Clear crisps / Glass Potato Chips

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(playful music) - Hey everyone, it's Barry here. Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen, I hope you are well. Today, we're kinda revisiting that clear, transparent vibe that we went to quite recently with the lemon meringue pie. Some of you guys absolutely loved it, some of you guys absolutely freaked people out, and I think because of both those things, that video actually got to trending, which is awesome, so thank you so much for, I guess, however that got to trending, it helped my channel a little bit. So it was fun, right? And also, it did taste amazing. I'm gonna be clear with you, pun intended, for 100% transparency, extra pun intended, today's video does worry me. We are gonna try and attempt to make something from Loads of you bombarded me with the link, clear potato chips, aka clear crisps. Effectively, transparent Pringles to a degree, and yes, I really do want to make a giant Pringle. Now the method I've got here on my phone, it actually seems reasonably simple in terms of the steps. We make a potato stock and bits and bobs like that, we'll come to it, but it does take a very, very long amount of time, but I'm willing to give it time. Or maybe rosemary. Sorry about the puns, it's Monday morning, I'm a little tired, but we want to crack on with this. Let's do it. People also call them glass chips, but I didn't want to call them that because I don't wanna eat glass. I don't want to walk on broken glass like Annie Lennox. Other glass puns are available? Heart of Glass, that was a song. The first step is very simple and reminiscent of basically baking potatoes, so preheat your oven. Oven preheated. Lined baking tray and a mixing bowl. All right, let's bring that back in a minute. So these are some Vivaldi potatoes. It specified the actual potato you need, Yukon Gold potatoes, but I like Vivaldi ones, they're quite nice and buttery, but I think any potato will do. I mean, we're not really pushing for this to be the next fidget spinner? Annoyingly with the potatoes I've bought, though, I've got one that's absolutely enormous and one slightly smaller, so to make sure that it cooks evenly, just halve them and what you'll find is that wetness there. You want to pat that dry, so just like dab it with a tea towel just to get rid of that excess starch. Now starch does come in to this later on. It gets weird. So we'll now take, I know it's quite a lot of potatoes here, so we'll take half of these, drench it in some olive oil. A bit of olive oil, (hums) nice and generous. Gonna lubricate it. Generous sprinkle of salt. (sings) Yes, just salt, we're not going for pepper, and then just spin them around, get them nice and lubricated. So they're going on the tray all oiled up from the beach, and I'll grab my other ones that haven't been oiled and do the same. (sings) Nice. It's actually my favourite way of making potatoes, is to just absolutely lather them in oil, salt, and pepper and bake them and it sort of bakes into the potatoes, gorgeous. I was bringing out my inner Steve Irwin there, wasn't I? But a bit more salt on top if you want. Yeah baby. (oven beeps) Okay, my oven is preheated, we're about to bake here. I was on the phone to my friend Latus just a moment ago and he was kind of saying, if you think about a crisp, potato chip, if you actually take the flavour out of it and it's just plain, this is potentially what this could be anyway. I think it's kind of wishful thinking. It really is wishful thinking, but let's just keep going. What do you think about this, huh? Okay. What do you think about this? So far so good, we've just basically made baked potatoes, and to be honest, I'm craving one for lunch. I might have a sneaky one to the side later on, but we're gonna make the stock, so we need to get four cups of water, AKA about a litre. We're gonna put it in a pan just under a boil and then we drench that on the potatoes and that's how the stock is made. Not something I've ever really envisioned doing, making a potato stock, but hey, let's do it. Yep, four cups is about a litre, okay? And we're bringing that to just under a boil. So just while it's coming to a boil, if you follow me on Twitter @MyVirginKitchen and you have been blocked, I'm really, really sorry. I'm getting some spam followers and um, I have to use this software to try and get rid of the spam bot things, and sometimes it takes away authentic accounts, so tweet me on my personal Twitter @MrBarryLewis if you have been blocked. I'm really sorry, love you, just wanted to say that because someone has just been like "why have you blocked me?" I'm like, I haven't, it's the bots. And if you're not following My Virgin Kitchen on Twitter, you might want to because I'm coming up with some play list ideas, put on a little poll the other night, yes. So I feel like by sort of charring these potatoes, it might drive more flavour into it, kind of like when you charbroil peppers or something like that, it gives you that real sort of char and smokiness and sweetness, mm. But then again, it could be a complete waste of my time. Just like this video. All righty then folks, check out the colour on these, absolutely stonking. (grunts) My sweet potato, I want to eat more, but we're not, we're gonna make this crazy old stock because that's what we do, we do crazy stuff here, don't we? I've sliced up some of my tatties, sounds wrong, and all I'm gonna do. (winces) Optional Michael Jackson impression if you wish. Jeez, they're hot. (whines) Okay, ow, that's hot, that's legitimately hot. The man's not hot, some of the English fans out there, fans might get that joke. I'm thinking that that's actually enough. I only needed eight potatoes and I've got about the equivalent of eight there. Now I've sliced them up, let's get our water on it, let's drench it, let's drench these tatties. (laughs) Tom Cruise style, the short pour and the long, nope, just the short pour. Oh it's soaking, soaking the tatties, sorry, in that just slightly under boiled water. Trying to soak it in. I was gonna mush it up, I think you probably could do that, just to make sure that it's all in the water, but now we just leave it for two hours. So here's a random interlude. (playful music) It's been two hours, folks. I did actually put some cling film on it too, and there's kind of like a dirty potatoey, residuey water in the bottom, which is gonna be our stock. Now the core thing is, we're gonna drain this off and the potatoes that are left, I can like reheat them and mash them up into mashed potato later which will be gorgeous, particularly with the charred edges and salt. But then have we taken all of the potato-ness out of the potatoes? Will that just be mashed meh? I don't know, anyhow, we move on. So I did do a little bit of prep on this recipe a few days ago, I sort of scanned over and looked at the equipment I needed and this is a sieve, okay? You can see the holes in it, they're quite fine, but it does say we need to strain this by using a fine mesh strainer. So I got this online, on Amazon for like, I dunno, five or six quid and you can see that the holes are significantly smaller, so that should catch all the potato gubbins and stuff. In other words, we're gonna drain it off through this. So we're gonna do this pretty rough, okay? I've got a spare bowl which it will go in. We need an air-tight container, but I'm just gonna budge that by having a bowl, cling film on the top, kinda like that. But for now to make it easier to pour it through the tiniest strainer in the world. Actually, I do think I have a smaller strainer for my mini food. (clicking) Now that's a small strainer. (laughs) I haven't stopped doing mini food, by the way, I just kinda want to have a break from that. I feel like everyone's doing it now. I'm trying to stay original, which I find on YouTube, if you be more original, you end up being not original because everyone goes "oh, that's cool, I'm gonna do that." Yeah. Mm, starchy. (laughs) It's like Starchy and Hutch. (water pours) (grunts) Okay, okay. That's quite a lot of colour in there. Does smell potatoey, though, we'll give it that, as he puts his nose quite near a lot of baked potatoes. That will do and we will have a lovely maybe bangers and mash for tea, mm. Good recipe on the channel, by the way, and the website if you fancy that, lush. And I only got a little bit on the worktop. (squeaking) Sieve, sorry, strainer, is that the same thing? It is, isn't it? Will it fit? Oh yes, it will, all right. (water pours) It's caught something. It's kinda like it's fishing. It's caught oh wow, look at all the dirty stuff at the bottom. That's what it's catching, see that? It's just bits of potato really. But if you look in here, look at that. It looks like pus, a phrase that I never thought I'd use in a recipe video. So just getting all the drops out like that. But if, (strainer clatters) (grunts) but if I show you, this, yeah, that's pretty nice and clear. We've got a good little system going on right there. Bowl is quite big, I'm gonna put it into a smaller bowl because the next step is to leave it to chill, ideally, ideally overnight. I ain't gonna do that, I'm gonna put it in the freezer because I think that that might save me at least half a day. (pouring) Yes, that dirty water, isn't that a reference to Boston in America? I spent a lot of time there. Dirty water, something about, I'm not very good at any general knowledge. (laughs) There it is. So now I'm gonna put this in the freezer to accelerate the chilling process for like maybe an hour and then I'll put it into the fridge to bring it back down to more of a, or bring it back up. Is it down or up? To like a more normal temperature. We got there in the end, but Boston's face right now is summarising where I'm at. Look at his tongue hanging out. (grunts) I still want a kitchen gadget for cling film to try out, guys. The Wrapmaster 3000, which is not a bad rap album name, it's a legitimate thing, come on. I hate cling film so much. (doorbell rings) (dogs bark) One sec. Sorry about that, but this murky thing is going in there. Yeah, when anything says "chill overnight," just bang it in the freezer for like five minutes. It's a good life hack, or maybe a bad one. Right, it has been three hours. It's had an hour and a half in the freezer, an hour and a half in the fridge. That thing is cooler than Vanilla Ice ever was. I'm just gonna get it out, we're gonna carry on. Hopefully that's replicated the overnight chilling. (tapping) All right, there it is. (whistles) Bear with me. Next up, we're gonna make a potato gel. Pour the chilled stock into a pot over medium high heat and add four tablespoons of potato starch. Oh, which I ordered on Amazon. I need four tablespoons of this, so if anyone else wants to borrow some potato starch off me, I'll let you borrow it. So the stock and the starch goes together in a sauce pan. You whisk it immediately. The starch will stick to the bottom a bit. Continue whisking the starch and stock until it turns into a gel. God, it smells like a farm. This made me really want a wee. (tapping) It's a little bit whisky, great, so I'm just gonna, oh my gosh. It's quite clumpy already. I wasn't sure if I needed to do it over the heat. It doesn't say about heat. To make the potato gel, pour the chilled stock into a pot over medium high heat, oh it did say high head didn't it? All right, just (grunts) got it on a flame, all right, medium high heat. Whisk it immediately, the starch will stick to the bottom a bit, but continue whisking until it turns into a gel. This is weird, this is weird. Why is this making you want to bark? Stop it, she's gonna bark. If you're gonna bark, just let it all out, man, just unleash it. I don't know why it's not clear, look, it's so cloudy. Yeah, why is it so murky? I gave my potatoes a real good wash and everything. All right, it's definitely thickening up. Oh my gosh, yeah, that's gone really quick. It is getting clear, oh my god, I'm gonna have to hold the handle here. Look at this. That's really weird, some parts of it at the bottom like there are super clear, see that? Why is it murky like that? It's like a pint of Guinness or something. This is so weird, this is so weird. That is definitely clearer. I'm taking it off the heat. Genuinely don't know what to do. I'll tell you what, it's cooling down and it has gone more clear. In other news, I've just got a lined Silpat or baking parchment tray ready. Can you see how clearer that is now? I was really not hopeful about that. It's a little hot to handle right now, but we need to get it into a squeezy bottle apparently to help shape it. I don't have a squeezy bottle, I don't think. (grunts) Whoops. Meanwhile, I've just preheated my oven to 55 degrees C, which according to my phone is 135 Fahrenheit or translated to very, very low. We have to bake this for eight hours, but first of all, we need to work out what we're baking. Two things, one, I can't find a squeezy bottle. The other one, there's literally an old lady, not my neighbour, just a random old lady who's just staring in, staring into my house. That's my really low oven temperature oven preheated. The old lady was like this. Just like staring through the window. I don't know, I don't know. I've just found this baking tool thing. The teat on it, the point, whatever one would call that thing is very very small, so it might take a long time to get it out. Also it's this sort of matte plastic, so it could melt. I'll let the gel cool down a bit. The gel goes into the bottle. Apparently it's optional, but it's good so you can try and get oval shapes like potato chips, and by baking it for so long, it's gonna effectively dry out the gel and make the crisps which we then fry. And there's me doing all this, thinking I've got a pack of Pringles in the cupboard. It's still a little hot, but I'm feeling impatient. Oh, it doesn't look too bad. It's definitely not see-through. Maybe as it makes, it's better. I'm just gonna put some crisp shapes down then. (grunts) Oh no, the lid's sealed up on it. Oh, what a nightmare. Let's see if we got a different nib, hang on. (phone rings) All right, um, any chance of knowing where the piping nozzles are, I can't find them anywhere? I was gonna try measuring spoons, but if I take, I can't find any more nozzles, Mrs. Barry's put them in a nice new space, so tidied away that I can't find them anywhere. This teat was too small. So rather than the measuring spoons, first of all, we'll put this on, oh there we go. (gasps) It's transparent. Oh my gosh. Can you see that little bit of a blob? I did a little small one right to the side of it, but. (spits) I think this might, I think we're back on. When it comes to the frying stage, which we do after the bake. I'll probably do that tomorrow morning, they can be very delicate and the colour can catch really quickly, so basically I'm gonna try to make as many as I can. What else am I gonna do with this? Yeah baby. It might not be 100% transparent, but if you can look through this like me right now and see the grid lines from the Silpat underneath it, that'll do. The oven is not even on a fan, it's just on basic oven mode. Gonna shove this, you getting excited, eh boy? In it goes for eight hours to dry out on that very low temperature. I'm not, I'm gonna use the rest of this up. So I probably got enough to do another tray full and I'm feeling like I might need spares for the frying process. So there's enough, I found my chef's hat, by the way. All these years of doing videos, I found my chef's hat from like years ago. There's enough comfortably for two big old trays worth. Ta-da! That other tray's been in there for like 10 minutes and I was thinking the heat of it might make them spread, but so far, perhaps because it's so low, so good. So the minimum I have to leave this is eight hours, ideally up to ten until it completely dries out. That means around about half past ten tonight is when you'll next see me get them out of the oven. And also that the oven is out of use for the evening, which is gonna go down great with Mrs. B. A little shout-out to Poseygirl72 on Twitter, who uh, this was her idea, she's right, she tweeted me that. I've got some good news. Well, Mrs. Barry's home watching telly, kids are in bed. All right, Mrs. B? - Hello. - Mrs. B is off tomorrow, so she can taste test them in the morning. It's actually five past nine. Let me show you, the lighting's bad, sorry. Oh, that's a bit better. (laughs) So as you know, we did two shelves. The ones down the bottom are like, they're rubbish. See they're still really, really wet, the ones on the bottom shelf, so they were kinda spares I had, but the other ones have worked out okay. So here's half of them there, and actually you can't see it too well, but they've curled up. Now that's where they've dried up, which is what we wanted, but in the middle here were it's still flat on the tray is still wet and gelly, so it's not quite ready, but once they are ready, I've taken a few off, they'll look like this. You see that? Whoa, this worked, and it's kinda, it's delicate, but what I'm gonna do with those other ones once they're fully non-damp and crisp like that, I'll put them in here and in the morning, we'll fry them up. Let Mrs. Barry try, hopefully, a sort of transparent crisp. And for reference, it smells very, very starchy in here. See you in the morning. (sheep bleats) Good morning, I hope you slept well, virtually, digitally, internet-y. Here are our transparent crisps ready for frying, I'm excited. Before we do that, I just want to do a massive shout-out to everyone that support me on Patreon. I put a post up there the other day that kinda, a very honest one, and everyone still wants to stick with me on there, so thank you to all the Patreon followers. Let's cook up some transparent crisps. (claps) Transparent crisps, I don't know wok you're talking about. Oil leave the food puns there. We just need a wok and oil. Boston, Amy, get ready for some fun. We're gonna fry this up. Really low heat for the moment. Vegetable oil, like a fair amount, just to be enough so they can sort of sit in that. Apparently we need to fry them really minimal. The dogs are just sat there going "what the heck?" Last bit of oil go in. Oh, Mrs. Barry's back from the school run. All right, so the oil is just warming up. Got a little bit of kitchen towel there, board to rest it on, and there they are, just sat waiting to be dunked. All right, let's uh, let's do this. Do you know what, I'm just gonna drop one in. I know you're not supposed to. Apparently you're supposed to do it with tongs, but I'm just gonna go woop. Oh my gosh, it's disappeared completely. Where's it gone? Oh, there it is. Oh, oh my gosh. (gasps) Look how quickly that fried. (laughs) It's gone, what the hell? I need to focus in on this. I need it to not burn myself. Whoa. You can see it went transparent completely though. That's why I need to get this oil really low. Oh my gosh, okay. Well. That'll do for now. And now I know why they suggested doing it with the tongs so you don't actually lose it. I hope that the camera showed that. It just completely disappeared. All right, let's try it again but really quick. (gasps) Look at that! Oh my gosh, yes, that literally flash fried it for a second and I've got a little bit of brown around the edge. You can go over there, look at the difference in that. Oh my gosh, that's insane. This is scarily fun. Get it wet, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. See, a little too long that time. Okay, oh my gosh, that one's amazing. All right, so that was ten seconds, let's try eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Hey, there you go, wow. Yet you can probably just about see it's got a nice little brown tinge on the edge. You get the idea. I'm gonna cook the rest of these up. Oh my gosh, there we go. You can see how there's kinda like the monkey turning into the human. We started off pretty badly, it looks a little like a pork scratching, if you get those in your country. Then if you overdo it just a little bit more, you get our little patchy ones, but, I mean, there's some absolute gold, look at that. (laughs) Hello. I just gotta season it now. I'm gonna put my good lens on so you can hopefully see it, not that light. You having a little inspection? - What happened to that one? - [Barry] That got weird. - No, that looks good, that looks like a crisp. - [Barry] Well it's not supposed to look like a crisp, it's supposed to be see-through. - These are cool. Can I touch? - [Barry] Yeah, yeah, pick it up, it's a crisp. (laughs) - Wow. - Okay, a little bit of salt from on high. I guess we could season them beforehand. This is totally gonna be the thumbnail for the video. Oh my gosh, nom nom nom nom nom nom nom. Yeah, we did it, folks. But how do they taste? Mrs. Barry's just getting her stool for the taste test, but any other requests for videos, let me know down below. I can't do a clear pizza because that would effectively be tripe, a tripe pizza. Not just transparent things, anything, let me know below or on social media @MyVirginKitchen and remember to subscribe for regular videos and fun. - Is it like gelatin? - It's not gelatin, it's starch, yeah. - Okay, yeah, I'm excited to see if they taste like real crisps. - Do you want to try the crunchy one with me? We could do like Lady and the Tramp style. No? (crunches) - Well, they smell like crisps. - Oh my gosh, that is amazing. Forget the transparency, fry it like that. That's like a homemade, do you not like that? You're like going mm, I like that. - No, I did. - That's like a homemade proper, mm. A medium rare one, let's go for a transparent one. - I'll do this one. - Okay. - (groans) That's weird. - This one's shaped like a tongue. (crunching) Mm, oh my gosh, you get the crunch. That was what I was worried about, I think it was gonna be plastic-y. - Wow, I kinda feel I can, I don't know what I thought. - It works. - It's like eating glass, but it's not, it's a crisp. - Yeah, I didn't say that in the video, but people also call them glass chips. - Wow. - That's cool. This worked. - That's very cool, well done. - Wow, so there we go, hope you enjoyed the video, folks. Mrs. Barry and I are gonna have a late breakfast of transparent glass potato crisps / chips. (crunches hesitantly) Or maybe not.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 1,261,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glass potato chips, clear crisps, clear potato chips, transparent potato chips, transparent crisps, glass crisps, homemade potato chips recipe, homemade crisps, DIY, instructions, cooking, tutorial, potato, recipe, chips, crisps, how to, cook, snack, food, potato chips, my virgin kitchen, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, homemade, easy, how to cook, test, do it yourself, experiment, weird, diy potato chips, kitchen, food hacks
Id: E_ViwNxUldw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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