Milo Yiannopoulos Is Savage Bruh!

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he's been dubbed the poster boy of the far right and the internet's ultimate super villain and even before milo yiannopoulos super villain this is the kind of reaction he gets riots erupted at the university of california at berkeley as students protested his controversial views ultimately shutting down a planned speaking english and he's coming to australia in december so who is milo yiannopoulos and what exactly does he stand for well we're going to ask the man himself because he joins us now from new york city this morning [Applause] thank you thank you so much thank you for having me well um you have your critics call you anti-semitic homosexual hating white supremacist yet you've publicly said that you are a proud gay man you're you are you have jewish heritage and you just recently married your black boyfriend congratulations lots of people they called him homosexual hating and they call him racist [Laughter] and he married black too and he's cake oh my gracious i don't i don't think i can write these cute thank you so much lots of people want to label you so tell us what does what does milo stand for well i'm a free speech activist so sometimes i say outrageous and controversial things sometimes i'm a jokester and a trickster and a loki-esque figure um the political left the you know the the feminists and the social justice warriors and the you know leftist journalists don't like me very much and call me a variety of names because they find me difficult to categorize they don't understand how a gay guy could have these opinions or or whatever i don't really fit into any box so i represent sort of a threat to them because i'm persuasive and charismatic and have a huge fan base they just really don't know honest as well darling also very humble very humble because milo i i'm a feminist and i'm proud to oh is she a fan or is she against him because he just now said feminists don't like him very much because milo i i'm a feminist and i'm proud to be a feminist and a lot of what you say that's okay i'm sure i'm sure they'll cure you soon there's chemotherapy no no no no what i suppose of course everyone is entitled to of you and to free speech but the issue that i have with you and i suppose a number of critics have with you is that you seem to just stir up hate for the sake of it because you want to get a reaction because you want to provoke and you don't seem to then take the consequences for that i don't think it's fair to say i stir up hate i mean most people would admit i think if they're if they're being fair and reasonable it's very difficult to describe yourself as not a feminist if you're in public life and that's an enforcement of a particular political orthodoxy that is not shared by the majority of the public i mean very few women describe themselves as feminists fewer than one in five in america just seven percent in england i'm sure the numbers for australia being a very sensitive uh very sensible country are about the same you know the ideas that are being enforced in popular culture and on tv are not views reflected in the public and the gap between the media and people at home is growing all the time that's my insight and that's what i seek to expose and ridicule and have fun with um it's perfectly fine if you're a feminist my problem isn't that my problem is you it is not you personally but my problem is with those feminists who require us all in public to say we are too when we might not be we might think that feminism has run its course and had it had its day you know um i'm not particularly interested in anybody else's specific positions what i'm interested in is an open marketplace of ideas uh you know a fair open uh you know system where everybody can express themselves without fear of censure without fear of professional disaster or social you know uh peril just because they cracked the wrong joke on twitter or because you know they use the the wrong language at work can i interrupt for a second milo because just pick up on what jess says um you do throw these social hand grenades out there and you do say things like feminism is cancer but if you drill down past the headlines um and and read some of your work i've read your book i've i've listened to a number of your podcasts you do make some fair points but do you think this kind of outrageous stick that you have is hurting you and turning people off listening to you no i think the opposite is happening i mean millions of people on facebook are sold out tour um there you go being humble again but hey y'all ass y'all asked and he just let y'all know well well if i look at the majority of people that i'm hearing from um they kind of fool with me they like me so um i know there's people out there that don't but for the most part you know they they kind of like me out there love me even and by the way sydney is completely sold out now we're adding a new date on the 30th of november very obviously the opposite is true there is a huge appetite for somebody who doesn't mind thumbing their nose and sticking their tongue out and pointing their middle finger up at the skulls and the nannies and the people who want to tell us how to look milo you do years conservatives but you do more than stick your tongue out i mean because of the sorts of things you've written along the lines of islam is a cancer feminism is a cancer i never wrote that actually that was invented by a journalist the feminism is true you rally your followers uh for hate campaigns there was leslie jones who was in ghostbusters what do you mean by hate campaigns i mean this was invented by the media i wrote a review of ghostbusters i don't want to get into little details but but i wrote a review of ghostbusters that defended her it is no no the little detail is that actually actually i wrote a review of ghostbusters that defended her then some people said some mean things about her and i was blamed we don't blame beyonce when her fans say mean things to taylor swift you know justin bieber followers who said incredible racist things about some mean people and i went on cnn and i said it was horrible and i said it was terrible but i'm not responsible for what they say i'm responsible for what i said over consequences i like that i like that he's responsible for what he says he's not responsible for everything that his dagger followers say they're passionate about supporting their guy and they might not know the heart that he comes from they might just see the the you know the bear the one liner or you know i mean but they probably know a bit more that he might not be privy to at the moment and they want to point that out it could be something positive it could be something negative but at the end of the day he ca he ain't got no dagger on puppet strings on his supporters at all no one does something they said it was terrible responsible for what they say i'm responsible for what i say over consequence of what you say because i think there is so much hate in the world and you seem to think it's funny you you seem to sort of think oh i do think no no but it's not fun well most of what's characterized is hate and abuse and harassment this is all a sort of a hysterical drumming it's like a moral panic by the media the reality is that some people in power don't like jokes being made about them and i'm perfectly happy to tell jokes about powerful people because they can take it i don't tell jokes about ordinary private citizens i don't ruin the lives of private citizens like journalists do gawkers journalists who destroyed that woman justin because she told the wrong joke i tell jokes about people in power i tell jokes about politicians celebrities journalists uh university professors i tell jokes about people in positions of huge institutional power who can take it i punch up not down um you know and i tell jokes that a lot of people find funny music now the actions what you do is that because you continue this hate it then encourages other people to think you know what this is all right you're calling it hey you uh threats of rape made against them on twitter you think that's over egging the pudding do you well you're implying that i'm responsible for rape threats now we're on the basis of no evidence whatsoever i don't i don't think milo why do you think i'm responsible for rape threats you're talking about people i think that i think you might be i think you might be misled by news report i'm probably the most lied about person in america if not in the world i think and i and i and i sincerely believe that that you are are you know being straight up with me and and are conducting the interview with integrity but i think that you've been misled by inaccurate press reports about what i have personally actually done i think milo i think bro that's what i'm telling you and hopefully you listen to me for the remainder of this uh interview or this uh conversation that you're having with them um i need you to be straight to the point bro like right now you're trying to you're trying to say the correct things or trying not to say the incorrect thing that can you know add more smut to your name your jacket but at the end of the day man if she's just gonna put that out there she should be able to um present some bit of evidence right now as we speak bruh to show why she backs that um why she believes what she believes uh and very often you'll find because i'm in the midst of these culture wars in america which are very bloody and very dirty full of name calling and false accusations right the way up to the washington post i think that you've been misled um if you can tell me if you can give me a specific instance of something well let me just finish my point and then i'll tell you why i call him daddy if you can think of a specific instance in which i have ever said anything that has directly given rise to rape threats of some women please tell me because i don't know what it no no no no no no no no is leslie let me tell you leslie jones um not to get too much into this because i've been over it so many times but leslie jones was was responsible for targeted harassment on that platform i wasn't um leslie jones was you know retweeting all kinds of stuff about me i know i barely mentioned her except to crack a joke about her looks which i'm entitled to do if i can't comment on a celebrity being ugly then you know literally the routine yeah but you've got to take a consequence for it um you know and all the stuff you did with games you know i do i you know this this lady right here this lady she's not she i'm sure she's very intelligent i'm sure she has earned her spot on whatever she's doing on this and on this show and everything i'm not going to try to diminish her at all but i will say based off of how she's presenting herself and talking to she knew milo was coming on to the um show she's not presenting anything of substance to this gentleman like at the end of the day if you're gonna have such a strong argument and you're gonna try to pit him against i mean um you're gonna try to get him to be held accountable or take some consequences for the allegations she's throwing out she should have some specific she didn't think that he was going to say well if you're saying that well could you please provide me with a specific um as to when this happened not to when i was calling somebody ugly like come on you called them ugly so that's that's the specific right there that's when people started harassing this person saying that they was gonna rape them what if you don't get the hell off the show who invited her she knew he was coming she could have been well better far better prepared she didn't take this seriously and then that's an atrocity right there in my opinion in my in my most humble opinion okay let's get i accept i accept responsibility for my own actions and you can throw out names like gamergate which your viewers are not going to understand but the reality is i took the side of what i considered to be um you know consumers over the establishment the consumers actual video gamers who were worried about their art form being poisoned by social justice just like social justice has ruined comic books ruined hollywood ruined the academy ruined journalism and everybody agrees that 65 percent of people in america think the press routinely makes stuff up why politics the left and i you know we didn't want that same thing to happen to video games so we resisted it and for our trouble we were called all manner of terrible things and accused of things we did not do because you trolled women that's why all kinds of things get through do we have did i troll women can i just ask you you seem to be accusing me you're accusing me of things that i never did i'm responsible for what i do i'm much more interested by the way in your question about daddy and about daddy donald trump um i i called him that because i think it ever sort of annoys everybody but also because it reflected the role that donald trump was playing in culture and in society at the time he was one of those people that kind of slightly made you cringe sometimes made you a little embarrassed sometimes but was basically right basically had your your interests at heart and if you you know if you're stuck by him you knew he was going to look after you in the end i found that a lot of female voters who you might not have imagined would vote for trump because of perhaps his locker room talk or whatever were were voting for him anyway and they loved him why because he was this strong masculine figure who projected strength and and maybe a little mcchismo versus the previous president who was you know limp wristed and and useless and and nev never inspired her there were no women fainting in the aisles or or you know light headed on the shades long for obama towards the end um but they were for trump and i found it fascinating and so anyway i called him daddy and annoyed the left and the right which is exactly where i live hold on hold on wait wait wait wait i know some women who would have given obama to draws i do i know some women who would have given obama the draws and some of these women are extremely popular and you know i mean the celebrities that are out there it's it's a bunch of them like they would have cheated on they would have tried to take them from michelle in a minute if they thought he would have come along but michelle had guns her her arms man she got some strong guns bro they wouldn't mess with those guns because if you catch one of michelle's guns bruh you gotta be a man to take one then punches you ain't gonna be no woman taking one them punches so they weren't about to mess with that's that um that's my contribution to this part of the um this segment both sides are upset with me that's that's what i want i want i want both conservatives and liberals mad with me then i know that i'm probably okay i just wanna are you the subject of fake news then of course of course i mean any conservative in public life is gonna be routinely you know lied about demeaned ridiculed look look at how hard they come at me they've called me a pedophile apologist when actually i'm the victim of it they've called me a neo-nazi you know white supremacist when actually white supremacist neo-nazis hate me the daily stormer which is the biggest white supremacist blog in the in the world declared a holy crusade against me no one reported that uh you know they threatened to boycott where i worked until where i worked fired me nobody reported that the fact is the far left and the far right both hate me equally but it's only the left that gets reported and i consistently because i'm effective gets smeared as far right when somebody calls me far right what they actually mean is i'm right-wing and really good at my job i'm right-wing and i'm persuasive and this far-right label is something that the media does to attempt to suggest that i'm beyond the pale and not fit for public consumption well guess what i am and millions of people agree my book despite no mainstream media interviews despite no reviews in the mainstream press was on the new york times bestseller list for five weeks you don't get that by being some crazy hateful crank you get that by telling jokes and telling the truth that ordinary people want to hear congratulations bro congratulations man that's that's huge you get that by telling jokes and telling the truth that ordinary people want to hear and by and by speaking truth to power all of my readers understand it because they actually read what i say instead of reading what people say about me and all of my viewers and my fans and the people who come to my shows get it because they actually listen to me instead of what left-wing journalists say about me i certainly understand milo and um and when you speak you're you know you're often very funny often um very witty uh and a lot of what you say is often very interesting i remember listening to a speech you gave at one of the universities where you talked about you know the you know the origin of religion and the role of marriage and protecting women's rights making it about consent and i loved history and i thought that was very interesting and you raised a lot of very good and unfashionable points and then it sort of veered off into something along the lines of and you know aren't all feminists ugly or something like that i just kind of wondered if i mean have you become now a sort of captive of some of these uh a bunch of sort of followers or a sort of mob that wants to cheer and shout when you say things like that that actually doesn't get you i mean i kind of get the feeling that donald trump wouldn't actually get you he wouldn't actually understand half the jokes you're making well daddy never gets the daddies never get the children but um no i i don't i don't think that's i don't think this man calls trump daddy he said daddies never get their children to jokes the daddies never get their children but um no i i don't i don't think that's i don't think that's true i think what i do is weave highbrow and lowbrow in my columns you'll see you know low rent jokes and you're like oh that was low hanging fruit or oh do you have to be so mean it was like news flash gay guys can be cassie um you know i i tried to blend i tried to blend low culture with theology with history with sociology with science so you come to one of my talks you know i did a talk about how fabulous christmas was which i think is the one you're referring to um yeah you know i was talking i was talking in theological terms about how the church invented marriage as a way of protecting women uh and how that comes from from you know catholic traditional um my my talk 10 things i hate about islam which was obviously provocatively titled then went into the theological differences between christianity and islam the conception of god being different that you know how how to practice faith i try to blend lowbrow and brows and it's very unnerving and i don't want to eat a rubber band that's part of your frustration threatening you make a lot of good points about the sensoriousness of the left and the outrageous things that's happening that are happening on us campuses now where they are just shutting down debate and banning people and calling anyone they disagree with a fascist but i guess it sort of gets undermined when you unleash these kind of primal forces that we're seeing in politics now on the experience no but it's only it's only journalists it's only journalists who think that my position on this is undermined by my language here everybody else loves it it's only journalists because they're so earnest and high-minded and stuffy and pompous no offense i'm not talking about you but i've got other journalists who say this stuff you know he most certainly is talking about you y'all are too tight booty huh missing the day going sometimes you get so locked in on the delivery that you missed the message and sometimes you're so difficult and so judgmental on the messenger that you missed the message stuffy and pompous no offense i'm not talking about you but but other journalists who say this stuff you know um we're just getting to know one another so i don't know what you think but other journalists who say this stuff you know they said you can't possibly use this language you know give me a break if i want to say that feminists are fat and ugly which by the way most of them are then i will you know the same time to talk about if i want to say at the same time that you know if i want to make a complex historical point about the different emergencies of strands of feminism if i want to talk about the virtues you know of equity feminism versus whatever i can be both and i can do both and you know what it shows when people are upset about those two things it shows that there's a double standard at work you are perfectly happy for jon stewart for uh you know good bro talk about the double standard that's that's what i'm talking about for uh bill maher for uh you know um stephen colbert to blend highbrow and lowbrow to be both comedians and cultural commentators to be clowns and historians you're perfectly happy when a left-winger does it but for trevor noah to be clowns and historians you're perfectly happy when a left-winger does it but for some reason now i've arrived i'm the first person on the right ever to do it and suddenly people like wait you're not supposed to do that conservatives aren't supposed to behave like this wait you can't be real and funny and dangerous and also a bit offensive and be able to talk about nietzsche and sartre and heidegger and and deca what what is going on here well i'm sorry but this is a double standard we've had it for decades on the left well now you have it on the right welcome to the new era um you know and if people don't like it and people can't cope with with my blend of of of elevated discourse as well as low-rent cattiness that merely demonstrates their own hypocrisy uh the fact is most people do they come to my shows in droves which is why we're sold out in sydney i'm looking forward to selling tens of thousands of copies of my book when it goes on sale november 2nd in australia um and i can't wait to to to explore the country because australia's i think now my number three uh place for fans millions of australians watch my stuff they come to read my columns and watch my videos um i think australia needs saving from their own media or adelaide perth melbourne sydney and the gold coast from november all right that was dope i enjoyed that i like the fact that he ain't back down he did not back down he started out a little bit trying to protect what he was going to say but then after a while he said you know what screw this let's do this y'all are being hypocrites y'all being hypocrites so i'm not going to be one i'ma stick to my guns and i'm glad he did i mean he he stuck to his guns don't you think he sucks his guns i think he stuck this dag on guns i want to hear what y'all guys say about this in the comments below and if you have yet to hit that subscribe button please make sure you do so on your way out the door once again guys i'm van and now we are all the lfr family and i look forward to seeing you on the next video and hopefully inside of the patreon as well y'all have been amazing per usual man love y'all keep doing your thing and happy fourth of july all right love y'all
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Keywords: lfr family, reaction, lfr family reactions, van hall, reaction video, reactions, lfr family reaction, Milo Yiannopoulos Is Savage Bruh!, Milo Yiannopoulos, debate, feminism, conservatives, liberals, Milo Yiannopoulos debate, Milo Yiannopoulos reaction, Milo, Milo Yiannopoulos savage, Milo interview, Milo Yiannopoulos interview, free speech, studio 10, Milo Yiannopoulos free speech, lfr family Milo, lfr family feminism, feminist, Milo vs feminist, lfr family free speech, reacting, react
Id: gMtOLvrSsnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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