I Cheated with GOD BOSSES in a Mob Battle!

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this video is a compilation of my three most insane mob battles enjoy today I'm doing a Minecraft mob battle with my friend but we're in the Block Mob mashup Dimension a little just my friend smirky know that I'm cheating with this one-way glass wall I'll be able to see whatever mob she spawns and spot the exact counters so smirky are you ready for the mob battle yes I am Courtney and I am totally gonna destroy you but wait why are my skeletons dying Smokey you are so silly we are at the Block Mob mashup Dimension if you want to spot in a normal mob you need to pick up a block and throw it at the mob just like this to transform it into its block variant whoa okay Courtney we are gonna be able to make some crazy mashups with this yes we are Sparky and let the battle begin and as you guys just saw with this mod block mashup and we could literally pick up any block and throw that mobs to create crazy combinations some of the mobs in this video are going to be so op but before we do our own mashup let's cheat with this massive one-way glass wall and see exactly what Sparky's gonna spawn in and it looks like he might be placing an oak log and an iron golem and wait he picked up the o clock and I think he's about to throw it and he threw it and oh my gosh what an iron golem just turned into an oak wood Golem and wait it looks like Sparky's doing something else over here with another Iron Golem and he has a different wood dive and he's about to throw it and oh my gosh it just made that Iron Golem into an acacia wood Golem okay I think Smokey's making all the different variants of woods into Golems well that's actually pretty smart on him but since I know he's using wood I'll be able to spawn the exact counter and we know the exact counter to Wood it is fire because fire will literally be able to burn these Oak these wooden monsters and it'll be super op and for the block I'm gonna use it'll be Netherrack because this Netherrack should make any mob I throw it on into its nether variant where it will have Crazy Fire attacks but for this first round I think I might have thought of something even smarter than throwing it on a mob instead of throwing this block onto a mob what if we throw it onto ourself and then it will create a super crazy nether variant of ourselves so I guess let's just do it let me just right click in the air and okay it looks like it's about to come down and is this gonna work and wait I don't think anything happened but wait something definitely did happen because there's a giant bee now but not just any me this me has super crazy nether armor a massive fire sword and even a massive fire shield and wait a second he literally has fire a lighter on him what this guy is completely decked out with the best fire stuff ever I'm gonna be honest I didn't think that throwing a block on myself would work but I guess it did and it worked really really well there is no way this guy's Crazy Fire attacks won't be able to destroy all the tree mods just about he has and look I was actually right he made all of these into different wood variants this is actually pretty cool but it's a good thing I have the exact calendar so shreky are you ready for the mob battle yes I am Courtney and I am gonna destroy you you are going to destroy me you must have a really good mob if you think you're going to destroy me yes Courtney I do have a really good mob and it is a normal Minecraft thing mixed with some pretty uh you know popular block wait strike a normal mob mixed with a popular block well I bet you makes an iron golem and a o clock there's just no way you got that Courtney I could have used like a grass block or something Welsh Becky Wood is one of the most common blocks in Minecraft so I just took a really good guess and guessed exactly what you spawned oh my gosh you know what just dropped the walls well smirky I'm gonna drop the Wall Street three two one and let's go and do you see this Mom I spawned in I have no idea what this is wait is this doing some insane lava armor yes it is Sparky I threw a Netherrack block on myself to create this whoa that is so cool but it's not killing any of my moms the luckily for me it's murky I think my dick is starting to do Insane attacks look there's a bunch of fire on the ground whoa that is so cool how is this even happening this is so crazy it's just burning all of you guys so fast well Court either way I think it's happening is I think that sword has an insane fire attack just look at it it looks so cool my mom is not stopping its attacks it's killed all but three whoa no way and it's down to two now cardi that is not good and one and oh oh Sparky your last one's about a diet oh my gosh I think your last one died it literally disappeared cardi let you go that was the easiest round ever and are you ready to move on to the second round yep let's do it and there we go I just reset the arena and what the first round but do not leave yet guys because we stop super op combinations of mobs we need to make but before we spotted our mobs let's see what smurkey's gonna spot it and what is that it looks like he's spotted this tiny little flying insect and oh my gosh it looks like he also has a blowstone block I think that he is going to right click that glowstone block and combine it with this thing and I wonder what this is gonna turn into but she's doing good and what did this try to this glowing insect and oh my gosh that glowstone actually work to combine with this thing and since this thing is glowing it probably has some super OB custom attacks so we need to make sure to spot in a very powerful mob to counter this guy and for the mob we're going to start off with it is going to be an iron golem and Sparky did actually choose an iron golem last time but it was super trash I guess it just threw wood on it we are going to throw way better mobs it's just wood on this iron golem um and I'm gonna make this thing into a super crazy cave monster so to do that we need to put some Stone around it so blocks of emeralds and some blocks of gold and these are a bunch of rare ores that even Stone so now when we get this mod block mashup hand and right click the Iron Golem Woody standing on top of all these blocks it should work and let's just do it at three two one hand I think it worked and look at this thing that higher Golem turned into this super crazy combination of blocks and mobs and look it has all the blocks we combined it has this Stone body there's Emerald Shield legs and even gold all around it this is really cool and it even has some pink on it I bet that's from our hand and anyways let's just punch this guy to wake up in a here we go look at them this has got to be one of the craziest mobs I have ever seen and there's absolutely no way that this guy could not destroy the bugs on smirky side and wait I just noticed that this giant guy is also spotting in little versions of them self and he's even spotting these Pillager Bobs okay this is really cool we're going to have such a big and powerful Army and smirky how is your mom are we going it is quite perfectly Courtney I spotted some very bright bugs bright bug smirky oh my gosh I am excited to see your moms because I have no idea what you spawned in and anyways are you ready to drop the walls yes I am let's go and here we go the walls have dropped and look at my Army whoa this is so bad cardi what is this this is like a Derpy Golem what are you talking about smirky this is bad look at your moms they're all getting clubbed up and crazy attacks are happening to them whoa you are actually right about that why are they glowing so bright well I I guess I do know why Carney it's because they are glowstone oh really Sparky but it looks like a lot of them are starting to die and wait a second look they're all just constantly taking damage I think they're all about to die oh no that's not good come on bugs you guys need to come down and attack him man they all just died look a bunch of their stuff just dropped on the floor and that is really sad for you what no way and there we go that was the easiest whatever and you're literally glowing Sparky I think you touched your bugs too much yeah that's definitely what happened they're probably nasty bug juice got on me I know let's just reset the arena and there we go I just want the second round but like I said earlier do not leave yet guys because we have still yet to spotted our super crazy combination of mobs things are only just getting started but once again like we've done with the other rounds let's start by cheating with this massive one-way glass wall and wait a second Sparky spotted an iron golem I think he saw my mom's last time and it was super jealous of how good they were and now he is just starting to copy me but I wonder what block he's gonna place down and wait a second he placed on another right block and I think that he's gonna combine the nether eye block with the Golem and what he's doing it and oh my gosh that actually worked and it made the netherite monstrosity well this mob is super cool I mean we've all seen the netherite monstrosity it is a crazy boss and I don't even think that it would turn into this thing but since murky spotted such an Opie Mom we need to spot in an even more Opie mob and when I say Opie mob I am lying a little bit we're gonna spawn today tiny little cockroach bug look at how small this this guy is he doesn't look that powerful but I'm pretty sure when I could buy this guy with a Opie block it should create a monstrosity of a monster so we have a command block and we're just gonna place this right next to this little bug and let's just go buy these in three two one end and I think it works look at this thing that tiny little bug turned into this crazy monster in luck the command block I combine it with this right on its back right there and it also made its entire body into this crazy new block I don't even know what this is but this is some crazy command block stuff that only a command block would be able to do and I wonder what kind of attacks this guy has let me just go in survival mode and maybe I should punch and wait what's happening why don't I go completely blind and wait now my screen's starting to shake I think it's making me super second oh okay this guy has crazy attacks and he's still yet to do any damage to me and wait a second he's spawning in Guardians next to him okay let me go to gray mode before this guy kill kills me all right this guy is super opiate I just realized he has massive claws on the front of him okay this is going to be even better than I thought but before we ask Mark if he's ready you see this command block on my monster I'm actually just gonna right click this like this in this command block menu we are going to type kill at the type equal netherride monstrosity and if you don't know what that does that will basically mean when this guy does his attacks it shouldn't instantly kill that giant netherite monstrosity spooky ass and that is why I chose the command block and anyways let's ask him if he's ready it's murky how is your mom Barbie going bye mom Barbie is going so well remember the Iron Eagle yeah Golem this round yes I did but it made it into an insane mob because I did the best block with it wait really Sparky well I also have the best block combination for my mob and I don't think you're gonna be able to destroy it there's no way you have the best combination because I probably have the strongest one welshburg if you think I'm the strongest one let's drop the walls in three two one one and there we go I dropped the walls let's go oh and what is this this literally like some kind of lizard okay that is no match for my mom are you sure about that smirky because it literally has a command block on it and I'm pretty sure this shouldn't instant kill your mob uh no wait well it's literally just spawning in fish that are burning right now oh my gosh okay Sparky you just have to wait and see because this guy should do his super crazy attack any second hand uh smirky I think it might have done it because look at your mommy I think it's completely dead already and why isn't just sitting right now come on get back up oh Sparky that was one of the fastest rounds ever and it literally dropped this giant hammer that was so easy I guess a command block on it yeah that does perky does not even taking any damage when it's swimming in lava I think we need to reset the arena wow I can't believe it yeah let's reset it and here we go I just won yet another round but this time before we look at smirkies Bob I actually want to play fair this time so that means I'm just gonna spotted my mob before I look at sparkies and there we go I got this crazy centipede monster it's super long it has like a hundred legs but what I'm gonna do is spot two very cool nether blocks right next to it so I'm gonna put Netherrack and Blackstone and let's just put all of this everywhere and I want to create a crazy nether centipede mob let's just go like this and there we go and now let's get this mod block mashup hand and just throw one of these up there and then throw another rock at it and it worked let's go okay that is cool look at this thing we're set to be turned into this crazy snake monster and now it doesn't have any legs but it is so much bigger and look it's made out of the Netherrack kid Blackstone like I said it would be but now that we got this crazy monster I think we should just jump into this round and let's see what Sparky spawned and it looks like smirky spotted a giant Knight I wonder how he got this maybe he threw like an iron block on a zombie or something that is pretty smart but he has a super cool night and we have this super cool giant snake I think I'll be able to win because look at my guy he is definitely stronger than that night and that's working are you ready to just jump into this next round right away yes of course I am all right then let's drop the wallet in three two one and boom and it looks like you spotted a knight and I spot a super giant crazy snake whoa what is this stick that looks like a gummy worm a guppy worm Smoky well this thing is a lot more powerful than a gummy worm and I wonder what a Taxi's gonna do to your night and wait Smokey a bunch of lava just spawned around your thing and I think it's getting submerged and I get I literally just died let's go that was an insta kill from my mob an insecure there is no reason to be a giant gummy worm did an insta kill Cardy I guess it did Smokey because it had a bunch of nether blocks it was made out of it but a bunch of lava on your side to kill your thing super fast and your guy got way too hot that is just impossible you know it just reset the reader I can't believe that all right let's reset the arena in the next round is the final round so you better win okay Courtney then I will win trust me let's go and boom now we are on the fight around and this time I have my craziest combination of a block and a mob and it should be super crazy but before we spotted it let's see what smurkey's gonna spawn and it looks like he spotted a cow and I wonder what block is gonna merge with this it better be a good block because if it's not this cow is not gonna turn into anything good and wait a second he just has red glass what is he thinking is he gonna put glass on this cow there is no way this is gonna make something good and okay I was definitely right it just made a see-through red cow that's is awful what was smoking take it he's probably super sad that he got a trash mob look at that but maybe he's happy because he's pretty new but then he thinks that this cow's gonna do something cool well we are going to completely annihilate this cow and I'm about to show you what I'm gonna spawn in so the mom I'm gonna spot it is going to be a Wither just like that and then we are going to break a command block next to it and you'll probably know what this is going to turn into but I guess let's just throw this thing in three two one let's go and wait did it work it yes it did look at my wither he now has a command block attached to him now this is cool and it looks like it's picking up a bunch more blocks wait a second I think this wither is becoming the ultimate mob mashup block mashup thing okay this guy is about to destroy the entire Arena and I really want to see this guy when he is in his final form but before he can turn into his final form you guys all need to subscribe by being serious as soon as you you guys click the Subscribe button he will turn into his final form so please if you watch my videos a lot and you're not subscribed just check right now and subscribe I'll give you three seconds three two one and thank you for subscribing and it definitely worked because look at this giant wither storm Bob we have okay thank goodness I put a command block at this thing because it is super op and okay Sparky Scout definitely doesn't stand a chance at all it's already getting sucked up Sparky I think your mob's already about to die oh it isn't cardi and uh what why what's happening Sparky look up look at my Mom it's about to eat your cow um oh wait that's not good uh oh and um Courtney I think I'm flying up too this isn't good I gotta eat my apples monkey I gotta get eaten too oh my gosh this is not looking too good for you oh [Applause] this is so sad and I think I won but don't leave because the next mob battle is coming up right now and this one is even more insane than the last today I'm doing a Minecraft mob battle with my friend but Eddie mob we dropped first alive for example if I draw an Enderman Creeper and then flip this lever off top it'll spot that exact thing in this looks exactly like my drawing anyway Sparky are you ready to start the mob battle yes I am Gordy and I am totally gonna draw way better mobs than you we will see about that anyways let the battle begin but before we draw our first super insane mob since we have a massive one-way class well let's see what smurkey's gonna draw first and then we'll be able to draw the exact counter to his mob and what is that is that like a zombie head and then there's these three lines wait what is smirky drawing and I think Smokey finished a dragon what even is that it looks like it's some sort of zombie inside of a barrel I wonder if that's what's gonna spot in which murky pulls the lever and he's pulling it and oh my gosh it worked look at these things that drag actually spotted a bunch of zombies in barrels and look they look so funny their arms are just sticking out of it and oh my gosh these are going to be pretty easy to defeat and you might be wondering what kind of mob am I gonna draw to count to these guys exactly well I'm gonna spun the exact opposite of zombies I'm gonna spawn skeletons and I'm gonna draw a super duper Opie skeleton and to do that I'm just gonna start off by drawing the normal skeleton legs a noble skeleton body and then a normal skeleton head and then I'm gonna add a little bit of skeleton ribs on this guy to make him look more skeleton and now I'm gonna add some super op purple armor to this guy so I'm gonna give them some purple pants some purple shoes and then give them a little face but now what I'm gonna do to make this guy super Opie is we're gonna try ginormous this hammer and this should just be a super Opie weapon to destroy smirky zombie barrels and then we're also just gonna draw a giant Shield so we'll be able to block all of their attacks and there we go I think this is good hopefully the mod will be able to pick up on what this is and spot in that exact mob so I guess without further Ado let's just flip this lever in three two one and here we go and didn't work and yes it did look at these giant skeletons and oh my gosh they have the giant hammer a giant Shield just like I drew on here let's go and look at how big and how powerful these guys are compared to smirky zombies and barrels like these are literally super bad because they could barely move their stuck inside a barrel and we have four of these super op guys so this should definitely be enough mobs to destroy Smokey's mobs and Smoky how is your army going my Army is going so good and I don't know if it's actually good but my mom's looks super duper Opie and it's probably the strongest boss ever the strongest boss ever Sparky oh what did you draw and what did you spot in smirky well I drew a block that's in Minecraft that allows you to put items in it and then I put a really scary thing inside it wait smokey did you draw like a chest with a zombie in it or something uh kind of but it wasn't a chest it's actually something that made it even more powerful oh a barrel you probably Drew zombie barrels how do you know cardi that doesn't even make sense well Sparky I just took a really good guess you do not have to worry about it at all okay cardi let's just drop the walls at three two one and here we go and what are these guys these look trash what do you mean these things look trash these are skeletons with super giant hammers yeah I know and my Barrel zombies look way better you think they look better than why are they getting destroyed by my skeleton monsters um because my zombies aren't what oh you might be right Sparky you do not stand a chance and that is because my guys have these massive Hammers and these massive Shields they barely take any damage from your zombies are you are you kidding me okay my zombies probably need to hide in a barrel come on guys stop going and attacking them hide in your Barrel you're telling your zombies to just died away Sparky that's how you know you spotted in a really bad mob they're not really bad cardi all they need to do is just hide in one of these things that is not gonna work and waits Ricky I think one of them's hiding inside of this Barrel wait actually yeah I think so but I think they're all about to die so it doesn't really matter and I think they might have all died so we're kind of saw a bunch of particles over here and there's a bunch of items on the floor are you kidding me I can't believe it well spooky since I won the first round let's move on to the second one and there we go we just won the first round but guys do not leave yet because I have tons of crazy mobs that I want to draw that's fun in to do Insane mob battles but before I draw my next mob let's see what smurkey's gonna draw and then we're gonna draw the exact counter and what is that smirky started off by drawing some blue legs this is gonna turn out to be but blue is the color of water so maybe it will turn into like some water monster and I think he's finished with trying it what is this thing this thing looks so silly but I'm pretty sure I was right about it being a water monster I guess we'll just have to wait and see what this is gonna turn into what he pulls the lever and he's pulling it and oh my gosh look at these guys I was exactly right and I guess these guys look pretty similar to what sir he drew these are called men of water and then they're literally just people made out of water that's all they are these actually got a trash I'm not gonna lie they're just gonna like turn into water during the battle or something well should Sparky Drew is Mob it's time to draw mine and for my mom I kind of want to draw an elemental boss like Smokey dad because she drew a water bottle but what I want to draw is a combination of a bunch of different elements so for the bottom of it I'm gonna draw these little blue ice legs and then I'm gonna come up and make the body out of this crazy magma orange block I'm gonna give it some arms like this I'm gonna go all around and add little spots to make it look a little more magma-y there we go and now I'm just gonna add a little floating magma head too because we want this thing to be a little magicy too because we want this thing to be a little magically as well so let's just add an eye and some mounts to the sky enough for the final thing we're gonna do is we're gonna add some ice Spikes all around this thing just to make a little more icy so there we go let's add it all on the arms and on the side of the body and boom I think we are done without drawing now this thing looks super super good and I'm really excited to see this thing actually turn into a real mob so I guess let's just pull this lever in three two one and let's go and didn't work and wait yes it did look here's my bomb this is exactly what I drew as you can see it has those ice legs just like my dragon that has to back my body and even the ice spice coming out of it I love this mod because you can literally draw anything but since this guy is so cool he probably also has some super cool attacks so let me just go in survival mode near him and see what he does and wait what is this to the fire tornado just sub it on me at all my gosh I just died this mob is so insane he can summon fire tornadoes in and oh my gosh this is literally gonna completely evaporate Sparky's water monsters I don't think I've ever spotted a bob so overpowered in a mob battle this is gonna be awesome and smirky is your mob Army ready yes of course it is and I spotted an even better mob this time wait really speaking you spotted a better mob well I don't think your mom is very powerful oh why why don't you think it's powerful it's literally a man of water oh I probably should have said that white smoke you just said exactly what your mom is and now I know you spot the name water man and wait what do you mean a water man is not powerful yes it is Courtney it what if it just like splashes you in water that would hurt right now Sparky splashing me with water wouldn't do anything and I have a way better mob than you just drop the walls and let's see my mob destroy yours all right and boom the walls have dropped and do you see my mom oh yeah what is this that is literally a lava man that's like my thing but words uh no it's not Sparky because look it's doing crazy attacks to your watermen and waits there's a bunch of fire tornadoes now whoa insane come on Mr Man you can destroy all of these water people and this is insane there's water and fire attacks everywhere this is like an elemental mob battle and that is crazy I didn't actually think of water people were gonna do anything but they have a ton of crazy water attacks in my guys's fire attacks whoa that is actually insane there is no way my guys died though because they are literally healing from their water attacks I think but wait are you sure about that Sparky because I'm pretty sure all of your people just died like actually all of them all at once how did they all die all at once we is it because they got frozen I think so smirky look my guy spotted a bunch of magma and Ice attacks and he just completely won I can't believe that Courtney just reset the arena why why didn't they Splash your guy with water that wouldn't have even worked let's reset the arena I ain't boo minus one yet another round but remember guys we still have crazy mobs to draw in the videos only just getting started dude I leave and just like the other rounds let's see what Smokey's gonna draw before we draw our thing and what is that spooky just put a bunch of white on his canvas is he just scribbling on it or something because there's no way that is a mob but wait now he just added a bunch of snowman stuff to it and I wonder if he's gonna do anything else because snowmen aren't that powerful this is not gonna be something powerful if he doesn't draw something good and he's just added two giant blue ice things on its arms I don't know what his plane is here but I guess this is gonna spot something good maybe but let's just see what's gonna spot and he's pulling the lever and oh my gosh look at that the Snowman that smirky Drew actually spotted something super big and super powerful looking hey look it has these two giant ice weapons and those are a lot more deadly looking than what's working true smirky got really lucky that the mod detected those as the weapons well this is a really cool mob and we need to make a perfect counter for this guy so let's get to our canvas and you might be wondering what I'm gonna draw well I'm kind of thinking I just want to make a super crazy looking Lava Monster and this will be able to melt Smokey's Bob super easily and it will be awesome so there you go as you can see I drew this lava X and then I drew a little smiley face on it with a little bit different color of orange but I'm not only gonna do that I'm gonna draw a giant electricity yellow circle around it so not only will this be a lava monster it's gonna be an electric monster too so now let me add a little more detail around this yellow circle and I think this is good look at this monster this is actually insane well okay I guess it doesn't look that insane but we just gotta wait until I pull this lever and it should make an actual monster so let's play three two one and let's go and uh wait did it work what is this thing okay I guess this is kind of what I drew I mean it has the lava X in the middle and then has the yellow circle around it and look there's tons of electric particles all around it I wonder if this guy has any cool attacks and what is he doing wait is he striking me with lightning and electrocuting me wait what oh my gosh that was insane okay this mob is really cool and not only does he spawn a bunch of fire to melchiz mob he also strikes them with electricity and Strikes them with lightning so there's no way that this snow golem is gonna win the mob battle and Smokey how is your mom Army going Gordy my mom Army is going so well and I think I am gonna win well you think you're gonna win Sparky there is no way you're gonna win because I actually know what you spawned in uh how do you know when I spawned in cardi well smoke you don't need to worry about how I know but I'm gonna tell you what you spawned and she spotted a giant snow golem with two giant ice weapons I I don't even know how you know that exactly because that is exactly what I spot in it's a giant snow golem with two ice weapons how do you even know that wait watch Ricky I was just saying a random mob did I actually guess your mom exactly uh yes cardio did get it exactly that is just crazy crazy wow wow that is so lucky there is no other way that I knew you spot the snow golemen anyways are you ready to drop the walls yes I am all right then let's go and oh my gosh do you see the Monster I have that is insane just what is this I'm so confused is that a yellow ball yeah kinda smirky it's a lava monster with yellow ball around it for electricity I know and look it's just completely surrounding a snow Warrior and what is it doing right now it's like electrocuting us that is just crazy oh my gosh but wait the bumps are on similar health so who's gonna win I actually don't know but I think mine should because he has crazy lava attacks and wait he's melting your snow goal of right now are you kidding me Carney that is not possible how is it doing that well clearly it is possible because smirky look your thing is melting and my guy is just sitting outside the lava and it's just walking around now it's just waiting for my mom to die I know because it knows it's 100 about the win let's go come on Mr snow Warrior you need to die and there we go your thing is now dead I can't believe my mom died cardi that is just impossible it died I know that is super sad but let's reset the arena and move on to the next round all right and boom we just reset the arena and I'm getting really excited for this final two rounds because I have my two favorite things that I want to draw but this is actually going to be super insane but before we try our Bob just like we've done with the other three rounds so let's see what smurkey's gonna draw first and we are going to make the exact counter and wait what is Sparky drawing it looks like he's drawing a giant white thing again is he trying to draw another snowman well yeah look he just drew a giant hammer on it and a little face that is definitely not a snow monster this looks like a crazy Golem monster oh my God she's gonna turn into something insane when he pulls that lever and he's pulling it and oh wait where is this mob and wait there it is it actually did spotted a giant Golem monster and it looks like it's made out of quartz and if you don't know quartz is a block from the Nether and this is actually super op looking because it has a massive Hammer at this they can probably smash any mob it wants to alright well now it's time to draw my mob that's it Sparky Drew this giant monster I wanted draw something that looks just like it so let's draw a little white monster make a little body some arms and then we'll dry hat on it and then let's just add a little smiley face on it just like this and boom that should definitely be good enough let's pull the lever and boom there's our Monster look at this guy he is so cool looking and he is definitely gonna destroy smurkey's mom and I am just kidding guys this guy is super small he is just a weaker version of smirkies Bob so you might be asking yourself why did I draw this tiny little guy well I'm about to show you let me go back to my drawing unless you guys can see I actually Drew him at the top of the canvas so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw this little gray box around them and I'm actually going to make him driving a giant mech suit so that is just the head of the mech where he will be driving it one and now I'm gonna draw the body of it so boom there we go and then let's add some legs down here and some giant arms and boom look at this back this is super cool and as you can see the little guy is at the top but the back is way way bigger than him and it should be able to destroy that giant monster smirk he has so hopefully when I flip this lever it will totally work and let's flip this at three two one and here we go and yes it worked look this little guy I started with and that is driving at the top but as you can see it spotted this giant mech suit which is a giant robot just look at this it literally is made out of a furnace that is so cool that must be what is powering it and his arms are so big and it's ants are so big that it will be able to smash this giant Golem no matter what and just to make sure we have 100 chance to win let's just flip this lever a couple more times and here we go and yes it worked we have so many of these Mech drivers now okay this is definitely gonna be enough to kill smirky's goal a match murky is your mob Army ready yes it is all right then let's just jump straight to this battle and drop the walls and here we go let's go oh and what kind of mom is this cardi is this like a robot astronaut Sparky no this is a Mech driver you see it has a tiny little version of your mom driving it what the heck wait so is this way more powerful than my mom yeah I think it should be I mean it looks a lot better than your mom and wait I think they're about to start fighting and look at this murky our mobs are fighting oh my gosh that is wild and they're all attacking each other I know and wait look at how much more damage your thing is taken and wait are they dropping missiles from the sky whoa that is insane these are so cool looking I knew the backs would be powerful but I didn't know they would be this powerful well I didn't know that either Courtney it's just crazy and oh what your dick is already dead and it dropped its hammer on the floor wow oh my gosh that was the super fast Rod let's just reset the arena because I have an idea of what I want to draw next okay smoke here the next one is the final round so if you do not win I'm going to completely win the mob battle all right let's go and here we go we are on the last round of the mob battle and I guess let's see what smurkey's gonna draw and he said he had a good idea for what he wanted to draw so hopefully he wasn't lying and what what is that what that is an awful thing what if it is that I don't even know it looks like a poop monster but I think that might be a sand monster start and look it's even holding a giant Cactus okay let's see if this is actually gonna recognize what's Ricky Drew and he's pulling the lover and wait a second that actually worked oh my gosh look at that monster it's literally a giant sand golem holding a giant Cactus okay that is actually pretty cool looking but it is no match for the final mob that I'm about to draw because the final mob I have in store for this video is someone to say that nothing will be able to be there and are you guys ready to see the mob I'm about to draw this is going to make you super super surprised and I'm finished drawing it look at this this mob is insane and okay I might have lied a little bit this is not the mom I'm gonna drop it this is the Subscribe button and so many of you guys watch the videos and you never subscribe so please if you've seen any of my videos before just subscribe right now I'll give you three seconds three two one and thank you for subscribing all right well now let's actually draw our real mob and this is going to be insane so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw a sand tornado so here we go I'm trying to sand tornado and this is gonna be just like Smokey's mod but way cooler and way better because it's a tornado and here we go I drew that and then let's drive fire tornado 2 just for fun and boom we got both of our tornadoes made and okay I know these don't look like tornadoes that much but when we pull this lever it should spot a crazy tornadoes and this is gonna be insane let's just pull this lever right now and did it work in waitlock this massive fire tornado said there's massive sand tornadoes oh my gosh this is so cool and these tornadoes should definitely be able to destroy that giant sand goal of that smirk yes that's murky are you ready to drop the walls yes I am let's go and here we go I dropped the walls and look at my sand tornadoes I have what are those well my mom is also made of sand so it's definitely gonna beat yours with a cactus wait are you sure wait I think my mom just summoned the giant Spear of sand and what happened Courtney this doesn't make any sense wait let's destroy the sand and see who's Bob is the last one standing I think mine should be the last one standing because it does not need air to live well mine doesn't need air either let's just see all right let's see let's use a giant Dynamite to blow this thing up and oh my gosh who's mom's gonna be left uh snarky I don't think anyone's Muppets left I think they all died but wait Sparky look at this oh no that's not your mom threw a dynamite at that thing ah smirky I think that is my mom I think I just want the mob battle there is no way you want it I can't believe it cardi let's go that was so easy and I wasn't even cheating the entire time but don't leave there's still one more mob battle and this one is by far the most insane you're gonna have to see it today I'm doing a Minecraft mod battle with my friend but where is the scary Dimension hey little does my friend smoke and literally placed the exact characters to them so Sparky are you ready for this mob battle yes I am and I am totally gonna destroy you wait why is my cat dying Smokey we are the scary Dimension and cats are not scary at all if you don't spot a scary moment it will literally get scared to death oh my gosh that's insane well okay now I'm ready for the mob battle alright then let the mod battle begin and also let's just take a second to admire how crazy the scary Dimension is the sky is super dark and we are literally on a void platform this is crazy and now that the mob Builders actually officially started we can start by shooting with this giant one-way glass walls so let's just go up to here and what is smurkey going to spawn in and wait is he literally spotting foxes and what what is he thinking boxes are not scary at all these are all about to start dying I bet because they are not scary they're gonna get scared to death and oh my gosh I was definitely right because look at all the foxes they're taking damage and oh they just all died cardi all my foxes are started now Sparky wait your fox has died wait why did you spot foxes in they're not scary at all I I should have told you what I was gonna spawn okay now we need to spawn something even more scarier I think okay Sparky cannot hear me but what is he spotting he's spotting these cute little fox guys why is he not spotting it's scary stuff how on Earth are these guys supposed to wait what what the heck these guys are scary they just heard it's like muted versions of themselves oh my gosh I totally thought that these guys were just cute little foxes but these are demon foxes what there's like massive flesh arms coming out of them with like Teeth I don't even know what these are and they're literally going through my wall okay I gotta back up from here these things are scary we'll sit smirky spotted a mob that's actually pretty scary I could have spotted an even scarier mob that will destroy these little foxes and I have two mobs I think are just good enough to kill these guys you see how these little foxes have those flush arms well I'm gonna spotted my own flesh mobs this first one is called the wheel of Flesh and look at this guy he's just basically a bigger and scarier version of those little tentacles those boxes have look at this he's like a thousand tentacles all around his wheel body and oh my gosh it's just spitting in circles even has eyes on it what is this so of course we gotta spot a few of these guys in I think five of them should be good to decimate his army but of course we have even more mobs and my second mob is called the Abomination I'm responding three two one and there we go look at how creepy this thing is this is probably more scary than those big flush wheels and those were already so much scarier than these tiny little foxes like look at these guys they literally have a claw and all these freaky eyes with horns and teeth and oh my gosh we gotta spawn more of these guys this is actually gonna be so op we have so many mobs compared to Sparky and this is gonna be really epic oh smirky how is your army going oh my arm is going really good but uh I don't know what the heck I just did smacky what I hear a bunch of weird noises coming from your side what are those did you spot some sort of foxes again uh yes what they're trying yeah my friends on wait what oh my gosh what are you doing you're literally hanging your dog from a leash uh yeah I am I don't know what the heck is happening but wait cardi how do you know that my dog isn't barking or anything it's so scared ah smacky uh how did I know that your dog's hacking from Alicia I just got a lucky guess I I guess uh that's weird I didn't actually know that I was just taking a guess wait what that's a very lucky guess okay yeah it's very lucky indeed and I think we can get close to dropping these walls but I'll give you a little bit of advice first um what is that I think it hit the spot in way more foxes because those things are nothing compared to what I spawned in uh I don't think I need to spawn in way more boxes my boxes are actually pretty good I don't know how you know I have those Ricky okay if you think they're good we could just drop these walls and there we go I dropped the walls at the mob battles officially begun sorry I probably did you just spotted way more bumps me I spotted the scariest mom I could I saw your mobs and I'm like these are not that scary so I just spotted way scarier mobs how did you see my mobs if there's a giant Bedrock wall here cardi it's literally like way bigger than this oh I mean I didn't see your mom so I was just taking a guess I could hear what they looked like and look at how badly I am destroying them yeah you are kind of destroying them all I don't really see as many as I had yeah you started with like a hundred of these guys and look they're all dying there's literally these tentacles that they drop what the heck no ice Market coming I'm gonna hit you with the spectacle you get that away from me don't hit me with that okay sorry Sparky that is actually pretty disgusting let me throw that off all right bet and where are my foxes uh Sparky you don't need to worry about where your foxes they are in a better place now oh never mind there's two over here uh but these aren't the scary ones just kidding they are oh my gosh when he punched up they turned scary I did not know that but I don't think you're gonna win smirky oh really uh yes Ricky there's no way you win and they are literally just killing a dog what the heck do you forfeit because I don't think these two little are gonna kill all my flesh mobs yeah I forfeit get them out of here all right I'll kill this one and there we go I officially won round one oh my gosh okay I need to make a really good army then all right let's restart your radar and there we go I officially won the second round of the scary Bob battle but dude I'll leave yet because I have some super crazy pranks off my sleeve and that's not even to mention how scary the mobs are about to get but anyways we should just start off this round like we always do by cheating with this one-way glass what is smurkey going to spawn in today and would you look at that he's just spawning a bunch of different skeleton mobs I guess these are pretty scary even though they're not that scary they're just normal Minecraft mods but I'm pretty sure they are surviving because they're just barely scary enough and I wonder why he spawned in skeletons and skeleton horses maybe he's gonna make the skeletons ride the skeleton horses and wait look at that I think he's literally mounting these skeletons onto the the skeleton horse is just like that now this is gonna be a pretty crazy combo of skeletons because they can do a bunch of ranged attacks while being really fast so what would be the perfect counter for skeletons hmm wait I just got a tedious idea the perfect counter for skeletons is literally more skeletons so as you can see in my Hopper we have a ton of different skeleton mobs in the first one I'm gonna spot is literally just called a Reaper and look at how scary this guy he's a flying skeleton head he even has sights as his hand but we have a couple different variants of these guys so we can spot them all just like that and some of these guys are so freaky this guy is probably the scariest mob I've ever seen but don't worry because we have more skeletons too and we could spot a mute skeleton viewing wither skeletons of course we gotta get some mutant skeletons here and then we have the skull Master which is the skull God and look at how scary this guy is and last but not least we have the scariest of all the skeletons it is the skeleton turtle and uh yeah this thing is really scary look at how this thing walks look it literally like has it you go up and down this thing is so so weird and that is probably why it's the scariest mob so we gotta spawn a bunch of these guys we're just gonna go around and spot all these guys and I guess we should probably spawn these other skeletons we spawned so let me do that and there we go look at this crazy skeleton army but not just normal skeletons these are the scariest skeletons of all and just compare my Army to Smokey's Army oh my gosh this is not even gonna be close I think I have more mobs and they are literally just more powerful smirky how's your army going are you like bones rattling around on your side did she spawn normal skeletons in yes but they aren't really that normal in my opinion wait why are they not normal are you like stacking them on top of each other maybe how do you know it's just another lucky guess Ricky I told you I'm just getting super lucky at guessing today oh I guess you are I mean that's a little bit weird but yeah I literally am stacking them and since I heard the boats rattling of your skeleton I spot my old skeleton mobs but I think mine might be a bit better than yours yours are really not better than mine because I think there's only like one baby skeletons uh yes Ricky there's baby skeletons and that's it definitely anyways maybe we should just drop the walls all right well I'm ready to destroy you then and there we go the walls have dropped it do you see what I've spotted turkey oh yes I've seen what you just wanted these are not baby skeletons yeah these are definitely not baby skeletons I spotted one of the scariest mobs I could and I even have skeleton Turtles what the heck oh my gosh you thought that your skeletons would be powerful and yet I think they're already all dead oh my gosh how are they already all dead look it's because you spotted the worst mom I literally just told you that okay anyways maybe we should just reset the arena because that was one of the fastest mob battles ever I don't get how they're all so bad if you literally spawn in skelet Turtles skeleton is what are you talking about these are literally the scariest of all the mobs I spawned in the heck no they are just reset the arena okay and there we go I one yet another mob battle this is so easy when I'm cheating with this one-way glass and speaking of one-way glass why don't we just look through this once again what are you spotting this round and wait what the heck are these things these are scary any stack is about top of each other too these are like muted Striders or something and they even have like a little bulb dangling in front of them what are these their teeth are so big why is smirky actually spotted get a scary Bob he is usually really newbie and never spotted anything actually good it's actually spotting at a very scary Bob we have to up our game by quite a lot and as you can see in my Hopper I just chose the four scariest bombs I possibly could and the started one is the Lava Hound look at how scary this guy is if you think those guys are scary and realistic we'll just take a look at this guy he literally has like teeth growing out the side of his mouth and it's literally some super realistic teeth what is this and I mean I'm not even gonna talk about how ugly and creepy this thing is so let's just bought a bunch of them everywhere next up we got the Firebird word and oh my gosh this is probably the creepiest mob in Minecraft look at this thing it has like realistic eyes or something this is scary it literally has like mold growing on it oh my gosh this is the scariest bird I've ever seen so we're just gonna go and spot a bunch of these guys everywhere just like that and I think that's good now next up we have the red ant and oh that's that's not what I meant to spot it that's not scary at all but I actually bet the spot it is called the red this is the king of scary look at how crazy this guy is look at his face I mean he's just turning away from me but there we go you could see how angry he is he wants to kill smirkies mob so so fast so we're gonna spawn three of these guys all around and there we go I think that is pretty good this is definitely gonna destroy these little Strider things Mercury spawn but that's not all I want to do since we're already shooting with this massive one-way glass wall I would have cheat in another way too and you might be asking how am I could achieve well take a look at this there's a bunch of different scary dynamites that I want to use and just destroys rookie with it's I just grabbed all my Dynamite I'm just gonna show you a few of them one of them is called The Grove Dynamite it literally just makes trees it's gonna look like a super scary Forest when I throw this on Smokey's Bobs and then we have the withered Dynamite which just spots in a bunch of Wither Scouts as it turns into Soul Sand and we have a few others like the lava ocean Dynamite which spots a bunch of lava and yeah this is just gonna destroy Sparky's mobs let me make sure I just have a bunch of these guys all around just so I can have a little more power and there we go I think this Bob Barbie is looking really good so Marky how's your army going my RV is going perfectly and it's kind of cool wait what did you spot it could you tell me uh no why would I tell you oh my gosh freaky because I have no idea what you spawned in I hear something but I have no idea what that is well I'm not gonna tell you thankfully all right well I guess we could just drop the walls when you're ready are you ready yes I am ready then let's go and there we go Sparky do you see all the mobs attacking each other yes I do but why do you just have trees rookie I think my mobs bought these trees for Subaru said I I think they do a bunch of damage what the heck how would trees do a bunch of damage and look the trees are exploding right now this is so crazy that is insane what the hell okay so smirky cannot hear me right now but I am actually secretly cheating with all these dynamites and I'm just gonna throw lava and stuff on all these guys this is so funny what the heck is happening according to the entire Battlefield this field is turning into a war zone I know this is definitely turning into a war zone and look over here there's a bunch of mobs fighting what the heck I think my mom's like throwing the blocks everywhere though I just destroyed your guys these guys are so just op I don't have any words I know smirk had literally come and take a look at these guys they are super scary too yeah it's definitely way scarier than what I did but wait I think the last they start fighting oh my gosh wait and wait that that was the last thing it literally just died right in front of you bruh are you kidding me let's go you know what that means that means I just won the mob battle but we gotta move out to the next round because there's still two more rounds oh my gosh okay well that means I have two more rounds that I can easily easily clutch up Sparky there's a zero percent chance you clutch up blushes reset the arena all right there we go I just won the mob battle again and I want to see what scary Bobs we're gonna spot it this time and I have my funniest breaks yet coming up so let's just start off by cheating with this one-way glass again is just standing there and I'm pretty sure he's choosing his mobs right now what is he gonna spot in this round and what are these things he's about to get a bunch of super scary nether scourges while these things are definitely very very scary and look at that they have like wither skulls going back and forth on them that is very very freaky but the thing is I have way better mobs than these guys and I'm pretty sure I will usually be able to win and my moms will also be way scarier if you're wondering and as you can see in my Hotbar I have three very op spawn eggs and I'll start off with the weakest and least scary one this is what is called the shadow leech and look at this it's like a little parasite worm with this crazy mouth of teeth like that they could probably store all over your whole look at how wide that mouth gets but next up we have the shadow Behemoth and oh my gosh look at how scary this thing is this thing is like the muted version of this little leech look at how much bigger it is now this thing can definitely swallow me oh look at how big its mouth goes oh my gosh any last but not least we have the emperor of Shadows and look at this guy he has like five heads and this crazy red star in the middle of him this guy is so crazy it's so powerful like look at its eyes they're literally super crazy red stars so let's just spot a bunch of these mobs everywhere and we're gonna spot some of these and spawn some of these and because these guys can literally fly Sparky's nether Scorch mob spawn is not gonna stand a chance and I want to make myself super powerful so I'm gonna right click with this thing called a possessed skull and then it puts this little scary skull monster on my shoulder and now with this thing my attacks are gonna do a bunch of damage so I'm gonna grab a few weapons that I could cheat with and I'm just gonna grab super scary weapons like this dark matter minigun and even a ghast Cannon so they're like the middle of the mob battle I'll be using these weapons to kill all of smirkies mobs and smirky how many sure are we going anyways I hear a bunch of screeches on your side Screech is on my side oh yeah that's cause I spotted some birds oh Birds uh Sparky Birds on not scary at all yeah they aren't scary but their screeches are right now let's just drop the walls I know you can spot birds and there we go look at our mom's respond oh what the heck yeah you're right I didn't spawn Birds but what the heck did you swan look at how would I spot the ant shark you look at how scary these guys are do you admit these guys are more scary than yours yeah probably because these things are horrifying yeah that horrified is still an understatement these guys are crazy and oh my gosh I think they're just destroyed your mom right now oh look at their teeth though that is so insane looking I know and okay spooky cannot hear me now and I just gotta use these mini guns and weapons all on his mobs I just instantly kill them and oh I think I just killed one and there we go I think wait did I kill them all already like look at that little dropped out the Fly Away Let Me Tell smirky uh smirky I think all your mobs might have already died yes they already all died by cardi and all your moms are off the arena no no more touching the floor that means I win right no no springy that's not how it works they are completely above the arena that means I have still won the mob battle oh my gosh how do you keep spawning and Mom said just instantly kill my night I swear I look away for one second if they're all already gone oh that is weird it's just because I know exactly where your spot looks very good I'm spotting the exact counters oh my gosh okay well I didn't spawn in the best mob I can think of I think yup and next round is the last round so definitely spotted the scariest Bobby can let's go all right let's do it and there we go I reset the internet world the last round of the mod battle and I'm totally about to win but anyways we just have to start off just like we've done every single other round in what is Smokey spotting he's literally just spotting a normal gas these are not even that scary at all just these guys aren't even that scary they probably will actually start to die and yep I was definitely right look at these guys they're all just taking a bunch of damage right now oh my gosh and look at that they all just died okay yeah so Ricky needs to spotted way scarier mobs look he's super sad uh smirky uh how much are we going I think I just heard a lot of them die what do you mean you just heard a lot of them die anyways yeah my Army is going horrible I thought it spawned in something scary but it wasn't scary at all yes Becky maybe you could spotted that same thing you spotted but a more powerful version of it what do you mean but I don't know just search up the thing you spotted and maybe it'll be a more powerful version of it um okay there probably is that um like this oh my gosh Smokey wait those are exactly responded but way more powerful and scarier how do you know oh uh I don't know how I know that these guys are scary I just heard you spotted it and I I just take a guess what okay whatever okay now it's murky cat here but you Sparky just spotted a bunch of super scary blood gas so I think I know exactly what I have to do to counter these guys and I know the perfect coucher if you're wondering what the perfect counter for this one smirky spot well you're about to find out in three two one there we go I just spotted it and look at how big and scary this is but we're not just gonna spawn one of these guys oh no no no no no we gotta spotted like a thousand of them everywhere look at all these guys I spot this is crazy and ass murky are you ready to drop these walls yes I am I am completely ready to win uh wins Ricky no no no you're not gonna win because I'm about to win what Sparky do you see what I spotted how did you spawn in something that's the exact same but way bigger because I have the best mob battle person ever I am so good at my battles what how I don't get it look at the Fireballs they're shooting off their mouth these things are super big and super powerful yeah they are recording they literally shoot out multiple at a time I know that is how you know these guys are super op and anyways maybe we should just reset the arena because I already know I've won yeah I guess so and there we go spooky I reset the arena let's do the outro and uh uh no no no cardi why are we gonna do the outro if there is glass in Bedrock on my side what uh I I don't know why this is here Sparky uh this is really weird wait that explains you spotting it way better and bigger version of my mobs oh my gosh okay you got me smokey I was definitely just using one-way glass the entire time I'm sorry but it was super funny bro are you kidding me oh my gosh I'll give you the win if you forget me yeah okay I will ever thanks for watching the video and please subscribe Please Subscribe and click the video on the screen bye bye foreign
Channel: Carty
Views: 244,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, carty, mob battle, op bosses, god bosses, minecraft mob battle
Id: t3uXJznjUsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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