An Absolute Monster on the Mill (Terrible Ending)

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so welcome back guys today i've got something really exciting here on the mill this is a uh really really large pine log this log is 12 feet long and it is about 28 inches at the widest point here let's check this out and get it hooked there we go so we're looking at oops so we're looking at about 28 inches or so there side to side up and down also about 28 inches so really really really big log and i didn't put this log on the mill with this of course this is just way too big for that tractor to handle eric put it on here with his excavator so that explains how it got up there and i know i'm going to get some comments saying hey man you'd be putting the small in towards the head of the mill and that is correct i usually try to do that because it does make it easier but this is how eric put it on here and that's how it's going to be so this is going to be an interesting log i think that i'm going to be able to get away with not having to saw anything if you see right here it looks like everything's going to clear no problem and i should be able to whittle it down and get what i need to get out of it what we're gonna do is we're gonna turn this into true two by fours and uh see how many we can get so let's go ahead and get started and uh see what happens so [Music] so so [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so foreign uh so [Music] [Music] so um [Music] um [Music] all right so the uh the answer to how many two befores we can get out of this log is zero so i don't know if y'all heard probably did but there was see if i can find it here we go here was the first one i hit right here here's something going on right here some stuff going on right there as well and as we get on up closer to right here there's nothing real obvious right there but then we've got then we've got these two nails right here so my plan was i thought i was going to be slick so i just went ahead and uh brought the saw back to the beginning here and i dropped it down four inches to go ahead and get my two befores i was going to make this cut then take that blade off and put a new blade on and go ahead and get all my cants and my two befores and everything that i needed and then put the old blade back on and try to get the two befores out of this cant right here even four inches deep i ran into something and i don't even want to know what it was i just want to be done with this log uh it was big and it stopped the saw head and i actually tried to go ahead and restart the saw and saw through it it was just a disaster um i'm not gonna even bother with this log i could flip it over and try to get some off of the other side but i don't know what's in the other side either so we're just gonna move on it's not worth my time it's not worth the effort it's not worth another saw blade and we're just going to move on so anyway that was not the video that i had planned guys but that's just how it goes sometimes but anyway thank you all for watching and i will see y'all on the next one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 100,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disaster, woodmizer, wood Mizer, mill, sawmill, saw, fall line ridge, pine, nails, blades, metal, lt15, lt 15
Id: dGmu7hA2My8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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