Millionaire Shortbread Recipe

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(cheerful music) (dog barking) (dog whimpering) (dog barking) - Hey everyone, it's Barry here. Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen. I hope you are well. First things first, look it's Lizzie and Homer, right? Lizzie is still, she's kind of leaning, I wouldn't say standing. She's pretty much leaning against that door. I feel like it's time to get a replacement for Michael Jackson which accidentally got thrown out. So, tell you what? Reach out to me on Twitter 'cause that's the best way for me, I tend to interact on that a lot, with any suggestions of cardboard cutouts that you find online and I'll get another one for the collection. Anyhow, this video isn't about cardboard cutouts, it is about millionaire's shortbread. I have always wanted to do a video on millionaire's shortbread and for some reason, I look at it and go, oh, no, it's gonna take ages. So, I'm gonna be brutally honest with you. I'm gonna make it but I'm gonna, rather than chill it in the fridge, I'm gonna, don't do that. I'm gonna put it in the freezer because when you're making something as delicious as a millionaire's shortbread, unless you're making it well ahead of time, you want to get that stuff in your tummy, baby! Right, Boston and Aimee? Yeah. So, as always, the full steps and method are on my website. Let's go a little bit old-school. Let's go hit pause on the video (fingers clicking) now and write those ingredients down. When I used to do that back in the day, all these YouTube analysts would be like oh, erm, why is there a bump in your video? It's because when I go (fingers clicking) like that, to hit pause and write it down, people rewind the video and it goes oop, back up again. So, that's. Not that I ever really bother about YouTube analytics. I just do what I wanna do. First step, we are gonna make our base, base, base, base. (Barry beatboxing) All we need is a mixing bowl and food processor, if you want to be lazy or sensible, flour, butter, and sugar. Let's do it. First thing I'm gonna do is actually just grease this tin, alright? So, it's gonna make it so easy to get this out later. Don't go to all that effort and then you realise you can't get it out of the tin. Alright? Let me make that failure in the past and learn from it and share it by a form of video evidence on the internet. That so nearly fell off the worktop then. Woo! So, into this bowl, sugar, some plain flour. This is 115 grammes of butter but I'm just like squishing it with my fingers into little lumps or you could just slice it into cubes just to make this next step easier. I think that some of you guys know what's coming. This is the step that I hate doing but I like showing you guys, some of you that don't have like food processors and stuff. We'll need some more butter later on, okay? Alrighty, so I'm gonna take my ring off because so many of you tell me about that. Some people will say it doesn't really matter but I'm gonna go with the mass and say, hey, get that ring off, baby. You ain't Mr. T today. So, we've already worked that butter a little bit. I just hate the feeling of this, so it's a little bit warmed anyway. We're just gonna rub the fat from the butter into the flour and sugar. So, this is gonna be our base. So, a food processor would do this in like 10 seconds but we're just gonna keep going until we get a nice sort of crummy texture that should be a little bit tinged in yellow because of the fat worked into it. And you can start to feel it because like in a way, if you just press it like that, you can see how a base is starting to form. That's all we're after. Alright, I've definitely got something I can work with there and start pressing together into our lined tin, which is just over there. I ain't gonna touch the camera, 'cause of my hands. Ugh! Boston, Amy? You guys alright? Nice. Alright, so let's just be pretty rough with this and just push that all in there and then if you want to use your hands, you can, but you can just squish it down with a spatula. Alright, so that's looking pretty good. Obviously, if you want to get a thicker base, you can just double up the ingredients or just use a smaller tin. Alright, so, I've just made loads of holes in it with a fork. There we go. So, now you're really supposed to put in the fridge to chill it before baking it. We're gonna put it in the freezer. So, rather than the fridge for like 30 minutes, we're gonna just stick in the freezer for 10 and meanwhile, we'll preheat our oven. (plastic clanging) Whoops! The shelf's been broken for a while. Oven. Preheat it to gas mark four or equivalent. The lonely pug forages in the kitchen for scraps of flour. And now we take another break by the LED fire. (laughs) It's all fake. Cost me like 100 quid to make the whole thing. As we start to think about the second level, the caramel layer, probably the trickiest out of all of them. You don't want to burn your countertop. (laughs) Only a fool would do that. Because the third layer is simply caramel. I mean, chocolate. You could load it with salt, though, the middle layer, make salted caramel. Nice. Hey, go sit by the fire, Boston, instead of by the random IKEA stuff that I keep buying. And speaking of IKEA, I did, oh my gosh. That was actually why half of my freezer wanted to jump out at me earlier. On my next video on Sunday after filming this is an IKEA taste test. I had to go back there to get some bits and bobs and as it was, I was there and some people say that in their IKEA store, they don't have a supermarket. My one does. It's got like the Swedish meatballs they serve in IKEA, the lingonberry jam, a Daim bar cheesecake. So, keep an eye out for that video, would ya? So, before we start that middle filling, it's best to get the base at least cooking. So, once it's about 10-15 minutes into that bake, it takes about 25 to 30 minutes. We will then begin the caramel-making process. So, let's bake the base. So, by chilling it, it just helps the fats to kind of firm up again. That's all it is. There's that tendency that if it's warm, it could just sort of go blub. It can sort of move, you know? So, in about 10 minutes, we'll start to heat up the middle filling bit but we can get it all ready here. Alright, so down goes a saucepan. We'll just stick all the ingredients in and warm it up when we're ready, alright? Two tablespoons of golden syrup. You can warm your spoon up or you can heat this very, very quickly in the microwave if you want to make it pour off a bit faster but we've got plenty of time, baby. Well you can actually even grease the spoon as well, that's a hack. It's actually a hack. Is that just a hack or is that common-sense? Something that I'm lacking. Tin of condensed milk. I absolutely love this stuff. Years ago, I did a recipe for a tres leches cake, which I think means three types of milk and that was absolutely gorgeous. I need to do that again actually. It was so naughty. This is 100 grammes of butter from an unnecessarily great height. (butter thudding) (Barry laughing) You obviously don't need to chop that up, 'cause it's gonna get melted and this is a 100 grammes of light brown sugar. That is everything. I'm just gonna let that sit in the pan for the time being, so they can get to know each other, you know, ask 'em how they've been, kind of like speed dating for a pan. Okay, so I ended up on the phone and I got a little bit caught out there. It doesn't matter because I've taken this out of the oven and it gives it more time to cool down. It's nice and golden brown. So, we're gonna leave that and we can work on this. ♪ It's the remix to (igniter clicking) ignition ♪ Yay. ♪ Hot and fresh in my kitchen ♪ ♪ Barry cooking up millionaire's shortbread and wishing ♪ Okay. So, the most important thing we're gonna do here is two things. We're gonna melt this down and just break it down as quick as we can by stirring it, dissolving the sugar through, melting that butter up. But then, the more important thing, as people are reminding me on Twitter, is that you need to stir this consistently for around about five minutes to stop it burning. You do not want burnt caramel. No. And I do, like I say, have this temptation to make it salted caramel but I always use slightly salted butter anyway, so that will give it a little bit of tang but nowhere near enough. You really want to sort of grind some in and taste it. I've just done one quick change before it starts to bubble. I'm using this spatula because it's sort of bendy like that. You can really get to the bottom and the sides and scrape it and keep it really moving. A wooden spoon is fine but sometimes it can't quite get to all those nooks and crannies and you want to really keep it off the bottom of the pan there. So, we've got it on a really steady bubble but do not stop stirring it, okay? Otherwise you'll unearth these blobs of like really heavily burnt caramelised sugar. So, it's really worth to keep it moving and we'll see it in about five to six minutes. Alrighty, I'm super happy with that. Nothing's stuck to the bottom. A lovely, gorgeous caramel colour. Look at that. Oh my gosh, get in there. This is very, very, very hot indeed. So, what I suggest is that we just tilt the pan. It will cool down rather quick, though. It'll surprise us. I say us because you are gonna do this, alright, just like what my other recipes. I want you to do it. You gotta do it and then you can be like, hey, there's the guy on YouTube's, he's amazing. It's just him and a camera and he like does this cool stuff. Yeah, I wasn't inspired by a TV show where like a 100 cast and crew just stood around. I ain't even gonna touch that. I'm just gonna let it sit. In about five minutes, it will develop a skin and then it's gotta fully cool down and then, just while we're waiting to do our final layer which is the chocolate, we'll let it just kind of chill in the freezer. Dogs. For that last step, please be careful. You do not want to get that on your skin. And also, that simmering time is important because otherwise, you'll think yeah, yeah, that's thickened but it won't be and then when you come to firm it up, it will never be firm and then when you try and slice it later on, it will just be like (blowing raspberry). When I was testing recipes for one of my cookbooks and there's a millionaire's shortbread in there, I've slightly twist on it. Yeah, I learned that the hard way. Next step, we're gonna bash up some chocolate. Here's a really easy way and therapeutic way to bash up your chocolate. (chocolate slamming) Alright, sorry dogs. Sorry. I call that the bell ringer. Sometimes they stand by the cardboard cutouts for comfort. They think they're genuine people. Come on, guys, let's go! Come on! So, what we've got here is a really small saucepan with a little bit of water just to melt it up as you've seen many, many times before. So, this bowl will not touch that water. It's just gonna steam it. In goes the chocolate. So, we just melt that up. And meanwhile, this is pretty much room temperature now. I'm gonna stick that in the freezer just to speed up the chilling process. Alright, this chocolate is nearly there. We're gonna get it nice and smooth and runny, so that it'll just pour evenly all over that layer and settle into place. Chocolate on there. Oh, yes. Loads more in the bowl here. Use your spatula again. I think spatula is your friend for this whole recipe. And just while it's warm again, we'll tilt it around. Again, very, very therapeutic, this. Alrighty, so if you wanted to now, you could melt some white chocolate. You can get peanut butter chips, things like that and swirl it all in. As I say, I'm just going classic. So, normally, now you'd put it in the fridge for a couple of hours at least, normally three hours, something like that, just to get that firmed all the way through, completely up but nice and cool on those two middle layers anyway, so I'm gonna stick it in the freezer for say, I don't know, about half an hour. I'll let you know and then we'll just put it in the fridge for 10 minutes or so. Alrighty then folks, we have succeeded. We have shaved an hour off of that time. It's only been in the freezer for about 25 minutes, put it in the fridge for five more, nice and firmed on top. Let's get it out. Alrighty and there it is and hopefully the benefit of baking parchment will now be revealed. Check that out. It's gonna be a little tough, 'cause it's cold. Oh, so good. Probably the best game of chess ever. Oh, so there we go then folks. I've just lined this up for our thumbnail picture. Thank you. Do let them adjust to room temperature just before you eat them. You don't wanna shatter your teeth on the middle bit, okay? What we've got though is those three clear stages of colour, the chocolate, the caramel, and the base. Oh. That is amazing. Oh. But, at the same time, also very, very naughty. Next step is your turn to give this a go. Please try it. If you do, send me a picture, @myvirginkitchen on your social media of choice. Don't forget to subscribe for regular videos and remember to press the bell button so you're notified of all new uploads. And finally, let me know down below what you want to see next and maybe I'll give it a go. Alright guys, good luck. Try this, you're gonna love it.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 216,027
Rating: 4.9132509 out of 5
Keywords: shortbread (dish), caramel shortbread (dish), myvirginkitchen, my virgin kitchen, caramel shortbread video, barry lewis, what is millionaire shortbread, millionaires shortbread, millionaires shortbread recipe, caramel shortbread, Millionaire shortbread, caramel shortbread squares, salted caramel, easy recipes, how to make, caramel shortcake, baking, chocolate, baking videos, chocolate caramel slice, how to cook, tutorial, caramel (ingredient), diy, chocolate caramel slice recipe
Id: h8cHVUoTRLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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