MIL Slapped My Husband When We Announced Pregnancy Because She Didn't Gave Us Permission FOR A BABY

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people with evil mothers-in-law what was the worst thing they've done just to spite you me 26 female and my husband 32 male have been married for three years and my mother-in-law is an entitled witch she is a literal living nightmare i've made it clear since day one that i had no interest in playing her stupid games so i tried to stay away from her as long as i could and god it's been difficult for me to ignore her nasty comments and her manipulative attitude towards me she obviously doesn't like me and can't accept the fact that her son chose me to be his partner my husband is a leo he's a good man with a good heart unlike his toxic mother who tried to stick her nose in our business for a very long time she's done a number of awful awful things for instance when i met her she came up with a new name for me because she simply didn't like my name she accidentally ripped my wedding dress one week before the wedding so we had to get another in a very short time constantly asked if we were trying for a kid and said that we should let her know beforehand what suggested adoption for us more times than i can remember saying how wonderful it is to give a good life for a kid neither her nor anyone in the family was an adoptive parent my response was sure i'd definitely consider but husband and i really want kids on her own she didn't like that at all whenever i got sick or go see a doctor she'd say well i hope it won't be a happy surprise you know how much i hate surprises she meant that i better not surprise her and tell her i was pregnant two weeks ago i told my husband that i was pregnant he was so happy and excited he told me he wanted to tell his family i told him maybe we should wait for some time but he couldn't contain himself he went to mother-in-law's house to give her the news when she heard her face turned red asking him why he hadn't told her earlier husband thought nothing of it being the man with good intentions here she slapped him in the face like he was 12 years old and told him how dare you lie to me and keep me in the dark all this time long time then told my husband that god must be angry with him for him to end up with having a baby with someone like me she was going nuts over the fact that and according to her her son will forever be attached to me with this baby she told him she felt betrayed and kicked him out of her house and told him to not come back till things are back to how she wanted them to be she meant me getting a termination i remember my husband went straight to his shift after leaving her house he did not sound okay on the phone and it sounded as if he was crying or something i didn't know what his mom said that day but he sort of just broke down and told me everything he was feeling hurt his mom was upset with the news and didn't want anything to do with the baby even indirectly suggested termination he probably expected a different reaction from her though her awful behavior has been there the whole time he just couldn't see it she ruined it for him instead of being happy for him to become a dad she downright squashed it and made him feel bad alright so roughly eight years ago i was with a man who sucked more than suck could suck being naive and in college i stayed with him for far longer than i should have we broke up and i met my current eso not long after never heard from ex-esso after our breakup story over right wrong about a week ago i started getting these calls from one particular number thinking it was your classic spam caller i blocked the number and moved on then another number began calling me and leaving incoherent messages i am an essential worker and these calls always happened while i was at work finally i answered one of these calls today hoping to end this crap once and for all i answer and a woman asked if my name was opie i told her yes and that's when it all broke loose this woman went on for five minutes straight about how i messed up her son and i owe it to her to get back together with him it took me some searching the deepest catacombs of my brain but i finally realized that it was ex-mother-in-law xso and i had talked about marriage when we were together and ex-mother-in-law was ecstatic about it to the point where she made me call her mom when i was around ex-mother-in-law would always gush about how we would make such cute babies and such as an 18 year old college student this turned me off like a firework in water this contributed to the end of xso and my relationship but wasn't the cause of our breakup so the major reason we broke up was because i found out about his addiction i wasn't cool with that so i ended the relationship he spiraled out of control for a few years until he met his current fiance my self-preservation instinct kicked in i hung up on her and spent a few hours looking for contact info for xso i got a hold of him through a mutual friend and explained what his mother was doing he apologized profusely and explained what happened he got his life back together but ex-mother-in-law doesn't like his fiance xso is extremely happy where he is in life and loves his fiance a lot he rhetorically asked ex-mother-in-law who she would like him to marry apparently i am the only one he has dated that she ever liked she refused to allow anyone other than me to marry him and have her grandchildren xso said he would talk to ex-mother-in-law but i'm still receiving calls for her on a positive note xso doesn't suck as much as he used to update thanks for the support from everyone xso and i had a conversation about ex-mother-in-law we had a very nice skype call i met his fiance and she's so sweet he explained to me that ex-mother-in-law has been trying to contact me for the last year ever since him and fiance picked a date for their wedding she has been on a rampage trying to convince his fiancee to break up with him in her mind she thought that if she offered me the chance to ruin his relationship i would take it in a heartbeat that is obviously not the case early this morning she called me again now i was dating xso when my dad died she told me that marrying xso would be what my dad would want well i saw the loveliest shade of red imaginable i told her that even if i didn't have a husband that i would never get back with ex-esso because i hated her so much i also told her that my father would be proud i didn't have a raging witch of a mother-in-law like her she hung up on me and hasn't called since i told xso about this and after apologizing again he said he would take care of it he told me to let him know about any further contact with his mom when my now husband and i were engaged he had one of those credit cards that he used for emergencies or small things we were buying a house getting married so he paid it off so we would have it if needed for the house all good nope statement for the card came in and showed thousands of dollars in purchases including disney world tickets for free with all the accouterments stereo system clothes computer and desk several semesters of college for one of his younger brothers and more hubby was furious called credit card company and they stated it was out on his second card he tried to explain he did not have a second card that is when they revealed that he had signed for a second card on his application hint he didn't apparently evil mom saw him put application in mailbox he lived on grandparents farm that had main house and a few trailers for family to live in once he left she opened it and marked for a second card for herself and put back in so prior to our engagement hubby was paying almost all of evil mom's expenses as he was the oldest of five and felt responsible for them dad divorced and stepdad left once we became engaged and especially once i became pregnant he told evil mom he couldn't anymore as he had his own family to care for now evil mom did not take this well she took that second card and took two siblings to disney world and everything else listed above hubby stormed into evil mom's kitchen and demanded the card someone's paraphrased as this happened a while ago but this is mostly how it went down hubby give me the credit card now mom what card are you talking about faked confused expression hubby the one you signed for yourself and just spent thousands on mom oh i was gonna wait until your birthday and give it to you as a present and well now you ruined it she wanted more time to go shopping hubby i'll bet give it now mom but a hubby now evil mom hands over card grudgingly and hubby promptly cuts it up making her very upset he tells her that was supposed to help us through with the house wedding and pregnancy we decided to go for the trifecta and now we were thousands in debt and she needed to pay us back mom i don't have that kind of money i'm your mother and you needed to help me hubby i have i have my own family now mom we are your family hubby payment now so evil mom called in his youngest sister and youngest brother who are developmentally delayed to write hubby a check for 100 from each of their accounts to pay for their trip to disney world and gave us another 100 and loose pennies we never got another dime had to wrap pennies every day for a week to return them before change machines were available and bank only took wrapped signed and dated fast forward three years she comes over to her tiny two-bedroom apartment and tells hubby what happened you used to be so good with money i had to get in front of him and told her to leave before she got hurt never saw him so angry in my life so that is how we ended up with ten thousand dollars in credit card fees including late fees he wouldn't press charges because it was his mom my son and his wife are expecting their first child next month and of course my wife and i couldn't be happier about it this weekend my son was helping me with some yard work six feet apart and we started talking about the delivery i asked if he was nervous and he said i am nervous for her but kind of relieved i'll be in the waiting room i was dumbfounded and he said that when he and his wife discussed it she expressed that she would highly prefer having just her mother in the room but that she of course wouldn't stop him if he felt strongly about being there instead since due to the current issue she can only have one person in the room with her he insisted he was indifferent about witnessing the birth and wanted to respect his wife's preference i explained that this is not okay he needs to be there he got frustrated with me and said that his wife is a private person that she's very close to her mother and that she says she'll be best comforted by someone who's already done it three times and will know how things should go i'll admit i rolled my eyes at that i tried to tell him that the days he and his sister were born were the best days of my life and the memory would be nothing if i just walked into the room post birth and got handed a fresh clean baby helping my wife through the births cemented our partnership as a couple and as parents being the one to cut the cord being an equal part of the birthing process it's so important as a dad it's a huge part of your bond with the baby i tried to explain that not only will it be very hard for him to bond with the baby if he doesn't witness the birth he needs to be there to ensure that his rights are protected apparently they've already been arguing about her wanting to be doped up for the birth because she can't handle pain and if it's just her mom in the room he won't be able to ensure she doesn't overrule him with an epidural and although it's tough to think about the worst case scenario he needs to be the one in the room if things go wrong if huge medical decisions need to be made and someone needs to choose if the doctors will save his wife or his baby of course his mother-in-law will insist on saving her baby instead of his he needs to be able to be there after i offered to call his wife to explain the situation to her as a father who's been through it twice we ended up getting a bit heated and he left i've called a few times but he won't answer my wife says she doesn't want to get involved but that he told her he doesn't want to talk to me until i apologize i still don't know for what i called his wife to try to get a straight story from her about the extent to which she'd pressured him to cave and agree to wait outside and she just swore at me and said meddlesome crap like this is what keeps us from being close i'm honestly dumbfounded am i seriously the idiot for explaining to my son how important it is to witness the birth of his child little backstory a week ago i had an operation pregnancy outside the uterus i am still on bed rest and the doctor advised an extra week okay so after my operation i was alone in the room and the doctor came to ask me if i wanted birth control and if yes what kind of birth control so i asked for a little iron thing in my arm since i already used the pill and i got pregnant through it and the rest gave me pain so this was the last option so yesterday i got a complete crap storm over me because she found out not through so or me but through my mother she's bad at keeping secrets it went a little like this mother-in-law why would you do stupid stuff like this you know what my spiritual guide told me you are going to get twins soon why would you do this to me and my son me your son told me to accept it if they asked me want me to get another operation and then they have to take away everything is that what you want and you know that esso and i do not want to have children when it happens it happens but we do not want them and i honestly do not care what your guide told you it's all crap anyway but hey you believe what you want to believe and i believe what i want mother-in-law my son would never do that he knows i want grandchildren and i me but does your son want grandchildren did you ever ask him you have a daughter who you can ask if she wants children your son doesn't want to have children except that mother-in-law you are getting old you need to have children before you are 30. you have just six years left i know my son wants children i want to be a grandmother he would do that for me me oh does he now eso can you come downstairs please esso comes downstairs esso what's wrong me do you want children esso no you know this why ask again me turning back to mother-in-law what did i tell you mother-in-law didn't say anything after that and just walked away why would you even say something like that get mad over something like this come on it's birth control i'd rather keep myself safe from another operation than getting one again and what if we don't want children it's our choice and i'm not an incubator but thank god one more week and so and i are living with my father till we have the money to rent a house so today i asked mother-in-law to sit down with me because i did want to talk about if she messed with my birth control which she replied yes so of course i got mad husband told me to talk with her record it and let him listen to it so i did me but why we already told you we don't want children we want to be child free and live how we want to live our lives without having to care for a child we can't care for you know we live with you because we have debts we lost everything last year we have only so who's working because i got fired for what's happening now we can't even afford son me being pregnant mother-in-law because i want grandchildren and i took you guys in and it's the least you can do for me you know what my guide said you will have twins you can't escape from your calling as a mother we are family and you should do this for me me mother-in-law i'm not your incubator mother-in-law how do you mean it's your fault for hiding it it's your fault for being such a bad woman that you can't get children i can't do this i took you guys in me i am not a bad woman for this it's simply hard for us to get children and we don't want them what do you not understand about it why would i even ask i'm gonna leave it with this leave you and not contact you i will not have this in my life or essos if he chooses so it's not my duty as his wife to choose for him but he will hear from this and you have to be lucky so lucky that i don't press charges against you i hope you realize why i don't do that after that i walked away packed our stuff and my father's going to pick us up tomorrow morning we go no contact with her and build up our life so listen to the talk and he's done with her why i don't press charges is because even how wrong she is bad and evil i will not make my so and sister-in-law without a mother yes she did a messed up thing yes i am mad at her about it but i feel like i already punished her enough with losing one kid essa wants to send his sister the recording and warn her for what can happen if she leaves her pills around we're going to do that but she has to choose what she does with it so she might lose both kids because of the stuff she did sounds to me like punishment enough this is a win situation for us because i told her what i wanted to say gave her a piece of my mind and let her walk away with a no contact with so and with peace and no drama for a very long time besides that she doesn't know when we leave edit we talked with sister-in-law and she instantly went no contact with mother-in-law we are gone without any problems and i ask to lock this post since people keep telling me to press charges which i won't i will keep the evidence don't worry about that and according to sister-in-law mother-in-law's boyfriend broke up with her because of this and she's crying we only ask them to watch the boys at most once a week today we asked because we needed materials for a home improvement project she asked why dear husband couldn't just go alone dear husband replied saying if it bothers her then we just won't go she said that she just doesn't understand why we always have to be together dear husband said we just like going to the store together and she should understand because she will refuse to run errands alone after a short argument dear husband and i decided we just wouldn't go this isn't the first time she's gotten upset with us for wanting to do things together once dear husband needed to drive a couple of miles for a smog check and wanted to wait for me to come home from work mother-in-law tried convincing him to go alone she even started teasing him saying oh yeah cause you'll forget how to drive if she's not there right and getting more and more upset and angry with him just because he wanted to wait for me to take a drive we used to live with her before buying our house and she would get upset at dear husband if he would rather have dinner at a later hour so i wouldn't have dinner alone when coming home from work i don't understand why she acts like her son enjoying his wife's company and just preferring to do tasks together bothers her so much my mother-in-law and father-in-law have a great relationship so it's not like she's jealous of us as a couple [Music] you
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 98,751
Rating: 4.9082217 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, reddit women, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, justnomil, r/aita, r/tifu, reddit mil, reddit mother in law, reddit pregnancy, reddit announce pregnancy, reddit pregnant, reddit mil baby, reddit baby, reddit mil took baby
Id: I40t86pYS1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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