farm is honestly working great it's working better than I thought it would considering it has no water in it but there's one problem and it's that I've kind of left everything around here kind of ugly so let's fix it up a little bit let's let's make it look nicer around here we just got a music disc I accidentally just got a music disc that is insane oh another witch alert sticks okay we got sticks from the witch that's that sucks oh well [Music] that is what I wanted I know I'm probably getting far too excited for this glass bottle but that's what I wanted from the witch this whole time and I'm about to show you exactly why now that I have this glass bottle I have the ability to move this singular level of water from one cauldron to another now instead of having two level one cauldrons I now have a single level two cauldron which is a single step closer to a full source of water it doesn't seem like much but this could save me hours and it's honestly really cool even though I had just gotten the item I wanted the most there were still a few interesting drops I was yet to get glowstone dust glowstone dust twice and while I was trying to make the mob farm look a little bit better I stumbled across some of these drops oh carrot oh we finally got a carrot that's huge there's a potato there's been a potato in here for probably so long all right I've now made things a little more presentable up here a little more organized I've got some chests to uh store some extra items and I've added another little Wheat Farm up here so now I've got a super easy way to just generate a ton of food right next to where I get the bone meal now obviously up here isn't perfect just yet but I think it's a great start and and honestly this Farm is going to make our lives so much easier oh another glass bottle will I finally get water will I ever see my bee friend again make sure to subscribe and find out next episode and watch along as this small world continues to grow foreign [Applause]
Channel: WadZee
Views: 3,408,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, WadZee, Hardcore, WadZee Hardcore, WadZee Minecraft, Minecraft but I cant leave this circle, Minecraft but i cant leave this chunk, minecraft one chunk, Minecraft but the world slowly grows, Minecraft Expanding World, WadZee Expanding World Series, WadZee One Chunk, One Chunk, I survived 100 days in one chunk
Id: ew9arh6dBHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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