Mind-Blowing 3D Gaussian Splatting On Your Phone!

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[Music] [Music] what [Music] have you ever wished you could freeze a moment in time not just in a flat picture or a video but in a way that you could explore and interact with later on well now you can and all you need is your cell phone welcome to the future of capturing memories brought to you by Luma ai's interactive scenes my name's Caleb and today we're diving into a game-changing feature that allows anyone to create highquality 3D virtual worlds with just a few Taps on their phone and the magic behind this a technique known as gajan splatting don't worry if that sounds technical I'll break it down in simple terms gajan splatting is a technique that turns your photos and videos into interactive 3D scenes unlike traditional methods it creates smoother more realistic images making your memories come alive like never before so first let's take a look at Luma AI on the iPhone when we first jump in we're going to see an interactive scene right away on the top and although it looks like a video we can actually put our thumb on it and start moving it around because as it says it is an interactive scene available for everyone underneath that we have featured scenes that are from other people that have uploaded public scenes which allows them to be seen by everyone and if I click on this one right here it'll Jump Right In and start to load right there for me so let's jump back I want to go into my library which is on the bottom right I click into my library and I'm able to see a whole bunch of scenes that I've created at a previous time and if I jump in there for example right now you're going to be able to see this Halloween ghoul come to life in front of our eyes this was something that took me just a few seconds to capture from a few different angles and now I'm able to instantly put my fingers on the screen and move around and actually see things from a different perspective from when I was there this is extremely cool and highly effective so as you can see on the bottom left we're able to upload different videos that we have if we've already taken some video of an object that we want to use otherwise we can actually click the button in the middle which will put us into object mode or on the far right which will put us into scene mode okay for this example interactive scene I decided to show off how well this technology can work with foliage and other intricate objects you'll notice that I begin capturing the scene with my focus object in the center of the frame you can certainly experiment with different types of coverage while creating your scenes still it's generally recommended that you try to get at least three passes at different angles low mid and high be careful not to move too quickly in order to avoid artifacts as well as low light or harsh light situations when you record the scenes using the Luma AI app you get the benefits of making sure that your photos are well exposed and sharp even so you can still get amazing highquality results using your Android phone or your PC browser if you are using the app there's a reticule that provides color feedback to let you know if you are creating a quality capture or not you can see all the photos being taken as you rotate around the object and there's even a finish button in the top right that will become fully lit when it has enough information available to create an interactive scene or GSAT once you give it a name and upload it to Luma AI you simply wait a few minutes and voila you've got a amazing interactive scenes coming to life in front of you like matrix's mesmerizing digital rain effect Luma AI scenes are addicting and fun to create I love how I can see the Vivid details and truly transport myself into these 3D spaces that I would otherwise have little connection with the fact that I can share these with anyone and that they can be viewed through a browser makes it all the more freeing for the technical people out there they have several output formats including gltf obj Unreal Engine with a plug-in raw Splat files Point clouds meshes and more you can even use Luma AI to jump back into your scenes and create virtual camera paths this can be used with ar or augmented reality and allows you to scale your object as a Nerf and put it into the world around you or you can simply jump back into the virtual scene as if you were still there even now I feel like I'm only scratching the surface with what's possible so we'll have to do more of the stuff in a later video here's another example of where I chose to capture something big I knew I wouldn't be able to walk around the entire object so my best chance was to capture it as completely as I could in a 180° field I usually start by capturing the object or building by walking towards it and panning up and down while I focus on the prominent structures I do my best to walk at a slow and steady Pace to ensure that I capture clear images as much as possible the recreated scene did a fantastic job at capturing the interior roof and external structure elements of the building this could be useful not only for Content but for live event production planning for future events I would have loved to use this tool while working in production years ago in another example you can see that I will generally do one pass when capturing buildings using a panning up and down motion to make sure that I capture as much of the scene as possible from different angles and one more time here I did just one pass so that I could show you what the results can be like simply astounding every business should be embedding these onto their websites ASAP the applications for this app are vast whether you're a 3D modeler developer artist or someone who just loves capturing moments this tool opens up a world of possibilities from creating interactive digital art to virtual tours the sky is the limit so let's say you're at the store and you want to buy something and you want to show it off but you know that an image is just not going to capture exactly how cool this item is so I was at the store and I saw this little house and I thought hey what a cool little example I could show off right here so rather than just take an image I made an interactive scene using Luma Ai and I was able to now fly around this little image and show off exactly what it looks like the side size of it and exactly what you're going to get for your money and I can send this to anyone using a link from the browser this works for a whole bunch of applications and while I was at the store I was able to get a whole bunch of cool different gajin Splats right here there's a Snowman and it's see-through and as you can see as I fly around you're able to see the store behind him and the objects through him and I think this is one of the coolest things about interactive scenes or g-s spats it's just the ability to actually interactively move around and see that scene and it really connects you with it in ways you other wouldn't feel another thing that makes this technology so amazing is its versatility its ability to be used in so many different ways again when you're using an Android phone you would simply just walk around the object in a 360 manner trying to get all angles as much as possible and then when you're done you would just upload that in the browser to the capture scene and it will just render and take about 30 minutes to give you an output and from that point you can view it in the browser from your phone without ever having to go into a computer it's amazing simple and it's super easy to do of course that means you can do it from your PC as well even if you don't want to use your cell phone you can take pictures from your drone or pictures from your highquality camera and you can upload them into Luma AI via the browser all right and as you can see I have a bunch of them in here right now and what's really cool is I can simply just drag my mouse over the top of them and you can kind of start to see as the camera rotates around and gives you an idea of what you're actually looking at you can see I've got my desk area my space I even tested it was taking some Drone footage that I found on YouTube for example from somebody else's footage and was able to recreate their 360 spot with this water tower uh when I walked to the store I took my son was able to create some stuff with him and the list goes on and on and on I was even able to take pictures from old gajin Splats that I had created using my software on the PC and put them into this software to recreate them and look at them with Luma AI software to see the differences I can honestly say that when it came to recreating my son in the yard as well as recreating Jillian in the middle of the road it was actually sharper looking and better quality when I ran it through Luma AI from when I was doing it previously on my computer I know I don't have time to go over over all of them but I want to show you how amazing and how realistic some of these interactive scenes can look with this one I walked around using the iPhone just taking some quick video I did two passes around it very quickly and I was able to come up with this realistic looking caterpillar d8n right there uh same thing with the meta Quest right here this was taken with uh the cell phone just very quickly I did two passes around the object and I was able to come up with this uh again the ghoul at Sam's Club yeah the ghoul at Sam's Club this was uh two or three maybe quick uh up and downs with the camera in probably about 15 20 seconds I was able to get that and with my child my son sitting here in the chip aisle at Walmart I was able to ask him to stand there just for a couple of seconds and I moved the camera around quite quickly and was able to capture this gplat this uh interactive scene which I thought was pretty cool allowing me to see below and above on the different racks which is just super amazing I can actually move the camera up and down if I want to as well as moving in and out to see the the entire scene so yeah this is kind of gives you an idea of what's possible here also my brother recently had a baby so I went over to his place and I got a just a quick interactive g-s spat of the baby in the crib and I thought how cool is this when you know this kid gets older they're going to be able to actually see a file uh or or just take an image a g-s spat an interactive scene and fly around and see themselves as a baby in ways that we never could through a normal image so I think that's very very special uh next we had uh some tests with people and the people tests were quite different let me jump and see some other ones here uh where are we Sonic kit yeah I wanted to show off my kids Sonic outfit so I tried to do one quite quickly this was uh definitely not well lit enough and he moved so it kind of is a bit blurry but still shows off a little bit of what you can see right there here we have the Jillian gplat that we recorded in about 10 seconds just moving the phone right around her in a circular pattern it was able to create this kind of a scene uh consider considering I did not as I said spend any time on this I just took the phone and I wentop like that and was able to just get this uh really really cool quick scene so yeah and she then of course tried to do the same thing to me was able to come up with some uh pretty cool stuff here I mean you're able to see and uh without these little artifacts there which we can clean up with some other software it still allows me to do some really really cool things here W all right yeah that's super cool I mean come on it's it's really weird but this was just with uh about 5 Seconds of recording all she did was take the camera and move it up and down and it was able to create an image that shows underneath and a little bit but not really anything on the sides cuz we didn't move the camera on the sides so even with some basic basic video tests it was able to do some really creative cool things as I also mentioned you can pretty much use any point of Interest Drone footage of an object and be able to recreate that area and see it for yourself as you can see these cool mining Machinery pieces are right here and as I zoom out I'm able to actually go back here and get the this angle on these caterpillars or these land movers right here in the distance it's just really incredible how much detail you can actually get from this and how useful this can really be for you here's a random knife case in the middle of a general store in Wyoming I mean I just walked by it and I thought hey that would be a cool one to test out with the reflections I spent about 15 seconds recording it and I was able to get something that looked just like this I can now go back and look at all the cool items that are in here I can see them from different angles uh and it's truly truly incredible the different abilities that I'm going to be able to use and have with this software oh that's right I also made an interactive scene of the outside of the store because it's just that easy I pulled out my cell phone and I walked around it I did one pass from left to right I did not do two I just did one pass walking from left to right around the building and then once I got over here I stopped right over here and I hit upload and about 20 minutes later I got this amazing cool gplat or Interactive scene that I can now remember and keep with me forever uh so yeah there we go in uh tens Flur Wyoming we got this dirty Sally's General Store and as I'm showing you in the b-roll there were so many different incredible scenes that I was able to come up with I got a lot of my best scenes while I was riding my bike around Clear Water the other day because of the lighting you have to make sure that you have good lighting to make good quality interactive scenes or at the very least not a lot of artifacts or slow movements or blurry pictures there are definitely a lot of techniques that I still need to learn to make myself become better at this what's truly amazing is how easy it is to use this technology and how quickly it's advancing there's no doubt there's a lot of opportunity for tools and things to exist to help us in the future and I'm looking forward to those as they evolve Station Square Park all right look at that fountain look at that Fountain hey Julian all [Music] right so why wait it's time to dive into the world of interactive scenes with Luma Ai and start capturing your memories in a way that you never never imagined before feel free to check out the links in the description for almost all of the interactive scenes that I've shown off in this video I want to make sure you guys have the ability to play with them take a look at them on your computer or your cell phone and see how cool it is and after that make sure you get a chance to try them for yourself and please when you do make a cool interactive scene make sure to comment on the video and show them to me I'd love to see them for myself possibly feature them in a future video and and generally I just want to interact with you guys and and understand a little bit more about who you guys are and what you're doing with these Cool Tools uh and I'm really really interested to see some of the amazing things that you come up with so make sure you put those links in the comments and I'm excited to see what you come up with and because this video is going on too long already I'm going to have to make a few others to show you some of the other cool tools that are available with Luma AI not to mention they've got the flythroughs and just some really cool things uh and I'm excited to work more and more with this app as it is something that's very user accessible and friendly also I do have future gajian Splat videos that are going to come out with more information about how to use the cber videos the sibr videos as well as some Nerf studio uh tutorials with the camera pads anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you haven't yet make sure you jump on subscribe and I'm excited to share with you guys some more examples some more tools some more knowledge and tutorials here in the future so thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Reality Check VR
Views: 3,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Gaussian Splatting, Gaussian Splatting, Gaussian Splats, 3DGS, ai tools, ai, artificial intelligence, nerf, nerf technique, LUMA AI, Luma AI Tutorial, photography tech, 3D photography, interactive scenes, digital photography, 3D visuals, real-time rendering, photorealistic scenes, tech tutorial, mobile photography, 3D modeling, 3D capture, memories in 3D, Interactive Scenes with Luma AI, nerfstudio, SIBR Viewers, Cell Phone Gaussian Splats, radiance field, how to
Id: puD_sDUBGTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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