Minecraft but From HATED to LOVED...

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this is Minecraft but from hated to loved it all started one day when I was kicked out of town for being bald from wanted posters to the town mob to even my own family my goal is to regain love from everyone but I'm going to have to sneak around first so what happens when I hit 1,000 love points and can I grow my hair back stay tuned to find out oh no I'm bald wait what do you mean you'll miss me Mom Dad what's going on banish hey yo the whole city hates me and it's all because I got a bad haircut really and so my only go now is to make that heart get fully red and get back to my family all right so first Good Deed we can do to get loved is feed the hungry cats dude do they like bread oh oh gosh I only have one heart this is going to be hard okay that's a lot of bread guess I'll grab some of the wheat too don't mind me and now Mr Hungry Cat take some bread oh what I want a salmon sandwich they're picky oh my goodness this is what happens when I'm in a dump okay where can I get salmon oh wait there's a pond right there okay so I can't go that way cuz apparently I'm hated so let's get a trapo okay two Oak trap doors so while that guy isn't looking let's real quick do one of these and we can crawl through oh gosh there's another guard what did I do to these people really just lose my hair and so it says right here unclog the pond maybe that's how we get fish what do we got in here oh trash Destroyer oh yo we're shooting it okay let me hide right here looks like they have their backs to me so let's get some shotam in oh and it's bringing salmon oh I love that technically this is a good deed cuz we're saving the fish oh is it giving also nun chunks oh it's for the turtles are these the teenage mut Ninja Turtles holy fish why are there so many all right oldfashioned W okay we got to get some fish also bringing these guys there we go all right might be lagging from this but it's all good fish I got to pick up everything well from that we got it looks like we got every Turtle weapon but the main thing was the fish all right now don't mind me we just got to run right here we just got to do this now all right let's just crawl back in and Hungry Cat how's this oh salmon sandwich I got to use my bread okay so I got to make six of these oh no I should have not taken the bread okay let's make one more there we go all right you guys are eating good here's one good D to make me loved you happy hey we got a thanks no problem buddy you get fed you get fed you get fed you don't get fed oh oh he pushed me okay let's get up here another one for you and this should be the last one oh and they're happy nice and now we got to do weapons returned at the top so it's these guys right here okay he's not looking still let's real quick crawl back through and so we're going to help these guys helping the animals first and hopefully I'm getting Lu from that oh there's a lot less salmon nice okay nun chunks for you here you go Michelangelo oh and you gave me a gold ingot thank you ra wants the Twin Side there you go the stord donatell and finally Leonardo gets the katana oh and we got love up yes the heart got one single Pixel oh and that guy just disappeared so we can now go into town looks like I'm still wanted but it's all good we can blend in how about this let me real quick take out all these we don't need any of these and instead we're going to put this subscribe yep yep go ahead and check if you subscribe guys and let's keep it moving oh wait and these citizens are angry wait what happens if I go up to them wait did they just throw a rock I got to take some cover all right so we have an explanation point right there that's the only area we can go to and I still can't get past that Iron Guard there so what what do I do here help the community organize a community cleanup how do I do that there's a thing right here happy an apple uh make posters for the cleanup oh okay so we're using this thing which I think is going to open up the paint mod and maybe they'll help me all right let's click right click and we have the paint mod okay so let's start off with my head add some hair cuz they clearly didn't like it when I was bald and we'll color my face in and add my blue eyes I'm getting good at this drawing thing and because we don't want people knowing it's me let's add a mustache yeah my glassic suit and tight even if right now mine's a little rough uh game Throne isn't the nicest thing and since we're going to be cleaning up this dumpster for some love let's add a broom make it brown and we got to get the encouraging words to Hype everyone up let's go with clean this town yeah there we go all right now let's click done in 3 2 1 and we got them so now we literally just got to place these all over the place and to confirm Guys these guys are throwing rocks at me just by seeing me oh gosh okay let's throw one there there oh don't mind me please don't throw rock at me only have two hearts got to get one here and one here and it's good now time I should do my parts and let's remove the trash for some luck okay raw an apple looks like the villagers are still not happy with me but it's all good what is this a water gun oh old shirt uh and a broken phone wait so I break this oh oh this is the trash I'm supposed to break all right let's real quick break all these I think I got all the junk on the ground at least one last one oh we did it we got some love that's going to be around three pixels of the heart this place still feels like a dump though oh water the ground oh maybe I use the water gun for this so what do I do this oh yeah oh and I can throw it into grass that's sick and we also have a mission to get saplings maybe from the garer over there before we do that though let's real quick turn all this old dirt into actually nice grass sooner or later these villagers are going to love me all right don't mind me just real quick sending everything to Grass last bit right here I'd say that's a pretty good job okay now to actually get some saplings can you help me water my plants uh sure wait do I water these plants oh a dead plant becomes a red tulip all right I got you let's real quick water oh the plants you and you and you this is actually pretty sick and uh do you have any plants in here oh no I broke his face uh so sorry about that but hey is that good enough wait should I finish this half eaten Apple oh uh you you didn't see that sorry oh you give me the saplings all right that is 20 mystery saplings where the lore is kind of ominous but hey if it gets me Lov by the city again we should go ahead and placed them oh my gosh wait what is that doing oh wait Auto grows oh that's sick all right so we just got to place these all over the place all right don't mind me just making a nice little garden right here it's actually pretty cool big fan of these saplings all right we're going to put these all over one there one there over here let's get these going last one right here and we did it oh and we got a brand new outfit and enough horse to not get one hit and the area is opened up now you know what this is progress soon that frown is going to be turned upside down okay so now that we can make it into this part of the city I assume the guard went deeper in all right help me load up the coal sure how do I do that oh is this the coal so do I like break these yep that sounds easy enough let's real quick get all the things of coal it's kind of crazy the Minecraft character is so strong there we go and so do I just put them in the car let me load these up oh sick they get put in all right don't mind me sir putting all the coal you need in here there we go and we got some love from that nice all right good doing business with you okay what about this burn down house this seems like a problem wait save the Villager inside the house oh gosh okay okay okay I have my water gun does this help oh yep it does but we need to go help them inside oh gosh oh gosh okay okay that is some intense music my goodness oh gosh okay okay you know what we just got we're going to go into the fire why is everything so red oh my goodness I'm coming to save you don't you worry and I'm totally not bald oh ow ow ow ow okay okay let's real quick eat some bread oh man what happened to this house oh my goodness okay we can't go that way is this the way up oh oh yeah stairgates okay are they in here holy this whole place is falling down oh there they are okay let's see where's the way in oh right here oh they are all right apparently they become an item let's carry them come with me my friend let's get you out of here I technically could have broken through the roof but this works too ow ow ow ow okay I better get a lot of love points for this oh boy almost outs and your out oh now put out the fire oh gosh oh and also thank you for the gift I got a barber shop gift card really buddy oh anyways let's put out the fire now oh gosh oh gosh this is why we have the water gun yeah look at it do its job should have probably done this when I came in it's all good oh and his house is made of iron blocks I mean we're trying to be loved so we won't steal the iron blocks all right let's get all the fire out of here come on come on there we go oh that's kind of satisfying okay that's the first floor clean we just got to do the top floor now come on let's get all the fire away oh wow did he put like popcorn in the microwave for too long or something why is this whole place so burnt and now the last part is literally in here oh gosh okay okay just a little bit more and that should be the last thing of fire nope Noe never mind right here that should be it this should be the last of it right here and I think we did it oh and it went up so much oh wait what the heck I got burned during that oh no all that matters though is the love is up to 44 next is go to Barber Shop oh is this it right here I guess that's the symbol and I did get the barber shop gift card but what hair is he going to cut all right let's it go man um I see the sensors but I have no hair to cut what are you going to do take a seat oh how about right here I will take my seat here can I sit oh oh oh he's doing his thing oh my gosh what is he cutting is that supposed to be here do you like this no/ yes huh no no I don't like the look oh he's going again um what what what is it now what about this huh no no no no no no go back I want to be the Clown oh gosh okay he's going again please get me out of this perfect no SL yes yeah that's a lot better I like that one class is starting get to school oh wait what are we doing now oh gosh okay we got to go we got to go we got school right here how am I going to get the love points up over here am I going to do good deeds in the school all right let's just go inside that's the Bell right there oh and why are they panicking uh sir what's wrong thank you I'll be right back wait wait wait wait what do you mean you didn't tell me anything find students skipping class oh he's the hall monitor oh oh oh oh okay so I just got to find him you guys want to okay you go back to class there go go go go go let's uh real quick find all the H students though I don't even need the hall monitor radar I can see their exclamation points all right go back to class come on come on no loing looks like the rest are down there hey go back to class there you go and there's still five hited you go back to class looks like there's another one right here there you go oh and they might be in the cafeteria like this guy anyone hiding in there no this guy right there and it should be the last one nice all right I think I did my job there okay what do I do now do I just go down here oh wait who's this hey just get punched by a kid hereb go back care what is he doing oh oh oh he's going into this class all right let me eat some bread real quick as the hall monitor that is not acceptable wait where where'd he go did he go in here did I lose him is he in here though oh there he is oh come back here oh is he trying to fight right now oh oh my gosh he has a straf okay no no no no come on come on why am I fighting another student stop huh he threw a white flag huh all right uh I I I guess you're good and now he's just walking away oh oh okay and he's actually going to go to class look at him go all right right um I guess I'll keep the White Flag then where is the Hall Monitor guy though where'd to go oh substitute teacher needed the media class oh uh where is that is this the media class I'm not sure if this is it but there's a lot of students here oh wait nope I think this is media class all right what are we doing in here okay so I got to help out the students struggling oh wait there's no teacher at all all right how's it going everyone I'm now ex teacher storio ready to here to build up the rep everyone needs help so how can I help you help me a frame a good shot okay so we got the camera and I guess to take the shot but let me real quick just right click it right here and that should be good how's that oh he said thank you all right you can take the camera back hm mind helping me sure show me how to cut a video oh wait did I just get sheers so do we just like straight up cut the video uh yeah we cut the film how's that man yep he said thank you you know what I'll take it and now finally what do you need find my lost pen oh did you throw the pen on top of the slime block okay let me real quick grab that for you think is massive but there you go buddy and that should be all them Tau I think I did a pretty good job now I got to get to the C cafeteria all right I think that's actually right by here the cafeteria let's run all the way over here and oh my gosh they're so mad what are they saying we are hungry that is terrifying you know what let's go ahead here real quick and help them out okay help the chef they've ran out of food to serve all right Chef how can I help you find a chef hat first oh can I just take yours oh oh yep yep yep thank you and cook some food and serve it all right we got the chef hat on and so we got to cook some food what food though do you have anything in here no I mean low key there's food all over here what about this do you want this oh my gosh I just F him in Golden Apple that was the most bougie thing I could have fed them all right let me real quick clear my inventory and everything edible we're about to feed it to everyone this this uh maybe I should cook this uh yep yep let's cook that real quick Apple oh gosh rotten flush sure oh puffer fish um we got to do what we got to do here you go take one take one take one oh gosh he got R flet sorry about that and he got buffer fish okay okay I need two more okay we cooked the mutton there we go and we can go the rock C some sushi all right there you go some there and you get the best food nice now we're at 54 love points all right Chef thank you for having me and do we just go towards the exodo I guess we're on to the next thing what do we got here grandma left this for you huh a gift box W wrapped oh can I place it down oh it gave me some cookies yo I actually needed food and a sweater made with love and a note visit when you can oh sure oh this way to grandma's house I found the way oh and it looks like the garden moved up okay so this is a whole new area we've unlocked and this is Grandma's house nice hopefully my family actually lets me in soon but what does Grandma want to do all right how's it going come give grandma a hug all right let's give a Minecraft hug there we go cocoa beans are a bit too high oh okay so I got to get cocoa beans oh uh that's easy enough let's grab that there and some PR good pie you got anything else oh my gosh how many pies did Grandma make holy all right um here I'll put that one back just for you anyways so here you go some cocoa beans go get special dough from the back okay uh what's going to be at the back oh oh this is pretty simple uh where's the special dough though we got a oh my gosh wait what is that the special dough why why is it alive grandma what the heck was that that thing oh this looks like dye all right it's dough apparently all right here you go Grandma now help me mix the dough oh wait I got a spoon wait do I use the oven or oh I think there's a tray here maybe we do this first oh oh that's sick so we got the cookies on the tray and with the tray with cookies we put it on the oven and so is it just cooking I I guess it's cooking come on jef xoro is doing his thing and did it just create it holy cookies we got two stacks of cookies thank you ner come visit me again sick and that's 10 more Lum points it's a whole sack all right lowy had I don't need this many cookies so I'm going to put one there and put those there there we go oh wait I got to give out cookies that makes more sense holy they're already all lined up waiting for cookies what the heck kids all right here you go take one take one all of you chew on these cookies my goodness they definitely smell it from outside okay just got to do seven more here you go one for you one for you there we go and last one where is he did I miss someone oh this guy sorry about that there we go and we got some more points okay what's next is it something over here oh what is going on here here it's like a bunch of construction people is there anything in here nope that's scam a lot of construction workers though and this guy is straight up just doing setups substitute worker needed oh wait no no no he's injured not doing setups I'm so sorry oh he gave me his hard hat safety first okay there we go we got the hard hat on all right what now finish building the house oh got it okay uh materials for building oh my goodness there's so much stuff all right this should be easy enough all right literally we're just going to fill everything in and then call that a house okay that should be good this is what they get for hiring me just saying not best builder in the world but I can do something all right let's fill the ground too I mean that's kind of good enough are you happy with that oh and I got to fix the flooded basement oh oh my gosh wait there's so many zombies all right come on chill out guys let me real quick clean up that basement no no no don't go outside okay how do I clean this up is there a sponge in here oh gosh no there's nothing in the barrels what about in the chest oh gosh no there has to be sponges somewhere what about in here no oh he dropped some I didn't even know that's that sorry sir all right let me get these sponges real quick and it's time to really suction up everything here we go all right all the water go away oh and that'll do it very nice it's not the best house but you know what it gets the job done how's that never mind this building is so bad Ste bulldozer destroy it did I do that bad all right he told me to do that and there is a bulldozer right here wait am I straight up just bulldozing this thing then oh my gosh it even has a sound all right here goes something let's break it yo oh this is so cool break it down all right I'll do it well the building is now done how's that coffee break workers are tired bring them coffee they literally just sat around but you know what I will bring them coffee to get those blow points up all right don't mind me where can I get some coffee coffee shop is around the corner oh this might be it right here it looks like a coffee shop okay so I can't get past this guy cuz apparently I'm still hated are you sure am I hated enough oh yep yep okay all right come on buddy okay hello clerk I'm here for some coffee for my fellow colleagues they work at the construction area oh and I guess we just spend with gold ingots all right let's do 15 cups of coffee and oh wait we need five more um maybe has some there oh they are looking straight at me cuz I don't want to lose any rep let's real quick check in there they even got real money all right I'm just going to take one gold ingot need it for my colleagues and now Mr clerk here you go one gold ingot now we got the cups of coffee all right let's take it back to the construction site now all right for everyone take some coffee hopefully it's cold coffee cuz it looks like they're sweating all right to all of you there you go I love how it's the eating sound even though it's a liquid okay okay last guy oh they happy that's 74 L points oh my goodness what is my face okay well to all the construction workers thank you for having me now let's go ahead and continue and is the golden gone oh he's gone oh what's the important notice collect donations for the soup kitchen oh we can do that nice all right so we have the grocery area and I guess that's a soup kitchen right there hold on maybe I should grab this okay so I got to get donations first do I go in here I guess this is a grocery store oh yeah I like the grocery store Vibe and we have a customer how's it going oh he gave us a donation of two bread nice is that a Steve head oh my goodness oh robber stop him hey yo stop stop stop stop top oh oh oh oh I guess taking them down we got all their money oh my goodness it's so much and we now have I have no idea how much this is oh wait there's more and more okay we have a lot of money now it seems but how do I use this is there somewhere else oh wait this is a pizza spot it looks like maybe I can buy some pizza famous Talia song amami exoro you know what we might play that all right why not let's grab it where's the Jukebox is there no jukebox no maybe we go donate the food first all right real quick to the donation place here you go some bread I don't think that was enough oh so order pizza for the soup kitchen oh okay okay $100 for pizza delivery oh well luckily I do have all the money you need there we go all disappeared oh another delivery pizza look at them go oh that's sick that's going to be so much food go on my friends let's do some good deeds all right they all going in oh and everyone's happy nice as long as there's no pineapple in the pizza I don't like that and now we're at level 89 points this is some good progress guys all right with the soup kitchen done now we got to decorate the town press F7 to begin wait what does F7 do oh and it lets us use block Bene okay so we're decorating the whole town let's start with a blank canvas and and actually just a simple basic shape for a bench all right let's start with the legs then the seat now the back that's solid now let's copy the frame over to the other side and just like that we have a lovely bench for everyone in the town okay let's get confirm and on to the next thing is I'm thinking a fairy well with that I mean some pretty lights let's start with a basic pixel here that will stretch out as a basis for a string and give it some more curve and now some extra strings hanging off of it for the lights we'll color it all black and all that's alled to do is the lights themselves perfect let's click confirm again and for the second the last thing we're going to be making a Fountain where we're going to be starting off with a big flat Square raise it up a bit and then we'll copy it up around a bunch and give us a big area for the Fountain and now we can rise up a spot in the middle shape it up a little bit and add a spout for the water yeah next let's add some corners for the fountain to actually catch the water fill in the gaps and we're ready for a texture I think stone bricks would make this look great I mean it makes sense technically we could just build this too but this is a lot more fun and we can't forget the water there we go and for the last one I'm thinking a simple Street Lamp we'll start with a normal Minecraft lamp raise it up then put a pose and then put a simple texture on it and so now when I confirm on this last one let's get all these guys in game oh we got everything the bench the Street Lamp the fairy lights the fountain and we can go ahead and put these right there nice all right we're going to put some fountains all around put one here there we go might as well get some fairy lights going there oh oh did I uh waste those one sec I guess these can turn on later Street lamps can't forget those one here and here and finally some benches I think that's a good place for a bench one there one on this weird ledge right here I think the last one can go right here then why not right by the fake benches the real one and we're up to 94 that face will never be not terrifying oh wait uh where are we now check out the city statue oh what the heck is that cheer him up yes or no yeah I guess we got to cheer him up how's it going make the statue happy bring Steve red flowers oh well we got some red flowers right here let's real quick grab a few of these should be good enough all right Mr Steve statue uh how is this is it sentient oh play Steve happy music oh we do have the amami exoro all right what is this going to play then oh that's amazing uh do you like that oh it looks like he did and now we got to perform a funny dance I do have a funny dance key so do I just press that here goes nothing funny dance yeah look at me go oh oh oh how's that oh he liked that too and now tell Steve a knock dog joke oh gosh uh okay let let let me real quick think of something good okay I got a good one knock knock who's there ocelot okay okay you guys ready for the punch line ocelot who you ocelot a lot of questions get it get it oh it's not it's not my greatest work but oh but it worked thanks for cheering me up reward check under under this platform okay we're up to 98 guys what is under this platform though is it this money jar oh wait am I supposed to grab that or is it something else oh maybe we should put that back okay let's put that back actually and this is the private storage room of the giant statue yo there's so much exori of plushies which you guys can go ahead and buy exoro do store great store and we even have shirts amazing can we get one like for the plushy please just one like C that click that thumbs up thank you thank you thank you oh wait to sell at the stall okay wait I just got to grab all these then hold up hold up okay they're not for me it's actually to sell to the town which makes sense where we're trying to increase our popularity all the way back to 100 so with these guys all we got to do is grab all of them there we go might as well grab the shirts too good thing they stack there we go last ones and now let's go Ahad and take this over here and so I do I just put these guys all over yeah okay the plushies will sell out let's just put these guys all right here there we go and that's for the shirts um I guess we'll put them right here oh wait wait wait there we go and what about the money jar do I just like right click this oh there we go and now it's open sick uh so are people going to come uh anyone oh we have a citizen they're just appearing from midair okay wait so are they going to come and buy from the stall uh don't mind me I here to sell uh the merch come on oh oh oh oh they're they're buying some oh and the money jar is filling up yo oh my gosh wait the money is actually proper stacking oh my goodness look at them go they're lining up and it's fully filled wait so can I just grab this though oh wait I got two options donate or steal all well we're not going to steal the money we're going to donate it to the shelter the animal shelter could use some help need money to feed animals oh my goodness why is he so big all right I got you with the money though and we're up to 99 oh my gosh I became buffed from that makes no sense but we are gigantic oh now donate money to the homeless oh these guys I got you here you go oh oh now it's a businessman nice it looks like I made of money then you take some money you take some money feeling like Mr Beast right now and finally you take some money nice oh look they even got suits and everything I think we did a good job with this I think that was everyone Oh wait we're transforming and we're 99 how do we get 100 wait what is this ex aoral hater Club defeat the army they have a giant Stone guy wait how am I supposed to fight these guys your allies arrived wait yo it's everyone I up throughout the video even my parents wait they showed up even the Ninja Turtles oh my gosh wait we're actually fighting this is straight up a war go on my team okay okay it's a little laggy I'm going to fall back cuz I did not get any weapons this whole time oh my goodness they are fighting fighting okay okay we're going to take down one8 at a time oh my goodness okay okay we got to fall back real quick I don't know where that giant water thing came oh it is gone now oh gosh okay okay they do a lot of damage let's fall back this way oh oh oh and I think we're good come on come on even the hall but here oh wait did we win we won and it's finally love level 100 so with that being done guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one into this video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 418,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but from hated to loved, minecraft hated, minecraft loved, minecraft but your love increases, minecraft but hate increases, minecraft city, minecraft bald
Id: zKGKgLTKu_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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