Minecraft 1.20 But The Loot Drops Are Random #1

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welcome everybody to the first go at Minecraft 1.20 random loot drops crafting may be a doll order at this point with all of the armor Trims and the and everything in the pottery shards and oh my God there's a lot of stuff but Randall loot drops still stands and all the mods have been updated except for um logical zoom and replay mod but we do have everything that we need so let's bring in the updated 1.20 Rando Loot drop data pack if you want to follow along the fast guy site has been updated and uh here we go it's time it's time to have a Time everybody make sure to like the video subscribe to captainsparkles too stay tuned for this probably doesn't end in one episode so you know you'll want to catch the future ones and follow twitch.tv Kevin Sparkles to catch live and um yeah hopefully I don't mess anything up here fingers crossed it works and everything is good all right everybody Welcome the donkster is here the dunkster made it to 1.20 I'm starting in a tree as you would probably expect and um yeah okay well let's see what we got and look look it's all here it's all ready to go it's great it's incredible boom wood wood from Birch leaves out the gate bro this is Omega massive dude this is Omega massive to start us off huge Maneuvers dude oh my God am I gonna slay a parrot have I ever I don't think I've ever slain a parrot in freaking Miranda loot Ally maybe once maybe one-sided anyway there we go we got ourselves some wood pretty huge no do what they say don't do it um all right I guess you know might as well just make some wood tools since we have to get wood on the first drop right and then there we go pretty good pretty cool dude get the sword and then maybe uh okay dude all right and We're Off to the Races Mr donster you don't probably like puffer fish right I'm gonna throw it on the ground I assume not a fan though probably not a fan of the puffer fish what do we got there a little nether brick I guess I can break this you know it's gonna be slow going but I can break this stuff leave the birds alone I guess the dongster is also a bird so people are going to be offended potentially at something like that um we do that because you know I'm not used to being able to break everything so immediately and so quickly but here we are it's gonna be better it's gonna be so much better though right now not having to worry about you know keeping track in the spreadsheet because we've got we've got the mod we've got the mod we're all ready to rock that's not dropping anything unless maybe silk touch does it get ourselves a little bit of this all snowball action bro maybe get a shovel as a result of that so we can actually effectively break this we I want to find like a cherry wood bomb or we could dude we could go out into the desert we'd go out into the desert and we could see we could see if we can get some sussy sand you know we can see if we get some Saucy sand and yeah that would be kind of huge actually um yeah yeah we have yet to see a new like a cherry wood drop or something like that come on man I want to see a cherry drop dang okay I can break though we already did that right okay but I can strip it see we get oh well then okay that's a pretty good one right there dude very nice very very noise dude yeah let's go let's go let's get ourselves some uh at least Diamond ax diamond sword diamond pickaxe then we can mine things quicker and stuff mods folder moment bro yep definitely we engineering this dude we engineering it gotta start off strong for a new version of Minecraft you wouldn't want to start off weak because that would be pretty pretty sad that would be pretty weak so here we are starting off Strunk as heck Okay Okay Okay so we've done that um let's get rid of that let me get the shovel going to get the shovel going and then um here Paul actually I have a good idea slash poll do I break parrot not break parrot there you go democracy gets to decide yeah yeah diamond block hold on but we can also we haven't done merch yet see the Birch drops oh Redstone okay cool cool we get the block too from that little nuggies do I want to go full nuggies here well I can do the block at least of redstone that's easy enough oh they are blood thirsty well they want the parrot to be broken they want that parrot broken ASAP oh my God oh my God all right are we gonna do some freaking I guess we're gonna do being blocked too Bean Block action here all right there we go Bean block time nothing nothing from the beam block I just realized I didn't actually break the warp stem though so okay well that was that was a strong poll I don't even know if the I don't even know the birds is still around bro are they still anywhere nearby or have they they probably saw the pole and they were like I'm leaving now oh look at all this wood dropping from the trees and the seeds would even break so uh something were you dropping seeds I don't know where's that drop sunflower yeah that's 77 of the vote to break parrots would I break there I didn't break dirt yet oh smithing table that's kind of sick smithing table from dirt I think that they all left they decided that their lives were in danger and they were like I'm gonna leave now that's a long path here and gone I'm looking around looking around I'm in the chat the chat has spoken they wanted to see it but yeah they've they've very much disappeared what about cocoa beans sorry bud oh just straight up drops white wool okay we got a bed I'm gonna wait until night time so I can sleep in it and then break it no hesitation it's rabbits are used as the actual you know food source and stuff like that so it's just it's a slightly different story when it comes to rabbits you know right he tells himself right definitely what is that what was that dropping I didn't see what that dropped that was sunflower is it just sunflowers nothing else oh tripwire hook okay and then strip is strip junkie goes to stripped acacia okay okay we could do something with that maybe gone see you later um okie dokie I know that rabbits can be pets I know rabbits are friend not food but I've probably eaten rabbit at some point in my life before I probably have am I a monster probably probably um it's yeah yeah anyway okay so we can do the certification wood break it nothing happens from that all right well we can now break the planks of both of these interesting interesting and rabbit is friend and food oh Mr dongster you got yourself a little bit of a tasty meal in there nice very nice to see all right what do we have around here I want to see if there's any like you know Cherry biomes or something like that nearby that would be pretty slick those pesky parrots have survived um oh melon what does the melon give us great terracotta loot peasant wait what did I do what does loop hasn't pardon me what is loot peasant you discovered 50 Loop tables oh there's no achievements did Mr Norton do achievements in the loot drops mod huh what the heck that's crazy perhaps Perhaps it is said I'm gonna need to find some food at some point here I think no could get us some arrows actually if we just hold on to this stuff I'm down to do that and then what do we got here more different colors of wool why must there be a Luke Goblin achievement because freaking dude what else am I how else am I gonna find Ender Pearls and blaze rods if not Loop goblining isn't that the very purpose of this entire thing is to Goblin it up I failed to see the issue with this all right yeah we get to try every different one so allium on the ground pot on the ground and then allium in flower pot we get to do them all nothing what the nothing that was a whole lot of nothing's happening right there what do heck did I do um did I do that I think I did and it goes to nothing as well wait is that Me Oh I thought there was like Mangrove over there and I was like that's super duper freaking cool okay um let's see did I get both kinds of bamboo I must have because one of them doesn't seem to be dropping anything so I'm just just want to see if there's anything else that I'm wanting to get in here and before we get to move on um okay yeah I guess I can just get like the stone in the hole over here easy peasy yeah so we're having a pretty easy time getting wood today it would appear between oak leaves and it's Stone um yeah there's a lot of opportunity here a lot of opportunity oh yeah yeah let me break the bed what am I doing oh it's too bad I just broke gravel that was kind of like that's kind of unfortunate for you you could have survived given that you dropped something just so naturally occurring but anyway that drops nothing Rippy dippy in pieces dude all the wood I could ever want we're playing a mod pack called all the mods and here I am with all the wood all right let's see well we do like there was a Mesa biome over here oh wait bro we got a village oh dude this is huge we got a village and then also a Mesa biome over there uh yeah this is good this is real nice there's some food hurricane I'm going to need to put this down somewhere else surely I'll just find some sugarcane naturally in the world right I'm very surprised I haven't found like a good food source yet though I wanted to do that we already did that what am I doing we're good let me just oh I already did The Acacia stuff let me do the uh let's do the Oakwood here we want some of that okay cool stone slabs and frick it's already about oh it's just a storm I was like there's no way it's nighttime oh bamboo was that our first 1.20 item let's go finally it's happened I'm saving the other one to put it in the water or something like that hey it's food not not really great food but food nonetheless okay bro I gotta find some uh sassy sand over here I have a oh wait did I get a trim oh I did get a trim template huh cool now I need to just get some armor bro and then I I can get smithing tables super easily ooh that's kind of cool that's kind of cool wait I should hold on let me get some uh let me get some more diamonds really really quick so I can make like a diamond hoe and stuff like that cool um okay I will just do these and we'll get actually I should just make diamond armor and stuff too and then I can apply the trims to it right although I need to I need to find another material to use to apply the trim so then we could get diamond armor that has cool trim and we can try to look cool while the random stuff is happening simultaneously oh man oh that'll be awesome bro I don't remember what the armor trim came from but fortunately we can refer to Luke tables to figure that out I assume um a penguin yeah dude uh Penguins were added into Minecraft 1.20 it was a secret feature and uh it's confidential I'm not actually allowed to tell anybody how you get it but if you find it then you win 10 cents so it's pretty it's kind of a big revolutionary thing you know oh some armor trim drop from stronghold uh oh no this the tide would have been from um that would have been from Elder Guardian right wait that's actually crazy because when I was doing the snapshot video and I was trying to get the tide uh template just to get like some b-roll bro I had to spawn like 10 consecutive Elder Guardians in order for it to finally drop the tide armor trim I was like is this broken it's a snapshot maybe some things aren't working properly meanwhile I get it on the the first try oh right it's 100 Loot drop so I guess that means every single possible drop is dropping way to spoil it man I thought I was getting lucky all right jeez dude here I am thinking that luck is on my side and then it's just ruined for me here just ruined for me I like how we've gotten diamonds before we've even found a single piece of uh iron yet oh also I haven't even broken the Warped planks so I should do that I do diamond block um maybe I'm I'm thinking about it I'm contemplating all right let's see if we do this oh hey oh hey Broski what is loot collector mean dude a hundred loot tables bro we're speed running all advancements Minecraft loot tables here let's go so that was warped uh pressure plate gets us to oh it's raw sandwich kind of icky but whatever oh okay um let me break the wet spongy pill look at the stats page in the red book um stats oh a hundred out of nine oh my God this is fancy wow other whale whale crazy cool Mr Norton all about the statistics all about the statistics oh sorry I should have given salmon to the dunkster you are very right about that anyway oh nothing and then back to the freaking allium everything is an allium everything I touch turns to allium yo water bucket that's big that's big okay yeah yo yo I see you looking at me like this okay there you go take the fish take the fish it's delish and nutrition all right I need to plant some stuff here yo 100 block completion oh my God can you even freaking imagine can you even imagine 100 block completion it actually be like interesting someone should do a 100 block loot table completion Speed Run in in random loot drops that'd be kind of kind of cool actually all right there we go we got more wood options available to us I'm gonna get rid of that all right I gotta plant the pumpkin seeds Jung you that's actually good because that's new that's new bro double Anvil okay I could keep one for some possible future stuff and break the other you get a bell in case we need to find anyone in a raid you get one of you down there boom and then oh my god dude we get the freaking Crimson wood no way okay so do we I'm just gonna convert into this so we can get more for our more bang for our buck okay and then wait pumpkin seeds was something else that I was oh yeah I wanted to strip it right there we go see we get from there oh frick I've done Acacia button no it was a mistake little donk there you go dude there you go take it take it Take My Money Take My Money he's not hungry why is the donkster not hungry aren't you always hungry bro oh okay nothing oh bamboo pressure plate that's new stuff bro we have oh my God can you imagine random crafting if bamboo would to get you have freaking cherry wood to get oh there's just like so much stuff there goes the dunkster on the munchie cron cheese bro and it all comes back to Oak log tell you what I can do though I can actually have a bunch of elk logs I was like you know what since we oh never mind I've done that I've done everything I've done them all everything that can be done I have done I have done good what I wanted to do is I wanted to put the uh gray concrete powder next to the water so that I can see what concrete does nothing great always fun when that happens I didn't mind the oak plank did I not mine oh you're right I didn't mind the oak plank what a dummy did I do the pressure plate oh no I didn't do all the things oh no oh beds for days out of okay so if I need beds then I can get it from Oak really I think that's good that's good because Stone gives us Oak so Stone can give us lots of beds if we want to use beds in order to break the dragon down the road I wonder what the dragon drops if I break the Dragon I'm kidding it doesn't work that way but it should it would be pretty cool what if the dragon dropped Ender or blaze rods see that would that would be a truly interesting situation to have play out before us wouldn't it it would be truly interesting oh I never did this and that I should do these things here and they and we could do foreign nothing dang it oh what the was that what the was that one that was I don't actually know what that was I got so Vex armor trim oh that is that a what was that from Woodland Mansion chest I guess which would the Mansion chest is that huh hey it's some food I guess if we want oh why did I go through all that that was dumb I could have made a bow gonna make a bow instead I was dumb um oh I could trim with emeralds I could have the blue and green sets hmm hmm should we try that wait what would gave us the smithing table if we want to do that dirt cool that's a good easy one thank goodness thank goodness give me that give me that smithing table let's let's see if we can get ourselves some world record speed run trimmed armor everybody um so we are gonna do let's do the chest plate first we do the Vex armor trim with the chest plate and the emerald and now we're gonna look very very junky like I forgot to set my keybinds oh no controls keybinds there we go oh wait I need to make the zoom okay hold on Zoom wait save Hopper activate or whatever okay Zoom work in here how do I do this I don't know how this works options I've not used um so logical Zoom is not updated so I installed another Zoom mod that I've never used before and I don't entirely know how it works so maybe it is simply conflicting with save Hotbar activator so I'll move that back to V and then have the zoom be ran oh highlight unbroken blocks never mind I'm gonna do Z there we go hey perfect it works we gotta Zoom huge Maneuvers all right awesome awesome and then dude I can just do let's let's use the tide armor trim rather than going and like trying to uh you know duplicate our Armature and stuff like that we'll just use the ones that we find in order to do cool stuff so how about the legs we prioritize the leggy Boos there and there and then we got nice looks like we've emerged from the algae we've been spending too much time under the water and now we've emerged and it's kind of icky but it means our armor is now living and that's pretty cool isn't it speaking of algae the freaking water leak bro they have still not fixed on the this road nearby they have still not fixed the water main just leaking water non-stop they just like the cone that was there kind of highlighting hey there's an issue they took it away it's gone now and for God Knows Why and instead of it coming out of the top of the sidewalk now it's eaten a hole through the side of the oh apparently I've done all these before now it's just eaten a hole through the side of the curb and so on the like where the curb meets the street there's just a hole and water is gushing out of it I don't do anything about it like no one's doing anything and I'm like how it this LG this is why I thought of it seeing my armor trim algae is literally just growing in the gutter the the gutter is entirely just consumed by algae because it has not not been a river in like months the amount of water being wasted from this every day it like must be enough to just fill Olympic-sized swimming pools over and over and over again and it's just just the whole thing um yeah and it's also destroying the road so now they have another cone that is in the road at a pothole that has been created by the water flow so they're like oh man there's a pothole here bummer I wonder how that happened we should highlight that there is a pothole here in the middle of the road uh so that people don't drive into this pothole but should we address the thing that's causing the pothole nah nah that seems pretty difficult to do we're gonna we're gonna just not do that one but you know eventually we'll they're gonna like try to fix the pothole while water was just gushing down the street they're gonna have to do some like underwater welding except it's underwater potholing or something like that and it'll just be like why why are we doing any of this why are we wasting our time here um anyway there we go oh yeah carrot goes to Pumpkin I mean jack-o-lantern makes sense makes sense I feel like I should go explore things though you know I feel like I should go explore and I should see the world and find a new biome something like that you know okay that does nothing all right all right here's here's the deal I'm gonna break that that's gonna give me a Nuggie and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna break that that and strip it and do this and then as soon as we get through the oh yo we got some cherries saplings here we go everybody we have an opportunity that this presents to us dark oak to Cherry sampling so what we do is we go like this and then we go welcome to Minecraft 1.20 everybody that's so cool that's so epic and now I can get another one so I can just do the sampling and then I get another one so I can do sampling in a pot and then I can do another one then I turn into the the other blocks and then I can put a barrel down I could have put a barrel down but instead what I did is I threw it out but I can pick up the barrel and I can just put a bunch of stuff in the barrel so we're not necessarily wasting everything that we come across so we can kind of pick and choose what we're going to take with us give me the bottles do I have a pot I do have a pot how exciting I can do that boom boom heck yeah dude all right we can do we can strip the cherry wood and do that and we do that and then we can Mr donster I got a I got a little bit of fish for you it's so nice of the tree to give us a meal for Mr dong makes everything so much better when you have a little companion to join you you know when you're doing random loot okay let's do that we'll do that we'll even do a little bit of we'll even add slabs into the mix here you know and then all right here we go and there we go and there we go and there we go I could even do this I could even add slabs in the mix I could even add doors into the mix oh my God there's like so many things so many things that we can do if we want to oh yeah and then bone block oh God I said I swore that I was gonna after we did the cherry tree I was gonna move but then we got the cherry tree and the cherry trees it's cool it's new it's 1.20 that's actually cool a bone block gives us a skeleton head and then nothing no thoughts at empty oh Cherry trap door nuggy and then we've been through oh we hadn't been through that before oh okay loot Baron 200 loot tables oh man he is crazy dude he's totally popping off so much loot I wonder what the achievement is if you actually get every single loot table in the game how crazy would that be bro more cherry more cherry once we got one Cherry then the rest just followed dude put it on Hay oh hey I messed that up didn't I so sorry about that I'm so sorry okay that does nothing um this is potentially worth doing again right or is it I don't remember I don't remember probably not I should put that in the pot oh well oh you know that didn't do anything rip okay but now did we do we didn't do that on its own nothing and then you in there okay white concrete got that one what about the leaves ooh Mangrove wood this gives some options dude man all the like bass stuff is just giving us wood all day long here this is crazy um I could do it I could do I may even do wait no no we did the door we did the door before so it doesn't matter does not matter I don't know why everything is wood but it does give us quite a lot of loot tables yet that must be why I'm getting like this Omega speed run of all time here you know nobody has nobody has loot tabled in this sheer amount of time as I have okay I've got nothing nothing break brick brick what are you doing oh hanging song that's pretty cool whoop wait hold on it's got to be solid it's awesome bro or door quartz that I um no not gonna worry about that now but anyway okay cool I think I can just get a bed from the stone right I can't remember correctly I believe oh yeah it was just the script Oakwood and then that gets us to a bed right rights or was it something else that I'm gonna have to look up again it might be that I have to look it up before and then junkie door was a junkie door gave us the bed it was something else that gave us the bed wasn't it it was something else gave us the black bed it was the basalt and the basalt came from oh is the oak button that's what it was okay okay oh it's a bit of a long path there we go okay great perfect I could head over to the Village we can break a villager again you know just the kind of things that we do these days hey you know what last time uh villager equals Blaze Rod so I do feel like even though the odds of that happening ever again are pretty low it's kind of something I have to do now so um yeah yeah it's like what are you gonna do right I didn't mind the Birch what do you mean I mind the Birch no I didn't just kidding just kidding I never did that oh okay another Barrel um I don't know why I kind of like zoned out on that stuff uh there we go oxide Daisy that'll be good nothing well that's all for us okay we've done a good good amount of work here I want to go places I want to see the world I wanna well mine at least some terracotta over in the over in the place um but yeah okay let's leave the floating cherry tree because it's pretty and it definitely spices up the desert landscape a little bit let's go and uh check out the Mesa and see if we can get anything over there because that's one that we always seem to have a hard time finding so that will be very good for us to have um okie dokie I don't even really need to bring any wood with us either we can just like go off of what we have here all right Mr dogster hey there's the sugar cane um I passed Cactus oh did I that is astoundingly terrible I can't believe my streamer would do that we didn't course it already we did that one I think I don't remember no we didn't that's new Minecraft 1.20 let's go okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so that started a sugar cane is that gonna give us anything good do we really want to go against spiders that's pretty great if we want to go into another we got that gold sword um lodestone is new hey we can get some iron now bro look at this toy this torch flower that's awesome let's get another I can't plan it out well no maybe I can I can put it right here torch flower boom what does torch flower give uh Oak sign so I was hoping it would be like a bamboo sign it'd be like 120 thing into a new 120 thing into more 120 things but oh well what can you do I can do a cold block that's what I can do junkie planks I already did that wait no see I did not I didn't get a tied uh thing from that I didn't get a tide Guardian from that our tide armor trim so it isn't 100 everything when it comes to those sorts of loot drops I think it's 100 guaranteed that you get something so when it's an Enderman or something like that like that's all you can get but I think when it's something like an Elder Guardian it just is whatever the loot table is from them because they're always guaranteed to drop something but yeah um anyway hey a little bit of bread skis let's go and all right what is that that gives us oh cherry wood this is new nice oh too bad it gives us something we're about to mine in two seconds and more cherry wood wait we haven't gotten oh wait we haven't gotten the uh yeah I trade planks that boom boom boom let's go huge plays Cherry to Cherry everything becomes dirt again why arrows oh Cherry buttons go to arrows not that we'd ever need it because we are bed cycling Gods at this point pink petals just Cherry for days everything is Cherry the question is does it make a difference if we have like no okay so it's always gonna be the same no matter how many cherry petals we have stacked on the same block good to know good to know okay and that does nothing sad sad they do look very pretty perhaps the one thing that I would be encouraged to attempt is to build a cool looking Cherry House like I did in that one Snapshot video even though that would you know it was easier to create it for a snapshot video but what can you do that's not the right type of meat Mr Squid silly squid you're not a sheep so salmon if we do have any wither skeleton skull salmon could lead us to being able to do it all right very interesting very interesting do I do on the ground do I do it on the pot I'll do it on the ground I'm gonna do it on the ground but the pots like Blazer out or something like that okay that's that okay I I need to go and um I need to check out the things over in the Mesa you oh blue fire um yeah I don't have flint and steel so if you hold V it'll show blocks around you that you haven't broken wait oh we changed that to something else didn't we I'm pretty sure I changed options he binds and then what was it it was Rando assist oh highlight unbroken blocks huh oh oh it shows like a faint kind of uh red outline that's pretty cool that's pretty cool I have to put something under wait can I do this I'm gonna do the sign like this can I do it can I do it and perfect oh oh okay so hanging a cherry sign gets us a little bit iron that we've been looking for that allow us to make blocks and stuff like that anyway what about the composty Poo nothing oh actually no Mangrove slime Cactus see I passed over Cactus because I knew I was gonna get later what do you know that's a pretty good one and also gives us a smithing template to upgrade to netherright because just getting the nether writing it's not enough you know it's Cactus is pretty good I was just trying to like you know get people to be um anticipating things it's just a little a wee bit of anticipation that oh I was trying to build you always got to like build up the anticipation you know it's very very important to do oh more emeralds okay cool bro and then wait when you upgrade does it keep the armor trim so I'm gonna have green armor trim on my netherite armor yo let me get some dirt real quick for this uh there's some dirt over there well it's grounds there's dirt underneath good 100 drop rate is broken I don't think it works that way where it gives you every single thing possible I'm not entirely sure that it works that way but anyway here we go let's do a little upgrade skis here boom and boom oh now we're looking contrasty and fancy look at that that's pretty cool that's pretty cool we need more Cactus than bro and then yeah let me mine the ancient difference stop raining true I carumba moment uh is that cyan terracotta huh that was interesting that is that is a new drop um welcome to 1.20 everybody I'm gonna now just mind this and a head drops ahead ahead for ahead huh I didn't see that let me know uh clay okay it's kind of cool it's kind of cool pretty cool all right we did the ancient debris what we need to do now is I guess I should hold on to some stuff so that I can get um maybe like a shield at some point we've done the mangrove slabs we want to keep this just in case of like enchanting at some point in the future I just need to get oh wait I can put this down here except dirt oh gilded Blackstone makes sense so many of these drops are so very logical you know and we already did oh we didn't do junkie slab okay nothing but then I can put it in the pot to do the other one and then oh look at that we have a crafting table I can save that for later let me go find some Cactus bro this is where it's at today it is a day for cactus it is a big glorious day for Cactus and we cannot wait any longer for more of that I already did the Red Sand did I not I thought I did yeah see it's it's a gray star on there now I can guarantee that I have done something by looking at the star I do like that we're in a desert though and it's just raining all the time you would think that in Minecraft at 1.20 they would have fixed rain happening all the time like I don't know why they haven't fixed rain happening all the time it's a seems like a pretty massive oversight if you ask me but um here we are I guess maybe they'll get around to it see I didn't get another rating it in that one it's not 100 drop rate is not the thing that gave me like the nether writing it I was just unrelated right uh kelp yeah yeah let's do this though boom Oh my God look at this do we even get we got another I didn't get oh we can get arrows from this that's pretty big thorns too blast prop four let's think let's think Thorns too kind of poopy cursive binding even poopier we want to keep that get rid of you get rid of you crying a lot we haven't broken yet okay cool oh it's too kind of poopy a little Mendy little Mendy kind of nice and then what do we have on the helmet though box of gold is good quartz we can turn into other things I'm not gonna need the feathers a little Mindy on the helmet kind of nice bro kind of nice what I do love I think first and foremost about this mod is the fact that it does the Silver Star when you already broken something and so therefore like you don't get as many of the repeats like hey break this block in your inventory because it's like oh it has a silver star on it so clearly he's already broken it so we don't actually need to do that anymore which is just so epic and ocity um let me get some dirt really quick here foreign thank you time is all the mods at dude it's happening as soon as this is done which is so cool um all right I don't know why I put the crafting table down but anyway so we get oh do we have four smithing templates that's crazy here we go so what we can do is we can do this this let me do that then I just need to get more nether writing it's though dude you need to get some more of them um but surely we can with just a few more Cactus right you guys see any gak this round these parts I guess we can break that all the eight mods bro all the eight mods it's gonna be uh it's gonna be an adventure it's gonna be an extravaganza oh my God more bastardly what the frick is happening here um okay well it just keeps going everything is Bastion loot at this point what the frick is that just freaking is that quartz again it was is that another smithing holy frick bro it was dude oh wait whoa we got golden carrots we got golden carrots out here yes please give me give me give me all the golden carrots if that's what we're doing here potentially oh there's more armored rooms uh that's a lot of stuff I can Soul speed I guess oh sharp five though actually is pretty good Pig step okay there's a lot of stuff Happening Here let me get those let me pick up the chains and the armor templates and uh I gotta get rid of some stuff I guess we don't want to be trading right so there's the chains bro I need a I just make a chess you just make a chest that's what I need also there's a freaking cross Brill over there I can't believe I've walked like a hundred blocks and now I need to deal with a chest again oh dear okay are we good let me see what kind of crossbow that is that is a piercing too oh it's not bad probably better than just our standard bow for the time being Perhaps Perhaps all right oh jukebox bro that's so smart oh my God another Birch thing Mr Birch what I could do no I think we've done everything with this basically wait I didn't do strip Birch huh wait what I didn't do strip Birch we had a birch tree but I never oh what do you know that's crazy let me try that again wait the other oh the other trim template oh I got it I got it I got it we're good everything's good okay um let me do the emeralds on to the the problem is dude if we ever get to end City loot I'm like not gonna be able to do it because all you do with what you do with lapis too or you could do diamond I could do diamond trim but I want it to match I think matching would be really cool if we had just the green armor trim and then the problem is if we get to if we ever find the end City loot then I'm just not gonna be able to do it because it's just yeah you know it's gonna be it's going to be messed up I can't override my beautiful trim setup here right okay but now I need more Cactus and how did I get the Amber what was my easiest Emerald root again rooted dirt and the root of dirt came from the Warped pressure plate which came from the oak leaves right hold on I can get some emeralds yeah there's some more Cactus we gotta get that another right this is very we're just uh We've started to ignore the mission here in favor of I would like to oh no I can't use the enchant it's not allowed we're ignoring the mission at hand oh yeah that's what I'm talking about right there wait did I get rid of the Mindy so I guess I'm not gonna go through full durability and also I'm going to upgrade that to another eight sharpness five sword and then we're gonna pop off dude we're gonna pop off guess I can't do the projectile prop four oh respiration three though I can take that that'll be nice instead of the Mendy Yee dude instead of the many we've never actually gone through a full thing of armor before ever in a randomly drop so I don't think we need to worry about like mending or anything like that uh oh the big Cactus up there no you can't do uh you can't do armor trim on not armor AKA tools sadly is that right another right another right um where's my Knitter rigged hello I need to meet some netherite also I could use other smithing templates potentially it's oh that there's so many things um snout armor how am I not getting one another like shouldn't template things what the frick why is it not giving it to me I need more netherite I don't need more upgrades I need more than actual netherite why do you do this to me I guess like maybe you shouldn't have thought of the scrap because I can use that as another way of doing it yeah just in case I get more of that okay bye-bye bye-bye there's so many things smelt the debris oh yeah I could do that actually if I found a furnace that is oh a lot of cactus hey there we go thank you thank you hold on so we just need three right one for boots one for helmet one for sword maybe pickaxe as well so four in that case let me let me hit up some other stuff over here God this is the best shortcut ever to be able to get armor trim I love doing random Loop drops it gives me the stuff so quickly who wants to go and have to explore a full thing over in the nether in order there we go give me the enchanted gamble too bro huge hey we got four another right we did it unless anything good any good cursed by any gross get out of here get out of here dude I don't need that I don't need that wait do I have double armor wait what wait I thought I had armor trim I thought I had more snow where my snout at where's my snout [Music] there's my there's my snout another netherite dude another netherride that's good dude finally finally when we were uh already in capacity it's like yeah just have more have all of them yeah six netherite easy peasy dude my snout's on my face it is it's still there thank goodness my mom and dad weren't able to steal it when I was younger they tried they tried many times and they were they actually were able to but then they always put it back on thank goodness okay so let's bring this up two sharpness five nether right you love to see it you really do let's just bring this up to um I guess yeah as well boom and then we're gonna get these and we're gonna bring both these up oh wait I gotta I guess I don't have to and do it in any particular order I can yeah do the upgrade and then apply the trim afterwards and there we go yo all right we're just missing the helmet that's all we're so close we're so close I actually didn't need another snout armor trim that was kind of silly all right so it was from oak oak leaves oak leaves should get me there bro look at us if only I had the replay mod how am I gonna make my thumbnail I always use the replay mod in order to do thumbnails but I don't have it here wait where was the freaking Oh's Birch leaves wasn't it oh frick it was Birch leaves I have to drop this stuff elsewhere why did I do that I guess I don't need all of that anymore um guys you think they got any Birch leaves over in this area you think they got any of those should I break a village oh God if there's one thing I've learned it's that breaking villagers can be quite effective there is just no Birch I'm gonna have to run back dude I'm sorry but armor trim is currently the most important thing we can be doing at the moment other than the part where no I actually need stuff to there's a lot of blocks that I haven't broken right wait what oh wait look at all this this is so cool it like highlights all the stuff that I haven't broken it isn't highlighting the villagers though um Mr Norton Mr Norton I see this villager here is remarkably un unredified you know that seems um it seems incorrect it seems very incorrect uh-huh just you know letting you know trade for Pearl I would never do that I would never trade for a pearl in episode one of Minecraft 1.20 random loot drops okay I could never do such a thing because there's so much ahead of us we have so many new blocks to go through right all right I do have to run back over and let me grab some of the wood that I have over in the thing actually wait I can just grab some wood from here what am I talking about is what everywhere is literally what as far as the eye can see trade for oh trade for an emerald I would have to get uh Flint which I don't have so I can't do that at the moment um here let me make a boat ski carry this around on us all right there we go and we're off oh my helmet is looking remarkably not armor trimmed which is very disappointing where is my Birch son of a bunch where are you I need you I need you very badly right now I need you very badly don't worry I'm gonna head back to the Village after this but surely oh no no no no no oh God democracy can decide hold on turtle I like kill democracy decides democracy decides it's not my fault either way that this goes um well let me go what's going to happen again is I'm gonna go and try to find the birch tree and get emeralds by the time I come back the oh there's uh oh there's the parrot I found the parrot I found the parrot you will not evade me shalt not Escape my Fury not for the second time um the ocelot ran away ocelot's gonna be tough hello chicken hello Mr Chicken day the Democracy voted before okay democracy voted about the the parrot I had to do it also democracy has now voted about the turtle and it's an overwhelming ended it would appear very overwhelming also oh I could make some bread bread out of this hay bales there if I wanted to do that and a little extra bread or I could not or I could keep it for an occasional fall but I can't believe this if this was added oh no dude oh God why do you have to guilt me it's not my fault Chet said that I needed to do it so chat that message is for you not for me I just followed your instructions so you can't be mad at me for that one that's not allowed okay by the way did I do this before I didn't I never broke the pocket I never broke a puppy I cannot believe it also okay there's gonna wait so I did break the pumpkin I'm holding V which means oh no I didn't do that before I don't think I just didn't put it in the thing there we go that's new that's cool some chorus fruit did I ever do you ever do didn't do that oh that's not helpful where's the birch wait my Discord server came up with that one do different kinds of parrots do different kinds of drops there's no way that it works that way I don't think it works that way to any other animal so um I can spare them what the frick hello birch tree I know one of you was over here right hello where are you there you are there you are there you are good good good good good good okie dokie there we go and then what was it in order to get the emerald it was the rooted dirt which came from the Warped pressure plates I didn't need this many but I did it anyway there we go by the way if anybody has joined in waiting for um all the mods what we're doing right now is the first episode ever you're at a world First Premiere at least on my channel of Randol loot drops 1.20 so and it's pretty exciting stay a while man I want my hang glider in times like this you know I want to have my hang glider ready to go ready to rock and roll so that I can just make my way um all the way to the water I miss I miss the dawn craft option I miss being Zelda why can't I be Zelda in vanilla Minecraft can't we do the Minecraft Zelda update that's new what do we get here okay we got a couple things we gotta hit up the kelp what about a tropical fishy poo what does he drop what does he drop I guess nothing oh God the dolphin one the dolphin though has me feeling like bad I just don't oh I can't do dolphin like dolphin is just it's just ah I can't bring myself to do it Dolphins like they feel and they're nice and they're cool and like I can't do that to a man I can't do them dirty like that y'all Mr dunkster you want some raw Cod there you go have at it go for a swim fetch it bro I can't break the dolphin all right back over here I don't feel as bad about villagers not really honestly I don't know I don't know what I'll tell you on that one I just kind of this is one one just makes me feel more than the other what can I say where's my 100 drop rate what pardon me where is my 100 drop rate what uh are you doing that was fricked that was fricked wait I need it bro I can get I get shulkeys for days I can carry everything around I could ever want we never get shulker drops like this holy frick this is an incredible time to be alive I want a double shulker box I am about to double shulk her box out here bro foreign now I'm worried though that maybe 100 drop rate is not happening working properly in 1.20 and what if I skipped over what if what if I actually have already oh no oh no I don't think it works until you've actually like held something in your hand though like I I think even if I hit the Ender per loot table it wouldn't bro hold on one sec oh one sec I think I forgot to hit hit the check box I think I forgot to hit the check box um oh no but Mr Norton says no need to fret the tracker would tell you it assumes 100 drops when discovering loot tables okay so the that but that does mean that the yeah the armor trim was real that was just actually me getting lucky and everyone goes mud's folder movement but okay wait shulker's a bug that I had 100 turned on but Shockers didn't drop 100 okay so now we're doing mixed feedback but I might have forgotten to check it I I very well might have forgotten to check the box and then I don't I don't know what to believe anymore but apparently I would see blazes and or ender pearls if I had discovered them in the mod so we yeah okay fingers crossed that holds up um okay challenge means we haven't doomed ourselves yet I obviously I've done this before with uh you know not 100 drop rate before that feature was added to the site but regardless it did mean I was trying to I I always like tried to break things multiple times which I've kind of neglected doing now that I didn't think it was necessary any longer so if all right there we go there we go no one's not a great one actually you literally only get things on either side I would retrend that if I could actually I'm gonna keep that there anyway did I do yeah we did that why am I doing that that's not a chest that's a chest and then I guess let's just make a couple shulkeys like just in case we want to use them that'll be pretty cool and then we can shulkey it up sick dude all right very good okay we got a few more things that we can break around here hey also you know I can just wait wait wait wait this is very important this is very important to do right now there we go perfect how do you do that too the shovel is probably the least important of all of them but we did that at least so hopefully everyone can be happy I know that you were all waiting on that I'm sorry it took me so long to get to it but hopefully you're happy that I you know I got to it um okay here we go cyan glazed terracotta goes to lime and candles which apparently I've already broken so that takes care of that let's go for a little sleepy alright everybody I think we're gonna have to wind things down for this episode we have made progress in terms of getting good gear but not so much in the way of getting enter pearls or blaze rods fortunately though we can be reassured that we didn't mess anything up I love this though I've gotten 325 out of a thousand so we're only 30 percent of the way through the loot table so there's so much more to discover crazy crazy dude anyway make sure to like the video subscribe to CaptainSparklez 2 following twitch and uh check out Apex hosting if you're interested in grabbing a Minecraft server at 35 percent off your first month until the end of June that'll be available then I'll go back to 25 um so yeah Link in the description there code Captain Sparkles and see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 57,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, random loot drops, data pack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 50sec (4070 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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