Classic Millionaire Shortbread recipe & cook with me! :)

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hey guys and a very warm welcome back to forts 40 on a hopeless angel very well indeed well what sorted Eve you had has been absolutely freezin here freezin cold sore has but I've decided to pop up the speed recipe for a millionaire short blade that I found online now like I said to you guys other day you know I haven't actually made this before so this is the first time I'm at Internet you know I knew it was going to be quite easy the only thing that was kind of tricky was going to be potentially the caramel but you know I've discovered that with a really good non-stick pan and a silicone spatula you know it get up slowly thing you can't really go wrong as long as you keep stirring so I scared the internet for a couple of DS and the recipe I'm using tonight seemed like the you know it's the fat some plus that I managed to find that I wanted to do and pass on to you guys because I don't want anything to be overly complicated I helper right so this is what I've used and this is what you're going to need if you want to follow along with us we recipe first of all I'll get two tablespoons of golden syrup I've got 400 grams of condensed milk I've got 200 grams of melted milk chocolate I'm just using Cadbury Dairy Milk a hundred and sixty grams of plain all purpose flour 215 grams of salted butter 115 is for your shortcake and the other 100 grams is for your caramel a hundred grams of soft brown sugar 60 grams of white castor sugar and I also picked up a wee edible gold spree because I thought that maybe quite pretty just for you and just that they you know at the end when I cut her up I'll show you that no he's second I was I'm packing up the brown sugar and I've seen this next to all the bacon bits and bobs and I thought that would be a really really attractive speed on the end but that's how it works he may make enough you know it may end up making a complete mess of it but I'll see if it is say to you or know it the first thing you want to do guys is get your 10 prepared for your beasts so I'm just using a square cake pan here and with the paper for you know from my butter I'm just going to go around and grease my pan because this is going to help with the grease proof paper ste and save the pan and it wouldn't go springing all over the place so then you want to get your grease proof paper stuck your pan and the metal and with a pair of scissors you just want to cut from the corners of the paper until your scissors meet your tongue and this is just going to make your paper go in really easy and stay there so once you've done that just push in you know look at the how super easy and you want to leave it quite long and hanging over the edges like this because that's going to help lift your short key coat when it's fully cooked so that's up you want to get your oven on to gas mark 4 or 180 C near we're going to start making the short cakes he went to first of all add your castor sugar that's 60 grams then your plain or all-purpose flour that's 160 grams then your salted butter you can use you know you can use unsalted if you like just make sure it's and we cubes because it's going to make it that much easier to rub it into your flour and your sugar and every minute this is just room temperature so with your hands and your fingertips first of all you want to go around and quote your butter with the flour and sugar and then you want to rub it together and your fingertips until all comes together and looks like this I was going to see it looks like bread crumbs but actually looks more like scrambled eggs to me so this is what you're looking for guys something that looks like this an SLT yeah good few minutes to do properly if you want to make sure that you know everything is properly rub done together and it's gonna lovely golden color but that's the the butter that's done that so now you want to grab your palm again and if you're happy with your mixture just dump the rest or don't breast dump it all into your tongue and with a spatula or a spoon or even your fingers place this into the bottom over your tongue you just went to me should it's quite compact and you get right into those corners but don't worry about you know not being able to laugh though at the end because you've left the grief you know the greaseproof paper quite long on the edges this is going to be really easy till after you just peel your paper upwards and I'll come straight out of the tent so I'm just going in with my fingers and just pressing it right down and right into those corners if you want to me shirt it's ray up to the edges because obviously you're going to be pulling Elliot of hot caramel on top of us you don't want it leaking down the sides but into those corners because you want your three layers to be you know nice and crisp and separate so I was quite happy with us the next thing you want to do is grab yourself a fork and just go don't you know it random places and just prick the top of your shortcake a shortbread and once you've done that you're going to need to chill this for about 30 minutes and the fridge to get it nice and firm again and after your thirty minutes you can take it over the fridge and pop it straight into your oven bake it for 25 to 30 minutes gas mark 4 just keep o Yanna well you're doing that you can get your ingredients on the pan for your caramel soy condensed milk and your syrup and your sugar and then the rest of your butter and then of your cake I keep seeing cake your shortcake if it's ready you can just pull that over the oven and set it to the side until you make your caramel and then by the time you've made your caramel you know that's all be good to go so I actually got distracted the phone went and I was on the phone for a few minutes so it means wouldn't you know over the lake or the lake that's too buggy but later but it doesn't matter it's still gonna taste fabulous but if you're doing it yourself you may want to peel out a couple of minutes earlier than I did if you'd like it we bet peeler so just say that to the saint and then we'll do the caramel so bring all your ingredients out in your pan up to the boil and once it's at the boil reduce it to a nice firm summer you've got to stir this constantly guys for five or six minutes do not walk away from it because you will end up with big blobs of burnt sugar and your caramel and that would be a disaster because you want us to be lovely and smooth so just keep staring and keep staring you know I found it really easy using the spatula this is a silicone spatula and you know you can get right into the corners and all the nooks and crannies and this is a really good non-stick pan as well so the two of them together meet this actually very easy so you want to quickly get back to your beasts as soon as your caramel is ready because this will say it quite quickly and you went to be able to move around and get into the corners and stuff so a dump on top and once you've got all the way of your pond and you just gently tilt your 10 just to make sure your caramel is getting until of those corners because don't touch this caramel with your fingers guys it is going to be scorching hot I don't think I have to tell you how warm you know with a sugar concoction is so that says I was quite happy with us now you're going to have to let that sit completely before you put your last step on which is obviously your chocolate now that salty a couple of hours just pop it back into your fridge so this was me a couple of hours later and as you can see it's got lovely Shane off at noon and I can touch this and it's really quite firm I know that when I put my chocolate on top you know it's nobody you know it's not gonna mix in with a caramel or anything so I was quite happy to put the chocolate on top of this I knew when you know you went to go and melt your chocolate now so just put a wee bit of water in the bottom of my pan get up dust summer put your chocolate a glass heat proof Bowl but just make sure that your chocolate or the bowl isn't absolutely touching the water but you don't want to scorch your chocolate you just need that the tiniest bit of water and the last ball and just keep studying and eventually you'll end up with a lovely smooth fluid melted chocolate and you just want the water under this just summoning in no more and it doesn't have to be you know furiously boiling at anything you just want a nice gentle heat coming from underneath and I was quite you're happy with us so now you've got to quickly get your chocolate over to your caramel and dump it on top because again because your caramel is called you know your chocolate is going to say it quite quickly so with my spatula I just went rained the whole thing making it as even as I could just so they've been you know you cut up at the end there's a an even amount of chocolate on all the squares so I was quite happy with us so now I'm just going to pop us back into the fridge and let that sit completely proble take about half an hour to an hour I'll leave it for an hour because I'm in no rush anyway so this was me 30 minutes later and it's just over the fridge now wait and you see how easy this has to go at the 10 you literally just left it just like that easy PC there's absolutely no struggling with us at all and you just want to peel the paper back and leave this at room temperature for about 15 minutes before you try and cut it but it's going to be very very hard and difficult to cut and I can seize my fingerprints there because of you know it's obviously still very cold and the catching temperatures quite warm so to be about condensation so that's the that's the reason for the fingerprints they just went to go ahead and cut us into squares just let me see what it's like outside lovely crumbly biscuit lovely smooth caramel and that beautiful milk chocolate so that's made an absolute ton but it wouldn't last long in this house I can assure you I just try to eat corner because I don't over there.they you know I'm not really one for sweets and things but it W to fulfil ever I'm just going to spray or in some of this edible gold luster and look at that pretty it depending on how the light shines on it you know it does look more gold like the air you can just see it there but they've all got this lovely sheen off them and I just think it looks gorgeous and it tasted just as good as it looks so I mean I would urge you to give us a call guys yeah it's a quite time-consuming I'm not gonna lie you know it does take several hours from start to finish but you know because you've got to chill it and take it out chill again tico but in my opinion just for once you know once in a while it would be worth making definitely so like me nor he decided to go and give it a go because i'm always interested to hear when you guys try anything without a pop up and like i said it's actually quite easy if I'm being honest you know it wasn't difficult at all but like I said is quite time-consuming so it's up to you if you've got the team to do it I would highly recommend it so that says okay so that's us till tomorrow so I'll be popping up mules of the week you probably rained about seven o'clock and then after that I've got a few things and mains and I'll be putting up a few poles for you guys to be able to choose what you fancy seeing me do next so until I see you next time guys take care of yourselves and I'll see you then bye for now I know
Channel: What's For Tea?
Views: 85,366
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Keywords: millionaire shortbread, millionaire shortbread recipe, easy millionaire shortbread recipe, caramel shortcake, caramel shortcake recipe, easy caramel shortcake recipe, caramel shortbread, caramel shortbread recipe, old school caramel shortcake, retro caramel shortcake, british millionaire shortbread, classic millionaire shortbread, tradirional millionaire shortbread, the isle of arran wooleys bakery
Id: _3VzCu7WTTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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