6 tools to edit 3D Gaussian Splatting models.

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[Music] hello boys and girls it's O here and greetings from very snowy Finland it's been two months since this gaussian splatting craze started and I think it is good time to check out what kind of editing tools have been developed in that time although the development around this topic is very fast and new applications appear all the time I thought I could now review some of the latest editor programs or plugins that can change the structure of the cian point cloud and since I have already covered this topic in my previous videos we already know that currently 3D gaussian splatting models can be created in at least three different ways you can calculate them locally on your own computer using inria's original source code or you can use two separate web services like polycam or Luma AI to generate these great looking 3D models in all these cases a new type of splat ply Point Cloud file will be created which further manipulation we will now start to study I found at least six different ways that gaussian splatting models can be processed at the moment so let's go check them out this first one is the project tool that is developed for unity game engine as far as I know this was the first tool that came into public at the just a few days after the publication of the gaussian splatting papers its creator the Lithuanian coder Aras pranovich has been developing it ever since and it includes for example a very clever way to compress the size of the point cloud files it currently has the best and clearest selection tool for removing single points and cleaning up Splat screws although its selection feature are somewhat lacking they can be overcome when combined with multiple cutout tools I made an in-depth tutorial on using this tool in my previous video so I recommend you to check it out if you want to learn more about this one the best feature of this Unity tool are cleaning floating artifacts and the fact that the end result can be exported and saved back as a Ply file this tool is free to use use under the MIT license and can be found on the [Music] GitHub next one is 3D gaussian plugin and it is a plugin for unreal game engine first version of this game available just about same time as the unity tool Japanese developer Genji aaba has built this plugin from scratch around the niak particle system and it displays go spling Point clouds as a blocks there is a way to change Point Cloud colors and make adjustments for the rendering accuracy in later update versions this tool has been added also features to use lights to re eliminate the models and it also works in VR mode when you want to use unreal's Virtual Reality functions it has some tools to limit the size of the point Cloud areas and use multiple cutout elements but these box saved cropping volumes are not very responsive and easy to use in some reason it cannot display Splats in real time while the cropping volumes is moved that's why cleaning the floating artifacts with this editor is quite time consuming and hard to do but since this is based on particles on the other hand it can be used for f effects and various distortions of the model in the most recent update to this plugin the possibility to combine several gaussian models together and save them back in plyy format has been implemented this pluging is not free it cost a little bit over100 and can be purchased from the unreal Marketplace as a third option we have Luma ai's recent update to the plug-in which is also made for unreal game engine this is great release just after Luma AI introduced interactive scenes to their web services now the same gaussian models can be used in the game engine and it renders gaussian Point Cloud surprisingly fast and runs them a very high FPS level this plugin works in the latest unreal 5.3 version and it is able to display also Nerf models as it was originally designed the relighting features of the models also works without difficulty it is very responsive and shadows are also included and by default Luma has added four cutout boxes to each gaussian models which make it easy to crop the model and remove floating artic effects VR features also work but not yet in Standalone headsets virtual reality goggles must be still connected to a computer to view gaussian models in them the only feature this blocking lacks is the ability to export and save the edited model back to plyy format but otherwise it is very promising Contender as it is completely free free to use and can be downloaded from the lumabs website with number four we have slightly more experimental option which is implemented for plender it was created by French coder Alexandri Kier this plugin is not really able to render gaussian splatting points exactly as they are intended but it quite cleverly uses blender's geometry not and brings the cium point Cloud to view through the cycles rendering engine and because its appearance in this form does not correspond to the speed at which gaussian models usually work it is quite difficult to use or edit the individual points in the model but since you can bring the gaussian point Cloud into blender in this way you can Implement all kind of fun animations and play tricks with its structure I recommend Watching Max noak's videos on this topic he shows how to install this add-on and how bring the point Cloud to life personally I would wait for a more official publication about cian plooding for plender but this plugin is free and it can be downloaded from GitHub about number five I have to say frankly that I don't know much about it is a new Unreal plugin that has only been released very recently it was published by Chinese developer ye I believe this tool works very similarly to the previously introduced unreal plugins but what catches the ey in its feature list is the ability to generate a Collis mesh around gropped Point Cloud that setting can be very necessary if you want to use gaussian models as an interactive object in games the product in itself looks quite interesting and its author has many previous Publications but to be honest it is quite expensive and since there is no more detailed examples of its functions for example in form of a video I will leave this mainly for your information this blockin is not free it cost over €175 and you can find it in the unreal Marketplace well then last but not least number six is very new tool called super Splat this tool is different from the previous ones because you don't need to install anything for it it works directly in the web browser super spats is developed by Will ECOT and Donovan Hudson from UK it is designed to run on a web-based game engine called play canvas the editor itself is quite straightforward you just need to drag the plyy file into this web page to start editing it it can overlap gaussian Splats at the same time as the underlying Point Cloud you can select desired points from model with several different ways you can use either very effective brush tool or the selction rectangle to pick up groups of points from the point Cloud this way you can easily isolate the points from the desired areas and then make for example an inverted selection to remove surrounding areas with super Splats you are able to make additional selections and also subtract points out from your selections after a little experiment you will notice that super Splat is quite an effective tool for cleaning floating artifacts although the transition between the selection tool and rotating the view angle feels quite awkward you get used to it after a while and if you feel like you made big mistakes when removing Splats you can press the reset button to restore the original dots since this tool is also only in a very early beta version it naturally contains limitations when edited model is saved and exported not all features such as sperical harmonic data is not saved with the file all in all super Splat seems like a very promising gausian splatting editor that makes it easy to make cuts and clean up your model it is free tool to use and it can be found in this URL well here were all six current tools that I found and that can be used to modify the structure of gaussian spling models have you came across other tools or do you know of an interesting application leave a comment below and if you like this video press the like button also subscribe to my channel if you want to continue to hear more about the possibilities of these 3D tools see you next time thanks for watching
Channel: Olli Huttunen
Views: 6,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, vfx, neural radiance fields, Gaussian Splattig, Pointcloud, unreal engine 5, Unity, Blender, playcanvas, gaussian splatting tutorial, 6 tools to edit, tools to edit 3dgs, edit gaussian splatting, point cloud editors, 3DGS, edit 3D point clouds, LumaAI, Polycam, Inria, UE plugins, Unity tool, Web editor, 6 different ways, 6 editors, Spherical harmonic data, 3d scanning, 3d models, photogrammetry, List of tools
Id: 9pWKnyw74LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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