Milo Exposes Gamergate (Pt. 2) | Milo Yiannopoulos | POLITICS | Rubin Report

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so first thing I want to ask you about is I think I found out about you originally because of gamergate now I've done one video on gamergate it was about a year ago and I was like enough to it so basically I said to the audience I said I said guys look I don't really understand this thing I don't know what's going on here I have a sense it has to do with some people that were upset at some of the publications and then all this daxing and oil and misogyny Rosa but obviously said I don't know so I don't know that I can address it now you're in the thick of this thing so I thought if we do one thing on gamergate can we do like a five minute really hash it out honest ever wanted to know what gamergate was really about yeah it's five minutes so for you yeah okay we're all used to seeing these social justice warriors you got to police language you say that we're gonna do plenty of draw nari random things a sexist or racist or misogynist whatever I think we're all used to now the press in some cases reporting on things extraordinarily badly now gamergate has been a huge controversy the people who care about these things because both of those things have come together it is a consumer movement that rejects sloppy standards in reporting about video games and video games by the way we're a very important part of the entertainment industry they're bigger than Hollywood now 790 probably about by now ninety billion dollar industry rejects sloppy reporting about and there all sorts of horrible infractions of journalistic ethics and conflicts of interests all right got it wait just to stay on that though for a second so basically the the game companies were sort of paying the writers to give them better reviews that is missing heirs and some things like that going on if in people sleeping with people and writing things about them a bit too closely they shouldn't have basically it's a very fast growing industry so the press is nascent the press has grown up very fast and what was previously a trade press you know like you know tree cutters weekly or the stamp collectors monthly or whatever has suddenly become a consumer press and it hasn't necessarily improved its standards commensurate with that right the second half of it is the social justice warriors you mentioned briefly there is a sort of insurgent move in video games from a couple of wacky left-wing feminists and these are so far left Israel hating socialists weirdos far-left feminists who say that every video game is problematic there's something wrong with all these video games now for some reason the journalists have sucked all the and have bought a doll and digit the same journalists who protected video games when the religious right in the 1980s and 90s said that video games turn kids into killers and violent which there's no evidence I pray we know more slide none what certain um whatsoever those same journalists nonetheless have rolled over and accepted the feminist critique of video games and said oh well video games got me violent but they can make you sexist now again there's no evidence whatsoever that's the case yeah the research is this the most generous you could be is to say the research is you know that the jury's out yeah but most of this most most of the most credible research says there's nothing in it right so to be real clear on that so that would be like for example in a game like Grand Theft Auto where you can literally grab a woman out of her car hunt you're healing up but you can do that to a man - so you would you would argue that that that's not what the anti woman because they're there it's close to whole list of all it's imaginary it's not real and second second of all it's on its computer screen yeah and second of all what much of the evidence shows actually is that people who get stuff out of their system and it's mainly boys who get the stuff out of their system playing video games are nicer to people in the real world because it's that sort of boyish testosterone thing I mean even as homosexuals we have some understanding of that male need to sort of win and crush and you know and do that kind of I like to think so well you know you know you probably play sports I don't but you know I take that out horizontally but yeah um there is it there is that sort of male need to get you know get that sort of testosterone energy out of the system and when boys do that in video games much of the evidence shows that they behave nicely in real life now some up some studies say that video games can make you hyper competitive so the FIFA games the football games can leave somebody a bit more competitive can raise the testosterone levels but that's a very temporary effect there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever the video games can make you sexist and these sorts of cherry-picked insane feminists I mean just just just the most barmy bonkers although you know we'll get on to feminism later but yeah um it's coming if you imagine the most wacky stereotypical blue haired overweight furious you know fact-free terrible lesbian you know lesbionic feminists whether all lesbians now lesbionic feminists kind of lunatic that's the sort of person who's criticizing videogames and very often the people don't even play video this is this is another chapter in the culture wars which we're used to from the movies and from books Norris so gamergate game ordinary gamers have put up for 10 years or more with their own press calling them man babies and misogynists beating up on them basically because it's the trendy thing to do because these days progressivism and you know sort of hating on men that kill all white men kind of these feminist hashtags that are socially acceptable I mean you there is no you will get no social censure from your peers as a as a member of the media today for tweeting one of those hashtags now obviously if you did it the other way around it would be a problem that's become fashionable become trendy for white is this little white guilt right white middle-class girl is become fashionable for these people to beat up on themselves prostrate themselves before the altar of womanhood and say that everything that they are and everything that they do is terrible how I'm so sorry you know mother Gaia how can I make it up to you the reality is that actually these video games quite good for people so that's the crux of it then it's it's these people it's the gaming community that that has risen up because it's been that it is tired of being lied about and slandered by its own press press they did a really good job of defending it when the violent stuff is going on Jack Thompson in the 90s for the same video games can make you violent the press did a really good job of rebutting him yeah as he was conservative but when a liberal winner progressive critic comes along they fall over themselves to agree and start hating on their own audience right and that's really interesting and it goes to really what 90% of what we're going to talk to talk about is about because right I remember when when joe lieberman who's uh you know was on the right at that time i guess he's an independent now when he was railing against violence in video games with mortal kombat i remember it was very cool to say what what a loser he was and so out of touch well the problem with some the problem in video games from with gamers is they have no social capital everybody hates them the right hates video games because it says they cause school shootings and because they're violent and a bit and deviant and dorky and you've got the sort of from the religious right that complains that they're you know can introduce dangerous you know thoughts of individuals minds nobody was killing anybody in the name of god before video games right well i never happened we can talk about that later omething atheists will get offers um there's you know doing this in the 90s writing the games press did a great job of defending defending video games against those charges they've done a much less job good job in fact they've done no job at all of defending it against feminists who are just as wacky and just as crazy as the old religious right and in fact the feminists say all the same things they hate the same things they hate nudity and violence they're all the same stuff this is why some very clever Brendan O'Neill there's a wonderful comest and Britton wrote in The Spectator a great thing about it was a provocation but it was it was interesting about how feminism looks quite a lot like Islamism in some regards they because it hates the same things they hates female nudity X you know was it any ask for the same staff and it has uses the same language I wrote I did a silly quiz online in my column about Anita sarkeesian who is the leading feminist critic of video games or Jack Thompson who was the 90s religious right guy and I just sort of lined up a load of quotes from each of them and asked you know you had to go and your to pick which who said it and no but nobody got more than 5 out of 10 which is my point right they say the same thing same language and it goes to that that difference is not really about left and right it's not about politics anymore the most important political distinction in people since more of our what as more of our lives move online more of our discourses online as more people navigate the internet what the Internet has done to politics is very interesting it has turned every major culture war and every major discussion into a row between authoritarians want to control how other people live and libertarians who either you know want to escape into fantasy worlds because they know to escape you know what I was going on their life or simply classical liberals like me who believe in freedom of expression freedom of thought liberty of of idea and and and believe that it is essential for you know the good of our species if you like it if you want to get serious about it that we can talk about everything openly and honestly and that there are no no-go areas I'm what my colleague at Breitbart Alan Bukhari caused a cultural libertarian I'm not a libertarian politically speaking but I believe that in culture there should be no boundaries and that we should be able to explore everything video games are assailed on all sides from the left from the right from everybody by people who want to restrict the acceptable limits of a creative expression I think that's dangerous I think it's dangerous wherever it happens I think video games are the most interesting entertainment medium in which it's happening now because it is that because the gamers are the first people who rose and said no to the social justice warriors and it was a horrible and humiliating defeat for them right so it's actually interesting and then we'll move on to to feminism specifically but it's really interesting because this is sort of the awakening that I now see happening in our political discussion people are now hitting on this libertarian thing and fighting the authorities burning some but it's certainly it's Bernie Sanders it's Trump it's Faraj and Corbin in the UK all of the populist political movements on the left and the right they come all over the counter counter cultural anti-establishment libertarian leanings right now Corbin in the UK is much more of a socialist he's much more of a of a prescriptive kind of guy but his supporters you know want to be able to behave terribly and they do behave terribly just was it this week they were spitting on people in the Tory conference in Manchester they want the right not just to think terrible things like I do micro just a cultural Liberty and they want the right to behaved abominably all of this stuff you know is is it comes from the you know think I think something we've all known for 10 20 years it's increasing dissatisfaction alienation from the political and media relates that a lot of ordinary voters feel yeah ordinary people I think pretty much everybody feels that regardless I think what I think they do and even I think we'll get onto this later even those of us who work in the media have quite knifes lives and come from nice homes and you know and don't really have much to complain about still feel that quite acutely and you and I think are examples of people who are a bit more alive to that a bit more aware of the fact that the you know that um political discourse and cultural discussion on television has become really really dull yeah and you've had people on your show already in the first thing wounds right and you've had people in your show in the first three episodes who are very insistent about free speech and free expression and the importance of old Victorian style classical liberalism but also the importance of mischief and joy and a little bit of fun like magic no Majid namazi got on sure who is a great lover of fun and mischief and loves to tease people who want to lecture him and bully him and the leftists who say to him that he's not a proper Muslim or whatever you know because he doesn't want to keep women burkas or whatever it is right what is this which that to me seems racist if you say well he's not being good about but all right we racism but you see we started with gamergate we do you see where we ended here your game again this is what they gave me at us and I'll tell you why is it I get in them again bring a super or super I promise yeah the reason gaming it does this is gaming it is is a sort of final it's almost at the final chapter in two decades whether the internet wars and those internet wars have been about thought speech culture politics you name it every community on the internet and every sub community within those sites with four channel reddit whatever has a dog in the fight in gamergate because they all either have a vested interest in free speech and anonymity or they have an interest in protecting the integrity integrity and creative expression of certain attainment mediums or their their individual people who have behaved terribly on the internet who saw gamergate as a redemptive opportunity so if they lined up with you know the women and went in with these mostly fake threats about death and rape and all the rest of it typical leftist feminist tactics that don't stack up when you look into them which we'll get into a challenge missus agate lining up on one side that debate was a way of indicating whether you were for authoritarianism install of these nascent arguments and wars online and and and gamergate takes you in these crazy directions because in a way it's sort of the most all-encompassing war and the most all-encompassing event that's ever happened on the internet because it brought in everybody all of the old battles you know something people don't always realize when you range up the sides on gamergate there are people who were involved in wars five years ago kind of take picking the same sorts of sides this is it this is the best example we have yet the most exciting example culturally we haven't journalists on such a terrible idea a terrible job of reporting on this concentrating these fake great threats conservatives have missed the missed the huge cultural opportunity here shamefully so leftist have not even bothered to make the arguments because they know their arguments are nonsense and they focused on the threats this was such an interesting example of what I was saying earlier the fact that on the internet it's not about left and right anymore it's about authoritarians and libertarians yeah and cultural libertarians are the rising power and they're the people who love me they're the people I think much of your audience falls into the same bucket actually the people have Lauren southern the libertarian Canadian politician they love Cathy young a great veteran journalist of christina hoff sommers at the American Enterprise Institute Adam Baldwin the actor but all of the even Eli Roth the director is making a baekje movie about social justice yeah right now you know cultural libertarianism is on the rise because people are sick of political correctness people are sick of being told their racist sexist misogynist transphobic and then of the north you
Channel: The Rubin Report
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Keywords: rubin report, dave rubin, idw, current events, free speech, intellectual dark web, critical thinking, rubin, the rubin report, david rubin, us news, political news, us politics, political science, political, political party, milo yiannopoulos, milo yiannopoulos interview, milo yiannopoulos gamergate, milo yiannopoulos atheist, milo yiannopoulos atheism, milo yiannopoulos feminism, Milo, gamergate, feminism, milo yiannopoulos debate, what is a conservative?, gamergate explained
Id: r3r0atokQvc
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Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2015
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