Millionaire Shortbread | Ep. 1294

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[Music] hi guys I'm Laura Vitale and on this episode of Laura in the kitchen I want to show you how to make millionaire's shortbread which is so phenomenal just you wait it's basically like a layered cookie really it's got a shortbread crust it's got a thick delicious caramel layer and then a chocolate topping that I like to sprinkle with some sea salt because I just love the addition of a little bit of salt just sort of balance all of the sweetness going on it is the stuff of dreams and I'm thrilled to share it with you let's start with a shortbread crust because it's super easy to make and that's the first thing you got to work on anyway so all you need for this is some flour with a little bit of salt you need some sugar and I've got some butter here it's mostly melted because I was softening this on top of my stove as I was preheating the oven but it is fine it just means that it's gonna work a little bit easier and you need a little bit of vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract now I've got my oven preheating to 350 I've got here what I have here is a rectangular this is like a I don't even want to call it a springform pan because it's not but it's just a rectangular tart pan with a removable bottom this is a bit of an odd size I like to make it this way because it just looks pretty makes a little triangles but you can do the same recipe in an 8x8 square pan lined with parchment paper so that you can kind of lift them out and it works perfect every single time I just make it in this one because it's prettier that's pretty much it so let's get started I'm gonna make it in a bowl with just a whisk and a spatula and it's gonna be awesome I'm gonna add the butter really buttery obviously and the sugar I just want to whisk these together for a minute just to combine if your butter isn't as melted like mine is it shouldn't be melted it should be sort of like softened during the temperature then you would need to cream this a little bit easier a little bit better but it takes a minute if it's already melted anyway and then I'm gonna add a little bit of vanilla bean paste about I would say 1/4 teaspoon if you are using extra I will use closer to 1 teaspoon but vanilla bean paste is literally all vanilla beans so it's very very strong now I'm gonna add the dry ingredients switch to a spatula and just combine that's it and all that in there and it looks right now like there's not enough to cover but trusts you mean there is you just need to work just with a little bit of patience and as you press this down you kind of make a thin layer on the bottom it's a really rich cookie and it does puff up a little bit as it bakes but it turns out perfect I'm telling you I made this a few days ago I made a batch because I was gonna give some of it away to a friend and I was just taking sneak nice Niq Niq photos but I like to take some photos to share them on my Instagram stories but you don't follow me he definitely should and I had overwhelming amount of people asked me for the recipe so I figured I I knew I was gonna share it anyway cuz I don't do that to you when I share something on Instagram chances are I'm gonna share it with you anyway because I know all good questions but man people were going insane they were so excited you see how it spreads like really perfect just take your time I mean it's not like you're in a rush or anything that's the beauty of weekend baking or baking in general anyway I don't want to bake in a hurry just take your time and press it in the bottom and the sides of your pan that looks perfect you're gonna take a fork and you're just gonna pierce all over bottom sides everywhere so go ahead and do that and then once we're done we're gonna pop we huh I'm gonna pop this into an oven 350 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown and I will show you what it looks like when it's there but in the meantime we're gonna work on making that delicious sticky caramel that's unbelievably incredible and you're gonna absolutely love this I'm gonna pop this in get my ingredients out for the caramel and then we'll get started all right so to make the caramel filling what you need is some sweetened condensed milk some butter in a little bit of brown sugar there's a lot of sweetness going on in here but keep in mind it is an occasional treat that is so worth it I mean thing but to get this part right there's a few things you gotta keep in mind I have made the mistake I've made these mistakes many many times and I want to keep you from making them too so that you don't get frustrated as I have gotten in the past you want to use a pan that's a heavy bottom thick pan this is not the place for a really thin pretty pot you need something heavy you need something thick and preferably nonstick also do not use too much heat so your flame cannot go on the sides of the pie if you're putting your small pot on a big burner your flames are gonna go around the pump and it's gonna burn the side and want any of it burns there's no going back so you got to put this on a small burner and you're gonna bring it to a boil and then you're going to cook it on low heat on that small burner until it becomes really thick and delicious looking and I will show you what it looks like when it gets there but please be patient don't be tempted to turn the heat up because it will just burn it could take up to 20 minutes so you just gotta babysit it give us some love give it a little bit of TLC and it will come out perfect in the end I promise all right it's been about 15 minutes and you can completely see the difference in texture you can see the color is a lovely like like caramel colored that is perfect my crust is ready that just came out of the oven and it really works best if you pour this in your crust while the crust and the filling is still warm because as the filling cools even just a little tiny bit see there's no burnt bits or anything and that's what you want to look for because if anything sticks or anything burnt you're gonna have to start over as the filling cools which even 5 minutes makes a big difference because it starts to set and you don't want that because that makes it extremely difficult to you know even it out I'm pour it in here you see how easy that is it works really really nicely when it's nice and hot now you're gonna leave this aside to cool I would say for a good couple of hours you need this to be what I do is I let it cool for about an hour and a half I've room temperature then I pop it into the fridge for about a half an hour just to make sure it's really cooled that way we can top it with our final layer of chocolate and it is just perfection every single time so do that because if this doesn't set well then and it's still warm then the chocolates gonna melt into it and it's a disaster so just follow my lead let it cool now and a half into the fridge for half an hour and it'd be perfect my caramel base has set perfectly you hear the base Mia's back there playing and finding this whole thing very amazing here we're gonna get going on making the chocolate layer for the very top and all you need is some good-quality semi-sweet chocolate where you can use milk chocolate and some butter don't use chocolate chips for this it does not work well ask me how I know and it doesn't melt as well as you need it to melt so just use a really good bar of semi-sweet or milk chocolate break it up into pieces a little bit of softened butter I'm gonna pop this into the microwave or you could do it over a double boiler until it is completely melted keep an eye on it because you don't want the chocolate to burn all right so I've just made sure to smear that chocolate in one beautiful layer of a top of the caramel and then what I do is I just sprinkle a little bit of really good-quality sea salt over the top just to balance all of that sweetness and once this sets we're gonna cut and serve my chocolate is set look at this oh yeah that is gorgeous I cannot wait to dig into this now I like to cut like triangles I just think it looks pretty but don't make them too big because keep in mind this is incredibly rich and delicious but let me just tell you this this could win awards it's so good and I kid you not when I tell you that whoever I present this to whoever I give this to they say that's the best thing I've ever eaten because there's just something about the there's just something about the combo of everything and that salt making it all come which really is key here because without it I just feel like it's too one-dimensional but with it it wakes everything else up I just cut myself a perfect little triangle production you cannot imagine how cool this is and how simple making it perfect if you wanted to look a holiday gift a gift giving or if you want to bring something sweet to a party this is it's a great departure from like cookies or brownies it's just amazing alright in the kitchen I come has a recipe ready for you I hope you enjoy spending time with me please make the shortbread I guarantee you you will love it much as we do you [Music]
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 205,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, chocolate, caramel, dessert, shortbread, millionaire shortbread, shortbread cookies, millionaire shortbread cookies, easy cookies, best cookies, desserts, homemade dessert, homemade shortbread, how to make shortbread
Id: QFxk7SdQ9-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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