Minecraft but crafting is cursed...

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by article why am i here stop do it what did you do what's cursed about this go ahead what are we doing go ahead what I was by like in a patrol today playing Minecraft Survival and you have ten minutes to fight some bleep and then whichever Lee you find will fight okay if I win I get to tweet something out of your account on Twitter I just threw that in there anyways it's actually normal - oh yeah oh my god dude is it just me or these intros getting heavier ladies and gentlemen you guys are in know what's going on I forgot to do it intro cause I'm a bad youtuber yeah okay no but seriously though guys I want to quickly apologize in advance for not uploading yesterday but it was my birthday so I'm kind of not sorry okay whatever all I know is that you better wish me happy birthday or ralph's i'ma kiss you wait no no wait wait all me was decide though guys thank you so much for the recent support I freaking love you guys and if we could maybe even smash 19 why why did I put two ones in my 11 yeah apparently I'm 11 now I was gonna say if we could smash 19 likes guys since I turned 19 years old but apparently I'm 11 makes you leave a like and of course subscribe if you guys are new with post notifications on because I I don't know and with that said enjoy today's video you are we genuinely just 1v1 in cuz you know you're gonna get away oh it's 1.14 okay no you're not gonna get close you're pretty good dang it dude what are you staring at me for froze long time my booty oh oh whoa at first I thought this was an empty slot I thought my items were invisible and you somehow made me download a texture pack or something I don't know like Donnie I hate you bro wait so how am I supposed to get stuff wait wait what wait wait what you go wait where'd you go where'd you go oh I got revenue let's go I believe the sugar cane here Oh blue banner wait that doesn't do anything oh my god hi wait what are you doing what did you do stop show me okay how did you that's a melon oh my god oh my god so wait how do we craft stuff though like how do i oh jungle jungle is different this is different type of wood i got a block of coal oh I could do that again I got a coarse fruit oh no no no how did how come you sigh after I said Oh like you know after I you're actually done I literally just swam over here hey oh good stuff I got powder how am I gonna get in right stop I don't know how to get in B wait so I'm confused are we like teaming together or like do we actually I hate you right oh my god of course no psyche oh oh oh bones bones bones yes yes haha loser oh wait wait what's in here arrows arrows I don't know I'm gonna do with that but there you go stop what is that what is that wait something's supposed to hug oh wait what I'm so confused I don't even know what this is I need a pickaxe I'm good I need a pickaxe to grow what did I all bones Oh a pressure plate which what does that do nothing nothing yeah I don't know why I got so high road this is so dumb okay wait no we actually I know wait this is not as easy okay hold on I thought it's gonna be a lot easier um oh oh I got a bull I know what to do with this why am I talking out loud shut up don't know nothing of course we'll give you the bull nothing you just eat the ball that's what you do you know you're just eat it no all right look like a beast up now how what'd you do where are you I'll count to being to you again I don't care dude I need freaking help man oh wait wait wait oh there's ones what what what wait what was it what was it stop stop don't phone me hold on where's that where's that where's it I didn't right I need red any red where's the red mushrooms there's no more lab I'm so done whoa Oh I just found a crap-ton I found oh oh my god oh my how am i cheating do I literally didn't cheat what are you talking you see yes no you not see anything you know see anything wait so what else can we craft that's easy dude we gotta use our big brain oh oh I know I know where's gravel Donny Donny don't darling where's gobblers gravel yeah yeah exactly I don't know why I keep telling you all these things bro I killed him okay it's you stop you're stealing my idea bro I don't care about your family or your kids going to thought about it talk my nuts oh wow bro that sucks oh that sucks God Donny I protect me oh no dude how am I supposed to wait help bro oh my god I'm dead I'm gonna die I'm gonna die dude wait how did we get a steak before already how does that work it's time to lie is that lies okay okay okay cool yes wait what when you thought making a crafting table was gonna even help you I got diamond boots I don't want that do you ooh a bad liar nugget I know this is so dumb I got so high I got you a steak for an iron sword that's not worth it at all doors bro I'm confused as to what else I can make here I don't I don't know cool okay well I need to find more melons a hundred percent oh well I I mean I have done a booster which is do you yeah okay uh you you think you give me give me give me yes but he got told he got tore I just need the wrapper oh I gotta have so much food now let's go okay wait so we know the glitch to getting or we know the trick to getting thingamabob so just good food oh my god iron pants big leather pants oh I have a good idea uh wait what leather pants make iron pants none I know I already saw that I was like there's literally a problem oh man oh okay no I endured that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's two by two in iron I just got a gold shovel if you'd like to and I yeah but Zach usually crafts Wow yeah it's not even a crafting table oh wait it's not I'm so confused two iron diagonal as a bed huh wait wait I get an ax which is good gold the golden axe is not even worth it I don't think it is I hold up wait what are pants okay that's not worth it at all yeah I don't know what to do now of course like all the Red Bull shoes are over there dude that's what we have to go do but I'm trying to figure out how I could frickin mind this iron even though I wouldn't probably matter anyways but oh my god dude my brain is actually hurting no Donny what I'm gonna give you that bro I don't know man I'm just okay I'm gonna actually there you go okay I have a golden axe I don't know how that's gonna be useful at all I guess I have a weapon to kill you now I actually do wait what that's a golden axe oh yeah I don't know I got sugar wait I think that's like the normal recipe maybe it's not okay I don't even know what I'm doing I know I need to starve more so I can eat the stupid rabbit stew I mean pissed how'd you make pistons this is just hurting my brain bro done in Boots oh oh oh hold on oh no it's so oh I was gonna make paper but I didn't do anything what else can I do bro come on I have to think your brain do you think no that's not Oh a bone block oh that's not how that works okay it might be big brain right now what's the idea just put it down dude I don't owe you why why do you only put down the customer so bad do realize I don't trust you right okay you can sit down all right are you actually conscious Julie oh you are Pete I got an idea I'm using my brain for one wait what are you doing what are you doing what's the axe no oh my god I should I should I should have told you it I should have told you it all right now you know what I'm gonna try to find a fire how I have a good idea to buzz you take so much time I know I can't even do it bro I need a hole what are you doing I hate you I hate you what'd you do what'd you do when you buy don't waste time with the brush shut up nope oink-oink and don't talk to me or my kids you have an iron sword and like no what did you what could you have crafted I don't I don't understand I have everything that you do right I think okay I'll give you one okay okay okay Abed know what wait what and the worst thing is it's a 1.14 Reseda no way is okay Barney wow wow I just realized this PvP time I want a coincidence oh oh oh oh I just got an insane idea to craft something I have an insane idea grab something come on yeah oh no I don't have a cold are you kidding me oh my god is so done oh cool oh yeah I have a blog cool - dude that's useless bro it's night time and I'm gonna frickin die okay wait why did I drop the ball I need it okay oh no shut up oh my god oh my god no I came to make an iron sword from that stop stop I'm having this fight with my bare hands died I just I just I just I just want come on oh my god dude I honestly need my life why did I agree to join this recording this is literally the most stressful thing I've ever done my time I actually hate you it sounded like a decent idea too but then like brah the second you start playing it's just like booty AIDS oh my god stop there's so many sheep here but please I just need to kill him how did I get a stupid tool again I forgot oh my god there guys kill them okay I need more cheese pool - Lakia has got to be good okay I need two more sheep come on bro I've got a block of gold for me oh my god no no I'm dead I'm gonna die oh my god run no no no no no no leave me alone how do you have to iron that the axe I forgot I forgot it crafted no my god oh my god I'm dead no the axe the golden axe how did you it I forgot to grope oh my god I'm an idiot I'm an idiot oh my I'm gonna die running I'm running I literally don't have one iron oh my god no it's fine it's fine it's fine I'll need your help come on yes run run run run run I just need to kill two more sheeps I need two more sheeps dead oh my god dude oh my god there's like 30,000 mobs on me just die you stupid sheep stop die please oh my oh oh my god oh my god you would literally not believe this dude I need help I'm like I'm gonna die yes okay I need one more I need one more there's like 20 mobs on me dude oh my god you're the chosen ones even chosen to die come on just die just die come on please please thank you yes yes I got it aah run run run oh my god Thank You Donny oh my god do you made a yes I was gonna literally gonna die oh let's go let's go okay okay I'm all good the spiders are still friggin hanging me for some reason okay wait what'd I do uh all right let's test this theory of yours yes oh my god I've never crafted a better in my life and I just did it and I got an iron sword for the first time let's go wait what's that thing that we could make wait I'm so confused hold on oh my god you should make a lantern using Nuggets yes you can hold on shut up hold up hold up hold up hold up oh my god I got 44 iron how did I do that thing what's that Oh how much do I need I think I just need four think I am beauty oh but I don't have a torch I still need coal oh my god ro if I could just honestly get a pickaxe dude that would be the best thing ever I know the pickaxe badly panic if you if you right-click the crafting table okay open the boot well what book oh yeah oh oh yeah oh wow I'm actually an idiot Wow so apparently I can make a button cool I can make it oh no I can't oh my god it shows you oh my god that's how I've been laughing at me are you serious oh my god okay what PvP time now okay let's go what what do you mean right now oh shut up shut up no bed are you kidding me okay I'm gonna cut us down no no no no no stop dude I'm gonna fight you dude dude no no I believe you stop I need brown sheep any brown sheep I have brown sheep in my inventory how much brown sheep do you have one peep oh let me get it okay tell me what you're doing I'm gonna crafted a purple bed for both of us to sleep in at night I don't be oh my god hold on I don't know what that means I fine fine fine we're gonna what me one I was trying to make a freakin iron chestplate bro you need a to brown wool what is they shut up no come back here bro no no no no no come back here do you really whoa whoa whoa oh shoot wait I'm actually scared yeah I'm ready ready do you any good clap bro all right bet who remains interesting and both use the gold I I don't have a golden axe all right yeah yeah one go what did you just you just ate something no what did you do what did you do what did you do I saw that yeah you do yeah you did yeah you did oh my god this guy yes yes yes yes Oh Oh - I thought you ain't like a golden apple or something and you were just keeping it a secret oh my god what did you even have that's good you didn't have anything yeah I know I know what is telling you the world oh my god oh wait that means I won yay no I get the tweet I get the tweet something from your account how did all this work okay okay sorry I'm like I have a nice day
Channel: Bionic
Views: 757,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, cursed minecraft, minecraft but its cursed, minecraft but every drop is cursed, minecraft but crafting is cursed, minecraft cursed crafting, minecraft but crafting is random, cursed images, minecraft every crafting recipe is cursed, minecraft but every crafting recipe is random, bionic, doni, doni bobes
Id: l3DTcSJcP_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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