Milling Wild Cherry, I Wasn't Expecting It To Do This!

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[Music] [Music] so so welcome back everybody if y'all caught the video i think it was two videos ago where we cleared this trail here through the woods you saw in that video and i had a couple people ask when we were going to be able to see this but we ran across a pretty decent sized wild cherry tree that was a windfall tree and it was pretty fortunate because we don't have a lot of cherry trees in my area and the ones that we do have are usually kind of small so this one not a huge cherry tree by any stretch of the imagination but it's a pretty nice sized one for what we get around here so we're going to stick it on the mill today and see what kind of lumber we can get and i'll probably end up using that lumber for flooring in our house when we get to that part of the remodel but before that before we get to the log i wanted to thank everybody who has very graciously ordered my father-in-law's book this is my father-in-law's book it's called the flag was still there and it's basically an autobiography of his time during the vietnam conflict and his year-long tour of duty there it covers his time right before the con his uh right before his tour when he won the draft lottery it goes through his year-long tour of tour of duty there and a little bit right after it as well but a really really good read i've always been very interested in history and this book shined a lot of light on on that that time in our in our history from the uh from the viewpoint of the soldiers from the viewpoint of the civilians that the soldiers unfortunately had to return home to and the tactics and it was just a very very good read and if y'all are interested in picking up a copy of this i'll put a link in the description or the comment section rather this video to the amazon link and you all can check that out if you are interested but let's go ahead and get into this log and see what we've got so let's take a quick look at it first here this section is probably about 20 feet of course we'll cut it up but uh unfortunately it looks like we've got some heart rot on the stump end down here so i don't know and i bet that's the culprit right there that little knot hole but if we check this end out down here so i don't know how far it goes but you can see we do have a little bit of end rot here or heart rot hopefully that won't go too far up into the tree now we'll just we'll just see let's get it hooked up to the tractor and see what we can get so i was warned about this but i finally found a uh a downside of this grapple on this tractor you can't just uh go down trails with logs in your in your grappler it just won't work for you so we're gonna have to drag this one out [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] so i'm going to go ahead and cut it off right about here and the reason for that is i don't know how far this heart rot goes but there's a good chance it might it probably goes right up to this knot hole right here and also it's going to be more symmetrical if i cut it off right here it'll give us an e more even diameter on that end and also on this end [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so let's check out what we've got here by the way a box blade makes a really poor log dragger i think i bent part of the blade where it mounts to the lift arms number one and number two i picked up a ton of dirt so i had to avoid that in the future so uh here we go this end of this log and i think this is the large end we're looking at about 11 inches and the overall length here is going to be 125 and a half so just over 10 feet actually this end should be the larger end because this is where we cut it off you still that heart you see that heart rod is still creeping up into it a little bit but we got most of it so this end is actually about 13 inches so the small end is 11 this one is 13 and a little bit on long i guess but fairly symmetrical log fairly straight let's see what's inside [Applause] [Music] so not sure what it's going to look like on the inside check this out [Music] quite a bit of water in there [Music] so so i wanted to stop real quick and show you all this i don't think that i've ever really gotten a a good video of a log under tension before but here's a good one if y'all look at this right here this cut is completely straight and this top slab right here that's coming off is just under a ton a ton of tension now that doesn't that shouldn't surprise me too much because this tree was kind of growing on the side of a hill not a really really steep hill but it was still kind of on the side of a hill so that could have had something to do with it but yeah i'll go ahead and finish the cut and y'all will see afterwards it might straighten that it'll probably flop back down on this end but i thought that was i thought that was interesting i've had i've had this before the worst tension i have ever seen has been in water oak i've had a water oak log before and i bet i can't find the picture but i've had a water oat log before the tension was probably twice this show y'all what it ended up doing here it just kind of split the difference between the front and the back of the log or top and bottom we're going to have trouble getting these boards to dry straight [Music] [Music] so guys i got to looking at this cant here and i look to the very bottom or end of the cant and noticed that it was almost below the rail and i thought blow one of the bunks and i said what is going on is there that much tension and then i realized that little block of wood that i put up under there earlier to level it i never took it out so i just really messed messed up the first cut on this can let me decide what i'm going to do here so there's two things i could have done i could have taken it out and skimmed a wedge off of the top or i could have left it on there and skimmed the wedge off of the bottom but what i really wanted was for this first one to be without all this weighing here so what i did was i took it out and i'm going to skim a little wedge off of the top and then we should be back to square [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so we're about to open up these boards and see what we've got but judging by this sawdust i think there's some there's probably some good looking boards in there that's some pretty pretty stuff so i'm starting to understand much much better why this tree was a windfall tree you see this heart rot goes quite a distance up into this into this log and that's where it was harboring water earlier if you all remember there's actually some kind of a centipede or worm in it too just now brushed it away before i could get a good look at it but yeah that's kind of disappointing but there's still some good boards in here and see that's just rotten that's all that is just rotten i was hoping it was just kind of dark but the rot stops about right there on this particular board this one's okay so there's a few boards that are certainly usable out of this out of this log eight and a half little over eight and a half inches let's lay some of the best ones out and put some water on them so i think i got a question one time somebody asked why do i put water on these boards and this this is this is why right here a bucket of water can quickly change your attitude toward a board look at this how it brought out that figure brought out that grain that is a pretty pretty color on this and with some varnish on it man it'll be great or some polyurethane rather these will be nice not a whole lot of boards from that tree what i'm going to do is stack all of them with the exception of one that was a little too thin and let them all dry and just kind of sort them out after they're dried and hopefully i'll be able to salvage most of them but yeah that's that's not too shabby we'll stack one two three four five six boards and uh hopefully we'll be able to get hopefully use hopefully we'll be able to use four or five of them yeah not certainly not wasted time right there guys guys i appreciate you all watching and i will see you all next time you
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 366,703
Rating: 4.8579082 out of 5
Keywords: cherry, wild cherry, log, sawmill, mill, saw, wood Mizer, Mizer, lt15, Kubota, L4701, woods, timber, construction attachments, fall line ridge, homesteading, homestead
Id: hxhr8zp7ZdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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