Mike Tyson's Road to Greatness! Tony Interviews Mike to Find Out What Makes Greatness Possible.

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I am 44 and have been a fan of Mike Tyson since I was 12. I even named my first dog after him around that time. So I love to hear and see him doing well. And what a long way he has come.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YouAreBastards 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] listen Mike we were talking downstairs beforehand kind of catching up after 21 years and as I'm telling the group here so they know what we talked about that 21 years ago I got the phone call after a tough time in your life you've been used by so many people and got frustrated and had the Holly Hill incident and find yourself in a place where you know we're pretty next fight nice that you got to help him sort of some fight there that guy's your dad time I remember I came to come see you I think we're in Arizona at the time yes a lot and came in and I said I don't want to come unless he really wants my help I'm not pushing [ __ ] on somebody right I got any like 80 what are you doing here and we ended up having this conversation that for 21 years when people asked me in the media look you've been with every major president it been with Mother Teresa Nelson Mandela who impressed you the most who believed away the most and their always wanted by answer because for 21 years I've told us Mike Tyson and I told him because you were quoting Nietzsche a and you know Gil Gibran and the Quran and I like I couldn't believe how well read you were I couldn't believe what a love you were and I also couldn't believe the amount of pain that I felt in your brother people think when you succeed especially if you're generous as you are that you know the world is your oyster well it is and it's not so I asked you to come because so many people in this room have succeeded in a huge scale we have some people that are on their way to that they don't [ __ ] know what it really means to not be fulfilled and I always say success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure so I'd like to go back if it's okay go for it a little bit of history first we share with people what you came from and most people know some of the history but like I know your mom died at 16 I know you had troubled a lot of young age take us to the how where life was like and what happened when custom Otto entered your life well from what I can remember from the day I was born it was always a hard time welfare not much food no money crime-infested neighborhood murders pimps prostitutes drugs and it was a survival of the fittest and I had an older brother who was five years older than me so he didn't spend much time around the house he's in the program he was um he's very smart and intelligent this special kid on the block is always in school and um me and my sister got caught up in the street life so um I was bullied a lot of the kids I just had pigeons and one particular time some bully grabbed one of my pigeons and ripped his head off and I was the first time I ever got into a fight and like and I kind of like one I was young like nine but I kind of liked one and um I like fighting ever since because it gave me attention people say hey use that gotta protect big kid abused that guy and I was like everybody knew me from that and that incident and so after that all the kids would bring other kids from different neighborhoods around my neighborhood and they would pay us to fight each other and that's how I started finally I probably had wow my life I probably had four hundred fights how many 450s sixty yeah the street that about Wow and then you were in trouble the Lord or early stage right what if you could introduce the drugs Ivan drugs cocaine marijuana alcohol liquor because when I was younger you know my mother who wasn't educated on drugs and alcohol I'd say no she finished college in order to perhaps give me to go to sleep I was making wine though she would give me alcohol Wow thinking that we'll go to sleep you know yeah at that time and so um I starting into a lot of trouble by the time I was 12 I was arrested probably 40 times yeah everybody in the juvenile and the police department knew my name everybody I was know the regular and so eventually I they sent me away and I was in this place they sent me there for two years and so I'm near and I'm event I get shipped away to another reformatory upstate New York and I meet this German named Bobby's - who's a former professional fighter not a big-time fighter yes a former professional fighter for ten round fights never big-time and he I mean we can even start he would box with the kids and then one one particular day he box me and he beat the [ __ ] out of me but I took the beating he's him in the stomach I fell down I got back up but he kept eating [ __ ] on me but I took him he thought that was a bad - courage and so he started boxing he started teaching me how to box and then I'm eventually I was what 13 that I became too good so yesterday I have to take you so else for someone that could take you to the next level and so I went I'm at custom ATO and I'm being them with did you know who he was there's no way no I had no idea about boxes wow I was just doing this stuff and I box the barber you know but I really had to even he's like bloody my no they beat me up pretty bad that particular time because I was really putting it on trying to impress cuts and custard this is the next champion providing he does then I lose interest so he said how old he was and I said it 13 then custard he's lying he doesn't want to go to prison with the grown adult so he said he got 13 and so Bobby stood because I think cuff says it's the Bible so he said tell me the truth after all these years I've been there two years whereas they told me that you how old are you I said I'm 13 I'm 13 tell me the truth I'm 13 so he got my birth certificate found I was 13 and then cussing those guys just automatically I didn't even agree to it they said this is what you're gonna do you'll be Hillary champ you know when the left because I wanna go medal you'll do this and you go become everybody champion I'll be this and that and I didn't want him to think I was afraid and um one day and I had a couple amateur fights and I'm fighting I'm 15 now I had a couple of Championships and we're watching um excuse me but that word goes around here easily while watching alley fight oh yeah and it wasn't one homes beat him yeah so good oh man can't believe I'm doing this thank you for sharing it brother are you ready the face in the end of the throne in this man let's go inside way again to walk the horse beautiful brother thank you thank you oh no wait game phone no hardly old man he may be this but he loved you yeah there's one point he even adopted you didn't yeah I was 16 when my mother died yeah my mother died to cancer yeah and so he adopted you and he was your mother your father your my psychiatrist yeah my with everything yeah and he taught you to fight like nobody else but you even went I already had you hypnotized the times tell me about Natasha you to do he was a hypnotist as well and he believed in them that he could reach the subconscious I'm only special people can that happen - it can't reach anybody you have to believe in it because it's something that's very complex - believe me I'm not gonna leave somebody go tell me something this is gonna appear so it's hard for people to even you really believe this couldn't exist but I believed everything cuz told me if they told me I believe it was like that many I'm gonna jump from home we're gonna come back to this time but ok Go's you mention something I'll give you a little breather here yeah I have four starters here thank you thank you for your vulnerability brother it's real it's [ __ ] real that's what everybody's looking for is real we live in a world everything's [ __ ] bro he's putting the polish on it and make it their Instagram look good this is real [ __ ] so you watched a lead when the greatest men in history right before you yeah and he gets his ass beat in their homes was not nice about not at all he was he was ego man he was in his face and I know you remember when you had the fight where you're fighting Larry Holmes and Mohammed I lead to the introduction what did he tell you they get him for me and what happened I got it pretty awesome so let me make back the cut so your each training you he's pitching this at what point did you start to believe this what point you start Miley 14 that's what you started lead you could do it yeah yeah and then you started winning and then he dies it's almost like a rocky story man like that you guys when you're hold what am 19 yeah and then you become the youngest table a champion the world a year later yes I did and what was your mission when you're going out there like when he died what did it do to you and how'd you use it Wow ma'am and all due respect this is yes um I mind my mission is just to destroy everyone yes yeah but you did it because you loved him and you want to make him proud that's too bad I really and as I got older in life I I really tried I had to deal with demons with that I feel that was that kind of person that really might just this was just I heard people as much as possible yeah you know not just beats but really hurt never forgive me and that was just my goal that's what I learned some cuts that's all I knew and he didn't have much time to teach me that he died surely only had 7 to 6 years the beetle you know I mean to teach me anything so but he had to teach me was fighting yeah he turns you how that you remember when we met 21 years ago you said you turn me how to turn the lights on and I don't have the lights off but not really how to turn off that emotion how to do it the ring yeah not like when somebody's hurt you not to feel it not to sense it not to get scared you told me after the Hollifield you told me that the reason I lost that fight is cuz I got pissed you said I never get pissed in the ring exactly don't tell me about that you know I lost discipline normally I'm a disciplined fighter I normally be people I deal with under pressure but for that particular incident I just lost it that day I was in head but I was frustrated I felt I was and I'm being listened to her and I felt Naaman ISM and I just lost my temper and I you think any head but at you you know it's unfair and they didn't do anything about it right yeah hey you just lost it and that made the difference when we're together you said something I'll never forget here are you're quoting all the stuff and you were telling about your prison time and you're saying to me man the whole place people are equals in prison and I remember I talked about that the warden talked about it it said that when you came they're like you know there's there's the lights of the blocks it makes all these divisions based on race and you came in and said man what are we doing fighting each other man I'm like you said we're all nobody gives a [ __ ] about us there's never no race for us there were no fights how did you pull that off you convinced someone hey listen I convinced everybody that we're all brothers we're here together we're doing this time and no one cares people were dying in it don't care we die no one's come here to give you a woman's say I'm sorry for your loss yeah but this this love that was in you in spite of what you were trained to become a trainee to be a beast but they couldn't take away your heart to contain my love that was just time it was just time for me to heal yeah you know I was bitter and I took it out on other people together myself and I I didn't know how to deal with any adversity yet that that degree at that particular time in my life well you told me I remember you told me you would describe more the first time you saw one of these I don't know why it told me was a Sally Jessy Raphael sure but I remember literally describing this Aryan brother his big [ __ ] you said and he had kill you know ends on the front of the n-word right and you said to me something so insightful even though you're in so much pain I never forgot it you said you know what Tony he said those guys want power because they don't have love how did you figure that [ __ ] out well you know I you know cuz I'm one of those guys you know I never experienced love my love was hurting people the more people I hurt the more love I receive yeah and um it's just first time of my life I grew up in Iran I and lit that life and I received love and I saw um was love done when once I became involved with my wife and we started having kids and even though I had children before I'd never been in a relationship when I was totally um dedicated to just like I wasn't fighting to be the best fighter I could I wanted to be the best father in the best husband I could totally become yeah that's my life basically now my kids and my wife and my organization and my partner's yes my friend raw pickings right there you know Robert shot but here to understand you know me he put lights in people's lives and they give people hopes and that's what people need people need to believe there's a that hope for a better life oh yeah there's stages well you didn't think that was possible I remember I'm sitting with you and you're talking about love and everything else and you talk about this process and at one point you're quoting all this stuff from the Koran and the Bible I'm like this one the most well-read human beings I've ever met and then you turn and said sometimes Tony though I got so mad there's a button that kill every [ __ ] on the planet oh yeah [ __ ] are yes yeah like you talked about there's a lot of people that app good but they're not good inside and you were telling me about to park at that time so to park it doesn't behave good but he's [ __ ] good honeybee thing what's the difference about what you notice about the contradictions in human beings as well let me tell you about myself you know what I only speak on myself my whole life lives off my ego just I was about what I was I had a Matt was a megalomaniac with a little self-esteem you know if you said you know he said I always have nobody know about certain I want that compass I'm the greatest on my card I can still accomplish them but as far as my perspective on myself I'm [ __ ] look at the life I come from even though I'm making all the money in the world but look at me my mother my father their sex workers without [ __ ] my Who am I I'm a piece of [ __ ] but I'm the highest-paid athlete in the world I'm the baddest man so call on the planet but that's the low self-esteem that job I guess that received so I guess that's what cuts worked on my ego my ego is out of this world are you some other people that I've thought people should carry my [ __ ] walk it was just but that's what I had to succeed yeah yeah five the day I met you you just made like 30 million bucks in that fight yeah and yet I saw how miserable you were because there wasn't wealthy but you had a little family around you trained and it really really cared about you but you're going through so many people took advantage how'd you get through that man how'd you get through being able to trust people because you weren't able to trust me but I feel good reason because I didn't trust myself had to be able to trust myself you know I don't love myself I don't know yes dealing with all just dealing with the pain it took you know it took like what's this lady Clinton he said it took a village know one person to do I hope from people who are no longer here anymore and it was a science project trust me and so you become the youngest heavily champion in history of the world at 20 years old and all of a sudden you're the most famous athlete on earth I mean you went to Japan you record and it was yeah insane tell me about like how do you deal with that when no one's prepared no one understands what theme does to somebody what they think famous this beautiful thing and it is but then it comes with a price tell us about the price where'd you experience what was the joy of it the price of it and once that one stage that was a god I just didn't know what to do I was on the cloud Laysan know what to do I was there and I hit um I got sucked into all my vices women drinking party spending and um he just took a toll on me took a toll on my self-esteem to go toll on my my hole in the barometer so to speak yeah you uh you've made a half a billion dollars plant doing 58 fights you won 50 of them 44 by knockout nobody sees that anymore people watch the UFC because must be little bored with boxing because even the great boxers their circle you just go what add it what is it you know at the end of that what do you do to be able to find a new meaning for your life when you've been trained to be this way I mean people are pissed at you because you acted like a beast but they train you to be a beast how did you make the transition I'm trying to make some sense out of um my relationships with individuals and um eventually like with my mind my wife let her understand this is gonna be hell you know me and then she she it appears that she kind of stand what I'm talking experienced some tough cases of relationship but when she figures out this is really hell you know I'm just really know I can't just find the word I'm it's really a gratitude the word I'm looking for I'm really grateful that she's stuck in with me and we have the relationship that we did we went to hell to receive it but I mean so happy that she stuck with me nobody would never stuck with me listen um I didn't take a quick say one day I'm I have to go to my preparation after to my drug test right no she had to go to the upper basin off to take a drug test I I'm doing cocaine I kissed my wife the cocaine goes into a system she goes to a doctor takes a test in the cocaine's in the system and she called me tell you [ __ ] I might kill you they're gonna take my kid away I get I don't know I'm so scared I just get out of the house and leave I don't know car I mean I'm walking ten miles get out and leave for Mike Mike Tiger what are you doing walking as a please give me a ride I got in the car they took me where I had to go but I was so afraid I didn't know I didn't want to deal with that first year I had to deal with that I left the house and my mind said what she's gonna get up everything's good well it can't be bad they both had bad day cocaine so everybody still having I kissed her it gives him a system and when she tells me that I'm paying off to like Dante's ran I don't wanna think I can't do it there's some famous moments for you that's become somewhat infamous tell us about how the hell you end up with it with Tigers pigeons and then dogs my Tigers how the hell your underwear hold the tiger bite I've always had opinions my whole life eight nine years old that's just what we do in Brooklyn New York we fly pigeons I don't know why but that's just what we do and that's our freedom that was our that was our Eagle I was everything you had the best pigeons in the neighborhood and people will come from up the neighborhood say who slides up date I mean who birds up there flying today and you were telling me you can see it birds flying from way over your neighbor and said that's the guy to fly over and I was popular than I named though having great birds gave you respect and stuff and I was looking I wanna have respect like the big guy and stuff but I didn't realize you had to be big to get the respect what about Tigers are yeah what's [ __ ] listen this is really funny so I'm in prison I'm talking to my car dealer and my car dealer is talking about some friend of mine that bought cars from him but never paid in all the money so he said mike rizzo if they don't pay me all my money for the car I'm gonna trade their car in and get some animals like horses and stuff I said what you could buy horses yeah I know gotta sell forces tigers Cougars penguins all kind of animals right and I said really what he said wouldn't it be cool my you're one of your Ferrari yet you're taiking i said that would be very cool and sir I said I expensive but why don't you tell them the dealers send me a couple of Cubs right and so I'm at my house in Ohio and my wife at the time is 19 but she came to visit me right and she came to visit me so she handed me the Cubs came that day boom and she's dealing we were playing with the cub the first time ever interact with cub I had no experience with color I didn't know they're capable of killing you at a certain particular time in their life and I worked I was lucky forming my cast I haven't 14 15 years they never killed me I thought I had to get those love yeah so you can took a wild animals and your love made them for you yeah but they bid all the people don't but there's no no no your people yeah so tell me something why do you think custom mother was put in your life I mean this guy was a legend he worked with the greatest of all time you look back on it now you look at your wife cuz one of the things that's beautiful about you today brother is you have a different level of self-awareness I think most people are like still walked into the head they're locked in their own mind they're locked in their own ego you know people come up want pictures from your doing things and you ready to fight him nearly today's yeah like so what what do you think he was in your life and tell me a little bit about what life is like now hate is it's very difficult to say because this guy's in my life and he we were two guys he was isolated from he's an exile he's lost all his money he's staying with his sister-in-law he couldn't marry anyone to marry her but he can't America they had tax problems that she would have to take on the tax from him so he could never marry her it was sad about that he was really a miserable guy that's it and then with me appear all he did was so many dreams you tell me wonderful things what we're gonna accomplish and who were gonna beat and I was gonna help people what we're gonna do and you're the greatest fighter created and he said he said you kept him alive you know we saw it we showed you before you came in she talked about your presence kept him alive he said there's a meaning in my life with Mike in my life I don't know but I just said up he put that fire in me I know hit that tight ass he was tough and old and me yeah you know people good at a journey and you learned how to use like you'd walk in the room and the guys you were 511 but we looked by 10 cos you're so square powerful and the guy would be like six for like your head was like down here and you walk in and scare the shoe how the cuts that wasn't the stripped them of their souls yeah that's what he taught me I know you know I'm not no philosopher this is what I've heard from him he told me this is what you do the big strong men and then it was for you it was like that's my job right yeah I'm paid for and you you told me back then I learned how to turn it on but never never did I was I won the fight normally ended so quickly I still wanted to fight after the fights you know I normally had fights after the fight no to my bum I'd punch a guy in the club man that's what seek one down in one putting one round right a few minutes few seconds what I know it's people see you did that but it wasn't it wasn't what your souls about no I didn't have no perspective myself is lifted my idol jack them to all these guys kid chuckling and I watched what they did I watched what they said sometimes I said things that are really crude you know I mean that's that's ironic sometimes but I said because my hero said they said in 1902 so it probably would we know then by the time by the time they got to the press in America they had 105 since then but right nothing's with the way world is soon as you say central immaculate around the world so I always tell people that these guys are kids I'm immortal they can never beat me I dare them challenge and I will say all these that's the thing that's because I had a little self-esteem I would always talk down about kill you next time and it was just all because I was afraid of losing yeah you said when you were interviewed back then in your 20s people ask you what your edge was and I remember I was really touched because I live by the same philosophy you said my edge is my willingness to sacrifice tell us about that oh absolutely and one from cuff to marvelous perspective I look at myself with nothing I mean it's pale and I'm willing to do anything to myself then proved to be the best I'm using I'm willing to sacrifice my body I'm willing to sacrifice my psychological health just be the best in the world and that's what really sacrifices you really have this your life regardless this is the marriage sometimes you have to sacrifice your life for marriage a sacrifice your life for goal you want to accomplish and that's the goal that the rule that I've always taken this sacrificing the objective he used to say though that part of that sacrifice is you get up at 4:00 a.m. to run in the snow and you told me back then it's like I do this because I know my opponent won't sacrifice I do what he's not willing to do you know I mean if you fight you've Rowland running at 2:00 in the morning and the snow and the blizzard I trust me he's not gonna wonder he's gonna get on the treadmill yeah you know and you used to say that we have those words of conversations remember you say to me Tony Fighting's easy it's like I prepare I train so hard that the fight feels like you know it's easy what is that true exactly cuz you drain so damn hard exactly that's why I had a lot of 181 round knockout yeah Pat Riley you know was Lakers and he's good friend of mine now it's a piece of the heat and he told me when he was a kid that one his dad had an implant particular but also coach and a coach one time was screwing off and he said you look at my eyes bro he said your opponent there's somebody out there practicing while you're relaxing one day you'll meet him he will end you they gave him this Drive that drive to have the edge did that come before across the model or that cross the motto no well customer tell me differently and tell me everybody's goals and dreams and that their mothers take over my goals are when it be a lie who's your God he told me one look really crazy things about me but the reality of it is it was crazy but I believed it and when did you start like as you got to this different stage life come out of prison volatility experience and things of that nature when did you start to realize you weren't the god ham I wasn't finished with God yeah I really thought he was me so um I gotta put in so I'm really determined to be champion again because I'm gonna show everybody this wasn't a fluke I'm gonna be champ again they think this is over I mean I could ever come back out again and they're laughing at me and making fun of me so I'm gonna come out and on win the title again and have and everybody and that's what happened but after I can't let go everything was not enough to do so everything went downhill I guess remember after we work together you worked with that Paul white guy I forgot the guys in here what's his name it was the one right after Hollifield well you keep at home you know if a kid now forgives name too I'm glad we forgot his name what's it white buffalo Oh Francois Botha yeah well that's what we were preparing before yeah yeah what do I think work in the fifth round yes but after that it started to just drop shortly played it fought some guys that weren't as good yeah and then did what did it do to your psychology when you didn't have that anymore like now this has been your whole identity and now you're not the God like how did you feel about I'm that hope that guy had to die that guy had no longer exist in my life and loves for me to survive in the new world because you were yeah no I couldn't no long the guy from the past no longer projected anything kindly to my future so he had to die and I'm had to be a different person and what stage you start to feel you were the person you really are in your soul in your heart man you are today when did when did you start to really feel that transition after that guy died work was there a moment when you felt like that guy really die maybe I had a four year daughter that passed away and that's pretty much the change for my life and stuff and I didn't want to go out and the more they wanted anything one do what I was doing in that particular time but I still can't make the transition I couldn't make the transition and that's when I things were getting out of hand and that's when I met Rob picked me and introduced me to this um this medicine called the told it has another scientific name I don't know the name of yeah I was in your room I believe it was downstairs I saw a pineal gland picture and said when I did the told and I was under that consciousness told this is what I saw well that's why it's there because I had the same experience yeah really nice figure Oh son Rob - Rob this is what I store I had such I hope people do anything because I could never explain back a scene I said this is what I saw right there I I have experience of with millions of people I can upload any subject but when it came to death I just felt helpless and I've never felt helpless now people before and I realize because I didn't have my own resolution about death how do you resolve that you've never experienced it I think a lot of my drive came from want to make every moment last who knows when you're gonna go I was like my entire driving force and then I met this man Tony bosses some of the plots in madame east of New York University and he was dealing with people that are cancer patients who were or you know terminal and and he said Tony goes you know a drug is something you take over and over again should I make yourself feel a certain way because this meant a drug he says this is an experience he goes you know we do this double-blind study we take people to terminal cancer patients and we gave him a placebo one time in wheel nose double blinded we're normally giving them and we give them a real experience and he goes dude nobody goes there was a woman here he said Tony and show me a video this woman because this woman he said she's not just an atheist she's like like a California atheist like maybe there's some godless guy she's a New York atheist there is no God like kind of intensity he goes watch this video that shows this woman after she comes out this experience she was forever changes that I experienced God directly I know there's God I have no more fear and so they've done all these studies it's no that's what brought me into it it's like I said I went to Brazil I want to have an experience where I don't have the fear of death and if one experience could do that so you let this one experience in order to do what did you feel would you experience which um first of all I died I died died I can come back and I would say no I don't wanna thought I could I got a wife and kids I don't wanna die whatever thing come on sound it first started happening downstairs I was like stop this thing I couldn't stop it no the same experience that's what I wanna do this to my one this time the guy was like you can't stop and scariest [ __ ] the beginning cuz you feel like you're dying and I just started um I stole maybe I thought this guy didn't know I started telling everything I did everything I saw my saying that I just gave him I don't know I was telling all my killer all the guiltiest came out um every to feel bad stuff everything I did and this is why I act this way and stuff and when I was under it I saw that pineal gland but the first time that hit me boom I said I [ __ ] up I'm dying I [ __ ] the why did I [ __ ] I shouldn't it did it just what did what did it was I thought was dead yeah I thought it was over I said holy why did I do this and um I was like no no I don't wanna die don't die nothing but yeah and I woke up and it was it only was fifteen minutes but it felt like three hours and um I've never felt the same in my life I look at people I even talk to people different since my experience with that and um the only thing I thought of when I came out only things first where they came out with love I love you to the guy what's it done for you since then like how what what do you experience different about life hey dumb I used to know I don't want to do what I did before yeah you know man I want to striving if it's living a happy stress-free life I got in this um my CBD and my cannabis corporation this is it's managed it's been the best thing that ever happened to me in 25 30 years you make the transition like you know many people got to reconnect with you when they saw the hangover so how'd that come about I heard you became friends with some of the cast that affect your life listen I don't even know we're in the movie I met the guys in the club they're in the VIP section and I said this is where I know me said nobody's know me if I win and I'm checking these guys that were they doing section it was Zach and I'm the other guy yeah and he said hey we gotta be in the movie with us a year when he said tomorrow and I didn't know because I was drinking and smoking back then doing drugs I didn't know I was involved with a movie so eventually I had to go and we did the movie and it was success and then one day I was in a restaurant and the kid the movie went out yet but the kids must have seen a preview of the me punching Zach and so one of those sightseeing buses went by and all the kids came off the bus and grabbed them and taking pictures and my first I think we got sitting here Mike I said yeah me too that's been different has been changed ever since the reason why when I when I go out and I meet younger kids who are 20 or 15 it's because it wants to hang over some of the show that got no Ike's no idea that I used to be a boxer any time I heard brother Cooper never came for us yeah Bradley's a really good guy he's a really good guy some guy really doing well - how did your broadway show come about some people don't know about it was went around the world tell us about fountain and it started out to be serious and then your willingness to be humble and take the mick so to speak kid about yourself tell us about that me and my wife were watching on we're gonna see Chad commentary the Bronx tell the movie but he's doing it on stage and while we're doing the movie I'm doing the theater play I notice 900 people arena and everything it's quiet you can hear a rat piss on cotton it's just quiet it's quiet some people are crying but it's quiet and I tell my wife that's baby I think I can do this I want to make people feel the way this guy made me fill and no matter baby no meal I'm in Europe people I'm on stage that people actually questions I'm doing Q&A and next I just won't do the Q&A I do it like at the Africa pointed you like mr. Parmenter II did and so the first time we started we did a six-week read we did it and so the first time we did it we had all our friends joining you know a thousand people that we know our friends of people you know they came right and we're nervous so you're seeding the audience of it yeah well I'm going out and I start my show and I say something about I didn't know my father I didn't know and everybody starts laughing and I go back then I run my tomorrow's debate why they laugh and what's going on is it okay she's a baby that laughing Sookie it keeps going off and I went out there and it was meant to be like a real gritty New York tough guy that made it to all his hard adversity but it came out to be a comedy buddy laughter - it was funny and I'm talking about yeah my mom I don't have a father I don't know who my father is and everybody started laughing and it circly laughing I'm like whoa and that's not why I was I wanted to be the card and tough and didn't turn out that way so we made it into a comedy but yeah and by doing that she went all over the country then we went out all over the world and did it we did it and stage with people didn't understand English subtitles and it was just exciting and we're starting to do it again probably six months ago I started I'm training now and so in a three-month period after training with us not rehearsing to get onstage so do you ever think you're gonna be an actor no and now you got your documentary out that found on Netflix and so forth yeah come about how's that doing listener is doing great we're doing part we're getting ready to do part two and it's something that my wife she wrote the story I talked about my life I explained my life to her and she wrote everything in how uncanny way and it turned out to be a hit you told me about 21 years ago tonio reason I'm still alive is because of my kids you have five kids now sick sick now six now yeah and um most of them I have one that graduated for NYU she's gonna be a director I have one that some graduated from Georgetown she grants graduated what's the what's the one I'm you had been for like seven colleges already she's like a professional student okay so she's a student Aragon and now she's just a professional student and have one that's an American American University and DC and I have a 16 year old that's a home school that I have a 10 year old and I have a 8 year old as home school and tell us what's a day for Mike tell us about your cannabis business and what it means to you and about the place you've built tell us a little bit about that like what's next for you well listening at this point we embarked on this really um amazing state-of-the-art first-of-its-kind cannabis ranch and we're doing it in the palm spring hot desert area and it's comes pretty much off 210 and we have brought over like four hundred and twenty acres and one side it's going to be for family it's gonna have um best battle the topic off and all that stuff fun to run for fun and all that stuff and then on the other side we're gonna have a stadium yes we have fights we have concerts when out there we'll have a university was gonna be able to educate people on cannabis and extraction of the cannabis from the plants or the seeds and then we're gonna have a lake that's gonna be like an acre long I'm running late there and it's gonna be like a bunch of glamping you're familiar with the glass we have a Catholic laugher Kevin's gonna be like little um it's gonna be majorly chateaus Wow the chateaus there you know Sanjay Gupta's a dear doctor son she comes a good friend of mine from CNN yeah and he used to be so against cannabis and now he's done all these specials on it to show how it save lives or changes lives what's missing that you ever think you'll be in the cap never but you have to know from a medical perspective from the mental wellness and health in the center you know if leaps and bounds as far as I'm the medical profession is concerned it made leaps imbalance especially those who've gone through brain seizures and things like nothing can once a day of life and Mike Tyson look like today how does it compare to the Mike Tyson man listen today Mike Tyson disguised the lemons you know there's no arm it's just no limit what I'm capable of doing me and my family and then but we just saw but just imagine going to tough times and adversity if I were to gave up with this on ridiculous a guy falls he fights with cops like I used to do and got shot a kilt or something may I never realized this beautiful life cuz I was on that path and just is I surrendered and gave up I mean let God take his will and I found my wife and we've been friends forever and we even wanted me married with friends and the powerful together beautiful you know have you prayed I understand I'm a Muslim closing I pray that's what Muslims all about brains that's alright tell me in a typical day that what does a typical day look like in your life today very different than before well listen it's just I can say everything is a very positive perspective I accept my friends now I never accepted my friends and honor the have friends you have to be dear friend yourself I never allowed myself to be a friend of my friends in those situations has changed my wife my children were all that this man community bond where we love each other where it wasn't like their first and I'm I couldn't be doing any better you know if I died if I died today I have to write a check that I was overpaid no it's really good stuff you said one time that my flaws made me successful and I might floss in the past I'd like and you said something like I'm paraphrasing have made me so grateful for my life today what were the flaws and what's been healed well you know um I have compassion less compassionate for my fellow mankind yeah you have more compassion with him I don't look at the one I look at him now and look at Miss competition of thinking of him being dead I heard of something it's all about love you know I think about love and think about whole nother thing well I hope you know making this life better yeah given a better point of view of life better hope for life if you you know you've been through some of the toughest times in he could be the highest tides the lowest lows what would you say that somebody's going through the dark night of the soul they don't know if they're gonna make it well it won't be your advice to them because you've you've seen it you've gotta side we have to understand we're stronger than we anticipate that we are I mean a lot something we believe we are and by I'm believing in yourself you know I mean you're overcoming the most darkest moments it's all about the beliefs you have in yourself not about what other people believe in you it's about what you believes in yourself and your intestinal fortitude how much you can really take you know when I used to read about Nietzsche it's to think the over man was a bad [ __ ] but nobody was bad [ __ ] but he took everybody's paying they didn't fight back that was over man under man under minute to take everybody [ __ ] and never fight back I never understood that yeah you know I mean yeah I do you know I mean I do but that's done the man that's the old man it's the most powerful person who's gonna take all the [ __ ] that you got to throw at it and not fight back yeah then you have that power now you're living that brother I can't thank you enough for sharing your wisdom with us I know you're on a tight timeline I get the plane let's have a half of Mike Tyson you Anna
Channel: Tony Robbins
Views: 761,180
Rating: 4.9119062 out of 5
Keywords: tony robbins, motivation, inspiration
Id: -ujFSLqySQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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