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what's up y'all welcome back man we about to check out some more jessie lee peterson because our last year and we checked out that was my very first video ever being introduced to this gentleman where he almost had this he almost had a guy walk off the stage while he's threatened the dude threatened to walk up the stage like three or four times listen when i said i was gonna speak with you i didn't know that you're gonna be questioning my character brother so if you're gonna question my character one more time i would just walk away and then he just sit there for like 15 more dagger questions i'm like right you know you you wrong you're just trying to figure out how to get him back and he never figured out how to get him back well he's talking about black lives matter right now and i'm hearing that this thing right here is going to be fire please let me know what y'all think i absolutely appreciate it i did a youtube video or commentary on beyonce during the halftime of the super bowl it was one of the most evil things i've seen happen in a public way and i received a phone call from the black student union at trade chat college here in los angeles wanting to talk with me about my youtube video i have with me tonight andre shirley also michelle watson is here and we want to have an open and honest discussion about beyonce and the whole race issue andre goes to school at trade chat and michelle is a community activist do you work with black lives matter or or the black student union above both both both and also the los angeles black workers center oh okay what do you guys disagree with me about let's go down the list my man said let's go down the list [Laughter] oh he's about to get nasty well let's start off with how you described beyonce and her performance when you said that white people should have gotten up and walked away why why is that a problem race relations is something that needs to be talked about it needs to be addressed it has held this country back and helped my people back for far too long and until we can as a society sit down and understand what's plaguing us we will never be able to move forward ever but he wasn't talking about it at the uh football game no attention to the fact that there is lack of value on black lives matter most people when they go to the super bowl they're taking their families their kids are with them yeah they want to go there and just have fun they don't want to hear black people complaining about so-called racism at a football game so if beyonce wanted to talk about it she should have called together a meeting and say hey i'd like to bring everybody together and let's have a discussion about uh so-called racism in america right this is not private we asked for this conversation how many times have we asked for a conversation about race relations i have a dream that one day my children will be judged by the content black back before a people we are at a point in society where us as young people we're tired of seeing it we're trying to hear me i'm tired of walking down the street in my hoodie and being afraid because i just saw a police officer bruh okay i wasn't gonna say something at first but come on man come on you walking down the street in your hoodie afraid of a police officer see i get the fact that you're afraid walking down the street and you're ready and afraid i get that if you're afraid you're afraid listen i get it things happen that make us afraid right but you're afraid of police or are you afraid of the people that are actually out here causing harm to the majority of people who look like us until y'all are able to keep it a buck man ain't nothing going to change y'all keep wanting to blame somebody else when we need to have this conversation with the people who we need to have this conversation with facts facts if y'all want to talk about some real stuff then talk about some real stuff to all parties that are involved mate not being afraid because there's some people down on the corner that i don't know not being afraid because my next door neighbor is always in his garage i don't know what he's doing but being afraid because the people who are charged to protect and serve my life people who are taking my tax dollars to have a job to protect them so tell me about let me ask you about beyonce beyonce is 34 years old yes she's married yeah she has a daughter yes and first of all she out doing this booty dance in half naked uh dressed in black looking like a thug is that a good example for and i'll ask you this michelle is that a good example for other young girls and should a married mother act that way in public beyonce is a woman and women have sexuality and femininity right and so that's where the style comes from if if it's okay with her husband uh then it's it's no one should ever have anything to say if it's okay with her husband um then she's absolutely right if it's okay with her husband then she should be able to dress how she wants to dress but then responsibility lands on her for all the young ladies that she inspired that she encouraged that all the young people who watch her and want to be just like her and they don't understand that that's something that you have to wait until full maturity to be able to do um they don't understand those things why because she's not communicating that we're steady talking about communication well we really need to have communication because young people don't understand it they have to wait in order to act that way they see somebody on tv doing it they want to do it now period and one thing we need to realize too and the young brother i understand what you're saying too we hired the police through our tax dollars we don't want to have to worry about them we want to look at them as the help i got you on that and any police what's that us thundering out there any police who goes against his oath to protect and serve and he won't be one of them racist or he want to be just a uh um drunk off of his power that he has then he's he deserves to be arrested he deserved to be have his ass whooped in all that he deserved to be fired whatever you want to say absolutely you said the content of their character judge them by the content of their character because guess what in the black neighborhoods the people that are beating the hell out the black youngins are black police bruh just saying occasionally white bullies too just saying so when we have this conversation man we need to have this conversation we can't always be so one-sided because then people stop listening bro is she a good example for other other young girls to see an older woman acting that way yes that is a good example yes because that's not their status they know they're you are from a baby a child a little girl a teenager they're not a woman right um and they know that but just because they see a woman in its full manifestation doesn't mean that it'll negatively affect them would you want your mother out doing the hoochie mama dance half naked dressing black where the world is looking at her everyone is entitled to a good time no but would you want your mother to do that i would hold on a minute would you want your mother to do that angst daughter daughters you're speaking to people who haven't lived yet speaking of people who haven't raised any children yet and they're probably raising really small kids but if they were asked if their daughters would be allowed to dress that certain that way or perform in front of a a group of people dressed that type of way then they will differentiate they're saying no that's an adult you can't dress that way you can look at it but since there's no penetration it's not porn feel free because you grow i mean you know i mean they just let the kids do what they what they do have fun in a black dress on national television half neck and doing the hoochie mama dance fiance was not half naked yes you are but you didn't answer the question would you want your mother doing that depends on how old she is yeah it does so in my opinion so so would you want your 34 year old mother doing that why not like i said everyone is entitled to their expression of themselves she's not just yes it's a yes it's a yes it's a yes you want your mother doing that it's a yeah my 34 year old mother yes it's in the self-expression what is it that you're trying to express she's trying to express for one uh the powerfulness of the black woman and um the black movement well that's not how would it go out and hoochie mama dance half naked that's no power in that that's a weakness what is in bars and clubs every day and night what do you think showing one's physical beauty dance is a part of art but not half naked in the public let me ask this beyonce uh promoted black lives matter we all know that black lives matter is an agitated evil group of people who can care less about black people i'll let you respond she also promoted the black panther party and we know that black panthers promoted killing cops and they killed at least two police officers that i'm aware of and in chicago black people were afraid of the black panthers donald james because they were so radical he also promoted malcolm x at a super bowl game and you guys are okay with that right yes okay so let me ask this about my people next year i'm asking the kkk to go and perform a cross-burning dressed in hoods white sheets and hoods at the super bowl uh half time are you okay with that too we live in america where you have freedom of speech if that's the idiocracy you want to promote then so you would be okay with that right i i would personally be a part of the crowd that's protesting it as you said white people should have gotten up and walked out on beyonce and kendrick lamar's performances i would be that black person that would bring that protest to your front door and ask you why could you promote an organization that judged your ancestors on the color of their skin and not the content of their character never even asked them a simple question but because they were solely black put them in chains and make them work on the field and do that the kkk is a terrorist group and it's the longest standing terrorist group in los angeles black lives matter is not a terrorist group black lives matter is simply an affirmation to black people that we matter because we don't see it enough in our community nobody tells us not even our parents sometimes that we matter so when we say black lives matter it's not saying that you don't matter it's not saying that we matter more than somebody else is saying that we matter and i can tell myself that i matter just like i can tell myself that i'm beautiful right be to affirm it to myself so that i know about the kkk performing you wouldn't support that okay first of all let me get this straight so you said the black panthers had people scared in chicago right they had let me they had you guys people scared to sell drugs in the neighborhood they had people scared to prostitute women in the hood the black panthers gave out they started the free meal program they started wic program which they which the government has started to take over because they fed communities right and so when you have the kkk who started things like halloween where they dress up in mask and go fire bomb houses black houses where they hang people from trees have parties with black people hanging from trees like strange fruit if you've ever touched up on your black history but you have these kkk terrorist organization groups that have tormented black people for years african people for years but they are not labeled as a as a terrorist group so then you have a black group emerging from the community called black lives matter and now we have to be a terrorist group and we're here to rebuild the community to hit uh the capitalist white supreme white supremacist society right in its face and stop it and say hey this is not right okay so let me let me go back to the question is that a no for the kkk performing this year only if you're on the cross i'm sorry only if you're on the cross yeah and then you'll be okay with it yeah why are you so mean i'm not mean why would you want to put me on the cross all right so hopefully y'all understood what she just now did right i'm gonna try to explain and hopefully you what she was basically saying was um yeah they've done some wild stuff black panther party they've done some wild stuff but we forgive them because they was trying to help the black community everybody that they shot or tried to get up out of here was not in the black community or they wasn't welcome and we enjoyed that we would like to have that back kkk they did nothing but to the black community but chastised and terrorized brutally do things just just out of hate so both of the both of those people yeah they've done some things but on we're not giving them a pass because we were the victims of that black panthers would give them a pass now black panther um black lives matter the way that she believe it minus killing cops doing everything else that the black panther party was doing in her opinion that's where we are right now she firmly believes now listen she's young she's young and y'all need to understand that people understand what they've learned up to that point and that's what they speak on so that's where we are but i heard that this is about to get real good because we just agreed because you're loving that what's the love you said that black lives matter made black people feel worthy and beautiful no i didn't say we make people feel i said is it it is a positive affirmation to ourselves they affirm you yes and what do they affirm about you it affers my being and the positivity in my being and the purpose in my being you didn't feel that way prior to black lives matter you did not feel that way no why not because the the way that society is set up it makes me feel that as a woman there there are things that i shouldn't have there's a specific way that i should act and that because i'm black my chances of everything is significantly lower so your parents did not make you feel worthy while raising you they told me i was beautiful they told me because the way that you are treated and what you are told are two different things my mom told me i was beautiful now and i was smart but when i go into society they don't see that beauty they don't see that intellect society just because what are you referring to in society i'm referring to the structure are you talking about the whole people black people and white people and others who are you talking about are you talking about white people i'm not talking about a person i'm not talking about a person but somebody has to be the system that you're referring to it's a thinking see we have to well you're not a people but who are you really thinking and who's the people who wrote our laws who was that are you talking about white people black people mexican or they're more white people you talk about white people peterson how do i come to you you talk about white people i get you what you're looking for huh no are you talking about white people yeah i'm talking about anyone who wants or feeds into white supremacy in the in this structure anybody whether they be white black asian latino whoever if you agree with this white capitalist white supremacist structure then okay that's for you but if you don't agree because there's a variety of all the racists who don't agree so i just do agree oh okay so andre you want to say something go ahead so the way that the country is set up she don't agree with that um she's extremely well spoken but she's speaking on her side and her side alone so we need to understand that that's where she's coming from right but something that i said before um the more she lives the more she understands more she experiences more she see for herself and the more that she acknowledge within she's gonna understand that she's depending on this this group a little too much and she's gonna also understand that a lot of what make her who she is right now has to do with the system that's been set up nobody wants to give credit to anything that they don't agree with i don't care if you just now help me up once i get up i'm smacking your hand away because i was taught that you was the part you was part of the reason that i was down and i'm still doing research and once i find out i'm a march that's what we're going to do we're going to march yes um i wanted to say that i don't think it's a people it seems to be a majority of people that have this racist thinking that i must keep this race oppressed so that i can stay superior though i mean our history do show who are you referring to now i'm i'm telling you that it's a thinking that's and who's doing this thinking it's been it's been the caucasian race for the white raises is holding you back uh no one's holding me back because white rays are discriminated against you because of my race yes it it's so and they have set up a system to where they don't have to discriminate but us they have a system that does it where's my proof the fact that as a young black man growing up in a society my parents had to tell me that i had to do things four times better than the caucasian person just to survive in this country so your parents tell you that hold on but me being a person that's objective and i can i can see both sides of the coin i go into society i do the same thing as my fellow classmates yet i realize that i do have to do more to get into society the fact that before i go on the job interview i have to figure out what i'm going to do with my hair because my texture of hair is not what america deems job appropriate so i have to go and cut my hair although i believe that this is where my strength is because i am the only person on this earth that has this kind of hair that can have any hairstyle without doing it you believe your hair your strength my all of this is my strength that i have strengthened here that i can't even contain blood and i think that is a reason why we have this issue with everything black people do it's called a protest an outrage it's because we are passionate people no you're very angry people oh would you include yourself in that no i'm not angry what is your nationality i was angry like you people at one point i'm not angry but i was able to overcome it and i realized that i had been lied to you you guys most black people are so angry you're i'm glad he said that because his way of his way of thinking comes with a living that's the only way it comes man it's the only way it comes his way of thinking comes from not being around people who just want to complain all that one day but rather being around people who want to put their minds together to find solutions all day that's where his way of thinking come from i'm speaking from experience i was once angry as hell i was once a part of groups pkv positive kinetic visions i was up i was i had if i had ways of thinking that will blow your mind right now man but with thinking and learning and living i learned something different at a point now that no race like you okay digesting white race isn't it right it's not just a white race of racism the hispanics don't like you jim crow i mean constantly being told that we're less than yet you go and you get botox and talent okay all this to look like and to address you crochet your head again ugly we would have a reason to be so let me ask how do you feel knowing that most races do not like black people now because they're fed up with your bullying they're fed up with your complainment complaining and blaming and doing all that you're turning off most people how do you feel about that andrew i would have to disagree with you on that statement seeing that the no i hear from them all the time okay hold on hold on let me get my point across you hear from them but i see them and i think actions are a lot better than words when i see black and brown doing uh a march on washington that that's race relationships those are just those radical angers when i see asian people standing outside the white house marching with black lives matter yes yes when i see people of other cultures going you know what see this is what we have to do as a people we have to wake up we got to stop listening to that rhetoric that's in the media michelle what do you what do you people want what do i want when you say you people what do you mean complaining black people uh blaming others for the failure of their parents and their lives blaming others for whatever it is you're complaining about what is it exactly do you want to stop and i'm trying to find out what you want what's your nationality answer the question are you right a black american what do you want oh you do and why do you think that why do you say that because you seem to separate yourself from um in the ways that you specified thus far meaning what tell me give me an example and tell me what you mean how you what do you people want from white people meaning that i'm not with you oh okay so he's talking about the he's talking about the black people sitting on the couch who represents certain organizations that want to blame white people for the way that they're being treated that's what he's talking about he's saying that you have demands that's why you're there on the couch you have demands so exactly what are you going to do what do you want what do you want to satisfy just y'all by yourself let me explain why i do that what you don't know is that there are two realities in life one is that of good and one is that of evil and now that i've been able to overcome evil i don't identify with angry evil black people i identify with other blacks and others who are on the side of good and so that's why i say you people because i have to divide myself or separate myself from evil and go along with good so that's why i do that what is it that makes us evil i'm sorry your anger you're blaming others for your problems your lack of love and respect for yourself and others okay well that's another reason why i wanted to come on the show because it's that has been a misrepresentation right we're not angry uh we're not pointing a finger but you know where you're blaming white people for your downfall no we're not blaming white people for our downfall basically we're just saying would they when the so-called emancipation population was passed a certain system was also set in place to make sure black people didn't make it that way what do you want at this point i want race to be taken off applications why what does that have to do with anything i want i want to i agree with that my fellow what does that have to do with anything you know you just now set yourself up brother you've been talking well you've been there separating race the entire time bro young people being shot gunned down in the streets for carrying a can of tea and a bottle of skittles walking home i i want police to stop using illegal choke holds to take people down and then completely getting off of it i want our politicians and our elected officials to see the people that march in these streets across this nation that's saying wait no this is wrong i want people to do their jobs i want to walk down the street and know that i'm safe you've been very watching check this out it's not that we want something from white people what do you want we want to see first of all this fact is yes in l.a right yes in chicago that if you're black you you basically will be persecuted who are you referring to i'm referring to anyone everyone who who looks down upon black people right who who feels that if you have darker skin that you have a lower status you've been discriminated against yes by who by white people what did they do to you tell me what happened to you they told me that i needed to wear my hair a certain way in order to be groomed who told you that all right a supervisor at your job yeah at a previous job at what a previous job i don't work there so you were working at this company and you went in you applied for the job and you at the time that you were applying for the job you told them if okay if you pay me x amount of dollars i would come every day and i will follow your rules and you took the job right is that right yes i'm sorry yes they can't hear you yes they can't hear you michelle come on so will you agree to do that job and follow their standards their rules you didn't mean it um yes i did but your culture is you everybody has different culture so you meant to follow their rules did you know about the hair deal before taking the job no uh they said right groomed means groomed means you got up and you touched you did your hair you did your face you're aware of your whole appearance right right and so you went in there with what an afro or something something similar what you did what did you go in there with with a ponytail with the afro and a little bang in the front oh and they say no you can't wear that hairstyle they said it's just not as it doesn't look professional and they they just made a recommendation but they didn't say oh our rules prohibit you but they said oh look i just want to make a nice recommendation right okay i have something to say that's not discrimination they had a they had a preference that you looked a certain type of way why is that an issue i don't know because all of you guys look up to artists y'all look up to models y'all look up to a lot of people who follow stringent rules in order to fit into a certain demographic you can't name one person who does not in order to be a police you got to follow certain rules and be dressed a certain type of way and those are people that we pay without taxes right well they can't be there um dressed a certain type of way they have to be dressed um in the way that they uh like i don't know exactly how they need to be dressed but their hair need to be a certain length their facial hair need to be a certain length in the military the same exact way so we are so quick to say oh man that's discrimination that's racism you're being a racist you don't like me well that person might not have liked you that person might not have liked you but guess what you could have handled that and we all have been through that as some at some point but guess what that's a job that's a potential career if that job does not work for you you go get another job that's a part of the hustle you got to work for what you want and since it's not yours you got to follow other people's rules until you create your own where you can hire people to do whatever they want somebody you hire somebody and they come to uh they come to um they come to um um to to to work every day you know dressing the way that their culture says that they're they should be able to dress how's that gonna make you feel as the employer like you have absolutely no control you you're going to have your own ways that you want people to do business if you ever get your own business you probably have your own business right now and you're creating your own rules right now but one thing that you're you you're going to realize that the bigger you become the more the more um structure you're going to have to have with structure comes rules and some people are not going to get their way and then when some people do not get their way they're either gonna accept it or they're gonna you know moan about it complain about it do something or be angry or fire back about it say something about it is what it is this is the real world we're in it's the real world you can't just go to somebody's um place of work place a business and say well listen listen to me this hair right here this is my culture right here you can you most certainly can i used to do that all the time i used to be the first one i was working up until probably i was 42 years old when i retired from the federal government and i used to be ridiculous man ridiculous you talking about somebody that was angry please my wife used to always say are you trying to get fired like really are you trying to get fired no i just had my i was just upset and i wanted to challenge everyone on everything then when you get tired of being upset all the damn time and you realize whoa they're actually cool they're actually good people you give them a chance you hear them out you have a good conversation you realize that people don't always have to think like you in order for them to be good but we separating so many people we want to demonize people so bad we want there to be a fight because of the system that has been holding you back but i bet you y'all can both name like 30 black millionaires and name a couple of billionaires as well who in your mind still represent the culture but guess what they had to do they had to work with a whole bunch of black white asian um latino a whole bunch of people in order to get what they are because they realize that they had that same mindset of i wouldn't i'm not dealing with nobody but people who are thinking like me and blah blah blah okay those people are negative because it's far more people if you feel like you are a child of god then you already know that those people are your brothers and sisters and you can't only pick and choose which ones you're going to be kind to regardless of their rules you go and make your own rules or you go somewhere else who have rules that you're able to follow period when when does the sheep tell the shepherd what to do i don't know when is this shitty i think oh if all of us sheep get together then guess what we can dang gonna take down the shepherd matter of fact we'll be walking him and you did did they have a right to make that recommendation no they didn't have a right did they own the company no they did not own the company who owned the company the owner wasn't nobody owned the company did somebody have to own the company nobody it wasn't a company these people can't communicate better these are the wrong folks up here oh wow i'm not getting the real answers or anything um i think you've got to get it here excuse me sir you guys are not even communicating i thought this was going to be like my intelligence while i'm sitting right in front of you you asked me for clear answers i gave you clear answers i thought that you chose to have you guys not even discuss i'm trying to i'm trying to get some understanding into what is wrong and what we can do about the problem but you guys won't really okay you're focusing on problems but you're not focusing on the solutions and you want to know what the solution would be no we need to find out what is the problem have you been discriminated against who discriminated against you and why i've been discriminated it was the policy that allowed the recommendation to even come in so it's policies that are created that people have to go by that perpetrate discrimination was this with a private business that you were working for no it was not the problem yes it was and so the government rules are you can wear your hair any kind of way you want to as long as it's decent and so when you're just your supervisor approached you about your hair once you got this job be more uh specific in your you said you got this job and you did you quit the job or you got fired um i quit you quit and you quit because of they they recommend a different hairstyle uh no that's not the reason why why'd you quit uh because i felt that i wanted more fulfilling work so where's the racism in that then you quit because you were not fulfilled you said that was an example of you being discriminated against right but that's just something that black people on a daily basis don't work through so i had to work through that right i had to conform to that it wasn't the the final conclusion on the job so you quit because you wanted to be fulfilled not because of discrimination about your hair right but you just said that was a problem but it had nothing to do with racism you was not fulfilled why did you try to make that into racism but it's discrimination that we face that all black people face on a daily basis that we have to work through because it's like okay hey am i going to tell them i'm going to wear my hair the way i want to or am i going to work this out because you have not given me an example of you being discriminated against i have you been discriminated against yes i have been discriminated and who discriminated against an employer discriminated against me they asked me to cut my hair was it a white man or a white person a caucasian female okay and so private job no problem this is a public sector job okay so you fill out the application i filled out the application and you said on the app that i will follow the rules if you pay me yes yes and did you have the afro at the time yes i had my afro at the time and they still hired you and they hired and so you went in and they said what to you this is a white female boss right yes after and this is a government job great job and so you go into the office you call you in yes and she says what to you about your hair told me that i had to cut my hair that my hair had gotten too long and looked unmanaged oh okay and what's wrong with that a lot is wrong with that why why don't you want to look i wouldn't hire you with their hair looking like that why it's not it doesn't that's my natural hair texture it doesn't look professional yeah i'm not feeling this it doesn't look professional they're gonna leak now we're gonna leave it hold on yeah be ready now you she said you're traumatizing them sheesh how how she she said hold on hold on they're getting up and leaving i didn't even know they had an audience i didn't even know they had an audience bro it doesn't look professional yeah i'm not feeling this it doesn't look professional they're going to leave now we're leaving google jasmine abdullah a young lady that's walking with her pants hanging off her butt i just sat down are you her boss or something no it's about that why are you pushing her you see how they're they're they're doing this because you're hurting them why are you pushing i don't let that lady push you around no way it's not a weird role because i feel more it's about love right yeah we agreed to have an open conversation not to is that a strong woman leaving honestly i think that was the best decision for her too i think it was the best decision for her to make because she is younger than i i'm sorry she is younger than i anyway i appreciate you coming andrew i mean andre andre shirley hopefully this inspired some black youth to actually get up and let their voices be heard apparently society will not understand if we don't just come in thank you buddy thank you give me your hands thank you appreciate you coming all right thank you [Music] hey man jessie lee peterson always pissing them off bro all right so it's a lot to unpack there but i've done a whole lot of talking already man we're going to check out more jesse lee peterson he was just trying to get to the root of why these young people are so angry and both of their both of their examples the thing that has hurt them so much in their life when somebody told them that they need to fix their hair wow y'all biggest example man that that oh that hurts oh i'm affected i get it malcolm x says that it will be perfect for black people if in fact every time one black person was hurt all black people treated at it treated it as if they were hurt as well that way black people can come together and fight together as a people can we do that though every single time somebody's gunned down in our urban communities do we feel that hurt do we come together and stop that and nip it in the bud or do we encourage it do we encourage it by constantly buying the music that's encouraging us do we understand that real music is a big reason why this is going on in these um these these urban communities today do we lift them up do we hold them accountable or do we just ask for money for the community well y'all come on we got black lives matter y'all gotta give us some money come on give some money give us some money give us some money then what does black lives matter do with the money once they get the money from their supporters it's so much to consider but we focus on just very specific things but we don't want to focus on everything um jesse lee peterson was extremely clear when he asked these people how are you discriminated and what do you want how are you discriminated get discriminated against and what do you want and your hair was the straw that makes you so damn weak you are in a world where you have to battle with billions of people in order to succeed at something and create some sort of a legacy for you and your family or if it's not about you and your family and this is about you and your people then you have billions of people to compete against and you're talking about the system that's holding you back no you are holding you back and you feel sorry for someone who's sitting across from you who has aged well who's telling you that life got better for me when i stopped hating so much and started loving more then i realized certain things that were being taught to me while i were your age were lies i was being lied to i'm trying to tell you this and you're saying you feel sorry for me but then you allow the person you allow somebody to tell y'all you know what this is over come on get off the stage he's bullying you no if you're gonna go to anyone's show be able to communicate be able to articulate like since certain times when a young lady was shining she was actually being able to get her point across but then it got to a point where she was just and she she just didn't want to talk she just wanted to throw jabs at him oh you attacked beyonce i'm attacking you what nationality are you cause i thought you was white and you're acting like it right now you acting like one of them right now i'm brother yeah just like one of them white people right now that's what you act like because you keep on saying you people yeah you angry man that's what i'm talking about you angry people what do you want at any rate here comes second mike i want to hear what y'all guys say about this in the comments below if you have yet to hit that subscribe button please make sure you do so on your way out the door once again guys i'm van and now we are all the lfr family and i look forward to seeing you on the next video hopefully inside the patreon as well y'all have been amazing per usual love y'all
Views: 577,510
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Keywords: lfr family, reaction, lfr family reactions, van hall, reaction video, reactions, lfr family reaction, Jesse Lee Peterson DESTROYS BLM Pt 1 HILARIOUS, Jesse lee peterson, BLM, Black Lives Matter, Jesse Lee Peterson interview, Jesse lee peterson BLM, Jesse lee peterson reaction, Jesse lee peterson debate, Jesse lee peterson BLM exposed, Jesse lee peterson black lives matter, Jesse lee peterson Beyonce, Jesse lee peterson blm activist, blm activist, lfr family Jesse lee peterson, lfr
Id: GAA2vSdWxgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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