Ric Flair, WWE Hall of Famer | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

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almost i was life support for 13 days i could i couldn't walk i couldn't i couldn't pop a uh can on a diet coke wow i lost 43 pounds wrong my ingestion ruptured i was drinking once it buffed what happened did you faint no i no i just i don't remember be honest with you i guess i was in so much pain i remember i was i was septic i had pneumonia i had respiratory heart failure total kidney failure 10 chance to live for 13 days [Music] hello everybody this is mike tyson and this is my co-host bash my ceo chad and the one and only mr rick flair now listen i need to know a few things you said you started wrestling in 1972. listen i've been a wrestling fan i've been watching you forever i've been i've been a wrestling fan before i even thought about boxing and that's why when i'm on my when i'm on the stage and i'm talking i'm the baddest man in the planet i learned all that [ __ ] from wrestling how to brag and talk muhammad ali did too yeah he did too sure did he just went to the butterfly and i went to tough mean routes you know what i mean both work yeah they both work i realize um life is about [ __ ] talking [ __ ] you know because the guy that doesn't talk he's he's just playing people want to get in their spirit people to know people wrestling was so successful because it was a soap opera for men and that's why i became so successful and um what do we call you you know really besides icon what did we call you you survived all those years from 1972. well i call myself uh fortunate beyond advanced way i've been you know airplane crashed and tell me about that twice then i almost died four years ago so yeah i was real sick almost i was life support for 13 days in the icu for 31 days so how are you feeling today yeah so great you look great i came back around i mean it took me a couple years literally to kick back out of it but i mean i am i could i couldn't walk i couldn't i couldn't pop a uh can on a diet coke wow i lost 43 pounds my intestine ruptured i was drinking uh and everybody thought was because i was excessive drinking was actually because i had what's called a bowel uh adhesion in a prior surgery for an appendicitis it's like one in a million times trust me i've researched it for a million reasons but mostly because i wanted to drink again um and one of the million times we've had a any type of a bowel insertion or any time when we're trying to say bowel correction and one of the million times they can bust again and it did right there my friend was on a plane headed back to dallas and i was in icu when he landed you know once the bus would happen did he faint no i no i just i don't remember be honest with you i guess i was in so much pain i remember i was i was septic i had pneumonia i had respiratory heart failure total kidney failure 10 chance to live for 13 days then i got off the respirator for 31 days did you live different after that once you got well yeah but i had no memory for six months and that's what really was hard i could remember going forward but i couldn't remember anything for six months i did 22 22 cat scans and they said i might never have my memory back in and all of a sudden sad for a lot of people i started to start remembering some [ __ ] along the way yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah exactly [ __ ] up huh actually i mean that actually that did happen i know i could imagine some dirty [ __ ] out here dirty [ __ ] out here don't care about nobody but themselves they sell their mother yeah i've seen those guys but i see rick now all the time in florida and he's he moves his life like he's a 30 year old like he's always been 30 years tonight on a positive note you have your own podcast now right i do want to talk about that a little bit how that come about how long do you have it i've only had it now for what five months but um i i initially they had one like five years ago but it's hard to be in the business and be critical of people especially with my daughter beating the business so it's a wrestling podcast you got to speak your you know if it's going to be any good you got to tell how you feel and it's amazing how much um [Music] attention words have come out of my mouth as as you talk about boxing you can imagine why you don't never work for i don't know i feel like you're mad michael your daughter never played for um don davis she never wrestled with don davis who's that um extreme wrestler members of the old oh she's she's with wwe she has been auburn since she started yeah yeah she's a champion pfl pfl yeah they pay more money than anybody uh pfl no i'm the guy that has the rest of mr khan in them oh okay yeah oh god you're talking with aw okay she should go with him tony i don't think she's getting away from the wwe let's go she's got a pretty good deal there she's actually wrestling now ronda rousey in the main event mania yeah so i feel like oh that's gonna be cool yeah tell me how many children do you have i had four four boys girls two boys and two girls the last one in uh 2013 here to hear that so let's talk about uh the undertaker he'll be the fourth person to be inducted in the wwe how do you feel about that well he's special to me i've known him you know for a long time and i just i don't think if anybody has any more recognition him or anybody that's meant more to the wwe than taker i mean he's right there with steve austin in terms of in terms of where i if i think of wwe i i look at it now in the landscape it changes you know yearly but if you go from hogan and you take taker and you take steve austin and the rock and yeah so few people have retained that level and uh for him they're retiring and the fact that vince is inducting them you know the induction is was pretty cool but they have vince to do it the only person i've ever remembered vince conducting was stone cold which was was the first time you realized when the guy that when the boss who's got all the numbers memorized and how much merchandise and what the pay-per-view buy rates were and all that and uh when those guys when he starts talking about austin i was throwing [ __ ] i'm not working for another company i didn't realize what steve had done but the same would apply to take her it's unbelievable there's another guy with a bad ass too who's the guy that i refereed the fight was michael something something my shawn michaels oh sean yeah yeah yeah he's the greatest wrestler i've ever lived he's the greatest in-ring wrestler of all time yup he's almost triple salt folk though not not the best talker but you know and him was fantastic that that was uh that was something that's one of the reasons that they caught up um you know when they were having a tough time with fighting with those other fight with nwo and those guys i'm mike in the feudal austin taker and i'm in austin stone cold and mike came in it was it was that that was great tv it's kind of tv you can't you it comes along once in a lifetime you're playing it right now yeah yeah yeah john's a hell of a talent man you're just in your uh evil documentary that's coming out yeah yeah he talks a lot i don't know i was on playing with rick i think one of the questions was like what's how did you come to persona rick you should kind of talk about how the nature boy came about one nature boy roger yeah that first yeah what happened it was an airplane crash and uh killed the pilot two other guys were paralyzed and i broke my back in three places and while i was re you know putting myself back together first of all i didn't better be able to wrestle again but when they said i could a promoter named george scott came to me and said we should take a look at maybe you know changing some things around and like starting over again and i've been in the business of three years so i said yeah i said what about looking at rogers so i looked at her buddy and i liked body stuff but i just kind of took that as harley race would say you remember harley he took races stuff to a new level [Laughter] yeah harley racing was tough as you hit the mask in the face they made the head thing no that's that's he fought with dusty rose he did yeah harley's old timer but he was [ __ ] he was dealt with and [ __ ] so you and him would get along good we just wouldn't take you out at night to a bar i'm over bars every time i see you look like you're the happiest man in the world i am yeah that i'm you know just being here with you and meeting chad and aristotle and you know what i'm thinking they're supposed to be my i'm just at my age it's supposed to be winding down and just starting to really come together i've been really lucky yeah you know we say you know i'm not too religious but i am you know and this that's just it's like god's touching you and i never forget it i just got it yeah it's like god's touching you yeah you know that's just from my perspective of life what i've seen in life well that's true but he wants you to tell us something teach us your experience for me i know you don't know i know you do um you know how many people love you i'm talking about like men that may mean they love you oh i i i think i have a brighter following yeah i'm lucky i'm i'm a good entertainer yes you are yes you are one of the greatest ever thank you it's crazy because back to you it's like i was at the ice when i met rick i saw i took a picture from the rams game at where i think you were playing yeah yeah like a couple years ago okay yeah so it's like and he was i think he was in the locker room or pumping you guys up yeah no that that's when uh the running back from george was with you um todd yeah got girlfriend atg you guys was just monday was a can maybe kansas city yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the old costume yeah that game was insane yeah that's a great game to be at yeah yeah jose yeah is awesome so rick how much did your in the ring personic you know seep over in your real life unfortunately every everything i said i pretty much lived that's the goddamn truth yeah married and divorced four times uh-huh two or two maybe 2.8 million in alimony and that which means two million in lawyer fees you know you know what it is it's a game but um yeah i mean even to this day i have to have a uh i just have a tough time thousand dollars i think right it's all right when you live live their day your life traveling and live in hotels and even though i've had you know eleven thousand square foot homes and [ __ ] like that i just even to this day and i've got friends i just like to hang out i don't got to be i'd have to be anywhere like whether that i was going to do dancing i mean i don't have to go to a nightclub but i gotta i gotta hang out and i like to socialize i'm gonna tell my wife you know she don't want to hear my [ __ ] you know babies my third ex-wife said to me one time what do you got in common with john cena you're 30 years you get older than he is i said what have i got in common with john cena let me think i'll let you know tomorrow let me let me tell you the power down the power down the cell phone called the front desk no calls nobody wants your old laugh in the club man once you're older yeah exactly and they get so [Laughter] no they moved everywhere but tampa still in mac daddy city for having a good time mike was in tampa i don't know a couple yeah we were there i thought yeah and he was afraid for me to uh drive do you remember i don't know like mike won't hang out with me i've tried it a hundred times he said he goes you're nuts of a troll he's supposed to be at the battery one night kelly so he never you know showed me only in a real private dining room i'm just really happy that you can just live and me and hulk and evie we just lost the guardian scott hall torrey torrey terry and deuteronomy still live in there's only three of the traveling world champions left fine eric's still alive all of except for kevin kevin yeah good good yeah it's a insensitive business but um and holic of course i see all the time and uh speak with on a regular basis because i had two hip replacements two new replacements wow ten back options the wrestling started off very dangerous yeah yeah right during just his stream nobody knows each other's choreographer you don't always land where you're supposed to land and land higher wrestling wrestlers um let's just get hurt more time than basketball but y'all get confident you're like football players you're constantly getting hurt every night i think i think it might be and we don't make 40 million dollars here and go why am i on my toe hurts you know so i can't play today i gotta ever extended whatever sean michaels deserve a billion dollars yeah sean's a great i can't say no what an entertainer right some guy he's a playing guy but a great it's entertainer great guy he's going crazy but it's all about it but hey rick we're about to play a trivia at some trivia games oh [ __ ] your questions do to manscaped if you win you will never in your life have any kind of um follicles or hairs on your [ __ ] or balls or anything squeaky you know sometimes some people got hair by their you never have to worry about that again and this is manscape the ultimate ball shaver that's what i need ultimate ultimate ball shape ball shaver so mike tyson's saying that so rick the first question what is mike's nickname a steel mic b iron mic c titanium mic or d golden mic hello i think it's iron mike question two what was mike's professional record in his first year of boxing was it a 15-0 b fourteen and one c twelve and three or d five and ten what's your funeral of course whoa where's the chance oh yeah she has no chance yeah seen what's that guy's name you beat up downtown the green kid what's his name which green that's green i got nothing slides by me about mike yeah [ __ ] mitch green's [ __ ] with me when i'm hiding so that thing is the mall what what how do you pronounce massive names mitch blood green no um one of the mma guys just jumped on another guy you guys saw that right yes mama's [ __ ] yeah my mother juliana there was a guy named mitch green yeah screwing around with mike on the street side i think he's like i'm born again with chris oh clean balls i didn't win number three yet yeah number three what animal what animal is mike known for raising i think you know this one god i don't know that you know tigers yes there you go i don't even have to say i didn't think [Laughter] who did who did tyson face in his first professional debut a tony tucker b james smith c marvis frazier or d hector mercedes the first fight wow don't help mike i know i think it first got your name it's question d but it does not matter you get the box oh man there we go it don't matter everybody and your balls will thank you what do you want mike excuse me what do you win what do you want i mean well he won everything thank you you were the man the myth the legend there you go now you can be all fresh before you go to the battery yeah chop the landscape shot the landscape we're giving a rick flair don't count i'll secure he's on the plane with me rick you're persona you know you're an icon like rappers are like everywhere other fighters they take your swag they use your swag how does that feel like just knowing that you've been so influential to generations generation of people you know that's a good question i could absolutely can't do it but it um you know what it's for people that didn't follow me like my my new partner agent slash partner because we're partners in a couple deals too her family knew a lot about wrestling but i got to play this um i had a link to the show that airs tomorrow called evil produced by wwe yeah it airs on peacock and uh so i was able to show her that link and um see if i could show her a good it's a stuff that keeps you relevant i think the most important thing you wanted you're out in your act of like mike is as relevant now as there was when he was undefeated and that's i think it's we all strive for in life so things like this and youtube and where you can pull up a tyson holy field fire you know one of his classics i mean they're everywhere and i haven't been fortunate that the same kind of a situation for myself but to share that with people that are younger than me that didn't didn't grow up on me or didn't see it it's that's exciting for me yeah i have a hilarious story so right after win the super bowl super bowl parade drunk all drunk as hell we're all drunk as hell and we all go to nobu and our outside linebacker i'm with i'm with uh our end asian miller hi and vine yeah yeah yeah so yeah vaughn so i'm with our our our end bond place outside backer yeah uh sean robinson and our outside linebacker leonard floyd yeah and we all go to nobu to eat and he has this wwe belt oh yeah that he's carrying around nowhere and every waiter before a waiter comes and takes our order he says before you take our order you gotta hold the belt up and say so okay so just i'll let you know how influential you are still here today i really think you are so to this day and legit we had all of nobu saying woo all right after that parade it was a good time shout out to man thank you yeah man so i had to yeah i was i was going to come out to the game too but i didn't i decided to watch it on tv but i i've been there a couple super bowls lots going on that woo means yes [Laughter] you know you're talking about like influential like mike i've got to know mike and rick now that's like it's different than you know we grow up with all the different types of athletes and icons but i always say to both of them now is like whether you're a five-year-old kid or someone that was 100 years old yeah you've either seen ric flair in a wrestling match or you've seen mike in a fight yeah and i think it's just something that's nostalgic and staying relevant is a job i think that that's what they they both do really well together yeah and so it's been you know i go with mike to colorado and it's like an aerosmith concert we went to colorado for a tyson 2.0 and there was a seven people were camping overnight yeah and it's just and then people come in with telling stories and seeing both of them i think just bring back a lot of memories hey baby gonna make you move gonna make you sweat gonna make you daddy they make us feel so good what do you think is going on in the world when things are happening though that's someone keeps telling me that we're not going to be able to use money in 20 years that sounds good to you chad i think they say that uh krypto is going to take be the new currency uh i think right now what the world and the cr the craziest thing is it's uh you know people are either the crypto side or buying gold because no one you know i was just telling rick today like buying gold right now is you know protected you know it's safe uh no one knows what's gonna happen with cash so it's crypto let me see the nfts coming out and uh you know we've seen joe biden just say that he's uh you know gonna federal federal uh bring the fed to crypto so i just think that who knows but one thing that we you know we have seen is across there's all these new currencies and even with covey like cannabis is a currency now right deemed it essential so uh world's changing everything our job is to make cannabis a superfood that's my job to make it a superfood hampshire superfood why can't cannabis be a superfood right yeah i mean i think there's a lot of there's it definitely sure can be i think a lot of a lot of chefs are out there cooking with cannabis right so we know how passionate you are about a lot of those things um so i think that it can be this is true so rick i remember reading something about you getting married at niagara falls and then very shortly after no that was a joke i used to tell girls in buffalo that we could get married in niagara falls on the way to toronto and then spend the weekend together and then get divorced on sunday before i went home [Laughter] over i just suggested a few things i may have i may have actually done it twice but it's not official maybe six times [Laughter] it's a pretty good line right i promise i'll marry you for the weekend now really what's um pam tommy tommy lee's wife pam what's the name pam madison the next morning she don't give a [ __ ] that's why i respect her she don't care about what people might think she would say [ __ ] you i'm out i am going to marry you 10 hours ago bye so at the height of your career then i it was obviously hard to obviously have a love life right but have a consistent one at home being a father people don't understand as i was kind of explaining to people lunch when i started in 72 literally when i my time i got to charlotte i went on like a full-time basis when i started i i never had a day off until 1989. because the holidays were our biggest days christmas two shots easter two shots thanksgiving day two shots you know it goes right you open their presents you eat big then you go to wrestling especially in the smackdown i was in the south but all it was was when i first got there was wrestling and racing you know nascar was me and richard petty yeah but so living in the south that's that's all we did we wrestled our that's all what the business was i'd be going over and became world champion yeah i'd be gone for six months but when i was home i was working in the territory so just home one night a couple times so it was it was really hard pretty hard out of marriage it started a marriage but it's really hard on the kids my older kids didn't see me at all except in the summertime when they weren't in school uh because they were their mother raised to a minneapolis and i was living in charlotte and then when they came to see me in the summer i was working all the time that just was a job you know so another feeling my kid you know a couple of years ago my kids really started liking me again yeah well it's hard to when you're gone like that it's my own younger kids have a lot more time with yeah but um in the old days well we were just in the wind i'm actually one of the few guys if not the only guy that ever stayed in one city his whole career i lived in charlotte they went and ted wanted me ted turner wanted me to move to atlanta yeah you know everybody my people want me to move to florida because you just done that for me i did for nine years yes i know why would you ever do that i don't know i lived at the omni hotel for four years right now like hey my name i hate my hair and bucket yeah bucket was rough so is there any advice you'd give to the younger the younger generation of wrestlers trying to come up through all your experiences oh just with the old saying just do as as i say not as i did yeah it's no it's you know for me or just it was a way of life and i think the kids have a choice today mm-hmm and plus the internet is such a big deal and yeah social media my god big yeah i could never my god i'd be in jail for that [ __ ] i used to do in buckhead or again nothing bad but i mean i didn't oh yeah without just a fine it was a good bad that was good yeah yeah a lot of people like to see the bad net yeah i think many times yeah on social media just by i mean like one thing you both are great at is marketing like the way you guys do what the [ __ ] talking you did when i watched the documentary is your whole everything you did was around [ __ ] talking to being the villain yeah and what just happened i mean we had we were so recognizable especially in atlanta because we the product was right there tbs saturday night every you know 605. so we made it there and we were in buckhead on friday night the night before and buckhead you know a couple times a month and we weren't in bucket we're in chicago we're in chicago or in new york yeah i was the opening of studio 54 i mean but i still happen to get in brook shields still doesn't talk to me not because i haven't tried it [Laughter] guy says to me he said babies doesn't know who doesn't know about wrestling i said no but wrestling i break flair but even so even with that like you said the [ __ ] talk right like you became like that was your persona you think that rubbed off on like guys like conor mcgregor floyd maybe oh i'm sure absolutely and who had to i had to they grew up on me yeah i think that's what we were watching this yeah i mean he was i think even like with uh the world wrestling in wcw and world west entertainment we were talking about this um lunch but he created the actual first groups of mike and i and the horsemen got inducted all at the same time 2012. yeah yeah we're all sitting there going home god damn cool is this to be with mike tyson and michael's going man it's cool to be with you guys i would only like like should we hear mike just said guys i'm watching on tumbling i know we didn't know we're going into the hall of fame with them yeah a little kid yeah that's dope yeah that's when i told the story about my wife asking anybody ever going to grow up i said why would i grow up i've seen what it did to you i think he wants to be mature not me we have enough time i'll pay people to be mature for me yeah yeah so i have a quick i have a really i'm really curious about this you know that song ric flair drip 21 savage metro woman yeah me goes how did that come about well i just got out of the hospital when i was really sick i just got in the hospital and uh um this agency came to me and uh introduced me to offset and uh i was all the migos weren't involved it was with metro boomin and trolling savage but i through that i've become good friends with quavo and uh take off so we just did the thing i had no idea how big it would be i mean nobody did right it just took off massive i mean you know you know yes everybody from all races love him sometimes he's one of those guys that he says he has things that stick to everybody's thing they may make something out of the same stuff especially when it comes to talking [ __ ] i've never seen race i don't know i don't know i've i have a hard time with people that struggle with that ever i don't see color i see people so i mean i have a great relationship with uh the afro-american community as i do i hope with the korean and the chinese i mean just people just people yeah just to tell you who we are so yeah i'll leave that for somebody else you know i'm very happy you've seen so much you've seen andre doing his stuff yeah 100 on the same age he died 95. he i drove when he first only died john furrier yeah well he had that disease that they caught her giant disease yeah they caught it on big show so big shows they are doing real well big shows cool yeah a pretty good quality so your relationship with the wwe today how's that fantastic yeah i don't work for him presently but i'm i'm i just um i want to be able to do stuff like i'm doing now with the chad yeah and aristotle and uh some other stuff i have going on and they were paying me a lot of money but to sit home and that that goes that goes back to that word being relevant you know you don't stay relevant sitting home yeah but you know but sometimes that's by design because if you're out there and you're still vibrating and still creating ruckus and still catching the eye of the public then that they view that as holding holding the younger big kids back which is not my story at all what my story now is like i'm fortunate every day to meet people like chad i met chad because we got the same caption for our boats yeah we're next we're next yeah damn pretty damn well i just saw him a couple days ago he said so did i and then we just had lunch and here we are today so so the funny story about that is this is how small road is mike was supposed to go directly on a friday night he said he had to sniffle so he couldn't go and then the next day he comes to my boat and everyone's watching us because it's mike there and i just got this boat so i was afraid because i was gonna be on tmz because i'm driving the boat with mike on there and i crashed in front and then because because it's mike and this thing and the same then i found out rick was next to me and i saw his boat and said woo all over the boat and like i said rick does move around like he's a 30 year old he has like he's his boat's always packed he's going to dock forwards in st peace and just living his life and i'm like i was a big rick fan of big mike fans so it's like yeah i was just like i gotta talk to rick and did you know the ultimate warrior yes i did yeah what kind of person was he i d you know i can't even tell you uh for to me it was real nice i think he was um you know i only judge people how he treated me he was a good guy he used to say that he was just sitting when everybody even knocking on the assist by himself yeah he didn't sit with nobody yeah i just think he had his own personal life everybody's got stuff going on i respected him too yeah very nice guy hey he made a lot of money and drew a lot of money yeah how's the video behind the scenes who vince mcmahon mcmahon the best he'll tell you that he's he will ask nothing of you that's the best thing i can say about vince he'll ask nothing of you he wouldn't do himself and he'll pay a lot of money to do it yeah you might you might not like it but he'll pay you yeah and he gives you the opportunity to prove how good you are and if you're not any good then you'll take you out of there hit the brakes too he's very honest there's no [ __ ] with vince mcmahon he could never say anything bad about him yeah yeah that was my family when we were never on bottom rock bottom really yeah no he's a great guy and you know what he's up he made himself his father had his wrestling business but he took what his dad had and boy he took it to another level to say the least yeah so tell me you came to fern gangnam huh yeah he was inventing very well in the olympics 48 olympics he beat everybody you know jack briscoe uh i don't you didn't meet jack brescoe no no jack frisco was 31-0 his junior year at oklahoma with 31 pins and then he got a girl pregnant and had that he was on his way to the olympics but that's well you know that time frame right they weren't subsidizing athletes in a way shape or form i'm a mckellar kowalski yeah of course no jack briscoe was when i was wrestling jack and i was the champion and tell the referee to tell me that i went out first in the tradition it is a champion goes on second so the referee go over and tell me that jack said that he'll tell you what we're going to do in the ring he's not he's not wrestling an hour i said that's what eddie wanted us to do he said jack told me to tell he did stick it up his ass and he'll tell you when to beat him in the ring and then we'll go home and drink a beer but you're you're going on seconds they're first jack fresco was flew tough yeah oh yeah what do you think about charlotte and wrestling i think she's the greatest female wrestler of all time i'm not saying it because she's my daughter mm-hmm i've actually heard that a couple times today from just people that have seen that fight too yeah she's fighting she's fighting on tuesdays she's fighting ronda rousey and as we were talking with juliana earlier but what's the cross you know rick what do you think the crossover is like from the ufc to the wwe because we've seen brock lesnar go back and forth we've seen rhonda come in we've seen uh dm punk go to the ufc and guys ask what like what's what's your thoughts on all i think it's great but once again i like i was talking with someone today that's you know thinking about doing it you know it's it's the crossover is great if you could pull it off yeah i mean brock pulled it off mm-hmm rhonda did it there's a couple of people that didn't so yeah without mentioning this look at him he's doing great yeah but you know what it is he's one of the best athletes i've ever met in my life yeah he's got a 38 in physical jump at 280 pounds wow he stands flat-footed and jumps on the apron of the ring and i was my joke was i don't want to be the wrestler in the ring that's wrestling him when he misses that jump and it falls off he's got a short fuse but i mean ron just crushed it too so yeah it's a different mindset i think you know the first time brock didn't like the traveling he still doesn't so he doesn't work full-time traveling is tough and no matter how tough you are in your heart and in your head traveling every day is not that's not for everybody yeah beating through the airports catching the last flight the rest of the state but the check is real yeah yeah well we have we have another special guest juliana here watch you come join us you have to come join us hey guys how you doing how's everybody doing good how are you i'm great thank you oh man you guys meant to do so man badass so we're here with our ufc champion giuliana pena how are you doing today i'm good how are you good can we talk about your awesome w yes now you're a world champ yes sir i am what's up well how how you feeling i feel great i'm sitting here with champ champ champ champ are you champ okay he says five champs all around i don't know life is good life is good thank god thank you god tell me about how your uh training origin how strict was that talked about that like how did you prepare for that fight you know i had known about this fight since march of 2021 and then i was originally slated to fight holly holm and uh she pulled out and so it just happened to be that the next one was amanda and i was super grateful for that because i'd been calling for the fight for five years um i'm talking about the [ __ ] yeah well i had to i had to take a page out of rick's book yeah and uh i had to i had to start talking so i could get my fight um and so but i wasn't talking smack i was literally telling mike the truth that has happened to me in my career uh over the years in the ufc anyway so we were supposed to fight in august she didn't show and uh then we fought in december so you asked me how camp was it was the longest camp of my entire life anytime you get nine months to prepare for just one single person i mean that's a long time yeah oh my god so you probably like newer like the back back of your hand and i still do yes so how have you been champion what's been going on not much i just got done filming the ultimate fighter fire yep and i did that against amanda and um i just got home like last weekend like saturday night who team one i can't say okay i'll [ __ ] you you're gonna have to watch the show but uh it was a great show we we did awesome okay cool cool cool so tell me tell me about your children and stuff i i got a child i have a daughter she's four years old yes her name is isa she is so i know everyone thinks that about their kid right their kid's the coolest but like she's super cool honestly she's super chill she'll sing at the drop of a hat she's the camera starts rolling like she's a ham um and uh she's she's awesome she's my little my little best friend my little minnie me i love her to death well you didn't fight um supposedly are we allowed to talk about it chad uh we're negotiating we're in negotiations but uh this year for sure fun fact after the fight the first person to call me that was screaming was like she did mike i thought yeah he was calling me facetiming right as i walked out the arena you watched my fight mike yeah i was so happy because i told everybody that she was gonna kill you oh god the [ __ ] chance you're gonna [ __ ] get hurt don't do that [ __ ] dad believes in you that's right that's awesome you put it down so so let me ask you experience wise rematches um have you obviously you've had rematches in your career how did they go the second time the way you wanted to go okay i like that that's right whatever you think about yourself you're right that's right you're addicted you think you're a beautiful person you're right yeah totally so i'm just curious to know you guys watch film obviously like because we watch a lot of film i'm curious to know like film is cool preparing for the fight you watch always just that's how you learn the fighter i watch him i watch him till the day the contract sign so we're in the dressing room we're going into the ring wow are you guys your fault i look at them on my tape every night and when i go to my dressing room to get prepared i'm watching until they call me out you know one thing that i found interesting about myself and watching your career is that you had a custom model that he was with you from the very beginning i have that with my head coach rick little we've been together 13 years he taught me how to throw my very first punch and um like i think that that's really cool i i consider him like my cuss you know well people need mentors right that's what's lacking mental respectable mentors if you have a men that's an evil mentor you're going to be evil but you have a mentor backing you i'm going to be with you to a hundred percent and it's all about support it's gonna be good support or it's gonna be bad support how do you feel about like gym jumpers for example like people that think that they gotta go to this place or this place to find the secret answer i think they're prostitutes yeah right gym jumpers no loyalty well listen i don't i don't i don't pick up nobody because they do it that's just what they call that's just what they call them i didn't invent the name right that's just what they call it right now they guess they call them hoes but because what they think that that coach would give them something that well they they think that if they go to this place that a lot of people say hey listen i'm gonna [ __ ] him for a while i don't get pregnant i will [ __ ] him for a while i don't get pregnant i won the championship i got pregnant here this is how it goes from one to another one big people used to think a lot i would hear this in the beginning of my career they got to go to thailand so if they go to thailand they're going to get really good and then they go to thailand and they come back to the united states they get knocked the f out and it's like it wasn't thailand it wasn't thailand it wasn't going to be yeah yes it's all about my belief fighting is all about how you think about yourself about what form of dignity what form of self-love you have it's all about that yeah and a lot with ego and self-persona spirit but that's what it is it's just what human beings do we compete yeah that's foxy pete well you asked if uh like you know you thought that the new age guys like conor were getting you know a lot of inspiration from guys like rick and of course they are and of course we do but did you when you were growing up watching wwe fwe were you watching it thinking like i i gotta get that get that kind of flair and put it into my boxing game and and to build a fight i was in boxing i was a i was a wwf guy yeah i was a wwf guy and they just talked so much [ __ ] and you waited for next week to see what was gonna happen because the guy you're so pumped up for those three days or five days and that's what i learned just like muhammad ali learned from wrestling that's how i learned that um i got wrestling i got some scriptures some sewers i got some everything gospel i got that worked out and i used that that's yeah i would say for anyone when you watch wrestling and teaches you a lot when you're younger absolutely that's what i grew up on yeah anyone like anyone can always like you love the acting you love the [ __ ] talking yeah and you love and you just you know you actually do a lot of the choreography whether you're a girl or a boy well when i i saw charlotte flair today and i was listening to her cut her promo and i was like sold where do i buy tickets like she had me you know that's what that's what it is all about this is what marketing is all about once i see you i want to see you again when do i see you again that's the first star that's the start of whatever iconic stuff when someone watch you when do i when can i see them again you can become a part of them i knew the psychology of people i was because he was a scientist basically the hypnotist and i knew the psychology of people i knew the psychology of fear you know i wasn't good in school but i was good at in books and stuff like that like one thing i notice about you and rick spending time with you is you guys both also have master memories i think that's like part of and i think when you say about marketing like can i tell you this too as a fighter you could be the best fighter in the world but if you can't market yourself you're not gonna get any recognition you're not gonna get paid well so there's there's a technical component to it there's a brand component to it the brand component gets you paid a lot more there's some fighters like that they could beat anybody the baddest month they could be anybody but you they have to get a a a contender and a sales ticket because they don't buy tickets from but he could beat anybody but it's just like watching paint dry yeah exactly that that was an hour day to see when i might when we went back to the same town the next week so the idea is to entertain them so much that they're going to come back the next week because if they don't then you don't stay in a position that makes sense yeah and we used to you know before i was at the right time in the right place but what you have that's the idea but not not with you guys with what you guys did but with us because you guys wanted to have the rematch three months later we were back the next week yeah and the house wasn't the same i mean the guys that were working underneath weren't getting paid everybody it was it was it was a very competitive atmosphere and that's why it always has been so uh that's what you know we're talking about you and and and uh amanda um that you know dana's probably gonna figure out well this is gonna draw money so i'm gonna have to you know cough up whatever i have to yeah he said it was going to be a mega million dollar fight in sports history yeah that's right it's got to be worth something right yeah it sure does oh another question that i had mike and and rick too is i'm i want to be i don't want to fly under the radar right like in the in the limelight but i want to fly under the radar as far as like training people want to see me training and especially in the social media age they want to see what i do jiu jitsu and boxing and stuff like that but like me i want to fly under the radar like i don't want to show anybody that kind of stuff you know what i mean what's that yeah you can show you can demonstrate training yes yeah that's what i would do i mean social media demands that they always want interaction whether you want to see the secret stuff i don't want to hold on whether you just never give it and train all [ __ ] you gotta feed them stuff is that what you did like when the cameras were rolling you'd like work on opposite stuff you'd be like opposite day i don't think [ __ ] left the cameras on i'm quiet at home yeah but yeah you have to tell them what they want to hear yeah you have to you have to thomas it's not just me guards ordain me to do this it has to be something that they can connect to but it's [ __ ] you know but they could [ __ ] that you can believe yeah well one thing that i'm struggling with now is like i have a dollar in my pocket right so i got all these financial planners coming at me like all angles you know and they all want to take my money and i'm like okay something that's where you hire a guy like chad how good this is i've been waiting a lifetime to meet two guys one of them is john picard the other one of chad i know a lifetime i've just been both in the last three months please i've been helping her for the past no i mean because everybody's got advice on how to invest their money here buy land buy gold by bitcoin by real estate i mean it's endless yeah well chad gave me good advice he said you hear him out here the offer here what they have to say a millionaire he's 35 years old so that's probably a good game plan for sure several times oh chad and my wife listen to me i would never i would if i died with money i'd be so disappointed and stuff i just used to have fun with my money was you know my friend told me the jewish brother he said my family and them they worked all day um contained a massive amount of money never split nothing and died that's that's never enjoyed nothing just died and so he takes him all the money he just spits everything i believe in being generous i think i think as i get you know anyone gets older in life like and you're successful you and whether it's sports or business because business is competition when you're in corporate america like you're a world rescue entertainment a corporation yeah you're fighting to keep your spots disney yeah i was 26 years old doing the same [ __ ] at a corporation i [ __ ] hated it because it's politics what i could say to you is like energy for me now as you get successful like you see aristotle or adam or people that were around i only work around people that i like that have good energy and that will lead to success and then making money is fun yeah and i think that you can i made money and it was not fun and my wife's like you're [ __ ] miserable i'm like you're right i am his role and i jumped into cannabis right and so i think we all can create whether you're a football team like football teams will fail there's no good energy we're wrestling entertainment you you have another guy on the other side you have to have energy and chemistry and that's one thing i've learned from my success yeah i mean that's that's the key to success but it is chemistry yeah chemistry chemistry is everything in our business yeah no chemistry no nothing comes out good hey can we get her to fight kayla i'm a fighter you know what i'm fighting who do you want to fight who do you want to find out amanda you know what this girl was talking so much smack saying that she's going to beat me with one arm and yeah kayla kayla and after that she didn't she signed her life away for seven years of the people got her right there the next day it's easy for you to talk like this when you know nothing's gonna happen with it maybe you guys could have a special match with both organizations i mean yeah she can make the weight let's do it all the time i'm a bantamweight one me huh oh her she fights at 155 yeah she's big big girl who knows but that's fine let's do it the bigger they are the harder they fall all right so you won 35 35 she's 55 55. well why don't you go five and she come down 10. hey i'm telling you i will do whatever you if it don't make money it don't make sense you pay me i'll fight i'll fight goliath you have the two best [ __ ] talking coaches in the game i know you should alright you should vote for [ __ ] talking yeah well i was gonna ask what do you think is more important a good coach or good training partners what do you mean like people you're training with yeah like what do you think it holds more value a great coach or great training partner wait let's check sure all right you're trading with the training plan you're training it and i guess maybe he's from what he is he being a form of a coach or he is training you guys are just training everything he's sparring he's a great sparring partner yeah he's great you're sharp everything is farming you have all the skills now right yeah where do the brains and guts go yeah you don't have a coach yeah yeah you need communication right communication around the nation but you need the right coach right right coach right and different coaches right like one's for technical no no i just think you need a coach that um they said good communication skills and know you and they know you do you trust them do you have you ever heard of the mike tyson entourage well i'm on it tell me about it tell me about this [ __ ] well there was a i got in a situation where i ended up bringing like seven people to corner for a fight if i was a main event it was my first big ufc main event and my head coach rick he was in washington and i was in chicago so he i showed up with all these you know seven people and he was like what is this i'm like tyson entourage you got all these people listen first of all first of all seven people they couldn't be my valet and back then it must have been it must have been at least 15 people 20 people my entourage then we get some volunteer bodyguards off the street so that makes it 50 people and then some cops feel like they got to get involved and that's my um entourage you get some volunteered bodyguards and stuff you know about it you gotta see floyd's huh i've seen him in vegas before he has anyone he when he has a wrestlemania but that doesn't have 200 people with them it doesn't stress you out huh it doesn't stress you out back then it didn't yeah probably now we'll have my kids and my kids freak out when they see me around cameras and other people yeah that's why um i don't hang out with no bodyguards and all that stuff i don't worry about nobody doing anything because i don't put out that energy right right right you know i don't put energy out like that and then if something did happen something really stupid somebody hit me or try to do something i'm gonna have some my friends will be so mad yeah they're gonna be so mad they was trying to get this guy i said you know this guy was harmless last night they're gonna be so mad they really i really um i never want anyone to get hurt because of me right that's why i never get anybody involved with anything i'm involved with i gotta say when i see both of you guys like you guys get bombarded by people constantly i wanted like you said you guys give off that energy you take the pictures you're nice to everybody i think it's incredible that you guys still just stay take the time no matter who it is and just talk to him i think that's the energy you know know what i found out an entertainer uh a person or a fan they will remember you but how you treated them exactly and i'm looking at ric flair but isn't this the guy that fought um enoki the yeah but we're in north korea there and ollie and i made the trip over to north korea for the whatever yeah man he looks like um he looks like dude what's the guy named the boxer the youtube boxer that was a haircut that was forced on me by the management at the time why would they give you that haircut yeah i don't have kim jong-un don't don't ask me but i had a great trip with ali that was a we he and i flew he and i over on a private jet but i could tell you this when they landed back in uh in nagoya we flew out of negoya in a private jet ollie and that when i landed right jasmine's been scared i i can't i'm not the private jet the north korea was scary man yeah they took our passports they put us in separate cars different hotels and they kept me and ollie away from everybody else so i didn't yeah north korea is no place i want to go to right away and russia's just the opposite huh which is just the opposite what is it russia you're coming to russia oh yeah i haven't been before first thing they say you tie i said that's a little bit okay you need shower and woman the next thing you know in your whole terms so sweet it's like three of these right by the time the guy rings the doorbell by the time i get to the door the [ __ ] guy left that took too long so i got i got this big ass mega sweet and i got these girls he said this is your your guide they give you guys beautiful women guys in russia this is your guy i've never been oh you never been to russia apparently i need the old oh [ __ ] i'm trying to find a guide in here [Laughter] when once you go to moscow totally different universe before we end the show we do have to say that um there's gonna be a special announcement coming out with tyson 2.0 oh well rick you could talk about it well i just i came here partially because i'm excited to be coming in under tyson 2.0 with my own uh edibles actually my own brand rick flair drip mike has been gracious enough to let me come in or 2.0 which is which has been delicious extremely successful for him the edibles are going to be called what uh woo bites they make you go whoo i like that's better yeah and we're gonna show up mike with you limousine riding i'm gonna have like 19 nights i can always crash michael with a woo woo showing up dispensaries yeah it's gonna be great it's gonna be hard that's hard to fly off the shelves before we end it rick juliana chad is there any um shout outs you guys like to give to any friends people all those people out here that'll be watching just to our fan base we appreciate it all right mike tyson rick floyd and friends for a long time every day all day juliana honored to me you and chad very honored to be working for you and uh working with you everything goes up from here yeah mm-hmm but i'm ready as pedro miles would say i'm ready for any kind of action yeah you deserve it too thank you you'll never get with this now this is what i learned about entertainment you work for all you get but you don't get all your work for um well it's pretty kicking it for me lately so i'm i'm in a good place thank you very much mike thanks for having me my pleasure what about you giuliana thank you all right i want to thank chad bronstein if it wasn't for chad i wouldn't be uh in this position that i'm in right now philo and we sana i want to thank them uh columbia care one plant all right listen i'm i'm i'm i'm saying thank you to the same people [ __ ] yeah joan soda and no bs shout out mike tyson shout out to all my schools yeah shout out to all my sponsors i've been believing in me and thank you chad for getting them hooked up and i can't forget aristotle of course yeah that's alexander the greats tutor yeah and i'll just shout out everyone that's supports me um my wife my son put up with me and then obviously the you know all the filo usana family uh tyson 2.0 adam wilks who's also here conrad and simofilo all you know all the people and jonathan it's all i didn't know we were covering all the bond i got a shout out to charlotte she kicks ronda rousey's butt wrestlemania yeah well there you have it folks we've had a super super session of awesome guests giuliani pena ric flair chad owner of tyson 2.0 we gotta get this guy this guy got to be definitely who skype anything [ __ ] quit me and play [ __ ] football and my guy mike tyson this is hot boxer we outside we out of here [Music] you
Channel: Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson
Views: 743,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson, Boxing, Hotboxing, Hotboxin, Hotboxin', Podcast, MMA, Mixed Martial Arts, UFC, Combat Sports, Mike Tyson Interview, Mike Tyson Hotboxin, Mike Tyson Podcast, Sports Podcast, Iron Mike, Interview, Tyson Ranch, ric flair, ric flair woo, hotboxin ric flair, ric flair hotboxin, mike tyson ric flair, ric flair mike tyson, julianna pena, julianna pena hotboxin, sebastian joseph day, charlotte flair, muhammad ali, stone cold steve austin, vince mcmahon, ultimate warrior
Id: 3uqT7TwAZ98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 30sec (3750 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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