Minecraft, But You Can Milk Anything...

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welcome to minecraft but you can milk anything in today's video we're going to be literally milking any block item mob and even player in the game yeah this is our weirdest video yet but stay tuned because these milks are different abilities that you don't want to miss especially this guy's milk in particular can i be the milk dragon can i milk the milk dragon let's go ahead and find out so we're gonna be doing something really weird in today's challenge and also i just messed up that wooden tree right away but welcome guys to minecraft book we're gonna be able to literally milk anything in the game ranging from blocks to any mob to any tool to even players which i don't know how that's gonna work exactly but what i do know is that we're supposed to get a bucket then start milking away and actually wait this might actually already have a bucket in here oh it does i might be able to start milking right away so if i put one bucket in my crafting slot i literally milk myself don't question it and then we get your ordinary milk bucket and with the milk bucket we can go ahead and literally why not let's break that right there and if we milk this piece of dirt we literally get dirt milk and with the dirt milk once we drink it we get i think i'm gonna be sick and oh okay literally just shoot out dirt right okay yeah and pretty much that's gonna demonstrate it guys welcome to minecraft but everything in the game is literally gonna be milkable to the point that we can apparently even milk the dragon and i don't know what to expect from that so definitely stay tuned to see what happens with that but anyways guys let's go ahead and make our stone tools and then start milking everything in the game what about stone can i milk stone i guess i'll just smoke myself real quick and then get the stone and we just got stone milk which apparently it beats paper wait no stone does not be paper what does this do i think it had a rock in it oh well okay i guess that happened why not and i guess we'll just get some more milk and keep going this is definitely the weirdest video ever and now we have sand milk better than in your buns what sand and like your hamburger bun what cindy milk is a zero out of ten well i guess it is a zero out of ten because we got nothing but sand from the sandy milk what is this video right now so we have another milk bucket and i'm thinking can we milk the crafting table okay we can make the crafting table and we got crafting table milk take a sip crafting to go so what does this do oh okay so we literally just get a crafting menu every time we drink this i'm gonna guess we don't get rid of the milk anymore so i think i'm gonna sacrifice this water bucket just so we can get another milk bucket why not oh okay i should probably head down soon but it's already becoming nighttime but before we go there loki can i milk some flowers or can i combine it or something oh okay that worked literally flour milk take a sip green thumb much what happens if i drink the flour milk i think that was a thorn uh okay so wherever i go i'm literally just causing flowers okay i mean i'm not really complaining but it's definitely getting weirder and weirder as i go can i can i mock the cactus i cannot move the cactus i guess we go over there which it might be time to actually go mining and try to milk the things in the cave so with that being said now let's go ahead and milk some iron which is gonna give us some iron ore milk and when we drink it we get why did i taste vines oh wait milk golem i don't want to hit it because i feel like i would die but why did i taste vines oh never mind okay so i guess there's a cool down so we have two milk goldens down not bad oh a creeper uh can i mock you i can milk you all right and you blow up but it doesn't matter because i got your milk in with creeper milk we can take a sip and results are explosive so all right our gold minions i don't know where you guys are but stay over there because i'm about to drink oh no oh this bad your stomach is rumbling well the area kind of just blew up but i'm pretty sure the iron golems died at the same time i i'm not sure what to think about that we probably do need to get some iron so we can actually get some iron tools in mind all the good stuff i'm more curious on actually just milking everything than actually getting anything in this game but i'm trying to kill the dragon and at this rate i'm also trying to milk the dragon which is something i never thought i was gonna say in a video but i guess we're saying it now so uh let's real quick cook this iron and get deeper into this cave and finally found a really big gold vein and when we right click this can we milk it okay yep we can milk literally gold or milk and all it says is take a sip that definitely wasn't orange juice yeah this is not orange juice at all anyway so let's go ahead and drink it did meet us oh my gosh i don't even read the message but that is a lot of gold also there's a skeleton right there i kind of want to milk it i i know i should probably avoid it because i might die but can i milk you i can milk you okay i'm gonna kill you now after milking you what is this video right now anyways though we got some skeleton milk that when we drink it we uh i just swallowed an arrow wait what what is happening okay yep that that's a lot of heroes and i'm gonna guess that's how we're gonna get arrows for the milk bow and now that we have arrows and also a lot of gold weight can i milk the way can i milk the gold oh no i can't move the gold blocks i guess i'll grab them for no reason i don't really need gold and if you made this for the video let me know in the comments what's your favorite video of mine so far or what video you found my channel through i'm very curious about that stuff and i heard this underneath earlier when i fought that skeleton what happens if i milk you oh my gosh i can grab it too okay did my bucket literally get thrown as an enderpearl that that was kind of a scam all right mr enderman i do kind of need an entrepreneur so i'm gonna go ahead and kill you i don't really know what your milk did but i do gotta get it rolls either way because this is a challenge and what we need to definitely do is make some gold armor i think gold armor is going to help us a lot and i have a little bit of a hunch because gold ore milk is so op which literally makes everything into gold block i'm really trying to find some diamonds right now and diamonds okay never mind i don't know how well i can digest this i'm not really sure what to expect from this one so let's go ahead and do it why not bro okay and just like that the diamond or milk gave us really good vision as in everything became glass and we now have x-ray okay definitely interesting about the dive door milk but i'm gonna go ahead and mine the diamonds in so gold or milk gave us something really good diamond or mill gave us something even better if we can milk ancient debris which doesn't sound like the best tasting milk what exactly can we get i'm very curious but also kind of scared to drink ancient debris milk i'm really not sure if i should do this but you know what for science i'm gonna go ahead and drink some diamond door milk uh oh and more diamonds right there not bad and why not i guess we're milking bedrock here we go in three two one wait why wait what happened wait hey wait foreign buddy wait a second what even just happened can you explain to me like where am i okay we're in a weird predicament forest i think i guess i broke minecraft by drinking milk what oh that worked okay i'm so sorry forest no okay this is painful but look i was curious how's it going buddy i know you have 100 days stuff to do and stuff but you're kind of stuck in my inventory right now can you hear me get me out uh there's not really a way i could get you out uh i could drink you i can't place you i'm i'm a forest forest look what look no hard feelings man but maybe you'll give me something cool i i'm not sure bye forest i'm sorry oh no i'm so sorry for it but it said hi cloudberry oh yes oh that's adorable we got a little clown berry on her helmet i don't know if it does anything but it's there i guess i'll keep this in remembrance of forest i'm not gonna be milking bedrock again because i feel like that's a little bit too cursed but on the bright side we got i guess another milk i'm not sure if that is a bright side but let's go ahead and do the diamond or milk again and find some more diamonds okay okay so with lava or unless we can milk it directly no we can't so lava bucket with milk bucket and just like that we literally get an animated lava milk one step away from hot cocoa i was literally just thinking that and i guess just like that we lost another bucket on the bright side we do still have a smoke bucket oh wait that's actually kind of cool loki we could actually mine a lot of stuff that way and we also found diamonds just doing that milk bucket get the diamond or milk drink the diamond or milk and just like that we are this video is just a mess right now but on the bright side we can see more diamonds and then boom we're good but there's still so many things we haven't tried to milk yet so let's keep going this cave and see if we can find anything new literally bat milk okay what does it say bat milk gives you wings wait what okay wait do i fly or something i feel weightless wait can i fly okay yeah i can fly okay not bad and just like i guess we can literally fly now and i'm not sure if i can fly forever i mean if i can that's really easy one if i can't then oh no okay i did lose my fight there oh that kind of sucks it might actually be time to go to the nether also we got a skeleton shooting at us right now don't want to mess with the er real quick let me kill you and then we gotta go inside the nether try to find some netherlight and actually before i do that it might be smart of us to actually get some diverter or and some damage milk because the x-ray is gonna help us a lot when getting ancient debris so before we do anything else i'm gonna go and grab some more diamond or milk just because we're gonna be needing it all right diamond or milk i should probably make some diamond armor bossy all we need right now some crafting table milk and i mean why not we only need one diamond vein so we should be fine mining this actually a lot of diamonds here what the heck while that cooks i might as well grab all the diamond i can i'm still really curious what the nether white milk is gonna give me it's probably not gonna taste good it's probably not a good idea also to drink it but you know what just like people said it's a milking video so i should probably try to milk everything i can and actually a quick way of heading over there would be getting some lava bucket putting the milk bucket together getting the lava milk and let's go ahead and make an explosion oh wait no okay i almost broke the diamond it's not gonna be bad but the bright side that is a quick way to getting diamonds going to get some more milk my priority in life right now is just getting all the milked items i can which is definitely a weird priority to have in life but you know what we're going for and we're going to get all the milk in the world yes okay milk domination this is what the video is okay so before we do anything let's go ahead and make one bucket i'm gonna go ahead and use this to probably make some more milk just because i don't want to waste all this diving more milk i'm not sure if this is gonna work because it usually only takes one thing unless i can make like a weird milkshake which uh oh okay it actually did work and just like that we got another portal milk oh gosh should i trust this and all it says is portal based so i'm gonna assume this is how we get into another or maybe this is how we get out oh gosh okay all right just in case i'm gonna go to make one more of these so we don't get stuck okay so i think we're ready we got two nether portal milks one to get inside and one to get back so i guess now we just drink this and hope for the best to the nether realm okay and what's going on i should see red okay and just like that we're inside the nether and now that we're in the nether i'm literally just gonna milk try to mock everything all right can't milk you can't milk you can't milk you can i milk you i don't know if i wanna drink your milk i'm gonna go that way uh what about you no i can't look you oh what about glowstone i feel like close it might be something i can milk how's it going guys i'm kind of just here actually i could probably trade a lot of gold so how's it going buddy real quick i'm going to give you some gold enjoy the gold right there and i'm going to come back a little bit later just to get hopefully a lot of intervals i should probably get into pearls i mean it's a stack of gold there you go and a little bit more why not all right give me some other polls i'll be back later all right so i wonder what we can milk in this dimension i guess i'll try to find a fortress now and then some netherright the only thing i need right now is just a lot of blaze rods then we'll go back to the piglet and hopefully he does have some intervals for me or all sounds of waste okay wait a second before i kill you oh it worked weather milk okay literally probably not the best sounding milk of weather milk probably shouldn't drink this yeah i kind of agree but at the same time i kind of do want to use it so we're going to drink it why not let me kill this weather real quick oh gosh we're doing no damage what the heck stone swords suck we're inside a terrible fortress we killed the weather skeleton and before we go any deeper i'm gonna go ahead and try to drink the weather milk let's see what it does no i knew that was a bad idea oh gosh that's kind of cool but we also got wither two for six seconds okay it's not that bad but if i did already take damage that would have been very bad also the skeleton is dying so i guess that's a plus all right but now that we're here we might as well go ahead and make some diaper armor i'm kind of scared of dying this late into the video so i think it might be in our best interest let's go ahead and make some diamond armor throw away all this yeah boom boom boom diamond armor not bad and diamond sword is probably a good idea too okay we got the nether portal milk and i think i just found the blazes right there oh can i mock you i can okay wait what the heck okay blaze milk what did i get from you that was spicy and oh my gosh literally just an explosion okay not bad um okay i i generally wasn't ready for that what the heck okay so milk bucket milk bucket and um i should probably give a little bit of time to heal and i should have probably also go on apples there is a big mama cube right there i am in a bit of a predicament i guess i gotta kill you you and oh my gosh these guys do so much damage oh wait cream oh okay i'm being shot from across the map okay we're going to kill the blazes and honestly i'm not sure what the best way of doing this is should i milk something should i use the milk of the blaze against it or should i just kill them the old-fashioned way i think the old-fashioned way might be the best way oh gosh and it's already hurting me okay i literally only need one more blaze rod and then i should be good holy blazes okay i think that should be the last one we need also honestly i'm getting out of here i don't want to be here anymore we only have two bread left and i should probably get out of here soon and get some more mobs and get some more food okay so saddle gold horse armor golden chestplate don't need any of that and it looks like the fortress already ended interesting i might go get some food real quick what the nether portal mail could then come back we got tp to a random spot in the overworld i'm gonna guess because i didn't really have a spot beforehand but on the bright side we do have a temple right in front of us can we milk the temple at all it doesn't look like we can milk the temple okay oh wait what if i milked this sandstone oh wait that actually worked okay literally sand temple milk take a sip how does it all fit inside wait no way this makes like a milk temple if i literally get milk temple from this i am going to be the happiest man alive why am i going to be the happiest man alive honestly i don't know why that i said that but you know what either way sanitable milk what is gonna happen probably something big that tasted like a lot of blocks oh my gosh oh okay oh wow okay it's literally a giant desert top boy if i dig straight this way i should be able to find that little tunnel in the middle i'm not sure oh and here it is guys okay let's real quick place this one crossbow okay why not sure i'll take your crossbow uh literally nothing and another milk bucket wait i can milk sheep okay it's becoming nighttime i kind of need a bed so now we have sheep milk which says take a sip have you any wool i still gotta get that neverend milk for the challenge so definitely stay tuned for that but either way sheep milk why not i think i got my wool in my mouth oh my gosh okay that is so much more i guess we're definitely going to be bed bombing the dragon but just like that we got a 64 white wall literally every single wall in the game all right so does this work can i just combine these two oh all right why not a red bed comes out of the white bed why not what happens when i drink this okay uh drinking the milk and a living a loving nightmare wait why is the moon why is the sun moving really quickly um all it said was literally a living nightmare i i'm not sure what to think about that hopefully that doesn't backfire but either way though there should be enough food here for me to go back to the nether and then finally find some netherlight with the x-ray buckets we have which hopefully two x-ray buckets are enough okay so i think we might be ready now but before we go inside i'm gonna real quick get one more gold ore milk in case we do need more gold and all that's really left now is just drink some nether portal milk and let's go inside to another room and it's gonna be the same spot please be the same spot oh what it is okay nice i have a piglet somewhere where i gotta get my stuff back because i did do a lot of trades with them i think it's straight this way so i couldn't find the piglen but i mean we might as well go in and start drinking the diamond or milk so maybe we can find some nether right now and already okay that was actually a lot easier than i thought guys one ancient debris there any more around us oh wow okay we actually kind of got lucky so literally only one ancient debris right in front of us and i think this should maybe give us some ancient debris milk which doesn't sound the best but we're going for the ancient debris milk you know i'm gonna go straight to it not mine it not i guess we'll mine it either way sooner or later but i guess we'll see what it does i i'm really not sure what to expect from this one all right without further ado let's get the milk book out break this block all right three two one okay and that is very cursed but we got ancient debris milk take a sip i mean people use charcoal on their teeth so wait who uses charcoal on their teeth i mean i have two milk buckets i'm gonna get go ahead and get two ancient debris milks and i'm not sure what this is gonna do so let's go ahead and try to find a spot to throw it and i guess this will do why not all right asian debris milk what happens with this it tastes like peppers oh gosh i was gonna say that's kind of lame also we found some more obsidian but i think the best thing that we just got from there is literally i think we now have unlimited ancient debris oh gosh this is a bad idea oh no oh my gosh okay yep that that is uh definitely gonna be very op very quick all right so i guess just like this we can get a ton of netherway and literally go for another white items and now i'm kind of curious can we make milk netherright items sounds very cursed but you know what we're probably gonna end up making it also gotta make sure to refill my milk buckets i got two ancient debris milks ready on the way and we're gonna be getting literally all the netherway in the world so with that being said before we do anything further let me drink some gold ore milk and give me the gold we are about to make a lot of netherlight ingots and then i guess that might be the end of our milk journey all we need after that is some ender pearls and then i guess we could fight the dragon all i really want to do guys is just milk the dragon in minecraft i don't know how cursed that sounds but we're going to be going for it either way another notebook and we got three netherlight ones let's go ahead and get some mining okay i think we should be good with the netherride scribe now for another white scrap four now the right scrap literally i put it four in every single for this just so i can get the right and the right amount so we got 28 now the right scrap that's gonna be seven netherright ingots i'm pretty sure before anything can we do this okay we can't do that but what if i make everything into netherright real quick so let's go ahead and do that another like that literally another way everything netherright netherway netherway uh another right pickaxe sure why not get get some of that cover me and debris real quick so what happens if i put a netherite sword in a milk bucket okay and yup okay we should have we should not be surprised but just like that we get a a literal milk sword what is this thing gonna even do strong as bone what happens if i left click this oh wait does it sound like a wait it's like it's i'm literally shooting milk what i'm shooting milk what about the pickaxe okay yes milk pickaxe why not what does the milk pickaxe do oh my gosh wait it's like a box miner oh my god oh no no no no no no okay okay that's enough fun with the mo pickaxe we'll use this later so without further ado let's real quick mine this i do need that don't really need that let's go ahead and go back to the overworld to get some more milk all right so i gotta get some iron in here real quick give me that iron let's real quick test out the sword does the milk do a lot of damage i'm not sure go on milk oh i killed it oh and it dropped it into pearl not bad all right buzz we're going to make an avenger there we go real quick i have under uh we got a lot of iron and i kind of lost all my furnaces but it doesn't matter because we have two literally crafting table milks don't know why two of them oh wait a milk helmet strong as bone that actually worked and i'm literally wearing a white helmet made of milk weight if i can do that to all the armor pieces that is going to be a lot of heart so real quick let's go ahead and make some more milk buckets and i wasn't wrong literally 20 hearts just like that and i literally have a milk bucket on my chest now take a sip it looks yummy what is this gonna do emerald or milk what are you gonna do that's it tasted ori oh my gosh what just happened also there's random portals that was a little bit too powerful before anything do i die one of my emeralds i i don't want to risk it let's just go to back to the nether i gotta get ender pearls either way to find the stronghold so don't attack me i am just here to literally just uh bribe this man to give me a lot of good stuff okay you come down thank you very much and you get a lot of that gold right there and i'm just going to stock up and i'm going to wait for your ender pearls very soon oh we got your pearls there and and pearl's there not bad don't know where the portal is going to take me back to but i guess we'll go back somewhere but now that we have all the eyes of ender all that's really left to do now is just go to the stronghold all right everyone put on their seatbelts okay it did they worked okay we got milk squared i i'm not sure what this is gonna do and it looks very dangerous i i don't know what i'm about to do with this but milk squared am i gonna get superpowers that was a lot of milk okay hello hello wait what just happened oh my gosh oh my how did two pieces of milk literally nuke an entire giant hole in this cave all right i have ender where are you gonna take us now straight that way okay oh i went down okay we're going straight down this way all right well down we go i'm just gonna go straight down and know for the best right now let's find this portal room and hopefully the stronghold very soon and oh okay that was very quick okay just like that we found the stronghold now we just gotta find the portal room go boom boom pow win the game hopefully and i guess maybe try to milk the stuff here nope we can't milk anything here maybe i can milk doors no no milking doors okay now that we've made it this far on the video let me know what your favorite milk is so far and only books dang it wait a second why is the name here brian over there um um wait the this does not look right hereby you thought you saw the last of me when you defeated me in the end yeah yeah yeah sounds good and yep okay there he goes i am sorry here brian but we really don't have time for you i'm sorry about that i don't know how i'm gonna get the portal but i guess we now have here brine milk what is this take a sip feels evil oh gosh i i don't even know what i'm supposed to do with this i don't know why herobrine is in this video too i guess it's because i kind of drank painful and forest but either way i might die here i'm not sure we have the eyes of ender what is this dude that feels wrong use the eye for it is the key oh okay and apparently the herobrine milk gave me another white scythe all right yes i've used the science before and that is a very cool site i will be definitely taking that and oh wait is that a hint that i should do a milk bucket and an eye vendor oh my i could have made this a lot earlier and literally just gone straight to the end but instead i guess i got the scythe from here brian which uh again i drank here brian milk don't know how to feel about that take a sip time for the boss fight we have a little bit of food we have the bat milk we have some diamond or milk which we really don't need anymore i guess there is one more milk we can make and that's the watery milk haven't used this yet might as well try it bat milk we have the cloudberry so without further ado guys let's go ahead and do it time for the end portal milk the end beckons here we go oh that's not the normal dragon okay and right away guys we're literally right above us we spawn right on the portal and the dragon is of course a milk dragon okay let's get straight to work guys let's play up and start breaking every crystal we see we are gonna be the milkens we're gonna get through this milk video literally the weirdest video we've ever done i'm not complaining though because this was just spectacular like what the heck we're gonna beat this thing so quick i'm kind of curious though what does the milk soar do and i can fly with another right scythe okay that is amazing oh my gosh we have so many weapons right now so water milk what do you do my stomach is swollen oh my god holy that was literally a tsunami but it didn't do anything okay uh let's get down here what about the milk sword does the milk sword do much damage oh my gosh it does literally no damage guys milk is not powerful against dragons it's shooting milk at me oh my gosh it literally shoots milk buckets at me what the heck is this dragon right now this is literally the weirdest video i've ever made all right one more hit and just like that guys that is gonna be it for minecraft but i can literally milk anything recipes for bono and recipes painful but that is gonna be it for the challenge and now what's gonna be the final thing of one dragon egg one milk bucket and we get a dragon egg milk oh gosh not sure what to expect from this one but i mean it's the end of the challenge why not let's go ahead and drink it and okay um and just like that guys we literally get our own milk dragon to ride all right you know what 10 hour time video i loved it either way though guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one that's gonna be it for today's challenge go follow my instagram amazon guys here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 2,880,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but there are custom, minecraft but there are, minecraft but milk, minecraft but you can milk anything, minecraft but you can milk
Id: LIZjwZfccO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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