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yeah what is out bitsy boy I'll be welcome back to another episode of impulsive I am here joined with all my roommates today welcome to the club dwarf Mambo tech a technically you're the you're our guest today yeah even though you live literally right above we know a lot about Evan I also have Mike may lack with me and Spencer Taylor I like plants guys what this is no this is podcast number four by the way good [ __ ] job we we rock man most podcasts apparently fail after 7:00 right so three more and then we'll be done forever thank you guys for ready the five guests five stars in the iTunes Store making us the number one podcast in the world by the way of all time I just felt so really yes that's great that's great news so I hope you guys had a phenomenal weekend we had we had fun spent time with each other and lots of splendor in fact uh we went out on Friday to a club we actually we got a chance to hang out with Halsey Oh who's a phenomenal incredibly yeah she's great I it was a very unexpected it was one of those situations for me personally we're like you know you go out I try to stay sober and then someone's like yo take a shot I'm like nah take a shot not just one okay I'll take one shot and next thing you know I'm facedown in a ditch somewhere there's shots I'm it is always like as the boy I say this like you're cutest [ __ ] you can't say no now Halsey halls he's a gem she's great I got a chance to talk to her for a bit Mike did I didn't I didn't get a chance to meet her did you walk talk to her that's interesting you say that because it's funny you took a picture with her actually no you did and really yeah and I'll show it here here's a picture of Mike strangling Halsey oh no you know we this was a skit for a new short we're working on it looks like you're choking haha I love how the guy on the left is covering his face knows that he doesn't want to be a part he knows better that's that's a ghost quite honestly this is a lawsuit so shot shots to Halsey for Natsu I'm so sorry maverick house also the way your hand looks it looks massive right there I've got big hands big hands big big feet you know what they say big hands I literally just made that joke what big gloves was north your mind I know are you like you're a Halsey fan right yeah she's great great but I was a really nice person down there sweet I was talking to her I was telling her I love I love young talent in general I just love seeing young successful people killing it in the industry and you guys know Halsey she's on top of her game right now she who works hard she's creative a true artist and she's only 24 so I asked her I was like you know what's it like being uh being like a you know world-renowned like superstar travelling the world and doing your thing and she goes I could say the same thing about you and now you can't because quite obviously there's there's levels to the [ __ ] and I'm not you you're way past me but thank you it was very very nice very great did you notice like every time like a gez song came out like cuz cuz y'all every time a gez song came on I literally turn her and I go oh [ __ ] and then I'm like and then I'm like damn he was in the console at the farthest other table bro they literally separated him like a school dance studios like Halsey and Logan Paul and then it was Jeezy and like just mad other people dude it was it was so funny you know what you know this gets awkward because like I'm not you know I'm not the type of person to take a picture of strangling Halsey like you Mike got one too I know I was he was lookin cute with those okay puppy-dog eyes I mean look I won't do it I won't no I know that about you I prefer not to take pictures with celebrities I just want to let them do their thing I just want to talk and what what and it's just me and you were like different like an in our in our approach like I'm - so fun - so fun like you're very you're very like kind of reserved and like talk about like traveling and like the price it's coming up I'm just like no holes it was good I got like 15 other pictures do you think she could breathe in slightly concern I know you know why you know why I don't because um I I know she's gonna be sitting in that seat one day saying what same we like G like true like quite honestly like I'm gonna be friends with these people and so I don't want to like make it weird and be like hey Constable's you youtube stock picture with you like that is because I feel like now she'll come on the show and she'd be like hey aren't you the kid that so much so that like even when I don't have you noticed when people were taking videos I would I would duck bro like I'm like you know I don't even I don't know good guy I was I was actually just home reading and notice and studying oh how was that it was lit lit you guys missed out yo kids be more like Spencer for sure great guy oh man I was reading some health books and just good stuff no but don't you you annotate right yeah you'll read and then yeah I study books like I don't like reading I actually grew up hating reading meet like I hated it but then I started reading books in college that were about like good you like applicable stuff and then I was like okay I actually like reading those stuffs and I study that kind of stuff yeah so so this is as you can see guys this is the the balance of the show you got a couple crazy folks and then Spencer's kind of like he holds us all together with reality and consciousness we're working on they so good good for use but he's had me meditating I don't know a little bit on the first shot if y'all remember Micah it was just a little I just had to we be jeebies bro yeah these no I just like pom sweaty arms weeks mom's sphaghetti you'd like in Spencer was like bro you could work on that through meditation and meaning but meditate lately I feel [ __ ] is that true it's true it's true what's that through meditation yes Ellen five because he's so good at it dude it was like I guided him through that was awesome what time of day I'm morning nine am good if you guys want to join I haven't meditated with me before went up to Yosemite yeah wow that's beautiful way to like a waterfall and whoa where am I these meditation sessions hey you're invited or something hey this is interesting cuz you you're from Maryland bro and like I never know I never know what you are gonna like and not like cuz you're very picky like foods you're a picky guy but you like meditation yeah I would have never expected that yeah yeah yo maybe maybe you guys are listening or watching whatever it is like try try meditating is there like is there a site or an app that can use apps if you go to Apple music type in meditation music and one of the easiest ways to get started is focus on your breathing like everybody says that but easy way to do it is a five five five five rule so breathe in for five seconds hold for five seconds out for five seconds hold and keep repeating that that's that's no problem that long exhale I've heard it's like they're really the most important part like prolong in that exhale yeah what else hey what else what else happened this weekend we saw we saw Creed - I think you weren't there either it was still reading I think I'm still reading you know can we do more [ __ ] together Spencer what the hell space well you've got their girlfriend too sweetheart but also takes our friend away from us yeah you know its coffin season boys it is most definitely breakup you saw you saw me practicing some coughing season around Halsey not Cree to great movie not being paid to say this really no okay that cuz I'm sorry it was a it was a knee-jerk reaction here's here's what I liked anything boxing in the movie was phenomenal the boxing scenes I loved absolutely amazing when they tried to get sentimental with the storyline came off a bit cheesy fringe and and very cringe like there's one line with like Michael B Jordan and like he's a good actor but I don't think he can pull off the the cringe sort of like he definitely wouldn't say the following in real life and he and he hit this line in the movie he goes that man killed my father I can't let that slide and I just laughed the whole thing a lot and it wasn't it laughs like it was it was like like you really there's not been knocking alive I feel like a little bit of the laughter came after we went because everyone knew was okay that passed the screenwriter know each let me tell you why because it's Creed to brother gonna [ __ ] going by the way it's a [ __ ] ton of marketing that movie I've seen that thing Edgar it's been popping up in my newsfeed joint billboards just like someone put a little note under my door superstar Castro Sylvester Stallone like Michael B Jordan that guy who looks like the Terminator like it's all just great it's great stuff and it's crazy to know that he can act as well as he did after his dad just played basketball you know what I'm saying like Scottie Pippen well yeah so Michael get this Michael B Jordan is actually not the son of Chicago Bulls basketball player Michael Jordan it's a different person there yeah yeah that's why he put the be there so what else happened is weekend guys [Music] actually I'm just gonna say this I couldn't help but want to box Michael B Jordan when I'm watching Creed no I've spent that while I spent the whole six months of the the first half of this year learning how to box and I'm watching this movie I'm like like yo Michael B Jordan big fan could could could probably beat your ass now I'm not gonna lie dude one thing I notice about him he [ __ ] he worked pretty hard that bonnie's yo yo yo but yo yeah it doesn't doesn't matter in boxing have you seen the pic with LP with the log I have scary I have I think you can get there you can get there too I can't I can't so yo this is my official challenge we come over my house spar one day I'll come to you whatever it is I want to make it happen I really do or let's make it a legit fight if ksi doesn't [ __ ] out which he's going it might happen he already broke the contract by the way if we're supposed to fight in February and he's refusing to yeah don't they like owe you money I'm gonna look into that yeah cuz I think they have to forfeit some of the tons ticket sales I'm you know what I'm most upset about in this situation myself I I'm so mad at myself that it was a tie cuz a tie leaves people just like indifferent to to the fight like sure it sets up the rematch really nicely but like didn't lose didn't win there was no real like outcome per se you know you know so many people still think that that was like a fluke like like it was a setup like it's such a talking point people ask me about it they're like man great marketing move like really smooth like can I go dawg I was there man did you see my face that was nothing about that was plan could not speak like days at the word screw my head which is all like also I mean I saw the videos we made a document and a whole thing and I watch some of the footage other amazing friends when you see your friends cheering for you like with every ounce of soul I almost passed out straight up oh yeah but I just want to say it's thoughts okay so all the people who thought that the fire was rigged in the most polite way suck my balls I worked so hard I look like I worked so hard to to train for that fight it was Illinois I think like they say there was like a second fight like like playing because their water was there was and that's how a lot of fights work it's like like on try contrary someone's gonna win the first one sometimes and then there's always a second follow a fight that does or will always usually do extremely well yeah you know yeah the second fight was arranged before true so that was a big argument that I saw doesn't go they said there's a second fight in the ring afterwards it was so quick like that was in the contract yeah speaking of contracts they did surgery on a grape wow they did surgery on a great who's they they did surgery on a grape who's this is taking over the internet so I've heard I actually don't know who they is oh wait wait wait wait no look I think it's a robot they did surgery on a grape so what'd you say they peeled the skin back you ever do that in class you ever bring grapes to class and course nothing yeah no I don't know all right I know you did this who's Mike when you were sub you peeled nice yeah I think I think he's talking about just like snack time like oh it's not did I do snack surgeries I know you did this sub 12 everyone did this you would figure out how many grapes you can fit in your mouth coolers what was your number 16 oh you son of a [ __ ] I did 14 impressive but yeah I know they did surgery on this grape and actually I actually brought some grapes here cuz I'm just like I look at this bowl of grapes here and nothing about these grapes makes me want to dissect them what was the point of it what was what was the point I don't know damn to prove that they could do it do you know is it it looks like it had to do with Greek mythology but there's a cool thing you do with grapes eat them that and if you like cut it in half but you don't completely cut and a half you leave a little skin strip and then you know you cut it in half but then you cut it in half again but you leave a little skin strip put it in the microwave for five seconds turn on and one the microwave goes a little blue flame podcast oh sure Spencer did surgery on a grape yeah why do they need all this it's the thing about social knowledge I think about social media is is like is they no one knows on this show or maybe even the Internet at all why they did surgery on a grape it's just simply putting a headline they did surgery on a great people share it look Wow cuz it's [ __ ] amazing bro think about it imagine we can do surgery on a grape what what are the possibilities I just heard a pen there's a surgeon in China who just claimed to do the first case of genetic engineering on female twins he's in China and he he said he - I know so that's I'm saying bro no listen you go from surgery on a grape to genetic engineering on twin females babies I'm just technology's amazing that's quite the leap their hand and they landed on the Mars today on the modern Mars talking about NASA yeah supply me know like what they had already put a rover there before I think what they did today is like speed landed on Mars like I think in the past like they like went around it for a while and then they made like a nice smooth descent like you would land on a plane today basically just shot like a [ __ ] rocket like Boosh but did they something think about think about any question whether or not hey you got to keep an open mind I respect that I respect that happened today November 26 which by the way if you're listening to this today according to astrology it's a luckiest day of the year who told us that the Android camera man and what's so special about Andre today today is actually under his birthday that's amazing that's me but so if you're listening to this I November 27th foot you're [ __ ] quite honestly yeah it's over yeah I'm not gonna lie any more juice like all this grape surgery we got any more juicy news and [ __ ] I mean yeah there's the hole right there's a couple of things there's the stuff with Takashi there's a stuff with Shawn Mendes hmm you see this Shawn Mendes thing I heard about it it's interesting it's interesting so he did what was the publication he just had a huge spread come out it's it's a it was a big there's a big deal was it it's announced on Rolling Stones that was a I think he's on the cover and so Rolling Stone tweeted out Shawn Mendes appears on our cover in the store he opens up about his dating life being skeptical being skeptical of success and more and Shawn tweeted about it in then twitter twitter goes ahead and and puts the headline Shawn Mendes has opened up about being called gay there's so much more in the article you know how we do click bait on you to that Twitter does the same they're worse though yeah they are there because like there's it's a great it's a really great article and there's a lot of stuff in it I don't even want to talk about Shawn Mendes opening up about being called gay which by the way he he says he's not but his argument what he says is like if you like my music and you like me and mayu them who cares which is it says he's you know about console speculation is worrying that the jokes and stories could be damaging for people struggling with their own sexual like that like like like let people talk and come to terms with whatever they're dealing with or their identity in their own time well don't speculate it's you know it's there it's adding to the stigma of being gay which is why this whole even why sort of have an issue with Twitter making it the headline when like Rolling Stone that they didn't say it was just like he opens up about life and skeptical the beans about success so what's the headline of what's going on right now like logan paul opens up about opening up I'm sure some publication is gonna spin this and like take sound bites and like do some evil evil thing to the brand name imposter podcast number one podcast in the world about time but I don't even want to talk about that I want to talk about this stuff he said inside the article because it's actually really really interesting he apparently uh he'll be evilly scrolling through Instagram some nights as you know many of us do maybe not you because you have a girlfriend but he'll see like couples famous couples dating and Sean made a comment here like damn I need a girlfriend what about my image how do I stay relevant if I if I don't have like a an equally as successful partner in the industry and then I was thinking about how I saw him with Haley Baldwin yeah at the Met Gala I think yeah and then I was like sort of piecing together this timeline in my head of Haley Baldwin at the Met Gala with Shawn Mendes and then she got the Bieber heaps key turns on the article it was a month later it's a month later and I mean they address it they made headlines when they showed up together at the Met Gala Ball holding hands as the camera's flash this is Shawn and and Hailey and though they told everyone on the red carpet they were just friends I didn't quite add up with the photos that emerge of them hugging in a park near Mendez his home in Toronto and he acknowledged I mean when you hug someone it's it's pretty I don't know it's around her to hug someone a party you gotta fight for what's good you know he acknowledges that they were more than friends dude but he's reluctant color relations you know the other thing like I said I said about like going easy on speculating about people you know taking their time to like open up that said like I kind of almost see the flip side of it like Shawn Mendes is like the heartthrob right like people want to know what is going and so like it's it's it's like one of that like like dichotic it's like a it's like a double-edged sword like being in the slide mask yes rubbing me the wrong way about like him and Hailey being together for the for the Met Gala and being as he claims using his words more than friends and then her getting engaged to Justin Bieber a month one month later what's up with everybody throwing up the engagement so quick cuz it's fun dude quite honestly I said this I'm ready ready for what marriage and child oh you didn't say that last time so you can't even make up your own mind last time you said you were ready for it yes you were telling me the other day you don't even care like you just want the kid and then and then like you guys could split ways Oh Mike I want love and happiness Mike I mean you have happiness right here he really is looking for love right now and all the wrong places nice been listening to too much queen watches the movie once diehard fan v scored for two second team buddy can you play that one song I love Freddie Mercury I love him I love him speculations about Logan Paul sexuality have popped up here's where I actually found this interesting you know that song no-brainer they addressed this in the Rolling Stone article who were Justin Bieber DJ Khaled they made that song no-brainer major key apparently that's about Shawn Mendes listen listen one of the lines that Bieber sings it ain't that hard to choose him or me be for real baby it's a no-brainer Wow probably the first impulsive conspiracy and it's a big one I'm just saying but that's a big you get you go on a date with someone who's more like it's more than a relationship allegedly according to Sean and then a a month later you get engaged I don't know I don't know these quick engagements are dangerous bro our first when Pete got together I said to myself and by the way I'm a huge fan of both of them but I said to myself oh this doesn't make sense doesn't matter you can't you can't date for a month and go gonna get married it's cool I mean there's that's not even enough time to have the the poop situation come up like if you remember guys the poop situation yeah you can't comfortably poop at your girlfriend's house in the first month let alone at all yeah right this is why this is why these engagements are breaking up so bad soon as some poops in the absorbent oh it's it's a dangerous new thing that I mean shotgun weddings have existed it's a tale as long as olden time and stuff do not slay a stinky deuce in Haley's apartment over that's why Ariana pee broke up because of the poop pee parently you had a boost people - Pete was like thank you next he started a vine just like me I use difference I'm not Shawn Mendes and he's keys absolutely the king of Canada yo but it's interesting you could see in this article he's uh he's growing up because he did start on vine his audience has always been predominantly young females although now I think he's [ __ ] dope - yeah but he opens up in the article he says uh I think use it for the first time says I love wheat I wouldn't tweet that not yet at least but it's really good for me when I'm home I'll smoke him and play guitar for seven hours is it always seven hours you think yeah yeah it's generally what's the difference between tweeting that and then saying it to a rolling stone but I'll tell you in confidence speaking in which I of weed I saw him the other day comparing like you know how they call weed the devil's lettuce and then there was that huge recall on romaine lettuce because it's been like killing people and it was like the wheat plant talking to the lattice and it was like that's interesting I think it opens up a deep conversation though what like marijuana being brought into the mix with all these celebrities talk about like it's starting to they're starting to talk about it I mean what do you notable you want to know who else on that same token we're talking about it was opened up heavily about lead Pete Davidson Pete Davidson heaven heavily talks about he has severe anxiety and he is only able to produce on SNL and other shows when he's high there's ones is that a fact factoid there's tons of articles about it it's interesting that's interesting because of just the the ramifications that you know like you know the nation's youth legalize we gotta want to run des in anyway him saying this is the thing because marijuana is just becoming legal across the board there's like this wave of people that have to take that hit you know there's that wave of people take that hit I'm talking about like the image hit where there's still that stigma around it where it's not that same stigma about alcohol you know alcohol does so much so much image but yet it's accepted by society and now it's legalized this is this is sort of like so many states the Prohibition era of our generation I feel like easy it's like that no it's the opposite it's like the opposite yes I'm saying coming like that time period after Roberto like he's legal and like a widely acceptable now right but it's interesting Shawn Mendes came out and and let me let me raise the stakes one more he also said he also saw shrooms for sale in Amsterdam but opted not to try them and then he said quote unquote I want to so badly he says I think it would help me a lot shrooms shrooms talking about like psychedelics psilocybin psilocybin mushrooms mushrooms yeah and there's articles about that right now as well right so it's yeah yeah so apparently allegedly I have a an article here magic mushroom compound psychedelics might treat depression by reviving emotional responsiveness in the brain so you do shrooms and like aren't careful here careful it's not gonna be that simple yes here your here's what happened yep the FDA put it on the fast-track the expedited tracked for them to do experimental research whether or not factually shrooms doing shrooms can help treat depression good no no good what fast-track to testing good not all saying hey do shrooms get better I know you didn't I know you didn't but listen I agree with that completely I agree with that completely like and like once again being careful like psilocybin what is psilocybin mushroom lysergic acid LSD all of those psychoactive compounds are proven to have a very strong effect on the brain and so people there's already been tons of research on their ability to rewire damaged neurons neurons or this is like synapses in the brain and allows them to communicate with each other in a way they aren't current Spencer is very smart conscious mindful and in the books he reads and studies sometimes they deal with shrooms it's true give us it's interesting because it's it's natural right like it's not altered you know a lot of like a lot of other substances that people take in are altered they're man-made they're genetically modified so this grows from the ground and it's been ingested for thousands of years ago ancient civilizations 9,000 9,000 years ago plus have been documented to have brought psychedelics in to their culture so it's such an interesting thing so I was reading this article and it says that what these psychedelics do is synchronizes activity among areas that were not normally connected like Mike was saying so it's not harming you which is very interesting you know alcohol for example is documented it harms you kills you I've always heard that argument for mushrooms because they are natural I think actually my dog call God it got into some of the other day that different times different car mate who knows in my backyard we think we think he got into some sort of mushroom plant because he was not looking so good for a couple days not breath is it's it's it's horrible cuz he's been throwing up everywhere just another note like like this is not all brand new stuff either like I know this guy Tony BOCES in New York he's actually already federally able to give stage 4 cancer patients so end-of-life people that are literally you know weeks from dying he's able to give them mushrooms in order to get them to come to peace with the fact that they're really you know but I already legal question but that the mushrooms the effects are only temporary yeah this is this is something very interesting this is some very interesting psychologists say that few things can truly alter someone's personality in adulthood but magic mushrooms may be one of those long term effects yeah you're not gonna be in that same euphoric state but it has your own conscious and very this is this right that actually makes so much sense I'm sure I mean for our adult audience listening I'm sure we all know that person who did some sort of psychedelic trip up in Timbuktu it came back with a completely altered view on life and went to no man's land you have to be careful like like someone else who's talking about it a lot right now is our friend Jay Alvarez Jay Alvarez is huge playful he's open he's on it on Instagram all the time huge proponent of opening up the study of psilocybin lysergic acid as well as some other compound but might be cool to have him on to talk about it yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure yeah it's a very very interesting interesting conversation well the reason I think that like the take away from me is that it's good that research is being done and I'm talking you know cuz when when we went to school like that stuff is like stay away get away but again like you have alcohol that's a part of normal life like it's it's it's its bouquet to have 14 drinks a week it's not we know it's not okay but it's you know at the end of the day it's big business it's big business its its corporate its cigarettes and alcohol and then anytime you have something that challenges that it gets pushed away yeah well and it sucks because you have friends like I have friends that have died and passed away from depression there's from these things you know from alcohol from you know prescription pills and then there's these plant alternatives that are proven to not harm people that are you know blacklisted by the government so let's just act like one like disclaimer here at the end like we are not saying go out and do psychoactive I know me by any means all we're saying right now is that it's cruel that we're having a conversation that doctors and scientists can start to test this stuff in controlled settings very true throwing well put very true on a on another note something I wanted to address because I feel like it could it could tell tell the audience a lesson so we went to this football game the other day you met LaDainian Tomlinson by the way did you strangle no I did not why did you not strangle him did it have anything to do with the height or would you have strangled him I mean Mike's strangling celebrities in his pictures I don't think my arm could get around its neck neck I mean it's very bad he was a be sick boy young with you you you love sports mmm and you fan boy a little bit what happened another time - he met Judy Shuster and so Evans a huge steelers fan he got drafted to the day he got drafted I was so high no this man is gonna be huge and everyone's like very strange when he comes on this show yeah are you gonna be in your room when you want to be in here in them on the podcast walking around and I'm up at the top of the getting getting food or whatever and this guy I'm taking pictures this guy comes home he's like yo um can you come take a picture with my niece right there she's way at the bottom in angel wings kind of a bit of a walk like you know you guys had all left me by the way I don't expense it was there hi bro actually you guys ditch me I was like typically I don't like to go places alone but I was like sure you know like I love taking pictures with fans above the low gang and so I walked down and I have to go in the front row and I cross a bunch of people and it's like that situation we're like they have to stand up I'll let you go by Oh mom I think it could get a little awkward especially at football games 2nd quarter people getting a little drunk so we walked there I take a picture with the girls super nice girl and it was glad I went down to take a picture with her and on my way back man um there was this guy sitting down I was like excuse me we get by doesn't doesn't move he's like filming the game play stops like ok this is a good time excuse me excuse me sir can I get by he's sitting there that doesn't even acknowledge me and I know he can hear me and so I kind of just like kind of go to move by him and I obviously touch him a little bit and my mind you move about half a mile an hour what are you doing get to my face no no Logan Paul is about to get a fight with a guy I thought the football game and throw him over and I wasn't there none of you know crazy charger so he goes he goes why don't you wait till after the play [ __ ] I'm like dog I did and my you know my gut reaction as we've seen when I'm uncomfortable is I just like kind of smile and look so much by the way makes it 50 times worse I'm not trying to get in a fight I don't like literally this is me I go I'm like dog I just want to get by like can you please just let me get by heroes you're a good [ __ ] I'm like excuse me three times and then he starts like getting in my face and mind you bro this dude's like 510 and I'm a boxer and everyone in the in the second third to like 10th row is filming so I'm like it's not a good look I'm not about to throw this guy and then I see a cop coming and I'm like thank God thank God a cop is gonna come and save the day and she goes sorry please sit down talk to the guy she's like you yes ma'am thank you you know just trying to take a picture with a fan she go I don't care go up get out of this stadium and don't come back I'm like yo what's good I try to do a good thing I'm getting yelled at and then the guy that asks you to take the picture with the dog with his daughter you [ __ ] get audio the moral of the story is don't do nice things with the charger I think I think it's just that that has now scarred me - thank you for normal stores patience don't be that guy that that is being a dick to LP true and second of all he's saying that but he is always gonna take the picture with the fan I know but you never seen someone I know so open to fans by the way a lot of fans out there I see it in DMS and messages and stuff so you guys here I was so scared like don't be scared I know you're probably mad at me for saying that but don't be scared come up to us and say hi please everyone's watching this but hey man you agree that it's has scarred me now though I don't I think you forgot about yourself yeah I think it's a topic for the podcast but I think you ate nachos after and scars scars remind you facts - and I have many he's not a song shorties oh this is a lot of weird things happening at the Maverick Houston then we find like $1,000 in cash you know when you find you know when you do the laundry and you find like change in the pockets over your old clothes you're like yeah I got a quarter gumball best feeling how much we do we found it yeah seven hundred and forty dollars to be exact and we don't know we don't know what this man has no idea where it came from or where it is now yeah we don't now you degenerate second I know exactly where this money no no no no bro Oh y'all took it to the [ __ ] casino oh oh you know because a [ __ ] hex on us yeah you did before we went you want to know what the hex was guys these two I hate it they go to the casino and they lose and give all their money it's just such a quality place such a premium believe we walk game we walk into like Oh like Evan - but y'all y'all y'all are addicted so before they went to the casino I I prayed to the God and I said please please let them lose all their money tonight so you can stop enabling them to go to the casino and gambled away all their money it was the quickest we ever lost yes literally perfect like we walked in there we had seven hundred forty dollars of community money got by the way community money by the way if we won we were going to can i buy what red we don't need bread I need an honest answer yeah who in this house would have seven hundred and forty dollars cash besides me what do you say I'm saying hand ramen ramen cast of all time and you have the audacity to ask if any of us except 700 for we freaking peasants not to mention cash land put in your towels y'all owe me seven hundred and forty dollars on that note Mike is sweating a noticing that's usually how I know to call this wedding it's all good thank you guys for watching this episode of the paw we are with my roommates dwarf mama as the special guest today let us know if you like this episode don't forget to rate the the show five stars on the iTunes Store you can listen to it wherever you loose in the pool yes subscribe to the impulsive youtube channel blah blah blah comment down below who you would like to see on here as a guest thank you guys for listening it's Monday hope you have an amazing week take it easy fam
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Keywords: logan paul podcast, halsey, logan paul halsey, logan paul friends, evan eckenrode, dwarf mamba, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, shawn mendes, shawn mendes rolling stone, weed, mushrooms, surgery on a grape, grape surgery, grape, surgery, michael b jordan, creed 2, creed, boxing, logan paul challenge, justin bieber, hailey baldwin, justin bieber wife
Id: vU6br5aMxcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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