Minecraft But It's One Modded Block (#10)

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hi everybody and welcome back to Minecraft but there's only one modded block okay maybe there's more than just one modded block but consider for a second that everything that we see here comes from the one block which is pretty cool obviously is natural for SkyBlock series but I feel like we've done a good bit of expansion here and since we last left off I afk'd some more so we have even more resources over 14 000 infurium which should be good for supremium armor I'm pretty darn certain I also fixed up the drawers since last time so I had a bunch of open slots in here that I hadn't filled in with stuff and I didn't have the drawers locked so what happened is as I was working with the system taking items in and out I would take items out and then whether or not it was you know mystical agriculture related I could take out some Cobblestone put it back into the system and it might appear in one of the drawers and I was like oops I've made a bit of a mess here so I cleaned that up I locked all the drawers so now they will only take the items that are in them and then when I put items in and out I've changed the priority of the drawer system so they're higher priority so if I take out a bunch of inferium and then I put it back into the system it should stay in the drawers rather than going onto the drive so just some that and cool stuff that I kind of forgot to do in the last episode oopsie anyway another big thing that I've I've learned is um elevators are actually configured differently here so um yeah I need to do all the eight in between elevators so cool I also don't need two different elevator Stacks now I can just have basement ground floor and up in the sky all of them are up in the sky but you get the idea I did also expand this over here and I added another elevator because as I promised I am gonna automate the beehives but we'll do it in the episode speaking of things in the episode I saw it overwhelmingly the comments on the last one said that look no fix what ain't broken I know you've done live streams in other series but this is working pretty well as is so let's just keep it rolling the same and so that's what we'll do we won't do in between episode live streams we'll just keep this to the edited episodes here on the channel doing more AFK in between episodes and taking care of a handful of technical stuff but for the most part keep it as is people have been liking it so far speaking of liking it check out the like button if you haven't already and uh subscribe to stay tuned for future episodes and let's clear that actually no we won't clear this out we'll make it so that the next clearing out will be automated that'll be great but I did I did get a few more resources processing in between we've got a lot of prosperity shards which are necessary for premium armor which I'd like to make in this episode should be nice oh there is another thing though that I I've been meaning to do I meant to do in the last episode just like a lingering challenge I've been looking into some of the ours Nouveau stuff as well which section is it under it's this one all I have to do is get a crushed iron ore so I just need to throw iron ore into the mill over there we've been using it for weeks so far but I just won and then we should be good and that's just the challenge that's been sitting there the end challenge in that chain so we might as well get out of the way right throw it in I forget you right click to retrieve anyway me and create still not entirely linked up but I'll get there eventually process there we go crushed iron ore and now we hit this so oh god oh wants me to make the crushing Wheels I thought I was gonna be good I thought the chain ended there but nope it keeps going this here is also something I want to work towards and I need to get into Britannia actually in order to complete some of the challenges for the Magica section action anyway because all of these logs I don't think I'm just gonna get them from mining the one block I don't actually have to grow the trees but the way that you get these saplings right is by getting these and then you get this you make this you throw it into Mana infusion and Britannia and then it gives you the other different colors so I need to get dye Essence I do have a dark oak sampling so we should be good there and then the source gem which I probably will get if I keep mining the one block but I'll save that for later because right now I actually want to uh repair my pixel I haven't done any repairs with this yet so I don't I've already crafted a diamond with this but I want to craft like one more I just made it I just wanted to make sure I had the whole idea kind of down pat so I didn't fumble around while we're actually recording here so I craft the materials with the repair kit this is like the second or third level repair kit and it says it's only 40 efficient but like okay I'm gonna craft two diamonds with this and then I craft it with the Paxil here and it fully repairs it I was expecting it was going to be terrible because it says 40 efficiency and you can stick up to 32 in there but not too too completely repairs it all the way up so that's great did I even put did I diamonds in this thing I don't even remember if I put diamonds in this thing I think you can just use like diamonds or a tier 3 resource this is a tier three pickaxe I think you can just use any same tier material and you're just good to go like will this work here yep I can repair this one back up okay cool easy silent gear kind of awesome and I did see some comments saying eventually like you can get up to like 100 damage weapons and stuff with silent gear if you go full into it so we'll see maybe we'll make that a goal I also want to make some coal seeds because we can't really rely I know that there's going to be coal necessary for future recipes obviously most of our stuff is powered now but still probably not the worst idea to do so we just need three coal prudentium and prosperity see let's get our coal here easy peasy one two three four and then we just need some credentium do I have any of that I don't but hey guess guess how guess what I can get a lot of prudentium real real quick here like just a few of them just a handful of prudentium um no big deal and I am going to get this Auto crafting though because I think it's only actually gonna take come to think of it like six or seven patterns in order to get the supremium armor um so it shouldn't actually be too bad it just does take a lot of the prosperity so I just hope that we have enough from the bees oh you're over here I actually I need this man's and I was really worried that you had disappeared and that I was gonna have to get another so I'm gonna this is quite disappointing okay the whole reason why I had a lasso in my inventory because I was like if I do plan to mine the one block I feel like now if new Mobs who don't you idiot everyone's gonna be like this is what you get your heart on you didn't fix the nether portal you didn't make it nice it's still even with the whole island is ruined and that's why the carbuncle jumped in there just to spite you and it's all your fault if you had reoriented it made it three blocks wide this never would have happened can I not lasso you are you incompatible with the mod no please do not dive into lava or do something stupid I actually need you for one of the things ah geez it was literally the thing I was looking at when I came here which is the carbuncle charm I need to give a carbunk a Frick dude all I needed to do was give it a golden nugget I literally could have done that please tell me you didn't no no no that's just glowstone where the frick is the carbuncle no where you're up there where did you how how did you even get there hold on I'm gonna give it the Nugget right now and then because if the lasso doesn't work this is just unbelievable I I can get a golden nugget really easily and then that'll be out of the way and we don't have to worry even though it's really cute and I don't want anything to happen to it I also like if another one doesn't spawn out of the block I will be doomed uh unless there's a dimension for ours Nouveau that I can go to that I don't know though I don't know and now I'm panicking my sweet sweet carbuncle stay up you're there okay please please please please please please please why are you up here do not run do not run okay I literally oh God no he's on my head he's on my head he's on my head he's no no no no no no no go into that don't go into him don't go into that weird you little Frick you little frick I'm trying not to hit him with the sword because I don't I don't want to Splash damage I've uh do I on the ground oh I do okay I've given the car Uncle a nugget oh it's it's it's evaporated well less carbuncle to worry about I suppose it's not how I expected that going just a carbuncle well you know what I was probably just the nether was too hot and it just you know it happens it happens to water when you do it there and and I bet carbuncles are made up of a large percentage of water which apparently I'm not made of water which is Minecraft uh physics I've just been highly distracted from making my coal seeds Okay and the drawers should be already set up I've got four that are pending and I'm pretty sure I've got some hopping uh pots already in this system which I should have just laid out now we have a lot of Farmland right how's our Farmland looking oh yeah we got a lot of Imperium and then we just need a ha we don't have one of those hey guess what eventually I will probably try to put on auto crafting is these and that will be a Time Saver oh I don't know if you noticed I did actually kind of do the early stages of automation wiring so I've got importers off the ends of all these I still do need to make more speed upgrades and power upgrades but I made more metallurgic infusers ultimately we want three of them we have steel seeds so we don't need to have one for steel but we need one for each tier of the Alloys we don't have the refined obsidian yet so once we do then I'll be able to start putting that in there we're going to be exporting but we also need the Crafters to be attached to these and then we'll be able to automate all of those which is important to do having three different ones um but for now that's something that I it'll kind of be either in between episodes or in between a whole bunch of cuts and okay the one thing I'm not entirely sure is if I have to seed the drawer with resources I'm gonna have to come back here check if the crop is just stuck in full growth and if it is then I'll have to unlock this drawer using the key and then let it deposit some items in and then or alternatively what I could do is I could seat it so like one of these will have that and then the other two it'll be seeds and then two of essence but let's just see if it auto deposits in for the time being I just want to have that going on because just in case we might end up needing coal for recipes and um we can't be entirely reliant on power I I don't know I probably had a specific use case in line but I'm just forgetting it right now oh by the way another one of these a silth charm is from growing a tree near a wild Silph and I could lead the self grow a tree and see if I get that you know one of the top comments was if not the top comment on the last video jardon you're an idiot clearly the lead was working it was just invisible and in retrospect I I see this or I don't see this but at the I thought okay here's envision your me and you know what an ally is the Silph looks I'm looking for an ally instead of a lead the self looks kind of like an alley you think oh maybe I just clicked on it and it it follows me and that's how the self Works maybe that's just how it works it took the item from me and now it's following me because it's like an alley and I'm not seeing the lead I don't expect the lead to be invisible anyway apparently this was the utmost frustration to everybody it was that I didn't realize so I apologize it's a big deal guys I've uh series ruined I didn't I didn't realize the lead was visible and I hope you'll forgive me okay I also made some more enriched Redstone and Diamond by the way why don't I just hey while I have the self attached here why don't I just make some diamonds hey couple more Stacks let's use up the oh shoot I shouldn't have used all the essence because now I'm not going to have any in order to seed for well no I guess I can just shift click from jei for auto crafting it shouldn't be a big deal and more emeralds yeah wow the amount of time it takes to get that many emeralds when I could just be trading six with villagers I feel like emerald seeds need a little bit of a buff gonna be honest hey should we uh how about this bone meal 1.3 K yo do you want to give me the thing yeah give me let's let's hit me hit me with the thing okay you're getting a little bit ahead of ourselves and we're gonna have to come back to this later but but you got this right you're gonna yeah I grew a tree oh frick I forgot about the poof I thought maybe the poof was just the carbuncle admittedly I forgot about the poof at all I've lost the self oh no oh God uh jeez what did I did I scare it it was like holy heck that sapling just erupted into a tree yeah I'm terrified and now it turned his my friend is gone my friends all the wildlife poops in the gemstones before my very eyes God dang it I need to repair my saw what tears is tier three okay so uh how about one of those or have a repair kit yeah yeah everybody saw that one coming from a mile away didn't they I mean what else was I gonna do though you know what else was I gonna do was I gonna was I gonna not do the challenge I don't know oh look and it's freaking like it's back up to full holy heck these repair kits are so awesome I can't believe I poofed him oh shoot this is so sad hey you guys wanna how about how about after that very sad occurrence a little bit of um satisfaction oh it did the whole thing let's go I think it's because I planted less saplings this time around which maybe is the way to go is just do a less less samplings and then we get it all in one hit okay this is not breaking us even on saplings which is a little silly here unbelievable hey so how about we start Auto crafting so I should hopefully have a good deal of the materials already good to go to be able to do this stuff here I think I already had machine casings actually so I don't know if we even need to attach any Crafters to external machines in order to make the armor so we could make a couple though because we are gonna definitely want one attached to the smelter and then eventually the infused the Metallurgy confusers and The Crusher and all that stuff but fortunately we have the storage add-ons here so we can upgrade these and make them have even more capacity which is very very nice it adds way more rows and for things like this that are quite expensive uh it's good to oh dear okay so the gold one needs um the well I mean that's not an issue but we haven't done these neural things you know I could use the auto crafter in order to be able to make them all right you know what I could do this I can do this see we just do that and then we do the that and then all we gotta do is make uh the uh wait do I have a way to get obsidian other than still just throwing the magma blocks no I mean but we might as well get some more we might as well use Korea this is just an excuse to be able to put this to use after setting up the whole thing huzzah we have obsidian and now all the stuff that's going to be very tedious event like every every recipe that I do I just think oh I should set this up in Auto crafting and then I realized very very quickly you end up getting to needing a netherrite crafter with 50 million rows in it which it's a little expensive to make so um we'll see if we end up at that at some point or not um but yeah we'll see okay almost there though and then just one off Frick I need two of them because of course the problem right is that for every one item that you want to make you end up needing to make like 50 sub recipes and that's where it all just adds up over and over and then we also need the uh pattern grid here so let's make a pattern real quick and then we also need to make another grid grid but that should be good right and now we have ourselves a pattern grid so these are really the two core components to the whole thing is the Crafters of which will need multiple and then the pattern grid so if we put the pattern grid right here and then we put the we can have like one main crafter that's just kind of attached to the system like this with five rows it's a good place to start and so now if we want to make the supremium armor in a way that'll also help us be able to make all the supremium tools and stuff what we want to do is basically start from the very beginning which is okay so we need to teach it to make the ethereum gemstone which comes from these basic resources well we need to teach it this pattern and you kind of have to just go down the line and keep teaching it pattern after pattern after pattern until you get to the basic core components that you know come from mystical Agriculture and if you really want to get down to it even the pattern itself which you can put on AutoCraft you then want to teach it to craft a redstone from the essence and glass from smelting the glass which we need to put the other crafter in front of the smeltery and then the quartz enriched iron which can either come from the iron Essence quartz enriched iron Essence which we don't have yet or from this and so yeah it really it goes for a while but for now let's just make ourselves a few patterns I think we'll probably uh 10 might be okay and then eventually we'll we'll expand into utilizing the smeltery in order to make it so we don't have to manually craft things on their own but this will be this will be just a start for us we can craft a pattern pattern though I feel like that should always be the first thing that you do and then we go through everything else or these premium armor Prosperity gemstone prosperity and get inferium gemstone inferium Ingot inferium helmet I just realized I'm gonna need a lot more patterns prudentium helmet peridium helmet Imperium helmet Supreme helmet rinse and repeat for all the other elements of the armor chest plates or boots create all the other gemstones and ingots and finally teach it to make all the Essences there's definitely no way that it would have been faster to just manually make the armor this first go around but hey at least this way I'm able to uh make multiple sets of armor because I'm definitely gonna need to do this it's a very colorful crafter and it all fit inside the gold see it's a good thing I made the gold one now okay let's find out if I did this all right and obviously we could Factor it down even further but if I make a set of diamond armor here actually well I don't know why I'm making a new set of diamond armor all I need to do is I just need to make the leggings that was a bit of a waste so let's make the leggings here although it oh it might not it might need to have no damage on it that's very possible uh it's fine we've got plenty of diamonds even though I went through all of my stuff now if we search supremium hopefully I have everything that I need helmets one and missing Master infusion Crystal what do you mean that I need three Master infusion crystals what are you talking about I definitely don't it wants to do things simultaneously and it doesn't realize it doesn't need to do it simultaneously don't be an idiot guys I need to make more Master infusion crystals God dang it actually wait though it should be quick because the recipe is this and all this stuff is auto craftable so hold on maybe I can actually make this work potentially let's just say we want to make 10 you're missing a nine okay well now in the meantime I've gone and done the extremely inefficient thing of just making more Master infusion crystals for the time being so that we can actually at least get this the satisfaction of cueing this up start and make the magic happen there we go and then you and it's got all the resources start go do your thing perfect and then we got these and go go forth might have taken stupid needing to make more magic infusion crystals and their Master infusion crystals and wasting Essences but now we have a full set of supreme armor which should allow me it doesn't allow me to fly it would appear that the configuration has has perhaps been changed we can't fly all that um I mean apparently custom configs were put into place for this mod pack as you can see by the elevators so well hey guys at least um pretty good armor right like in comparison to eight there now we have ten also about our armor toughness so really pretty pretty good well we needed to set up Auto crafting anyway so um now we've got the basics I'm sure there was a counterpart to the comment saying make supremium armor so you can fly that said no no don't do that you won't be able to fly in this mod pack unfortunately I only saw one of those it makes sense for us not to be super overpowered and be able to fly but I well anyway uh here we are and I hope you enjoyed that little Montage of pattern setup and stuff like that and now how about we go and do the thing that I think a lot of people have wanted me to do which is automate the bees which is actually going to be a little tricky in a way because we need to use filtering on it and I don't even know if we're going to be able to use the AE filter so we might have to or refine storage we might have to bring items like into here and then like re-export them out or something like that um because it could get a little bit complex with some of the items in here not being able to be processed in the centrifuge like the pollen Puffs and not really caring about the Honeycomb versus we want the prosperity Combs to be processed in the centrifuge and then we have the bones over here that we want to have go into the system but we want the Combs to go into the powered centrifuge so we need to have it kind of filter things out anyway in the meantime though we want to craft these into the powered centrifuges we're going to have to run cables over to underneath the V Island okay so let's make three powered centrifuges which will hopefully be faster not that I I don't know if it actually matters really if we're going to have each one I don't know if the resources will come in quicker than they'd be able to process if they're going automatically in but honestly I think that the best way for me to set this up within my means within my knowledge is actually just going to be to bring it into the system and then export into the powered centrifuge and that'll be the quickest way for me to set this up maybe not the most efficient but it should still work in fact the way that I'm thinking of setting this up I may not even need to use multiple powered centrifuges depending upon how fast they are and I won't actually need the centrifuges to be over here so what I'm going to do basically is I'm going to take the mechanism logistical Transporters and even though we don't have any resources generated in the middle one I just want to set them all up oh wait you know what I should actually I should upgrade these two bigger ones so that they can pass more resources through I'm going to just pump out into a chest and then from there we will import into the system and then export everything and that you know it makes it so we don't actually need to worry about filters which I think will just make our lives easier because we can export specifically what we want and hey this is why I put the elevator over here so that we can run all the way over and not be like oh shoot wait I have to go back anyway all right so if we put these here and then have these go into a chest beneath it I think I can just shift right click there and have it on pull yep and have this on for you have to hit it in like just the right spot oh God I messed it up I clicked the wrong spot are you working nope wrong there we go good thank you and then you just got dead in the exact right yes we have Pixel Perfect click there we go pull even there's nothing to pull there and then dang it pull perfect so this chest now fills up with the resources that are being generated inside the hives and we can add more uh pipes beneath it's convenient just to have this bottom level here obviously and then we take an importer right and we attach it here we're gonna need some speed upgrades obviously but for now all right we can just do this and hopefully yep it starts going down I need to get the upgrades on AutoCraft as well literally everything I'm like I gotta AutoCraft then I'm gonna put that on AutoCraft yeah we gotta AutoCraft that anyway but for now it's importing into the system which you're like oh God this is wasting resources everyone's Just Gonna Fill Up all the drives in the system but now I think even let's let's just move it closer because we're gonna do drawers do we want to do drawers out of the centrifuge that's the question I think maybe just have it go into the system I know that everyone wants everything to be like drawed up for storage efficiency but I feel like we can just make drives if we need to and if we ever have like too much Prosperity we can just shut it off or actually no you know what I will I'll use the drawer and just for every centrifuge I'll have four comb exports into it so that it'll match up with one drawer because I think each comb only generates one resource and then we can add a new powered centrifuge for every four and that that'll be the way to do it so let's do an exporter out here it's just gonna be everything is just floating over here because um why not then all we have to do is uh put the Combs that we have so what kind of combs do we currently have sitting in here that we know are out of gender I mean I could do the Honeycombs but I might also just let those kind of do their thing I I suppose so okay and then just wire the power up to it right and then does it yeah okay it's powered cool now if we put the prosperity comb and the rotten comb into the exporter then does it have a different side in which it wants to maybe it can only be hoppered into I think I just placed it the wrong way don't worry I'm good at this and yeah there we go okay so now this is importing into here and I bet we can speed upgrade this maybe I'll have to see um at Prosperity wait I can spell good wait okay there's speed upgrades here but are they are they just for the hives I can't actually tell anyway it is definitely faster than the other centrifuge and then if I I can probably honestly just hop her out of the bottom of this thing and then have it go into the storage drawer and I think that'll be good hopefully okay let's see because like it doesn't need to be super fast at the rate that it's processing things so then bring that into the drawer and there we go Prosperity shards cool and then once that moves into the rotten comb the the only way that this would be a problem is if the resources out of the hive gen rate quicker than the powered centrifuge can actually process but again you you guys can let me know if the upgrades apply into just all things productive bees related including the centrifuge in which case no problem and then we'll also what I could do right now is just kind of override this really quick so that we can get the rotten flesh going in just kind of seed it with that and then lock the drawer right and then just attach the we'll make another it would have been smarter to do it over here I'll just have to make another drawer controller but yeah there we go okay and then we can lock this and whenever we add another comb into it then you know we can we can add another slot into here but yeah this way we're storing in drawers and everybody can be happy about it I need an upgrade though and there we go and what will happen actually if I make another drawer controller is I can actually get all the prosperity that's currently in the system into it so I put the external upgrade there and then all I should have to do is basically put this on like priority 10 again and watch this so right now we have 24 Prosperity shards in there and now if I go and find our prosperity in here let's just like take a bunch put it into our inventory and now stick it back into the system those should have actually gone into the drawer here um yep six times 64. perfect it's working we're being efficient rather than filling up our our drives I hope you're proud of me even though I probably messed up in some other way the cables may look ugly but yeah that's hopefully all the hives are dumping out and then that way when I'm AFK overnight on here we don't just fill up the hives within an hour and yeah and we don't get any more resources now they can be continuously going in the background just like all the mystical agriculture stuff and we don't just cap out and waste our AFK time hope that it doesn't get super backlogged actually if the chest is empty that's a good sign although we we basically just have to see if if I looked at the system for long enough we'd have to see if the numbers of Honeycombs for the rotten and the prosperity are going up or if they're going down hopefully it doesn't backlog fingers crossed so I kind of want to try to get into the RS Nouveau stuff because I've never done a deep dive I did like really surface level in ragna mod which is a live stream series you may notice I've kind of jumped over astral and haven't given it too much attention and that's because I was like I was way deep into Astro sorcery and ragna mod and that was really fresh and recent and that was a lot of work and so I'm like I'm letting that slide a bit just for the focus here on on ours Nouveau and we need to get into Britannia like I mentioned so why don't we give that a try we need to start off by making the the dye Essence we also need the source gym which we haven't gotten yet so to make the dye seeds we need the diagrama ratio which requires different colors of dye and I have to check what petals we we currently have do we have okay so we have an orange one and then we also need pink and cyan do I have what is I might actually yeah because we have blue and we have white right that no that's light blue hold on guys I'm gonna refresh my color knowledge somehow we don't have green for the cyan which is kind of impressive actually um but that's okay because we can make more floral fertilizer actually wait the living Roots here I bet we'll be able to make more once we get into botania but do I want to use it all I don't know anyway here we go hey we did this earlier but we didn't really have a mission for it now there's our green now we've got a mission I'd love to get more green but I I can grow some more anyway and do the whole shearing bone meal process so uh as long as via one we should be good we got some pink as well and that'll be good as long as we keep one petal saved I mean I can always do more floral fertilizer but as long as we keep one then we are okay so there's a green die and that'll allow us to get cyan but oh we need four of the iglama ratios I may have been dumb and used silk touch instead of shears on growing the green petals so hey it only took like uh 20 more of the floral powder to get one green flower what are you doing but Daniel what are you doing RNG I just I wanted to get more and I messed it up I messed it up it was dumb oh but I can just use uh bone meal and a white dye in order to get more floral powder so it's it's very renewable at this point so we're good cheers everybody shears Not Silk Touch don't be me don't be a dum-dum use the proper tool otherwise you lose your resources and that's never very fun anyway there we go we got two more cyan and then two three and oh no my lime I used it all in order to make slime oopsie just one more and there we go and now we can get dye seeds which won't immediately allow us to make lots and lots of dyes but we should at least get the one die Essence that'll be necessary wow wouldn't it be cool if I could Auto Craft like a whole bunch of prudentium oh I I would need 188 of the master infusion crystals maybe not the most economical thing guess I'll do it manually by coming over here and then doing the sea you only need one crafting system why are you an idiot I will never know all right we got dye seeds let's get that set up using Imperium guys do you think we have enough of the onions and tomatoes and cabbages and rice and maybe not enough wheat you think we have enough of that I think I should probably add some more Emerald upgrades I mean maybe we should maybe it's kind of important because we wouldn't want to run out that would that would just be terrible we did oh hey update on the coal seed by the way if the drawer is locked it will not import makes sense so there we go okay so we get the essence oh God but now I'm gonna have to it's gonna lock out the seeds I gotta figure out like what the most efficient way to do this is without having resources flowing back in I could put it on Lower priority but no then things are just going to go back into the system that I take out of the drawers yeah there's got to be like an efficient way to do it I just don't necessarily know exactly what that is I guess it's while I'm AFK leave the drawers unlocked because I won't be interacting with the system and then it'll fill this out and then I can make the adjustment afterwards but anyway okay we got the die going we'll have the essence and then once that's done growing we'll be able to make the uh the sapling thing and then we just have to get into botania to be able to make it work but before that we also need the source gem so let's mine the one block oh right the one huge thing I forgot to mention is an update from last time yeah so the mob Farms kind of suck I don't really know if I needed to set up this whole automation system because the lassos they expire really fast I don't know if they last longer if you get to the higher tiers but yeah essentially kind of doo-doo kind of not the best so I'm a little bit torn on the best approach to this I'm not entirely sure what to do about how all the Honeycombs were going into there maybe that wasn't the worst idea so it was not to fill up the drives but anyway I guess we're just whatever I need to get this block I think I hope that it spawns otherwise we have to figure out another way to get hold of it but yeah all right let's just silk touch our way through oh hey wait is that the dude bro is that the other dude bro the drag me that's the other one that I need to make go poof what do I need to do I need to give the drag me a wild in the horn and I can't laugh at you right you're not gonna work oh it works on you why did it work on you and not the carbuncle this makes my life infinitely easier so I don't have to worry about what to do with you until the Wild and wait do I actually oh hold on I did get one because we had one of the dudes you know fly over to this area so I had to okay well well Mr drag me Mr drig me you're very cute looking unfortunately I must make you go there you go he's doing a little dance kapoof oh no dude I've just I've just made three extremely cute mobs just kapoof in this episode I really hope that you'll forgive me I really do I'm a monster I really am hey so how about some of those Source gems oh wait that might actually be Arcane ore might be what I need if I break you with yep Source gym ore so this should I really Fortune this ah there will be more there will be more there we go we got ourselves a source gem perfect so with that we'll be able to do that recipe in order to get the saplings and stuff going but you know oh hey oh hey wait were the lasso's actually working was I just not shifting on the carbuncle or maybe the carbuncle is an exception we'll never know we'll certainly never know because definitely another carbuncle isn't going to spawn here and then I'm gonna shift right click and the last I was gonna work and I'm gonna feel like it there's there's a carbuncle no okay I'm not an idiot the carbuncle cannot be lassoed okay we're good we're good and then I just assumed because of the carbuncle not being lasso but you couldn't do it to the silk but you can you know you guys fly free do your thing I'm not gonna make you go poof all right I'm gonna let you live your lives and not excite you so much with a growing tree watch they're gonna go over there while the one of the trees grows and then they're gonna I'm not gonna notice I'm not even gonna get the drop it's just gonna he's gonna be self down he gone oh right I was supposed to look for name suggestions I did kind of look for name suggestions but mostly what I saw on the last episode comments were an inappropriate rhyme to self that people seem to want me to name and I wasn't too sure about that one so uh the self is is yet to be named but again if you have some recommendations for a name that doesn't rhyme with Silph and is also potentially inappropriate and demonetizable to my YouTube channel then I'm open to continued recommendations and I'll still I'll still go look back look at all these happy animals filling up the area [Music] wow look at all these happy dragmies and carbuncles that definitely won't end up walking off of The Edge or into the portal over there certainly that would never happen by the way where are we actually on the one block number I'm curious let's see you know I'm actually now starting to wonder like will we get enough of these logs just from lining and not even have to do the whole Britannia thing but where are we at we're at 2144 okay not bad not bad I don't want to get like too far ahead because I've gone through so many of the sections without necessarily like doing a full Deep dive although we've gotten a decent amount of the challenges done but I do really I do want to try this wow you need to get a lot of those Source gems that's definitely not just going to come from mining the the one block okay die Essence let me guess I only I only got one okay so I'll just take that and we'll worry about getting that fully set up with all of the necessary drawing gradients later but this will allow me to make well at least one of the sounds right this one and I'm probably gonna have to do more of them though because I assume that well I guess does this count or how many did I yeah because I'm gonna need to grow each of these on their own although I wonder if I grew this tree maybe I'd get more samplings from what does it look like if we grow this thing let's do it over here let's see if it even works with normal bone meal on normal Farm it does that is a gnarly looking tree wow that is super cool wait is the is the saw gonna work on it I'm so sorry I've just grown the coolest looking tree and now I get to demolish it but it'll give us more saplings probably which then we can yep that was nice now see that was real nice oh there there we go and then we have more of the saplings and we can throw those into the Mana pool do the conversion and so on and so forth so yeah that was a way more effective way to do it than do the dye essence recipe for every single one of them so next up is right with that we have to Mana Infuse it goes to this one and then we manage usually goes to the purple one then we managed to use it goes to the green one and that'll take care of those challenges and I assume that the wood is used for something relating to ours Nouveau probably and not just getting these challenges done but we'll see okay well I'm looking at how to get more of the source gems and it looks like you have to do another B conversion so we need another crystalline B and get that set up in the nether but I think we may leave that for next time I feel like we've done some good work here making some really climactic supremium armor I hope you've all enjoyed that in between this and the next episode I'll probably work on just getting some more Auto crafting setup just for some time saving and then maybe we'll we'll get the B and try to get more into botania and stuff like that so for now though thanks for tuning in hopefully you've enjoyed make sure to like the video sub to the channel to stay tuned for more episodes and check the playlist if you missed any and you want to catch up that's all for now see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 195,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, captainsparkles, mod pack, one block, all in one modpack, skyblock
Id: jpRDNe222SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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