STOP Looking For Purpose In Life (A MUST WATCH) | An Eye-Opening Speech by Sadhguru

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okay so what's what's really the purpose of life if you can keep an Insight on that thank you isn't it fantastic that if there's no purpose you have nothing to fulfill you can just live no but you want a purpose and not a simple purpose you want a god-given purpose it's very dangerous people who think they have a god-given purpose are doing the cruelest things on the planet yes or no they are doing the most horrible things and they've always been doing the most horrible things because when you have a god-given purpose life here becomes less important than your purpose no life is important life is important when I say life I am not talking about your family your work what you do what you do not do your party I'm not talking about that as life this is life isn't it life is within you or around you the the ambience of life you are mistaking the ambience of life for life your home your family your workspace your party this is all Ambience of life this is not life isn't it yes or no you're mistaking the ambulance for the real thing no life is important because it's the only thing you know you don't know anything else do you know something else rest is all imagined stuff isn't it the only thing is that this is beating and alive and that's all there is so is this important it is of Paramount importance not you as a person that's not important but you as a piece of life it's very important because that is the basis of everything when I say that is the basis of everything the universe exists for you only because you are isn't it yes or no the world exists for you only because you are otherwise it won't exist in your experience so in every way this is important so what is the purpose for this see if you had a purpose and if you fulfilled it after that what would you do bored isn't it it is just that life is so intricate and so phenomenally intricate that if you spend a 10 000 years looking at it carefully you still will not know it entirely if you spend a million years looking at it with absolute Focus still you will not know it in its entirety that's how it is [Music] there is is there a meaning to it the greatest thing about life is that there is no meaning to it this is the greatest aspect of life that it has no meaning to it and there is no need for it to have a meaning it is the pettiness of one's mind that it is seek a meaning because psychologically you will feel kind of unconnected with life if you don't have a purpose in the meaning people are constantly trying to create these false purposes now they were quite fine and happy suddenly they got married now the purpose is another person then they have children now they become miserable with each other now the whole purpose that I go through all this misery is because the children like this it goes on these are things that you are causing and holding these as purposes of life and is there a god-given purpose what if God does not know you exist no I'm just asking by chance I'm saying in this huge Cosmos for which God is supposed to be the Creator and the manager of this hundred billion galaxies in that this tiny little planet and you suppose he doesn't know that you exist what to do possible or no I'm sorry I'm saying such sacrilegious things but is it possible or not what if he doesn't know that you exist what if he doesn't have a plan for you suppose he doesn't have a plan for an individual plan for you don't look for such things the thing is the creation is made in such a way that creation and Creator cannot be separated here you are a piece of creation at the same time the source of creation is throbbing within you if you pay little attention to this process of life you would not need any purpose it will keep you engaged for a million years if you want there is so much happening so much means so much unbelievable things are happening right here if you pay enough attention a million years of existence it'll keep you busy or more right now the need for purpose is come because you are trapped in your psychological structure not in your life process psychologically your your psychological structure functions from the limited data that it is gathered within that it rolls and right now your thought and emotion has become far more important than your life isn't it so isn't it so so because of this you're seeking a purpose as an escape from the trap that you have set for yourself it is a trap set by you you can easily come out of it if the Trap was set for you by somebody else difficult to come out because they'll set the trap in such a way that you cannot come out isn't it I'm talking about life not marriage that's what I'm that's what so this is a trap set by you this is easy to come out but that is the whole thing why it is so difficulties now you're identified with the Trap you like it you like it because it gives you a certain sense of Safety and Security and protection and individual identity if you build a cocoon around yourself it gives you safety but it also Impressions you walls of self-preservation are also walls of self-imprisonment when it protects you you like it when it restricts you you do not like it that is why we have doors we like the walls because it's protecting us but we have doors so that way you can open it and get out when we want to it doesn't matter how nice it is we still want to go out isn't it so that is how it is with every trap that you set it doesn't matter how nice it is you still want to go out so the psychological wall that you have built which gives you a sun sense of identity which gives you some sense of being a person an individual person and which gives you security beginning to experience it like a trap somewhere you want to break it so one way of not breaking it is to find a purpose those who find a purpose in their life they become so conceited they will live within their own trap forever thinking that they're doing the most fantastic thing first thing you need is balance you have balance then you can climb if you don't have balance it's better you stay on the ground isn't it it's not safe for somebody who is not balanced to climb high it's best you stay close to the ground you should not clamp so first thing is to establish a balance then you lose in your psychological structure then it's a wonderful thing if you're losing your psychological structure without balance which a lot of people are doing today see why does somebody want to drink alcohol or take a drug because it loosens your psychological structure and makes you feel liberated for a moment but without the necessary balance you have not worked for the balance but you got freedom freedom without balances destruction Anarchy isn't it so first thing is to work for balance an enormous sense of balance where even if you dismantle your psychological structure you can simply live here dismantling your psychological structure is an important process because that is your trap that is your security that is your stability at the same time that's your trap because the walls are set you feel secure but that's also your trap if you dismantle your trap you also dismantle your security isn't it you also dismantle your sense of purpose you also dismantle everything that matters to you so that will need balance without balance if you dismantle you will go crazy but don't look for a purpose because if you look for a purpose you're seeking Madness if you find one you are sure mad yes if you think you found a purpose in life you still you've for sure gone crazy because only the insane people have purpose are people who have a purpose are insane in many ways these are things that you create in your mind and believe it's true isn't it right now fighting for my country is my purpose right now if it's necessary I will find knowing fully well it's an unnecessary bloody fight yes then you will fight only to the extent it's necessary if you think this is your purpose you would want to destroy the whole world for what nonsense you believe in isn't it something is needed we'll do it with absolute involvement there's no other purpose the purpose of life is to live and to live totally to live totally does not mean party every night to live totally means before you fall dead every aspect of life has been explored nothing has been left unexplored yes before you fall dead even if you do not explore the cosmos at least this piece of life you must know it in its entirety that much you must do to yourself isn't it that's living totally that you experience the whole of this all dimensions of what this is you did not leave anything untouched you just do that that will take a long time that's enough good enough purpose for you
Channel: MotivationalVideos
Views: 812,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wisdom of sadhguru, motivational video, motivational video sadhguru, sadhguru latest, sadguru speeches in english, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadhguru english, spiritual master, Sadhguru Exclusive, excessive thinking, sad guru, sadhguru (person), jaggi vasudev, purpose of life, how to find the purpose in life, what's the purpose of this life, Sadhguru on purpose of life, is there a purpose to my life, what's the meaning of this life, meaning of life, purposeful life
Id: 68OWKq-aEOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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