eleven and max being an iconic duo

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hi hi can you talk and then he said and then you just hung up he's a piece of what but friends don't lie yeah well boyfriend's lie all the time tweeted you like garbage you're gonna treat him like garbage give him a taste of his own medicine give him the medicine mm-hmm and if he doesn't fix this if he doesn't explain himself dump his ass [Music] [Music] there's more to life than stupid why can't I just Molly I gotta be me but what are you doing here shopping this is her new style what do you think what's wrong with you you know she's not allowed to be here what is she your little pet yeah I'm not your pet what no why do you treat me like garbage what I dumped your ass [Music] Ralph Macchio Macchio yeah he's the Karate Kid it's so hot right the Betty's an amazing kisser to guarantee you him when Lucas are like totally wallowing in self-pity Oh take us back is this really gonna work oh doesn't say max quieter they say we're species what emotion not logic what do you knock jeez yeah did you need some mr. wheeler Oh boring yeah well I'm just saying I'm serious he's really gross shutting up now about the scream I know but here's the thing when Billy is alone with a girl they make like really crazy noises they scream yeah but like happy screams happy screams what is happy screams it's like I'm just gonna run to my mom's Cosmo you girls want a reward or something no we're just good Samaritans I saw I saw your manager wrong wrong is kind of like his default but it's nice to know he's not a murderer who is that see this is why you can't just hang out with Michael the time shut up where are you going I have an idea boys only seriously just trust me on this one does it still hurt me when I talk well it's a good thing you're not Mike then bla bla bla bla gonna be in constant pain we're just taking a brief she said she dumped your ass that doesn't sound like a break it was it you guys do realize we can still hear everything you're saying right inspiring I told you that screams what's a good clam max that doesn't matter hey what's wrong too many people against the rules seriously you've superpowers it's the worst that could happen
Channel: spellbooked
Views: 13,119,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gMQ-wMlFjFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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