Ben Shapiro BREAKS DOWN White Privilege | ¿Existen Privilegios por ser Blanco?

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white privilege is a way to silence anybody who is not of color that's what white privilege is it is just a leftist term that means shut up because you are not a member of a minority group dude you just going just jump it off like that huh i thought you was going dang on you know slow walking or something let me know what you about to start talking about bro term that means shut up because you are not a member of a minority group a privileged minority group in the leftist space it's you're basically saying to white people who aren't racist and you can't find any proof of their racism that they must be racist because they're white that is called racism if you are accusing somebody of something simply because of the color of their skin without any evidence that's called racism gang but you don't have to trust me let's go through what other people say the definition of white privileges you know folks on the left what do they say that white privilege is well here's the definition of white privilege from the southern poverty law center quote white skin privilege is not something that white people necessarily do create or enjoy on purpose unlike the more overt individual and institutional manifestations of racism white skin privilege is a transparent preference for whiteness that saturates our society white skin privilege serves several functions first it provides white people with perks that we do not earn and that people of color do not enjoy second it creates real advantages for us white people are immune to a lot of challenges and finally white privilege shapes the world in which we live the way we navigate and interact with one another and with the world so let's talk so there's an actual definition for white privilege my gracious all right all right break it down bro which we live the way we navigate and interact with one another and with the world so let's talk about the let's talk about the perks let's talk about stuff about the perks the white privilege supposedly confers upon you so she says the author here she says that perks that are conferred upon you by white privilege include things like when you go to the grocery store and you get a band-aid the band-aid is your skin tone serious is what she says right for for those who live in the real world this is also called the free market because most of the people in the country happen to have a lighter shade of skin and if you want to sell more band-aids then you are going to market to the group of people who buy more band-aids but no this is white skin privilege another example she uses is she says that if you go to a hotel that the the hotel shampoo works better with your hair if you're white then if you're black and then she talks about the real advantages that is that true uh i wouldn't know i i don't watch i usually take all of my own stuff when we go to the hotel are we bougie we might be we usually take our own everything everything not our own bubble bath some so most times we got to buy that when we get there whichever result we go to we got to go to the local store and buy our own bubble bath we don't use that bubble bath i mean you can't have any chemicals that you don't know nothing about getting all up in your crevices and everything you're not i mean because i'm sensitive i got sensitive skin so i ain't no but i won't know if what the lady is saying is abs is actually true if the shampoo that they provide in the hotel works better for white people here than it does for melanated people here better with your hair if you're white than if you're black and then she talks about the real advantages that are conferred upon you by white skin privileges so what are those advantages and this is where we really get to the meat of the matter she says those advantages include skin color quote not working against me in terms of how people perceive my financial responsibility style of dress public speaking skills or job performance as well as people not assuming i got where i am professionally because of my race america is a deeply racist country that is imbued with this white skin privilege and that if you are black you can never overcome this white skin privilege because you live in a deeply racist system that has been created by western civilization a western civilization founded on racism sexism and bigotry statistical disparity does not necessarily mean discrimination this is the first thing you need to know okay anybody who's ever been in a statistics class knows that this is true right if they still teach statistics and it's not too much of a microaggression so statistical disparity does not always mean discrimination right the vast majority of people who play in the nba are black very few of them are five foot nine jews right that is not because there is some sort of anti-semitic conspiracy to keep five foot nine jews out of the national basketball association she said that one of the things that works against you if you're black in the united states is how people perceive your financial responsibility okay first thing to say here well well well let me back up because she did say um people perceive her to be less less intelligent as a black person yeah that's absolutely the truth that's absolutely the truth remember we checked out ami ami herowitz i believe his name is where he was walking and asked he was on a college campus a university campus somewhere and he was asking a bunch of white people how do they feel about the voter id law these type of people don't live in areas with easy access to dmvs or other places where they can get identification you can always get id's over the internet does that also make it difficult for for black people in particular yeah you have to have access to the internet you have to be able to pay an internet service provider for certain fees do you think that's harder for black people to go online well i feel like they don't have the knowledge of how of like how it works for most of the communities they don't really know what is out there just because they're not aware and they went in saying a whole bunch of things that in a nutshell just said you know they're just too dumb to do it themselves they don't know how to use the computer they don't know their way to the mva or the dmv whichever whatever y'all call it where y'all are let me tell y'all something there's some truth to what she's saying but there's some the head the thing is you can't control ignorance you can't control ignorance ignorance isn't ignorance isn't racism ignorance is ignorance right and until someone has learned or taught something then um they're not gonna know but a lot of people run away from the truth so that they can be be stuck in their in their ways because if you point out to someone that they're being a bigot or if they're being racist or if they're being ignorant um or if you just point out something that's contrary to how they were for the first 30 years of their life 25 40 years of their life so forth and so on then it makes them out to look like a liar it makes their parents out to look like bad parents for raising them that way and missing the mark or their the schooling or their friends that they know of who act the way that we're saying that they act so and and those people that army harold was talking to the white people that he was talking to were all liberals and they claimed that they were showing support by saying those ignorant things about these black people these melanated people now i don't know if they were saying it simply because of where they live or blah blah blah i don't know but it was ignorant because whether they're in the hood or not they they should know how today going to apply for an id or go to the mva dmv whatever you call it so yeah ignorance is the reason why we have these conversations because some people have been extremely ignorant and also the sins of your fathers and your grandfather's forefathers and whatnot are still being punished by people today that's going to happen that's that's going to happen um some people are are not over it and i get it y'all want people just look just keep it moving bro you have just as many privileges as anybody else nobody's holding you down you're only using that that um that that that that fallacy that all of us are racist and will hold you down because it it removes all responsibility and culpability from you to get out there and actually make something of yourself to prove us wrong that there's nobody holding you down but yourself because if you do that to somebody then now they believe wow i am a failure huh i'm not talking about me i'm talking about the person that complains about stuff like this their tur their horrible advice is is um denial they have to deny it because if they don't deny it then they make themselves out to look like racist or ignorant and they they can't have that because you're already winning in their eyes you're already successful you're already in in control of everything in their eyes already doing doing everything you're you're not shopping in the neighborhoods where they are so they are assuming that if you're not in these neighborhoods shopping where we are because right now it's crime and it's roaches and rats over here where we shop then y'all must be shopping somewhere way nicer than this not understanding that there are white hoods there are hispanic hoods african hoods african-american hoods there's so many types of hoods i'm talking about ghettos black people aren't the only people that live in them period but people just just narrow-minded individuals just want to keep that fight going for as long as they possibly can without having a conversation and moving on okay we came here to listen to ben so yeah it's how people perceive your financial responsibility okay first thing to say here capitalism is colorblind the only color that capitalism cares about is green okay capitalism seriously doesn't care about your color it doesn't care about your race it doesn't care about your sexuality in fact capitalism is the single best way to overcome racism and sexism and bigotry and homophobia because if you decide to be any of these things if you decide to be a racist sexist bigot homophobe the guy next door will not and he will take all of that money from you you will be out competed this is the beautiful thing about capitalism your advantage in the marketplace is catering to as many clients as possible and to hiring the best people possible but the the the usual statistics that are thrown out are statistics about for example lenders systemically or systematically rather discriminating against qualified black borrowers the truth is that if banks routinely did this they would go bankrupt of course because there would be other banks that came in and spend money on black borrowers and those people would pay back their loans and these banks would be able to make amends off of all of this the widespread perception that black people were not getting loans led the federal government to create a subprime lending program specifically designated to get people of minority ethnic status into homes they could not afford with bad credit okay if this if it had all been lending discrimination you would have assumed that fannie mae and freddie mac would have been fine there would have never been a subprime mortgage crisis nothing i'm saying here says his discrimination has never existed in america's history that would be stupid and a factual but to suggest that it is a continuing factor in american life that is putting people under the boot of the white establishment is just factually nonsense listen at the end of the day if you're trying to get a loan and you're being denied because you're black what what does that mean be honest with me um what does that mean does that mean you're going to stop trying to get along from here on out yeah what's that what's that going is it going to stop you are you going to go somewhere else it's going to be inconvenient that now you have to go somewhere else some people some people um take many other things into account some people are still racist as hell blatantly that's because they have systems lined up that actually protect them but then you have some people who look at statistics and because of income a certain group black people i guess their ratio of being able to pay back a pay back a loan that they were given before or not paying that loan back what's it called when you don't pay a loan back on time um and it does something where you get charged for it does that then they're not going to give us the loans and that has happened in many places before and they've been able to prove it on their books but at the end of the day just like ignorance is not a monolith ignorance does not only stick to one race and you're going to run into people who will be stuck on your race and and will make decisions because of your race but everywhere you go it's not going to be that way you just got to keep it moving you you got to keep it moving man that's just like your parents taught you when you went to school don't don't even don't even think about what they're saying you just pay attention to your books you pay attention to um what the teacher say and you be nice and you tell me or your teacher if anybody does anything you it's it's just saying look you're there for one reason and that's to get smarter to learn your way around uh i mean um to to make new friends and just i don't know just learn how to become a better individual well that's the same thing it is in life out here that's why he was talking about capitalism if you bring value to anyone they'll pay you for it provide value to you or extend resources to you that was out of your reach before but if you're just standing by like nobody's going gonna give you anything nobody you're not earning anything by doing that you're you're you're you're spending valuable time where you can be out there chasing success and getting everything that that you should be getting because honestly while we're doing all this bickering back and forth you got many many many different nationalities coming over to to the country um and sometimes illegally and and somehow they are able to make a life for themselves for other people i mean there's some people who are coming over this joint dying trying to get over here dying trying to get over here that whole family is poor where they're from and are being abused but they come here and they hustle do what they got doing next day you know a lot of their family are here and they own businesses and all these other things but wasting a lot of time with the bs is all i'm saying i went all around salary on sally's bond to say that but we're wasting a lot of time with that that is putting people under the boot of the white establishment is just factually nonsense job performance right they say there's discrimination in job performance and this is why privilege right the fact is that mizzou has affirmative action in its hiring processes there are already laws on the books that bar discrimination based on race in hiring there's already a federal equal employment opportunity commission that investigates charges of racism on a routine basis it has a program it's called e-race eradicating racism and colorism and employment it's designed to fight discrimination against people of color that is not white privilege that is the government going out of its way to attempt to fight individual racists and in some cases go beyond the evidence in order to demonstrate racism talk to the asian guy who has to score 230 points above the black guy in order to get in the same college before you tell me about white privilege okay poverty and the idea is that blacks in america are more impoverished than whites because of systemic racism okay according to the brookings institute which is a very left institute the brookings institute has found that if you want to not be permanently poor in the united states it's actually very easy this is a wonderful country if you don't want to be permanently poor in the united states you need to do three things finish high school get a job don't get pregnant before you get married that's it if it's white privilege to sit to sit on the side because you can't go to college because the black guy took your slot because he had a lower sat score and it didn't matter that he that he grew up rich and you grew up poor right if that's white privilege then nobody would want to be a member of the white privileged class people need to start taking personal responsibility i know these words are out of style personal responsibility for the stuff that you do it is your life make something of it that is true people need to start taking personal responsibility personal responsibility if i go up in somebody's face what's what's my point of telling somebody you got white privilege what's my point of sale say i'm telling that to anyone what am i trying to achieve where that will be a part of the conversation would be a a valid part of the conversation a valid argument of mine when can i say that like if that's if that's in the movie and now is my line to this it's my time to say my line that's going to be the thing that's really going to shoot me to start them and my line is you got white privilege okay give me some context i don't get it man i really don't get it um go hard if you do something get out there and do something now i get that the people who show up in the protest and whatnot they have a job to do too they have a job to do and clearly they are doing their jobs and i'll explain they're doing their job because had they not posed these questions to ben shapiro then he wouldn't be breaking it down to people right now and i wouldn't be hearing it um you all who some of you already know what he said because some of you are great ben shapiro from fans um or you just seen him in many different settings with in debates with many people and you know how intelligent he is you know how talented he was as a child and everything that um that what he's saying makes actual factual sense but one thing that you are not um you're not on the side of that that lady who are who are posing these questions at him and um you don't have the same vantage point or periphery as she does so you're not going to have the same concern that she has so um so the fact that she posed this she's getting her answer and and and not only is she getting her answer but people just like her are getting their answer especially with me react to this and you guys sharing this possibly um people who look like me are gonna click this they're gonna click this and they're gonna and there's gonna be some people who um who feel the same way as the lady who posed those questions to ben shapiro and they're gonna receive some information that's to the next level i wanna hear whatever y'all want me to know in the comments below and if you have yet to hit that subscribe button please make sure you do so on your way out the dome once again guys i'm van and now we are all the lfr family and i look forward to seeing you on the next video hopefully inside the patreon as well you all have been amazing love ya
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Keywords: lfr family, reaction, lfr family reactions, van hall, reaction video, reactions, lfr family reaction, Ben Shapiro BREAKS DOWN White Privilege, Ben Shapiro, Ben Shapiro reaction, Ben Shapiro reactions, white privilege, white privilege reaction, Ben Shapiro white privilege, Ben Shapiro debate, Ben Shapiro interview, ben Shapiro on white privilege, Ben Shapiro racism, Ben Shapiro BREAKS DOWN White Privilege | ¿Existen Privilegios por ser Blanco?, lfr family Ben Shapiro, reacting, lfr
Id: oBWgqIY6hgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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