Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 13.5

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hello everybody and welcome to a half episode of all the mods eight brought to you by our wonderful server sponsor host of This Server Apex hosting you can get 25 off your first month of Hosting with code cabin Sparkles Link in the description grab a server play some all the mods or just you know Minecraft 1.20 um I'm not an addict I can stop anytime that I want but rather than have the reforging be in a main episode with Zine and and Pete I'm gonna do it in a half episode because we want to make the all the mod again but we don't want to go through the whole reforging and enchantment process over and over again but guess who else is on right now doing the same thing they've all joined the party oh man it's great everybody loves Gamba simulator 2023 kingslayer thank you for the 29 months much appreciated so everybody what we must do is we must make a new set of netherrite armor and then go and um upgrade it I am curious okay so we do have a lot more gems in here I don't know how to do the whatchamacallits God dang the 46 base attack speeds wild 50 base attack speed man I'm gonna need to go how to learn uh to turn on end mogus so that we can get some real real slick new gems and stuff like that but man oh man it does seem like there's some stuff in here already which is pretty cool um yeah anyway s sorting through my stuff yesterday I realized with enough quality content drops I will have enough quality content merch to wear every day make sure to check out the new quality content drop at quality content.com it's pretty cool check it out hit it up and um you know link below so alrighty Let's uh let's get started with this let's make a new a new suit of netherrite and then up why did it do that new set of netherrite and then upgrade it to all the modium so do we have enough gold we should so what's going to take what's gonna take I just I guess four for now how many diamundos do we have definitely enough to make a set actually already kind of have a set going on here so that's pretty cool and then we just need to make a chest plate the way I think I'm gonna go about doing this is I'm just gonna make new set and then maybe maybe maybe I'll like transfer enchantments over or or maybe I'll just start from scratch because I guess a lot of the enchantments that I have on this gear are not things that I like constructed you know they're just I put them into the enchantment table took what I got versus we can now use the library to construct so I think that could be the play all right let's go get our nether right because he is with made out of four and then I'm gonna also have to figure out what to do about the pickaxe and the sword and stuff like that I am like it's a little bit of a bummer the idea of having to lose those gems because we would have to we could only take one of the gems off and we'd have to destroy the sword also by the way Zane was like um I did a thing I did not know you get a plus 12.5 attack damage uh Gem and also attack range plus four he basically has an extendo arm which is freaking wild and every you know every freaking enchantment maxed out and all that stuff so um yeah yeah zine's got that covered not a Cali burn but it's gooder in other ways he's been going hard on all of the uh mystical agriculture stuff the real gouster thank you for the sub gift Bob Rick with 49 months thanks for the content over the years much appreciated um oh yeah the industrial foregoing let me see uh enchant ER there should be like what would it be called from industrial foregoing the enchantment D applicator or something like that um enchantment extractor is what it would be but we're gonna have to go through the advanced machine oh God we'd have to go through this whole setup in order to get there um so maybe we'll get there at some point I just don't feel today my goal is not to set up industrial foregoing and getting pink slime and all of that stuff I'm sure we'll have to do it at some point for the all the mod Stars no matter what but it's not the the objective today hey Roy let's make um the the thing let's make the thing and by the thing I mean all the modium which it would appear a lot of the ingots have been used um uh from the ones that I processed um but yeah here we go all the modium helmet and there it is and just played hey oh yeah it's different different recipe different recipe super different recipe there and then leggies and then a little bit of that okay and then the boot skis a little bit of that and there we go brilliant cool I don't know if Zine has a second terminal or if he was just being kind and waiting for me um okay so let's see what should we call it you can grab all the enchantments with what something else okay all the modium alloy blade is kind of gnarly looking but you need a lot of oh yeah you got to have all of the different kinds which is crazy so we would have to go to the end and do all that stuff we could we can get vibranium in the nether but that's another dimension I do want to save that for like uh oh but the only way to make that alloy is by doing some fancy combination thing I could make the sword I could make the pickaxe um I could make actually you know what might be interesting is the ax wait does this thing actually have an attack speed of five and then I could do percentage health oh that thing could be slick as heck that thing could be swick as heck hold on a minute because if that is a five attack speed that thing will be ganarbuckle wait did did Zine actually set up autocrafting on iron wait a minute that would be kind of sick do I have much more iron not a great deal wait uh hold on did he set up he set up this on iron oh it only does it from the bigger block I thought maybe you could set up Auto smelting stuff which would have been kind of cool honestly let me get this melted I think earlier when I got on for a thumbnail I may have done something here did oh yeah I did some of that that's right I did get some more iron because I'm good at things let's go um hldf 32 months Ender Rush 37 months uh firm in Ollie or firm and all with four months Kane is with 15 months and make sure to like the video and subscribe to Captain Sparkles too what's next dawncraft episode dropping um what is the finales on Monday I can't remember the episode before has gone out yet uh Ruby bugnish 43 months I mean we recorded it yesterday though so I don't know if the one the question was when is it going to stream or if when is it going to go up on YouTube because it is dawncraft is done um it's just not finalized on YouTube as of yet all right let's make another one of the uh iron X's or iron hammers here we go we want to do one of these and there we go that's gonna be great we want to get some of the by the way I did duplicate I did double the all the modium before I threw it into the furnace it was it was the powder just so that we're you know clear on that so that no one is like how could you how could you make such terrible mistakes okay so we'll do that and then we will do oh it needs to be three frick as soon as you use any Dura it's just like gone here I'll make a few more there we go and then all the modium X oh wait what are going to need oh it's like a different thing interesting very interesting so you do that it's like some blaze rods dude and then we can do and all the modium X you know it could actually be kind of cool if this thing could get reforged into having like the same sort of attributes as this we could have it be oh no no maybe we don't want it to be an AOE break but we could have it so it mines blocks we never saw Minds blocks right and also does damage and it can do percent it can do percent Health damage let's see the attack speed oh my God the attack speed is insanity oh this is going to be the tool dude because it can deal because the gems on heavy weapons can do freaking craziness oh my God I just need to find a gold gem that does percentage percentage damage which will be actually gunnarbuckle um there's got to be a gold one in here that does heavy weapons 52 over heel that's crazy that's a possibility um but what about uh bass over heel no we want HP damage HP damage stop it 60 base over heel HP damage where is the HP damage I need the HP damage okay let me I'm just gonna look for what it with the exact phrasing is here um okay heavy weapons based crit base over heel freaking heck heavy weapons based crit where's the HP damage oh current HP there it is 22 HP damage is that a good value I just want to be sure like obviously we don't want to apply it if it's not a good value but that does seem to be pretty pretty good 50 50 oh oh over heel that's an overhead wait that's a 60 over you at 62 over here it's even better Moon all right all right upgrade the gems bruh well whatever hold on let me just I want to check what happens if we throw this into here we do get holy frick it goes up to 27 attack damage oh oh my God that means below wait enemies below 10 health will be executed oh my God wait what other um okay oh this can get big overheal and built in oh my God oh my God wait yeah why would I why would I stick with even though that like that's cool additional attack damage to be fair right let's see what we get when we pull these and we can add additional we can also add additional gem slots if we like something else right so um something to keep in mind plus nine armor max health um let's see we got total big speed low armor though but big armor toughness plus 16 armor fall damage taken to reduce by 43 I don't care about the fall damage really that's pretty cool that's pretty cool versus I wish I could compare with my current ones oh but we'd missed the uh step height but we can always give ourselves some step height you know also I got to do this we got to do this I wonder if the others have um acquired the backpack with the pumps and stuff like that because man are they cool 17 and a half armor huge armor toughness huge Max Health that's pretty cool but this does a lot triple gem socket more speed a lot of luck big armor big Health big Speed Triple gem when attack gain res 2 I think this one's better this one gives us Big Max health big Speed Triple gem socket res 2 when attacked I think we don't even need to do a uh a 75 hmm we don't even need to do a 75 that's crazy all right let's store all XP and just do that easy easy I think that's a super easy one it is freaking economical for two God forged pearls in 25 levels this seems sick this seems big swicken yeah all right I'm about it now we so remember in all the mods it you can't do an enchantment to cycle like in dawncraft you can only cycle by doing a reforge so let's see what would be really cool attacks have a 65 chance to hit up to 10 nearby enemies and a 15 base current HP damage um man does it drop the attack speed though I think when you reforge it drops the attack speed that's the only downside it's still faster than a standard sword but 65 chance 7 11 gain speed gain speed uh what do you think like this is pretty crazy isn't it because we get the well what it let me check what Zine got again so I can see what it is that you can get he he got 1.5 attack range 31 base crit okay so his perks on that are not nearly as good um oh the only thing oh wait Luke pinatas probably don't happen on axes so I just don't think yeah that's the armor piercing is cool because a lot of those special mobs have big armor piercing or big armor and we get the base current HP and we can apply even more HP damage okay it's tempting but let's look at the others let's look at the others for sure for sure extra speed extra Health that's tempting um plus seven luck as well that's actually pretty good the luck there is actually pretty darn good but also let's see for armor big luck we could add a gem slot later get a res uh res doesn't stack so resistance two on any piece of armor is only going to be resistance to on anything else um Max Health it's very little armor how important is luck that's what I don't actually know ooh ooh wait that's really good big armor big luck big speed I like this I kind of like this I kind of like this a lot you know what do you guys think luck not important because you have spawner set up for gems hmm still not better than the ax okay of everything we looked through this far so far in the armor this is the best piece of armor here all right this one alternatively we can do the ax now what do you guys think helmet or well ax here right 65 chance to hit up to 10 nearby enemies 25.5 attack damage 15 base HP 47 armor piercing versus this here um what do we think ax would be main weapon yeah I'm seeing more people without doing a poll I am seeing more axes happening here I'm seeing a lot more axes so far it's like seven to one in favor of Acts eight to one in favor okay all righty well I was here to ask you a question and I just did so here we go big reforge please big reforge boom okie dokie now let's see what else we got okay whoa holy frick dude 20.5 armor with 20.5 hour plus 20 total speed for 25 or holy heck that seems like a good deal that seems like a really good deal yeah wow dude great deals I'm about it I'm about it let's do that one yeah dude I love getting a great deal there's like nothing better than getting a great deal is there what do we have here is low armor big armor hey it's uh hold on instant Health instant Health yeah it's also like not overlapping stuff right 8.5 tote Max Health 20 total speed 14.5 arm big armor toughness triple gem slot instant Health reduced explosive damage I think we're gonna add a plus we're gonna add a step hike Jim I'm not terribly concerned right now we're uh on our current boots we're using two gem slots just to give us uh speed whereas now we have plus speed on like everything so it means that we're not gonna have to use two slots to get additional speed right so I think that's a way to go that's a middle right there Here Comes [Music] no he's not juicing gems you can only juice well he might be juicing gems for the gem uh dust but I don't know anyway all right here we go we got this one it's the Bell boss yeah we had Zine had a uh special guest appearance on um another finale of dawn craft yeah okay let's see oh boy and a lot of speed there oh 30 speed 13 armor big armor toughness knockback res 25 total speed we could add a slot but also down here what do we have knock back res more Health 15 speed we can add a slot hmm hmm do we want what of these would we want none of these are like the absolute premium pinnacle um but this one I guess the the 15 total speed is low compared to it could be like a 20 so yeah I don't know I don't know I'm not sure I'm not sure maybe maybe what we do is yeah we could just do a recycle in the meantime no why don't we just you know enchant some books over we've got no more lapis everybody it's all gone it's all got wait but that means there might actually be some compelling stuff in here uh from somebody else doing this maybe perhaps so can you put sharpness on that maybe let's do this pickaxe check let's just apply some enchants over here oh yeah capturing would be good because it gives the mop drops and stuff like that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay so here we go let's do I wonder if it applies if it allows everything oh you're not letting me wait why is it Point costs 32. I still to this day do not understand how the library works and why it allows like only certain levels do I need more enchantment levels in my like in my bar like do I need to take all the experience out and then it will let me um you just need more Smite books in the library that'll let me go all the way um wait why did this happen [Music] just need okay so you're saying just get more levels of smite in the library got it okay all right well in that case we're gonna need to go get more uh lapis Where is the digiminer I wonder Where is the digiminer unless there's more lapis in the system oh there is last I saw was over to East off ship oh okay it might be in the same place uh that he left it or something like that anyways that's all good we got I didn't realize there was still some more inside the system you're right I could just go to the mining Dimension and get some more because we pop off um alrighty anyway so we can just do a bunch of this and I hope that we can get some more Smite and stuff into the system so the idea I think here is going to be that we can use this right to take out some big boys in the end I hope that this ax can just take down the gold man's like like nobody's business like insanely quick [Music] you guys think you can hop or lapis into an enchantment table here [Music] because that'd be kind of cool [Music] sharpness sex sure [Music] deployer seven deployer going into the thing that would be kind of funny too um it would block would it block the shelves would it [Music] [Music] um I don't think it would block um let's see this is going to be interesting I'm gonna make a hopper over here and see what happened oh that's so cool you just you instead of making the chest you can just use a couple logs foreign that's pretty cool wait can you hop our books in hold on no okay you can't have her books that would be kind of funny but that's pretty cool that's pretty cool I like this this is so convenient I can just go for days now huh what do you know [Music] laughs sick okay anyway now how are we looking on a shmite how are we doing we can only go up the six what the frick why is it like this well whatever I mean I can start with a certain amount and then I can do more afterwards so it yeah did that and then we do sharpness of course as well as the leech and looting and sharpness um sharpness only going up to six a little poopy a little poopy okay let's see vigilante oh okay that's not a big deal yeah dude we love vorpal vorpal is always huge plays and then anything else here that we are allowed to add do we do we already did leech Fortune we could have Fortune I don't think that's gonna affect mobs but uh trees will be annihilated um yeah we don't need mending we don't need Unbreaking or anything like that so I guess this is a pretty good place to start let me just um I'll double check really quickly what does Zine have on his soulbound frost bite sweeping and oh sweeping Edge you can't do on an ax though can you I don't think you are able to right no what is this Frost nope you can't have that on a Frost aspect is good is it Frost aspects slows and oh weakens the target okay that's kind of cool we can do that hold on let me just put this back in though am I feeding the addiction yeah dude absolutely am you better freaking believe it um soulbound could be a good idea if we're if we're already here why not this might be very expensive um oh yeah to be fair right this thing does have a baked in 65 chance of an AOE so hopefully that doesn't apply to players otherwise it will be very unfortunate um yeah okay so vorpal Smite sharp looting leech Frost aspect capturing cool I think I think we're good let's see how expensive this is going to be to add in 91. it's a good thing the levels are very easy to get hold of um that's pretty gnarbuckle that's pretty gnarbuckle oh my God okay I'm doing it there we go next up I'm gonna go check the gems over actually you know let me just go to the end really quickly because I want to see what happens if we do hit a mob with just the baked in 15 base current HP damage let's go and take a look ski real quick what mod pack is this this is all the mods every single one of them I like this this little uh just like a shulker hit Zone thing all right come on we need a gold one we need a gold one give me the gold man's this thing should do some sick damage where are my gold friends at huh also though let's see oh you have a backpack on that's kind of cute on that that evaporated demands that did damage okay um that works that works indeed it's very loud why is that so loud like I lost all creatures are 19 and it's that loud what the heck bro did something happen to the end we have not gotten a single spawn what happened [Music] holy frick yeah did we overfish like what's going on here oh there's okay skelgro the cracked he's correct can I just freak him up really quick how much health do you have after that come back down I think he's gonna be scared after that hit right there I want a shulk because a shulk at least I can kind of you know sort out pretty easily all right uh where is overseer Leonard I just two hit one of the the man's this P2 hit with the Cali burn is it another Phantom seriously another Phantom huh come back it's freaking guy dude I don't even have gems in the slots yet oh my God where are the gold mans oh wait is there Goldman is there a man's over there who's just angry and stuck in the boat there might be and how did that even happen how did we get a special man's in the boat how did Professor astrophys get in okay 159 69 he's dead holy freak professor estephist that's that's who and why is this so loud where's the where's the gold man there's a gold man somewhere where did he go hello where the gold what you little frick usually you'd be able to see it on the freaking thing but I guess not so this thing is a freaking monster this I like holy heck man did the Enderman sounds that are loud though dang that thing gives a lot of freaking loot oh wait I got a I got like a bonus piece of armor there huh and I got a gem I suppose if you just walk around and like you know punch the Enderman you're bound to get some gems but I I should go check Ender mogas I don't know where the gold dude spawned well there was like a serious nerfing of the amount of uh oh okay Thor cobwing the bishop over here over here oh he doesn't know what he's about to hit him he is thus far been protected by the vaccines but you just don't understand what's about to happen holy frick he's fast though oh I am a freaking machine I am a machine of Destruction the likes of which the world has never seen before Oh my God wait wait there's poppy poppy Amy hold on there was another one oh is there the shell there's a shulk over there how do you get all the way over there dude okay it was slightly more it's kind of embarrassing that it was slightly more than three hits on that one how am I gonna live with myself there but this is going to be a good way to salvage for more God forged pearls and stuff dang wait this thing is crazy 10.25 armor versus 7.25 and 13 Max or 13 extra Health this thing's even better I can I can eat this then dang I am an absolute unit I am a behemoth I am I am a beast but I can do even I can do better if I apply this thing 22 base current HP to this which is already 15 percent it's gonna not even be funny okay so endermungus is over to the east let me go see if there's any more gems over there upgrade the gem first I don't know if I can just like do that really easily but okay how do I do I turn on up here where okay I turn on up here this has like a very distinct lack of safety oh my God wait so where Okay so inferium goes there oh the gems go in here clever way to do it clever way to do it that's pretty cool 46 base attack 50 base over heel we'll take some of the uh the gold man's I suppose oh so you can like sort it by the same type of gems miniature red hearts Flawless generally combatant so you can like fetch all the golds out of here [Music] bro I swear everything is so loud right now [Music] Guardian gym big light oh it's light weapons of lifesteal but anyway I got that hold on foreign [Music] oh no but they're gonna so does it roll a completely new gem if you upgrade these to a higher level or is it going to keep the it's going to keep the fits in anything plus one level to existing enchantments right [Music] if you want to swim real fast keeps the attributes yeah okay [Music] oh God we're getting we're getting competing things [Music] how do you get that like attack range thing that was really cool [Music] dang this thing gets mad infurium though that's crazy plus 2.00 the attack range only goes on light weapons Zine had plus four that must have been like massively upgraded gem I'm assuming let's see is there anything that would be like really good to upgrade from these though I don't know anyway I think we found I think that's all the gold ones that are here oh wait one more gold this one has 24. wait a minute 24 and 22. wait oh no this one's cracked frick dang it Oh I thought these would be upgradable but it's cracked versus not cracked and oh imagine being able to upgrade from 24 percent base current HP that would be wild oh you can upgrade the cracked into oh not cracked and then combined [Music] foreign [Music] let's do this let's see what happens so you basically eventually this is going to fill but I guess the idea is you can just add another backpack and have things store into that yeah you know it also had stack upgrades oh you know would be really cool you add stack upgrade into this and then it'll all you'll be able to tell what of the same gem keeps coming in right it kind of works on your middle Mouse click but it saves space and then it groups gems of the same kind it's kind of an efficient way to do it if we stack upgrade this might be a good idea um oh stack upgrade won't work no we'll Frank [Music] stack the exact same attributes but that's what I'm saying is you would get like these three here they would stack on top of each other but if you're saying that won't work then maybe it won't work it will not work if you say so okay so how would we take this cracked and bring it up to a so we we take the correct one oh should I turn off the spawner I don't know if that's a I don't think it's gonna be running I don't think those chunks are loaded so we're probably okay we are probably okay um okay let's see so Arcane Sands got a lot of those well one two three four and doesn't even put gem dust in here oh they have that's so we did this we did that we did that oh then it goes to a tyrannical okay that's kind of cool goes to a Tyranitar alternatively if you do that what is can you can you upgrade this you can and it goes to wait cracked versus tyrannical and now go 24.5 uh I see okay well let's do that and then if we wanted both these wait do they oh do they both have to be flawless in order to be able to be combined ah okay I see let me actually juice some of the purples actually we can introduce all of these I think I'm gonna wear this okay so we can give that a juice oh yeah I'm not gonna wear any of them that we get they're all going to be juice because we're only going for um yeah at this point we are only going for all the modium which we can't get as a drop so all this goes to the juice right only one ridiculous ridiculous how can you live with your oh okay you brought that over there we can both stop at any time I swear okay so that and that and that gives us to 21.5 wait but that's not that's not a a Flawless how do we get it to flawless hold on Arcane Sands let's get 25. how far do you have to go for flawless ah there it is okay holy frick and this 30 percent so the question is do you do this is it worth I know you can upgrade this but is it worth just applying these if we just use two gem slots right we get up to 50 percent you cannot apply multiple if one is unique okay you can only have one you also want to have armor piercing and overheal do I okay well here we go what the [ __ ] what is this I need four godforged pearls for an upgrade here holy frick dude oh my God oh my God oh my god dude oh this one's already Flawless so it needs another one well actually here's what I can do I can juice a few of these bad boys right I can get rid of these say goodbye to them helmet's the only one I haven't done right so all right farewell it's been fun you guys have served me well also I guess I could juice The Shield too because this Shield's not as good this one's better better armor and stuff so goodbye you did oh wait I should grindstone it first um or pull the enchantments off actually no it doesn't really matter it doesn't really matter uh I'll grindstone it just to get the levels but I don't think it matters that much um because we can get more yeah thank you guys I got some levels levels are really hard for me to come by so uh it was a good idea okay give me good rolls give me good good rolls here come on 14 14 God forged pearls oh yeah that acts I could get some stuff too yeah Ten's not bad yeah I could do that only one that's bull shorts That is bull shorts and then this thing I could juice but the freaking gems should I juice this for God forged or should I pull off one of the gems that I don't know that I do not know but anyway um just keep it for now okay okay if you insist all right so let's see where does this get to adds one percent each time wait it costs four God Forge pearls bro it costs four godforged pearls for every single one do I care enough do I really you really think that I ca I should really do that worth holy holy frick y'all's crazy okay well I need to go hunting for shinies everybody I guess it's time to apply some stuff to our armor isn't it um we should check in over here as well and see what we're did it change anything it may not have changed anything I'm gonna do a recycle with greens real quick um what is it called I forget what it's called what are they freaking I'm gonna add apotheosis ah this one so if we just do this instead um I can just uh do a quick cycle here and then see what it turns into when I do that okay that looks more tempting 16 armor 25 speed ooh form it's only 30 or only for armor um resistance to we already have 50 percent speed that's not bad right there that's not bad right there like we could get up to 30 speed but um you think another reroll okay we can do one more re-roll huh oh we had to take it out put it back in 25 speed a little extra Health would be good too oh that's really poopy pants right there that looks good 30 total speed 11 Max Health 16 armor yeah that's nice that's real nice that's real nice alrighty there we go very good and now I guess I can juice that one oh my God I'm fat wait is it it just sounded like I said oh my God I'm fat I meant to say oh my God I'm fast this is me walking this is me sprinting this is no speed gems okie dokie okie dokie so I can send this to the juice farewell you've served me well and uh to God forged pearls very good very good very good indeed I need to go I need to go shiny hunting yes and indeed I do need to do that um so this is the big boy here let me get the time worn fabric back into here and um okay do I have any other stuff that's uh juicy no not really let me throw these into the um gem chest though so that everybody else can have access to them they're then and there throw that in there throw that in there and we want the overheal from that one because that's an Arbuckle and that in there okay we're gonna need more gem chats everybody we're gonna need more gem chess I need to put those down there for the time being I do wish that we could put these in the system but according to everybody who knows lots of things about the Modpack that will break things so we don't put it in the system um yeah armor piercing will help against the oranges okay so really we want one gem for big armor piercing one gem for overheal and one gem for uh current HP damage you know and juice all the weapons and armor and convert those chests into gem chest this is kind of true we could just eat every like we're never gonna use any of those we're never we're never going to use the purples we're only going to use Golds at this point if we're being realistic with ourselves and purples are very good for um upgrading some of the gems so that's nice all right ew only eight what the frick all right I'm gonna go I'm gonna go back and do a little bit of um dual bit of shiny hunting I guess all right we need some golds bring out yeah we got oh frick I need a step height gem papa for Wolfman daughter where's papa there's Papa oh it's a shulk too you're fricked you're done you're done it's over no bolts oh God I need to get a step height Jim ASAP and you guys are not gonna no by the way no I'm not gonna spend a bunch of time upgrading step height gems okay I'm not getting eight step height on my boots I know that that is all you guys want I know that you are addicted to step height and you want me to have plus eight step height I refuse I will not do it it's not happening okay no it the highest the highest I will even consider is six not six I mean three I doubled it wait where where are you God I misspoke I really it's not gonna be six it's gonna be three okay like okay wait where are you where are you where are you is a phantom tell me it's not a phantom where the man's at are you under oh it's this it's you it's you you're gone see you later I misspoke insert foot in mouth okay now you want six well it ain't Loop pinat we can't uh we can't Loop pinata on axes but also it's so much more worth dude like the the speed at which we slay these dudes I am honestly fine not having a chance to loot pinata because it's just like infinitely better I could in the meantime like while we're doing this like it's just like run around and just punch these dudes and then hopefully get gems but it will be a big inventory clutter to be fair oh I forgot to juice that so I don't know we need to add more um drawers or not drawers but discs into the refined storage system all right hold on let me go I'm gonna go check um endermogous real quick Papa Jenny ow ow wait do I not take uh huh maybe you don't take kinetic energy damage yeah see like having this thing continue to go it's not really a big deal oh did it get a new one crit chance crit chance [Music] turn down player sounds if you want the hits to be quieter music and sounds play is down see it does actually seem to make it quieter it's a little quieter that's good oh there's a new gem yeah I think this thing is actually fine continuing to operate while we're here we might as well actually it just gives us an additional chance so there's a plus two step by GEM oh yeah I need to go back and grab a thing okay anyway hey mate wait where are you oh here you are just everybody is done oh my god dude freaking two hits that's insane where's my uh where's my gold man Larry is my Goldman yeah guys uh I'm sorry to burst everyone's bubble with threes Max three's Max on the step high we ain't going any higher than that all right I could use it here I could use it here but God we need more God forged pearls Johnson the lame yeah he's lame he's only purple I know there was a gold man somewhere around here hello where are you oh it's a freaking Phantom dude no come here come here Frick you're late oh my God he's so lame honestly don't know if my arrows do much of anything come down please come down no I missed frick this thing is shooting like lots of arrows by the way oh it's called volley that's why I forgot about that Zachary the odd come back here come back yeah there we go okay Zachary's way the frick over there oh my God Zachary oh my God Zach oh Zachary is a phantom gosh dang it Zachary come back Zachary come back early I'm gonna end up hitting myself and probably dying to my volley of arrows Zachary please what are you doing where are you going oh God my jump is is crazy ah um did you yeah did he died maybe he got him so low if they hit from the ax that the arrows just took him out and I made a terrible terrible mistake which would be kind of unfortunate um dang it we only have two Golds frick proofs I need big step I God dang it dude I can't believe I I slayed Zachary over the void this is fricked up I'm gonna dig through the bag and I will go and see if there are any step height gems tharden being the odd smelling hmm oh I think I can't actually take kinetic energy damage maybe from the slippers that's pretty cool okay so let's see where is this plot plus two step height plus two step height there you go on plus two step plate I mean actually both of these are the same I could do I do upgrades there let's see [Music] not married to the idea though I'm just grabbing the golds and bringing them back [Music] um I need to upgrade so I get a plus plus three we'll see what happens we'll see what happens I'm considering the concept of plus three step height I'm I'm considering it I do not want anybody to get there hopes up about any such thing just so that we are clear I do not want any Hoops up at all um let's see okay anyway back we go wait how do I look by the way I look pretty cool don't I anyway back over we go wait was that a freaking oh Farm didn't tharden Bing was over the oops whoops wait why don't I just take a hit oh Fernando Fernando hey are you a phantom please be anything other than a phantom bleep come over here come over here come over come over close I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend freaking done just wrecked just annihilated oh did you just dropped something too blue ones only blue ones oh do loot pinata on the last hit it's hard because this thing does so much damage per hit that like it's doing if I hit it once when it's a two-hitter then it's gonna take like 50 hits for the other thing that's the issue you know Frick Phantoms Frick Phantoms I wasn't dealing with that what do we get what do we get yo let's go bro actually popping off actually popping off here dude huge Cappy B thank you for raiding hello everybody and welcome back to not being addicted on all the mods absolutely not addicted can stop anytime nobody can tell me otherwise alrighty everybody I think we're in a good spot to be able to get some more God forged pearls and um Super Omega fly that gym why the frick is this happened what the frick all right everybody the one thing I'm concerned about like what if this says enemy specifically here I'm like what if it accidentally like kills the inner Pete that would be kind of sad but I think it'll be okay I think it'll be okay yo look at this look at this sick it could be up to 16. and you and you okay only seven uh low rolled the actual heck out of it man that's so sad okay how 33 so it only goes up by like one percent each time huh that's just mad fricked up that's just mad fricked up does it okay doesn't leave that in there unfortunately I can't test it because if I test it and it's not up to where I want it's already on the weapon and that's that there is no No Going Back so look at him look at him look at us look at us in all our all the modium dude test to see if Zen is your enemy uh all right oh wait yeah you guys want me to upgrade the step height don't you I suppose I suppose I could do that one moment let me go let me go back somehow [Music] um anybody here won't do like I don't know drop some gems or something like that anybody want to drop some gym skis no I guess not oops uh you're right I should probably set my spawn that's a good idea all right I'll just I can just fly back it's easy dang it they always spawn right as I get back into the thing yeah yeah yeah wait when you go through Dimensions it clears your health that's annoying okay I think I like have to is it it might be a Way Stone only thing or sorry it might be if I don't use the way Stone it like clears my health that's freaking dumb um anyway okay [Music] and then let's take our step hiders down here and these should hopefully not take nearly as much stuff to get up to a plus three step height and then everyone will be happy and they won't be saying no no no I need more step height I need more step height they won't be saying that oh look okay so let's see plus three step height everybody that's I didn't say plus four I said plus six I misspoke what I should have done was like I should have said I've learned from Don craft I'm not doing any more than plus one step height and then everyone be like plus one step height no way that's unacceptable and then I'd be like okay well you know what maybe plus two just for you guys and everyone be like what only two that's crazy I can't believe it you would only do two like that what but and then I'd be like fine if you insist plus three and everyone would be like okay we I'll take that as a dub but because I accidentally said plus six everybody is like well you yeah you know what uh uh It's gotta be plus six now no plus three That's All She Wrote That's All She Wrote go ahead cancel me on Twitter you won't even be able to see the tweets because you'll be all out of your Tweet allocation for the day there we go okie dokie ah it has been done all right so the last 10 minutes trying to reclaim an escape villager who managed to make it to the top of the ship and now portal to another dimension how even has this happened what what how did he how did he portal to another dimension huh let's not dwell on the Mayan nusha my main ocean Islands our streamer is a liar announcement wow uh-huh I feel like so Zine accidentally opened up a wooden trap door yo Rob the Dragonborn oh he's right over there he's right over the sort of the Rob is getting Rob is about to be fricked I am going to Rob Rob of Rob's existence sorry Rob just Oh I thought Rob got one hit for a second I was like oh my God I am an absolute machine evoke her charm fragment that's kind of cool oh that means exactly bro the amount of little freaking loot though that I just get from these dude Bros is gennarley all right there we go that's easy peasy lemony squeezy um wait is that what was that where did this come from how do they just magically get another gold diamond sword get a freaking Enderman accidentally drop this a normie Enderman just happened to drop it what a what the frick oh hey you're done goodbye see you later oh and then just a collateral lit we're just getting like some collateral damage wait what the frick huh okay oh hey cool yeah they have a chance yeah so I'm I'm learning I thought it was just mostly gems but huh Madame Eddie it's there's a lot of Blues a lot of Blues it looks like I guess we can kind of throw the blues into there goodbye farewell Madame Eddie need more gold though need more gold um game sound low yeah I turn I can turn the player sound back up I turned it down because my crit sounds were just actually freaking crazy loud now it's that sounds more normal actually if it's on 100 it's crazy Enderman spawning oh what do you know man where are my gold dudes what are you Guardian gym cool cool it just fills up my inventory like so fast so fast oh frick I forgot to set my spawn didn't I like an idiot wait it's okay I can just go over to endermogous real quick see what's up over there as soon as I go elsewhere though then we're gonna get a gold man spawning make a dank we'll see we'll see maybe maybe okay I guess I can probably like turn this off now oh God hello okie dokie um oh just yeah pick up upgrade and on matching true true true true true hold on one second um [Music] oh where the frick did the bed God dang it wear beds why he do this ah from low rolling it's still not man yeah yeah it's still not maxed okay here's I'm gonna use the old one from over here holy God he got a lot of those wow um 35 it must be like two I think it's two more two more and then we'll be there I just need to just a little bit just don't want to steal this I don't want to steal the stuff that like Zine has worked to get you know I wanna I wanna make sure that I'm getting there on my own accord okay go to 40 does it go I don't think it goes up to 40 because that would be I think 11 facets is perfect right let's just double check um Flawless oh no Flawless they can be nine facets so yeah anyway let's go back take a small loan a small loan Sam the funky yo that's what I'm talking about there we go you're done thank you Sam oh no thank you Sam bad Sam bad Sam sorry if your name is salmon you're confused right now why I'm calling you bad it wasn't you it's not you somebody else it's somebody else oh you know what it must be I bet it's a spawn rate um I bet it's something that goes by like every X tick there is a chance of one of the man spawning around a particular player so when Zine and Pete are here as well they spawn like crazy that must be what it is when we're solo they're much rarer that's the problem Frick well I could just run around and freaking oh hey he dropped a sword and it's gold that'll work that work you got the same you got the same building anybody got uh anybody got some Golds anybody got some Golds we looking around trying to see if we can find any of them got any uh their goods got any of them Goods oh there's a shovel oh let's go it's more gold holy frick dude pergan Perkins sturgeon oh yeah he's gonna go down he's gonna go real wait what where is where is he is he over here where the frick did he go huh see Underground bro is he Underground oh is it the van I don't think it's the Vex itself though I'm pretty sure it is the uh I'm pretty sure it's the dude who some of the vexes and he must be like underground or something like that am I about to have to do a little little digging somebody under here hello hello anybody home anybody home it's probably not good because what's going to end up happening is that now a bunch of dudes are actually going to start spawning down there and everyone's gonna be like where the frick are the things it's gonna be like well I might have dug a cavern underneath the island Lord Earl the Misunderstood I'm sorry nobody understands you Earl come back all right thanks Earl appreciate Bud appreciate you you're doing good work bud real good work real good work everybody is very thankful okay that may be enough I hope that's enough to Max this out please tell me it's enough to Max this out I can't keep doing this can't keep doing this okay we're just looking for items wait there's some pants are those good pants not really but that's fine shovel is a good shovel it's okay do this enough and there's just gonna be loot laying all over the place that I'm hoping to not pick up and I'm gonna keep running into it no give me two movement tools or something like that freaking heck oh there's next this is a good ax right no it's it's bad ax this is fine I'm gonna head back this should give us enough I just know that it will this is going to be a good this is going to be a good one that was decent that was decent okay very nice very very nice so now where did I put the gem juice there it is how far how far does it go how high can it go what the frick dude more one more one more oh my God you think you can go to 40. how is it not Flawless yet how is it not Flawless yet this is the most expensive gem that ever existed 40 base current HP damage so this thing should in theory like two hit kill everything once combined with this right there should be nothing in existence that can withstand more than two hits no I'm not gonna steal this is the addiction Stream So if it takes longer of us going back into the end and and doing what we have then then so be it it is what it is you this is what you signed up for this is what you signed up for on this stream all right you're gonna give me gold gold gold gold that's gonna be gold right that's a freaking not gold get out of here with that nobody asked you nobody asked you wait what is that oh it's cold let's go holy heck what do you know there's pickaxe it's cold it's cold it's cold it's gonna be gold it's gonna be gold no it's okay we got a gold we got a gold it's gold it's gold it's gold it's gold uh it's not gold um wait no there is nothing may you would think that some dudes would be spawning around here but they are not and I cannot believe it and there's a gem here what is it not bad not bad at all somebody please make them spawn make them spawn oh we got a chest plate chestplate's gold I just know it it's just plates gold I just know it cold what the [ __ ] how do you get the whatever the the question mark thing is with the crazy text in the reforge table how do you get that because that I wanna I wanna be able to only spend a one of something on the reforge but it doesn't seem to be a thing that happens you need an ancient gear what is an ancient gear is that actually an even higher tier it goes beyond gold yo it's gold let's go how do you get that how do you how do you go even further Beyond oh my God has anyone has anyone even seen has anyone ever even been so far as to like go you guys have just unlocked a whole new world that I need to find okay there's the thing is it gold is it gold how has a single like big boy not spawned the entire time I've been here I mean we're good we're good we're getting stuff we're getting Golds which is awesome but also how have they not that's what wait oh my gem is going to be so if I Juiced my gem if I upgraded my gem all the way and Juiced it instead of getting gem powder I would actually get a special thing is that right is that actually it I thought you only get gem dust for gems no matter what but if I am mistaken there's a helmet it's gold right it's gold it's gold it's gold let's go okay okay this might be enough this might be enough it's ancient right now but gems only give okay huh so is ancient the rainbow text oh God dang it resets your health when you go through the portal which is a little annoying okay so rainbow Texas ancient goddess oh it's a poor roll what the f I'm getting such bad rolls here oh my God oh my goodness 39. it still goes Flawless that's it that's it it's maxed it's mixed that's all it doesn't go any further Beyond than this I can apply it I can add it to my freaking X after all this time 40 percent current HP damage oh my God he has gone as far further Beyond as possible now make another one combined I don't think it works that way I gotta try okay I gotta get a gold man to spawn now I need to see what this thing can do I need to see what this thing can do also let me just um I did grab some gold skis from here I want to just throw into the thing so people know what and where they are I'm just not putting some in the air so we have our over heel how high would a freaking over heel go at a super ancient um okay so yeah let's check this let's check it let's do a little test over here and see if we're two hitting our boys it should be literal two hits if it's not then disappointment ensues okay I need I need somebody to spawn I need somebody to spawn are you gold are you gold are you gold no no gold what the frick what the frick somebody please anybody don't make me continue to do this I'm holding the Enderman hostage I will keep doing this until we get a big boy okay I will keep going around and doing this until a big boy spawns you don't want to see your friends getting hit like this you don't want to see the Carnage go what the frick they drop oh do you have a backpack on he just dropped his backpack you might need full armor piercing before two hit um but what if I what if I won't oh wait there's a gold man [Music] freaking Cali bird eat your heart out oh my God oh yeah that oh hello holy frick dude why are these guys not showing up on the map try it on I'm not gonna try it on Zine I'm not a monster Zine might do it but I'm not a monster okay Papa all right Papa oh it's a phantom well you get one shot freaking done dude oh my God it wasn't a fluke it wasn't even a fluke that's unreal that's unreal oh my God no I'm gonna I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait for the uh episode before we show it to the others because we can like jeez dude see the thing is you don't even think you don't even think that it would be that big of a deal right you think ah it does like a percentage HP but it wouldn't wouldn't freaking just destroy but it's just destroying Samuel Samuel where are you Samuel come back over here Samuel stopped spawning so far away they love to spawn super far away on that far freaking platform Samuel looks like someone needs to call the doctor for Samuel the doctor I'm actually just demolishing this is the likes of this have never been seen before oh my goodness oh my goodness that's good this is an okay roll on the pearls right there that was an okay roll there we go bringing it up contributing to the community chest uh yeah so all right this is um this is crazy bro this is crazy I can just throw this sword into the system we'll keep it like just in case but honestly it's kind of whatever or actually wait yeah if we have like a couple swords here and there I don't think it's that big of a deal we don't have that many it's not going to end BT and Frick things up bro I actually wonder if I could one shot the Dragon holy heck yeah I know the sword is Lou pinata but one more one-hitting things uh it's not really gonna come into play so yeah try the warden um we don't have a warp Stone over there anymore unfortunately unfortunately now I'm not like married to the idea of upgrading to all the modium on the tools because I don't think it's going to be well other than the indestructibility it's not going to be a huge thing but with this thing on like having mending it's not gonna be like that big of a deal so um why are you guys so diabolical in wanting me so badly to slay Zine it's just so mean I don't have a mean bone in my entire body I would just like you to know that um is there an all the money that's a good question is there an all the body and bow I'm not seeing it let me just search bow that looks crazy bow of weapon projectiles from Maho but yeah there is an awakened supremium crossbow and a premium bow I bet those are pretty good those are probably pretty good all you think there's an arrow with all the modium not CNN it's not C it's okay it's fine you know we can do though is we can simply what if we put a helmet in here and see do we have a lot of blessings level 13 wow how many oh we don't have a lot of prod though we don't have a lot of prod at all got a lot of projectile product um how much product do we have wait what happened to protection oh protection just like went goodbye yeah guys we're gonna need more protection let me just see if I can get protection to like show because I can get a show on something maybe we just throw in there for a first enchant and we add everything else after but not looking good wow these are uh bad polls at the moment very bad polls rip leggings have the least enchantment so it's easiest to get on those tomes see what is it to make a legging tome it is oh just a blaze rod okay we could do that we could do that foreign here we are everybody it is time hopefully we can get some good rocks Maybe I guess we'll see is Magic Pot any like uh products all right I'll actually check because if something just shows prop I'll do that um [Music] is it just gonna be like it's just going to be projectile prod and stuff like that instead of regular para in it to be an idiot about things huh [Music] is projects like really really rare honestly protection villager may not be the worst idea because like we're getting huge projectile protection and stuff but like zero standard protection we've gotten zero yeah what the heck why why is it weird [Music] I honestly wonder if standard protection just doesn't happen [Music] oh that's protection six just kidding it does happen you just have to be patient but it never shows up on the list magic prod eight I know that's good hey there's another protection six let's go what's up it is just kind of weird to me that it's never actually like shown protection in the preview I don't want the last brought so if it shows a particular type of protection the preview I'll do something else because otherwise like May because then because maybe we'll get protection but even if it's a real low chance [Music] magic protection nine do it just because I don't know the level of the other thing [Music] need shelves that give more clues is that like the runes reveal all thing I'm not really familiar with how that specifically works oh we're down on levels folks that's all we get okay well what I can do at least is we get some stuff onto the chest plate so chance to apply bone Shield when hit I don't know what what is a curse of Bones huh bone Shield is is good Arcana increases rare enchantments and um lowers common ores are common ones got it okay well we can do this if this is good we can get bone bone 14. reach way you can reach on a chest plate that's cool no don't like that soulbound could be good Vitality oh yeah um and we do I see Thorns we did wait too high reach is a curse why and then what do we want what uh what secondary protection do we want because I'm pretty sure that um I'll accidentally break things when I have super high reach really um you can add Mana region like just in case we ever do any RS Nouveau stuff why not should we do projectile prop Maybe you do that oh Matt I should do magic protection hmm all magic is also good Mana boost and Mana region is good is there a way that I can remove a single thing off of here rather than having to get rid of everything no frick frick frick okay well here we go curse of Bones uh icy thorns magic protection Mana boost Mana region protection reach um Soul bound and vitality that should be good okay how much is this gonna cost probably a lot hey it costs uh that's so good it's Destiny dude you got one level there we go oh wait one level Beyond all right and Magic protection oh no dude you can't double up on prod you can't double up on prod it doesn't let you do it it's not working like the swords dang okay well I guess in that case we'll just do standard standard prop standard prop bringing it back bringing it back [Music] also blessing chance to receive a short buff one hit that might become annoying depending upon what the buff is so I'll leave it out um blessing is good can I wait so you're saying standard prod doesn't allow the combo but if I do like projectile prod it will work well I guess I can try it and we'll see we'll see what happens if you say so yeah yeah he's been a region projectile reach Soul bound Vitality blessing what wrong wrong thing 119. projectile no projectile product does not combine with it does not work does not work so it's Gotta just it's just one one prod one product you can't double up on products I guess here doesn't let you oh wait you guys are saying that uh if I shift click it'll do the max okay all right I think that'll that'll be it then cool cool well how much is this gonna cost 118. okay let's go and uh let's just get some quick levels that should be pretty easy to do over at uh mogas down here uh is this thing supposed to just be running all the this is why this is why we regret things quadruple socketing how do you quadruple socketing one more one more loot pinata one more Loop pinata come on foreign there we go okay cool um and the back up to our lovely base okay everybody here we go it's more all experience and then get ourselves up to 118. and this is just one piece of armor oh my goodness oh my godzine he's cheating oh boy I wonder how much additional uh Health you get with this let's see we're into the Blues we go even further Beyond we're going into the purples whoa dude that's Max I guess that's crazy are we on that oh we are almost out of lapis too dang this is gnarly bro foreign how are we doing on not good all right as my final course of action for the day I'm gonna make uh a disc um because that just seems like a kind kind thing to do do we have any ability to do any of these oh dear oh dear do we like not have any silicon at all how about quartz we really don't have much in the way of quartz this is not great this is very not great how about so supposedly the digiminer is is it over here it's still over here okay cool oh just go mining oh mining Dimension should have quartz that's true that is very true I could just go there yeah do that maybe Superior Sigil of socketing is what allows you to do quad socketing oh hello nice of you to show up here huh one moment all right let me just do item stack because it'll be easier to do oh wait it's got to be the ore I always forget this um tag Forge ores chords I should be [Music] good okay there we go it do be working not the fastest but it do be working it's true no fortune I mean I could just run down and and go for a little mining Expedition through the uh nether layer Maybe if you guys want me to if you really want me to oh yeah no risk of lava huh I was started going fast so that's the reach distance eh where's the quartz guys oh is that freaking debris oh it's kind of cool yeah why is there a distinct lack of uh courts around here is it higher up maybe no that can't be it hmm that's not it I didn't pick up the debris ah it's fine we got a lot of it it's not really a big deal I'm starting to think there's not actually Quartz in here though which is weird okay fine here guys I'll I'll pick it up I'll pick it up there you go I did it I got it um quartz is pretty much I know that the digi Miner is getting quartz but I'm also trying to speed up the process because we have Fortune here right that's what I'm doing oh there it is yep you got it all right there's really not much of a point in me manually collecting the debris but I do feel like if I don't people will be very upset so that's the only reason why I've done it foreign touch on the digital Miner you can but then it's like I have to break it afterwards that's kind of just tedious you know I don't wanna I don't wanna turn into you missed you missed ancient de Bruce that's what we're gonna have next that's gonna become the new the new streaming How Could You Jardine you missed the most valuable resource in the game yeah the reach is crazy dude thank you all right and then um oh yeah I can just let it wait can I just run up now bro I can just run up that's the that is one benefit I'll give you that much right all right that'll give me some silicon now I don't even need to jump up to the Upper Floor so that's kind of cool thank you this is a vmc yeah just make a philosopher's stone that's what I should have done episode one honestly I don't know why I bothered to do like anything I should have just made a philosopher's done um anyway we had Ruby booknish with 43 months dark Utopia with 11 months Heaven stone with three months ADI is the future I don't know what that means exactly um and let's see argentum with 28 months taito 13 now but two years Grand potentates with 11 months pretty darn cool and okay there we go a little bit of quartz pretty cool is he installed on yay all right so now can we do the stuff I certainly hope so what are you doing Mr Zine Mr zeen what are you doing mate what are you doing here bro what's uh what's going on hmm [Music] I know in reality I should be just making patterns for all this stuff and doing it properly but anyway let's do a little bit of this and ah frick we need more of the gots a problem there bub [Music] we out of iron again well I guess I use the hammer to dupe it huh definitely no problems here definitely no problem who's here I'm just it just I just you know you guys yeah Chad's the chat's like oh what's he doing he's cheating Wowie wow we geez Zina said why why is he in here why is it why is he stream sniping why are you streams sniping zine [Music] unbelievable wait why am I staying at this freaking I have a thing up here I don't know why I'm going downstairs to do crafting when I literally brought the crafting grid up here exactly for this reason dumb all right there we go everybody we got our 16k what a boot a sleepy bag uh uh there we go okay cool make a wireless terminal at a time and about this Taco bottle actually uh exist here let's see Time in a Bottle oh it does oh oh it's not obtaining we're not there quite yet not there quite yet [Music] um yes okay all right everybody well I feel like we've made good progress today while also leaving some room for additional dedicated reforging streams it's not an addiction I swear it so yeah thank you everybody for tuning in make sure to like the video subscribe to captainsparklez2 for more reforging streams and follow on Twitch in order to catch these live oh is this an elevator that's not an elevator no but we could put an elevator in here probably maybe I bet they do exist do they exist let's just double check yeah it wouldn't be a mod pack without elevators right anyway I'll see it at qualitycontent.com as well go snag it you can't see it with the green screen chroma key all right see you later
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 42,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, modpack, x33n, petezahhutt, atm8, amt 8, all the mods, all the mods 8
Id: z48-BAZGz-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 20sec (7160 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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