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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you something really cool now mark my friend zombie has gone it and invited us is crazy village where I'm not really sure what he wants us to do hello villager do you know what mark my friend zombie wants us to do today I'm a bit scared because every time he brings us to a village is something really spooky well mark my friend Nizam be what's going on today what have you actually brought us to this insane village hello indeed this village has just opened up its first school professor villager has asked me to show the students how life began in Minecraft I think we should do it as a bill battle you can build save and I would do Alex then we can show the students who were the first to minecraft is yes that sounds awesome so mark wants us to go ahead and actually build Alex and Steve and then we showed the villagers what it's like to be the first Minecraft is so that sounds awesome mark I'm guessing these are the items you need to build Alex and these are the items I need to build Steve so let's do this three two one go okay so I'm gonna get out my white sericata my normal terracotta my light gray one my brown one my black one and also my grey one and this is gonna be perfect wait a second Marcus started already mark you are a crazy cheat okay let's go on the other side of the village and start our own build because we have to be so quick and this is the perfect area so let's go inside game-mode 1 and let's get building so I'm gonna start with building it's wonderful heads so we do 1 & 2 and then we've got a crazy little beard going on to do 1 2 3 4 and 5 and perfect so this is gonna be our wonderful little area and I actually can't wait to get started mark you better hurry up because if not we might win there we go and perfect I have a feeling much going to be really jealous because we might be even be able to finish before him so let's do this and good and perfect now I might have to get rid of this tree because it's completely in the way and perfect and perfect and there we go villagers what do you guys think I'm actually really excited to show all of you who was the first minecrafters to actually build anything in Minecraft so I do want to get out some concrete so I'm gonna get out some white concrete and also some black one and this is gonna be perfect I'm going to be one here and one there I'm gonna do the same on this side and then we're gonna cover it all up with some white terracotta and perfect yes this is so crazy and there we go ah this is gonna be the best little Steve we've ever done okay so I do want to keep this going some one two one two three and four and we do one two three four and then two one two three and there we go I think this is perfect just keep on doing the floor and there we go and hopefully this can look awesome once we finish I'm not pretty sure where the school is have you guys ever seen us to go inside a village what would I even teach them how to do trades how to find emeralds how to find diamonds I don't know it would be so crazy and there we go and I do want to do the same just on this side and there we go and perfect and good and there we go I wonder how Mark's doing mark how you doing buddy whoa mark is doing such a good job okay he's doing layer by layer we're doing like the face and the head next and then the top of the head and the side I don't know but I wish mark could actually keep it very close to us okay let's keep on going I'm gonna do let me see I might have to go up another one so I'm gonna go up here and there we go and perfect and now let's do its awesome hairline I jump do one there and one there so let's do this we do one two and one and two and then we keep it going with a bit of black terracotta and there we go it's gonna be so cool okay let's keep this going and perfect I'm just gonna do another black one there another black one there and hmm here we go let's do this and perfect and let's do another brown one and there we go yes Steve looks so cool Steve you are like the most awesome person in the world okay so let's keep this going and there we go I'm gonna do some wipe here and then I'm just gonna do this up here and there we go there perfect so some brown then some black because Steve has different colored hair so it's gonna be very different as we go along so there we go and perfect and let's do some more Brown and there we go and once we finish we can even add some awesome furniture which I'm really excited about so there we go and perfect and awesome and there we go nice mark what do you think I have a feeling once I finish this is gonna look so fantastic I'm a bit nervous the hairline is gonna be a bit insane but I'm still really awesome and really a static about it so let's do this a bit of brown and black around here and perfect and there we go and very nice and let me think I'm gonna do some more Brown around here and awesome and perfect and nice mark what do you think I wonder what you're doing with your hairline or is it just all ginger I've done that I'm very curious to find out so this is quickly do another layer and then we're gonna find out how mark is doing mark the villages are going to be so happy to know that the first villagers or the first Minecrafters were actually to human beings I think it's crazy and there we go and nice and perfect and we do a little bit more volunteer and there we go almost there hmm I wonder what Matt's going to think of ours and guys it's all gonna be up to you guys today about who is gonna win so comment down below which one is your favorite once we finish and it'll be so cool to find out who is the winner mmm let me think it's either gonna be bite I'm always gonna be which one looks best I don't know I'll decide later which one is our favorite and there we go guys what do you think so we've done is wonderful Steve head which i think looks really awesome and we've done its face and we've done everything else so let's go check up on mark mark mark a pretty much finish I've just got at the front door and maybe ladder to get to the top and then we are done and there we go whoa okay so marks will produce one door here and I'm guessing this side is gonna be as wonderful head mark has so little food mark let me just help you out real quick let me clear this away there we go ah wonderful well guys let's wait around for mark and hopefully we'll be done in no time and then we can go ahead and add a wonderful front door so let's wait around yes mark my friend zombie has gone ahead and actually finished off his wonderful Alex house let's go and check it out inside we go nice this is awesome mug this is actually so cool Jill come see my one I think marwan's awesome as well but have a feeling kion is so much cooler guys what do you think my house or Mark's house comment down below if you think Steve or Alex should win I've done a lot to his wonderful hair and hopefully that gives me some more points but we'll see who wins guys comment down below and they'll be so cool to find out and me and Mark my furnace Tom B will be commenting down below as well to tell you guys which one is our favorite so let's get adding the furniture I'm gonna go ahead and make an opening right here and I'm gonna get out some awesome doors I'm gonna get out - let me think I'm gonna get out the birch doors just like Mark did so let's go you do this and we're gonna do an opening right on top where we get out our wonderful ladders and hopefully this can be the final touch and there we go mark what do you think I think this looks amazing but I do need to now go ahead and actually add some wonderful furniture mark mark oh there you are well ii always get scared that Marcus ran off okay let me go ahead and get us some awesome furniture I do want to keep it very simple so let me go ahead and actually cut out some beds I'm gonna get out a brown bed and also a black bed I'm gonna put it right in the center so one here and then one on this side and there we go and let me see what other furniture we have we have some awesome Oh chairs some oats Abel's some white sofas and also some brown lamps with a brown oak side bedside cabinet and there we go add one here one there then a lamp on this side and good a lamp on this side and perfect then our wonderful little couch right on this side and I do wanna put a table there with two chairs so one chair on this side there we go does it fit good and one chair on this side there we go mark what do you think it's a very nice cozy little place hopefully for me and Mike to go ahead an actually live in side and every single house needs a fridge so let's do that I'm perfect and what else can we get out I'm gonna get out a doorbell and also a bin and then guys we are done perfect and let's add our wonderful Bell me and Mark are gonna be moving in later on well mark let's go to Alex's house and see what we can do on this side villagers will be showing you guys what their actual first minecraft is look like in just a few moments let's add a wonderful doorbell awesome and let's go inside and get out our orange couch and also some orange beds and some granite bedside cabinets with also some orange lamps and perfect now have a feeling inside this house it's a lot bigger which I'm very suspicious about there we go and perfect then our lamps here i lamps right on this side as well and perfect then our couch right there ah nice well let me go in and get us some other awesome stuff I'm gonna get out hmm I'm gonna get out some orange stores and also a trampoline and some outdoor tables some outdoor chairs and some crates with a little grill this is gonna be crazy there we go and perfect and I'm gonna add the trampoline for the villagers right on this side villagers come on buddies you guys want to jump on this trampoline with me it's gonna be so crazy mark are you coming on as well I think is gonna be so awesome I'm just gonna wait into a villager actually jumps on wait a second the villagers don't jump look he's on there but he just won't jump Mike will you jump come on buddy on you go ah no more seems to want to do it well guys you actually really cool I do want to go ahead and actually add some outdoor furniture right here with some outdoor benches on this side and perfect than some outdoor benches on this side we have some crates just lying around hopefully adding some awesome little features and there we go nice and let's not forget our grills mark there we go this is awesome villagers let me show you guys then this is Alex's house one of the first girls in Minecraft and it's so crazy on the other side we have wonderful Steve's house which is the first guy to ever spawn inside minecraft look at it it's so cool well guys thanks so much for watching don't forget comment down below which one is your favorite and it'll be so cool to find out is it Alex or is it Steve I don't know comment down below and it was so crazy so guys I will see you soon at the crazy Minecraft video and don't forget a like subscribe and also person notifications mail so guys I will see you soon peace out
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 370,899
Rating: 4.7029896 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, steve, alex, vs, house, mod, mods, minecraft steve, minecraft steve mod, steve mod, steve minecraft, steve mod minecraft, minecraft alex house, alex house, alex minecraft, alex house minecraft, minecraft house vs house, house vs house minecraft, minecraft house, house minecraft, house mod, house mod minecraft, minecraft house mod, minecraft mods, mods minecraft
Id: gzVobCxivIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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