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hello guys and welcome back to the crazy Minecraft video where today I'm gonna be showing you something really cool now mark my friend zombie has gone it invited us to the middle of nowhere where I'm not really sure what he wants us to do hello mark my friend new zombie what's going on today why have you invited us to the middle of nowhere is there something wrong hello Naveed thanks for making it out so far today remember when we helped out the villagers make their houses yeah I kind of remember mark but what does have to do with us today well today I wanted to actually make your village your house you can make the villager home and I can make the Vindicator home let's do this wait we're gonna be making more homes today mark that's gonna be so cool a comment to get started so let's see what's inside the chairs so Marcus told me is gonna be making The Vindicator so these must be all the items he needs to be able to make them and I'm gonna be making the villager yes I can't wait to get started so mark are you ready let's do this three two one I can't wait to get started okay I'm gonna get out the Terra Cotta also the like grater a cutter the white terracotta the green concrete and also the black terracotta let's do this mark you've started already gosh you're so crazy mark I can't wait to get started myself so let's go on game-mode 1 and let's do this okay the first thing I want to build is it's wonderful knows it's gonna look so crazy there we go and then you can never forget the background so we've got to get this really well okay I'm gonna do one two three four five there we go and we go across to this site as well and perfect do you guys think that's a bit too bright or do you think it's perfect I think it's pretty good okay let's build this across there we go and this side oh wait wait wait let's do this with this color I think it's gonna be perfect there we go and perfect and one on this side yes it's gonna be so crazy okay let's do this bottom floor there we go and cool and on this side as well and perfect and then right on top I would put one eye and see why and let me get some white wall I think this is gonna be perfect Oh quite concrete cool so one there and one there guys what do you think does this already look like a religious to you it's gonna be so cool mark how you doing over there buddy you're Vindicator looks awesome in its gray colors okay let me go and keep on building I'm I need to go one two three good and we go across because don't forget the villages have giant eyebrows it's just out of this world and perfect and the eyebrow goes right across there we go yes okay let's keep on going now I do think this villager probably is to spend a bit of time in the Sun because he's a bit too wide I maybe could have chosen some better colors but this is definitely the best we could do look at that yes so cool okay let me go cross him in two and one two three four five and six this is one two three four five six seven eight there we go perfect and then we go across good and then we go across over here good and perfect and good the village it looks like without his wonderful nose that is crazy oh that is actually really scary imagine they did look like that I would actually not played this game okay keep going good and we're almost done now I'm bit scared that maybe mark could actually finish first today because even though we built this mark is actually starting from the bottom up so it's gonna do layer by layer which is actually the hardest way to do it there we go and perfect mark how you doing buddy cool that actually looks awesome Mike I can't wait to see how it looks like when it's finished okay so keep on going and I do you want to add more colors as we go along so let's do this yeah there we go mark you should do the same so as you go each floor just change the colors around the bag it'll really look nice once we finish and we'll do two layers of white there we go and perfect and I wonder if some village makes you want to live inside our house now I'm not sure about what indicators in there any houses but I'm sure we can actually figure something out there we go perfect and perfect and let's do this one there we go all the way round cool now the white is perfect to keep everything very lit up because even putting darker colors like The Vindicator colors it just won't meet the house is really dark and let's do the final few layers with this wonderful white terror contact good and perfect keep going we're almost done mark how you doing over there buddy cool okay it's gonna be pretty close finish but I have a feeling we might win this because I'm always done keep going good perfect and around here we go good and the last layer mark and then we are done it yes it's so crazy how quickly build houses these days because it does so many of these videos I'm sure we got the hang of it now there we go good almost there good perfect and perfect and good and good there we go keep going and yes Mike we're finished and yours looks really awesome as well but I do want to go ahead and actually add a door on the side just let me get in there we go and perfect and let's get out this wonderful door so I'm gonna get out this door good and I spit this right there perfect and inside I do wanna go ahead and actually add a ladder just for the top floor so maybe we actually get some villagers living above us there we go perfect and perfect and it's open this and perfect gosh look up what it is in here now mark what do you think I'm gonna get some villages just a scare mark here we go ready villager one village it's ooh and villager three yes welcome to my wonderful home guys what do you think isn't this awesome according to show you guys exactly what this house looks like ha it's just so wonderful mark how you doing buddy cool this looks really awesome mark I'm gonna wait for you to finish and hopefully we actually finish in a few minutes and then we can go ahead and actually add some wonderful furniture well guys me and Micah finished and our houses look amazing so I have to village your house right here and we also have the Vindicator right next to us this is such a cool house mark you've done such a good job what'd you think of my villager house mark guys comment down below who do you think wins The Vindicator or the villager house today it's up to us not down to speed it's down to you guys so comment down below who you think wins and whoever wins will get a giant surprise Mike it better be me I want to keep surprise it's so cool well guys let's go inside our wonderful houses and start adding some furniture I'm gonna get out some oak chairs and also some oak tables with a wonderful it's only skin coloured sofas now I'm gonna get out of white sofa with some white lamps and oh sorry let me think some oak bedside cabinets and some wonderful beds I'm gonna get out pink beds hey Kylie goes with a skin color okay let's do this I'm gonna do one bed here and one bed there one bedside cabinet here and one here with one lamp and another lamp right there perfect this is so cool and let me think we do need a table for me and Marga Madhu once you're here and once you're there with a wonderful table yes mark whenever you're ready you can come into a wonderful house this is so cool and let me think what else can we do inside this house I do add a doorbell and a wonderful TV also some ceiling lights and also a bin so let's do this so the ceiling lights I'm doing one here and one there with one on this side and one over here perfect so this place would not be getting dark anytime soon good and perfect and the final one perfect we have been in this corner and also our doorbell right around here hello I'm coming in and our TVs right there let me see oh cool religion news this is crazy ah well let's go upstairs and see what else these villagers need villagers this whole house is all yours welcome home but I'm not sure you need anything else I'm gonna leave you guys me it's so cool and what else can we do to the other house mug this house is crazy cool but I do want to go up to the house of a hare and hopefully figure out what to do see inside we go oh cool this is a bit darker in here but still really awesome so let me add our doorbell good and we'll put the bling on this corner this time and what else can we do I do want to get us some gray items so I like the light gray couch also the anti side chair and the Enders light table with some gray lamps what a crazy color so do one two three good and the table on this side good and also some lamps good and good and perfect it's a bit so linear but still really cool mark what do you think this house looks really dull but it really goes nicely but I do want to go upstairs and hopefully spawn some vindicates is you guys ready for this okay we have to be super quick mark I'm a little bit scared here we go 1 2 & 3 girl this is crazy cool mark what do you think it's just crazy I think well guys thanks so much for watching I have to go figure out now what these vindicate does want for me because I'm a little bit scared so let's make sure this door is closed and let's go slip into Katie's house hello I'm coming in just to see what you guys are up to well guys thanks for watching don't forget to comment down below what was your favorite part and it'll be so cool to find out so guys I'll still see another crazy minecraft video and peace out you
Channel: MC Naveed - Minecraft
Views: 1,191,127
Rating: 4.692379 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, villager, village, vindicator, house, mod, mods, minecraft villager, villager minecraft, minecraft villager mod, villager mod, villager mod minecraft, minecraft vindicator, minecraft vindicator mod, vindicator mod, vindicator mod minecraft, minecraft house, house minecraft, house mod, house mod minecraft, minecraft house mod, minecraft mods, mods minecraft
Id: jfdUDPavJzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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