Minecraft, But My Eyes Are Lazers...

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this video we installed the laser eye mod into minecraft and this was absolutely crazy because we can use the lasers to completely destroy the world oh okay okay stop stop guys guys i'm gonna die i'm gonna die also there's a glitch going around at the moment that can unsubscribe you so if you do enjoy this video then please consider subscribing it's free and you can always unsubscribe later if you change your mind and now just enjoy the video do you guys see what this is right here this is awesome look i can do this ah oh yeah yeah henry henry henry jacob jacob you're done you're done dude i'm actually going to die i'm actually going to die that's going to make it whatever jacob needs to happen now you guys understand the power that we have okay no no henry i'll save you okay guys calm down calm down here you are henry take this take this wait where is the oh no oh oh i'll take them go nuts kill them kill them all no jacob not me kill them jake or just stop we need to work together to kill the pillars kill them all kill them all henry henry come take this take this boom thank you thank you thank you okay kill them all wait we can move them oh wait oh my god we can move them yes nice also every time you break blocks they automatically go in your inventory i'm on fire i'm gonna die no no no i'm dead i'm dead yeah i died i'm dead as well yeah okay it's all good you guys are just not the greatest at this don't worry henry i'll save you oh oh i got him i got him up he goes drop him from a high height go nice i'm really hoping this chest didn't have anything good in it because i don't see how we're getting to it i am just destroying loads of stuff henry it doesn't matter what's in chess okay i'm just getting loads of free blocks right now and it's easy oh ruin portal oh my god look i just broke the room portal all the way from over here what you broke it what i've got the obsidian right here baby wait what is there a chest oh there's a village over there as well oh perfect okay uh two obsidian the fire charge is meh i'll take some free obsidian thank you boom nailed it oh jacob jacob stop stop stop stop come on jacob jacob stop the great power comes great responsibility i'm too hot okay guys we need to make a truce this can't happen anymore oh yeah henry stop it it was the cactus it was the cactus there is so much food here we're set i mean i'm just lasering some cows and getting some steak i don't know about you boys no no i'm getting loads of wood and loads of food because i'm a g i'm also just destroying these villagers because it's funny they're dead you're burning their homes down to the ground they need this okay this is horrible yeah this is good this is good for them it's character building oh i'm going to do it to the iron golem yes jake oh i have a pet look at him he's dying yes henry yeah oh my goodness and three iron how much did you get five here you can have one henry oh jake you can have one as well wait why have i been given one just keep it just as a souvenir it's yours wait if we put them together we can make an iron pressure plate yes come on free food this is easy all right we should probably think about going and actually getting stuff because we can just destroy this entire world and cause absolute anarchy and destroy everyone's lives around us because it'll be funny yeah let's get to the caves to get some mine oh wait what's that about a cave henry this is how you find a cave why are you going down there i'm just going straight down oh god you go through a bedrock oh i literally have bedrock wait what i literally have bedrock where is he where did he go henry i didn't see he's right down here i wonder if we just ah no no i've lost everything i've lost everything i've lost everything i might have done a bad thing henry just sent me into the void henry that was funny okay but don't do it again okay my goodness come on henry do you need to go down into these cases we can just like shoot straight down oh wait yeah i've already got a 14 iron we can literally just do this from the surface oh no no i don't want to die oh i'm gonna die i got this i got this oh i was on one and the half-hearts i'm okay i'm okay we are voyagers boys we got this okay we are absolute warriors make this iron armor we don't even need to make uh pickaxes right wait i don't even need the sword no we don't need anything we have the ultimate weapon right here oh okay deforestation wait so we can i've got six obsidian we can just go straight to the nether right now yeah cause doesn't jiggle have some as well oh i did until you threw me into the void oh my henry it's okay we can find a lava board wait there's a lovely oh okay nice wait henry see this zombie ready catch oh oh i got it i got it back check it back catch it go go go go jiggle catch oh no no no no no catch oh what he went flying oh okay okay stop stop guys guys i'm gonna die i'm gonna die we need to stop we need to okay let's get ourselves some obsidian and we'll be fine it's good i like it i like it i'm taking loads for later as well let's get all the mcm we'd ever need look at this oh my boom and oh i did have a fire charge but someone killed me i think we can light it like that no wait wait no that just breaks the block up what wait give it a second give it a second wait for it um well guys this was a massive failure i'm going to go get steel we'll make it work we're gonna beat you no no boys i will beat you i will beat you i'm the fast one jacob just stop breaking it stop breaking it trust me jacob did it and you oh j go oh um i may have just a little bit what just happened i found my stuff guys i'm gonna be with you soon okay ready oh he's in the sky he's still in the sky you just sent him to the moon guys i can't find my laser glasses this is bad wait oh no no don't tell me they're over there come on come on oh yes okay good no skeleton get out of the way boom we got this we got this okay i'm fine i'm fine get out of here buddy you're dead i've got the flint baby finally i'm on my way i'm gonna beat you guys to it i told you i'd win i mean honestly i think you might i think you might at this point because at that point yeah all right boys i'm here you ready for this let's do it you got the flynn still boom okay we're doing this wait let's see i'll spawn let's start spawn right here boom got it how's the spawn looks not bad okay there's lava tree going down this is bad oh jaco i'll help you kill it i'll help you kill it i'll kill it wait why oh no oh jacob did you hit one of them jacob you did not it wasn't me it shaker it was definitely washed you i think it was me we have to kill them all now wait wait wait wait wait can we get to the roof of the nether yeah we're doing it right now wait we're going up we're going up we're going up oh wait i just broke bedrock oh my goodness same i'm heading up right now oh boy wait this is going to make it so easy when we need to travel back boys we've done it we're here all this bedrock is ours don't mind me i'm collecting just infinite bedrock real quick yes this is perfect you know what boys i think we need a style change okay boom yeah all right all right all right well i have a stack of bedrock now i've got over a stack so now we can trap anything that we need to trap and we should probably go actually do our job let's go okay nice i'm back down the easy way good stuff ah we found one boys we've got it oh i see it right okay we need to seriously not muck about here okay yeah remove all the bad things because we don't want them careful again it stops breathing this is not working this is not working oh jake you know we're close enough i'm gonna punch you oh god can we kill the blazers with the lasers yeah of course we can we can do whatever we want there's one right there i got him i got him yes he's dead i've got the blaze one i've got it i've got it oh there's a chest here oh diamonds let's go oh no they're still angry run everyone run they're angry at you now boy why i didn't hit them no stop stop stop no okay i'm good no no no no this is bad we need to go get blazers right now right i'm gonna go find some blaze rods now okay oh diamonds i found diamonds boys okay okay okay i'm just running please come on find places so we can get out of this place i'm working on it oh i found a spawner i found a spawner oh i found one as well let's go just don't break the spawner please wait if you break it do you get a blaze spawner i don't know i don't know but oh wait i suppose there's two spawners you can test okay i broke it oh no it just disappeared what you didn't get it at all no oh no okay henry just don't hit it whatever you do or we're doomed nice there's another one be careful where you're aiming these lasers yeah do not break them okay let's just have like a triangulation here oh that's a good idea yeah just cross over the lasers and then as soon as they fall they just die okay i like that i like that get him get him get him get him okay come on come on come on okay i've got two blaze rods let's go i like how the world around us just slowly deteriorated because of our lasers look we didn't sign up for this world because we wanted to be good people henry we signed up this world because we wanted to do bad things okay i'm only here because i'm getting paid are you getting paid you're not we need effectively one more blaze rod guys okay and we're there come on come on come on come on come on here we go do it do it no no oh there it is we got it let's go okay oh and goodbye spawner you suck don't worry guys i'll find other way out oh yeah okay that'll do three million lasers oh there's a ghost there hello buddy come here we're gonna we're gonna triple laser room come on come on come on we're gonna do it we're gonna do it please oh there's a bastion as well go go go nice oh wait there's gold on the outside i'm just grabbing it already and i already have some gold boom oh there we are boom oh we can kill the brutes from miles away yes the brutes take so long to kill okay and he's dead nice and elder come here buddy you too get out of here yep you're gone yes you suck okay i am moving all these guys over here i'm literally making it so they can't get into the center of this bastion i'm going down yes okay i think i can actually do this right now i'm safe i'm actually safe okay i'm getting all these blocks come on boom get out of here and oh my an enchanted golden apple and diamonds the diamond chestnut are you kidding me wait an enchanted golden apple i've never seen that before in a chest and a diamond chest plate thank you oh my so much stuff i've got a diamond chest plate for one of you this is nuts go nice okay there's a chest right here ah no no you get back okay thank you wait how many gold blocks do you guys have i've got 15. i have five i got five dude we got 25 okay let's start trading and you go buddy there's loads of them go go go hey guys i'll just be sitting here with the piggies wait can we trade with henry henry trade i i have some bones oh yes come on yeah we don't need these guys anymore they're done okay right you know what we're doing we're going to the top and we're going to go build our portal come on we're going to above the bedrock here we go we got this this is it we're getting right off the top staircase to heaven and we're at the surface okay let's go one of you can have this and one of you can have that thank you oh you ain't that perfect all right boom boom boom yes here we are we got this no no no no no no no no we make it extra long even bigger boom oh i messed up oh i'm okay well you know what i'm just okay we're leaving we're leaving let's go time for us to leave okay go check me under pulse let's go come on come on come on right here there's a few more i'm holding on to the rest oh my let's go let's go this way onwards and upwards boys i'm launching boom oh what it went straight down dude we were so close okay well down we go oh wait can we destroy the portal and just place it wherever we want we probably can oh we're here anyway just destroy it destroy the whole place i don't care it's not ours wait wait wait wait guys i think we need a theme change wait what does that mean henry this one it's for you okay yeah baby all right it is disgusting why does it look like pee look where is this portal come on we will find it if it's the last thing we do wait i found it i found it i found it oh dude i'm right next to you um i don't think we should risk breaking these things so i'm just going to start placing okay we're not going to do it yeah it's probably for the best boom okay just one more done okay i don't have a bed please tell me one of you does i have string yolo oh okay nevermind we're going through henry we're doing this wait guys i just realized we can just laser the towers there's one there's another oh no there's enough wait wait wait wait wait guys guys guys wait wait wait it might be time for a theme change again another theme change i'm down surely it's purple jacob why would we do purple yeah baby oh my god oh my god no jaco i'm magically summoning you to me right now i summoned you jaego you are seven here we go go go go okay i'll destroy all these towers come on come on we have to get it nice we got it we got it hey did you guys order an ender dragon by any chance no no no henry i did not order the ender dragon henry stop stop you hang me you're hitting me i'm eating the golden apple i'm eating it i've got it i've got it put it down stop stop stop please guys we have to kill it we have to kill it i've got an idea boys i am making a diamond axe right now he's pushing okay okay i'm pulling down i'm pulling down no jago what are you doing come on get it i got it out i got it out he's still perched why is he punched like in the middle of nowhere attack attack attack oh three lasers come on attack oh no i can't hear anything i've got an idea wait wait no jacob jacob bring him down bring him down bring her to me bring her to me come on come on come on bring her up a little bit bring her up a bit more here we go yes come on we got this this is cheating yes come on yes oh my goodness i cannot believe what i'm seeing let's go boys and i now win i'm the winner of this video goodbye
Channel: Wisp
Views: 1,087,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, wisp, wispexe, dream, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, manhunt minecraft, hacks, op items, custom, custom item, there are custom, laser eye mod, laser, lazer, lazer eye mod, minecraft but my eyes are lazers
Id: flaQ61lt-MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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