Millionaire CEO Shares How To Build a Passion Project That Creates Passive Income | Anthony ONeal

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you know i don't really like that term boss sometimes though yeah i'm over there i mean i'm free i'll be handling oh you're a boss you're a boss just tell people what to do leaders show people how to do things call me a leader call me a girl ceo of [Music] yo the rising entrepreneur is a african-american woman aka black woman and um 72 percent of you all who watch my show are black a woman strong woman and uh you all desire to be debt-free you all desire to build wealthy i honestly desire to build something of substance that you can own and come to the table whenever you do get married and have something and i love that and so all the time when i am around certain people especially black ladies who are winning in the game i studied them for a little while make sure they ain't crazy make sure that they come to the table with something and there's this young lad i've been following for like about i'll say about a year and a half didn't follow her at first uh because i was like ah i don't know then i saw a video of her and she was dropping some jewels and i say yeah i like her then i met her about about two months ago in person we share a mutual friend and then she came to the house one of the most coolest people i ever met i hit the follow button and instantly ask her to join the show and so today i'm joined with my friend ronnie brown and we're going to get to her but before we get to her i want y'all to do two things for me real quick number one is stop just watching hit the subscribe button join the family because every single day yeah you got to hit your bars that's ronnie's phone sorry she's just doing you know she's yeah it's all good uh but yo i want you to hit that subscribe button uh because every single week we're dropping two shows a week and then check this out my producer said let's go to three a week so now starting in the month of june we're going monday wednesdays and fridays and i do not want you to miss any videos that we're dropping because this year is about maximizing our single season how do we get out of debt how do we build true wealth and how do we really maximize during this season all right so hit that subscribe button whether you're watching on youtube or on podcast i appreciate you for watching with your boy the number two yo this year um as you all can see um home prices are just crazy i remember when i moved to dmv man i had to pay a lot of money over my particular house i'm not going to give you too much of that information because it's really none of your business but you know i partnered with my friends over at churchill mortgage they have financed all of my homes i am good friends with the president over there and they have something new and i was like yo my people need this and so they are launching something in this month month of may and it's called the homebuyer edge all right in this competitive home marketing you need an edge over the other buyers who want the same properties so homebuyer edge churchill mortgage will help you win in today's challenging housing market uh it's a true advantage three main things we're going to get to today's show number one they're going to give you a certified pre-approval so this means that you're going to give them all the information their manual underwriter is going to look at all your information pretty much give you like the solid pre-approval so that way when you go to purchase a home or put offer into the home you already know that you are good on top of that they're going to give you a 5 000 sellers guarantee which offers a seller 5 000 if you are denied for any reason on y'all's financing side but if the seller does something like hey but the title is off the home inspection is off then they won't get the five thousand dollars but they guarantee that you are a solid buyer and they also guarantee that hey if we do back out for any reason you keep the earnest money and you get five thousand dollars and what i love about churchill y'all know me i don't do that and churchill doesn't care about a credit score so if you don't have a credit score if you don't have any debt they will still give you a solid loan so go to four slash churchill check them out tell them your boy anthony sent you and they will take good care of you if they don't take good care of you email me let me know because i got connections all right let's get to today's show because this one is a good one you know i i've been i've been i've been rocking with you ryan for a while and me and ronnie's been on the phone and she don't call me out about a couple of things we'll get to those later on uh but um ronnie welcome to the table thanks for having me i appreciate it y'all she's so soft ah thank you thank you for having me who is ronnie brown for those who do not know you who is ronnie um ronnie brown is a mommy okay that's the first thing i think that is probably one of the things i'm most proud of that has definitely made me the woman i am today ronnie brown is a friend yeah and she is a entrepreneur yeah she is a branding expert and she is someone who loves to build community yeah and she's just a woman who is just enjoying life right now and having a very good time yes when you say you're a branding expert for those who may not know what branding well they know what branding is but a brand new expert break that down for us what is that yeah so what i really do is people come to me with ideas yeah and i sit down with them and i help them build those ideas out i help them monetize those ideas and those ideas i help them visualize those ideas and actually make them happen one of the biggest things that i really kind of pride myself on is making sure that people remain authentic while building their brands out and they don't have to fake and they don't have to tone switch and they don't have to be someone else because that's really uh really important to me that we can live a life we can get paid being ourselves so people really come to me when they're ready to really take those brands to the next level when they already have existing businesses sometimes and they're like man something is not working like i know that this is a thing but maybe i'm missing something so we rehab brands for sure and that's really my gift when you come to me i know how to turn that idea into something that is going to just skyrocket so that's where you are today i want to rewind to where you were uh let's say about 10 15 years ago i did some research and uh you was in network marketing yes i was and like you you weren't no small time person in network marketing yes you were making millions in network marketing but you're not in it today no i i evolved evolved i evolved so what was the first thing that started ronnie when it came to you know really coming into money or we know let's go before then did you come for money no i came from poverty i grew up in the hood in dc okay in washington dc northeast orleans street went to dunbar senior high school for real del mar senior high school so i grew up in the trenches we call it the trenches the trenches uh from the bottom of the bottom and i grew up in a different type of environment with some amazing people who really taught me a lot that kept me grounded that i really learned survival from and it really grew me into being the relentless dedicated woman i am today and i'm so thankful for those people and that community so many people don't realize the relationships you learn about loyalty there you know you learn about sticking together there i learned how to look out for the people that care for me there and um i am just grateful to come from that because i think that if i didn't come from that i wouldn't even be who i am today [Music] so you don't come from wealth you grew up i mean and i know exactly where you were even though the high school they just actually asked me to come not that high school was another high school so yeah all my life it wasn't high school and so you come from poverty what what made you want to go hard and really start building wealth for yourself well i think the first thing was i had my children yeah you know right now all of my kids are grown except for my daughter who's 10. but you know my oldest kid is my son will be 22 years old i had my i got pregnant at 15 years old so i wasn't going to ask for your age yeah yeah but i'm just i'm just saying yeah yeah let me finish just do your thing i'm sorry um when you have children young i think that people automatically count you out they begin to say you aren't going to be anything you know you're going to be on welfare you ruined your life you can pretty much forget about it because now your life is over and i think that the the first thing that really pushed me to go after what i believed in was just letting people know that you're not going to put that on me right i'm going to do something different i'm going to be someone and this this space in my life does not dictate who i'm going to be and just watch it was that initially and then i was uncomfortable you know i grew up inside of a house where people were addicted to drugs so waking up in the morning and my son is at you know one end of the table eating cereal and then there's someone over here you know smoking a crack pipe that motivated me to want to change my life when my dad was gone at work there was so much going on in my house at that time you know people were coming in and out of my home and it was just like i need to get out of here so that environment what people don't really understand is that environment will push you yeah um to just just really get uncomfortable and decide that you want more for yourself and that's exactly what it did for me so why did you get internet with marketing because why are you looking at me like that yo y'all on podcast y'all should see her face like oh i'm a little bit because anthony gonna get these questions right but let's let's get into it you know so the first thing was network marketing was not my first business it wasn't no no no that was your first business so i owned a hair salon i used to own a hair salon okay and i had my own product line that i was selling it was called a more monet oh it was named after my daughter okay and i owned a hair salon and i literally was working in my salon selling products but i was not experienced right i did not know at that time i wasn't really familiar with mass marketing online i got most of my clientele from my shop via facebook and instagram had just came out this was like 2011 i believe and i had that you know i had that business before and then network marketing came along so when network marketing came along it was more of an opportunity you know how they tell you like freedom freedom you know financial stability um spend more time with your children all that type of stuff but what i really didn't realize at that time is that i put my thing on the back burner and i had to learn that and it really does take up a lot of your time and i did very well in network marketing to be honest with you i learned a lot in that industry and it groomed me into the link the leader that i have become today and i had to learn how to sell i learned i learned how to deal with people i learned how to lead so it taught me a lot but then it also taught me that i had to go back and make my own dreams come true that's so that's so funny because i i told you this and i think my tribe knows i did pre-pay legal okay and prepaid legal taught me so much about leadership yeah it taught me how to accept no's yes it taught me how to be on the bottom bottom mm-hmm um it taught me how to be around other successful people and just learn from them rather than than to envy them yes and so while i cannot do network marketing yeah i don't knock people who do it yeah so shout out okay and then you was up in the space i mean i'm serious i mean it's like it's i don't not people who do it it's not my thing but i do believe that you will learn a lot you learn a lot you will you learn a lot and you will work absolutely and that and that's my downfall because i mean you know we share a friend who's in there and i have a lot of friends who are never marketing but i'm like you really don't have that much freedom in network marketing because you have to be going going going going going to get to the level to where you really want to go to yeah i mean it gets to the point where you'll be at your table on thanksgiving or at your family member's birthday party and someone's like hey i need you to jump on a three-way exactly and you're doing call after call and liberal meeting after living room meeting and i remember driving doing a 12-hour road trip and i was like man i remember driving back home with my friends and i was like this isn't just in the movie this is not what i want to do yeah i need to do something else yeah am i truly walking in my purpose yeah i've outgrown this and it gets to the point where money can't sustain you right right like money can't be the thing that just keeps you there and god started convicting me he's like man this is not what i called you to do like this is a season you've learned what you need to learn now it's time for you to go to the next level and you ignore it initially out of fear yeah right because you are afraid but then you know that it's time to do what you have to do for you ladies and gentlemen ronnie brown ronnie brown and ronnie bounce so let's get you right here that's just a little bit about you um one of the things that you and i talked about that i think i really want my tribe to really to really learn from you is that you've built a very successful brand um i don't see your brand online like others um you know you called me out talking about anthony sometimes your stuff can get a little boring because it's like say that you did you really did but it's all good i respect you you know what i'm saying i mean i don't think myself is boring but you was like anthony i already know what you're going to say every day and you've built a very successful brand where it's really around you and your life yes and you said something to me that kind of convicted me so it was like i'm known as the money guy but if i talk about anything outside the money guy then people are like well why are you talking about that yes when ronnie is like you're gonna you're getting ronnie and whatever ronnie wants to talk about yes why is that so important to you i think it's important because i don't want to get that when i decide to talk about different topics yeah i want people to enjoy me who i am my personality my beliefs and i want to be able to you know freely talk about things that matter to me right meaning whether it's fashion you know whether it is business and whether it's relationships because anthony's talking about relationships but i'm talking about healthy relationships but how to use your relationships to build wealth exactly i'm not a relationship expert and people once you start just talking about one thing all the time without allowing people to know like i am human right there are different things that interest me they begin to say okay uh why are you talking about and i think that's the the moment where you put yourself in a box yeah yeah and something that i never want to do is i never want to put myself in a box because one of the things that i've learned is that we're always evolving yeah if you would have met me 10 years ago i was probably talking about skin care or just like eyebrows or running a salon or a shop i'm not that person anymore if you meet me now i'm probably talking about building companies personal development branding marketing so i always tell people give yourself room to grow even in your marketing [Music] so that whole philosophy of be an expert in one thing and one thing only you feel as if that's not the future anymore i believe in being an expert in one thing and one thing only right but i also believe in being a human being oh that's so good so my philosophy is not to challenge should you nature down and be an expert my challenging is going to come in when i'm like okay so what do you like to do in your free time right what are what are your thoughts on this what is your opinion on this and i think everyone um is leaning towards this robotic type of marketing where it's like you know three ways to make 500 this weekend and it's just like i am so sick of saying that i'm sick of it you know who are you what do you like to do for fun did you see this on the news let's talk about that is that why you say my stuff is somewhat boring because i have like five ways to get out of debt no yeah come on ronnie do that do you do that oh i didn't don't beat me up friend ronnie you know i do that exactly so no i'm sorry guys cj nah bro i'm just playing but seriously we just have to loosen up because i feel like the conversations that you probably are enjoying more these days are the ones about what's trending you know different topics absolutely different things that are happening and then when you want to pop out and be anthony yeah you know it's like hold on where did money go go right right and it's like no i'm the money guy right but i'm a human being so when building brands we have to make sure that yes we are niching things down and we are an expert in one area but we are not being robots let's let's stay right there because what i hear you what i hear you doing is this and it's it's so hard when we were talking i was like how do i do this because you're right i actually enjoy talking about like relationships mm-hmm i actually enjoy talking about like dating like i um and then when i say dating it's not the relationship stuff but anthony you have been talking about relationships a lot lately hold on wait wait wait wait when i talk about relationships what am i talking about i'm talking about the money inside of relationships not how to get a man not how to get a woman because you ain't got one so i can't teach you or you how to get you know a loved one well well that is one thing i appreciate about you yeah is that you are not out here you know selling love wait say the moment hey put the camera on and say let her say i want to hear this i appreciate this about you because ronnie don't say this a lot i appreciate this part that you are not selling the formula to finding love that most of your videos are coming from a vulnerable space where you are like tell me y'all like or what do you think about this and i respect that yeah right because it just shows that hey i'm i'm very into money right but i also know that financial stability is very important in a relationship so i can kind of fill your videos out where it's like okay let's not act like finances aren't an important thing in a relationship thank you ronnie yeah so i can let me just say this i can tell that your thing is like you better come financially stable absolutely and i really want to help men come to the table financially ready for their woman because i think it is our responsibility to provide for the home but i also want to make sure ladies are saying if the guy she meets today only is a school teacher only makes fifty thousand dollars he's not and he's not he's not a horrible man yeah i think that the woman has to come financially stable as well oh i think it goes on both sides because the woman is going to get that stability that sense of security when a man is financially stable but relationship or marriage means if you fall i got you so you could fall your husband got you but i think the the question is if your husband takes a fall do you have him that goes both ways i wish we can we add claps to the video right here um like can we just add them in cj on today's show because when i say that oh the ladies hate me ron they be like what no it is no no he needs to be the breadwinner and i just want to be a stay-at-home mom or or it's a total opposite it's the i'm the woman and i'm the breadwinner and he can stay at home there's i don't really feel when i talk about that message i don't really feel that is it's both yeah it's both and it's like hey okay cool i do believe that most men need to come to the table at least be the foundation financially but you're right if something was to happen can she can she hold it down till he get back on his feet what i will say you know as a successful entrepreneur is that stress on one person is never okay and i think that it's heavy and i think that the person that you decide to spend your life with is supposed to be able to alleviate some of that stress from your life and if one person constantly feels like everything is on their shoulders and the reason i know this is because like i am the the black sheep in my family like i am the person that everyone comes to right so i can only imagine distress a man would feel yeah yeah being that that person so my belief is that the woman should be able to have your back as well like it's a team thing there's no eye you know like i got you i got you but who has him so you will have to have each other yeah right i always tell people you have to pay attention to the people who if you're working hard if you're going through something if you're stressed out there's a person who's going to bring you a cup of water and there's a person who can bring you a chair and say sit down i got it i think we all need the person who can bring us a chair mm-hmm this is why ron is on the show cause the cup of water is like take a sip and get back to work the chair is like sit down for a minute relax i got you and that that is probably the best villain for anyone no matter whether it's a woman or a man so last week i did a video um on a lady said that um she makes a million dollars a year and she said she could not date a guy who makes 900 000 a year oh wow and they did a survey it was millionaire and asked other millionaire ladies like other wealthy successful ladies like yourself could you date a guy um who makes less money than you so if you make a hundred thousand king that a guy who makes seventy five thousand if you make a half a million candidate guy who makes a quarter million if you make a million can and 95 percent of them said they could not then turn around and ask other guys like myself who are very well off and said could you date a woman who makes you know nowhere near your income but 90 of them do they date women who don't make close to their income because men don't care about women's money we don't they care about how you make them feel and how she look yeah and how she looks for sure jesus um but you know what though i'm i'm actually i'm different i'm evolving i'm marrying i look for love and legacy now for sure so it's like i want her to look good and this wasn't even going to show you i was just not even my nose to talk to her but you went there not me like i'm marrying for love and legacy two l's so i was like yeah i want to be attracted i want to love her but also what can we build together for sure because let me just say this you spend 10 to 15 to 20 years building something and you want to know that the person you're building it with has the capacity to sustain it but also understand it right and also support you while you're building it and i'm not talking financially i'm talking emotionally right because when you're building something it's stressful right you need some more water i mean do you want something drinking that because you're spitting fire today what you say get her a chair you need to sit down listen what i hope y'all ladies are taking notes go ahead continue what i was going to say was take your time um the biggest thing that i was going to say is that i feel like what i you know date someone that that question that you answered i feel like if you're making a million plus a year if you were to team up if you were a boss boss right right then if you were to team up with someone who was making thousand dollars less then your bold souls should be able to 10x whatever they're doing now if you give it somebody you see that they're unwilling to grow and reluctant to grow that's a different thing but someone making hundred a hundred thousand dollars or two hundred thousand dollars less i mean let me just say this when you start making money and you know your person has their stuff together everyone is not a millionaire right now that is cute initially right but can you talk to me can you listen to me can we strategize together you know do we believe in the same things do you have integrity how is your character because you can get a man with money but will who will he give you time or will he give you money will he throw money at you because he don't feel like being bothered with you or will he want to be around you because you're an asset to what he's building can he call you when he's going through things because you can listen to him like those are the things that are really going to get there even for a woman do you want someone who just has the money or do you want someone who has the mental capacity to think you through things so he supports you mentally emotionally and then he can have his stuff together but he may not be a millionaire but can y'all get that together so let's bring it down to the common person because not every woman makes money like you and not not every man makes money like actually facts are black men 50 of them will make only 38 000 this year that's the average income for a black man right now yeah so not a lot of people know that right i've been teaching you all that so y'all she she echoed that that's a proven stat uh mckenzie and mckenzie study uh revealed that right and so let's bring this to the average person the woman was on this show and she said ronnie yo listen i'm like you i'm balling i i've been working hard hard you know i made six plus figures a year mm-hmm but i met this great guy but he only makes 38 thousand dollars a year what's your advice here she says well should i give him a chance i would say absolutely i would say absolutely why because at one point in time in my life i made 38 000 a year but you're a woman though let's be real you're a woman we don't care about that i'm not talking when i say this about man or woman i'm talking about growth potential so you're telling her give him a chance as long as he has growth potential some people are only where they are because of lack of exposure once you are exposed to different things that person can blow up overnight now if you're dealing with somebody and you're seeing that years and years and years and years have gone by and they have not grown because they're in their own way then that's a different story don't sleep on who a person can be next year because you've been and played somebody or curb somebody because they weren't bowling or making a million dollars in 2022 2023 or 2024 roll around and then you try to spin the block and oh boy you don't want nothing to do with you because he didn't forget how you made him feel in 2020 too so i just think that if we are investors we have to have investors mindsets not in just finances but also in people ronnie i'm just saying ronnie you you you ronnie just said i want y'all to man i wish we you know what i wish we could rewind that just live because she said we just can't be investors and money but we all also have to be investors and people but you know you be hearing ladies saying i don't want to invest in another man he needs to already be established before i invest into him well sometimes investing in a man is not giving a man money sometimes investing in a man is simply believing in him and telling him that you believe in him and encouraging him and making him feel special that that's an investment and would you say this too would you say sometimes you may lose on your investment because you may date a guy and believe in them invest in them but that relationship didn't work out you may see that there is no return on investment there and that's okay you focus on the lesson not the laws right and you keep on going what does that mean we're learning we're living life ronnie you i mean you live right around the corner my co-host ryan over here talking my language yo but i can't say this because ladies like no i'm not doing that yeah i think that let me just say this as a woman sometimes you women go through a lot in relationships right you go through hurt you go through betrayal you go through a lot of things i'm going to 100 acknowledge those things but we can't put those things on everybody that we date right true there is some level of investing that you're going to have to do with anyone yeah that you deal with whether it's reassurance whether it is just believing in them whether it is listening to them on long days right some people just want to know that they can call you so that you can listen but if we go into everything with the i don't have anything to give which you got for me mindset then everybody's gonna be lonely you know and i'm not saying that lonely is a bad thing for everyone right because some people want to be lonely now we in the in the space right now where everyone feels like money is the best partner you can have but trust me i've had money for quite a few years and money cannot replace partnership and companionship and that is the biggest mistake that i think is happening right now because everyone's so rich yeah and we think that if we just have a bag you don't need anybody right that's a trauma response oh oh jesus everyone needs someone oh y'all boss ladies say not y'all some of y'all cause you're a boss lady you know i don't really like that term boss sometimes though yeah i'm over there i mean i'm free i'll be like oh you're a boss you're a boss tell people what to do leaders show people how to do things call me a leader call me a girl ceo of a company oh listen because here's my thing if you're a boss and i'm your man i'm your employee and i ain't nobody's employee i'm a boss at work i'm soft at home oh jeez i'm not at home i'm giving come rescue me i'm not that i'm not like it's gonna hold me touch me i'ma listen to you i'm a different person at home i'm not that person the person i am when i'm doing deals is not the woman i'm trying to be at home i gotta unpack her before i get out the car now are you saying that just because you're at the table no no i'm like gohar in business you know i'm go hard in meetings i'm go go hard in deals because as a woman people are going to try you you know they gonna try to offer you more than you deserve all that stuff that's corporate america that's entrepreneurship that's business but when i go home you just no i can't be that person at home i know i know i know i know i know you got here but ronnie's going home you got to be happy you got to take a breather you gotta you got to be a different person yo you do courses do you do courses on how to do that right there from ladies god dawg cause i know come on where's she at gotta let me find she need to look good love god be willing to make some money and just be soft at home but also if you take her to a meeting she got to be able to fill out the room absolutely she got to be able to speak up yes if you need her too she's got to be your second set of eyes absolutely right yeah yeah but once you come home i'm not trying to be that person now and i think that that is a we can end the show right now can we just talk about like the the stress that comes with that because i think that women right now a lot of women are becoming bosses yeah they are they are the rising entrepreneur we have to know how to turn it off though so we can tap back into our femininity this is something i do talk to okay my mentee's about in business because you can that can go home with you and believe it or not a lot of us and women do struggle with that because when you're handling business and then you go home you got to take a minute you got to sit in that car always tell my my ladies i'm like just sit in the car for a few minutes unpack it you know and then go home and get that love you need because corporate entrepreneurship running the company yeah you need to go home and get loved home you know you want to be in that kitchen and he walked by and just slopped that type of come on there's no money that's going to fill that there's no money that's going to fail that [Music] oh man didn't say this was nowhere on my notes this is not did we talk about this we did not we were going to talk about brandon and we still want to do it yeah we're talking about community buildings yes um my story i'm reading your notes right now yeah i actually had something written down for myself and it was all about your audience staying authentic yeah we're gonna talk about it but this this right here i mean ronnie you you you see and this is what i like about you you just keep it real as we should you know what i'm saying and and i appreciate you because let's just be honest you're successful you're black you're beautiful you've built a seven-figure business you're helping others build seven-figure businesses and it's like to hear a woman talk like that it it encourages a lot of us men yeah and i want to stress i'm not saying this from a i have it all together perspective right right i'm really saying this from i had to learn this from trial and error yeah you know when you get to a place where you want to attract certain types of men then you have to reevaluate some things you have to reevaluate those things like how why is this not happening right am i coming off to like this right do i need to tone it down do i need to learn how to listen better so these these things that i'm saying these are not like oh i got here like this right you know i'm a mom i have children my kids are grown now um but except for my 10 year old i had to go through trial and error to realize that there were some things i needed to change about myself yeah yeah well listen you just now tune in to the table man welcome back to the table your boy anthony o'neil and joining me at today's um table is ronnie brown she is the ceo of girl ceo she is a branding expert and uh clearly in a just an amazing woman um and today we're really just we're just having a real real honest conversation uh from from a woman's perspective on wealth building on her story and we're about to dive in now on really how to build out the passion project that can create you some passive income but before we go there ronnie says something earlier um and i said some earth something earlier that i believe that men um specifically black men we need to step up our income right so we can be providers because we do know ladies want um emotional security and financial security and so while we are building while we are growing let's be working on that and the best way to work on that one of the best ways is to take advantage of the tech field the tech field is one of the rising fields um out there that is that is creating millionaires that is helping them pay off debt but check this out only three percent of the people who work in the tech field are black wow and so i partnered with the organization called bethel tech and this organization came to me and i came back to them and said listen i want to do this but i want to make sure that it is affordable for my tribe and so this program is a nine month program and the average student who graduates from this program has a job within about 30 to 60 days is making anywhere from 65 000 to 100 000 when they get their first job and then they start going up and so this program is very very affordable and you get a 1500 scholarship just for being a part of my tribe and so i'm going to drop the information and show notes because you know hey listen we hear ronnie and she's like yo ryan ryan is saying you listen it's for both many to come to the table with finances ladies need to come to the table with finances so if you're watching this man or woman and you're saying okay cool how do i do that um i need some education where should i go get into the tech field facebook is tech all this tech stuff is crazy uh and making a lot of wealthy people right now it really is and so uh go to anthony o'neil dot com forward slash bethel anthony o'neil dot com forward slash bethel i'll drop the information in the show notes i'm intelligible anthony sent you and uh my boy ryan or whatever take good care of you and i promise you you'll thank me later i i and i also think yeah from my tribe close to 200 students already uh within 60 days have signed up for the program so i appreciate y'all y'all keep winning keep going and i love it i'm kind of thrown off right now because ronnie over here dropping all these jewels and she's over here talking all this good stuff that i've been trying to tell the ladies and y'all don't y'all clap back on me when i say this stuff you know what i'm saying now now ronnie clap back it's going to be different from my clap back you know what i'm saying so if y'all say something to ronnie she may she may just you know i don't know but i'm mad you've built a successful business you you've created some passive income right um i mean you have income coming from all different places but i diversify for sure but you're passionate about all of them yeah and so i want to spend the last you know a little bit of time on this show talking about how can we build out um passion projects that generates passive income from for us yeah how do we do it i'm taking out my notes because i mean i have no problem learning and you already you know talked about good stuff about you know when she walk in the kitchen just well the first thing that i would say is that you have to do things that you actually love versus what appears to be trendy and profitable at the moment okay because things that are profitable they change few years they're profitable a few things few years later they aren't so when you're doing things that you actually enjoy that is going to be the gas that fuels your tank when you don't want to get up in the morning and what are things you actually enjoy i love entrepreneurship i love developing and building and strategizing with people on their ideas and turning those helping them turn those ideas into actual functioning profitable businesses that's the first thing i do that all day people call me what do you think about this and i'm like well i think you should do this and that's an incident that's my thing like i love it's like a mastermind for me like i just love strategizing people to help them turn those dreams into like real businesses you know that's the first thing the second thing i love is beauty and fashion i'm a woman okay i've always been in that field my first business was a beauty line right i love taking care of myself yeah so i'm a mom you know i have children and i've always taken care of myself i still take care of my skin i still take care of my hair now i work out like that's very important to me because i feel like when i look good i feel good that's true right for all of us so that's something that i'm passionate about and um just just pouring back into the community yeah so i work with a lot of women to build their businesses i work with a lot of women to help them become comfortable being themselves you know right now online you can see someone doing something this week and you just feel like you know i should be doing that where now god gave you something else right it's not don't look at her feed and oh her pictures look like this all of them have this filter on and it's so cohesive and maybe i should do this no maybe you should just be you and i just i feel like i'm called right now to just help more people feel comfortable being themselves yeah because i make money being my damn self yeah and that's my thing and i feel like more people need to tap into that so building those communities but being able to make money from an authentic space you know and i'll be honest and transparent on my show right um i've never said this any worse it's the first time i've ever said this but you said something that's very real you know um you know be committed to being your authentic self right um and not really and doing your own thing you know what's so funny in my space um i'm also i'm oftentimes compared to earn your leisure and they're like yo you you should be doing this and you should be having me on your shoulder you should be over there like yo you should be hey man i'll let that get to my head one season wow and i was like yo you're right i should be i should be i got this i got dead i'm a best seller and the next thing i know i started now my brothers like now i started comparing myself to them wow and i was like what the hell are you doing anthony well let me just say this shout out to troy rashad that's those are my brothers they're amazing at what they do and i just feel like nobody can do it like them they have their own flavor absolutely right they're untouchable um when it comes to the amount of value that they give out the thing that separates earn your leisure from a lot of other people and i'm definitely just going to say shout out to troy troy uh was just one of those people where i was trying to do something in the stock market and he was like i think they were in nigeria yeah and i called troyette and he literally answered the phone long distance he's in nigeria yeah right and he walked me through the whole play you know the bed the ask the whole thing yeah and one of the things that stood out to me about that conversation with troy was that he said okay ronnie he said i taught you this he said i have one ask for you and i said what is it you know just let me know he said just promise me that when you teach this to someone else you will not charge them [Music] that right there it made me have a different level of respect absolutely for um troy and earn your leisure because they give away so much information absolutely that could be courses yeah in classes but they give it away for free and they just they're always putting other people you know in the forefront shout out to all of my people in atlanta troy rashad tribe i mean all of them i love them i love everything they're doing justin so many of my brothers are up there david you know kiana david i love them all because they're just different so i just believe that we're all special absolutely and we have ourselves and i think that you are totally different um yeah totally different even different personality you know and my and my assignment is is different yeah you're very let me make sure that you have a few meal in your portfolio absolutely but i think they're the way that they teach they are the they are the people who they are like the liaisons they're like the harriet tubmans like they're going to lead you to the person that can get you free right there yeah in whatever area that you want to get friends so i just think that we got to stop that and you know what i always just make sure i do when people call me like that i would say well who are you most comparable to who are you most comparable to because you know what i notice is that when black people are doing successful things people love to turn you against or try to put you up against someone who's doing just as great fast right but they really do what to get in your head facts they really do it to cause you to question yourself yeah and what you have to do is you have to have the power of discernment like who's sending this person yeah because sometimes the devil be using people and they don't even know they're being used uh you talking good right he talking about being used some of y'all watching right now being used right now by the devil you don't even know yeah for sure so someone will call you and say oh what do you think about this person yes or do you see what this person doing i don't even believe they believe no they they deserve all this happening you have no clue you can you you can talk they want to ask yeah they work their tails old to get to where they are and then you come here thinking they got lucky let me just stress is there is no one who is successful they got lucky you're seeing year 12 year 10. you know i think about troy troy was a teacher yeah you know if you know rashad rashaw's story he had a few businesses that did not succeed fashion brand on mine a lot of different things you don't know these people's stories man listen you're talking good literally so don't try to pin me up against my brother what you gonna let's how about we collaborate listen how about we do a joint podcast with all four or five of us at the table and it just goes crazy like you gotta i redirect people very quickly i had to i mean i didn't did their show last year man i was like i love those guys yeah what they're doing is absolutely amazing and i just tell people all the time it's like yo when you really focus on your assignment yes you know what i'm saying that's when god can trust you it's like i wasn't i i wasn't being a good steward of my gifts of my platform by trying to worry about somebody else gifts and platform because god fearfully and wonderfully made all of us and god was like well you're not studying your gifts well because you're worried about your brother and your sister that i also made but it was like when i started really focusing on me and my purpose listen put them blinders on god was good listen when a horse is racing you'll never see no horse doing this don't he got the blinders on for a reason because if you look a left to the right it's going to slow you down but if that head is straight on baby that's how you win the race we got to stop looking at other people and then we also have to redirect people absolutely because in all the seasons of my life i'm going to be straight with you every time i found myself around people who were doing an amazing thing there is just always this little demon that comes in that tries to tell me well be careful you know watch out or do you think this person is as good as you are how did they get to this level of success and it was normally the person that was delivering the message that i had to watch out for not the person who was doing great things that person was sent to cause us to go against each other and i had to abort the mission and say go back where you came from right right running okay okay okay all right so to go from how to build passion projects that can produce income number one you said do things you love not uh things that are trendy or profitable right now uh because you can turn into profit what's number two number two is to think about what you can do okay that does not require you to go get a loan talking my language yeah things i meet so many entrepreneurs that are starting businesses and the first thing that they want to do is go get in debt all right and i'm sitting there like why are we going to get in debt why is that the first thing why do we need a hundred thousand dollar loan why do we need a 500 000 loan so what i try to do is i try to think about things that we can do to create income to fund the business sometimes that's a service right sometimes the most valuable thing you have is your time so sometimes you have to give that away right to make some money to fund the business and so all my ladies out there a lot of women are trying to start businesses well sell some of them clothes in your closet don't let that ego don't get in the way don't let that get in the way where you feel like oh if i start selling stuff i look broke um sally you never gonna wear it again right start that closet on etsy or whatever those different apps are sell some things you know cut your hair off do your hair yourself [Music] that was a joke don't do it everybody say don't don't do your own hair no seriously let me just say this when i was re-starting my life right there were a few things i did okay i stopped going to get my nails done and when i say get them done i mean like gel um powder like that kind of stuff you probably don't know what i'm talking about i do but the women know okay i had to go get a manicure and i just kept my nails manicured because the gel and the powder that was running me you know getting my fingers and my toes and that can run you about 300 every two weeks right yeah so we got to start cutting back what can you cut back on that you really don't need maybe the eyelashes right maybe the weaves because i hair adds up when i was wearing weave you know that the bundles are expensive absolutely so we have to cut things back so we can get our money right and then we can use that money to invest in our businesses you got to do a closet sale do a closet sale there's nothing wrong with doing a closet sale you just heard some of the latest feelings right now why what's wrong with doing a closet sale i i agree with you kim kardashian does a closet sale kim doesn't do no closet seller yes she does she has a page where they resell she resells her clothes are you serious the clothes that she won't wear again the clothes that she will not wear again sometimes you got to get outside your pride so number two is doing something that can create the income okay right and then the last thing is find out what a need is for the people around you to your audience okay discovering that need all right all right now this is what i see really often we start businesses based on what we want yep what we like the vision that we put inside of our head now what i've learned is that so many people miss out on an opportunity to create that six and seven figure brand because their ego won't allow them to ask their audience what do you want from me what do you want yeah we jump out and we start businesses and we give people what we've always wanted to give people but have we taken the time to ask the people who are in our audience the people who follow us online do we survey yeah our audience to say what do you want from me what do you like most what type of content even down the content what type of content would you like to see right when it comes to business what should i provide what would you like more from me and then let them tell you yeah because they are the consumer yeah i see so many entrepreneurs stuck with products stuck with inventory right because they've started things that people really didn't follow them for but you don't have a clue because you don't want to ask you never did a survey in the beginning because people think that asking for feedback in business makes you look like a rookie but you see vets do it all the time oh vets don't do anything but survey their audience to a point that if the audience says i want something they'll do a pre-sale to ensure that you actually want it put your money where your mouth is yep yep all right um i record one week out of those [Laughter] yo listen i mean go home have a conversation with the family you know just come be the co-host uh but honestly ryan this is probably one of the best conversations i've had in a while um for the people watching right now i know the ladies are saying yo okay wait who is who is she where can i get her stuff what do you offer our our ladies so i know you have the girls to eat so you're literally teaching them how to do what you're doing yes and we have a community it's called ceo society that's our community okay um you all can follow us and check us out at joint co society but i also have a plant-based beauty and wellness brand for women it's called holistic you all can feel a little left out and shop realistic but you can definitely use our skincare products does it really work for men though it does i have a lot of guys who use their skin care tyres i reach out to us how reuses our skincare he's really funny he's a guy a comedian on instagram he's hilarious um a lot of guys buy from us candles all that good ladies yeah that i have her lipstick and you know those are just my two things i love helping women get money but i also want to remind women to take care of themselves in the process love it love it so this is what we're going to do we're going to drop all of her information her um skincare her wait is your course live yes yes so we i didn't even talk about that i know what i'm saying because that course fire now yeah you know but you don't allow men in the course though we do i have guys that are in that course it's called the brand rehab yes and it is a six week program that really helps you get unstuck build your brand tell your story automate your business grow on social media and how to organically track these so you get to work with me for one month in two weeks in a very small group setting it is not like other courses where you have you know 10 000 people in there one time it is very intimate i actually cap it off to no more than 40 people a month 40 people a month because i want to get to know the people that come through my program and they actually get to talk to me yes and ask me questions and we look at their businesses and you know what's working what's not working so it's more i want to i wanted to create an environment that was what i needed when i was starting my business and i needed someone to hold my hand we won't put all this in the show though i mean ronnie has so much going on but the one the main reasons why i brought her onto the show is because i remember driving home from uh dropping off my dog at training and i called ronnie and when i was just getting to know a little bit more of her in in the ins and outs of her company she was like yo anthony i don't really care i don't want like 2 000 students because i really want to impact everyone that comes into my program and when she told me the cost of her program i was like all right what just running what are you doing she's like anthony i want it affordable but i also want it enough to where they're going to fill it so they'll show up but then also she really wants to talk to everyone inside of it she has a heart for her people she kind of reminds me of well ashley we're friends with rob like both of them are like yo i i really want to see the best for my community that's my guy yeah and i think that even with what we were talking about i want to just stress like make sure y'all care about people absolutely because the money can get you blinded like take the time to care about people and when people know that you care about them and their success yeah you know a lot of people say well why you why did we were sitting here i don't even talk about my coaching program you know why because so many people refer people to my program because they know that i have a heart yeah so they're like hey what's the website i'm like okay you know this is a website but i don't have to do that so good because people are doing that on my behalf and i just did on on her behalf because i believe in what she's doing um and and y'all i did it um because i just i i i like him i really do like it and i want y'all to get into it um and i like it so much to where i even ask her can i be an affiliate because i want her to get all her money so no i'm not going to be an affiliate you know so i'm not getting paid for it because i genuinely believe in what she's doing and she deserves more money which is why i'm like i'm gonna take none of your money thank you i don't want that because she she loves people i just want her her emma girl sarah j sure sarah jake got the woman evolved love sarah i like sarah you know what i'm saying if you're watching this sarah y'all both of y'all need to stop only worrying about woman sarah we need a man evolve you know um sorry was just on the show a couple of weeks ago and i said tory tell your wife i need to i need a man involved and i told ronnie ronnie help the brothers out so we're going to drop her information in the show notes check it out go get in the course ladies um if you really want to build something yo rock with ronnie and i'm telling you right now her ig is you won't you don't know what's coming next but you will get inspired and you will get some information um and and brothers if you go to ig make sure y'all trying to sign up for the quiet [Applause] all i'm going to say is you know you know make sure y'all trying to sign up for the classes come correct that's all i'm saying don't don't do the dms i'm trying to give you all warning right now don't man i like the response there brother you know uh but yo we appreciate y'all listen um love you all please hit the subscribe button uh make sure to check out um all of the partners of today's show uh which is uh um not better help it is a bethel tech and churchill mortgage i'll drop the information below and i will also have rodney's information below as well love you all i'll see you on the next show peace out bye guys [Music] you
Channel: The Table With AO
Views: 89,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony oneal, anthony oneal debt free degree, anthony oneal student loans, money, budget, how to save money, personal finance, debt free, how to budget, debt, how to make money, how to get out of debt, african American, student, EYL, Dave Ramsey, earn your leisure, black wealth, how to pay off debt, finance, black, wealth, retirement planning, credit card debt, bitcoin, stock market, how to become an influencer, ronne brown girl ceo, social proof podcast, financial education
Id: f13ftttJ-tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 13sec (3613 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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