MILLIONS UK Poker Main Event 2020 - Episode 1 (Day 2)

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[Music] what's up guys fury TV here and we are back with another episode of poker hands today we're gonna be taking a look over the highlights of day two from the party poker millions UK main event before getting into it I would like to ask you guys to hit the like button and subscribe if you enjoy our videos as your support is allowing us to continue posting videos on a daily basis a prize pool of more than 5 million dollars awaits welcome back to millions UK this is stay tuned of the main event coming to you from dusk till dawn in Nottingham England the tournament field featuring some of the biggest names in the game Geoff lat alongside Brent Hanks in the broadcast booth Brent we have quite the treat at this feature table former World Series of Poker Main Event champion and our millions world main event winner there bulked world champions in my mind Jeff Ryan riess winning the main event back in 2013 23 big blinds and a dream has a little work to do today about Adrian Mateos that conquistador the king of Baja MA where he took down the PartyPoker Millions World Championship as well as the super high roller unbelievable year already it's down to two aces makes it 110k riess right behind them with a six of diamonds problematic here for Ryan riess Mateos opening in a wider position can certainly have a lot of riffraff here nice discipline lay down by Rhys discipline indeed just Dimitar Don Chef with the Jack nine of spades get involved with this wall on the button million behind PartyPoker team Pro Roberto Romanello ten nine off let's go ahead and call c310 nine three enter to this flop Jack six deuce with two spades Dimitar top pair and a flush draw the dream flop for Dimitar hard to hit it any better than that potato says ace is still best incoming there we go right away anticipate Mateos Dimitar this money is going in I see no reason whatsoever for Dimitar not to move it in perhaps he thinks his hand is so strong he could simply just call one more time Matteo's fires 200 25k Dimitar 980 5k behind and he will just call and his mind he is absolutely trapping Roberto out of the way three clubs on the turn Davis's hand still best and what's so difficult when you play against the guy like Adrian Mateos his skill set his caliber of play he probably aware that Dimitar has a variety of flush draws here we can roll out the times that he may have a sad I don't think that he should be calling with a pair like too sore sixes perhaps it's pocket jacks but maybe even something like King Jack and I anticipate the money simply to just get in the middle yeah Adrian says all of it Dimitar says okay let's go you'll need a little bit of help on the river you see it on the bottom left corner of your screen 13 outs used to find a jack 9 or spade well a tree bassist hold up 30% equity here we go river card seven-of-hearts Dimitar dan chef's out early in the day to proceedings that's rough man nicely popped rate top pair flush draw and then you just take a look at the Bulls mr. Mateos hot start to the day for the conquistador the Spanish version of Christopher Walken would anticipate just a call by Mateos no reason to move all in behind although with Reis being short and I believe Frederick also having fewer chips in Mateos maybe we do apply max pressure there is just a call eighth king for Frederick and they're sending the small wine this works out really well for Mateos having not moved all in for this exact reason right we now give ourselves a way out unlikely that Frederick wouldn't ever get out of line in this spot those time banks force an additional 30 seconds tosses the time bank in toss is always chips in Mateus out of the way well the bad news for Luigi is he's behind the good news is that he could triple up 30% plenty of Hearts left in the deck I saw Mateos his face after that suggesting I've had it I'm lucky for him can Luigi get lucky nine in the window it comes ten eight nine did you turns the tables after that flop Frederick looking for a king to eat on the turn three outs if he finds one of them Luigi's day is done two six on the river just like that Luigi nopperz back in contention and that is more than a triple up for Luigi 2.4 million now in his stack 25 thousand baby sizing in position saying I'm the conquistador and let's go yeah I fully anticipate Adrian to be attacking the chip leader at this table Mauricio in position love the size and perhaps if we're out of position we consider sizing it up King 3 3 1 diamond couple backdoor draws for Mateo tell us what's our plan I'd like to see sort of a down bat around through 25 smaller than what our seabed is I don't really know what camp Mateos is in if he's more of the larger continuation bed sizing or the smaller let's see what he employs here and what we're trying to do is really dial up a couple streets right we want to make sure we pick up a little bit of turn texture that we can consider firing two shells down bet to 235 K and already just a difficult spot for Mauricio saying okay I know he 3bet me with ace king king queen but you're just not ready to give up you're here to fight so Mateos here looking to pick up a diamond or some sort of Broadway tickets that we can fire two shells instead it's the deuce of clubs a remarkably difficult spot now for Mateos for the times that he was up against the club flush this may slow down the action let's see what he decides to do let's check back rivers the 10 of diamonds I would have to believe that with this run out he's just done with it Mauricio likely to check once again and it's up to Mateos to try and run a very thin Bluff in my opinion may consider playing a king the exact same way where he'd bet the flop the flush got there in the turn he checked behind and then he looked for a little thin value on the river that's the story he may try and tell I just don't know we don't know if Mauricio has a full button we're uncertain if he would play a king this way with just Jack hi it looks like we've got to try and give it our all he's gonna go for it that's 435,000 and it looks strong doesn't it Jeff look at the sizing how about that Wow that's beautiful draws the quick fold from Mauricio about Adrian Mateos continuing to run over this table let's go down swinging with a suited connectors pathetic really that's why I'm in the booth no longer playing one of these main events that's why that's the only reason well that's what is that way yeah yeah I want to get a Photoshop of Nasheed's mohawk on top of Roberto's head hmm like they'd look very similar probably so or maybe Mauricio's had a pair yeah there we go strong hair game at this table including this man right here mr. Christopher walking and the conquistador Adrian Mateos that's his full-length name the Rivas Roberto again I'll activist a we've seen three bets now with Jack nine suited in position ace-queen off suit and now ace five suited all day mr. Mateos getting after it does that start to annoy Roberto maybe you know it's sort of just gonna be clicking buttons as to how he decides to proceed it he's probably more comfortable with threes than he was with Queen ten suited with three as we know if we hit it we're just going with it Wayne ten suited we're sort of guessing every time it comes Queen or Ted hi there we go does make the call seven five three Romanello flop sassette Mateos with five it's not easy let's house really has no reason to believe that his hand is behind a wood Romanello have eights nines tents and take this line is this a sort of board we decide we'd want to check back from time to time or let's employ the down vet 260,000 we have middle pair back door nut flush draw and this time around Roberto similar to when he flopped the full house with tens fault I would really like to see just a call don't want to see a check race just shuts the hand down and we unable to win a larger pot well there is the check raise to six hundred five thousand relatively surprised if Mateos Mateos continues then again you know do we suspect that our guy would check raise a set unlikely true so make sure it works out better in this situation than it does before and there you can see Mateos middle pair he's got that backdoor flush draw potential real scenario just like that more than two million in this pot nine of spades on the turn which locks it up for a Verto Mateos now easily just gonna be done with it two million in the middle we anticipate Roberto to simply just move it in it's a difficult spot let's just pretend that that's a nine of hearts now right look at the SBR list what and I guess it was not moving in it so it could have worked out just fine for Mateos he would have been getting a price to call and try and make a heart but it's so hard to continue unless he just believes that his five is the best hand does he believe that Roberto is just out of line in this instance good fold from Mateos a nice pop for Roberto sort of surprised Adrian peeled you know maybe he feels obligated after after see betting and getting an okay price but again Jeff even if we turn four hearts God we don't love it you know we're sort of just putting a lot of chips in the middle in hopes that he doesn't just rip it in on the turn Reese about 15 bigs behind comes King ten five top hair for Roberto Roberto was so fascinating to me defending the king six riess with a really nice check back here with ace Jack and my goodness just remember there's a straight Wow all the gravy 295 K in the pot Reese with 725 K behind this sort of wet texture how much for Ryan riess 175 feels right how about 150 what do we do now top pair I mean we came along for the ride free we hit top pair I know the board's ugly but I think we just have to pay him the money here in this spot at least one time reevaluate on the river I'd feel a lot better if I had any sort of club in my hand clearly does make the call with a prefer is another King a disaster really this is never getting away for 575 likely to be a full double up here for Ryan race then again it's Roberto the guy just to eat really fascinating as to how he proceeds with his hands and could he find a hero faulty or in this spot yeah maybe obviously ace Jack Jack 9 the club's got there but he have 10s full you know unlikely to have King X when you have a king in your hand he's taking this much time is he a disaster just gonna lead out I'll pay off that time Bank and I'll pay off Ryan riess here most likely although yeah look at this rethinking that cot there's no way he would just add King X right I mean what it was right and then yeah what else would he do that with this is just such a told you Roberto fascinates me this is an unorthodox just I'm all-in sort of lying with this hand it's what are we targeting it do we really think we our opponent has a queen and then bet this might actually work somehow [Music] I don't think Roberto is intending to fold out a hand as strong as a Stupak Barrett this actually going to work it's a bluff not that it's intended to be won but will it work as one no no I this is not intended to be a bluff and Roberto's mind this is straight value thanks Ryan that's a queen I think that's exactly what it is yeah you're not folding ace-jack sometimes you got to paying the money show me a winner you got it knocked the table good hand walk away he's a new tournament tomorrow and Reis obviously giving credit to Roberto for having a hand like king 10 can Queen pretty much that exactly maybe somehow like pocket fives maybe a flush yeah you know check check on the flop Roberto check called a bed of 150k from Reis on the turn and on the river it's Roberto leading out here the effective shove Reis pained by this decision Reis really just saying okay are there any Bluffs no so in his mind what value does Roberto had that he he's moving all-in with and he's got to decide if it's King X and I think the bigger part of this is already what he said in vocalizes my hand is just too good to fold that looks like his last time Bank that he used so he left 30 more seconds to act and he's got to make a decision I am NOT a world champion Jeff I know that's hard to believe but I think we have to call briefs it's just seconds to act gonna have to fold time ran out those cards are into the mock don't show the six ball I think I thought you might have just been value betting the worse in that's what happens okay now if I was you I wouldn't watch the stream not more to do I never said I wouldn't watch but if you block the benefit or if you want to learn with a king do I mean I can easily do die I'd over but if you say I can I can make that like I know I'm just saying 515 total Mateos now on the pounce lined against blinds reefs on the short stack this is pretty much the bottom two for Mateos 59 six you didn't call me off the three second side without me talk Queens for Reese under the gun never runs out right back in eggs you'll win in either way my friend here comes good isn't it Mauricio was 7s on the button pretty close with 2/7 here in this spot I don't really think that Ryan is ever shoving too wide but certainly any pair would be all in so we have all those other pairs notched not to Queens and here we go Ryan Reese all in an at risk but in good shape with Queens against mauricio sevens get right back in this thing reach the Beast double to more than 20 digs I'm Jack the reduce pretty safe flop for Reese Mauricio need to find a seven to bust on and final that seven on the turn Reese needs to hit a miraculous river it doesn't come goodness just shell-shocked deer there's a Mauricio that look Roberto calls on the button with the ace 5 of spades king-jack for Luigi in the big 120 BIG's behind ya this is sort of tough too Roberto has exactly what I would anticipate him to have here and again it's a matter of what does Fredrik open with is he wide back to back hands just showed Ace King we give him credit for having a good enough hand here we could shove or we could do what he just did and that's call let's see three flops an open end or proto flops the nut flush draw Frederick's aces are best at the moment everybody happy everybody intrigued by this flop some action at Frederick assorting letting it soak in we suspect Roberto should have some Broadway sort of Holdings on the button obviously we can see he has the nut flush draw and Luigi likely to hit this flop as well it's exactly what's happened here decision time again for Luigi almost a million in the middle and he has 1.2 behind if we shove do we suspect we're getting called likely right why don't we get Roberto credit for we know a queen is gonna look us up Frederick did continue in this pot have to be a little bit wary about him I like this just call try and make our hand on the turn more than 1.1 million in the middle it's a blank on the turn for parts and that is obviously clean for Frederick I would be undeterred in this spot never worried about Luigi having me beat and trying to get max value from Roberto and of course denying equity from all of those draws we need to put the pedal to the metal here and let's bet something healthy upwards of eight hundred thousand 675 K is the bed on the turn Roberto now still getting a pretty good price implied odds after putting in an additional 675 ain't better than four to one oh my good Wow Roberto rips it in this is absolutely bananas this looks like potentially a set when he do that with two tens very likely now with the presence of another flush draw this is really twisted stuff by Roberto my goodness you're just calling on the flop the party poker team Pro rips it in there on the turn with the ACE five of spades max pressure put on Fredrik Anderson this is really disgusting stuff and we have the ace of hearts in our hand we can eliminate that sort of combo so what is it could he settle on maybe King Jack of Hearts was it just the Spade flush draw initially or would he play a flop set just like this has some time extension cards we expect he'll be using sound there's one stare down from the Swede can he find the call just trying to pick up any bit of towel or nervousness something uncomfortable about Roberto and he has just poised rural spot another time extension used another 30 seconds to act try and find some more stuff that he can beat how about Queen X of Spades certainly have to consider that holding question is what he ever just move it in they go up there another time extension does the chef look even stronger considering he still at Luigi to act I don't really think you're worried about Luigi he only had nine hundred and some thousand left but could that look stronger to Fredrik now baby yeah I I just I don't think so we already knew that didn't matter right if you have a monster you almost want to call again I think that's the last of it as far as this time extension cards go so the final 30 seconds left to act he does not act his hand will be declared dead which will be just fine for that man Roberto Romanello studying Frederick to the test there are just so many hands you could have here that would be drawers I mean think about it five six of Spades what do you do with that countdown is on Wow and there is the lay down he wants to see he will see the ace five of spades alright so we'll switch out beat your tables and how about this one Brent we have libery we have the reigning defending World Series of Poker Main Event champion Jose intense on are we inside laprise headphones what are we looking at there huh music is rocking uh except playing out there in the tournament floor there's Ludo party poker team pro with a massive stack so this will be fun when we come back go off to a break in about five minutes and we'll return with this table as our featured table at the party polka live millions UK sir Ludo open with the ace for diamonds such a wonderful spot a three-bed on the button maybe has a trap in mind every call I don't think so now the sacks behind I'm no one's really ever squeezing getting out of line here let's just look suspicious when you're wearing glasses like that Chicago Bulls t-shirt you need to take advantage of your image and he makes it 525 K and Ludo I guess a decision really here FLETC TV you could peel the kids these days are for bet blasting with the suited ace wheel cars I don't really care much for it overrated come along let's see one diamond the things he was sent about him early on the break tell you it was not nice at this check-check my pallamary under up yeah some respect sort of gross texture it's Christopher continues to take shots at news month or guys at a hand Christopher said Amory doc right I love personal gets upset you've both got lovely hair lovely hair lovely ludo trust I have all the eights I have all the sets I have all the two pair I have all the heart I'm gonna try and Bluff this man off two kings and for the times that he does check back a hand like eights queen is king which Jack suited that we suspect he could have three bet with this works however have to believe if I moves month checking back this flop I'm really not worried about that six on the turn this is what it's designed to do we can pick off plenty of Bluffs we're in position pot is not out of control two point two million now in the middle three point four behind how about top side just in case you weren't comfortable no hang on the river there's a change but not really an eight is still a straight we now beat all of the two pair combos Queen Jack gets there I just think Ludo is probably one and done for the times that we're sticking with ace king that's come home asking a lot out of the hand if we're gonna bet here it's gonna have to be in over bets just to simply represent some sort of straight 2.2 million in the pie about this he's just a saying that I have an eight he's gonna tell that story 1.1 million I don't believe it's going to work but it's news bonds face he doesn't love it okay well looks like an 8 must be an 8 still gonna call and just make the call nice pot firuze mono hack fun day yeah we started off with world champion Ryan riess now here we are with us a Mensa we're learning a lot about alternative energy from Ben Heath and live boria days for for live well she shot three times in a row out of the small blind against the short stack in the big she will it's unfold again and a couple jacks for as well can you do that photo in the nine-eight will defend ace Queen 10 got shots for both lives Jax our best let's check check another 10 on the turn check-check once again linked on the river yeah it looks to me that Ludo is not even gonna even bother live showing showdown value significance prank live just fine with checking back door slam down that nine eight their goal is to ensure the donations at the highest possible impacts rec - charity org for more on raising for effective giving the bar is starting to fill up as more and more eliminations occur 111 our language obviously he smashed this thank you sometime how much settles on 330k quick fold Francisco could follow us on Twitter I'm at Jeff Platt he's at B Hanks 11 Brent just posted he finished in third and he picks up base game clubs here I have no idea how Ben Haines finished in Thursday never had [ __ ] start exactly million chips in that event he finished in third place by never getting above 2.5 million ends on with tens about 12 bigs all of it for the champ all the ponies off to the races here we go rest of the field clears out each will call CNN's on all in at risk to read tens against the eighth king of clubs so pretend I left almost 2.2 million safe flop for him 787 loves bettin gives them the good game got it back to her flush draw and now needs an Acer King three of diamonds even down to six ounce and so I'm looking to stay alive and stay alive he does with the jack on the river tightly double up there for the World Series of Poker Main Event champion 2019 back in this thing I mean when you're the champ you you're pretty good at flips hey York sorta you still was Gil by now betting the bullet might I add I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he's only in for one the prostate bullet I love these blind I'm blind battles especially against two just remarkably intelligent Minds how about the sizing here from livery to 300,000 does this sort of tame the beast that is Ben Heath we lived in with King Donna but not the stronger side really for our limping race we could be considering raising with this hand now do you consider folding I don't think so I think you're still getting an okay price to hit the streets and play posts we know live can be raising to three hundred thousand are slightly larger with worse nice job live Murray gets it done Ben sort of feels abuse there do you see the wall of reluctantly now yeah rolling down the street in my 6fo Jack ten five with two spades top pair top kicker for libery nut flush draw for Ben he action 600k in the pot he checks they've also with a back door diamond draw she'll fire 375,000 francisco out of the way yeah and this is really sort of what we believed to be a passive line by Heath I don't suspect he's looking to check race here maybe you know if he does live is not in love with her hand what hands would he consider check raising with I suspect he may even consider check calling with hands like queens kings and aces let alone plush drawers and how about this here comes ya the check raised to 1.16 so much for the conservative route we are hitting the ground running that flush draw doesn't even really worry him that he could potentially be up against a Jack ace Jack not the best tend to be up against your ace is no longer live it makes the call sizeable pot developing here and as what does this texture is live is gonna be giving Ben a lot of credit for having some sort of big draw here there's the nine of hearts on the turn so the open-ended straight draw for Heath also what a wonderful card for him showing up now King Queen gets there could it potentially be king queen that check-raise was it ever king queen of spades exactly that could have checked raised everything comes home this is really terrible texture now for live and wonderful for this man Ben Heath who is on the move two million behind it all goes into the middle decision time what he just shoved King Queen would he do this with a set of tents if you're trying to find some sort of semi-bluff you'd have to land on something exactly like this AC eight of Spades maybe eight nine of spades where we'd still be shoving with a parent a flush draw and an open ender into the mock not her Ben he yeah that's beautiful stuff we did before that hand really started to develop I was under the impression that Ben Heath was going to be checked calling playing that hand sort of straightforward right ah he used that image of his to an advantage lips in great shape here at the moment however the power position sometimes it just doesn't matter maybe host mine has other plans for every time he doesn't connect any sort of texture he may live should have the better race in the situation loose bond could certainly be flatting the button with ace Jack ace Queen she's gonna study this and find a seabed the fuse Mon decides to float and I fully expect him to with that backdoor flush draw power position we could take this away on later streets like to see him call 175 represent a number of medium pairs that he would also not be giving up on live knows all this as make the call turn is a nine of spades flush draw now for live bérenger whose card and it's a sort of card where I expect live to maybe consider betting twice as a form of a semi-bluff still trying to fold out medium pores if she had an ace in her hand she'd be doing exactly that the flip side Jeff for the times at whose bun is floating we could also consider a world in which we're looking to check Jam I think this is the safer route you'd hate it to go check check and then you've missed out on that opportunity to simply just barrel here and take the pot down loose bond decision time either way ahead away behind if we just assume live has an ACR we can get off of this time pretty easily I just don't know if he's a believer so hard to come up with two barrels with let's say she had King Queen of Hearts unlikely to be betting again it would have to be this sort of holding to fire two shells looks like he is again yeah the river is the deuce of spades the flush comes in four livery with 1.2 million behind Jeff you know what to do here right I imagine she's going to put a decent amount of her chips in the middle I'd wager all of them yeah but a half pots and all of it Oh spawn now beats literally nothing really other than just a stone cold a block right to sponsor every street she had the ace by the way ace X of spades is also a combination that could be out there it's just so hard would she ever empty the clip with just nothing but air maybe you know we just don't know what the frequency is but what do you think call twice it's so hard to fire that third shell with just nothing I think Guzman is gonna come to that realization time extension to use granting them an additional 30 seconds to act I gave us about a lot of credit we're sticking around all the way here until the river he did have the best end and I give him even more credit here for finding this fold came to the correct realization that she just has to have it as it may have just gotten there on the river I think he's figured it all out does make the correct lay down I spot on the last four liber8 back up to 3.6 million interesting here now for live decision time Queen I said enough showdown value we'd picked up a gutter do we consider maybe just sort of coughing on the pot if you will as well played saying I think has a no-brainer let's bat we're open-ended to the nine eyes straight I think we just need to bet they're Hossein or you know what that you know what that who cares that when you just get there on the reality as though for the time so we do put extra chips in we get called we should be able to make any larger bet on the river and get paid off your opponent guessing live just trying to get the show down there with Queen hi now we've got the one ladder to the straight still a curious cat but I think we ultimately just have to fault francisco for the third time at this feature table Ludo rips it in on the button facing the two short stacks and the blinds Francisco happy to call off with Queens Chris out of the way Francisco in good shape to double up his queens in this a six-shot this is a layup shot considering both stack sizes in the blinds streaming short still 30% to win this hand the big guy link looking to bust Francisco and spikes an ace on the floor that could be so dirty at times disco needs a queen or some sort of help on the turn that turn card no help whatsoever five of hearts Francisco down to two outs for this tournament life on the line river card is the eight of clubs that'll do it for Francisco Carrera it's just not fair Jeff over and over again how many times are we gonna see it the party poker team pro so Jeff of my math is correct then that means this table is pretty short we only have to lose thirty more we're done for the day I spot here for Ben King ten suited is to play it directly heads up from the big blind I'm happy to see three defends Jack six the reading the Jack of Hearts very or dry texture I don't believe that Benjamin is going to be checked folding here I certainly wouldn't one would assume that ludo going to continue here with his two queens somewhere around half Bob that's 2:35 I've just not done with it with three - the Royal still gonna fight he's gonna give it up that is perhaps maybe with the payouts sort of looming meanwhile newsmen raises in the cutoff with the Queen Jack makes it 225 K and E out of the small blinds make the call at the ACE to some heart slippery in the big with three deuce of spades yeah totally fine let's see three getting a wonderful price Heath yeah I think I like this with the ace deuce suited I wouldn't mind seeing a three bet and call once in a while and especially flop top pair like this how about liberate ya with a flush draw checks around no surprise with the check back here by it was fun even if I had an ace I would consider checking the reball for live to go along with that flush draw one of those way ahead way behind situations so what he does he knows that ooze bond would check behind many of his aces of course the action is on Heath right there he'll check again nothing but a bluff catcher I would love to see live fire here she has all of the sixes if I had a six what would my sizing be obviously this is going to be what I would suspect would be so maybe she just thinks it's gonna check around a lot certainly a semi-bluff for her it does check around for parts on the river heats and a bath heath knows that live unlikely to check a six there on the term the only one that he's really worried about and if whose Mon has it so be it it looks like it was Mon could be just trying to get the showdown with maybe some sort of middling pair he's gonna go ahead and bet a healthy 485,000 and live now very curious would Heath do this with king queen King Jack suited turning those hands and the bluffs trying to force a fold from 3 X 4 X potentially even what we suspect Guzman could have with maybe sevens or eights it would be asking quite a lot but certainly looks like he could have an a seer right she's taking her time perhaps considering not just calling but could we still raise here and represent a six could we somehow have five seven suited really the world is her oyster I thought about it just a muck laid it down whose month-old this well Ben he picks up that pot attack attack attack he will not be taking off many buttons that's for sure Chris Medusa's I'll defend really prefer to see Chris job there rather than call knowing how wide Ludo should be opening then again when you know you're gonna flop a set of mallards you got here we do Iain Louie all the ducks on the pond there they are now familiar look at this the set of deuces don't shove now please doesn't always have an ace he never has an ace what do you think set the trap Chris this is actually white mushroom houses the sizing 115 more this is gonna be hard for Ludo Lee this quick call he's a non-believer saying wait a minute this doesn't make any sense what would you be check raising you never have an ace wouldn't you just shove free even if you did have an ace it would have to be aces up in order to check raise this doesn't make sense non-believer I knew we should have raced this flop just turns the four parts Chris lead 375 K Oh summon those still very curious here the reports on the river the relatively gross run out one Leonard it was straight the hearts gets there maybe now it makes ludos fold a little easier around the river saying okay you could have been bluffing this whole time and all of a sudden now you get there but what five is it has to be a five exactly that he decided to check raise doesn't it look like a lot of diamonds it missed he's very curious thinking now check-raise with diamonds make sense bet on the chair with diamonds make sense he's a time extension for a sessional 30 seconds to act yeah he's so curious it just doesn't make sense he's eliminated all the value hands that would have been two pair combos so give him credit for a set thanks all the pair's would have been shoved in pre Chris has been pretty quiet throughout the day I think that ultimately believes he has a Miss flush draw notice I'm not stirring around that chair anymore maybe a little too comfortable hmm he knows his deuces are good another time extension used this is the most comfortable we've seen Chris look all day not moving around back and forth not playing with his hands just frozen and again it hasn't really been active throughout the day but miss flush draw makes a little sense finally Ludo finds the correct fold nice Walt I did think he was really close to calling there I really do playing down to sixty tonight then everybody will be in the money before we go to break as well take a look at the chip counts Ludo and news Mon with more than six million in chips spent heath about five knowing a drop off before livery and Jose Nance on who will need to make some moves in the next level Jeff white alongside Brent Hanks and Brent here we go at least approaching the bubble it's unfortunate Jeff somebody on this stream today go home with $0 as we approach this bubble and how about this home court advantage for this entire table the exception of this guy Hossein and son all in right now for his life a stent of hearts everyone from the UK here except for our German Main Event champion and that champion is in some trouble to kick things off you look betting he looks them up with the ace king of clubs it's the ace ten of hearts for a saint in song get inside get a little lucky it comes five four three with two hearts flops the flush draw will draw for the chopped off to a hot start that's as pure as it gets we talked about this Jaffe just won the main event he can't lose his hand the champ does not lose the ace ten ace king confrontation case in point right there four hearts on the turn for host st. inside and he doubles up to more than four million and the second time he's doubled up through Ben Heath now all of a sudden it has been Heath who's fallen under the three million chip mark behind 60k 120k with a 120,000 big blind ante those blue chips he just snagged worth 100 K of these orange chips we're 25k Purple's worth 5k now find yourself in a tremendous situation having a seven dominating seven six Chris can't even lucky flop comes Jack five six with two diamonds so Christopher flops a six live flops the nut flush draw Christopher had that look in his eye where he is a non-believer fully anticipate this to be an all-in pot with bets 300,000 he'll just call comes along the wrong wall from Christopher turn is the King of Spades this really is a perfect card for live to just stuff 1.4 in the middle here there's 1.3 in the pot using that King to her advantage she has all the kings in her range and if you get called Wow oopsies you at least have the nut flush draw likely has her opponent pegged on a jack a 6 a 5 maybe some sort of straight draw she'll bet most of it bets 900,000 quick fold from Christopher well played live burry takes down a really crucial pot at this point in the tournament really nice stuff a skank Rougemont on the button No effectively shove he calls in the big blind with a Sayed he'll see the bad news he'll need a little help to stay alive East King Cruz Mon ace 8 for Ben he yeah it was close for Ben he they say just too good you know we know who's mocking get carried away should be shoving worse it's shoving worse most definitely I would sort of categorize this as a bit of a cooler here we go can you get a little lucky King in the window basically flop dead back door draw to a chop or could go 8-8 it's a queen on the turn that'll do it for Ben he'd valiant effort just couldn't really get anything going today they try to get three starting stacks there yeah you know a nice play there by spot just shoving ace king on the button it looks weaker than what it really is rather than just a min raise obviously we know if he's job he's still snapping the money was going in in that situation no matter what then he couldn't do anything about it he can go home sleep happy at night he played once again another flawless tournament and once in a while you just don't cash the dart just got here we have no reason to believe it this fella is out of line I mean you wrote a satellite book for crying out loud probably gonna be on the snug side why here we go the champ makes it 810 K and this is great how about this let's just try and exploit them ludo abuse with the Ace King of Spades it's not gonna work is it Jeff it's about to get haywire I still really like how Saints 3 been in position all of it from Ludo and part of I believe it's in chapter 3 talks to you a little bit about posturing installing eyeing your opponent up and down who just won the World Series of Poker Main Event and finding me fault yeah it's frustrating when you've three bet ten nine suited thinking why didn't I just flat I could have seen three in position I still really like it now they're guessing Ludo what is what does he have is this just a cold for putting this to the test unlikely he's just he's woke up folks running hot playing great he's mine the jack ten of diamonds never folding this ever not in a million years when you get to open up against Christopher the flu and daraa the satellite King oh all of it from Christopher Christopher's gonna find himself in a great spot he really is Ludo has four is in the big wine maybe never forget about Ludo actually did not see him in the hand opportunity to potentially isolate here with pocket fours if that were the case I'd like sort of the men raise to 900 or so or just this how about this we just get a great price to call and I don't think there's room for us Mon to race through this I'm not sure if we can raise but regardless even if we can you can't I I don't know where you enjoy it right I've got over calling that suggests to me that he's got a pretty decent hand clearly we can see it's just for us but we know he's going to get a great price that's implied for every time we do get to see 3 to try to eliminate a player Christopher in line for the triple op they stand up against the jack 10 of oozma and the fours of Ludo which are ahead at the moment as it comes six five six one diamond click check check seven of diamonds on the turn thinking that he should bad with the quick check back by Usman suggests that he does in fact just have to Broadway cards to over cards we can deny equity from those hands clearly now we see that Vaughn has picked up a flush draw unlikely to go anywhere judo will bet out for 675 K just kidding a nice price there I would not be overly concerned about being up against a full house I think Ludo would maybe consider checking a full house mate now I'd better full house if I had it here with the flush draw hitting the turn so certainly a cause for concern but either way I'm just not folding Jack ten of diamonds I need to see that River whose mom isn't folding either Ludo can now sort of figure out where is mom is that in the hand likely to have turned a flush draw maybe he just flopped them dad could have fives full already Yussef hearts on the river Ludo has this one locked and the side pot has been created so maybe you know where to check here whose mind could try and take it away but it just looks like more flush draws than full House's to be the case and little can win an even larger pot Chris Farrar yeah put the jacket on looks like Luda leads to bet guess it's just showdown the winner quite happily Chris for bummed out gonna bust this thing hope he feels better it was a delight for most of the day no doubt about it he was fun ace king for live tightly makes it 350k off a little bit more than a 15 big blind stack opening in relatively early position plus one I know we've got a pair here James deuces but need to be concerned about only being five spots out of the money what about this pair hates for tourists I like this just gonna come along with the call I've been impressed with Chris and his decision preflop once again here rather than just stuffing two eights let's go ahead and take a look at some texture see three reevaluate you can see the field upper left has now dropped to 64 players remaining only four off the money comes ten seven deuce it's favorable now live how do we proceed we can assign Chris's calling range in the small blind to be quite narrow likely to be maybe King Jack suited at the worst Queen Jack suited a lot of King Queens and wisely checking back because it's also a lot of these medium pairs sevens eights nines tents Jack's likely all-in preflop but he may just call those hands - it does turn a gut shot and I think the doors open now with this texture with this turn card with the Queen we need to fire a shell and put Chris to the test so difficult now to continue with 2/8 a perfect turn card for live to do so not to mention she has the asic gloves in her hand for insurance just in case she needed to rep a club on a river at 550,000 and this should just win the MA win the pot certainly Chris knows that live would be betting this queen with her ace Jack and haste King Holdings but handcuffs nothing you can do not deep enough horrible texture considering we know it was mine is opening very wide in late position as he should be a seven she's honestly flipping a coin I could shove here a lot probably pick up the pot I could clearly just defend but I'm rarely hitting the flop going to be hard to navigate with the stack sighs I would lean personally all in here I think live is going to take the lower variance approach considering you're on the bubble four players away I don't mind it she does call it's pretty close she does checked the ace king eight flop flop easier got shot in a back door flush draw for whose mine and a very small bed here by Usman saying I've got all that that's my texture live check calls and who's fun really could consider trying to two-barrel oh my goodness oh that Jack of Hearts rolls off on the turn Broadway firuze maan now he certainly will consider - barreling and there was it certainly a case we made where maybe we could fold out a variety of Kings rarely 1/8 given the price but what a dream of the turn card here for us mom I'll bet 500,000 remarkably difficult spot now for live we have top pair guy it's two barreling on this sort of wet texture and not a huge bet either only 500,000 into roughly 1.2 critical decision time for live I certainly would not falter for calling one more time she has to know or at least anticipate the likelihood of facing an all in River shove and oh boy disaster and she's the one who shoves Guzman calls and Liv Boeree will be drawing dad here that'll do it for livery just a couple spots off the money are you poker alive millions UK main event always a blast have live at our feature table naturally a delight devastating to bubble four spots off the money certainly disappointed we take a look at one of our outer tables another mohawk second one in the field see that all in triangle last year Jeff it's not me sneezing was your right so when we do have it all in a call they hold up and wait to see if the similar situation arises at any other table this is an all in pre between Andres goats and Michael all rot on rot being the one at risk so again that isn't all in a call waiting to see if there's an all-in and a call at another table and we will proceed okay here we go gender SID who has the jacket of clubs on a six three five seven throw boy loves I can't that is just Jack hi and that's Peter Chan with King whoa so cou gender said who has been eliminated so we know for sure that the bubble has burst we will go back to that other hand that we saw developing between Andres goats and Michael all right I mean he's on he's at risk there we go let's see him we're ready goats first to show maybe go to those Queens all right hand aces he does have the goods can the Aces hold up comes King King three so far so good for all Murat aces that's it another King heard Michael all Murat stays alive make money at the party cooker live millionaires you'll see so 60 players remain 60 players make the money 60 players come back tomorrow they'll join our 16 online buyers and Brent let's bag and tag that's it Wow did not take many hands to slide into the money and of course one of them was an ultimate cooler and the other one was if you guys enjoyed today's video make sure you leave a like drop a comment and don't forget to subscribe for the best poker videos on YouTube make sure to also check out our previous video if you missed it and let us know in the comments below what you would like to see on the next fury TV [Music] then he looks at Queens [Music]
Channel: FuryTV
Views: 100,292
Rating: 4.6431537 out of 5
Keywords: poker, best poker hands, poker episode, millions uk, partypoker millions, millions poker tournament, millions uk 2020, dusk till dawn poker, nottingham poker, wpt uk day 1, world poker tour, world poker tour uk, poker 2020, partypoker, partypoker live, poker premier league, amazing poker hands, top 5 poker hands, poker highlights, sick poker hands, phil laak, liv boeree poker, romanello poker, poker compilation, poker videos, poker channel, poker youtube, furytv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 13sec (4873 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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