Mike Tyson’s Greatest Stories Never Told Before

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the next speaker i'm bringing up he was the youngest heavyweight champion of the world he was known as the most feared man on the planet on top of that he later on featured in a documentary that millions watched some call it a movie that documentary was called hangover with that being said give it up to the one the only mike tyson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they love you mike awesome well i didn't expect to see you either grab seats grab seats grab seats so how you feeling mike how you doing feel great yes first of all appreciate you for coming out agreeing to do this i'm really overwhelming that i had never anticipated this well they've been looking forward to seeing you for quite some time now i think i want to start off with something a bit of a more you know uh technical question for maybe more of a serious question to start off the uh interview with how was it being in the movie hangover yeah my time man you had a good time as soon as he put me in that movie i want to be in number two now would be the next one i almost threatened the director what was zach's reaction when but did he actually like did you actually hit him did you actually hey man watch the puncher because that's really like kind of a tough guy in real life just watch it with the punches okay exactly yeah anybody see it hang over yes or no yes okay so in the back we're talking mike and i are talking i i was telling mike i said mike how do you how do you view competition like when you think about the word competition what does that mean to you i think if competition is people um reaching their highest potential they have a potential they have the potential to reach to reach their highest potential when competition comes competition is always good because it helps you not to give in under the slightest struggle in life because life is gonna life is gonna give everybody a bad hand no one's gonna leave here um without being tried in life wow and you have to be you know you're gonna have to take it like what they say um adversity make the strong stronger the weak weaker so so to you competition's inevitable you can't avoid competition right this minute i'm competing with my wife write this man i'm competing with my wife if i'm gonna get home early enough or not but everything to you in life you see it as a competition everything has to be competition is great it builds character and it gives you backbone you don't have to give in as i was saying earlier and the slightest struggle some people like nowadays it's like the um everybody's um believed that someone should give them something yeah everybody nobody wants to work now anybody but special kids that have wealthy parents like myself they don't most of them don't want to do what they should do so how do you deal with that then we're going to take then we got to go to trust funds we if you don't do this you don't get this [Laughter] right if you don't do this you won't get this does it work oh it worked for century that's got to be a counter that's what competition is all about someone has to be number one once they have a letter like everybody in the family everybody in their family know who's the strongest one in the family who's the matriarch even if they're older they can kick his ass they know he's the boss and she's the boss right that doesn't have nothing to do with strength and being big they know who the boss is they know who can run the house they know who the yes no it's not the boss he distinguished himself or she distinguished himself out of all of us that's why we know they're the boss even though we're older than them [Music] why why do you think so many people today don't like competition they're almost like either sensitive to it or they say it's not a good thing like why do you think that's happening i don't know i know i just don't know people believe um entitlement that's the word i was looking for a lot of people entitlement some of my kids too they're entitled they think their bank account should be full because you're the still that's just what they think you know i did this all this for them but they have to they have to match me you know maybe you're making 200 bucks you got 200 bucks a month whatever you have i'll match that but i'm not going to give you something that you never worked for you don't know exactly he don't know the cause of the struggle for it so without him knowing the struggle for it he'll give it up very easily coming up when you're coming up in the in the streets of new york when you're coming up what was it like what was it like trying to make it out of the streets of new york and making your own money how about it it looked impossible that was gonna never happen i never even dreamed about getting out of new york i dreamed about living there robbing and stealing and dying in the same block i was born on wow had no idea this was going to happen what changed what i went to a place called spars it's like a correctional center and my and we watched the movie the greatest like 78 77 like 11 12. and they turned on the lights and muhammad ali came in and for some strange reasons i want to be like him as soon as i left it i went to another place and um it was the guy that was an xbox and he told me how to box and that's why i'm here with you so before that were you a street fighter like were you brawler all the time all the time money yes what does that mean all the time for money i must have like three fights four fights a day for money money i was robbing somebody but walk us through like your day was like walk us through it like are you talking like kimbo slice like they're fighting in the streets or just right yeah so before there was a kimbo you were fighting in the streets no everyone did that everyone there it kimbo did that's what everyone did but they did it numerous times you did it in this neighborhood you did it in that neighborhood and that neighborhood every night you went through you did it so you already had a reputation building the street yes yes yeah and were you a knockout artist with yes yes when when when you were coming up did you ever like your time at 12 13 14 years old fighting no i'm talking about like from 9 10 11. [Applause] by the way just curious he's gonna say um this stuff is came natural 9 10 11 that's what i was made to do i'm not alive i'm like baby huey so you didn't know your own strength now now once you realize like you are stronger than the average human being you're all of the tough guys and the criminal guys want to hang out with me then they put me in that gang now i can be in that gang they always say get him snatch that word snatch his watch snatch his purse snatch this snatch that and that's what our crew was about did you ever fight somebody that you were like that they got you was there ever a kid that got you or not absolutely in order to be good you have to lose and understand loss because loss is life was there anyone you fought in the streets that meets you that later on became a professional boxer some of them became drugged us someone became um i in my name but these guys don't they don't get the opportunity to get these blue collar jobs and stuff when you were coming up at 9 10 11 did you have a nickname like did they dirty ike dirty ike yeah why dirty ike because even though i had nice clothes they were always dirty is that why yes i had no idea about hygiene i'm nine years old and i have let's say if i'm nine years old and i got 5500 bucks on me i don't know nothing behind i know to buy the clothes and stuff because i see my friend and they taught me that but i go and then i go to my pigeon coop and i got [ __ ] on the clothes and everything i i had no idea about hygiene i just knew the representation of clothes were good i didn't know i had to clean them so let me go back you just kind of said it very solid any one of you guys ever at nine years old had fifty five hundred bucks in your pocket yeah i'm nine years old oh um you said you had fifty five hundred people rob people's houses and in people's houses you get everything we had god no listen no you have to hear this since everybody's here you want to talk you can't play we robbing these we got guns we only 10 11 years old we got automatic guns we got 45. man it's just crazy you ain't going in these people i never knew that i thought you got through everybody house looked like mine shitty with roaches and all that going in wow wow wow nine years old nine ten eleven nine ten so so now go go eleven twelve thirteen what happens next so again get arrested and i see muhammad ali come to the visit into institution that i'm in and that and i saw him and i got turned out i don't know how to happen in the spirit boom i want to be like him you said you're in jail and ali shows up i'm 12 years old and ali comes in he and they showed the movie the greatest first so this is 77 and um after the movie the lights come up and ali comes in and i see him i want to be just like him and then i get transferred from the playstation muhammad ali to this other facility you know for real bad kids and um i met a gentleman there that was a boxer and he used to teach me how to box and one day i broke his nose right and um he got mad i didn't know he was mad but he's mad that his wife didn't want him to box me no more and that's why he was mad so he took me to a great trainer named customato and that's why i'm here when you saw ali did you speak with him was it like oh no boom wow that won't be like him unfreaking believable story so your inspiration happened at 12 years old yeah then you meet cass yes how was cuss treating you what happened for you to be loyal what was his way of leading you yes a degree of just peeling all that dirt and stuff that insecurity and um developing into character and um that's why i had a wonderful time with him with everything about everything about his life was about me and so i never had a father but um i know what it's like to want to make a father happy and so i wanted to be champion to make him happy but you said peeling so that process a lot of us have oh listen i don't know because when i first came there i wanted to rob the place no when i figured that's that's my life that's what i'm about so when i first came in this is a man's eye this old victoria imagine i said wow you know i said what could be in their drawers you know that's just how my mind think even now i have millions of my mind still thinks that way but um and i didn't know because he at that time i didn't have any self-esteem any character and he would always saying look in the mirror look how handsome you are today so i thought he was a homosexual that was hitting on me or something but i don't know he was just building my characters allowing me to love myself and um we just had a great relationship for several years um i won a bunch of championships across national championships he got me very um worldwide known and um i carried his legacy was he was he somebody that would uh was he direct with you would he be around the boat nothing straight to you no [ __ ] so give me an example like how would he talk to you um you don't want to be champ you're a tomato can you don't want to work you you sound like that in here but i cried if you say that to me because tomato came to me it's not like it's funny to you but tomato can't mean anybody's willing to blow you over you ain't [ __ ] i got you so he was not one that would be like you're amazing mike you're such a sweetheart you're going to be he was no um after i'm getting like um i'm on the front cover of sports illustrator right after i'm talking to us i'm getting friendly with the reporters and everything and the girls have my makeup like i'm somebody and then they said take the broom i'm off and clean the gym he told you that yeah all the lights on me like everybody see me i'm all cocky and stuff i'm on the front cover of sports illustrated um don't forget the broom and mop mic everything's humility wow i mean i've experienced that person with a lot of people in the company yeah i mean that's amazing make some noise guys so in your opinion those who make it at the level that you made it i mean the level that you make it there's seven billion people in the world that you're number one so it's not like you're one in a hundred you're one in a thousand it's one in seven billion when you made it as a boxer at that level do you notice a common trend like right now i think it was mackie put up a quote from michael jordan michael jordan my biggest strength was i'm coachable i'm a sponge i want to learn i want to get better do you notice the level at the highest level is similar to somebody challenges pushes to see that that person wants it or not i guess um it's cool that people are seekers i think that's very interesting that we're seekers but we have to believe that we're divine and that we learn from our experience because um confidence breeds success and success breeds confidence they go hand to hand you can't accomplish anything unless you say oh i'm a prick i could never do that i'm not born to do that only certain people go anyway people could do that i can't do that there's nothing i can't do you know you may just be canceled after what you just said right now oh man you can't say something like that white people can only do it because you and i i'm iranian you're black we can't say thank you i don't care i don't i don't care about i got my own plane whew [Applause] i don't care if you get mad i don't care you don't let me on this plane in his boat [Laughter] going back to cuss going back to cut so cuss had also done it in the past before right like a custom knew how to develop people right he had a reputation for developing people did you ever see anybody that he worked with that they just couldn't take it and they quit working with cuss like some people just emotionally couldn't handle that kind of pressure no cuss knows when to put the gas on when put the brakes on you know that's what a teacher does he's a teacher we all teach everyone all of us teach everyone all teachers and students this world is one big school and we're the students of this world so he would he knew timing and he knew uh when when to motivate and what not to motivate absolutely he knows the mind is always hungry and the mind wants to do good but we get so many negative thoughts in our minds almost overwhelming to be positive so mike you have to know this is so important because you're like an encyclopedia in this area because you work with the best and you become the best so i'm trying to extract as much information from you as possible in this so would you say for him when you were cocky he humbled you when you were down he built you up would you say it was like a timing thing with them no it was no game you know um there's so much power and humbleness you know when i'm when i'm promoting the fight i say outrageous things and stuff but i know the power of humbleness now how did you learn that i have to lose everything got it got it well now you got to get a lot of it back by the way you got some i mean you know you don't want people know you got money means nothing once you listen if you think a lot of money could make you happy you never had a lot of money before so what do you value now what's at the top for you to value me my children my whole barometer of life listen listen i've been down and up down and up broken up and why am i still here talking to these guys why you guys paying me to talk to y'all why did we do it guys i've been in prison a bunch of times i don't i don't kick some people's ass on television and call people white [ __ ] hunky and listen um and the reason i'm still here is because i understand what humbleness is you know i understand humbleness and um i think sometimes god doesn't like me because he knows i can't handle this [ __ ] i'm serious he knows i can't handle this [ __ ] no i got a label on me i'm the best fighter i gotta i have to i i'm um i have to conduct myself in a certain way that's what my wife tells me now she tells you that you have to conduct with something certainly what do you think about that yeah you have no more difficulties you can't go to the clubs no more oh yeah that's what you know they want to control your life they better control your life how do you handle that like you can't go to the club i mean that's just too many restrictions go to the class you don't have to the club is it weighing it out saying club's wife what's more important i i can go to the club i just don't want to come back and see you after i went to the club you know you know when they look at you and you want to say what the what did i do i hit for an hour listen my wife don't think i know she put she put a tracker on my knees she got me a new truck and have a tracker on it right in the lock my right hand my wife do you know that or you don't know that oh i know now [Applause] why did she do that with a track on the car so what do you do are you strategic you go park it somewhere call an uber and go through the club or no i don't need driving when she's in it [Laughter] let's go back to it so mike you're coming up cuss is working with you he trains you and then all of a sudden you start fighting at what point did you know that you could be the heavyweight champion like you got to fight you got two fights you got three fights 14 years old you knew you were going to have to be the champion before you become the champion so that means lifestyle after being before you become you got to be him before you become him unpack that um you have to live his lifestyle the lifestyle of a champion i'm the champion you look at the champion that's how it starts you look at somebody i want to be like him you don't say hey i'm a bad [ __ ] i want to fight everybody out here nobody's going to take my ass you see somebody and say hey i might want to do that so inspiration the source of inspiration so is that what got you to be uh willing to be disciplined to get what you want like to become a champion at 14 years i'm willing to do everything it takes to be a champion absolutely and then i had cuss over there telling me why why should he have it that's one thing i never had in my life being because i always got picked on and i never had jealousy or enviness about anything and cuss possessed that you know and he was telling me why should he have all that money and you don't why is he why why why do you believe that he's better than you why do you think he should have all that money you don't and he was really serious about it and that's with the competition [ __ ] that's the right thing breathing that stuff right in me why should he have and he's not better than you how did you handle that when he told you that 14. would it piss you off were you like i'm going to go trying to whoop his ass i'm going to get there one day what was that what was your response to it he said one day oh god i can't taste this guy know how to really get in my head he said man you're fighting good but i wish you were bigger he said i wish you were like kenny norton uh another there's another guy mike mike weaver because they had big bodies and they could intimidate somebody and that hurt my feet i said i make sure the whole world's gonna be afraid of me he he laughed but that's what i said so he knew how to poke you oh yeah did it piss you off are you like i'm gonna prove you wrong type of thing i better not you know i better act like i'm upset and mad at him yes sir i'll do better why if you did what would happen yes you know you just don't talk to me you know what i'm telling you don't talk to him like that's your teacher are you worried that he may take time and spend time with somebody else instead of you or is it just kind of like i respect the teacher i want to listen to you i want i want him to be satisfied with my work i want to say you look beautiful today like he said when he first said when he first said it to me and i thought he was a weirdo i wanted to say it again i wanted to say now i don't know he's a weirdo and i know he's not weird i want to say he loves me again how much of what he did to you do you do to your kids and others listen i wouldn't dare do to my kids what he did to me why is that baby um i could because um you some some guys listen this is the real deal if i don't do well in boxing i go to prison or i die if my kids don't do well they go back to a big house and all their rich friends come over and they play eat stuff and get that come on it's not the same how do you create that pressure for them how do you create that can you actually create that kind of intensity and pressure or no by the time i'm sending a military school if you got to pick a sport so you're going to send them to military schools these kids don't want to get tough enough they might have a heart attack nowadays how do you do that how you actually do that is is it even possible in your mind to pass down that toughness to someone else well listen you can always be tough but even though i don't care how much money you got some guy money got how successful you are and you may not like him he did wrong you're never better than your father why is that it's just just the way god made it it's just the way man i don't care how much money i have how much my father would kick my ass my father would kill me we're not our fathers go a little deeper with that that's a pretty deep comment oh it's just that my father's a real serious guy i don't i would never want to have a qualification with him this is who's your father this is you're talking about this my um biological okay i got you wow so to you know even as a champion of the world i have people my body's got a crew i'm still a little area of him he was just that kind of guy he's killed people he's done bad stuff he was just that kind of guy so your dad was feared by others he was an interesting guy he's a preacher he's a preacher okay he's a preacher now no he he's always been in the church he's born in the church raising church preacher deacon preacher yeah listen mean [ __ ] i mean i bet a hundred percent of people got baptized i swear to god if you don't get baptized i'm gonna take you out afterwards was it like that or oh no listen they don't play my family the religious the christian side they don't [ __ ] around they're all articulate they're going to go to ivy's they're very intelligent but yes they're physical what's what's your style of parenting your kids now what's your style of parenting them is it okay so give me some of the values responsibility listen sometimes um you're not going to go on the plane that you're by yourself they said when are we going to go back on the plane where it's just only us no because you didn't do really good today that's just how it is you know sometimes you got to know it never fails when you take something away from somebody that once they possessed it and fell in love with it and take it away i like doing that too you know once you take something away people um hey they get on their p's and kids quick right yeah they do the crying see the crying's not going to work i love you dad to to to be able to do that also takes a little bit of knowing that you got to challenge this person to improve their character long term hey listen right i have a night no no i have a 24 year old son right yeah and every now and then i see him he tries to wrestle with me he's bigger than me but he wrestles with me and i tell him to get your [ __ ] hands off me i know what's in his mind i know it's in his mind don't let him play with me like that are you joking with them or you're dead or you're dancing i mean i'm sure if somebody was your son telling you get your hands off me they gotta they gotta listen to you well listen you listen somebody this is listen for some reason when a young kid feels that his mother they're not together they feel even if they're together he feels that his mother they they challenge you for their mother love any kind of way if you're sleeping with them they want to get in the middle and their babies the next thing that you have an argument they want a defender and challenge you it's all about that connection with them they feel they have to protect their mother and i said you can't be mad at that so you got to go you got to pick your battles that's all that's what i'm saying so i learned to do that i don't know how to do that i learned how to bend what i've learned so far is rule number one avoid the clubs that's number one right and avoid nightclubs i don't think that's her rule that's her rule that's not true responsibility takes things away when you give it to him well i was just just admiring my relationship my house i can't do anything you yeah for you know nightlife so so boxing you're coming up you're coming up at 14 you know you're going to be a champion during that time whatever's cost telling you you're doing it you're not questioning you're fully coachable to him you're committed to him you believe he can help you become a champion yeah what is your training during that process yeah i'm losing too i'm getting beat i'm getting knocked out i'm never getting discouraged though what does he tell you after you lose does he talk to you what does he tell you after you lost like well you know normally when i lose i look so spectacular he said they told me that you're moving because i'm i have five or six fights i'm fighting guys with 100 fights with 60 fights and i'm knocking them out and they're grown men and i'm just 14 years old so because this guy beat me right by decision he's 25 years old and cuss came to me like um i'm some little baby i'm just like hey i heard he was too smart for him but you beat him to this i'm a ninth grade the technical aspect of boxing did you get that from him or were you because when you talk boxing like i know you're a big durant fan you're very much of a technical guy when it comes to listen once i'm involved in something i want to know the beginning of i want to know where it came from how it was started who's the first guy that invented it that's just how my mind works yeah i've seen you i've seen you train a couple of the guys you would talk about footwork you would talk about how to punch him here how quickly you go below to go there and you sound like a mathematician when you're talking about the art of boxing yeah i'm i was born for it you were born for you were born to fight nine nine years old you're bullying twenty year olds i mean that's pretty impressive right there i was yeah i was very impressive young man hey but i was just sad that 12 years old everybody thought i was going to be tall wait you were deciding oh this sounds 200 pounds or 12 years old i would listen i was fighting the kids that would fight out fighting their fathers no i'm serious i would fight their father i was fighting their fathers what do you mean you were fighting their fathers like i might have passed somebody and i hit them too hard even crying went home and got his father and then you would do the the truth there's people out here that have been in that world they know what time it is they know there's people out there that are animals they're little babies because their family were that way have i had violent family me my family was violent and i'm violent is it still in you or it's left you hey when i needed to come back when you needed a counselor how many guys watched the roy jones fight anybody watching roy jones fight yes or no by the way you look really good in that fight with i was just happy that being to be able to entertain people and i gave that to charity yeah but but mike with all seriousness like you look like you you could hang with a lot of the younger guys right now that are boxing you don't look like you were struggling in there i don't know i like to push myself so this time i tried lennox lewis you want to go it's linux lewis this time and then if this go well i'm gonna push myself deeper oh i don't know maybe tyson fury he told me if i keep wondering i'm gonna do good here boy man i sent fury yeah that's my buddy no i know you guys are buddies i've seen he's been on your podcast you guys have done stuff together but you'd fight tyson fury hey i fight a lion if the price is right if the price is right yeah you get in the ring with a line cage match with a lion i'm just hey listen i just can't help it i'm a glory freak i think yeah you would fight along anything you know i raised lions no of course we know that we watch hangover yeah actually i had um five lines around 11 tigers before you had a white one was it was there a couple of white couple of white ones yeah it's what is it with you with lines tigers and pigeons listen so listen i'm in prison i'm talking to my mechanic and so my mechanic has some of my cars he's holding my cars and he's mad at one of my friends so he said devonte don't give me my money back i'ma trade some of his cars in for some animals like some horses i said what do you mean you could trade some you got some animals he said yeah this guy they had tigers and mines i said what you mean cubs he said yeah white tigers and white lions too and so i'm in prince by the time i get home from prison i got two lion cubs like two white um tiger cubs on my lawn how was i like how big did they get with you well they have to be 400 pounds i mean i've seen you walk around when you were young i sleep with them you sleep with lions tightly yeah you prefer tigers over line i prefer lying though for lions over time so they sleep in your bed yeah only one at a time with two in their fight that kind of sounds strange what you just said right there you know you're vegas when you say things like that it's yeah no because i was on on one day i was on one of my um who was the lady and what's the name but anyway i was being injured i said i want to breed her and have babies with her but they look like i wanted to breathe in the way i said well i want to breathe and have babies when they say mike what do you mean you want to breathe i'm not good with words sleeping next to a tiger when they roll over did they ever roll over you 400 pounds or what was it like i mean are they like putting their arms around you are they hurrying in the morning control themselves they control their weight they know they're balanced they're very agile they could know what the tiger he could do i take him around full speed ahead and run up the wall and come back down in the seats come back under his feet you want to sleep no huh and you want to sleep with him i'm the one that brought him out of his mother yeah i want to sleep got it and the relationship with the pigeons that i'm curious with the pigeon story that's just something i've been doing all my life you're you're entitled to explain that is that a new york thing is that a mop thing did you get closer to mom because bob always had pigeons like were you connected to the gangsters a little bit listen that's interesting most gang that's a gangster thing because when i went to moscow and i was actually you know the the biggest pigeon fans here and it was all the mob guys these guys the pigeon crews are as big as this like houses and they had acres the the property as far as your eyes can see i'm saying these are not normal people yes yes it just wasn't so yeah you're right they do a lot of them lots of pictures you have pictures yeah i don't know what maybe it's a messenger it's like maybe it's back in the day so it was their way of sending emails he had pigeons too two of them yeah mommy let him out and he got to see you had kidneys too you're 14 to 21. yes it's training you no 14 to 19. i'm sorry 14 to 19. what's the training looking like how hard are you training during that time i'm doing everything first day in the morning three in the morning you do your four miles come back three in the morning yeah do your four miles come back and do your body exercise and all that stuff get in the hot tub go to bed i might watch some fight films i watch a lot of fight films that's why i'm very um acute with most of the [ __ ] oh yeah so um after that i go after the breakfast go to the school come back from school eat my food um then i go back to the gym at six o'clock train come back at eight o'clock um watch fights start all over again i do a lot of chance i do a lot my most of my gym work and i watch movies that's the most part of my life which which fight was it where you were most excited about when you won it was it the one where you became the heavyweight like if you go back and say my favorite fight when i won was this one what was it larry holmes larry holmes yes is that because what uh ali whispered to you when uh because he beat ali up real bad and i was on the phone cussing new alley so i talked out later the day after the fighting for homes and because i have this young black kitty lovely channel i want you to talk to him and i'm crying him on the phone he said i'm gonna be back and i'm gonna fight homes again i'm gonna knock him on and i'm crying when i get big i'm going to get him for you and he must be hey kid you know who i am the greatest of all time this and this that and that but that's what i based my life that's my job with to get larry holmes for ali yeah that's my whole purpose in life wow was it was there a rage like when you fight against homes was it like i'm gonna destroy you yeah i knew i had to yeah because you seemed angry in that fight yeah i had to he's a great fighter i'm a great admirer of larry holmes too he's a magnificent fighter but it was just that thing when i saw that he beat the [ __ ] out early wasn't he his training guy he used to hit his bar when he was born yeah he used to spark together so he kind of knew what uh he was old he was taking drugs that made him lethargic yeah um he should have never did it but i guess by him doing that it would never been me unbelievable the inspiration what how old so your your you're 12 years old you see ali from 12 at 14 you know you're going to be heavyweight 14 i talked ali that's what i was going to ask you so ali he called you because of course with their friend they know just yeah this year and one of the people that was with us called ali to talk because he wanted to talk because about something and first things i heard because why you let that bum beat you like that oh i started crying when you became the heavyweight champion yeah first phone call afterwards who did you talk to um you remember like milly wall because his um i don't know what he said and first person you talked to after you won yeah what was it like when cuss passed away like how did you handle when it first happened when you got this not good did the focus go away that the well intensified oh really yeah when you think so i would think so but how did you manage that rage at that point like when you're going to that point now how do you manage that rage because oh know my whole objective is your total surrender your total domination i'm gonna destroy you that's the mind that's why rogan said when he watched you you were intimidating you you know your rage is a very unique rage to mike well that's their fault to be intimidated that's their fault to be intimidated yeah wow what an answer to get oh my god that's their fault to be intimidated how you listen i scare you for something you worked for wow you have to give it to him without a struggle without a struggle you have to give it to him mike your wisdom is on a whole different level man you say some stuff that you you're like you know you're saying like speaking you say something it's very simple it's just it's um whether it's whether they fail it's elementary isn't it i don't know about that you've lived with a lot of people everybody here is going to fight for what they love for even they never had a fifth fight in their life they're gonna fight mike i'm sitting here i'm thinking hey i wanna in a different industry okay i wanna be the best of the best of the best like you became a heavyweight champion youngest ever if i wanna be the best in my sport say this business what tips would you give me i want to be i want to be the best in our business this business this is insurance they're building their businesses but just the mindset of wanting to be the best what is the mindset you can transfer to somebody being able to just find out the first guy really really succeeded on this [ __ ] probably 1900 or something like that even if he was a crook let's go from there and go all the way there and read all the way till you get to you okay so once study history yeah study study until it gets to you and then you realize those people were just you and funny clothes okay so one fantastic i gotta go study history everybody that came before me what else do i do then you watch you you read everything they did now you practice it now let's see what this [ __ ] really works can you can you teach desire or the desire has to come from somebody you can inspire desire but can you teach it i don't know i never had to try to teach anybody that nobody had to teach you the fire because you had it it was it was within you well no it wasn't definitely within me you know somebody had to bring it out and show that i deserve to have what i could have i've learned self-love you know no i don't care how great you are how much you succeed without self-love you're nothing because self-love is discipline and discipline is doing what you hate to do but do it like you love it you know why didn't it no i agree with you mike i i totally agree with you you've recreated yourself many times you've reinvented yourself many times what's the bible yeah well i know who you believe actually you hear it so much you really believe that i really don't think you reinvented yourself you don't think you've reinvented yourself no i think all the people that wanted me to be down is dead now all the people that wanted you to be those executives certain people tax people this lady kept calling mike you don't got anything to give us it's the tackler you wouldn't let me um wouldn't let me cut my back and then they died and that they know i didn't have to pay taxes and what they were just busting my balls i'm serious because eventually writing taxes you don't pay a certain amount of time like 10 years so i don't pay you don't have no money okay my little cut just so can you pay it now that not yet so when it's down to like what 3 million 2 million i might be able to pay you now you know if anybody had tax problems you know they take it off you don't they take little off you out here you just gotta be patient oh you know it came from 60 to like three just you just half the room's not gonna not gonna pay taxes for three years they're gonna be like i'm gonna wait i was surprised they didn't take my house or take i was i was waiting for them to take stuff and they didn't take any i don't [ __ ] mike a lot of people have come in when they see somebody winning you know charles osnevour i don't know if you know he's an armenian singer i saw him perform at 19 at 90 years old he said when i was making money and coming up he says i was married five times and i saw a lot of people that acted like they wanted the best for me but it was very hard to realize at the end of the day there was really only five people i can trust the most because everybody wanted to kind of take stuff from me how do you differentiate the difference you know between flattery and compliment mike you're so amazing mike's you're this what's flattery what's the compliment you have to know who you are first okay first you know you are it depends if you want to be flattered you know it's up to you you know everybody knows you know i know who i am people say the grades all the time you this you that whatever they say i i know who i am you know and i don't i that's who i am i don't i flat a lot of people here i can't say that yeah i do flatter a lot of people you flatter a lot of people yeah do you listen so many great people you have to sure sure but flattery you know compliment flattery and i guess the angle i'm taking with this is what what did you look at people to let them into you meaning you know i like this guy i trust him i'm gonna let him in what was your formula to let people in because the bigger you get you can't let too many people in right so how do you process who you let in who do you keep out right by knowing who to keep out i don't know who do you keep out i'm asking you i i'm a strong believer that everybody you fight is not your enemy and everybody helps you is your friend you know not everybody you fight is your enemy and everybody that helps you is your friend friend not everybody who helps you is your friend yes mike your wisdom is on a different level no because you you know you you put it out there you're with them that the question the questions the the depth is the question yeah the answer just goes with the question doesn't hold any more weight it just goes with the deafness of the question at this point where you are okay what you're doing fighting are you still enjoying watching fights are you still enjoying watching boxing ufc absolutely you do who do you like watching i like watching all the fights i like watching tango like tyson fury i like um and devin haney i like um this young guy um steven shakur there's a bunch of little fighters they need to start fighting each other now is there a favorite weight class you like to watch at this point or it doesn't matter for you you just like to see good fights exciting fights you got it in ufc uh you like watching conor you like watching i like o'connor's number one yeah i like them all connor's number one big fan yeah you think he's gonna make a big comeback we normally get injury like that's tough those are tough injuries overcome they continue to come back and you continue doing the same thing kicking you have to kick to win if you if you don't you have the fear of possibly breaking it again so he made a lot of money if it's just if it's money he has to do some other stuff some announcements and some other stuff he's really advantageous just be who he is he's gonna always have something cool to do he's always going to have something cool to do yeah i saw the other post a picture of a nice lambo yadi bot i don't know if you saw that or not well i don't know um if that means he's rich that mr show they spend a lot of money any advice for someone who's starting because some of our guys are starting to make a lot of money millions of dollars but you know they got kids they got families what advice would you give to somebody that starts making a lot of money money they've never made before there's always some trust funds and trust fund organization from what i learned from all of the robber barons say the turn of the century 150 years ago rockefeller wolfshell and before then like in saint 1850 they might have been 500 of the families 1900 may have been 2 000 or whatever um percentage families but now you've seen their names they're still out but the names are five percent you don't see too many um those old guys you may say rockefeller off to alabama you don't see that now it's all about um there's some silicon city money but you notice on a certain well i was trying to say that mr art and taking care of money because only a few of those guys that were robbing barons back in the 1890s and stuff like that only have a handful still survive now so normally the third or second generation all that billionaire and their money goes away second third generation the billionaire money goes because these guys don't work hard for they don't understand the bad guys did you hear what he just said oh my god you know now these kids know the value of everything but they don't know they know the price of everything but under the value of anything you got to save money not spend money i used to be got to spend money all the time and then i said oh sick when i didn't have it i wanted it now i have it i don't want this [ __ ] and that's what sometimes people have to deal with they have to deal with survivors remorse and all that stuff everybody knows that she got shot died of ods and i made it i'm big time i can get anybody i want to do anything i want who the [ __ ] do i think i am you know so it comes back to really i'm submitting to god to the energy the universe wow definitely that was powerful my top five in your opinion i saw your interview i've seen your interview with arsenio hall when uh i think it's is it sugar ray and ali it's so beautiful that interview the way what he says about you what you say about him you can tell there was a very strong affinity between uh both of you and uh you know muhammad ali talking about the fact that this is the man he doesn't want to fight and then him saying i wouldn't be hawaiian without you if you haven't seen it you got to watch it top five greatest boxer of all time in your opinion that's it ali at the top awesome well mike uh i know many of us were looking forward to you coming out as a guest how many guys enjoyed this sit down with uh tyson i appreciate you so much for coming out thank you again for agreeing to do this brother appreciate it really enjoyed it thank you this was great thank you this has to be by far one of my favorite interviews i've ever done in my life if you enjoyed it as much as i had to give it a thumbs up and i have two other interviews that i think you like one of them was with teddy atlas his former train if you've never seen it click over here and the other one is with buster douglas the controversial victory over mike tyson the first time he beat him if you've not seen that click over here as well take care everybody bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 1,558,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valuetainment, patrick bet david, mike tyson interview, Mike Tyson, Mike, Tyson, Tyson interview, Patrick Bet-David Interviews Mike Tyson, Patrick Bet-David Interview with Mike Tyson, Valuetainment Interview with Mike Tyson, Valuetainments interview with Mike Tyson, Tyson Valuetainment, Mike Tyson valuetainment, valuetainment mike tyson, Valuetainment Tyson, Fallen Champ, Fallen Champ Mike Tyson, Mike Tyson Fallen Champ
Id: 3tixW9nxUkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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