Millie Bobby Brown Requests Donkeys & Dirty Carrots in her Office | Get A Job

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donkeys however do not like dogs how does that play out it doesn't the dog dies very quickly thank you for taking the time to meet with us I'm really looking forward to chatting with you but before we dive in can you please confirm your name where you're from and what you're here for I'm Millie Bobby Brown I'm from London and I'm here to get a job right in we're curious about the very early influences of your literary career could you tell us your three favorite books from childhood well I liked the philosophy of the Hungry Hungry Caterpillar the philosophy you know just his philosophy about finally eating I like that too I also liked The Gruffalo I also liked Pollyanna for those who prefer screen to a book what is the one title you'd recommend to ignite a new passion for reading 19 steps my new book that I just published in your debut novel 19 steps you write about a love story between a Midwestern man and a Londoner based on your grandparents Own Story as someone well versed in the world of dialects and accents how often did you find yourself acting out scenes and conversations quite frequently um I use Amira as the camera and I just hope that I don't sound insane which I know I do were there any real life influences you were able to draw off of people you'd call I think yes my nan being one of them especially when writing 19 steps I I would draw a lot from her accent and her mannerisms and her sayings and mottos I know Nellie's father has like a cockney accent so I'm just curious if you had any like Inspirations or people in your life that you can really no I mean you just really have to go back to the place you know bethnal gray in the East End and any man walking there probably sounds exactly like Billy you and our last hire Tom Holland have both been on record about it being french fries not chips I am I say french fries so we'd like you to review some other UK versus American words sure if you could please take the file on your left and stamp the correct term for approval just walk us through your thought process garbage or bin bin approval I like this sidewalk or pavement pavement sneakers or trainers sneakers I wasn't expecting that one I like to take people on a journey stroller or pram stroller oh great I'm glad we got that sorted I'm gonna file those away can I keep this I'm just joking I would never take a stamp from my workplace that would be inappropriate all of your projects boast a great attention to detail and with your extensive experience in fashion and with period pieces I wonder if you could debrief me on what London Fashion would have been like in the time period of 19 steps I think very respectable and modest but flirty and fun and what about like for the men of the era what were we looking I don't know what the men of the era look like nor do I care I'm just kidding I don't know I imagine a bowler hat and a tie everywhere going to bed as well and what about someone as young as Flo would it just be mirroring their elders probably yes I think high socks and a nice flowy dress and maybe like Little ballet shoes well before we dive any deeper why don't we break for a quick lunch we heard you're a carrot Enthusiast so we want to get your expert opinion on the best form of carrot not shredded parrot but these are great these are great the dashia the better when my mom was pregnant with me she said she ate dirty carrots and I don't really like that because it scares me because that then I feel like maybe I'm drawn to unwashed carrots but they do taste Persia now it's company policy that we get your stance on dipping carrots what is that hummus and ranch for you well I hate Ranch sorry I love hummus what kind of hummus I believe it's a garlic garlic lovely not for an interview it comes from the higher-ups that the correct answer was indeed hummus so congratulations with did I get the job oh we have a few more questions to run through okay do you like carrots I do but because I'm unsure if I even want to work for you if you don't like carrots well let's get into your resume a bit shall we social in the novel The Center family are some of the only people with animals in London's East End you yourself have rescued countless animals I'll tell you my my own co-workers can go at it like cats and dogs so I'm just curious are there any unlikely friendships you've witnessed between your pets yes thank you for asking I don't agree that cats and dogs don't get along because all of my cats and dogs get along donkeys however do not like dogs so that is a rival that I've seen for quite some time how does that play out it doesn't the dog dies very quickly because donkeys are very aggressive things but I love them but not around dogs but that is a rival that you don't want to see so the donkey is definitely the aggressor yes no not the dog no no it's the donkey they hate dogs do you think it's a fear-based thing maybe everything has trauma maybe the donkey has a bit of trauma like it it wanted to be that small and it can't be that small and so it takes it out and and and and is seeking Vengeance against the dog family [Music] what animal in your experience gets a bad rap pit bulls I Foster like a lot of pit bulls I have a I have a deep love and connection with pitbulls why do you think they get such a bad rap as being like so aggressive uh because humans let us down they let me down a lot and so no wonder they let pit bulls down so pitbulls and I have banded together against the humans that have been horrible and mean to them that's actually quite beautiful thank you um your resume here is quite eclectic in addition to debuting a novel your beauty brand Florence by males is debuting its first fragrance called wildly me as an entrepreneur can you give us some insight on what it takes to launch an exciting new Venture I'm all about taking risks which I will um taking that chance that leap of faith and despite my ideas maybe not Landing sometimes sometimes they do and Florence by Mills was just an idea that landed and you know I deliver for my consumers and that is what I will do here at unilead well we loved it I do have an issue with the name of this company because in England lad is a man how do you feel about hiring me you know I'm a strong woman can we not you know you know unisex unisex Universal Universal unit woman unigal absolutely great with all your experience in this field what are some tips and tricks you'd give to a young person just starting their skin care and Beauty Journey feel free to be open with trying new things and taking that you know leap and getting to understand your skin don't be afraid of understanding your skin don't watch videos and think why does my skin not look like that why can't I achieve that look you know everyone is different and individual their skin and Beauty you know regime um everyone's is different and yours is special in its own well unfortunately we're reaching the end of our time together but I wanted to take this time to ask something to get really beneath the surface your book 19 steps is historical fiction but at its heart it's a whirlwind romance based on your grandparents Own Story how has their love story affected your personal life well the love story in the book is fiction taking from a valley friendship in a relationship and I value trust and strength and being able to get through anything together and secondly What about love stories in general just pack so much meaning and power they can resonate with people that aren't in love at all and I think love is just a universal feeling and there are parts of love and romance that might not necessarily be present in your life at that moment but that feeling is always something that people can can relate to absolutely well that's a powerful sentiment for a powerful story I'm pleased to say that congratulations you've got the job well is this the contract yes hmm you know I did come here thinking I would get this job but now I'm considering you know I just what does my office what will my office look like however I want however you want this is uh can I bring a rug open canvas for you to play with do you allow animals in the building absolutely donkeys we can make arrangements that's fine company is there anything else we should know before we go you have a wonderful asset to your company and despite the strange noises that you might hear coming from my office like the EOS um ignore it and I will work very hard and also everyone on my floor must read my book 19 steps and I want my office and the whole floor and the elevators smelling like my new fragrance wildly me that is it and lots of carrots all right it's been a pleasure these days [Music] [Music] I quit foreign
Channel: UNILAD
Views: 169,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unilad, ladbible, original, viral, compilation, funny, millie, bobby, brown, millie bobby brown, stranger things, enola holmes, netflix, queen, carrots, farm, american, uk, words, terms, stamp, comedy, get a job, interview, fashion, florencebymills, wildly me, fragrance, perfume, nineteen steps, novel, world war II, WWII, book, writer, actor, producer, makeup, skincare, girls, fun, bowler hat, dresses, hungry hungry caterpillar, donkey, dogs, puppies, crazy, cats, animals, fostering, love, romance, romantic, drama, fiction
Id: 3Evhx8wPOWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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