This Woman Right Here… Wow

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what's up y'all welcome back thank you so much again for clicking play on the lfr families videos when you could have clicked play on any video on youtube so thank you so much for joining me uh reason why i'm checking this out right here is uh i'm checking out candice owens i i'm speaking at cpac in 2020 i'm doing this for two reasons one because a great supporter of the channel forwarded this to me and asked me to check it out and a lot of the videos this person has asked me to check out has been on point so um you know i trust him and i learned a lot from him the second reason why i'm checking this out is because candace owens uh i have so much respect for her all right i didn't like her at first um and i didn't even know her well that's usually why you don't like somebody because you don't know enough about them right but um but she's speaking and i actually have ambitions to to speak places once i have something to talk about i think i got something to talk about i mean do you have to have social proof in order to get up there and talk and inspire and encourage and just tell your story it could be anybody that you can that you can help so with that way of thinking um i would like to do that one day so if you know anybody in the dmv area dc maryland and virginia um that's uh that that need speakers or something like that for within my name i would like to try it i promise i won't embarrass you okay so candace owens is about to speak at this 2020 cpac y'all let me know what y'all think in the comments and let's talk a little later all right all right ladies and gentlemen please welcome candace owen wow yeah watch this questions watch this can you guys hear me all the way in the back yes we can hear you can this i love you guys too all right i'm to get right into this um you remind me so much my dag-gone daughter is crazy okay let's go so i said to my husband the other day that it's become apparent to me over these uh last few years that the left has no idea that the world did not begin in 1776 three years of traveling the country and facing off with hysterical liberals and that is my scientific conclusion that they haven't the slightest idea that anything exists or that anything ever existed outside of the united states of america and let me give you a recent example you will all recall when the left which in my opinion has morphed into a doomsday cult feverishly and accurately predicting that everything president trump says or does will end america uh but you all recall when they once again prophesized our doom when iranian terrorist suleimani was slain in a military operation you remember that right this is the beginning of world war three their headlines read they promised us we were going to head straight into world war iii it was a remarkable day because it was the day that we watched democrats and liberals the ones who have been shrieking about sexism misogyny and the need for more feminism turn into passionate defenders of the state of iran the country whose constitution quite literally states that a woman's life is worth half that of a man's a car and you know it's wild and i'm gonna let y'all go ahead and listen to this but what's wild is uh people actually wanted something to happen from that who would possibly want war huh be surprised be surprised because if it does happen then it makes the person that we believe was the culprit was the reason why it all happened it would make them look bad we want people to die on your watch when it comes to wanting somebody to look bad or wanting somebody to trip up and and not succeed in a thing especially if we don't agree with them don't like them don't trust them don't respect them can care less if we have to some cut off our nose despite our face and that right there is is uh is detrimental to the entire country but people don't think about that a lot quite literally states that a woman's life is worth half that of a man's a country where women are punished by law for up to 10 years in prison if they are caught not wearing a veil suddenly became the apple of the left's eye and a place where people where women are still stoned stoned to death if they cheat on their husbands if they commit adultery yeah yeah yeah and when i when i heard that too i was like man come on what now if i'm wrong trout said to my mind not my heart i don't mean to lead anybody astray this is actual information that i learned a minute ago a while ago and um and it just freaking blew my mind just what i shared of course the war never happened but in the midst of their delirium a tweet went out from resident anti-american caller colin kaepernick and uh the tweet read exactly and i quote there is nothing new about american attacks against black and brown people for the expansion of american imperialism america has always sanctioned and besieged black and brown bodies american militarism is the weapon wielded by american imperialists to enforce its policing and plundering of the non-white world end quote fascinating now just so y'all know and i'm not going to keep on talking stopping this a lot i promise but um there are a great deal of uh people out there who believe every single thing that colin kaepernick just now said all right anything white is not right okay if they white you can't trust them if they white they're going to do exactly what other white people did to black people they're going to enslave us they're going to take advantage of us they're going to use us to ex to achieve a goal and then they're going to cut off our heads to destroy our families um is it's unfortunate that um so many people are learning these things lacking any evidence of where um that these things are actually happening as a matter of fact they got 20 000 more 20 000 more examples of positive stories positive situations that happen versus like all the onesie twosies like oh we're gonna focus on that because we know we want to hold them accountable we don't hold them accountable then they're gonna keep on trying to do what would uh what they've been doing to us it's always a they against us type of situation and um all i'm gonna say to anybody that's out there um speaking that rhetoric to anybody be careful with that man be careful with that especially if you out there achieving goals yourself you're out there living safely yourself you're you're accomplishing things you and your family have never even dreamt of accomplishing and you're changing you're you're you're breaking generational curses but you're still out there speaking to others um putting as much fear in and vitriol and other people so that they can feel the way that you feel i think that is um that's extremely irresponsible the non-white world end quote fascinating a rant about black and brown bodies being imperialized a word that i must assume colin either doesn't know the definition or the history of used in defense of iran and so of course you know me on twitter i felt it necessary necessary to mention to colin gently of course you know i'm very nice on twitter to mention to colin that that particular country of brown and black bodies used to be known as persia and rather unfortunately for his implied thesis regarding their perpetual victimhood at the hands of white people persia used to be an empire quite literally an imperial dynasty for 200 years almost as long as america has been alive it was once the most powerful state in the world imperializing regions from egypt to india regions of you guessed it black and brown people and while i have to say that i was not shocked to learn that colin kaepernick has evidently never picked up a historical textbook i will say that's i mean but but i mean was she when she said that um when it comes to american history and she said he never picked up a historical um textbook it might have come off as a joke but i don't know if y'all saw my last video of caitlyn young young little lady uh walking around the beach asking people questions um a lot of black people she asked these questions to as well just different historical questions that most people should know and as a matter of fact that immigrants have to learn in order to make in order to achieve citizenship of the country and uh most people myself included and i'm sure kaepernick as well did not pick up a history book um it takes certain things and certain um it takes something else for us to do that something has to happen or you got to have someone that's extremely important to you like a family and everything and then you want to start learning but other than that no you're going to pick a side you're either going to be on the side of uh moving forward and um and and trying to be as positive as possible optimistic as possible productive as possible or you're going to try to say look our product our productivity is going to be in removing people from power that are in power and and completely blowing it all up not in the figure not in the literal sense figuratively blowing it all up and just creating our own world that they can't that they they again can't take away from us so it's always um a battle and a war between people and they don't even know that they're in battle and that they're in war it's ridiculous i will say that i was shocked but he hadn't at the very least seen the movie 300. a little movie where the or the black and brown bodies are looking to imperialize the white bodies in greece maybe he thought it was all made up and fiction or maybe maybe colin kaepernick isn't earning millions to tell the truth maybe he's being paid millions to convince black and brown bodies that they are oppressed to keep them angry and confused and uneducated which could explain why on thanksgiving day of last year colin tweeted i quote the u.s government has stolen over 1.5 billion acres of land from indigenous people thank you to my indigenous family i am with you now and always end quote holiday tweets are his favorite by the way on the fourth of july he tweeted what to the american is what to the american slave is your fourth of july co-opting by the way a frederick douglass quote and stripping it of its original context uh to convey the idea that blacks owe this country not a moment of celebration i'm talking about colin because the picture that he is painting is clear and i'm using him as an example because it is so in line with the overall opinion that we are seeing come from a left today an opinion that america is a horribly racist country whose guilt cannot be untethered from her period of slavery which is interesting because if slavery is an everlasting sin from white men why was colin so clearly able to forgive that sin from american indigenous people his quote-unquote family that's an inconvenient truth you see the sin of slavery was not brought to this continent by white europeans as the left would have us imagine slavery existed everywhere in the world including here since the dawn of humanity different native american tribes weren't sitting around kumbaya eyeing over a fireplace they were trying to imperialize one another they would enslave their war captives into labor they would sometimes sell their own children they tortured others rights and depending on which tribe you were in cannibalism was even the commonplace i heard about that too but since i it's something that i don't like to do and i hope other people start doing it too i don't like to speak a lot on things i don't know i ask questions if i heard something about it i'll tell you what i heard and i'll give you my take on just what i heard and um and if i looked it up then i'll be talking a lot more um but yes these things she's saying is absolutely true but when people pick a side they gotta be all in and right now kaepernick is all in he picked the side already i don't care how many truths or facts candace owens gives to gives to him i'm given to him he and his people are doing extremely well um as activists now and i'm hearing that they're getting he's getting probably um a little more now financially um than he was getting an actual nfl so you know i mean this is a business mode for him now so at this point um you don't even want to hear any other truths opposite of what he's preaching tribe you were in cannibalism was even the commonplace oh did cannibalism get lost in colin's flowery depiction of indigenous people yes before the europeans ever landed in the americas native americans routinely cannibalized one another most notorious among them perhaps was the aztecs when the spanish colonists arrived in mexico city they were greeted by piles of over 100 000 skulls belonging to humans that had been sacrificed to the gods in fact in one archaeological dig they found the remains of 42 children all around the age of five who were sacrificed to the reign god special days required more sacrifice by the way on the inauguration of aztec's temple of major they sacrificed between twenty thousand and sixty thousand human beings in a single day man that was the people would have had daggone guns see that's see i ain't gonna get in it i ain't gonna get i'm not gonna touch it i'm not because i'm not i'm not learning enough to speak on that but if then people had guns that might not have happened but they oh my god man the type of stuff we do and then the type of stuff we ignore like we would know i'm certain somebody probably mentioned that to him and he probably think oh the white man probably made the natives do that they did that because they was tribal you know we respect them for being tribal they was able to do things the way that they wanted to do things that was spiritual to them you know it wasn't about money or anything it was about it was about you know god oh man this this country man there's so much has happened that we um it's like everyone wants to ignore something everyone wants to ignore some 20 000 and 60 000 human beings in a single day that's crazy there's ceremonies i'd like to paint a little bit for you a picture of the ceremony so ceremonies were performed in front of large crowds usually an adult male victim was held on a stone his chest was slashed open and the priest would take his still-beating heart and hold it to the sun the severed head was then placed on a rack and his remaining body was rolled down the temple where it was skinned and it was dismembered and the body parts were then distributed to the spectators to take home to eat for decades the colonists writings about the south i gotta do my own research for this man this is crazy i'm this is nuts this is nuts man for decades this is crazy colonists writings about the savage culture of native americans were dismissed here in the united states the politically correct argument was that white european men needed to wrongly portray the indigenous people to justify their own genocidal pursuits liberals in the united states even one so far as to claim that the native americans themselves had lied or rather more politically correct had men had been misunderstood in their own recorded sacred texts regarding their cannibalistic practices until science happened and anthropology in the year 2000 an anthropologist came and was hesitant to report his findings in from colorado which he characterized as definitive evidence for sporadic cannibalism in the southwest of america wow even the lying leaking new york times had to acknowledge the truth in an article that they then published entitled new data suggests cannibalism by ancient indians now i want to be clear here that my purpose in sharing all that is not to issue some sweeping condemnation of native american indians or is it to offer up a vindication for the murderous actions of the early colonists my purpose here is to simply tell the truth the truth about the history of all men of days past black men don't want to hear about the truth we want to hear okay so you're saying that uh that that the natives right the natives were they were slaves too and a white man made them eat themselves that's what you're saying okay so you're saying that the white man cut this cut the indians heart out and then passed it to the indians for them to hold it up as a some type of sacrifice human sacrifice right that's what you're saying it was the white man this just i just want to be clear it was the white man huh okay he said it was the white man he ain't saying yet but we know it's the white man that's we know about the history of all men of days past the truth about the history of all men of days past a history that is complex ugly brutish immoral and leaves no man regardless of his skin complexion guiltless but the left wants us to believe otherwise to them imperialism cannibalism murder slavery all of these undeniably unsinful acts are forgiven in a historical context so long as they were not committed by white men so they can forget the murderous persian empire they can forget the cannibalism of indigenous tribes they can forget the heinous actions of imperialistic egyptian empire the turkish empire the muslim abbasid in rashidun caliphate empires the chinese ching and ming empires the mongol empire the ottoman empire the japanese empire we can forget the fact that the overwhelming majority of the world's empire were not run by white men they also by the way they also by the way choose to forget the fact that the first to abolish the practice of slavery was great britain [Applause] they were then followed by the french colonies who were then followed by the united states centuries of slavery and three countries of white men led the world in ending it no no no don't clap you're supposed to forget it you're supposed to forget it because the leftist indoctrination teaches us today that it only really mattered slavery only really mattered when they did it the white man's history needs to never ever be forgotten but what if we're not talking about history what if we're talking about present what if we're talking about today people like colin kaepernick hate america right now and that hatred is rooted in some intangible concept of the present sin of our country's mere existence surely that must be the reason why on the fourth of july colin also tweeted how can we truly celebrate independence on a day that intentionally robbed our ancestors of theirs to find my independence i went home end quote he was referring to africa colin took a trip to ghana because in his own words he wanted to see what his people saw before they were forcefully taken away and i really want to pause and drive this point home so let me state it uh i bet if if he spoke to the correct people then he learned something that he really didn't want to know yeah he probably was covering his ears the entire time no no no no no don't tell me that don't tell me that i want to believe that it was the white man that did it that's all i want to know don't tell me anything else in lieu of celebrating his independence in america colin got on a plane and went to africa a continent upon which he found better grounds for celebration which is interesting it's interesting because currently today in africa there are close to 700 000 slaves and this is going to shock the heck out of the two woke to see what's in front of them crowd but they are not being enslaved by white people they are being enslaved by other africans child soldiers human trafficking forced labor all exist within the same sub-saharan region that the trans-atlantic slave trade took place african bodies are being sold said they were being sold then and they are not being purchased by any country of predominantly white men it's a wonder that colin never mentioned that in ghana today his beloved country country of emotional reprieve from the horror of america 20 000 children live in slavery to support the fishing industry along lake volta in fact it was leftist network cnn that covered the story last year when a boy was rescued from slavery and had explained to them that while in captivity he was made to work tirelessly and that if the famous children were caught trying to eat the fish they were beaten so senselessly that they wished that they had never been born wow why didn't colin mention any of this why haven't any of the alleged courageous leaders on black issues of oppression mentioned any of this because when you're protecting when you got when you operate under a certain code and the code is now protect you whether you're right or wrong so in his mind in his mind he believes that he's protecting black people um from the point of a family member now say you're in the family you witness a fight between um your husband and and some someone else and your husband um does something a little dirty that no one else sees but he does it so that he can survive and get away from that fight um or he um he he does it simply because ain't nobody else around and i'm not getting my butt up in front of my wife it would be when the police show up and they start asking you questions you're going to defend the people that you have chosen to represent and to defend regardless if you not looking at evidence or or whatever so that's why i it's very difficult for me to fully um trust politicians i can't fully trust politicians um that's the same thing for lawyers whether you're defensive or you're the prosecution i it's because everyone come from their own angles and they know all of the information but the whole point is to angle the information to structure the information so that the other side is held culpable um and they just completely disregard everything else like okay i know that you know how many attorneys represent um high-ranking drug dealers high-ranking criminals yeah yeah and these are people who have been sworn to um like to do their work that's like look we represent whoever just you know i gotta just don't tell me stuff you don't want me to know because i'll if i'm asked to testify i'm not gonna persia myself i mean they still purging themselves a lot as long as they know that they're not gonna get caught but that's just what a cabinet is you don't wanna hear anything that's going to make the people that he's choosing to represent right now which are he he represents us candace me and you so cameronic is out there representing you and i right so um and he's willing to look away from any type of information that makes um culpability not be in the hands of the white man all right so it's unfortunate but that's where we are right now i know see she knows they aren't leaders at all they're all extortionists yes they are she said i know she she get it [Applause] colin extorted black america to earn millions colin extorted native americans to maintain his image and colin extorted ghana for a photo op so he could continue to earn those millions but colin wasn't the first he isn't the only and he certainly won't be the last that's right that's right to al sharpton jesse jackson tanisi coats to cnn to the new york times to msnbc and their anchors to every single one of you race hustlers who have extorted black pain to line your own pockets who have blindfolded the black youth against seeing the opportunities that lay beneath their feet here in america hold on before she go on i'm not going to stop it anymore i'll let her finish um she got three more minutes i'm not going to stop it anymore i'm gonna let her finish because she's doing a remarkable job uh we also got to hold people accountable that are on the right too um who are doing the same exact thing their race hustlers their um their their country hustlers they're um they're just lying to people so that they can um elevate so that they can um achieve the goals they want to achieve so it's and just like when trump said all those good people on both sides let me tell you something there's bad people on both sides and if you're one of the good people and you're watching this right now um just stay cognizant of of those people man just and then pull their cars man pull their coattails you know what i mean let them know that that's not appreciated here all right because there's we if if if we're trying to be about integrity and and what's right then we definitely want to hold everybody to account right the black youth against seeing the opportunities that lay beneath their feet here in america in the land of the free in the home of the brave i say this to you there will be a blexit a black exit [Music] you have seen you have seen how a man was made a slave that sentence is the first half of a frederick douglass quote i like it because it rings true now i have seen how a man was made a slave i have seen how black americans have been enslaved to the debate of race how liberals how leftists how democrats continue to enchain us to this inconsequential debate while writing us while robbing us blindly of our family our faith and our future through their aborig policies you have seen how a man was made a slave then he continues the quotation and now you shall see how a slave was made a man wow the veterans nice nice so i say to to the veterans of this black ideological civil war those of us that have survived the constant onslaught in the media thrashings and fight daily to awaken our brothers and sisters to the patriots who have fought beside us cheered us on to my supporters those of you that have seen me to this point from just a girl on youtube with a different idea to the very soon-to-be published author of the aptly entitled book blackout how black america will make its second escape from the democrat plantations to all of you to all of you in this room i want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you for experiencing this journey journey with me but most importantly for seeing how this former slave to poisonous liberal ideology was made a woman was made a patriot was made an american may god bless you all good job shelby good job it's excellent excellent good job and this one's a shock man she's sharp i gotta give credit where creditors do shout out in shock keep on going keep fighting a good fight all right keep going everybody have their own reasons why they fight the way they fight or fight for who they fight for it's like you catch somebody trying to steal your car you go over there and you wrestle them off of your door so that they can't steal your car they will still fight and probably even pull out a weapon almost as if that's their car that they need to fight for they know how wrong they are but they're still going to fight for your car fight for your stuff well that's that's that's life every single day man we got people who are good and we got people who are bad or in dire straits just in bad situations and they trying to do whatever they got to do to get out of those situations um and candace almost holds them to account so thank you so much for that i do want to tell people who feel like they got to do these things the the bad things robbing other people of their hard work things that they've um they achieved even taking people's lives because you want what's theirs let me tell you something you don't have to do it that way you don't you know be uh it's a lot of people out there who claim that they have to do something who don't even realize that a lot of people who get out here and achieve great things remarkable things have had equally tough lives probably even worse sometimes but when you go through what you're going through got to see that within while you're going through it um that this is what's building you what's building your character is making you who you are and if you use that energy properly you will soar you were sore because it would create a certain dog in you a certain bit of fight in you that other people who have already had everything easily um easy and had everything handed to them they don't have that same fighting that same dog in them but when you make decisions to skip the line and just take somebody else's because you feel like you're entitled to do so that just slows you down it slows you down um mentally physically spiritually like karma wise it slows you down and if you get caught when you get caught it's going to slow you down with jail time with having a record with trying to get back out there and do things the right way so people need to take into account there's so many things that you don't have to face you don't have to live for a certain type of life and when she said the blessing movement is coming hey i believe it man because truth is the truth once people hurt or learn the truth people learn the truth it it becomes extremely effective and you don't forget that right but it's your turn y'all let me know whatever y'all want me to know in the comments below and if you have yet to hit that subscribe button please make sure you do so on your way out to do it once again guys i'm banned and now we are all the lfr family and i look forward to seeing you on the next video hopefully inside the patreon as well y'all have been amazing per usual love y'all
Views: 75,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lfr family, reaction, lfr family reactions, van hall, reaction video, reactions, lfr family reaction, Candace Owens Speaks at 2020 CPAC and then THIS Happens, Candice Owens speaks at 2020 CPAC: full video, Candace Owens, Candace Owens reaction, Candace, Candace Owens native Americans, Candace Owens history, Candace Owens speech, Candace Owens 2020 CPAC, conservative, Candace Owens race, Candace Owens race in america, liberals, candace Owens on liberals, lfr family Candace Owens, race
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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