Minecraft, But The Deep Dark is Infinite...

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ancient cities are the most dangerous place in minecraft and we all know why but can you survive in a world entirely made up of these and even get to the end and beat minecraft things like food wood and finding mobs is much much harder and i've got to be careful that i don't set off any of these streakers mining that wood is is probably going to be a bad idea but i think mining wool is completely safe my biggest priority right now is food i think i've already started to set a shriek off okay bad idea can i break it before it goes off again come on quick sp i can a couple of regeneration okay could be useful i'll carry on slowly exploring this time i'll box things in and can safely open the chest all right well apparently not i've set it off again and i'm still completely foodless starting to realize that this challenge is going to be tougher than i thought hopefully there's something down here i'm not a shrink are you kidding me although i've got some good armor that could be very helpful and i think there's another chest at the bottom apparently there isn't finally some glowberries at the very least i'm not going to starve to death and i've got absolutely loads of them i'll have to be very careful with this one i i feel like do i just do i just go for it well that was the wasted time nothing worth setting them up for and i think i think uh the first warden is getting spawned i can yeah he's climbing out of the ground somewhere over there there he is wandering around the corners and i could not have worse gear to be having these guys spawning you know what i'm just going for it now i'm just i'm just i'm just allowing it i'm just uh there's gonna be about seventy thousand of them with this right give me something good come on there's nothing in it this is getting bad hopefully i have time to grab a little bit of wood one piece right now is better than okay diamond armor let's go but i'm trapped here okay this is a bad place to be sp737 keep moving i've been lying if i didn't admit that i'm a little bit terrified but to escape one warden i usually end up spawning another i've gotta make getting wood a priority up here is an excellent vantage point no shriekers and right there is probably going to be the best place for me to visit although i've just messed it up because i've been summoning another one and hopefully get more planks here at the very least it will be enough to make sticks and a crafting table i think that all the wardens climb back in the ground but i've just released another one that way sp what are you doing found a bit more wood but that one is slowly making his way over and the food i've got is not going to last forever but he's climbed back in the ground thank goodness i've got a bit of regen i've got to be careful of him but if i still need wall pathways as i run away then no more shriekers will be triggered and i can use these carpets to make a bit of parkour open a chest get more food craft a wooden pickaxe just taking me quite a while but hey better late than never let's gonna grab this xp could always be useful next mission has got to be to grab some deep slate then i can make a better pickaxe and with a bit more wood and deep float i can get myself an axe so things that are starting to look up but we're going in the right direction set up another of these stupid shriekers but the next priority has got to be to try and get some iron don't mind that oh wait oh okay i did not realize i set another one off and i'm eating right in front of him what am i doing let's be run for your life this is a suit this is a code red i think i can escape by uh twisting and turning a little bit i think i've got away double notch apple let's go things are getting better and the iron is probably going to be in the roof and full logs i don't even know they generated here that does make life easier another warden is spawning just be quick speed get in and out what on earth was that noise it was like 17 wardens all making the same noise at once i'm running is that what i i'm mind shot okay this is huge but i think i'll just grab a few more chests on the way with this hoe i could get so much xp really really fast no idea how i'm going to get up there other than putting my best foot forward and mining loads of wool over a stack is gonna be enough now what will i find in a deep dark mine shaft hopefully some iron i don't know if this is gonna work but i have an idea if i break these chains mine a bunch of deep slate craft the furnace can they be turned into nuggets no no they can't oh it was a good idea in principle but if i find more armor down there i could do it with that so i won't dismiss it as a stupid idea just yet don't matter because i found some iron finally it wasn't just one piece oh it's a good amount let's get it cooked mine a bit more while i wait and then i can begin my next plan also whilst that smells i'm trying to hit four million subscribers before the end of the year it's gonna be close so if you like my videos don't forget to subscribe also apparently there was a shriek around it because i have summoned a warden i don't actually know where he is okay well i found him he can't get down here right stop i thought he's gonna walk right on me without a doubt my priority has to be to eat drink this and just grab all my stuff and get out of it i've just gotta run for my oh my goodness that was genuine fear i didn't know you could get down here oh my goodness okay just block things up behind you sp737 and run for your little life because you are in trouble okay we're all right i think i might have got away but oh my goodness not often i feel genuine for you like that anyway now i can explain to you exactly why i decided to make a sword because i wish to get cobwebs and make a bow i do have an infinity book so if i can just get one arrow i'll be sorted also successfully found a minecart chest oh i could i've got bread i could grow beetroot you know i've never been worth it is it it's a pretty mediocre bit of food there's another one across there which i would say is a little bit better i need a bucket pickaxe and shears and finally a boat then i reckon i can safely go back into this ancient city look for loot and oh my gosh that's some very nice loot and also get hold of a bucket of water collecting wool is now easier got three stacks of it which means i can begin my next project and that is for full diamond armor although coming across diamonds could be the tricky bit also lava discovered now this i'm gonna have to remember these coordinates because that will be useful when i need to go to the nether and can't find lava although now i'm starting to see everywhere efficiency four that's gonna be huge this prop four will probably be quite nice and more not chapels more iron up here but also one directly below me i've got to be careful which is why not chapel came out and it's time for an mlg all the way down and i've got to get out of here he's after me this is one of my closest encounters yet i say that's a lie it wasn't one of my closest encounters the one in the mindshaft was probably the worst and i've finally found some diamonds three to be exact and for the rest of my armor i want at least 14 more [Music] that is all the ones that i need and i've also realized that it's quite easy to find iron ore in the floor which is what i've been doing now to find a safe place to sit and smelt my iron i'll also craft the different pieces of armor with this i'll make an anvil add infinity to my bow brought three to the chest plate we've got feather falling for my boots and for anything else i'm gonna need more xp but it's not like that's gonna be exactly difficult oh my goodness we're in an underwater ancient city i didn't even know this was possible and it looks amazing it's also gonna get me killed if i'm not careful this is very very easy indeed but a pop-up not trouble because i'm getting a little bit weak i think i could even mine these before they go off again maybe not quite whoa he's right right there's okay that was quick i can't get too complacent now but let's put these leggings together add swift snake grab two more diamonds to make a pickaxe with efficiency for then it is time that i head to the nether and i better be quick here because a warden is spawning i'm not sure if i can do this in time this is going to be very very okay what am i going to do build up run past him run for your life what have you done i think i've got out i don't know if he can get out with me pretty sure i have somehow escaped so now i need to grab more water and track down lava again whilst finding nut chapels on the way here we go although i think another warden is spawning again are you kidding me i wish you guys would just leave me alone here we go i'll do my best to build it here but there is a warden nearby so i've got to be quick unfortunately right now i'm being the exact opposite of quick because of that skulk vein thankfully i can hear the warden climb back in the ground i'll light it using the lava once i get through this portal i'll finally be safe i can relax there's not going to be any wardens here that is a big big relief my task in the nether is pretty simple get a load of ender pearls and this water forest was right by a fortress which is very handy for me to get all the blaze rods especially when a fire resistance from my nut chapels i've successfully found the spawner so it's time to get busy that should be enough so i can head this way get an enderman on the way and go back into the danger zone i think it would be cool to make a shield then my blaze rods and eyes of ender see which way it's going okay that way apparently i've gone past it i i can't tell i'm guessing it must be above me then i really need you to stop triggering wardens as well please hey buddy i'm uh i'm gonna give you a little race hopefully i don't see you ever again i'll throw a quick eye it's in this way at this point i'm i'm just so lost i've thrown up okay wait so it's literally just up there pretty much above that water right i don't know if i'm going to sit tomorrow this way i reckon i need to build up hopefully if i just keep going this direction i will eventually find it now i just need to find the portal well that was pretty quick to find as well let's get rid of these do that more effectively because loads more are spawning come on and how cool is a deep dark stronghold by the way and what the heck is this is it some sort of dungeon like connect i've never seen it this close before what have we got in here nothing too exciting and i'm gonna unfortunately be doing this completely arrowless which means i'll have to be very very careful well hey i'm sb737 i'm sure if anybody can pull it off it's me the only thing about aeroless is that it takes quite a lot of blocks and i think using ender pearls is also gonna be quite a good idea that's three and four should be enough so let's get this show on the road this one's pretty easy and with this one i'll just pearl okay and do something like that i have a pop or not yeah why not and let's get rid of you pull to this one okay well that was close and get rid of you and all the rest of them that's all of them gone i'm gonna jump over here and mlg and prepare to finish it off looks like it's perching which will let me get rid of quite a bit of his health here it comes again it's getting weaker it is now so so close to my axes broke my pickaxe will have to do and that is minecraft beaten in an ancient city only world
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,337,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, op items, op, minecraft op items, hardcore challenge, mod, ancient city, warden, wardenarden only, deep dark
Id: SngO9CVg4x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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