Millie Bobby Brown's Parents and In-Laws All Married Young | The Drew Barrymore Show

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you guys it's my gal pal Millie Bobby [Applause] [Applause] Brown you like make up free yes oh my go I don't know I would have joined you I never ask you to do this is your show hold on how are we climbing into this I'm like I know well you've got those do you see I don't know I just seem I just mount it this is yeah this is great you have to you have to wait Douglas where are you I have a dog to complete this moment I heard how many animals you have right now currently what do you have I have oh there we go he's like mother now the picture is complete oh hello boy Douglas is having a little bit of a hard time getting on too do you see that yeah I have a senior dog too I rescue do a senior 14 he yeah I have a right now I actually have a 17-year-old dog who I rescued who was like dumped on the streets um and then and they're just it's so sad and so right now I'm at like nine dogs how many do you have well his girlfriend Lucy who is 11 just passed away last week and it was been so hard I know it's such a transition that's good atast has you at work well and now our cat lucky all of the sudden he never let her in before she'd always want to like cuddle up to him and he was like no no no no now he's like I'm and I woke up this morning and they were spooning oh so you know it's like they know yeah they do know and they grieve and I I rescue many dogs I I'm fostering 23 dogs right now okay that is amazing I'm going to come oh my gosh yeah it's so fun it's so fun is it true that you got a place right near your parents too right I live next to my parents which I love yeah I know well I like I was living with them and then when I turned 18 I was like I want another dog and I was going to say was it an animal thing it was an animal thing I was like can I get another dog and they were like no you can't fit any more dogs in your room so you're going to have to like figure and I was like well I want a rabbit and I want farm animal so I moved out and I moved next door but like my parents still do my laundry as the mother of two daughters I would love nothing more than if we lived in close proximity this is my dream you are my goal you are literally showing me that these things are possible yeah yeah I mean for me my my parents are like my friends so it's always been like that so I've always I'm like I want to be around you and I like hanging out with you what did they have to do to get you to feel that way because I would love to learn how to keep my girls wanting to be near me I think like they just like never like they just were always like they spoke to me like very directly they were always honest with me which made me want to be their friend I talk to my kids very straight too but like you know the girls now they want to wear crop tops and I'm just like oh God what do I do my actually you know it's funny my mom was very like no right oh okay okay that is yeah my mom was like very like no you know when I was younger like when I was 12 and 10 you know my mom was like no she was like you can wear makeup but in the house not when you go out and then I was like okay and then you're like I'm going to start a really yeah I was like I'm going to start a company no I was just like you know okay like what is it about makeup that you don't like she's like I just don't think you should wear like red lipstick I think you should like understand your skin and get good things for your skin and I was just like okay like that that's what the real issue is and Florence is clean yes clean Beauty when did you start Florence because I feel like I've been shopping it with my girls for a good five six seven years but like is that possible yeah yeah yeah I well I started it when I was 15 so yeah five years ago but I yeah yeah yeah it's been it's been really nice and I think I've been developing it you know been developing it for before that like when I was like 13 I was on a plane to Brazil and and I was meant to be sleeping and I was like What if I designed and like created my own Beauty and skincare company then I woke my dad up out of his sleep and I was like Dad like I have I have a plan I have a business plan and I'm going to pitch it to you and I pitched it to him and he was like okay let's do and it's been so successful and it's also a brand I feel so good about shopping with my girls I love it for me I love it for them you know it's like there's a real really beautiful ageless Timeless quality to it and we're wearing I they I got a whole rack of clothes to choose from but I wanted to wear the signature Florence by Mills color which I see you did too of course I am I you know you know this like when you go to work like when you were a child actor like the last thing you want to do is like I was I never wore real clothes to set you I I'm not kidding I'll bring down what it's on the floor of the makeup room right now and it's a sweatshirt and sweatpants that's what I wore to work today yes of course so I'm still doing that and I love doing that and I go to set in my pajamas all the time but these feel elevated they do they are they're they're more like Lu I came in with looks really frumpy and dumpy and like I've given up on life this I feel really presentational and I've been bouncing around this is good I'm glad that's what that's the intention behind it and I've been sneaking it under my character costume right now like I've been like wearing at under 11 and everybody's like we can see that and I'm just like is this the fifth and final installment of stranger thing which also feels like you've been doing that for I don't know 28 years yes literally my whole life I was going to it's it's in it's 45th year I think that's what it feels in dog years yes Douglas yes um but um I think for me um it has been a long time I started I auditioned when I was 10 and I started filming when I was 11 um so it's it's next year it'll be I think it was like next year by the time we finish filming or something it'll be 10 Years it'll actually be like 11 yeah if you started when you were like and when it releas 21 oh my and by the time it probably comes out I'll be like 25 how people feel about it being like the last one yeah stranger and it's a world you know like stranger things is a world of its own like people are so a must in the experience Netflix has you know made it so that stranger things feels like you are part of something they did The Stranger Things experience now they're doing The Stranger Things play you know so I feel like it has become it's become a true like community of like science fiction fans and I people did grow up with it look it's been almost 10 years already so you've got people who were just like you 10 and now wait you just had your 20th birthday two weeks ago yes Pisces yes Pisces February 22nd oh oh my goodness when are you February 19th I'm on the cusp wait I want to ask about your birthday we have to go to a commercial really quick and then when we come back okay we're going to talk about [Applause] that thank you everybody thank you so much okay we are back um let's talk birthday I know my 20th birthday was so fun I was like what was it may I ask well it was wedding themed oh was it also a b bachette comination it was like a combination because I was like I'm not going to have a bachelorette party I don't party just in general also I don't have many girlfriends I have more boyfriends like Jake's fraternity Brothers back in college are like my some of my closest friends and so we had like a bachelorette party but I was the only girl I was doing some math and I was thinking about your in-laws to be and your parents so they your father and mother-in-law to be uh met in high school high school sweethearts and then got married around Nish years later uh I'm actually not sure I mean when we ask them they're just like yeah we got married in Vegas you know so cool yeah I'm like okay you're really cool high school sweethearts and then your parents met at around 20 yeah my my mom was 21 my dad was 19 and yes and then within the first I know well she didn't know that he lied oh red flag red flag by the way but also he's the best man ever so we love him and they're still all together and they all met young still together yeah still together and I think that's huge like you know it's very rare right like you know just in our world today and I feel like um yeah and I I feel like you know that's not to say like it's good or bad it's just to say that um we grew up with really wonderful relationships to observe and um and I think that it just set a precedent for what we want in our lives and I I just think that yeah I watch my parents like fall more in love every day and that same goes for when I see Jake's parents and I think that's just what we want to you know in hopes to achieve for ourselves like that's a model to Aspire to on both sides and it's from such different perspectives like my parents grew up you know in in England very far apart from each other and like they're very different to like obviously Jake's parents literally yeah I mean you know like it's you know they met in high school and he wanted to be a rock star and like they're very different perspectives but we have such a broad spectrum of the questions that we're able to ask you know and I've only seen also like massive philanthropy coming from Jake's parents too like talk about that model yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my God they're such good they're great people they are I was like that's the one thing that I just like I always talk to them about and I feel that they're they're just they're really good people and I think that it only shows in their son for the most part I've admired and aspired to be like my friends right like my found family they all behave in a way that I wish I could be like them that's good that's good creating like your own community of really good energy which I think is like so and that's like that goes for anything like my team are amazing like my friends are great I love my family my siblings like even the sets I walk on like just like everything has to be surrounded in good positivity because Life's too short to be sad for a day no bad behavior no strange energy none of that there's no room for it and if you can set a precedents or be a part of that sort of boundary which I didn't even know what boundaries were growing up same until I went to therapy and it's also so bizarre because I think our job requires such an openness and such a lack of boundaries not only for the art of it but the camera in your face all the time the people touching you the people fixing your costum I mean there's like L there's physically No Boundaries either so you're like you're just like okay I'm I'm open and vulnerable all the time and then where do I stop that well you are an extraordinary producer thank you I mean here you are with damsel which I stayed up last night watching oh my gosh and I was like so enjoying myself glad okay it's got so many wild moments too um there's like all of a sudden it it okay for it's hard to pick which one because there are so many aspects to talk about but I'll start with Angela Basset okay yeah good Angela Basset I know I know well What's Love Got to Do With It which is one of my favorite remember her and Lawrence Fishburn were both nominated for Academy Awards it's the best performances the best movie I was obsessed with an What's Love Got to my mom was like all right you want to be an actor sit down and I was just like What's Love Got to Do with that she is such an amazing she's one an amazing person great presence but she also you know just to observe her and watch her work you're just like wow like you've always been good oh God Angela Basset did the thing she really did well she comes up to you and there's a warning and I'm going along with this film and I I'm like where is this going wait a minute what's going on with her spider senses yes why is she saying these things and then it she's right it goes on a ride there are things that happen where I don't expect and I'm like oh my God wait no he no they're not going to do that oh my God they did that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and I don't want to give anything away but it's like where you think it's not going to go it goes there yes and it's so good and that's how it felt like filming really yeah because you're just like are we really going to like like am I really going to do that stun and then that day they're like yep put the Hest on and I just like did the stun as if it wasn't like you know Tom Cruz level stuff I like felt like Tom Cruz Tom Cruz is the coolest so cool and so in this film I feel like the female version of Tom Cruz I I did all my own stunts from stunt to finished I'm really I'm you know scared about doing my own stunts stunts are scary because like stunts are scary it's dangerous you know yeah you're just like I'm not physically trained to do this wait will you do couch confessions with me really quickly yeah all right we're going to go to a break and then we have the fun rapid fire questions they're my favorite kind we'll be right [Applause] back I'll find a picture and show you exactly okay we're back here with Millie Bobby Brown and now we're going to do some couch confessions okay what this couch is so big I can't find it literally I'm oh it's oh well who would have known it's inside the cushion that is really okay Smart in two minutes we'll do a quick uh rapid fire okay go ready okay who's your favorite fictional Prince Charming uh uh serious black who's that Harry Potter oh right of course sorry ghosts real or not real what's your biggest turn off masks wait are you afraid of masks yes when people wear masks I just feel disconnected like and so stranger things everyone that I meet at the science fiction events wear mqu like they're either a mvel character or they're this or they're spider- and I'm like nope if you want to meet me you got to take it off so that's my rule that's my boundary boundaries by the way boundaries by the way boundaries I was like I just don't feel like I can connect with you if I can't see your eyes well of course my first crush was Darth Vader so there's a I don't know what that about and I also was for St may like my biggest red flag doth Vader is a huge red flag terrified by the way Jake like obsessed with Star Wars so and he has a bunch of mosques in the house favorite John bonjovi song Runaway yes bad habit you can't break biting my knuckles I know super straight straight for the meat understood I know it's so strange um favorite romcom I just watched um uh what is that new one out with Sydney Sweeney oh anyone but you I L it it's so good and elevated really well crafted so fun and it made me feel like not in the world right now you know not worried like sexy refreshing everyone in it so hot oh my God strangest place you've ever woken up ooh in a closet I sleep walk we'll unpack that later too best skincare secret um someone has shared with you my mom says never pluck your eyebrows she would have been very mad at me in the '90s I know name a trait that makes you Swoon ooh if you're good with animals yes yeah if like somebody like Jake is so good speaking of did you hear that did you see that okay and last one have you ever stolen anything and if so what was [Music] [Applause] it have you ever stolen anything and if so what was it when I was young I stole gum from a store and I cried for 3 days after I I had to I tried it too at a 7eleven and I think I literally stole gum and I realized and I was like yep I tried that now I'll never do it again never the guilt the awful I feel so bad okay perfect but sometimes you got to try it I know how awful it feels and yeah perfect okay well that was it oh my God Bobby Brown I love so like and thank you for the best clothes in the entire world I've never seen a waistband like this you you are giving skinny right now skin que yes I'm like okay well we'll just you know we have to do some like dating profile pictures in this oh oh well know I need it and um Florence by Mills Beauty and apparel is available now and plus for movie damsel is out on March 8th on Netflix it is so good everybody and we make this show for you so take it with you
Channel: The Drew Barrymore Show
Views: 345,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew barrymore, drew barrymore show, drew barrymore talk show, drew show, drew, interview, drew barrymore films, drew barrymore e.t., drew barrymore news, drew barrymore career, millie bobby brown interview, millie bobby brown news, millie bobby brown hussband, millie bobby brown parents, millie bobby brown rescue dogs, rescue dogs, millie bobby brown in laws, wedding themed birthday, stranger things, millie bobby brown stranger things, damsel, damsel millie bobby brown
Id: xdngxmR8w2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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