SADHGURU Solves Life’s Most Challenging Questions - Interview & Influencer Q&A | Know Thyself EP 1

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[Music] you are not suffering life you are suffering the two most important faculties that you have a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination both you're suffering all i knew is i've hit a gold mine i don't want to lose it i had no word to describe what is happening within me but i knew i've hit something that i don't want to lose this is the very first time you can sit here and talk to the entire world do not underestimate this if at all ever in the history of humanity we can transform human beings this is the moment this is our time on the planet what we make out of this damn world is ours whatever we make out of it we should make something that if we look back and see at least in our minds and our hearts it must look good isn't it what we have done thank you all so much for coming um this is an absolute privilege to be around surrounded by so many light workers and and people who are doing amazing things in the world and are curious about self-transformation saad guru is a yogi he's a mystic he's a visionary he's a new york times best-selling author running one of the largest non-profit volunteer ran based organizations in the world he uh he's spoken on many forums like the world economic forum united nations and other prestigious platforms across the world his books his teachings his courses have transformed the lives of millions of individuals including as myself grew your teachings your books the courses that i've been to in our engineering and junior have been a major source for my own personal growth and spiritual transformation over the past four years so thank you so much without further ado i just want to say thank you all within 72 hours we were able to pull off this gathering of incredible influencers incredible power players people who are really on the path and uh it's really it's truly a privilege to have side viewer here with us today so thank you so much [Music] m [Music] m [Music] a [Music] [Music] good morning everyone hello good morning hello good morning i thought you're not in talking terms with me already yeah so many of the people here are familiar with your work and um if we could start with you describing you had an experience at the age of 25 years old which completely transformed you and uh you said that within this experience within six weeks lifetimes of memory flooded your very being and if you could just elaborate and if you could explain further what that experience was like in the weeks to come so yeah i see that in almost every place you go particularly in spiritual spaces usually a whole lot of people are talking about how either the child your childhood was bad or abusive or they were unhappy and this happened that happened all the terrible things happened and how they came to some spiritual experience and everything changed well i was not a spiritual seeker by any standards i had no any kind of connection with my with india being what it is it's tradition or religion i grew up a religious totally probably between 11 and 17 a strong atheist then started a business because i rode motorcycles across india crisscrossed india a few times and i got stopped at the borders and i was 19 almost 20. and i did not know what's a passport i've been riding since i was 11 12 [Music] 18 birthday within a month i went and got my driving license i thought that's my passport to the world i'm saying in today's today's world a five-year-old child would know what is a passport what is nations what is borders what is rules everything i didn't know nothing at 20. all i thought was my motorcycle can take me across the world so when they stopped me and i realized i need documents and money to go somewhere so i went and started a business of my own well it became successful then i started one more and one more half a dozen different things so uh when everything that you're doing is successful you slowly you know it so happens that the planet is not really going around the sun it's going around you so everybody's clapping their hands you're doing great and this is fantastic that's fantastic so i'm a young man super cocky and doing good for myself so slowly [Music] this uh round-the-world writing that i wanted to do started receding as you became more and more successful and you also get more and more entangled you know so many things avatars in business just to run so morning to night something is happening all the time then one afternoon i i think all of you know about this why is he making me say this there was a tradition in india i mean in mysore that's the town where i come from you know my show you heard of mysore no i should rule now it is so the thing was for the youth in much or if we want to test our motorcycles we rode up germany hill to the small hill near inside the town if we want to party we go up chamundi hill if you fall in love we go up germany home if you fall out you have to go up charmander if you have nothing to do you end up charming the hell so one afternoon between business meetings about a two-hour space i had so not knowing what to do i just rode up charmander hill i parked my motorcycle went and sat up on a rock that i've seen on the hill was very familiar to me i've kept there i've spent days there trekking and right from my childhood so i know the place very well one of those big rocks i went and sat on it till then i thought this is me that is somebody i have no issue with that somebody but that's somebody this is me and for certainly in a few minutes i did not know which is me and which is not me it was all over the place what was me was just everywhere and i thought this lasted for about 5-10 minutes maybe 15 minutes but when i came out of it about four and a half hours it passed for the first time in my adult life tears me and tears were impossible i lived like that but tears to a point my shirt is all wet every cell in my body is dripping ecstasy i've been peaceful and happy that was not an issue you're young you're successful everybody's clapping their hands about you so what's the problem it's not that being peaceful or happy was a issue but this was something else i'm just exploding from within and when i shook my very pessimistic or very skeptical head that i had i was a super skeptic about everything when i asked my mind what's happening the only thing that my mind could say was maybe you're going off your rocker and to the closest of my friends when i shared something is happening to me come on what did you drink what do you do pop tell me what did you know this is our time this is a certain time 60s 70s well i knew there was no context to my experience i had no knowledge about what it is i did not have anybody around me who could tell me what it is all i knew was i've hit a gold mine i don't want to lose it i had no word to describe what is happening within me i had no explanation for what's happening within me i had absolutely no clue what's happening but i knew i've hit something that i don't want to lose so in about a few weeks when i saw if i just sit somewhere like this i realized that if i don't mess with my mind every cell in my body just explodes all i have to do is keep my hand out of my mind well this started happening more and more often like uh no the second time it happened within about three four days i went and sat at the dinner table in at my home and i thought it's just two minutes seven hours have passed by i'm sitting right there i have no sense of time like that means boom it's just gone days once it happened i was in my farm i went and sat there and i thought i sat there for about 25 minutes when i opened my eyes a huge crowd had gathered india being what it is there were garlands around my neck everybody's trying to pull my feet somebody wants to know about his business somebody wants to know when his daughter will get married somebody wants to know where the borewell he should put for water i said where the hell did you all come from because i just closed my eyes and i opened my ass and all these people are here then they said you've been sitting here for 13 days i had no sense of time if i simply close my eyes and open my eyes one day just it's just gone because time is a very relative experience have you noticed in your own lives on a certain day you're very happy 24 hours just gone isn't it another day you're little depressed 24 hours feels like a eon human experience of time is very relative not everybody experiences one hour as one hour 24 hours is 24 hours or 100 years is 100 years if you're very very joyful uh time is just gone like that so as this started happening uh because he's already mentioned it memory just flooded all kinds of images all kinds of people all kinds of situations which i have never touched in my life till then then the skeptic that i am i started traveling once again [Music] because clearly geographical locations and people and details were there so i traveled to all those places across india i wanted to travel to some parts of africa which i never made but after some time it was clear that what i am seeing in my mind was clearer than daylight it was just absolutely clear since then what's happened within me i can never put it into words even what's happened around me is too fairy tellish for anybody to believe because i wouldn't believe such things i am made like this i don't believe anything that i do not know firsthand maybe it's true but i will never believe anything that anybody says it doesn't matter a prophet comes down or god comes down i will not believe it i am listening respectfully it has to happen to me this is the kind of hard knot i've always been and things opened up in ways that are simply unimaginable and that day when i went up that little hill i went up as a really smart young man successful hugely appreciated by everybody around half the town knows me like that but i came came down like a bloody fool because i didn't know a damn thing after that so since then i've been sharing my ignorance and people are happy with it [Laughter] uh i think that's i think that's a beautiful segue um into you know you speak about bursting with bliss and ecstasy within yourself and you also talk about how fear anger stress anxiety these are poisons that we drink and expect the other person to die right wrong way to show them thanks [Laughter] and you know the problem the problem the issue is right we're so close to our own bs we're so close to our the issue that it's tough for us to gain clarity you must remove the bee human beings don't do beer they do just yes [Laughter] yeah no but it's it's real right we're so close to it and and so it's easy to see where others lack and issues that lie in other people but it's hard to see our own s so if you could explain how does one gain true clarity for our own boundaries and our own limitations in the pursuit of self-transformation if you must first of all understand what is transformation transformation means you want to change the very form that you are right now not the physical form your persona has a form you're that kind of a person transform means you want to transit from that form but right now most people's idea of transformation is they want to make improvements improvements are just decorations for what is already there decorations will fly in society but decorations will not fly when you're alone isn't it hello you decorate yourself nicely in front of other people it means something you're alone what does the decoration mean i'm saying and essentially we must understand within ourselves we're always alone fortunately huh the whole damn city is crowded at least this one space is just for me hello isn't it nobody got here i know people i'm sorry you might have told your partners i'm holding you here but i will not disturb that but here there is only one person fortunately isn't it there's only one person so here what does decorations mean what does making up things mean means nothing maybe in the society you have to do some game you have to play some game i will not interfere with that there also if you reduce the games it will be wonderful but that's a social life what kind of social life you have chosen is your choice i will not intervene with that but how to be within you here no decorations needed no falsehood needed no any kind of pretensions projections needed because here just you nobody can see isn't it great hello here's just you here all this nonsense is not needed if you what you do in the world around you depending upon your profession your social position whatever so many so many games everybody has to play in the world if you play the same things here then misery is inevitable okay if you're not miserable i am not happy that is i know this much whether it's outside or inside unless you do the right things right things won't happen to you hello right now there is a whole expectation that you can do all kinds of silly things and tell a prayer and everything will be okay for a long time people have been taught these kind of things don't worry about anything he'll take care of you hello and how many horrible things human beings have done thinking somebody else is going to take care of them how many most horrible things most idiotic things silly things absolutely inhuman things human beings have done simply because they think there is support from elsewhere yes or no hello too many horrible things they have done isn't it generations of people if you look back on the history of humanity all the most horrendous things we have done is simply because we think there is help from somewhere else recently there's been a certain amount of controversy around me because i said the worst crime that humanity has committed the i is the idea of heaven so in india everybody all communities hindus muslims christians everybody against me because they're all thriving selling tickets why i said this was this idea there is a better place than this it's a terrible idea hello there is a better place than this it's a horrible idea i'm asking do you have any proof that you are not already in heaven and making a mess out of it hello if you look at this planet from elsewhere stand on the moon and look down this looks like heaven hello but some idiots are making a mess out of it and it is reproduce yes so transformation means not a little change not a little decoration to your life transformation means a total transformation a seed becomes a tree do they resemble hello does the seed and the tree resemble if you did not know the relationship between a seed and a tree and i show you this little seed and say take and plant it in your backyard it will become a huge tree would you believe me so this is rubbish this can become a tree but it does so this is transformation even you your parents just gave you one cell microscopic look at you [Laughter] if i showed you in the microscope see this one you could this could be about transformation we are not talking about our own some fancy idea but this is how life happens life is always transforming itself so when we talk about transformation we are not talking about our own some fancy idea we're just talking about being life it is only one's mind which has become like a concrete block that you can't change its shape life is always transforming on all levels isn't it so if your life transformation is natural if you become a set of ideas prejudices philosophies belief systems thoughts and emotions then very hard to change forget about transformation you want to change one simple thought is a big deal people work an entire lifetime the most ridiculous thing on the planet is this suppose suppose you you're 50 years of age no none of you are maybe but i'm just saying suppose you became 50 years of age and you still don't know how to use your fingers you have normal hand but you don't know how to use your fingers what should we think you are hello then you can poop right now please look at this most people 50 60 70 years of age still they do not know how to use their thought and emotion for their well-being yes or no if your fingers are like this they'll go and poke your eyeball and it hurts would that be madness hello if somebody starts poking their own eyeball and starts hurting themselves would you think they have lost it right now a whole lot of people using their thoughts and emotions to constantly hurt themselves have they lost it or not their only comfort is everybody is like this only majority is with them and it's a democratic country so you cannot argue with the majority but i'm saying if we do not understand how to use our own faculties for our well-being then what is there i am asking in life the world will not happen the way you want it to happen never it will happen 100 percent some extent it'll happen our way do you believe any day someday in future world will happen exactly the way you want it do you believe that hello are you all dreamers son come on do you believe the world will happen exactly the way you want it on one given day in future even if you're just two people together the other person doesn't happen the way you want yes or no nobody in your life happens 100 the way you want unless you have a doll these days that's why many people shifted from human beings to dogs because they happen more the way you want but they also do their own thing hello they are also doing their own thing isn't it nobody happens your way but this one person must happen your way isn't it this person must happen your way the moment this person doesn't happen your way you're a lost case that one that one that one that one doesn't happen your way it's all right we try to turn them around our way a little bit that's about it but this one must happen 100 your way if this doesn't happen your way this is a gone situation that is what you're calling as yeah whatever the alphabets you know so for a whole lot of people um life is not happening the way that they want it to right and especially during covet right now during this pandemic suicide rates are skyrocketing mental illness domestic abuse and so when life really isn't going our way how do we start to where do we begin when people are so helpless so let's understand first what is life and what is external situations this is life this is society hello right now you want all of them to happen your way they're not going to happen you want microorganisms in the world to happen your way they're not going to happen hello what is the virus thing you want all the micro organisms to behave just the way you want them to behave because nearly 52 percent of your body in terms of numbers 52 of your body is actually other organisms your genetic material is only about 48 percent so these are all working for you so you have no problem one guy doesn't work for you so you're freaking the entire world this life life means this because you have only experienced this one life isn't it so hello have you experienced any other life is it possible see do one thing take your hand touch the person who is sitting next to you please do this and experiment see you think you think you're experiencing that person no you're only experiencing sensations in your hand isn't it hello you cannot experience that person this is the nature of life you are only experiencing the sensations in your hand you do not know what's happening in their hand you cannot you can do some guesswork but you can only experience what's within you so when you say life you must understand you're talking about this life life is not happening the way what do you mean life is not happening the way life is happening the way you want it unless you go with positive you're not yet so life is happening the way you want society is not happening the way you want it economic engine is not running the way you want it to run so many other things in the world what you were expecting a little dislocated yes it hurts a bit here and there but life is here this is the only thing you can experience you cannot experience that right now you made yourself in such a way that your inner experience is created by external situations then you have a whole cosmos to manage hello now you have a whole cosmos to manage because your inner experience is determined by everything that's happening around you well all the best you will never know a moment of forget about joy blissfulness ecstasy you will not know a moment of ease in your life that is why why you know this is probably a very sensitive subject to touch in california that is why alcohol drugs so many other things have become so popular simply because people do not know how to sit at ease i was in new york city some time ago a large gathering i asked how many people in new york city can sit in the evening peacefully without even a glass of wine i'm using wine as a basic dose many have graduated into many things more oh they debated and then they said uh maybe five percent and next week i was in london a prominent group of people i asked them this same question how many people in london can sit in the evening peacefully without even a glass of my wine they said one percent i thought they were more honest los angeles zero percent how many people can just simply sit at ease it's not this they have to do something chemical to be peaceful to grow food we need chemicals to be healthy we need chemicals to be peaceful we need chemicals to be joyful we need chemicals for everything we need chemicals but i'm asking you a simple question is it true that the most complex and sophisticated chemical factory is here is it is it true so the question is only are you a good ceo or a lousy ceo isn't it if you have the most complex chemical factory right here are you running it well are you running it badly that's all the question is isn't it if you're running it well you're blissful outside situations not going according to your plans i want you to understand it's not just for you even for me all my plans upside down all 20 20 20 20 my plans were all 14 16 months ahead all programs cancelled to get the advances we play paid for the halls around the world where [Laughter] they also don't have money we also don't have money we are haggling everywhere all advances were paid across the world trying to just get back a part of that advance our people are working hard a lot of people just not picking up the phones really so everything is upside down so should i sit and cry no i got onto the motorcycle and joyfully riding across a mac what else to do just four wheels i reduced it to two we have over you know a few thousand people in the center both in india and here so i have physical responsibility of them feeding them taking care of them we have free schools to run we have big projects which we have committed to we have to run all those things but all the revenue has become zero but these commitments you have to fulfill for the first time in my life i've become a global beggar going from place to place begging for money because all these people are on my hands they're over 5.2 million farmers for depending on me i can't just let down the project so knocking on all kinds of corporates so all these people those people whoever has money begging for the first time i must tell you from the age of eight i never took one rupee of pocket money from my father from the age of eight i earned my own money i was always very proud of it i never asked money from anybody my education my everything my expeditions everything was funded by me for the first time i've become a beggar going place to place but joyfully doing it what to do i've taken responsibility of everybody for my own survival i don't need anything i'm very competent about that but these big responsibilities you've taken for this you have to beg so is it a nice prospect for me at this stage in my life no but what to do that's a reality hello [Laughter] everyone wants to be able to just sit and and be at ease and we actually a few of us woke up at three this morning went to the darshan and diamond bar and it's amazing right and and and you see at the choruses and the ashrams people are at ease within themselves they don't have to be dragged to do things that are good and positive for their well-being and so my question really is how right how in is responsibility the first step in order to take action for for our growth the um first and foremost thing is just this we must understand that human experience is being generated from here hello is that so your joy your misery your happiness your struggles your peace your turmoil your agony your ecstasy everything comes from here when all human experiences come from within at least what is coming from within must happen the way you want it isn't it hello you're getting serious all of you [Music] and i'm telling you that's the only malady people have in the world that people have become dead serious about their own lives and they're dead they're taking themselves too seriously they don't understand they pop up like that and they pop out hello we're just here for a brief amount of time isn't it if all of us just sit here like this on the lawn after some time we'll become part of the soil here visit long enough i'm saying yes or no but human beings have taken themselves too seriously this happened a lady went to sleep in her sleep she had a dream in her dream she saw a hunk of a man standing there and staring at her then he started coming closer closer closer closer he came so close she could even feel her breath his breath she trembled not in fear then she asked what will you do to me the man said well lady it's your dream you can do whatever you want it's your dream what's happening in your head is your dream isn't it hello now the problem is not about life is not going the way you want it to go even your bloody dream is not going the way you want it to go that is the problem isn't it as a generation of people never before another generation in the history of humanity knew the kind of comforts conveniences and many other things that we have today yes or no hello then what are you complaining about compared to your parents compared to your grandparents are aren't you living in far more comfort than ever before so you should not complain at the most what will happen to us maybe maybe it's possible at the end of another year we may have and live with like how we were 10 years ago or maybe 15 years ago this is what bad economy means i'm saying the economy means every year year on year in america it must be growing two three percent 3.5 percent in india it must be everybody expected it must be going uh 10 all right so if we did not grow what it means is in a year's time we may be how we were 10 years ago in two years if it continues we may be how we were 20 years ago but believe me maybe none of you remember 20 years ago things were fine hello there was nothing really wrong with us we were fine since then many steps we have taken a few steps if you backtrack nothing is going to happen anyway it's fashionable to wear toned clothes what is the problem i don't know when when we were young when we are riding we are because one thing is it's on a motorcycle so we i just rode with two trousers always denims all torn so i go to the local cobbler and have it stitched here with a piece of leather here one piece of leather everything it was a must but now you're doing by choice so you prepared for bad economy really no problem diet is becoming simple because that's considered healthy diet is simple clothes are toned you good nothing to bother about if you're joyful it's okay maybe we'll have 50 of what we had in 2019 is all right i'm saying see i'm already two kids 50 isn't it i would love to get your opinion there's this quote that i love by uh astrophysicist hubert reeves it says that man is the most insane species he worships an invisible god and destroys a visible nature unaware that the visible nature that he's destroying is the god he worships and you can see this in many different facets of life in many different industries right um i heard you mentioned earlier at the darshan that over 190 million close to 200 million land animals every day are slaughtered that's over 70 billion a year um and i just think about that right and i think about including the marine life trillions of animals each year are being killed not out of necessity and so how can we reconcile this mass amount of suffering that has happened see this for example right now i am on this exploring spiritual america trip we've been on the road for 21 days now uh covered little i think around six thousand miles and still another five thousand plus months are there how they started was about 17 17 years ago i happen to be in cookville now there's a place called center hill lake somebody offered a small cottage there for me to stay because i had i was writing a book at that time and i wanted some time for me to just sit in a locked place where i'm not disturbed where there is no phone connection and you know so i was there and i just took a walk in the forest and then i saw something there energetically something that was there i would say probably that's the most painful moment in my life i saw something connected with the native american people and it was in such a state of pain that it just deeply deeply tore my heart so that's when we decided we will set up the center in that place and i inquired what is this about what's happened here then we came to know where that place is the trail of tears the chiruki were removed from there and things happened it's not just about death it's a human pain i've found many such spots particularly in united states very painful places and [Music] these things that we are doing is not only to animals we do it to anything and everything all right to human beings what have we done animals don't speak but don't think they don't curse don't think they don't suffer they do from anywhere between 50 to million 50 to 60 million buffaloes at one time they brought it down to 325. can you believe it hello do you know this there were 50 to 60 million buffaloes ranging in the american plains in a matter of eight or ten years they brought it down to 325 those 325 if they were shot there would be no buffalo on the planet no bison on the planet it's a bison but americans call it a buffalo like they call the native uh americans as indians just like that i'm not real indian you know this was done strategically uh killing people would be considered very inhuman just kill their food and they die anyway somewhere you don't have to see if you kill somebody you'll have to bury them this is a problem how many do you bury you take away their food they will die somewhere it's not your business you know from 50 million to 325 can you imagine the slot here can i i was just when this tribal leaders were telling me i was just trying to imagine 50 million animals in 8 to 10 years you reduce it to 325 how do you do this from 1970 to 2016 we as a generation of people have killed 68 of the vertebrate population on the planet of course all this is done in pursuit of human happiness i am asking why the hell are you not happy first of all why are you pursuing it why are you pursuing it why are you pursuing something which is supposed to happen within you hello if love joy happiness peace have to happen they need to happen here why are you pursuing it in the world and obliterating every other life it's just insane only now because it's threatening our life everybody is talking ecology i hate ecology because this is life all these trees are thinking you're ecology bad ecology they think their life and your ecology isn't it hello see if any other species had done what we are doing on this planet would we not have found some kind of gas some kind of chemical some kind of bomb to finish them off hello right now see we want a vaccine for the virus every other life here thinks we are the bloody virus and we are hello but the end of this century they are saying 80 of the insects will be gone nearly 40 percent of united states bees are gone do you know bees going means it's not just about honey it simply means you can't grow a damn thing after some time you have no insects to pollinate and make things happen for the plants if all the worms disappear right now in 18 months time not a single life on this planet will be left if all the insects disappear in four and a half to six years not a single life will be left on this planet if all the microbes disappear right now life will end but if all of us disappear planets will flourish this planet will flourish so we must understand who we are it's not because of us the world is spinning this bad idea which is put into people's minds in the name of religion that the every other creature was created to serve us please go and ask an aunt if it wants to serve you hello it thinks you're a bloody bully hello yes sir no does the hand want to serve you the bird wants to serve you the tree wants to serve you nobody wants to serve you they have a full-fledged life of their own it is in accepting respecting and involving them in our lives we have a right for our nourishment every life has to kill something to feed itself we also have to do something but there is a way to do it isn't it the way we are doing it is not the way this is too cruel for this if you don't pay a price what is it we will pay a price we are paying a price if we don't our children will we will live with the fear that our children will pay the price that is bad enough isn't it and the problem is right now [Music] say we are running a project called calvary calling i'm trying to revive a whole river basin which is about 83 000 square kilometers ah it took six seven years to change some policies in the government in the central government in the state government these things we achieved six seven years of continuous work now we are on the ground creating this people ask said why are you going like this like like your life depends on it said god damn it not my life your life depends on it i'm capable of going to any part of the world and live comfortably i'm capable of that you most of you are not where you are is where you are just to tell you the seriousness of this in the summer months in southern india southern india means it was one of the richest peninsulars on the planet in terms of agriculture we have an agriculture history of over 12 000 years we form the same land we grow three to four crops per year on the same land but today 52 has been declared as fallow in just 40 to 50 years i've started using fertilizer so reviving this we have a whole plan which we have proven with over 70 000 farmers reviving their lands and now we are aiming at this 5.2 the situation is like this india runs on monsoons monsoon is a rain that comes from the indian ocean two consecutive years if the monsoons fail what will happen right now in the summer months in southern india bore wells or tube wells as you call them here go 1200 to 1400 feet and they run only for five to seven minutes in summer months if you pump it for five minutes you'll have to wait for two three hours for it to fill up and again pump for another five minutes if two consecutive monsoons fail people will die in millions and the civil unrest that will happen out of it when they have no water to drink is unimaginable but we're going on as if it doesn't matter over 300 000 farmers have committed suicide in the ma in the last two decades because the soil has gone fallow desertification is happening our volunteers in the last 17 18 years have planted over 38 million trees and increased the green cover by about 7.2 percent according to the government records and the google maps show about 11 increase this is a concerted effort this effort happened successfully simply because we did something experiential with people well there were no rains continuously two three years big bad situation agriculture then i told them say you need to increase the green cow otherwise this is not going to change how do we do it how do we do it i said see this is very simple only thing is you have to commit yourself for this much how many do we need i said we need 114 million trees to make 16.5 was the green cover they had i said if you make it 33 percent green kawa on this land you will see you will have enough rains 114 million trees who is going to plant then i ask what's your population they said 62 million i said if all of you plant one tree today take care of it for two years plant one more it's done hello why is it all of us are eating drinking breathing but why is it when it comes to compensatory action we think somebody else should do it so today i just did a simple thing i made them sit in hot sun when they were really exhausted i took them under a tree ah you know it feels like you must see if you sit in the hot south indian sun for two hours and then go under the shade of the tree it feels like heaven i though i put through a spiritual process for them see what you exhale the tree is inhaling what the tree is exhaling you're inhaling this effect hello that means one half of your breathing apparatus is hanging out there once i made thousands of people experience this now you can't stop these people from planting trees everywhere over 200 different organizations have come up and they're all planting we have planted 38 million they all have planted together maybe 10 12 million i'm saying this all it takes if all of us plant one wait for two years to grow up and plant one more so done thing isn't it but we don't do we want some calamity to happen till then we won't do right now at least a soft calamity you're having this pandemic is a soft calamity because you don't know what's a hard calamity in this generation has not seen any really hard calamity you not seen world war ii huh hello you not seen that kind of famines or that kind of you know asteroid did not hit when you are there those are real calamities this is a soft calamity you know you go to play baseball they're not throwing a curve at you they're just doing underhand ball at you that's what a pandemic is goddammit hit it well huh he did well i'm saying it's a softball compared to things that our people have gone through isn't it yes sir i can't help but to think uh not only the privilege but the opportunity that we have here today just to give it context about 72 hours ago i get a call from a partner saying that sabre is coming to la and uh and within that time we were able to curate this experience again just to give some context like the influence of the group at this at this gathering is after i added it up around 80 million the reach and so i see that and and i really want to do some do some good with it and so i would love to get your opinion on what we can do to infuse seeds of transformation into all of our content into our media and what can we do as people who have the privilege of having a voice in this day and age to use it for the betterment upliftment of society i know all of you know this that's why you're in that medium but still i would like to put it in context see many great beings have come in the past krishna came a wonderful being but he could talk to only one person and that guy has hundred questions shiva came he's the yogi the source of yoga he tried to talk to his dear wife she had a thousand questions don't listen gautam buddha came he gathered a few people uh but if he spoke hardly 50 people can hear i mean to say he didn't have microphone i'm saying this has been the history of humanity this is the first time this is the very first time you can sit here and talk to the entire world do not underestimate this if at all if at all ever ever in the history of humanity we can transform human beings this is the moment because this is the first time we can even talk to them i'm earning disciples uh my teams are going like this a guru don't touch don't turn down okay so no that's not just dogs even human beings if i go somewhere near somebody so this is the very first time that we have a real opportunity to transform human beings because never before we could even talk to them probably about 17 18 years ago my journey on this online thing started like this i was here in tennessee and uh i was in the office and working with some people and someone told me satguru every day about hundred thousand people typed the word spirituality i said really that many people what are they looking for i said type it out let's see what comes out and uh they typed out the word spirituality the first thing that came is a spa in mexico the second thing that came was a call girl in northern california she's doing all spiritual spiritual spiritual stuff she's she's the suo you know then i said this is a shame what is this happening so that's when i decided i will go online and today across the world in some 17 different languages we are supposed to be touching one billion people but that's not my idea of humanity i must tell you this at that time on that hill when things happened i was only 25 years of age and you know i can't say this to you you're a young group but now that i'm old i can say there's no fool like a young fool when we were young we used to think no fool like an old fool those of you are in between you're lost so i was 25 and i realized that if i don't mess with my mind i'm ecstatic i thought who would not want this this is it this is it i've found this this is it and i sat down and made a plan the population on that day was 5.6 billion people in the world i made a plan this is it in two and a half years time i will go like this in the world and i will make the entire world ecstatic in two and a half years time 38 years [Laughter] i've been working seven days of the week 365 days but it took me some time to realize how deeply people are invested in their miseries they are so deeply invested if you show them the best thing listen but today you don't have to knock on that door you can just slip in huh hello you don't have to knock on their doors you slip into their pockets which is closest thing to their heart is their phone you can slip into that without their permission on that day i also enquired with some so-called experts in this internet affairs i said so many people are on the internet because i never get to browse see this and that life never allows me such things i said what are they looking for and very casually he said sir seventy percent of the data is pornography i said what oh yeah i didn't believe that i checked out with a few other people something like that it's not too far somewhere there and then they tell me some 2.5 million children are being sold on the internet what is this when we get a technology that we can reach every human being what we do is allow our children what's the matter with us hello you can't sing anything below selling your children isn't it hello a human being cannot go any more there's no further below bottom than this so if you give you a great technology you will sell your children on internet maybe somebody else's children i said that day we got to go shamelessly on internet people said no no satguru it will not look good a guru going on the internet i said i don't care we will go all out since then we've been out please in whichever way you think i can help or you can help let's make this happen because in our generation this is our time on the planet what we make out of this damn world is ours whatever we make out of it hello we should make something that if we look back and see it looks good for us at least even if other people don't approve at least in our minds and our hearts it must look good isn't it what we have done hello all of you who are empowered with technology you must make this happen one way or the other huh that when we turn back and look we are not ashamed of what we have done this is one thing every human being should do it doesn't matter what nonsensical judgments other people make about you you should not be ashamed of what you have done isn't it by your own standards i'm saying you don't have to go by my standards or somebody else's standards but you should not be ashamed of what you have done that much every human being must do especially if you're empowered in some way you must do that let's make it happen beautiful with uh without further ado then i would love to transition into q a from the audience and and we can go from there so emily if you would like to hang out the mic uh if you have a question that you think would serve the group please raise your hand and i will pick someone oh leave it to them i'll let them ask no whoever wants emily please oh yeah up here cool hello so on that note a lot of us being internet people who spend a lot of time looking at screens i've noticed that there tends to be this oscillation between feeling really good after doing like a morning practice or breath work and then you go back on the screen and it's like you're back into the matrix and it's this oscillation of being and doing and you talk so much about being so how can we bring that being into the doing as well why should you think it's either or why is it either or it's not so it's happened because you're trying to be don't try to be i'm asking do you exist right now 100 you exist so you're here you don't try to be here you're anyway here all this has happened because of so many teachings and teachings all over the place i'll tell your secret you know how to write [Music] no not like this you know how to write you take an old very ancient looking parchment and write like the whatever nonsense you want and say you found it in your garden and you had it tested and it says it's 3700 years old believe me you are the messiah because people have this fetish and problem anything that's from another time must be fantastic who the hell told you people who lived here two thousand five thousand years ago were smarter than you and me i don't believe that hello is that so do you think so no so this these teachings and teachings have come people have been saying be in the moment i think this is this arises i don't know exactly where it arises i think the capital must be los angeles be in the moment i'm saying be please be somewhere else and show me can you be somewhere else right now what they're telling you is do not think about the past do not think about the future or what they're telling you is please forsake all the evolution that happened to you and once again become an earthworm i'm not trying to insult the earthworm it's very eco-friendly which whole of california is trying to be the problem is it took millions of years to give you a brain of this capability now somebody is teaching you do not think about the past do not think about the future if you are eating an apple just eat the apple god damn it you can be bloody eating the apple and think about 10 different things at the same time that is what this is geared for hello so if you incapacitate yourself you will be peaceful yes of course if you did you will be peaceful i know that peace right now is first of all a whole lot of people think peace is the ultimate goal of life even so-called spiritual teachers are going about saying peace peace of mind is the ultimate goal of life such people will only rest in peace this happened to me i was to speak in tel aviv so i flew out of atlanta and uh because of some deflight delays and stuff i was to land in mid-morning and speak at 6 30 in the evening but i landed at six o'clock in the evening so i quickly changed in the airport and i'm rushing because in this 38 years i have not been late to a single event somehow i will make it so i quickly chained and left but i'm famished you know i'm flying an american airline there's nothing edible on the damn plane so i've not eaten anything for nearly 20 hours plus i'm very hungry but what to do my time is running out so i ran to the place and this doesn't happen to me too often and the venue is a fine restaurant very nice people they arranged a meeting in the restaurant i thought this cannot be any better when you're so hungry that's exactly where you want to go then people were already coming in and people were wishing me and one person came and said shalom i asked him what does it mean he said this is the highest way of greeting i said well that's your opinion but what does it mean he said no no this is the highest way of greeting i said all right what does the word mean he said it means peace i said see why would peace be be the highest way of greeting unless you're born in middle east in south india if somebody comes up to me in the morning and says peace i'll say what's wrong with you i'm saying whatever you deny yourself it will slowly rise to heaven now people have become so barren if you say love they say divine love you say peace they say divine peace if you say bless they said divine bliss these are all human things exported to heaven by miserable people hello are you capable of peace are you capable of love are you capable of joy hello you're capable your problem is sustainability you're not able to stay there isn't it you know many moments of peacefulness joyfulness ecstasy everything you know but you're not able to stay there then you must ask me that question satguru i am capable of peace joy love but it's seasonal like the flowers like the trees i've also become seasonal what to do then there is a solution for this there is a process for that but if you hang on to this kind of things observe things when i say observed are you right now in this moment hello hello no i was thinking of new york city so what you're thinking of new york city in this moment only can you think in another moment i'm asking your problem is you do not know the distinction between what is psychological drama and what is existentially true that's all the problem is isn't it if drama picks up momentum drama picks up momentum you don't know what is real what is psychological what is social you have a body you have a mind and there's a world around you uh for convenience i will call this bmw body mind and the world all these three things must run the way you want them world will it run 100 the way you want them the world no so we try to make it as much as possible the way we want it it'll never work 100 but which we keep trying and making it as much as possible as you become more and more competent you keep on taking the salami slices of the world and make it your way your way your way as your influence grows yes or no but still never the whole world because when you turn back and look the people that you thought you transformed they become something else again this is the way of life body body has its own cycles you have to cooperate with that you cannot just rule it the way you want you cannot isn't it you must follow its cycles then it obeys you a little bit then you can have it your way but never 100 your way because it has its own cycle you have to manage that machine as it works when it's well managed you can ride it well not well managed it troubles you mind this is a fluid you can have it in any shape that you want but right now that is what is most out of control for most human beings yes or no all of you in reasonable physical health world is cooperating with you pretty well but your mind not taking instructions this is because you never understood the nature of what it is you've gone by concepts and concepts no don't listen to anybody you just need to pay attention this is one of the worst things that modern education has done to humanity is they made them believe their thought is more important than their attention what nonsense you think has no meaning your thought and emotion is just the data that you have gathered from the societies in which you have lived isn't it recycling of this data has become more important than attention no if you want to know life you need attention [Music] very intense keen sustained attention if your attention is keen enough and holds for long enough there is no door in the universe that cannot open to you everything has to open to you but instead of that we are in recycling business same nonsense over and over and over again making permutations and combinations of the same rot and think we are doing something new nothing new is happening nothing new can happen in your intellect because it functions with your data your phone can something absolutely new happen in that it functions within the data isn't it it may throw out so many possibilities it looks like a whole world by itself similarly with your mind so one fundamental is to understand the nature of the mind and find out where the switches are if you're willing to pay enough attention i will teach you where the controls are so you bought a big computer fantastic it is but you don't know where the keyboard is you did like this caveman technology you know what will come out on the screen oh you need to do like this you know carefully touch screen this is also like that if you simply do like this it'll go here it'll do like that it'll go there huh right now sitting here you can send your mind to space isn't it so you must know where the controls are without knowing where the controls are accidentally if you run such a fine machine do you agree with me it is the most sophisticated gadget on the planet do you agree with me when you have such a machine i'm asking you have you read the user's manual hello that's not the way to deal with it what an answer spencer how's it going sarguru it's going i thought they were all the cap like this only in new york i brought it to l.a okay i uh with indigenous people's day coming up tomorrow you've been on this journey discovering native cultures throughout america uh what could we do tomorrow to honor native indigenous peoples and beyond just one single day you know what can we do within our lifestyle i feel i'm sorry if it hurts anybody's sentiments but these 20 days my heart is bled looking at what's happened to these people [Applause] [Music] and um ah the level of pain shame resentment anger in which they're living is not good for anybody it's not nice to leave people like that it's not human i'm saying [Music] well in every possible way laws were made against them what happened historically we cannot change that we cannot change the past we cannot fix the past but today we can do something tomorrow we can ensure that they have equal footing and their ways of life is alive because it's going to be very relevant for all of us as i've repeatedly said in these last few days today for most people ecology ecological concerns are in our textbook these are people who enshrine it in their hearts that's what needs to happen to this generation of people if we don't enshrine this in our hearts we are not going to leave a world that will be that we will be proud of to the next generation so in that context at least they're very very relevant while the reservations are not uh a symbol of peace or joy or well-being of prosperity nothing most of them a few of them have thrived but most of them are not because see the best way to destroy people is give them food and drink you don't have to kill people just give them free food and free drink it's a done thing believe me in a way that's what has happened and reservations many reservations had millions of acres of land but laws were made where these reservations were cut into pieces as individual property and they can buy and sell today some of the reservations i went into over 40 of the land has been bought over by other farmers who are doing large-scale farming and indians are just those native americans are just looking they don't know what to do because they've always been hunters and gatherers they don't know how to get into a very industry-like farming practice so what you think is reservation should a today may not be a reservation in another 25 50 years time there will be no reservation left because people are buying a blend as we have preserved national parks in the same way we must preserve the reservations because these people are natural habitat of this land of this continent if all of you can somehow influence that the same loss which preserved national parks should preserve indian reservations that would be a great thing to do that needs to happen because people are buying up land in thousands and thousands of acres every piece of farmable land is being bought up well they're not using it that's the explanation usually well they don't want to use the land i want you to understand that their idea of land is not used their idea of land is life they don't live on the land they are the land that's how they've been we are also land but we'll get the point only when we buried till then we think we landed from somewhere hello we are also land isn't it but they live with that awareness that their land not everything is right or nice about those communities right now but there are many young people really want to claw their way out of that pit i think if you can support them in by creating a public opinion by whatever you take of one one tribe or nation and you know bring their problems and their solutions out at least give them a voice to speak to the world it'll be a great thing to do because you have a voice if you can give one two percent of your space to them or one percent of the space to them so that they can speak it will be a wonderful wonderful thing to do because in many ways see when a nation or a civilization is created over thousands of years of time it happens in a certain way when you try to create a nation or a civilization in a time-bound way the only way you can do it is extremely cruel or brutal ways that's all that's happened so it is still in their memory how it happened it's still in their memory what was done to them there is enormous amount of pain resentment shame anger we must relieve that because it's not safe not good not human on our part they must become part of the mainstream in every possible way at the same time retain their own roots which is important for which that protected space that we called as reservation actually the initial deals and laws that were made for such that space was a nation even now it's a nation they have their own laws but it's only in the book it doesn't really work that way even if you enforce the laws that are already there a lot of things could be solved they don't have the purchase to you know even enforce those laws which are right now existing only in 1978 they got the freedom to practice their own spiritual practices and whatever you want to call it religion can you believe it till 1978 all their spiritual practices were banned so when four generations or five generations of people were dislocated from that obviously they've lost out now they're trying to borrow from each other's tribe and try to bring it back well among them also there are their own self-created problems also it's not that everything is perfect with them as nothing is perfect with any given population in the world all right hello none of our populations none of the groups are we can say are perfect including us but are we doing our best is the only question that's all the question that question all of us should be able to answer with one big ass are we doing our best yes have we done perfectly well no if you're open to every possibility you know you will never be perfect you'll always be looking always there's a better way to do things but tomorrow being the indigenous people's day it used to be called columbus day ah columbus anyway well he did not discover america these people have been here for over 40 000 years so definitely he did not discover and they're definitely not indians indians look like me all right this is indian they are not indian they're your indigenous people to this land anyway that's history we can't change that but uh what has to happen tomorrow we can change that each i'm not here to advise you what you should do but if you can give them some space in the space that you have created for yourself it'll be fantastic so just picking back on that question um there's in in the spiritual community especially in southern california there's a lot of people who are tapping into altered states of consciousness through [Music] psychedelics as well as sacred plant medicine ceremonies which do come from you know indigenous cultures and native american traditions and many people including myself have had very powerful experiences that have transformed how we navigate reality and um i was curious if you could speak into [Music] whether you feel that using a tool such as a plant medicine is useful [Music] even when you know really the transformation has to come from the inside out versus the outside in you heard of uh people escaping from prisons what that's a song what sausage redemption like that with a spoon spoon eating spoon with that they dug a tunnel please do one thing i'll give you a spade dig a 50 meter tunnel in this garden which is soft and nice soil try and see you will see everything in you will break bones will break by the time you dig 50 meter tunnel but somebody digs it with a spoon because his longing for freedom is such trapped in the prison with the spoon how many people have done this a lot of people have done it not one guy so when you become desperate for freedom you can do many things a few success stories of a guide digging a tunnel with spoon you heard but you not heard of the thousands of people who tried the spoon and all they got is got their hands damaged and stayed in the prison and died in the prison you not heard about those guys isn't it hello nobody makes a movie about them i'm saying one success story we are seeing it so could it have happened that somebody smoked something somebody popped something and they burst into some kind of experience very much possible is that the way to do it as a standard absolutely not it could have happened that somebody attained to something through some influence from anything it could be a chemical it could be a plant it could be alcohol it could be anything somebody in some way broke some limitation and something happened which was transforming very much possible i'm not saying no but if you try that as the standard practice most people will only end up as addicts they will not end up realized because any external influence is like this we already went through this three experiments have been done and it was found that there are millions of cannabis receptors in your body in your brain so that means the brain is always expecting you dope yes because it's there in your brain the receptors are there waiting for cannabis that's why it's legal today no you are not supposed to go looking for that weed you're supposed to generate endocannabinoids today we have had these things researched a group of professors from rutgers indiana university harvard university and florida together came together experimenting and investigating on researching the simple practice that we teaches in engineering 90 days if you practice your endocannabinoids are up by 70 percent you're always stoned that's why i'm not showing my eyes to you because i'm always stoned never touch the substance but always toned so people ask doing all this variety of work you don't know all the nonsense i do too many things too much management every day 11 million part-time volunteers to get work done from volunteers you know one thing is they're not trained for the job another thing is you can't fire them for inefficiency they're volunteers they're super enthusiastic but they don't know a damn thing with these people many complex projects doing means endless management 24-hour management people ask that guru how do you manage from one to another to another you just shifting like this won't you lose your mind one day look at my eyes do i look like i'm going to lose my mind i already threw it away long time ago because i'm always stoned these people are doing a simple practice if their endocannabinoids are up by seventy percent in three months mine is up a thousand fold she's always stoned too yeah that's what i'm saying but [Laughter] but uh to be stoned on your own self-made cannabinoids or taking it from a plant or from other chemicals is a very different matter altogether because unless your experience of life is pleasant you will not dare you will not dare to climb the peaks of your consciousness it's very important that always you're blissful then only you have enough madness to go to the peak otherwise you're too careful if you're on cannabinoids which come and go you can't be on it all the time you know i was these days i'm being invited to all these under 25 conferences in india they want me because you know you can see i'm 25 right so i go to a event in bangalore bengaluru which is now uh it's one of those little you know the youth are little they think they're ahead of everybody in the world bangalore city so nearly 15 000 people are there in an outdoor meeting they're all sitting like you 15 000 people and strong smell of marijuana is all over the place as i said guru you got so much influence in the government why don't you make marijuana legal i said why not and by just marijuana let's go all out let's do cocaine legal let's do meth legal let's do lsd legal let's tell me the list i'll make everything legal but why do you want it to be legal you want to go to the university smoked up so why not i said okay see we'll take you on a small plane plane ride little plane and you're waiting but the pilot comes smoked up you want to go on this ride [Music] like that i said okay you're not getting it you need a major surgery the surgeon comes smoked up you want to go through the surgery oh no so you understand that in some way your faculties are impaired yes you don't want a surgery why because you know he's not at his best and you want to go to the university smoked up you don't want to be at your best you want to smoke up and sit that means you don't want to be at your best tell me does life gets enhanced by enhancing your faculties or by diminishing your faculties hello if i can see better hear better smell better taste better touch better feel better that is when my life is better isn't it if i don't know what's happening around me i'm in a haze is my life better so i said see from now on you smoke if you wish but don't say you're high just say you're low because you're low hello you are low at least say you are low once you say i'm low then you will see you won't like it just a word right now you think you're low but you're thinking you're high it's not going to help when you're low you say you're low you know those alphabets you're using this is that when you're low you say i'm low do i like to be low no then do we do whatever you want i can teach you how to be always stoned but super aware can teach you method you just have to come and spend a week with me just a week how do you know what marijuana smells like i grew up in 60s man see in india no no i've i've from the age of 19 for 27 years i trekked in himalayas last 14 years i've been trekking in tibet and nepal there are valleys we've walked through valleys where it's this high you have to wade through marijuana okay nobody nobody bothers to touch it one some lazy guy in the village will be sitting and smoking nobody else bothers about it it's one some live in himalayas the himalayan valleys are like simply a carpet of marijuana literally you're till here you have to wade through marijuana and go how did i know the smell come on don't you know the smell of me do you know the smell of does it mean to say wheat in it [Music] uh sad guru thank you so much for for being here um and making this such a beautiful day no not me it's it's been beautiful we all came here nice but it's already been beautiful so i keep reminding people because this habit is there in everybody good morning hello it's not you god damn it it's already good let's learn to enjoy it it's a beautiful day and it's wonderful all of us are here together i'm i'm not attacking at everything but i want you to look at it because this becomes so much a part of our minds that we think we are making a beautiful day so we also make ugly days it's a bad day what's a bad day there's never a bad day in the universe only some idiots are having bad time hello so it's a beautiful day already even if you and me did not exist it's still a beautiful day isn't it but it's our fortune we are here please yes with everybody being here um it's kind of a quick follow-up question uh like many people here have a daily meditation practice so how do if without going to the week-long uh visit to see you which would be beautiful i'm sure what can we do throughout the day to maintain that connection um so let me explain this a little bit because there have been many things happening around the world see the english word the english word meditation is not specific to anything if you sit here with your eyes closed we'll say you're meditating you could be thinking about something you could be chanting or contemplating something or you could be focused on something or you may be just zonked out or you might have just learned the art of sleeping in vertical postures all these things are possible so the word english word meditation is not specific it's simply too general diffused in indian languages there are specific words for all this if you sit here with eyes closed you can do japa tapa dharana dhyana samadhi or vertical posture sleeping so we can't help using that word because there is no other word in english language so let's say meditation meditation essentially means generally we assume among all these things that i said in between thing is called dian or dhyana or dhyanam as you go in north india if you go they'll say dyan if you go little down they'll say dhyana if you go further south where we are we will say dhyanam same thing the same thing is called chan which became zen so many things happened culturally but the important thing is if you sit here what is it what is the human problem the human problem is a very evolved body and a very evolved mind if you had the complexity of let's say an earthworm or a grasshopper you would be fine isn't it if you had the brain of an earthworm won't you be far more eco-friendly than all the california people who are desperately trying to be eco-friendly so essentially our evolution has become a problem our intelligence has become a problem the complexity of our bodies have become a problem so one simple thing is just this if you want to know what is the nature of your mind what is the nature of your body first and foremost thing is to create a little distance from that so there is a simple process which is available on our apps and everything is free offered to millions of people who are practicing around the world it's called isa kriya initially you do it with the voice support after that you can do it anywhere it's initially 12-minute practice but afterwards you can do it anywhere two minutes three minutes five minutes as you want the important thing is you bring enough awareness between what is you and what you have gathered in the sense what you call as my body is an accumulation isn't it when you were born you were only so much now you became this much how food that you eat food means what the soil that we're walking upon stood up as food we ate that up and became like this so body is an accumulation is that so hello whatever you accumulate you can say it is mine but if it is if you say it's me then there's a problem it's like this you know this vessel i picked this up and said this is my vessel and you will think oh that guru seems to be having a problem what's his problem with his vessel who was taking it anyway but after some time then you say okay he's got problem but everybody says he's wise let's listen some more after some time i said this is me [Music] then you'll say let's go home yes or no because this is a clear nut case what you gather can be yours cannot be you but you're doing this every day food appears on your plate you say this is my food in 24 hours you say this is me madness or no hello everything that you have in your head this is an accumulation of food this is an accumulation of impressions and experiences both are accumulated right what is accumulated can be yours can never ever be you if you create a clear distinction between what is you and what is yours all your problems are gone there's a little space between you and your body between you and your mind this is the end of suffering because you have only two kinds of suffering physical suffering mental suffering do you know any other kind of suffering hello do you know any other kind of suffering physical suffering mental suffering if there is a little distance between you and the body between you and the mind this is the end of suffering once there is no fear of suffering only and only when there is no fear of suffering will you walk full stride in your life otherwise it's always a half a step in our lives if we do not do what we cannot do there's no problem but if we do not do what we can do we are a disaster as long as the fear of suffering is there this disaster is unfolding all the time humanity has been crippled with the fear of suffering simply because what happens in their body what happens in their mind they think it is happening to them simply because i think i'm the vessel suppose you put a dent in that vessel i will suffer for the rest of my life hello please don't do it isn't this the problem right now somebody said this oh you will suffer for the rest of your life somebody did that you'll suffer for the rest of your life people are talking like this what happened 10 years ago you're still suffering what may happen day after tomorrow you're already suffering what does this mean you're not suffering life you are suffering the two most important faculties that you have a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination both you're suffering these are the only two things which set you up you know sets you up different from the crow otherwise he can fly can you fly hello he can fly look at him he's mocking at you and going away you cannot do nothing but you are all this simply because you have vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination but these are the two things everybody's suffering isn't it hello people are suffering their past people are suffering the future which is yet to happen what is happening right now to suffer so we usually say in india if somebody is sitting simply unhappy are you karma because karma means this they're suffering their own memory they don't need any outside help they go on by themselves non-stop anywhere in the month of february 2021 we're releasing a book on karma looking at how human beings suffer the complex geometry of karma within our system see your body is kept in a certain way because of genetic memory isn't it hello so this is also memory you can suffer that you are human being suppose you like dog food and you start eating dog food you know all this 200 million animals whatever you say it's not dog food or lion food or tiger food we're eating all right if you eat dog food after 15 days you will not become a dog you are still a human being because there is evolutionary memory in this put whatever you want this will only take human form fortunately there is no such distinction but suppose there was man food and woman food i think it's happening in los angeles if a man meets a woman's food woman eats a man's food it will not change because there is again genetic and evolutionary memory within this so memory keeps on going there are eight different structures of memory of evolutionary memory elemental memory and karmic memory conscious unconscious memories articulate and inarticulate memories they're all playing you up if you don't create a little distance instead of you being able to use the memory the memory will devour you this is called karma right now air is clean [Music] weather is good everything is nice but you can sit here and suffer this is karma that means you suffer your memory the memory may be conscious memory unconscious memory genetic memory evolutionary memory whatever it may be but you're suffering your memory which is one faculty which has made our lives complex and sophisticated isn't it hello if we didn't have such a vivid sense of memory human beings wouldn't be any better than animals the possibilities have come only because we can remember all this but most human beings are being devoured by their own memory isn't it imagination is just a projection of the memory again so meditation means if you sit here your body's here your mind is somewhere here you're somewhere else once these three identities are separated you're able to experience the body you're able to experience the mind but you're not entangled with it then this body and this mind are fantastic tools the most fantastic tools on this planet yes or no but that's what we're suffering [Music] hello um so just going off what spencer mentioned earlier about indigenous people's day tomorrow and you are saying you know what we can do is fight for the same protection over the reservations and then it got me thinking well to do that we'd have to think about interacting with politics and i'm sure you've had a lot of interaction with governments with all of the ngo stuff you're doing what i've noticed especially in this spiritual community well firstly what i noticed as as being a white man this country and this most of this world is designed for me to win whereas when i listen to oppressed groups whether it's indigenous activists i've spoken to or the black lives matter group they are adamant and very passionate about people getting out to vote this year obviously this is the election year a lot of people i speak to in this community and actually now i'm thinking about it specifically white men don't really even want to vote and it's like it hasn't seemed to be an important thing i'd love to hear your thoughts and wisdom on voting especially in this upcoming election and the importance of it what is voting franchise well uh in this country till 60s 64 is it women did not have voting till 64. that's 64 or 68. huh really okay 1919 is it okay so till 1919 they didn't have oat at one point only 11 percent of the population could actually vote that's how your electoral college system has come and probably till 60s the african-americans could not vote indigenous people could not vote till whatever date today all of it is leveled in a way at least in the eyes of law everybody is equal everybody has equal opportunity this is very important socially still it may not be all equal because that takes a long time in every society there are inequalities of various kinds this is not unique to america this is everywhere people who have strength will try to put somebody down always this has been unfortunate history of humanity but the important thing is by law you make everybody equal to start with i think this country has come to that place where by law everybody is equal in enforcement in social prejudice there are still many things to be fixed so once by law it is leveled the most important aspect of a democratic society is that you have a franchise you may be white black yellow or blue you have only one vote all right hello you're only one out because of your skin color or the size of your brain or because of your hairstyle you don't get two you get only one so this must be exercised with utmost responsibility because what democracy means is in this country four years in india it's five years some places in six years once in four five or six years you can choose who should rule this country people can choose this is a never before thing in the history of humanity till about 78 years ago no such thing existed all right till 100 years ago no something existed what it means is change of power can happen without bloodshed never ever has it happened change of power has never happened without blood letting on the streets it is only now this is possible so when such a privilege is there in our hands we must definitely get up and exercise that privilege with responsibility what does it mean to exercise our privilege or right in a responsible manner i see a very distressing tendency in this country in india it is happening almost everywhere in the world now people have already identified to which party or to which something they belong belong this is like tribal identity so what you want is again a feudalistic way of governance why already you are fixed whether they do good or bad you will only vote for this person or that person or this party or that party this must go just a few months ago when i spoke in a very prominent you know platform in india i said this process of political parties having membership must go they should not be allowed to make membership because i am a member of this party i am anyway going to go to vote for them no matter what the hell they do every time when the opportunity comes we must look from our own intelligence we may not be perfect in our assessment but today there's enough information what they have done in the last four years so you must look from your intelligence from your choices and you must choose individually that's why it's a secret ballot you know but already you have declared i am this party or that party what is the point of giving you a secret ballot the idea of a secret ballot is nobody should know who you voted for so that tomorrow they don't become vengeful that you voted for the opposite party but now everybody is declaring before the election who they're going to vote for what kind of democracy is that this is tribal nonsense this is feudalistic way of living so democracy means you don't have to say a word you read up whatever is there what have they done in the last four years is this a good thing for this country is this a bad thing from this country you decide this is your right this is your privilege you don't have to consult anybody you decide you may be right you may be wrong but that's democracy every time you pick a leader every four years would you always pick the best leader no but it's your mistake it's okay it's all right that is democratic process it's not a perfect process but it is the best thing we have found of all the other systems yes yes or no it is the best thing we have found otherwise if you had a monarchy somebody's son somebody's son somebody's son will rule you forever you have no choice they go on producing generation after generation of idiots you have to bear with them now at least every four years you can change so if you want to keep this privilege it's very important that i may not like this person but if people elect him we should bow down to the will of the people that much humility we must have that much sense of giving and taking we must have in the society right now everywhere this is building up that if i don't like somebody who's elected from first day at least wait for him to make some mistakes no hello if you if somebody that you don't like get selected next time what do you know the 25 days you have election is it if somebody that you don't like gets elected at least wait for some time till he makes some mistakes no from first day you say no we don't like it that means you don't like democracy what do you want feudal system then you'll go back to bloodletting just know this the moment you do not respect the will of the people whatever that is good or bad then you will go back to the old ways always when we want to change power we will have to kill a few hundred or few thousand people otherwise power will not change isn't it from hand to hand power is not going to change simply like that nobody is going to give away that power unless you slaughter enough people but this is the best system we have that way that we can actually change we can actually change the man on the top just like that because we wish so but if others wished otherwise and they empowered somebody that you don't like you must bow down and you build your number for the next election not protest this one this is very important unfortunately across the world everybody is losing their sense of what is democracy and everybody is crying it must happen my way otherwise we won't accept it everywhere in the world you hear the same voice somewhere we are getting tired of democracy we want a monarchy we want a theocracy we want a feudal system you don't know the pain of that let's not go back there okay let's move forward so it's very very important that all of you must vote whatever you think is right do not go by family affiliations or your friends of relations whatever personally just take 15 minutes i'm telling you for yourself and your country 15 minutes inform yourself what has happened in the last four years is it good for this country bad for this country don't go by all the news channels nonsense debates happening don't go by that just look at the stats what has happened in the last four years is it good for us not good for us based on that you vote that's what democracy means [Music] thank you so much so much you are so beautiful and badass at the same time what are you abusing me like that [Laughter] i have two things that are weighing on my heart and i just wanted to see and see what your insight is with them one is one of my majors in college was indigenous law and policy and you mentioned that they didn't really slaughter people but more the the buffalo and actually there was 80 million indigenous peoples in north america and the founding fathers actually paid people that were immigrants here to slaughter indigenous people so they actually had a price tag so seven dollars for a woman's scalp five dollars for a male scalp and three dollars for a kid's scalp and so that was the huge um genocide that happened in this country so i just wanted to speak into that and that now they're being yeah i've come from outside this country i don't have rights to talk about those things i left it to you yeah thank you i just wanted to share with you because i thought if you know that that you could carry that in your spirit too and just keep sending out that that strong love that you have so thank you say uh i must tell you this i spoke about the buffalo because this this way of fighting a battle comes from europe europeans fought this kind of battles everywhere in the world you must see some of the travelers who traveled in india like more than a million years ago some italian travelers some chinese travelers one thing they noted was two nations were in battle they were fighting war in india they fought war like this the armies will assemble on a field they will camp there with their food and everything and on an appointed day they'll start fighting each other exactly at sundown the battle closes they will attend to each other's wounded and next day morning again they'll fight so these people the travelers noted when full raging battle was happening in the country the farmers were still tilling the land everything trade agriculture everything was going on only soldiers fighting the battle never others were attacked but it's only after external invasions came the first thing they did was burn your food this method of doing things comes from a certain region which they carried out here even during the civil war though the same people all right they burn the food first burning of the crops and granaries has always been the first tactic because once you're hungry you will crawl you will not fight so killing of the buffalo was in that context and how many people died without food nobody knows nobody knows how many sculpts you collected maybe there is some account somewhere that some terrible accounting system must be there all right but how many people died of hunger that will never be counted during world war ii when the rest of the world was focused on what was happening to the jewish community in europe what happened in india was a whole region which was very rice growing region the british army came and took away all the food burned the boats and the bicycles and the carts so that they cannot go out they cut the telegraph wires so that they cannot inform the rest of the country what's happened 3.65 million people died in four months of starvation okay in four years i think some six million jews were something killed in europe but 3.65 million indian people starve to death in a matter of four months my next question is something that you spoke a bit about which is a big life's passion and work for me i work a lot with um sex offenders and people who have survived child sex trafficking and you mentioned pornography and over almost 80 percent of women in pornography have been trafficked into pornography and it's one of the highest um paid industries in the world um one of the wealthiest industries in the world and so what is your personal and perhaps global opinion on pornography as maybe its own entity and also how do we take these wounds and actually create a healthy fun creative connection with each other that brings ecstasy rather than than pain and and warfare i guess so two kind of questions one on another family sex if you don't mind if it's appropriate i don't know if you've ever been asked that but i'd appreciate it i don't mind anything which is life see well we're here today you and me are sitting here because somebody had a sexual drive hello otherwise you wouldn't exist i wouldn't exist all right having said that the drive is there but being human beings we want to conduct it in a certain aesthetic with a certain dignity certain aesthetics because anything we do we like to do it aesthetically isn't it this is human nature well i cannot say this about dogs anymore because i may get arrested in united states for that but let's say an animal wherever he finds food he'll grab it we would also do that do that if we lived in nature and we were struggling for survival wherever we found food we would eat but once our survival is taken care of we present it nicely we serve it nicely we eat it in a delicate way hello because our pleasure of eating the food is more in the aesthetics than the food itself actually that is the way a human being is made isn't it yes or no so the same thing extends to all the basic necessities that we have for survival first and foremost thing is the food then we need a place to hide we could have just borrowed a hole and lived in this garden but we built a nice house it became too nicer nicer nicer nicer nicer too nice it became that's a different matter but we want to live in an aesthetic atmosphere next thing is sexuality because that's connected to the reproduction and the making of the next generation and all these things well it is also an important tool for two people to bond in some way it is not that that's the only way to bond unfortunately it's become like this in today's world if you say a relationship immediately people think you must have some body-based relationship right now i'm sitting here answering your question i have a relationship with you but i can't say this in this country if i say i have a relationship they think i have something to do with your body a very unfortunate and limited way of having relationships there are various kinds of relationships isn't it hello there are many ways in which we can hold human relationships unfortunately we've brought it down everything two bodies must rub only then you have relationship so right now if i do not have a relationship with you why would i answer your question i have a relationship with you that's why i answer the question so like this we have many relationships we have relationship with our teachers with our parents with our brothers and sisters with our neighbors with our dog with our cat with our whatever else don't we have hello relationships of various kinds why do we hold these relationships we go to workplace and we have one kind of relationship that is to fulfill the activity there we need certain kind of relationship we're driving on the road with all the other people who are driving we need a relationship otherwise we end all right many people are showing you know sticking their fingers at each other that's the kind of relationship they hold but don't we have a relationship if both of us are walking on the street that you're coming i go this way is that not a relationship i'm asking it's a transaction isn't it so relationships are variety of relationships in all this one relationship which is body based which we used to say only husband and wife now well we call them partners well we call them friends whatever we want to call them it doesn't matter but essentially you're letting two lives overlap on two important aspects well intellectually you may not be overlapping but physically and emotionally you're overlapping these are two sensitive areas if i step on your body you're not going to take it if it's an accident you may say okay but if i step on your your body in by intent you're not going to take it if i step on your emotion you're not going to take it but with one person you allow that you allow them to step on your body you allow them to step on your emotional space this should happen in a certain aesthetic with a certain sensitivity then only there is beauty to it if you do it violently you think it's a sport or you think it's a conquest it's a sad way to live most people are looking at it like a conquest they want to conquer somebody in a brutal way well the brutality that is happening in the name of sexuality is not only disgusting it is deeply distressing because we are training a whole generation of people like this the way the young people are looking at each other is not with sensitivity i'm not saying everybody but we are cultivating a whole generation of people that we can only look at human beings particularly women only as a sum of body parts they are not full-fledged human being you're just this this and this they're only interested in three four parts of the body rest of it no you're not taking a human being as a human being there is a very deep significance to accepting another human being as a human being man woman child it doesn't matter accepting another life as a life like yourself so all this was enshrined in so many different ways cultures trying to enshrine this in our minds because there is an animal drive also within the human being after all you you are okay with evolution or are you creation you evolve because i come from tennessee so i'm asking you so we evolved from being a single-celled animal through many many things today modern neurologists are also telling you you have a fist-sized reptilian brain in your head so there is this big reptilian brain which is always thinking of survival aggression fixing boundaries but it's the flower of cerebral cortex which has made you a human being what made you a human being is this flowering which happened which is always thinking of expansion and inclusion there is this one which is always thinking of tightening the boundaries and conquest the only way you can have somebody in your life if you have set your boundaries tight is by imposing yourself on their boundary isn't it you may call it sex you may call it rape you may call it murder but essentially it is that you're trying to impose upon their boundary isn't it now there is something within a human being no matter where you are what you are whatever you may have in your life you still want to be something more isn't it so hello this is a longing to expand will you these will you do this longing to expand by conquest or by inclusion this is the choice you have if you do it by inclusion we say this is love because there is a certain beauty to inclusion when you include somebody as a part of yourself as a part of anything if you just include somebody that you do not know into a meal that you are eating there is a certain beauty and a certain fantastic nature to it isn't it so if you include somebody in your life there is a certain wonder and beauty in that if you impose yourself on somebody there is a certain ugliness to it if you don't recognize between the two then you will just you are trying to undo the evolution that nature did for you um i think that is all we have time for thank you so much for the pleasure that this has been um i've thoroughly enjoyed it and i'm looking forward to seeing ways in which we can support one another on our journeys i would love to get a group photo before we leave is that okay beautiful and there's also food over there for those that are staying beautiful thank you so much thank you [Music] it's just like one of those wild things in life that opens up like synchronistically serendipitously everything goes right and everyone's suddenly available and it was really impactful for a lot of people including myself it was really really beautiful as well to see the vulnerable moments almost grew in the audience and i'm looking forward to seeing other ways in which we can share this message of self-transformation thank you to everyone who's watching this thank you people that are tuning in thank you to the people who have that curiosity live still within them the world needs it more than ever right now [Music] blessings
Channel: André Duqum
Views: 1,151,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual, meditation, happiness, growth, spirit, soul, isha, kriya, yoga, wellness, mindset, influencer, transcendence, ascension, clarity, self help, intuition, guru, india, vegan, vegetarian, democracy, voting, anxiety, depression, suffering, liberation, freedom, psychedelics, indigenous
Id: tIzvd2z7b-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 0sec (8160 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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