Milo DESTROYS Feminist Over and Over Again

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just now checked out a cringe compilation and the young ladies just put me in put me in a spot where I just could not understand for the life of me why an adult would allow their children to do those things that they were doing dressed up as princesses cussing and saying things that clearly none of them understand anything about they're trying to make these kids mature way faster than they have to and that is not a good thing making children there's nothing you can tell me that's positive about making a child mature faster than they're supposed to no way no way at all why are you doing this yeah I I have no clue man but we got this next one that's coming up and I'm excited to check this out because some of them are funny they're male and female staff David Cameron believes it will help abolish unequal pay in the workforce but some argue there's no problem to solve let's get more on this with writer and broadcaster Milo yiannopoulos and journalist and author Nikki Hodgson lady's first Nikki what do you think I think it's a great idea it's brilliant that David Cameron isn't Embrace this initiative which I actually think came from labor originally um you know it doesn't need to be a finger pointy exercise I think that's the main point to make it's just a really good chance to look at how boosting women's earning power can boost the economy uh you disagree Milo well actually I think it's a great idea but not for the same reasons um the problem is that what most people don't realize the gender pay Gap is a sort of myth no Economist takes it seriously the ons figures come from broad Church sort of averages across the workforce and when you take into account the different choices women make whether or not you include um children in there actually the pay Gap Narrows to zero so I'm in favor of this only because it's going to really embarrass these campaigners who constantly um tell women that they're victims and that they're suffering under this sort of patriarchal society actually women and men get paid pretty much the same um to the point of a couple of percent um so I am in favor of it but only because it's going to explode one of the most persistent feminist myths of our time the gender pay Gap okay it Manchester zero this pay Gap no I don't think that's true at all I think the issue is that women tend to take um you know lower paid work more part-time work in these kinds of companies that's not the case but what it is going to show is how women are not very good at pushing themselves forward sometimes in the corporate environment and they really struggle to ask for what they're worth and that is a problem for all of us because ultimately that you know affects the economy affects the earning potential of these companies Mario the latest figures the percentages suggest that the gender pay graph currently stands at 19.1 which means the woman on average earns ATP for every pound a man earns um well the office for National statistics figures are based on one percent of an average right away across the industry so they don't take into account the different kinds of jobs people are doing so really the um effectively meaningless but there's a very simple question they're meaningless because they're not accounting for everyone okay let's go Milo demonstrates why this um the whole debate is nonsense and why the pay Gap is is a ridiculous um sort of fabrication and it's this if women are working doing the same work for less money why aren't companies full of women why aren't employers going out actively seeking women well they don't and they don't for some of the same reasons that um that you know women take different sorts of roles in different part-time roles women don't work as long hours as men do even if they don't have children they take longer holidays they don't make as much money for their firms they don't work the same overtime um so we can't really expect them to be compensated the same as men when they don't work as hard now that's not uh you know I don't mean I don't mean that to sound uh you know I'm kind about women women simply have different um priorities in life most women want a more Balanced Life they want time with their family they want to do to it Hobbies they want more time away on holiday they don't want to put in the work that they're sort of obsessive aggressive um you know uh or uh sort of goal-oriented male professions sometimes demand the law for example um women just aren't really interested in devoting their whole life to work in that way um and the Very broad brush figures from the ons simply reflect that what they don't show is that a woman going to the workplace is going to be paid less than a man for the same in fact under the age of 35 in the UK and the US women are paid more in the same sorts of roles and they're two to one more likely to get jobs in science and maths because employers are so desperate to hire women oh my gosh all right uh if I had a microphone here it's in one of my boxes God dang it I didn't bring it to the desk but I would drop it because that was a mic drop right there that dude they wasn't expecting for him to dump all of that on them they thought oh we got him now because I said 19 and I how could he ever come back to that come back from that yeah he showed you he's not generalizing a thriller about how hard women work no exactly I think there's hundreds of women that won't be watching this program because they're too busy working in order to argue with that point I don't think that's true at all what we really have is a social problem a problem where we uh expect women to take the burden of Family Care to care for Elder relatives and so as a result they often end up working less hard as Milo so because what they're doing is they're they're working second shifts third shifts caring for other people what we need is a culture change to allow women to be able to work out just as hard as men if they so choose and that isn't happening yet but what would be good uh you know about publishing these results is that it would pave the way for a conversation about how Society is structured so that women aren't able to function as highly as men are in some professions oh you were too gentle with him Milo are you suggesting for one second that I do not work as hard as my male colleagues I take more time off than my male colleagues well I think I am not in any way as committed as my male colleagues I think and I mean this in the nicest and most complimentary way possible you're probably atypical in most respects uh as a sort of workaholic of either gender um you're probably not typical of women you're probably not typical of anyone uh and the kind of work that you do what I'm talking about is not you know bashing women for not putting in the hours what I'm saying is in general women look for different things from life so they look to fulfill themselves to flourish in slightly different ways and you know of course if you take the if you look at the end statistics about pay they're going to reflect that that's not a necessarily a problem now when people lose the economic argument they always switch the social argument as your other guests just did and unfortunately the problem is that a lot of this is underpinned by this sort of constant victimhood complex that women are encouraged to buy into they're encouraged they're given this victimhood script about you know whether it's rape culture on campus or pay um under the average under the male average and most of it's based on ridiculous sort of social science studies that don't stand up to the me the most basic scrutiny most of it simply isn't true through and I think the majority of women don't want to be patronized don't want to be given special privileges don't want to be given special dispensation they want to go out to the workplace be paid what they're worth and of course you know if they want to raise a family they're not going to get to be CEO or not going to be get to you know raise a raise to be a partner in a law firm you can't have it all um you know you can't do all of these things and what really sort of frustrates me and I think frustrates a lot of ordinary women who you know find these sorts of debates a bit dull and a bit mystifying um is that there's some sort of somehow implicational is behind the scenes that you know that motherhood is is you know is a bad thing and it's a bad thing for a woman to Aspire to raise a family and to be a mother actually it's sort of one of the most extraordinary things that any anybody can accomplish anybody can do but there's this sort of assumption that you know well if you if you do that then we've got some special dispensation when you go back to work and pay you more and give you all these benefits and whatever rather than celebrating the unique things that women can do in society that men can't it's started off that answer Nikki by trying to compliment me and take the wind out of myself absolutely he tried to compliment you to take the wind out of yourselves no he was just letting you know that you are an anomaly that's all you and you you worked extremely hard okay so you are you know you're not the same as other women that's why you have that job you know that so don't even try to compare yourself to other women so anyway I've got no type of that argument whatsoever you know women want to do many varied and amazing things for their lives motherhood might be part of that but you know again if that's such a wonderful thing to do why are men not bending over backwards to take time off to raise their children they're not because the culture is not set up to encourage men to share the load of care you know women even when they're married and working do more uh domestic chores than men do we've seen these surveys um time and time again and I think it's really insulting to say that women you know might not be as inclined to work as hard or want different things from life there are plenty of women are hugely ambitious just look at the number of graduates that we have now women are outstripping men they're getting better degrees what we haven't seen yet is is culture change to accommodate and to reflect that and I think the other thing is that it tends to be older women often that are also in part-time work positions but we shouldn't just like leave them to flounder they're often picking up care bills for elderly parents as well as looking after children and the rest of their families so you know I just think Milo's argument ridiculous that women you know shouldn't be paid as much because they want other things from life okay Milo are we think of more time so you're gonna have to work even harder it's more than 40 years since the Equal Pay Act and yet still it is a fact that women do not earn as much as men now when I listen to the young lady talk um honestly I cannot pick her apart um as to what she's for what she's saying because she's a young lady and I'm trying to understand her point of view now I don't believe that she's doing as good of a job arguing her Point as Milo is but I do believe that some of the things she says are valid enough for there to be a conversation um because if if it weren't then she wouldn't be here for for this purpose now I do know sometimes I I do know that sometimes I know you say she's talking nonsense um and I like to I would like to emphatically be able to say that and just stand on that but right now I can't because it's like us knowing what's best for someone else we don't know right and the young lady believes she knows what's best for women and that's why the two ladies are trying to come together to go against this gentleman because they they are too um intelligent young ladies and they are being bested on a a woman conversation and subject matter by a man and they don't like that very much so they are definitely trying to let him know that you don't understand women as much as we understand women because we are women I probably didn't make any sense what whatsoever just now won't be the first time it definitely won't be the last if you stick around trust me it's gonna be many moments like this where I'm not making any sense because sometimes I can't pull my thoughts from my brain so no no I'm sorry it's not a factory you could you can only you can only say that if you take broad brush averages across all Industries and all genders and you can say the amount of money going to women is a bit less it's not I mean for one thing it's illegal to pay a woman less than a man for the same work interrupt him Nikki go on no no no don't interrupt them he didn't interrupt any one of you when y'all was talking at all he didn't interrupt he didn't interrupt it's illegal when these results are published they won't reveal anything they won't reveal any difference but they're going to that's the point I want them to be published because what they're going to show is that at all stages all else being equal the genders are paid the same or even what they might show you're saying the culture hasn't changed I think your argument's 20 years out of date the culture has changed which is precisely why there are more women going to University more women graduate from University they're getting higher grades there are two to one favored when they go for job applications particularly in science and technology and they're paid more depending on Whose figures you believe um up to the age of 30 35 or 39 it's probably about 35. and that's the part that gets on my nerves you cannot tout all the things that y'all are doing well but then when it's time to support us we need more help we need more money what are you doing you try to throw out all of the reasons why you aren't getting what you what you're supposed to be getting so that that makes no sense to me either you're doing it or you're not what is it which one is it maybe I'm not I know I'm not understanding properly but that's just is what it is women are paid more than men whatever gender pay Gap you're talking about has already been fixed but it hasn't so this is the good news for you is that um you know there isn't a problem anymore although there used to be and that if we do release these figures which I'm very excited about they're going to prove me right so I guess we'll have to wait wait and see but that's not true I mean the point is that the Gap is there still and older women in particular suffer more from it from younger women we shouldn't just leave older women you know to flounder sugary just because they were part of a generation specific explanation about where these figures come from and you haven't really addressed the um the point that I'm making what I'm saying is that you can you can only create this gender gap when you take a broad brush across all genders all sectors all work that doesn't reflect the different choices people make and employers aren't you know um don't shouldn't be forced to pay a full-time salary does not who works part-time you haven't come up with a solution to that and you haven't addressed the problem with the figures which is that no serious Economist treats the gender pay Gap as a problem to be solved no Economist thinks this is a problem because they realize what I'm what I'm explaining myself female Economist just to be clear well I mean where I get my most of my figures on this from is for it from a feminist female academic Christina Hoff summers at the American Enterprise Institute in the US who looks at the figures from the UK and the US and she this dude has an answer for every single thing that she she's she assumed that he's getting his information for I mean from men or men publication and he said no I got this from a feminist a woman they can't they can't come to him and with anything in the the host of the show she's really trying to help the other young lady out but it's not she does a broad survey of all economists so I'm I'm sure of all genders but my source for for this sort of stuff is generally Christina off summer so she is a female feminine uh sorry a female feminist academic um who is mystified that this is a this sort of feminist myth that won't die good for her uh Nikki final thought to you I just think that we need to see the figures published because then we can start analyzing the data you know publishing the numbers without any analysis of it is obviously going to be a waste of time and no use but I think David Cameron should be applauded actually for this move I'm gonna agree on that much okay uh you've both worked equally hard um both of you submit your invoices you both get paid the same thanks very much all right so there you have it man I enjoyed that that was the nice back and forth um the young lady was not prepared to go toe-to-toe with Milo um and she has some help who was the host of the show it seemed like the host of the show was purposefully being difficult to Milo because you know they probably are friends and a lot of people don't understand man a lot of these people are friends they really are they don't hate each other they're just trying to get their point of view to be respected and that's it because if you're going to continue to best my point of view then you're saying you're better than me you're saying you're smarter than me and that's not going to happen people just want to win man that's that's always about at the end of the day that's all it's about and then you know when you go to research information to support your side you're going to find um a whole slew of information out there to support whatever side you want to support you want to understand when you read something you're gonna you're gonna take in the parts that support your theory more than you taking the parts that do not so that's just how it goes man but again yeah let me know whatever y'all want me to know that was fun my low kick butt a bunch of mic drops yeah
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Keywords: lfr family, reaction, lfr family reactions, van hall, reaction video, reactions, lfr family reaction, Milo DESTROYS Feminist Over and Over Again, Milo, Milo Yiannopoulos, Milo reaction, Milo debate, debate, feminist, milo vs feminist, milo Yiannopoulos vs feminists, Milo Yiannopoulos reaction, Milo Yiannopoulos destroys feminist, destroys feminist, gender pay gap, equal gender pay gap, milo vs gender pay gap, milo yiannopoulos interview, lfr family milo, feminist debate, react, lfr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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