3D Gaussian Splatting First Impressions

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okay guys I got 3D gaussians for Real Time Radiance field rendering here and uh this this is this is my first data set where I use my own data um I think about an hour to train this data to the like full 30 000 iterations but my goodness the quality is insane compared to anything else I've gotten enough Nerfs to be honest I even did the same data set which I'll show in a different video comparison or a different article I showed this against uh the nerfacto big model and it was uh not not it's not even close so um the weird thing about this using this this this gaussian GUI is that like it's like a two-handed move around so I like my wazed is like backwards forwards left right but then it's like what uh i k to pitch and H and L to to rotate so it's kind of like this two-handed thing uh to move around but here I'm just looking around at these I'm getting these wires this was a data set that was captured and I get off off there it was captured with uh mavic 3 Enterprise in a helix pattern so it was actually not the like dentist scan of this this Tower but just what I'm getting graphically is insane I could never build this whole scene um if I was trying to do it using like traditional 3D methods of photogrammetry would not look this good you got all these like little pigs I even got this little cable all those things and photogrammetry would be gone um I'm just going to switch my view I do better with this trackballs kind of like your drag around still sometimes hard to like rotate but uh what continent I is um guy was with was just sitting against his van on his phone I mean flying the drone look at that I mean he's there and he's like not just blurry mush uh the background looks amazing um whoa I don't know what's happening here the background looks really good um all the trees I have a different one where the camera is oriented more horizontally this one it was pitched down about like this orientation as it flew into Helix pattern like a spiral up but you can see like I had some ground control markers that are um you know depends I was nowhere near this Viewpoint looking at these but they still turn out okay um this looks awesome if I wanted to recreate this for like a a virtual fly around build a I don't know query assets and stuff this is really cool so like I never saw this view down here so things get this kind of interesting ghostly look but that's to be expected you can't just make up perfect data when you never saw it but um just this compound look at this thing I mean I was not even close to the ground when we flew this drone and we were picking up like the the the these guards just awesome I didn't even know that wood was up there when we were first at this um and getting the wires again I didn't get like the best views of the wires from the Drone but you can still follow like look at individual wires A lot of that detail is just like blur with instant NGP and narfacto and Luma and all that um this is nuts this is like awesome oh and may I point out that this is running at UH 60 frames per second I think I can uncap it I mean that's what my monitor maxes out at is 60 FPS so I'm sure you could go higher um and you can play around with some things I haven't really had time to explore the GUI again I don't have time to work on this until the weekend but I look forward to it here's your Splats of full size but you can like pull down the Splats and look at the key points that were um pulled out or the splash as they get small um I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this all works um that lips I just might crash it but here's the initial points as well so again this is like your sparse Point cloud from coal map which although everything still has some structure from motion as a base component um but if I go back to Splats it just fills it all in so like not too much to show here except for I know it works and I was excited because this weekend I was going to steal a little bit of time away from the family to do like a here's how to do this this was like I don't know I think two uh 300 in photos or so and they were all 20 megapixels instead of down sample it down to about 1 6 1.6 um megapixel per image but that's fine you could go with big bigger I don't know if I'd wrote it ran out of Ram or not but uh the quality on this is just insane look for you guys's uh feedback on this and uh thoughts out to Hawaii
Channel: The NeRF Guru
Views: 89,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Gaussian Splatting, Radiance Field, NeRF
Id: kShNYOuDnlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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