Playing The Worst Rated Video Game!

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Classic Mr Beast!!! Man I love Jimmy.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dark_Assassin75 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
by this game if you want a reason to yourself garbage pros cheap cons visually unappealing horribly optimized unskipable cutscenesthat's playing this horrendous game this is a home screen not bad so far I guess we're doing single-player yeah take note it says it's in beta so it might be nothing or maybe it's just saying the game is a beta game so it kind of looks like GTA oh look at me I feel weird for playing this I'm gonna be honest it's actually kind of moving on the way wait are these people he'll punch something boom oh wait I can't punch yet so far I don't see why people hated this looks kind of cool put a mini-map there Bofur got to make it work in case you're wondering this game costs $10 okay so we're gonna try to see if it's worth it oh wait gangstas oh oh yeah well you have a good press e I bet it's a no F none - none all right here hold up always find the key input no dad why there's no controls there are controls we just don't know all right I'm gonna match every button on the keyboard hope my first person in speed these these views yes eh I go to those cars and punctual in the windows swim that's all you have take it back hey thank you oh my gosh hello I picked up his ammo come here wait the copy just went away after that no way just this look at how I look running how you doing there hey can I have your phone number no Jimmy's getting a Minecraft girlfriend oh gosh pops the car get it that's a cop nothing here nothing to see here please do not open the door Chrissy nothing yo he's shooting in the civilians how could he I'm in a oh look at the flick on this man oh I'm tapping out who has to take over this maze in the barbershop go get a haircut I don't have any money no just robbed a barbershop look at the lighting obviously there was a lot of potential here I don't know why they gave up on the game they hadn't have given up on it could have been good oh look if we had some money we could have got armor thanks for wasting our money Jimmy for driving soon as women to a shot on me you can't find there's gotta be five pics lot well how are you supposed to get wondering first go to the business center but I can't hold anybody for ransom without you oh just pull up they might give you a job and starting to see it why they're reviews for how they where we're gonna reload you get our gun back because I feel like we're supposed to have our guns oh wait okay here we have a job okay I want you to rob don't road work is not difficult moreover I will provide you with weapons and a car isn't it cool I just came here and intend to engage in illegal business yes don't worry you already have experience in this manner after all you need starting capital I will help you with this okay what is our plan here bandanna the gun and the keys to this car I hate this so much the store will still be safe it can be opened with a drill take this bag in it the whole instrument you'll have to do with the guard at the door the new point the gun at the cellar he gives you the all the cash next to him we'll be safe we'll be safe all right Brian and what about the cops let's hope that you had time to leave before their arrival I'll agree I'll pick you up at 23 23 is not a time light into the vehicle all right oh no I'm gonna do what I do best in G yeah you don't even get stars for that wait Chris go go back through double tap make sure you know you actually killed them what am I supposed to go just look at the mini-map oh wait it doesn't work here there's a robbery right there whatever I alright look it's by the hospital wait so that's gotta be the hospital right there the big red building oh why are people out so late no they're doing their thing set this gun that was your car come on Craig Lee oh wait guys I've got to go eat olive coordinate with my life well maybe you shouldn't be fleeing cars off ramps I want you to robe store alright I got the gun I'm getting in the car all right right here so we're looking for this right here the beauties kids all right start your shot right there yeah yeah dude I'm a genius oh there it is there get a tool hold up park your car park it dude this is a getaway spot let's see if Chandler can finally complete the mission weekend I got security camera shot take money from cash box so put that fool down yeah yeah yeah listen this store doesn't work what shoot in the air yo come on wait where's the drill it's doing it Rob very successful okay grab that money right there got that okay weights drilling Chrissy on that oh wait wait it's still drilling right wait you go back in there disables yeah it wasn't safe did it there was only 52 bucks in the safe then Brian said jerk oh alright returned Brian I'm not gonna lie that was me go steal the car first get the dub from the mission dawg once I do one crab I like to just keep doing cry oh oh that pedestrian knew he was turning she did sorry you there were so much lady in cutscene what's going on y'all I'm just passing wishing we're up top four and a half grand boys nice dude it looks like the three members of Big Time wage Oh get the white card get the white card yes we could have a brand new mission we wouldn't even know because we couldn't read a word he said where should we go next good so done so all right all right all right gun store to lose robber begins wait wait wait wait I want to see if he's in there still what if he recognizes me hi welcome to the store yeah hands up guys yeah the drill I'll be here before robbery success robbery they just leave if you just why do you put it down so you know I'm gonna get the best gun in the edges oh wait where's your white card good wait what did you spawn why oh yeah there is here it is gunshot gunshot gunshot gunshot yeah we've got to fight somebody Chris got their friend against your why are you robbing a good store yeah SWAT teams on the way brother you got three stars for a defender with your life why does the gas they should have more money than the gun store well those people keep getting killed though you just lose your stars when you walk outside well the robbery was complete hey there's your car is that my car wait car is grim ran ran ran ran ran ran for him oh yeah yes stuck stuck whoa boy go over top and look down you're not even touching a steering wheel all right you're gonna have to get a different car just go to the bank this is it no this apartment let's see what them jumps cost three hundred thousand quit I hope that means quit playing because that's crazy now what's up with this freaking place Murr get up pick up his ammo pick up as a my boys where's the main for this hundred fifty dollars no really boy when I bribe 250 I get in trouble oh here's my car I'll shoot the window shoot the window I did that and I got in trouble no judge this is actually not that bad like this would be a cool like sandbox world to play winces oh there's a third cop Oh Chandler if you're a true gamer you can kill all five let's go back to the gun store get more weaponry let's give off a fighting chance all right boys guns store I think right yeah cars got hiccups rap rap rap Angra anybody in here yeah because you blew it up we can't buy more guns to rob the bank because we killed the guns later if I try it with a pistol and I die the gun store will respawn and then Carl can give it a chance so you only have six bullets nah John he's just gonna kill one person gets a man yeah yeah he gets Jan Jan ya know this about to be the most live bank robbery of our generation you so shoot those people first should know shoot these yeah yeah yeah oh my god nothing oh my gosh this is so bad see how much am i none jump back there quick go hang out with those guys see if you can take their guns alright so reload I think on what happens you look all you have to do is just not rob the guns hey it's almost like we hope you got money go to the gun sir orange will shoot the window I don't have a gun oh wait oh we get in the car the white cars back over there that's gotta be yours nobody else parks like this yeah oh by that by that so we gotta get this rig in that just look at the stunt why does this one have Q speed it's a speed at the top it's read at the bottom double speed speedy boy [Applause] that was so much better than all of us make everything cooler you don't even rob the bank just keep driving towards the sunset no just keep going towards it it looks too good all right Carl when you walk in if you go into the staff only room they will shoot all right you got to be strategic you could probably line all the cops up yes so you got a little bit of cover Carl face stop running towards more people to tilt yeah they're not even hitting you dude you're like invincible right now you don't have my eyes on you though go to the tool place go get a drill and then come back and rob the bank everyone in the bank just oh my god Carl one mob or the cops on you takes a lot by both by like seven should we revisit the gun store get work and for what why'd you get pork stars for buying that guys we need a hold hands this is the big moment Carl hold of oh no you got walk-in cooler editor play a soundtrack [Music] oh there's no one in here I'm ready to be money oh they just opened it wait I'm good my graphic II II D what's what C oh I'm so good at this game oh my god ro we got a 31 grave we can buy a business now business face of my command car and that was the worst game we could find on Steam it was enjoyable I wouldn't recommend you buy it because it probably would have been miserable if you're alone anyone else this throat hurts from screaming I'll be sucking on it weenies like you do
Channel: undefined
Views: 17,550,587
Rating: 4.9413729 out of 5
Id: wtt-uPS_VhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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