Minecraft Pokemon BUILD SWAP!

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i spent hours signing these green cards for everyone who pre-purchased one of the green head cubes and i'm delighted to say they're being shipped out all over the world right this second there are a few more up for grabs if you still want one the link is down in the description and a big thank you to everyone that got them and don't forget to tweet your pictures with them at me on twitter but let's get on with today's build swap hello my name is green and today we're back for another episode of build swap with martin tortoise with the green version of tortoise that's it that's the only difference between us the exact same person for our judges today we've got dom rao and jay the star and and npc green flying around oh wow look at that you should have seen him the other day he dropped kicked dom in the face oh it was amazing so tokyo tokyo drive i love that new speed game oh my god right so everyone on my channel already knows the rules of build swap but for anyone that hasn't played build swap before or seen build swap martin's gonna be on that side of the arena i'm gonna be on this side we've both got a series of chests that we open after every round we swap over and whoever gets to two points out of three wins the ultimate prize which is of course absolutely nothing right yeah i like nothing i like nothing it's it's it's glory but there's never really any glory i don't feel like i've lost anything if i do lose right are we ready yeah i'm good whoa jay did you just take off your suit he was he was wearing a jacket right yeah who did you just do a doctor oh he's a magician okay the doctor he is he is the doctor i'm pretty sure the david tennant he's got tims do you like his tim's oh right i'm ready to go if you're ready to go yeah i'm good all right so i'm granite uh i'm martini ah shaken or stead uh neither they get a step further than bond oh i forgot to say the theme today is pokemon um oh okay pokemon theme i'm super hyped about sun and moon coming out for us next week uh but so we're gonna do pokemon today and my theme is a really fat magnemite sure it's gonna be a lot of iron blocks oh geez maybe uh my theme is gary oak gary oak gary oh who remembers gary oak how could you forget him i hated that d thanks gramps what's that ash you've only got one pokemon i've got like 12 how great am i cheerleaders go oh he was he was the real superhero right yeah i think so he was the real hero he was doing the real work while ash just sort of made friends and befriended his pokemon like he also yeah he well he ended up being the champion he's the real hero he beat ash to it he did you're right yeah are we ready to go guys what are they doing i don't i just let them do their own thing at this point yeah i am in here for one episode they said go already they're counting after they've said go well no we did we just go right this time i'm gonna have it sorry it looks like i'm battling you the question is though which top is magnamite is he just completely made out of steel like his whole thing yeah so he's like he's like a steel head right and then it's got two magnets like so they're like the shoehorn magnets sticking out either side has he got any he hasn't got any color variation in his like main body parts right no no no it's only the magnets that have that and then he obviously has the three screws he has two coming out which are kind of like chesticles and then he has the oh the one that comes out the top of his head yeah he does okay i got this i i am now aware but i have to make him so fat this is gonna be so dull to me it's gonna look like you're making like the makings of like a magneton but there's only ever gonna be one eyeball i reckon it's gonna end up looking like a moon like a really misshapen moon with an eye on it kind of like some kind of a lowland snorlax i wasn't gonna go for that i was gonna i was going for like brother eye or something but hello and snorlax as well oh man uh okay i'm fairly certain that gary used to wear a purple shirt wasn't pretty sure blue or purple i mean we had this argument about magikarp oh and okay so we've looked up and magikarp is definitely blood orange which technically is orange not red so i think i won no he's definitely okay we looked it up and he's okay the argument was in martin's episode was magikarp red or orange i said he was red martin said he was orange before you look it up yourself we argued about it for a while but some pictures are red and some pictures are orange i'm still adamant that it's red so i'm saying that the games came first and in the games he's orange and then the anime the anime stemmed off from it so i'm going to say that they got it just decided to change it yeah they got it wrong because the fact that the fact is a red gyarados is a special thing so i don't think they would have a red magikarp going to a red gyarados if the game comes first the magikarp is black and white i'll get so wrecked you're right a trading card game oh that came before the tv show what whatever it's up to you to decide whether magikarp is red or orange but he's totally red so he's definitely uh i'm i'm saying gary's shirt is blue not purple it's definitely not blue it's a hundred percent not blue like i am i would i don't the mortgage on my house actually maybe not that but i i'm very certain that gary had a purple shirt oh no here we go i think it was really dark blue wasn't it like dark i think it was a navy blue but you've committed now it's too late no i've not i've changed this wait does that mean i get your mortgage how is that right no no i'll put you at my will just don't have a hitman come and get me before like i'm due to go is this fat enough uh let's have a look yeah if that's just the eye yeah definitely plumper wow they don't want a really fat magnemite i'm gonna make him like have a beer belly down the bottom i will say that i'm this isn't going to be another debate i'm pretty sure his eye was very round oh you've changed it to blue how dare you i had to you didn't commit because i think you were right but i can't remember if i remember you had some kind of trinkets or something else going on but i don't remember if it was he had a gold he had a gold chain and women in his car that's what he had i think he did you know yeah i think he did as well i think he had a golden purple thing around his neck you know looking back on it pokemon wasn't like that pg no brock being like a proper like pest a womanizer yeah and then with you know it's not yellow is it it's gary having his cheerleaders it was a little bit odd is he a very small head i'll i'll i'll decide if he's fat enough when we run out of time how long speaking of how long have we got help why is he saying help i think i am two minutes left wait what side oh i know what i'm doing here dude look at npc green stuck to the magma that's good oh no i tell you what i was playing um i was playing a pokemon game recently and i had a magnemite that i was training up to try and level it um and it turns out that if you come across a wild magnemite when you've got a magnemite as your first pokemon they get stuck like fighting what you you can't you can't flee and you also can't change out the pokemon are you joshing me no 100 i honestly hand on heart that happened what happens okay what does it say when you try and leave it says something like the magnemite was held by like the pull or something oh wow i didn't know that so it was really inconvenient for me at the time which mega knight prevailed though i minded in the end because i had potions and he he was only a wild one so i like that i like how there's those little details yeah all right our mine is really starting to droop fat now so i don't know how how i'm nearly at the floor i can't really remember what gary looked like yeah um i think he had pretty oh i did uh lego sabotage oh boy all right well that is i'm ready uh i'm on my way ready release the hounds please don't that's a sheep that's not that's not that's not the first time they've done that oh it's straightforward oh he even did a spin get some showing off now hmm okay which one you go for this one all right let's have a look what is it oh no self-destruct hey what does that mean oh it's gotta mean what i think it means it's gotta be some tnt hasn't it oh where are they putting it inside his chest you can see the purple you can see the purple inside they're getting rid of the evidence of purple it never happened oh look at that there's a bit of purple left there's like that one little block you've got a little amount 30 seconds to fix your build quick okay go go go go go i'm gonna get rid of the last bit of purple there we go oh no this is bad that's probably one of the worst ones you could have got and of course we get it first um okay here we go kind of think um don't know what that was i was trying to do that i'm gonna get rid of those right there we go cool um oh his face has lost a lot of uh shape you fix that they oh no um more brown hair oh i just remember his hair being very exaggerated i'm gonna put some ice on him there we go there we go oh no he lost his belt as well look at that stop building okay they clearly waited for you to finish so he's a really fat magnum mite he looks incredible he's clearly he's clearly put on some weight i love the use of the redstone and the lapis as well that's so good did he did he have a little eyebrow i can't remember no i think all he had was um an equivalent of these two screws but coming out the top of his head oh you're right damn it i forgot the squirrel and i think the eyebrow was kind of or like the eyelid was just the actual light itself to sort of open and close i knew i was forgetting something all right i think i did tell you yeah you did you did i just forgot all right judges who wins yeah i thought so i mean to be fair you did get sabotaged yeah i lost half the build all right let's swap over all right oh we got to go to the other chest haven't we yep i'm on i'm on this side oh come on i said this last time the one and only thing i don't like is that people spell my name with an eye we totally didn't take that on board i thought i avoided it with the martini i thought that was going to be the worst of it uh so mine says go away mom i'm playing build swap uh what does this what does this mean guys what does your say mine says mega elving mega evolving a bit oh mega no a bit just just a bit just a bit just a bit i know what i would do for this but i'm gonna say what does that mean does that just does that mean he looks slightly more powerful i was going to say if you make his hair yellow it's like he's a super saiyan that that's a slight change slight shape okay all right enough enough to see the power but not enough so i basically have to make him look like a slightly better version of gary yeah basically all right or you could just literally make a gyarados for the pun oh yeah that would take too much time yeah all right are we ready mine is hatching loads of eggs what yep as in the magnemite is hatching the eggs is hatching eggs yeah or is he giving is he like giving birth to the eggs is that why he's so fat that's what i thought it was going to be yes i've got an idea for this don't worry all right three three recurring come on guys three okay i think what that means that we have to copper in this game uh like a bronzy looking color oh i got orange wool or acacia wood diamond block npc green shut your mouth no i got it i know what i'm doing oh we said go okay right yeah it's going um that's gonna be quite difficult actually right so super gary's gonna have um horns made out of snow right here oh he's mega gary sorry not super gary i feel like i got a lot of freedom here yeah there's a there's a lot you can do with it mega gary i wouldn't want to go up against mega gary to be honest no he's already pretty tough as it is um what am i going to do to his hands he's got very stubby hands i gotta give him something he's holding he's gonna he's just gonna be holding a spear that's what he's gonna be holding um let me see what else are we gonna do to him he's only mega evolving a bit so he's kind of lame i'm trying my best to come up with what would probably be a um an actual an an actual egg for a magnemite i'm throwing in like a robotic egg and i basically put double a batteries behind that's my plan i like it that's all i'm gonna come up with i've just made i've made gary look like an imp i don't know let's have a look oh no gary he's making something out of a tenacious theme music he does wow he's also gonna have laser vision sure of course that's how he makes all the pokemon been to his will that's why they respect him uh what else am i gonna do i'm gonna give him a thicker arm he's gonna have really pointy feet but he's only on one side uh oh i know i can do i can make sure that i make that screw as well real quick oh no oh dear oh mine looks so stupid there's lasers oh no it's sabotage i kind of hope that i'm sabotaged because i'm not mine's a bit stupid all right release the hound here we go bring on the wolfie oh you're kidding straight not even a competition all right go online which one's me uh you are gonna go for top left this one yeah uh-oh what is it the old switcheroo oh come on what's happened last time what are the no he got chances last round as well 50-15 but it's not is it npc green because there's more than two options you do what you do now yeah that's going to say okay that's mathematically i choose this one over here okay here we go alola formed alone magma magnemite what are they gonna do to him oh i'm trying to think oh i have to cut i'm going to make just a bit of bone come out of his back why not what is he becoming like a that's just a huge screw oh i see the same thing as the exeggutor i get it that's good i like that wow i'm gonna put just a bit of bone coming out of gary um what else can i do what other kind of batteries can you get oh you can get like those gary's grown a backbone oh no here we go so you can get like watch batteries which are kind of like circular ones 30 seconds i'm gonna go these are his eggs that he's hatching what the kind of batteries can you get i need to give them some claws or something on this side you have to round these out slightly you haven't got much time i know try my best hatching some eggs there we go mine is despicable fine is absolutely disgusting uh what other kind of batteries can you get angela think um car batteries oh i couldn't make one of those there we go he's got a monobrow now as well right five five five five four ten ten two two one no three oh my gosh guys all right after this i'm going to teach you how to count what are you building what is this this is supposed to be the easter bunny just let's just say that x makes sense let's just give him some eyes and call it a day oh no there's your duracell let's just take all those let's just take a look at this round so fat magnemite is now in a low and four magnum weight with an extra magnemite at the top of this extreme assault that's funny uh he's hatching some eggs which are double a batteries or aaa i'm not sure yeah i'm not sure i'm not sure what this is and we got that's that's a c battery that's like a watch oh okay we've got to watch once and um this is possibly my favorite thing that you've played that's it a lot and then on mine i've just i've transformed gary he's he's mega evolved a bit his hair's turned into some horns he's got a spear he's got some laser vision one shoe is pointy and he's got a backbone and uh some nails whoa i feel like i've really done some work to him yeah he's he's not the same gary that i know all right guys who wins round number two green took the first round marvin wins yeah the bunny easter easter to be fair i'm not if you didn't tell me that was a bunny i wouldn't know how could you not look how tall the ears are yeah are those ears those are rings okay somebody hasn't fair enough fair enough i'm not gonna argue i do like your build a lot now it's looking cool all right let's see what for the final round all right here we go i'm oh i'm marvin i've become a jls singer i'm goblin man for some reason sure what okay mine says playing pokemon go still ah still playing pokemon go hey i still play yeah that was the joke mine says uh taking part in a pokemon contest oh i think i think i know what i'm going to do with this that's like the third gen contest right where they like yeah it's almost like a uh it's like imagine crops for dogs but it's with pokemon okay it's like a dog show but for pokemon yeah yeah yeah all right are we ready mm-hmm uh guys ready here we go right we're good go now okay so this is a pokemon contest um oh my god mega evolved version of is gary entering himself i feel like he'd enter himself in that situation yeah he would if he's never evolved so what he's going to do is he's going to be doing multitasking the first thing he's going to be doing is spinning plates atop his spear that's quite a talented thing to do so magnemite's holding his iphone like this this is the best this is the best i can do like this is how he holds his iphone yeah it's just it's just magnetized but it's ruined we're gonna make it all pixely because magnets ruin screens oh that's a good shout actually did have you ever done that i mean when i was little and you had those old-timey tvs you know the really thick backed ones did you ever put a magnet on the screen and permanently damage your tv no never i did don't tell my mom i mean the weirdest thing i've ever done in terms of like like sciencey and like i don't know electronics and stuff is i once put a um i once wanted to have a melted twix so i put the twix in the microwave but i forgot to take the tin foil wrapper off and it started going and suddenly there was a thunderstorm in my house like oh my goodness and i was absolutely mortified did you have a panic yeah i just looked over at the microwave and i just saw electricity flying everywhere i was like do i just let this play out for the next 30 seconds do i i've i've done that but i knew i knew how i obviously knew about not putting tin foil in the in the thing but it just slipped my mind once i just put the whole thing in there and it just started sizzling and i immediately went like i was with my friend at the time and you could just imagine us look at each other really quickly and go oh and we just stopped the microwave really quickly oh no oh it's time for sabotage i love that grain is doing the other people's eyebrow now yeah he's all great hey he's like the least attractive person but he's still like hey what up what is that yo i i've made it to the party in town doesn't matter what you think sucks to be here that's the way the cookie crumbles or the shrimp guys every every sabotage in this game uh let's go for the bottom right here all right what have we got um it says hello muk hello muk hello mark what does that mean i don't know i just imagine he's pooped out a muck or something it's like he's had too much greasy hello hello muck oh no there's a mug oh no i mean i should i should have really seen that coming they're just gonna build a muck on your build okay what does the little poker watch look like i'm gonna have to build that on his little thing here um it looks like imagine like a geo location icon yeah and it's basically done as a pokeball so it looks a bit like that i like the pin drop type thing but with that on top all right yeah i think yeah somewhat some something like that these guys are still built i can't even see his face only the lasers are coming through all right i'm just going to carry on building them yeah oh my god look look at mark's face he can juggle balls all whilst the muck is on top of some of them yeah well i've kind of finished mine he's got a phone and a poker watch i mean i can't do much more i can't really make him any better unless oh wait i'm gonna give him a quick team valor t-shirt oh no that's a are you team valor when you play yeah oh we can't be friends oh oh boo boo some some of the judges are saying oh wait no i'm instinct yellow sorry instinct i'm instinct my bad i can't let you go away are you instinct by any chance no i'm uh mystic ah you would be what yeah what do you mean i would be yeah that's what i mean you would be ah i've learned a lot about you today not good things but i have instinct trash yeah basically yeah i can take pity on you i when when pokemon go was in full swing it was it was like team valor versus mystic and an instinct were kind of just in the middle just like watching them fight why are mommy and daddy fighting all right i'm finished what about you uh i've got a little more to do just a teeny tiny bit what are those are those 10 seconds is that a special move from gary uh no no he's juggling balls oh okay okay and then what what are these things are they spinning oh these are spinning plates been in place spinning spinning plates he's also got a muck on them that's incredible that's it it takes talent to do that and then that's supposed to be a love heart up there but it's not quite turning it's got muck on his face they're counting you down martin you've got no time i'm done okay they learned to count oh somewhat no they didn't look up no they didn't oh no wait all right we're we're done we're done you can save it you can say finish go no there we go i think you mean stop we're done i think where did that second look come from i saw that one even saw the one on the spinning point wow well i do that was a good sabotage that was really good all right okay before we get the judge's final opinions let's review what we've got yeah so we've got a really fat magnemite um hatching eggs which are batteries and a bunny uh who's with the paws he's also alone form am i saying that right alone alolan alolan form and he's still playing pokemon go and on the other side yeah what a dude on this on this side we have what used to be gary mega evolved gary yeah slightly mega evolved saying hello to muck and also performing in a pokemon contest i think this build swap is very loosely attached to pokemon yeah just just uh okay so the real the real question is what do our judges think guys we're having i don't know where the judges are no what does that mean that means none nothing what does that mean are you having an error martin has victory dang it i don't know who martin is is it is it because of the muck i i knew he was going to say that not you yes it's because of the book the mug is so dominating in this a little overwhelming oh look at you get your fireworks oh look at those nine can i flip my own leather whoa i'm not on this show buddy look at that all right so thank you to our judges jay dom and of course npc green and thank you to martin for joining and we also played one on his channel if you didn't already work that out from our discussion today so click the link it's right there it's on the screen it's on the screen right there do it press it now they haven't clicked yet mine why not huh maybe they're waiting for a starter pokemon before they press it click it
Channel: Grian
Views: 967,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, build swap, building game, minigame, build battle, biuld, bild, minecraft building, sun, moon, pokemon
Id: tdFEBT1U9do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2016
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