Minecraft: BLOCK LAUNCHERS!!! (SHOOT ANY BLOCKS!!!) Mod Showcase

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all right first person to get wet in there I'll count it oh my god what happened oh my [Music] [Applause] what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to another macho cage so today we have an epic mod to show you guys it is called the block launcher mod so I worked really hard on this office of course it might be one of the best ones I've ever made before Jan really so we're gonna be shooting targets with blocks it is gonna be awesome are you leaving David oh my god there's a giant bullseye target thing bulls are targeting so dude it's gonna be a ton of fun today if you're new to the channel be sure to smash that subscribe button also leave a comment down below because when the video goes out I reply to tons of amazing people so definitely say hello and I'll try to reply to as many of you awesome people as I can but me and Jen are gonna be shooting stuff today dudes alright so first up we have the block rifle and then we have some enchants on them we have sticky we are bouncing and we have crushing and this kind can only shoot weak blocks like dirt and cobblestone just grab everything so grab all the top layer or all the bottom layer should I grab the cobblestone or I don't need that then how are you to shoot it alright so Jen left me with the dirt of course so I've got my block rifle I've got my sticky version by bouncing and my crossing guys I do recommend definitely get yourself a mod like not enough items to check out all the recipes cuz there's ton in this mod so first this is what we need to do we need to try that the sticky one okay okay alright so get your sticky one in your hand have the sticky one and we need to get the best shot of sticking one to the target right over here okay you go first I'm go first you go first that's the first shot if we were setting it up for this shot that's my shot see if you be that yep okay come on boo so we both had pretty much the same shot I think I get hit the bullseye editor shoot a little higher oh yeah can you do that okay how about this one we're gonna try it the stick at Target - I mean bounce a block I read you already are getting rid of you so we need a bouncer block onto the roof you have one it does bouncing so what you do is you shoot it somewhere and it should bounce it and that should bounce in that direction hopefully look it bounced up I don't know if it landed I think it might over the house if you shoot the grata should bounce off from there okay look oh my gosh are you still bouncing hey we need to know I think that one's up there somewhere Jen made it on the roof so did I just badly so we were able to do that okay so we have another target on the opposite side and the reason for this one is really use our normal gun just to try to land it because it doesn't stick it so I had to put it down on the ground like that okay so once again you probably want to stand on something like this do you wanna go first let me go first okay and maybe jump I've got it this time are you ready for this maybe no slippery it's really hard to do this I finally made it one on top just making a mess lighter to the touch you know you are noticing though this is really cool the blocks actually slide on surfaces okay pick up you're crushing one we're gonna smash this target over here okay look at the block is breaking oh and me to test our guilt me okay true we have a damage testing role sticky one I think it will stick to me probably she's gonna hate you with the bouncing line hold on here we go and it bounced off and it went flying in that direction well find that I'll just hit it myself what's three damage with this what I think the crushing one might do more damage actually no it doesn't three damage once again really cool okay so what we want to do is you want to get rid of all the stuff that we had never we're getting new guns are so many jams okay it's like actually through a piece of media yeah oh if you need food I food by the way that's cuz I knew you would shoot me you didn't deserve it calling yourself meat eater alright okay next up we have this guys this is a block cannon what this one does is it can actually shoot better blocks like diamonds and emeralds okay so choose the top part of the bottom part on which block you're it again diamonds are prettier so I'm going diamonds I think animals are pretty alright they're pretty but just not as pretty alright so what we do this time first up beer to test these on the golem so we can see the damage 25 damage let's try it yeah just a normal one look on a person who I missed it's so strong okay so these are you do we need to land one closest to the middle chest we're gonna be doing this with our normal one you see how this chests over there yes so probably stand on the fences best okay we'll shoot at the same time how about we shoot it with our normal one closest to the middle chest three two one oh you ordered me really badly nice shot alright so you got that one okay so what else we have to do we have to land close to the middle lane okay land closest to the middle of the arena now okay but that is really hard to get you are you ready 3 2 1 go all right let's try get 3 2 1 go I just think you're better than me at this all right let's try it with the sticky one me but I get in there I got in there that's high I'm trying sticky this time okay three two one I didn't have to sticky one in my hands hi Judy Ann okay you are a professional and ice she is so good okay I mean your bounce went into the garden somehow I'm thinking right up here I'm gonna just try it like casually bounce it in okay go for it okay that was good I think it later above the garden it's still bouncing around alright time for your shot I have a plan for my second shot that might be better okay here we go wait I'm staying down right you can name every why oh okay Oh kills me you know I would have killed me you would have died okay this should be better that was like my show Oh went flying over okay now I'm gonna try again I'm gonna bounce it off there our first person to get one in there I'll cop it oh my god it might happen me in the head scared me in the head oh man this is so insane this one is really fun I have to admit oh okay it's crushing one day I'm just gonna crush this oh yeah oh my god it breaks the blocks so easy compared to the other one you try it okay hiding Oh God killed me you broke your tree - are you trying to kill me are you sorry I'm gonna put all these dangerous things away all right this is assumed on we love you but it was way too much okay all right so I'm grabbing the crushing one you know grab the diamonds and we're gonna bash right through this hopefully we won't break the chest and front I'm gonna try I'm gonna try to aim kind of down all right that was perfect kill both of us loser very dangerous smart guys in survival be very very careful okay we can actually get through now which is good all right so next up we're gonna grab is the shot block so going to grab this one and then of course we have all the different varieties as well okay so this one the sign got broken so I remember what it does no so don't worry okay so what this does it shoots multiple blocks at the same time so we're gonna try to fight mobs like a bunch of them at the same time okay so get out your normal one right now let me see which one my normal one is okay so this one has a SuperSpeed one too that was one of their chants oh I almost died this wall everywhere yes all right yeah doing it I'm killing everything I'm out of wool all right is what we're gonna do is we are now gonna try to crush through these and hopefully break all the blocks we made a mess with three two one kill this is like so dangerous everything we're doing is so dangerous okay so we cleared out the area pretty good all right you want to try SuperSpeed all right what we're gonna do is we're gonna see who could cover the area over there the arena with the most block okay three two one go oh you're fine it used all of our blogs we have no box laughs all right I think the only one we didn't test was sticky let me just pick up a couple blocks so I can test the sticky water yeah let me try that one too all right I'm gonna try to stick it to this target right over here that was perfect all right dudes get ready for this I am gonna bounce these all over the place right now okay you higher okay go we just go everywhere and I also have the sticky variety as well this is so epic I love this bond okay so we need to continue the course we go in this direction over here okay all right all right so next up dudes we're gonna be shooting flammable blocks with this one okay so these ones they're called block throwers let me get rid of my garbage in here I want the birch wood planks all right so basically you can shoot any kind of flammable block and it will light things on fire so we can try this on the test their goal of Jen told you it makes things burn and you hit the fence oh yeah we have a really fun game with this one this was one my favorite we need to shoot through the hole without burning it and then we could try to bounce through it as well your birthday you lost it you lost completely yeah but I didn't have any of that and I'm gonna try to bounce the red all right grab your bouncer Gator bouncing block we have to try to bounce through about there's anything left it kills it all ready try to bounce ready pretend that the hole is still there and bounce the room wait I shot all my blocks already oh no I shot everything oh I know I did oh can you spare a couple blocks would be there you can have half thank you so very much okay I'm gonna shoot the bouncy one here we go oops sorry I call them burn it or kill all right this is the fun one we have to destroy the great wall of pink all right so we can crush it or we can just stick to it and it should burn I think oh yeah let's stick to it if you stick to it this is so dangerous all right I stuck to it and the whole thing is burning are you got the crusher oh yeah oh this is epic this is so dangerous okay so I believe we have to climb up the hill over here oh you really should because the next one shoots TNT alright the next one is the TNT cannon so we will be grabbing TNT and don't worry there's actually one that isn't dangerous yeah so this one yeah it looks like there's a piece of TNT on there's one and she called harmless which will actually make it blow up that's a good thing about it oh nice alright but first up I'm sorry gold I think we're just gonna be blowing everything off at this point I'm gonna grab I guess the normal one okay wait we'll do harmless fir tree yeah hold on harmless first yes do harmless first wait for some reason wait you shot yours didn't you mind you I swear I picked up I didn't pick up that's embarrassing all right so I'll shoot the harmless red I want to see if it does any damage to him okay what if I just get in here with him okay that should work so the harmless one is just an explosion it's like it's raw doesn't hurt anybody at all just normal TNT cannon that wait don't do it yet we have a task we have to hit the three TNT targets there's one on that tree one really far away and then there's one over there as well okay so are you sticky then okay yeah we'll go with sticky for that one I think that's gonna be the best choice okay here we go you don't first with this one okay don't kill us please don't kill us oh good shot oh my god it hit the other tree too did it's gone I'm gonna try to hit the trunk of the other tree double bullseye wait a little bit higher did the trunk right there I almost got it okay you want to shoot that one oh my shine that what perfect shot and we have a heart left and we made it through okay so what we do now Oh normal CT gun so we're gonna try to bounce it we're gonna pass to CT okay you see that fence I think we hit that fence actually no I remember what we were supposed to do I think we broke I think you probably broke it when you blew everything you did break it we have to bounce it and hit the house with the TNT but it's gonna bounce it's gonna be perfect here he goes wait what do I just do looking at see oh my god hold on bounce there I don't know if you could pass it that far great maybe the shot I'm just gonna shoot a bunch ones bound to make it right I think may blow up before they could even reach the house it's a little bit too dangerous I'm getting back to the course okay so we follow it this way and it was a long way to the next area because I was afraid we'd blow everything up like we kind of did all right so next up dudes I check it out this one it will shoot at TT faster but the explosion will be smaller wait I never got to use the normal TNT oh you didn't know oh I shot the normal one I thought you did shoot the dog she's just too crazy are you shooting it right now you blew up part of the target alright did so with this one the TNT launcher we have a sticky version a bouncing version and a harmless version nice all right so this time jet even though you broke the target our objective here is to destroy the entire target in front of us or you get one shot then I'll get one shot okay and I'm going to use the normal TNT logic okay do it I'm scared okay you broke one block remember this one isn't quite as powerful okay okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna shoot the normal I'm gonna get right in the middle I guarantee I played three blocks one well you can only break one block at a time this one so it can break one block and that's just not very much no oh here multiple golems alright so I'm hoping Newbegin it like three of the city Oh killed us you don't even hit down oh wait we are a buddy over we cannot be trusted with these things we could never use these in survival it's way too dangerous to ever use these in survival guys I don't recommend it we need to hit the gold oh wait we have to get rid of the grass it's clearly dangerous as well alright so which one is the best to use the sticky I want to try normal I'm gonna try sticky okay yeah try sticky okay here we go just stick it right to him you're making sure you sure - hi it off hello no it was like a lemon damage to all that look at this this is a really good weapon for fighting off like hordes of zombies now but about this I'm gonna actually shoot this straight up in the air and see what looks like a firework that's pretty cool I liked it I'm gonna bounce it this way this is it bounce like what since the ground everything is gone it's harmless it was a joke you killed yourself alright so alright come back to me the next one's really cool the way it works alright so if we head over here this one the longer the distance the shot the more damage it does it if we use flowers it will heal us okay so this one is called the block sniper rifle so the longer away you're shot the more damage to do the closer the less damage and with every gone jet if you shoot a flower it heals you so there's a couple different ambos that can change how it works like sand and gravel also blind to target I believe alright so okay so what we want to do is test how the damage work so we're gonna try it hit all three golem targets the first person to do it win see all right so grab your normal sniper rifle you got it alright so three okay so you see where they are right for some reason I glanced at the golem and look like you is wearing a hat you need shoot that hat alright dudes we realize that that kind of ammo does not work so what we're gonna be using with this one is emerald and diamond blocks 3 to 100 50 damage that was amazing alright so I got the first target over there that was dead yes man oh you killed it I've killed everything I think I know it looks so insane the way that it works so you can hold it down so you could really aim oh that was so awesome oh man guys this one is so cool and bulk Jen's right when it hits something it looks like it's 10 times for sides so this one is completely epic want to test out the flowers on one of the next ones because this cannot shoot all kinds of blocks that can't shoot dirt but it can shoot the high class blocks like diamonds alright so wait before we do maybe we should test out and iron golem alive sticky doing 77 damage from there oh man guys this is so crazy okay so have the bouncy one Oh Jen you Smith's the coolest thing ever what happens you have to see this oh my god okay get ready don't worry MIT towards me again though okay I won't look it's huge hold on let me shoot it over here I'll try not to get lost look at it oh it's like the biggest thing ever it is so cool oh man okay this actually is my favorite one now after I'm seeing how big it is when you shoot it I also do is we do have crushing so we could crush your way through stuff if we want with a big old massive block alright so I'm getting back over here what is the next one same block alright so the next one is the same block it shoots weak blocks in it knock backs I know I'm sorry I'm sorry we're not going for prettiest this time okay so the cool thing about this one guys is what it does it knock back so we're gonna get on top of little platforms and we're gonna try to knock each other off now okay so we can use any kind of God we want we can use the normal one where you sticky we can use bouncing and we can also use crushing okay so did you grab blocks from the chassis yes I did okay what kind you have okay so basically sand can blind a target and cobblestone is normal and we're gonna see if we try to test out the daisies as well are you ready wait let me just do a quick test of everything okay all right so these are really awesome I'm gonna take the collar so it over there let me see maybe if I put them in a certain order it'll shoot that one first okay yes sand if that's the first slot and then if I put little flowers okay it's perfect okay I've got it yeah flowers heal right you have a flowers heal okay all right we I need to get mine in order all right so the one that is first to the left is the one that it's gonna be shooting okay okay so if you have sand or gravel it will blind your target I think that's gonna be epic for this are you ready for this I'm ready wait all right I'm going back in the salon I wasn't creative I'm sorry oh wait let me have a little meal I need a little me humus whip might spawn pot myself right here in case this goes really quick yeah in case we just died like instantly from this are you ready okay I'm trying to use this block it's my bottle of camouflaging right now cuz I'm pink and you're black oh my god we are yeah which one do I want to use against Jen okay ready three two one oh my god I'm so blind I'm off the bag are you offering to I'm dead wait use the crushing one didn't you do you know what I was thinking wow that have you to run fast I didn't use the crushing one round two here we go three two one I got knocked up with Jen actually died from that one Oh hit me with a flower so you can see if we can heal oh yeah you missed Lowery's bouncing all over the place right now how do I need to get closer to you this is the crushing one oh don't use crushing use normal okay I'm actually full health now because you took so long wait shoot me with a normal block just with the cobble wait I'm gonna try this on you instead this is just absolutely gorgeous all right let me try this out let me see if this works all right don't worry I have plenty of blocks left okay somebody in the normal wood I'm moving to shoot yeah I'm sorry oops I'm gonna show you from a little further away I'm gonna try not to kill you all your life oh wait I've got flowers did he'll do you hope that is really cool okay so over here guys we need to get back on the platform through the final battle to win cake so this one explodes when it hits players or mobs or by right-clicking this one is the TNT mines launcher so this one it doesn't normally explode when hit to the ground but when it hits players or mobs it will explode automatically all right so once again use any kind you would like with this one any of these that you think would work best they're super speed Oh a platform so broken super spread I can't read I'm sorry I don't English well super spread yeah it's like spreading butter okay go over to your platform okay so it's gonna spread out a lot when you shoot that one okay so what do I want to use I need to make a good choice for this I think I'm just gonna go normal okay you are oh yeah hi are you ready all right three hold on I'm hungry no don't do it yet three two one super super super spread one wait I think it might be bugged wait they probably would have blown up by now oh no I so right-click right I'm right-clicking oh there we go got it oh my god that is complete madness that you're still alive I blew up the rest of that alright so Jen one she is or the cake are you hungry blow up my cake I mean there might have been a little bit more there was actually a scientist said to stand in the middle of the cakes cuz it's better there enjoy yeah so you're actually hungry for it alright I'm gonna try something a little bit more fun now no stay away from boom I loved that one it is so insane there's only one nice nap I mean a whole cake place a slice that's nice for me Jen a whole cakes it is one slice but there's that is all there is to show for today we had so much fun with this mod it is way too crazy to use a survival now and Jen is actually really good at it I know you honestly own of my face in this one but there's it was all over fun I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did subscribe to our YouTube channel that would be amazing also leave a comment down below when the video goes out I reply to tons of amazing people so definitely say hello and I'll try to reply to you but ya guys have an epic day and thanks for watching we'll see you next time hey guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 4,433,132
Rating: 4.8570504 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, mod showcase, block launcher, minecraft trolling, modded mini-games, minecraft mods, tnt, explosion, obstacle course, shoot the target, craft, sword, weapon, armor, items, crafting, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, custom map, jen's house
Id: Xu5QfcTjNgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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